Ok, i guess e title got ur attention, but be4 i go into it, i jus wan to rant on Indecisive Ppl...
Some ppl really cant make up their minds... One moment i was lookin forward to my pet sitting part time over e weekend n e next, its cancelled... When i replied said its ok, then e next moment, they said ok, jus tat they might shorten it fr 3 days to 2 days...
Wat e crap... Make up ur mind... I dun like to go on roller coaster rides...
Sorry for bitching, cant help it... Lots of things pissed me off lately... Think i will die very soon, everyday tis 2 weeks, some ppl will make me angry for one moment, n then i will get upset over other things e next... Think my heart needs a new body...
As i had mentioned, i did haf lots of things to blog. I wanted to tok about economics, politics, interesting rich sg fellas stories, resume, interviews, jobs, income tax, cpf, my bday plans, friends, etc etc... But i will get so pissed off tat i cant even blog... Bleah...
Ok back to my pregnancy...
I dreamt of me being pregnant last night... It was horrible, i was very near labour, so my stomach is so huge tat every movement i make is restricted... I cant even walk properly... And i can feel e baby moving under e skin like alien movies... I cant bend down as well, it feels like a bloated potato on e couch...
And e worst part in tat dream was, i didnt even haf a husband or bf... I was alone, and gods knoes how i got pregnant, maybe aliens really impregnanted me, but my dream didnt reveal anythin on e father side...
It was damn lonely, creepy, horrible, miserable to handle all e stupid pregnancy by myself... My pregnant dream lasted for about a mth in my dream world... It was so miserable, and then till i was in labour, i only felt pain n i had to rush to hospital, lucky i change dream then... Lucky i never see e baby, i'll be truamatised if its non human...
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Killer Waves
Yest's earthquake cozed an estimated death of about 2000 ppl... Sigh...
Affected Sg in alot of areas, over 200 buildings felt the tremours, mainly northern, n eastern areas...
I watched e Killer Waves on channel 5... Theres 4 episodes, i only watched e last 2, n jus now was e last epi... Very sad, i cried over e last 2 epi... Feel so sorry for e homeless children... They became orphans overnight...
Jus now showed one malay mum who lost her 2 kids there. She brought a cake to her son's primary sch's class to celebrate... Then e whole class weeped like mad, so ke lian... Then each of them wrote a letter to read to their beloved classmate...
I heard on radio tat time on one incident... One mum was holding on to 2 kids while she was trapped by e waves... But due to physical constraint, she could no longer hold on to both... And so she let go e elder kid n let e kid washed away...
So sad, imagine how much guilt she has to live wif for e rest of her life... Nothin is wrong or right... Things sometimes jus happen... Sigh...
Like wat they say, tsunami happened to teach ppl a lesson, and i hope tat ppl do learn their lessons, upon e deaths of so many...
But then again, i knoe many do not even bother...
Affected Sg in alot of areas, over 200 buildings felt the tremours, mainly northern, n eastern areas...
I watched e Killer Waves on channel 5... Theres 4 episodes, i only watched e last 2, n jus now was e last epi... Very sad, i cried over e last 2 epi... Feel so sorry for e homeless children... They became orphans overnight...
Jus now showed one malay mum who lost her 2 kids there. She brought a cake to her son's primary sch's class to celebrate... Then e whole class weeped like mad, so ke lian... Then each of them wrote a letter to read to their beloved classmate...
I heard on radio tat time on one incident... One mum was holding on to 2 kids while she was trapped by e waves... But due to physical constraint, she could no longer hold on to both... And so she let go e elder kid n let e kid washed away...
So sad, imagine how much guilt she has to live wif for e rest of her life... Nothin is wrong or right... Things sometimes jus happen... Sigh...
Like wat they say, tsunami happened to teach ppl a lesson, and i hope tat ppl do learn their lessons, upon e deaths of so many...
But then again, i knoe many do not even bother...
Tsunami Alert
Tis morning at 1210am, punggol area felt tremors... Heard its quite bad tis time... Alot of ppl went downstairs... The earthquake is even more serious than e one before tsunami...
8.2 Magnitude, only about 600km away fr sg...
Lets all pray tsunami will not return...
8.2 Magnitude, only about 600km away fr sg...
Lets all pray tsunami will not return...
Monday, March 28, 2005
Some Articles
Had been reading up alot of articles lately on e net... Shd haf done tis earlier... Going to share some things wif u guys... They r old links of coz... Read it when u feel bored lor...
Wanna take a peek at pixar studio's office n workin environment ?
For animation lovers, as in those in e industry... Read about our 2 beloved homegrown animator...
Read e next for a change of view in perspective of life in sg... E article aroused e topic of debate at e parliment on e topic of "Should i Stay or Should i Go?"...
Wanna take a peek at pixar studio's office n workin environment ?
For animation lovers, as in those in e industry... Read about our 2 beloved homegrown animator...
Read e next for a change of view in perspective of life in sg... E article aroused e topic of debate at e parliment on e topic of "Should i Stay or Should i Go?"...
"Ah Beng Ah Lian"
Ok, i suddenly recalled tis last night, n i cant wait to share... When i was in sec 2, there was one music grp project, we had to do one original singing item... Amazingly, i had to lead a team of about 10 girls... Tats e biggest grp i had ever worked wif...
And so i came up wif a song called "Ah Beng Ah Lian" on e spot when we were at Pei Ru's aka Shermaine's house... Abit corny, u can laugh all u wan coz its meant for entertainment... Surprisingly, i still can remember e lyrics in my mind, maybe coz i was e one who composed it bah...
Here goes e lyrics before i forget...
Song title: Ah Beng Ah Lian
Composer: Celestine Seow
Ah beng ah lian
Wandering round all day
Ang Mo Kio, Toa Pa Yoh
Are their usual hangouts
They go to bowling alleys
And also to arcades
Wearing branded clothes n fancy shoes
Ah beng ah lian
Fooling around all day
Orchard road to geylang
Cool bengs every where
"Hey chio bu!" *whistle whistle*
Ah beng(acted by me, chio bu's "stead" aka bf): Mai Cha la!
(PS: e chio bu ah lian was played by Shuzhen, hahaha)
Shake shake shake
Shake your body
Shake your body with ecstasy
Ecstasy make them dizzy
Make them dizzy, need more water, give them headaches after waking
Ah beng lian
Beng beng lian lian
Getting more clever and clever
Ah beng and lian
Are getting so much smarter
One day they'll take over the world
One day they'll take over the world
Wahahaha... Damn lame right... But my music teacher loved it... We had e best performance and i got an A... She even mentioned she shd haf recorded it... Btw, bengs n lians tat time really wear branded, not like now... Nowadays bengs wear pasar malam tshirts, lians wear "tis fashion" clothes...
In case u r wondering e melody, i composed e song to e melody of a song called "taxi taxi". It was a 1998 chinese theme song of a channel 8 tv drama which tok about taxi drivers. It was sung by a ex dj, now a monk called You Fa... But i think most of u wun remember la... Hahaha
I hope i wun be bombarded by e bengs n lians, but then again, who admits they r nowadays... I also dun promote ecstasy ya? Besides, ecstasy is dated now, now u mus smack k then will kena raided like cheeky, donavan... If u watch TVCs, u'll understand wat i mean...
Heh... E song brings back nice memories...
Current Balance : 4,722,325 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 277,675 NP
And so i came up wif a song called "Ah Beng Ah Lian" on e spot when we were at Pei Ru's aka Shermaine's house... Abit corny, u can laugh all u wan coz its meant for entertainment... Surprisingly, i still can remember e lyrics in my mind, maybe coz i was e one who composed it bah...
Here goes e lyrics before i forget...
Song title: Ah Beng Ah Lian
Composer: Celestine Seow
Ah beng ah lian
Wandering round all day
Ang Mo Kio, Toa Pa Yoh
Are their usual hangouts
They go to bowling alleys
And also to arcades
Wearing branded clothes n fancy shoes
Ah beng ah lian
Fooling around all day
Orchard road to geylang
Cool bengs every where
"Hey chio bu!" *whistle whistle*
Ah beng(acted by me, chio bu's "stead" aka bf): Mai Cha la!
(PS: e chio bu ah lian was played by Shuzhen, hahaha)
Shake shake shake
Shake your body
Shake your body with ecstasy
Ecstasy make them dizzy
Make them dizzy, need more water, give them headaches after waking
Ah beng lian
Beng beng lian lian
Getting more clever and clever
Ah beng and lian
Are getting so much smarter
One day they'll take over the world
One day they'll take over the world
Wahahaha... Damn lame right... But my music teacher loved it... We had e best performance and i got an A... She even mentioned she shd haf recorded it... Btw, bengs n lians tat time really wear branded, not like now... Nowadays bengs wear pasar malam tshirts, lians wear "tis fashion" clothes...
In case u r wondering e melody, i composed e song to e melody of a song called "taxi taxi". It was a 1998 chinese theme song of a channel 8 tv drama which tok about taxi drivers. It was sung by a ex dj, now a monk called You Fa... But i think most of u wun remember la... Hahaha
I hope i wun be bombarded by e bengs n lians, but then again, who admits they r nowadays... I also dun promote ecstasy ya? Besides, ecstasy is dated now, now u mus smack k then will kena raided like cheeky, donavan... If u watch TVCs, u'll understand wat i mean...
Heh... E song brings back nice memories...
Current Balance : 4,722,325 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 277,675 NP
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Lotus Pond At My Doorstep
Im rather blessed when i discovered there's a lotus pond at my doorstep... I only found out last yr... I didnt knoe tat they can survive under such ridiculus blazing heat... And water lily is not supposed to bloom in the noon, coz its too hot, usually they only bloom 2 times a day, morning n evening...
To my amazement, the water lilies here remained full blossom whole day... I haven check it out at night though, coz its too dark too see anything anyway...
I have always wanted to take pictures of e pond... And i did, about a mth ago... No gd pics taken, coz i was too hot to compose e pics... Nvm, im not fussy tis time, I only wanted to keep it in my journal... But i'll still share wif u guys...
I was sweating profusely coz it was 3pm, it was hellish burning... I happened to pass by tat place and i had my camera wif me... 2 bloody jikopek old man kept staring at me while i was takin e pics... They mus be thinkin im crazy, felt so uncomfortable...

The whole lotus pond... Lots of flowers, lotus buds, lotus seeds stem, many dead lotus leaves, n e pond is infested wif tortoises, small fishes... I wonder are there any LUO HAN fishes or not...
To my amazement, the water lilies here remained full blossom whole day... I haven check it out at night though, coz its too dark too see anything anyway...
I have always wanted to take pictures of e pond... And i did, about a mth ago... No gd pics taken, coz i was too hot to compose e pics... Nvm, im not fussy tis time, I only wanted to keep it in my journal... But i'll still share wif u guys...
I was sweating profusely coz it was 3pm, it was hellish burning... I happened to pass by tat place and i had my camera wif me... 2 bloody jikopek old man kept staring at me while i was takin e pics... They mus be thinkin im crazy, felt so uncomfortable...

The whole lotus pond... Lots of flowers, lotus buds, lotus seeds stem, many dead lotus leaves, n e pond is infested wif tortoises, small fishes... I wonder are there any LUO HAN fishes or not...

Heh... Jus find tis pic rather cute...
Now tat u had seen the pics, tell u one creepy thing... When i jus moved to AMK, they didnt haf e lotus garden, it was jus a normal dirty pond... As i had mentioned, e place is super dark at night, u cant see the side of e pond. Thus, many ppl drowned there over e long yrs ever since e place was built... And it became one of e most haunted places since then...
Being e chicken me, i try to stay out of there in e night, no matter how romantic it seems... Plus, indian couples love to smooch in tis place... I hate to bump into them, super disgustin... One indian couple was blockin my view when i was trying to shoot some pics. They were smoochin n half makin love, coz they were lying down n e guy's shirt is off, i decided to take my leave n let them enjoy e moment... Yucks!
Gd Conversation...
I had a very nice conversation last night wif Lijun, a law student, my long lost pri sch fren whom i mentioned be4 in my blog last time...
Found her in frenster, and yest was e 1st time we really converse thru msn... Wah, realised we still haf e chemistry in us...
Shes still a nice person, not e typical JC/undergrad-thinking peers whom i've known... Shd be meeting up wif her after 8 yrs during her comin 3-mth hols...
Best of all, shes smart... Not toking about e know-how-to-study smart(even though i think she is), as in she converse maturely n intelligently... Best of all, she really listens n pays attention while conversing... Wun give stupid icons of Mr Smilley as a reply like most ppl nowadays...
Been so long since i had enjoyed a conversation, even though it wasnt long... But at least she took me seriously and was sincere in bonding... Unlike e other pri sch frenz whom ive known, who couldnt be bothered u wif much, since they can do wif their lives wif or wifout u... How typical...
Glad to haf found her... =)
Surprisingly, shes into soft rock music recently as well like me... Haha, me suddenly haf gotten a liking on soft rock... And im a little crazy over Avril, Hoobastank, Keane, etc... Love their music...
Found her in frenster, and yest was e 1st time we really converse thru msn... Wah, realised we still haf e chemistry in us...
Shes still a nice person, not e typical JC/undergrad-thinking peers whom i've known... Shd be meeting up wif her after 8 yrs during her comin 3-mth hols...
Best of all, shes smart... Not toking about e know-how-to-study smart(even though i think she is), as in she converse maturely n intelligently... Best of all, she really listens n pays attention while conversing... Wun give stupid icons of Mr Smilley as a reply like most ppl nowadays...
Been so long since i had enjoyed a conversation, even though it wasnt long... But at least she took me seriously and was sincere in bonding... Unlike e other pri sch frenz whom ive known, who couldnt be bothered u wif much, since they can do wif their lives wif or wifout u... How typical...
Glad to haf found her... =)
Surprisingly, shes into soft rock music recently as well like me... Haha, me suddenly haf gotten a liking on soft rock... And im a little crazy over Avril, Hoobastank, Keane, etc... Love their music...
Friday, March 25, 2005
For those who r close enough wif me, sure had heard enuff of my fad wif e show... Come to think about it, its been quite some time from visiting VCD shops, maybe got new boxes liao, i better check it out soon...
Anyways, i showed my sis the inu web counter i haf on the right, n she went crazy over it... She wanted me to do a wallpaper for her phone... So i did... After she had transfered to her phone, i couldnt resist, n did one for myself. Hah, but mine's exclusive, its got my name...

Very cute right? We cant stop lookin at our phone since then...
Yaya, i knoe my phone's super outdate compared to her SE S700I... But hey, my phone is more ex than hers leh... Ridiculous price for a normal phone but who cares, i love it...
Anyways, i showed my sis the inu web counter i haf on the right, n she went crazy over it... She wanted me to do a wallpaper for her phone... So i did... After she had transfered to her phone, i couldnt resist, n did one for myself. Hah, but mine's exclusive, its got my name...

Very cute right? We cant stop lookin at our phone since then...
Yaya, i knoe my phone's super outdate compared to her SE S700I... But hey, my phone is more ex than hers leh... Ridiculous price for a normal phone but who cares, i love it...
Something Lame...
Someone sent me tis flash link, rather funny...
Visit only if u r above 18... Heh...
Copy the whole link, its too long for my template...
Visit only if u r above 18... Heh...
Copy the whole link, its too long for my template...
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Rabbit Fur
Forgot to mention tis, while my sis n me were watchin tat clip tat night, halfway i asked her, "I wonder ur rabbit fur's rabbits died before skinning or not?". She bought 2 rabbit fur when she went taiwan. Full white, very soft, can see the whole rabbit shape, only $5 each...
Then after i popped tat qns, we saw the skinning of rabbit, then my sis was agonising... Then after everything, she sat there and asked me, "So how? Throw away ah?". I didnt noe wat to say...
Anyways, my mum didnt go back m'sia wif my grandma coz shes lazy... Sigh... So i didnt get to cook wat i wanted... But its ok... Another time...
I went to 2 interviews, yest n today... Will blog more later or tmr...
Then after i popped tat qns, we saw the skinning of rabbit, then my sis was agonising... Then after everything, she sat there and asked me, "So how? Throw away ah?". I didnt noe wat to say...
Anyways, my mum didnt go back m'sia wif my grandma coz shes lazy... Sigh... So i didnt get to cook wat i wanted... But its ok... Another time...
I went to 2 interviews, yest n today... Will blog more later or tmr...
So Weird...
I purposely refrained myself from bloggin coz i wanted everyone to see the last entry and comment about it... Coz i know some ppl dun refer to "overed" entries...
Unfortunately, those whom r my usual readers, all seemed to be bz tis week, including myself... As much as i had been repeating myself, those who saw the video, were too impatient to finish the whole clip... And didnt get the "moment"...
Some who saw, messaged me over msn... But y not jus comment here? My comment link n tagboard r at ur free service.
I am abit petrified by the lack or no comments here about tat entry. Public comments affect u? Or is it tat u dun feel anything? Or is it tat u r used to it? No matter whether u haf seen it be4 or not, i believe u haf certain thots...
I was thinking naively, trying to do something about it by in a way "spread" e message across, to evoke ppl's emotions... I shall jus assumed everyone is too bz...
Sometimes its so bek cek feelin so helpless over certain wrongdoings i knoe. Like i had one con man company case, but its too senstive, n ppl told me tat i cant do anything about it coz i dun haf evidence. All i could do was to warn ppl i knoe, but i cant reveal the details to protect some ppl's interests. How do u expect me to convince skeptical immature ppl? Nevertheless, i dun wan anyone to get cheated n its tough for me to hold back my integrity...
It horrifies me to hear YOUNG PPL (especially e Y generation), who had seen too much violent movies, tellin me, "Ok wat, nothing much."
I am not trying to show u a violent clip, blood, or how real e display of killing was. I didnt wan to comment about it thus far about my thots, coz i wan to knoe how ppl nowadays think when they see something like tat...
I am appauled by the replies... Except maybe Dave's reply over msn, who told me he feel like skinning the guys, n let them feel the pain. Even though he still didnt express to me his opinion... But he added tat e bear look like Resident Evil's mutated dog after skinning...
XXX: Ok mah, jus like shaving sheep's fur.
Wat e ???
YYY: Chey... Aiyah, i thot wat...
Now, tts classic...
Wat has becum to e ppl im communicatin wif? ... Mutated monsters...
Some ppl say its a "dog eat dog world" out there (referin to e workin society) ... Duno where the phrase came about also, even how hungry stray dogs can be, they never eat their own kind... I say its a mutated human eat human world, besides, im sure u haf heard of, "Only Human Kills Its Own Species"...
The following day after we saw the clip, my mum bought duck neck n wings, my sis took a bite out of the chopped duck neck, n immediately throw it back to e plate... I looked at her, "Wat u doing?". Then she told me she recalled the clip, then i said, "Ya lah, but then, throw away lah.". She replied, "Mum wan to eat, give her eat."
I didnt noe to laugh or not... Coz i didnt touch the plate, i now think twice when i eat meat... Coz u shd knoe, even Pigs r left there to bleed to death before chopping... Though im not a fan of pork... Fish as well, if u go fishing, u'll see how e fish struggle.
I haf one ex bf who loves fishing, when i was tat age, i dun fish anymore, coz to me, its cruel... I always sit there n see them gaspin for air, till their last breath. I even saw one sting ray, while being hooked up, she gave birth to a baby sting ray out of fright... We were at kelong, the whole scene was so bloody... Luckily, my fren threw the baby back into the sea, while he brought the mother back to cook BBQ Sambal Sting Ray... Meanwhile, someone even commented can buy 4D liao...
I did one horrible thing be4. I was lookin at 2 animal, Hungry Stray Dog VS Struggling to Breathe Fish... N guess wat, i threw the alive fish over e fence to feed the dog, coz i was sympathetic wif e dog... Not jus one, i threw the whole tray they caught (those tat r too small for eating)...
Wat was i even thinking... I wonder how it hurts to haf sets of sharp teeth biting thru ur flesh... I shd haf at least waited for the fish to die 1st, if i was to do tat horrible thing. Sometimes, i got eat the fish they caught, but coz i saw them dyin, sometimes i cannot take it... But then, it doesnt make me any more innocent...
U mus be thinkin i crazy liao, think so much for wat... I knoe im going overboard, but i cant help it... I'm nauseating...
I started to think alot for the animals lately, duno y... It all started fr e steamboat incident. U noe some steamboat, they give u a free bowl of live prawns? Of coz, i dun wan to eat it, be it live or not, coz i hate to peel it... But if Shuzhen's ard, she'll peel for everyone and put a few on my plate... My mum love it, coz she said steamboat mus eat prawns then worth e money...
Anyways, i told them, "Wa lao, wait till they die 1st lah." But then the hungry pigs cant wait... My friend took the live prawn's feelers, and told us, "See see, like tis then fun!" He dipped the prawn halfway, so meaning the tail part cooked, lift up, dip halfway, lift up, u can see the half cooked prawn struggling like mad...
I cannot stand him, i shouted at him n used my chopstick to snatch n put the whole prawn inside... Kaoz, sibei cruel lor... Then they pour the bowl of prawn inside, n u see them jumpin up n down, wa lao... I tell u ah, got such thing dun ask me go eat... Dun even tell me its great tat they r fresh...
Anyway, back to my sis, i asked her will she ever become a vegetarian, she said, never, coz she love meat. I told her i like beef, but then the cow died fr hanging there to bleed to death... She read my mind n told me, "Aiyah, even if u becum a vegetarian, u also cant save them... How many cows, chickens, pigs, fish can u save? U cant even save one whole cow lor..."
I haf lots of things to blog about tis few days, i will blog tmr, n leave e whole animal saga behind me...
Unfortunately, those whom r my usual readers, all seemed to be bz tis week, including myself... As much as i had been repeating myself, those who saw the video, were too impatient to finish the whole clip... And didnt get the "moment"...
Some who saw, messaged me over msn... But y not jus comment here? My comment link n tagboard r at ur free service.
I am abit petrified by the lack or no comments here about tat entry. Public comments affect u? Or is it tat u dun feel anything? Or is it tat u r used to it? No matter whether u haf seen it be4 or not, i believe u haf certain thots...
I was thinking naively, trying to do something about it by in a way "spread" e message across, to evoke ppl's emotions... I shall jus assumed everyone is too bz...
Sometimes its so bek cek feelin so helpless over certain wrongdoings i knoe. Like i had one con man company case, but its too senstive, n ppl told me tat i cant do anything about it coz i dun haf evidence. All i could do was to warn ppl i knoe, but i cant reveal the details to protect some ppl's interests. How do u expect me to convince skeptical immature ppl? Nevertheless, i dun wan anyone to get cheated n its tough for me to hold back my integrity...
It horrifies me to hear YOUNG PPL (especially e Y generation), who had seen too much violent movies, tellin me, "Ok wat, nothing much."
I am not trying to show u a violent clip, blood, or how real e display of killing was. I didnt wan to comment about it thus far about my thots, coz i wan to knoe how ppl nowadays think when they see something like tat...
I am appauled by the replies... Except maybe Dave's reply over msn, who told me he feel like skinning the guys, n let them feel the pain. Even though he still didnt express to me his opinion... But he added tat e bear look like Resident Evil's mutated dog after skinning...
XXX: Ok mah, jus like shaving sheep's fur.
Wat e ???
YYY: Chey... Aiyah, i thot wat...
Now, tts classic...
Wat has becum to e ppl im communicatin wif? ... Mutated monsters...
Some ppl say its a "dog eat dog world" out there (referin to e workin society) ... Duno where the phrase came about also, even how hungry stray dogs can be, they never eat their own kind... I say its a mutated human eat human world, besides, im sure u haf heard of, "Only Human Kills Its Own Species"...
The following day after we saw the clip, my mum bought duck neck n wings, my sis took a bite out of the chopped duck neck, n immediately throw it back to e plate... I looked at her, "Wat u doing?". Then she told me she recalled the clip, then i said, "Ya lah, but then, throw away lah.". She replied, "Mum wan to eat, give her eat."
I didnt noe to laugh or not... Coz i didnt touch the plate, i now think twice when i eat meat... Coz u shd knoe, even Pigs r left there to bleed to death before chopping... Though im not a fan of pork... Fish as well, if u go fishing, u'll see how e fish struggle.
I haf one ex bf who loves fishing, when i was tat age, i dun fish anymore, coz to me, its cruel... I always sit there n see them gaspin for air, till their last breath. I even saw one sting ray, while being hooked up, she gave birth to a baby sting ray out of fright... We were at kelong, the whole scene was so bloody... Luckily, my fren threw the baby back into the sea, while he brought the mother back to cook BBQ Sambal Sting Ray... Meanwhile, someone even commented can buy 4D liao...
I did one horrible thing be4. I was lookin at 2 animal, Hungry Stray Dog VS Struggling to Breathe Fish... N guess wat, i threw the alive fish over e fence to feed the dog, coz i was sympathetic wif e dog... Not jus one, i threw the whole tray they caught (those tat r too small for eating)...
Wat was i even thinking... I wonder how it hurts to haf sets of sharp teeth biting thru ur flesh... I shd haf at least waited for the fish to die 1st, if i was to do tat horrible thing. Sometimes, i got eat the fish they caught, but coz i saw them dyin, sometimes i cannot take it... But then, it doesnt make me any more innocent...
U mus be thinkin i crazy liao, think so much for wat... I knoe im going overboard, but i cant help it... I'm nauseating...
I started to think alot for the animals lately, duno y... It all started fr e steamboat incident. U noe some steamboat, they give u a free bowl of live prawns? Of coz, i dun wan to eat it, be it live or not, coz i hate to peel it... But if Shuzhen's ard, she'll peel for everyone and put a few on my plate... My mum love it, coz she said steamboat mus eat prawns then worth e money...
Anyways, i told them, "Wa lao, wait till they die 1st lah." But then the hungry pigs cant wait... My friend took the live prawn's feelers, and told us, "See see, like tis then fun!" He dipped the prawn halfway, so meaning the tail part cooked, lift up, dip halfway, lift up, u can see the half cooked prawn struggling like mad...
I cannot stand him, i shouted at him n used my chopstick to snatch n put the whole prawn inside... Kaoz, sibei cruel lor... Then they pour the bowl of prawn inside, n u see them jumpin up n down, wa lao... I tell u ah, got such thing dun ask me go eat... Dun even tell me its great tat they r fresh...
Anyway, back to my sis, i asked her will she ever become a vegetarian, she said, never, coz she love meat. I told her i like beef, but then the cow died fr hanging there to bleed to death... She read my mind n told me, "Aiyah, even if u becum a vegetarian, u also cant save them... How many cows, chickens, pigs, fish can u save? U cant even save one whole cow lor..."
I haf lots of things to blog about tis few days, i will blog tmr, n leave e whole animal saga behind me...
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
A Video, Pls Watch...
~~ "Wat a wonderful world" ~~
U think so? Wait till u see tis video clip...
Wat im going to let u see is an extremely revoking clip. If u haf a weak heart, pls pls n pls, dun click the link... Leave me a msg n i'll tell u wat its about... I chanced upon it while i was reading a stranger's blog...
I cried while watching, and i nearly puked... I am still feeling very nauseous... I haf a high level of acceptance of extreme stuffs, but i am still affected by tis... Jus wan to share some reality wif u guys... Its not ghostly stuffs, its actual documented footage in China n its not about eating cats, it something more... Watch it to believe it...
Finish the whole clip n u'll understand wat i mean. Its a rather long clip, so watch it only when u haf the time... Non-Chinese frenz may not understand the chinese subtitles, u can ask me as well. But actually, i dun think u need any translation, e msg is clear...
I wish i can do something...
Heres the link,
Some of u might haf seen it be4... But still, leave me comments n tags when u r done, ok? I wan to hear u guys as well. Share wif me ur thots... Humans... Sigh...
U think so? Wait till u see tis video clip...
Wat im going to let u see is an extremely revoking clip. If u haf a weak heart, pls pls n pls, dun click the link... Leave me a msg n i'll tell u wat its about... I chanced upon it while i was reading a stranger's blog...
I cried while watching, and i nearly puked... I am still feeling very nauseous... I haf a high level of acceptance of extreme stuffs, but i am still affected by tis... Jus wan to share some reality wif u guys... Its not ghostly stuffs, its actual documented footage in China n its not about eating cats, it something more... Watch it to believe it...
Finish the whole clip n u'll understand wat i mean. Its a rather long clip, so watch it only when u haf the time... Non-Chinese frenz may not understand the chinese subtitles, u can ask me as well. But actually, i dun think u need any translation, e msg is clear...
I wish i can do something...
Heres the link,
Some of u might haf seen it be4... But still, leave me comments n tags when u r done, ok? I wan to hear u guys as well. Share wif me ur thots... Humans... Sigh...
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Changi Airport
Due to the weather n hot steamy steamboat, I wore sleeveless top n short skirt yest... But after we got in the car, only to realise tat we r not going to eat steamboat... We ended up going to River Valley Hotel's River Palace to eat ala carte chinese food...
Still chinese food though, but then ok lah, i very long never go there eat liao... But then, i wear until so "lok cok" ask me go there eat... My sis n bro-in-law wore jeans, my mum also quite "lok cok", only my grandma dressed up, damn funny...
Coz its ala carte, they ordered so much food... Aiyo, but some of the dishes not to my liking... Hmm... But i was damn full... When we billed, the manager asked my sis, coz shes a privilege card holder(regular customer), how come we eat so little... Yalah, actually compared to other tables, we really eat alot lesser, duno y...
Then my bro-in-law said coz we old liao, haha... Yalor... But to me, really alot liao, maybe coz i long time never eat buffet le bah...
But the dessert buffet was still the best, we enjoyed it. Their food standard has increased by a margin overall, though it already used to be very gd, n the restaurant is packing, very happy for them...
My big sis even use the opportunity over the table to bitch about my sis when my grandma went out to smoke... But my mum act blur kept quiet, coz shes biased to my sis since birth... Then, my mum got up to get more desserts, my big sis asked me whether was she very mean, i merely gave her a smile as a reply...
We then went to Changi Airport, tis time, my mum suffered fr motion sickness... Haha... Then me mountain tortoise never take the sky train before... So we went T2 walk one rd, then take Sky train to T1 walk walk, then go see planes... The airport shoppin area smelled so "foody", i nearly puked fr the smell...
Ahhh... It brought back so many memories... It look so different fr yrs ago... Its got a very sad feelin there, duno y, maybe coz we were at departure area... Maybe i thot about how close the family was when we were little... And the family photos we took when i was still an infant...
I also recalled having to go overseas by flight the 1st time, which was a secondary school Thailand trip tat i proposed to my history teacher. I woke up 4am in the morning, and went to the airport by cab alone, where i saw so many nice parents having to sent their beloved children there, while i was waiting for the rest of the class to arrive... Think Shuzhen came alone too...
My ex-bf then, promised to send me there, but he offed his hp the prev night n was unreachable... Well, guys, as usual. I came back to sg wif tonnes of sorry voice mail messages...
Shuzhen is damn funny then, while on her 1st flight since born, she was extremely excited but she said, "Ive got a feelin e plane will crash..." Haha, but of coz, it landed on Bangkok safely. Then i smurt at her comment, then she added, "Come back sure crash then..." Haha, so funny... She arh...
Meanwhile there, there was only one gal, Seow Wei, whos got a hp in the whole grp... Its a purple classic Erricson flip phone whom most adults owned then. She called her family while she was in BangKok... Some gals borrowed her phone to call back home and promised her they'll pay her back when they returned to sg... But i dun think they did, i assumed... I didnt borrow her phone anyway... Ive got no one to call anyway since i had broken off wif my bf... N i can use the public phone anyway if i wan to...
While most of them said they missed SG so much and cant wait to return, me on the contrary, felt otherwise... Coz i haf nothin to miss... My family didnt say anythin before i left, it was as though, i am away every now n then till they r used to it...
I asked Shuzhen on the way back, so will ur family come pick u up? She said, most prob no bah, coz they didnt say anything... Then i told her, ok lor, then we can share a cab back, i was staying at toa payoh n she, yishun...
Then when arrived back in sg... I saw so many worried parents at the waiting area... It looks jus like shows on TV. And then when their beloved child turn up, they all shouted n cried and hugged each other... Think it mus haf been their 1st trips as well like me... Fathers n brothers will carry their luggages while mothers will hold on to their child while walkin n tokin lovingly...
Urrgghh... I didnt haf to look ard, coz i knoe im alone, as always... My ex bf said will come pick me up, well, i knew he wun come, coz he didnt even bother to ask me my flight no. Anyway, i thot to myself, nvm, i still haf Shuzhen besde me...
But guess wat...
Her family came. Not so sure of her Dad though, coz i didnt really wan to look at the happy scenario. But i remembered her sis n mum came. I knew she was happy. And i knoe then, no matter how biased or strong headed her mum is, she still love her, maybe not as much as to her sis, but she did... N i knew then, tat she still has a family... =)
I was kinda of disappointed. Coz jus when i thot i haf one fren wif me, n i lost it the next moment... Not blamin her, it was jus the moment of loneliness. I went away, then she rushed over to tell me, "Sorry." I told her, "Nvm, they come pick u up gd mah.". Then i went to e taxi Q n left.
I wished i could disappear immediately... I didnt even knoe wat happened to the rest after reunion... I didnt even let my teacher knoe or anythin, i jus wanted to get out of tat damn "Happy" place...
I went back alone, and when i reached my place, nobody said anything as well... No one even asked me how was the trip... Sigh... I guess it was so tough handling loneliness at a young age... I was extremely depressed... Nothin can be more depressed than a dysfunctional family, even till today im still affected...
If my big sis manages to order the tickets to Hong Kong, we may be going coming april... Bro-in-law, Big Sis, Mum n Granny. They asked me to go, but i told them i no money... Then they said pay for my ticket n hotel, then nag nag nag, then i said ok lor... But my 2nd sis dun wan to go as usual...
But im reluntant to go, coz every time we go out as a family, we'll sure quarrel... My big sis especially, she like to pick up quarrels, i hate tat... Sigh...
Now tat my Big sis has become older in her 30s, she started to haf thots about family togetherness, stuffs lidat... She even grumbled duno y we 3 sisters not close one... But one thing she had forgotten is, it doesnt take one day to built up a close bond...
We were never close in e 1st place, n i never knew shes my step sis till i was in primary sch... It was all along a "Live Your Own Life" motto in our so called family. N she went over to cohabit wif her bf then, ever since i was in P4. How does she expect us to be close? Maybe she has come to realise how impt family ties are now, but unfortunately, u cant repair the cracks wif glue... It doesnt work tis way...
Still chinese food though, but then ok lah, i very long never go there eat liao... But then, i wear until so "lok cok" ask me go there eat... My sis n bro-in-law wore jeans, my mum also quite "lok cok", only my grandma dressed up, damn funny...
Coz its ala carte, they ordered so much food... Aiyo, but some of the dishes not to my liking... Hmm... But i was damn full... When we billed, the manager asked my sis, coz shes a privilege card holder(regular customer), how come we eat so little... Yalah, actually compared to other tables, we really eat alot lesser, duno y...
Then my bro-in-law said coz we old liao, haha... Yalor... But to me, really alot liao, maybe coz i long time never eat buffet le bah...
But the dessert buffet was still the best, we enjoyed it. Their food standard has increased by a margin overall, though it already used to be very gd, n the restaurant is packing, very happy for them...
My big sis even use the opportunity over the table to bitch about my sis when my grandma went out to smoke... But my mum act blur kept quiet, coz shes biased to my sis since birth... Then, my mum got up to get more desserts, my big sis asked me whether was she very mean, i merely gave her a smile as a reply...
We then went to Changi Airport, tis time, my mum suffered fr motion sickness... Haha... Then me mountain tortoise never take the sky train before... So we went T2 walk one rd, then take Sky train to T1 walk walk, then go see planes... The airport shoppin area smelled so "foody", i nearly puked fr the smell...
Ahhh... It brought back so many memories... It look so different fr yrs ago... Its got a very sad feelin there, duno y, maybe coz we were at departure area... Maybe i thot about how close the family was when we were little... And the family photos we took when i was still an infant...
I also recalled having to go overseas by flight the 1st time, which was a secondary school Thailand trip tat i proposed to my history teacher. I woke up 4am in the morning, and went to the airport by cab alone, where i saw so many nice parents having to sent their beloved children there, while i was waiting for the rest of the class to arrive... Think Shuzhen came alone too...
My ex-bf then, promised to send me there, but he offed his hp the prev night n was unreachable... Well, guys, as usual. I came back to sg wif tonnes of sorry voice mail messages...
Shuzhen is damn funny then, while on her 1st flight since born, she was extremely excited but she said, "Ive got a feelin e plane will crash..." Haha, but of coz, it landed on Bangkok safely. Then i smurt at her comment, then she added, "Come back sure crash then..." Haha, so funny... She arh...
Meanwhile there, there was only one gal, Seow Wei, whos got a hp in the whole grp... Its a purple classic Erricson flip phone whom most adults owned then. She called her family while she was in BangKok... Some gals borrowed her phone to call back home and promised her they'll pay her back when they returned to sg... But i dun think they did, i assumed... I didnt borrow her phone anyway... Ive got no one to call anyway since i had broken off wif my bf... N i can use the public phone anyway if i wan to...
While most of them said they missed SG so much and cant wait to return, me on the contrary, felt otherwise... Coz i haf nothin to miss... My family didnt say anythin before i left, it was as though, i am away every now n then till they r used to it...
I asked Shuzhen on the way back, so will ur family come pick u up? She said, most prob no bah, coz they didnt say anything... Then i told her, ok lor, then we can share a cab back, i was staying at toa payoh n she, yishun...
Then when arrived back in sg... I saw so many worried parents at the waiting area... It looks jus like shows on TV. And then when their beloved child turn up, they all shouted n cried and hugged each other... Think it mus haf been their 1st trips as well like me... Fathers n brothers will carry their luggages while mothers will hold on to their child while walkin n tokin lovingly...
Urrgghh... I didnt haf to look ard, coz i knoe im alone, as always... My ex bf said will come pick me up, well, i knew he wun come, coz he didnt even bother to ask me my flight no. Anyway, i thot to myself, nvm, i still haf Shuzhen besde me...
But guess wat...
Her family came. Not so sure of her Dad though, coz i didnt really wan to look at the happy scenario. But i remembered her sis n mum came. I knew she was happy. And i knoe then, no matter how biased or strong headed her mum is, she still love her, maybe not as much as to her sis, but she did... N i knew then, tat she still has a family... =)
I was kinda of disappointed. Coz jus when i thot i haf one fren wif me, n i lost it the next moment... Not blamin her, it was jus the moment of loneliness. I went away, then she rushed over to tell me, "Sorry." I told her, "Nvm, they come pick u up gd mah.". Then i went to e taxi Q n left.
I wished i could disappear immediately... I didnt even knoe wat happened to the rest after reunion... I didnt even let my teacher knoe or anythin, i jus wanted to get out of tat damn "Happy" place...
I went back alone, and when i reached my place, nobody said anything as well... No one even asked me how was the trip... Sigh... I guess it was so tough handling loneliness at a young age... I was extremely depressed... Nothin can be more depressed than a dysfunctional family, even till today im still affected...
If my big sis manages to order the tickets to Hong Kong, we may be going coming april... Bro-in-law, Big Sis, Mum n Granny. They asked me to go, but i told them i no money... Then they said pay for my ticket n hotel, then nag nag nag, then i said ok lor... But my 2nd sis dun wan to go as usual...
But im reluntant to go, coz every time we go out as a family, we'll sure quarrel... My big sis especially, she like to pick up quarrels, i hate tat... Sigh...
Now tat my Big sis has become older in her 30s, she started to haf thots about family togetherness, stuffs lidat... She even grumbled duno y we 3 sisters not close one... But one thing she had forgotten is, it doesnt take one day to built up a close bond...
We were never close in e 1st place, n i never knew shes my step sis till i was in primary sch... It was all along a "Live Your Own Life" motto in our so called family. N she went over to cohabit wif her bf then, ever since i was in P4. How does she expect us to be close? Maybe she has come to realise how impt family ties are now, but unfortunately, u cant repair the cracks wif glue... It doesnt work tis way...
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Jus When I Thot...
Aiyah, jus when i thot its gd news no steamboat liao...
My big sis called me 10mins ago, to ask me wat i wan to eat, coz she dun feel like going there to eat coz very hot, and she jus cut her hair, dun wish to make it smelly... Haha, then we decided to eat international buffet... Then after tat she put down the phone i so happy...
I thot she heard my grumblin...
But then, she jus called me n said no choice liao, got to eat steamboat... Coz all the gd hotels n restaurants all fully booked... Well, its sat today, wat was i even expectin...
Nvm, sinced its destined one, i'll make sure i enjoy myself n the food... Meetin at 615pm, tataz...
My big sis called me 10mins ago, to ask me wat i wan to eat, coz she dun feel like going there to eat coz very hot, and she jus cut her hair, dun wish to make it smelly... Haha, then we decided to eat international buffet... Then after tat she put down the phone i so happy...
I thot she heard my grumblin...
But then, she jus called me n said no choice liao, got to eat steamboat... Coz all the gd hotels n restaurants all fully booked... Well, its sat today, wat was i even expectin...
Nvm, sinced its destined one, i'll make sure i enjoy myself n the food... Meetin at 615pm, tataz...
Grandma's Bday Celebration
Today, will celebrate Grandma's bday, but i suspect her bday not today... But actual day when i duno... My Mum will go back M'sia wif her on Mon... Heh, i already planned wat dishes to cook liao... Cant wait... But tat also means i will be broke, too... But nvm lah, as long as i enjoy myself can liao...
I prefer last yr's celebration though, coz its more like a proper bday... We had overnight chalet, tat look like a big hotel suite, then got cut one delicious Mahjong emicake(my fav), then we had a hell load of food...
My big sis catered chinese food buffet, my aunt made some mua ji, i made a big pot of Bolo Pasta for 20ppl, though theres only 14 ppl... And then they bought lots of things to BBQ too... How to finish??? Haha, we threw away the leftovers the next day of coz... Waste waste! Everyone wanted to "take away" the cake, coz it was simply delicious... So sad, in the end, my house dun haf... Coz gave one big chunk to my aunt...
My 2nd sis(the sis whom i always tok about) of coz MIA again, like today, she doesnt wan to go, coz she said shes not obliged to attend... Invited her bf who also dun wan to turn up as well... Which pissed my eldest sis off greatly as usual... Said they dun respect the elderly...
At 1st today is cook alot of dishes invite them over eat but no cake... But last min, coz uncle not free, so ended up only 5 of us(my mum's bf not included coz he's workin), so my 1st sis said drive us out for steamboat... Eeeerrrr.... Steamboat? Again?
I dun like steamboat... Sigh... But i also dun wan to eat "Zhu Chao" coz every time go out sure eat chinese food... Im damn sick of chinese food... I wan to eat English Buffet... But bo bian, granny only eat chinese food... I even told my mum i dun like steamboat yest night, tis mornin received the saddenin news... So sian...
All well, its jus a meal... Doesnt sound like a celebration anyway... My puppy, Bondie turns 1 yr old on 22 march. Think my 1st sis throwin him a party tmr... Actually wan to celebrate for him today but cant bring him along outside so nvm... He 1 yr old also meant tat my dog, Baby died 1 yr 3mths liao... Sad...
We quarreled over the meal somemore, earlier tis noon. My big sis smsed me ask me got wat craving, but told her better to suit granny lor... Then, my other suggestions kena criticised by mum n 2nd sis, kept tellin me very ex very ex...
The steamboat quite nice, $12 per head, got bbq also, free 1-time oyster, prawn n lots of varitety... Cheap.(I had never been there btw). My suggestions r those about $20 per head... Then Mum n 2nd Sis ask me pay lah, so smart... Sigh... Then, i said if budget is a prob then in the 1st place eat at home best liao wat, y wan to go out eat... Cant understand y they haf to be so crude...
It a celebration for god sake, most impt is happy mah, become lidat i also dun feel like going... If im workin i dun mind payin lor... When i was workin i also got bring them go eat wat... So selfish...
Lucky big sis made me feel better, she also sian wif them... In e 1st place, she also said money not an issue, not like we r going to eat "Mun Han Quan Xi" wat...
Current Balance : 4,679,552 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 320,448 NP
- I kena 10,000 NP from spinnin the wheel today, so heng, very long never kena liao... I was still wonderin yest noon how cum so long never kena...
I prefer last yr's celebration though, coz its more like a proper bday... We had overnight chalet, tat look like a big hotel suite, then got cut one delicious Mahjong emicake(my fav), then we had a hell load of food...
My big sis catered chinese food buffet, my aunt made some mua ji, i made a big pot of Bolo Pasta for 20ppl, though theres only 14 ppl... And then they bought lots of things to BBQ too... How to finish??? Haha, we threw away the leftovers the next day of coz... Waste waste! Everyone wanted to "take away" the cake, coz it was simply delicious... So sad, in the end, my house dun haf... Coz gave one big chunk to my aunt...
My 2nd sis(the sis whom i always tok about) of coz MIA again, like today, she doesnt wan to go, coz she said shes not obliged to attend... Invited her bf who also dun wan to turn up as well... Which pissed my eldest sis off greatly as usual... Said they dun respect the elderly...
At 1st today is cook alot of dishes invite them over eat but no cake... But last min, coz uncle not free, so ended up only 5 of us(my mum's bf not included coz he's workin), so my 1st sis said drive us out for steamboat... Eeeerrrr.... Steamboat? Again?
I dun like steamboat... Sigh... But i also dun wan to eat "Zhu Chao" coz every time go out sure eat chinese food... Im damn sick of chinese food... I wan to eat English Buffet... But bo bian, granny only eat chinese food... I even told my mum i dun like steamboat yest night, tis mornin received the saddenin news... So sian...
All well, its jus a meal... Doesnt sound like a celebration anyway... My puppy, Bondie turns 1 yr old on 22 march. Think my 1st sis throwin him a party tmr... Actually wan to celebrate for him today but cant bring him along outside so nvm... He 1 yr old also meant tat my dog, Baby died 1 yr 3mths liao... Sad...
We quarreled over the meal somemore, earlier tis noon. My big sis smsed me ask me got wat craving, but told her better to suit granny lor... Then, my other suggestions kena criticised by mum n 2nd sis, kept tellin me very ex very ex...
The steamboat quite nice, $12 per head, got bbq also, free 1-time oyster, prawn n lots of varitety... Cheap.(I had never been there btw). My suggestions r those about $20 per head... Then Mum n 2nd Sis ask me pay lah, so smart... Sigh... Then, i said if budget is a prob then in the 1st place eat at home best liao wat, y wan to go out eat... Cant understand y they haf to be so crude...
It a celebration for god sake, most impt is happy mah, become lidat i also dun feel like going... If im workin i dun mind payin lor... When i was workin i also got bring them go eat wat... So selfish...
Lucky big sis made me feel better, she also sian wif them... In e 1st place, she also said money not an issue, not like we r going to eat "Mun Han Quan Xi" wat...
Current Balance : 4,679,552 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 320,448 NP
- I kena 10,000 NP from spinnin the wheel today, so heng, very long never kena liao... I was still wonderin yest noon how cum so long never kena...
Friday, March 18, 2005
She Never Fail To Amuse Me...
Time for a more light hearted entry after 2 serious posts...
Ok, e "she" is of coz, my attitude sis... Hah...
Yea, she quit her job, and by some trickery, she actually managed to convinced her manager to change fr a standard one mth notice down to 2 days... When i asked wat she said, again, the sell fish fella didnt ans me...
Yest was her last day, she slept at 8pm coz she said shes damn tired... Then later on, while i was preparin to sleep, i saw a creepy sight of her. She looked completed distorted, again... Haha, the followin pics will illustrate the scenario...
It was rather amusing, so much so tat, i even got up fr my bed to find my cam in my drawer, n took the pics of the classic moments... Yea, i knoe im bo liao... But my flash affected her subconsciously, and she changed her creepy pose...
In my rm, theres these 2 mattresses on the floor, so btw us there is a gap which i called "drain" where i put our tissue box n some misc stuffs... I sleep on the right side... She has long hair like me... But as she distorts herself at night, her hair can be horrifyin...
Her most common pose is an inverted "L" shape... Imagine urself, so the shorter "L" stroke which is her head to her chest will be pointin towards me... Her spine will look completely broken when she does tat... But strange thing is when shes awake, she cant do it... The "L" is not the bendin forward ur body, its the other way, where u will haf to flip ur spine the other way... She covers the whole of herself except her crown wif her blanket...
Amazingly, she always manages to arrange her hair while she was sleepin, to spread across the drain. Sometimes, it even land on my mattress... I always wonder how she did tat... And so sometimes when i turn to my right, facing her and i open my eyes, only to scare myself wif a scene of sadako hair... Directly 2 inches away fr my eyes... Scary...
If i see her in her "L" pose again, i'll take a pic n show u guys... n maybe the sadako head too... Hah...
Opening ur eyes to a head of long hair is very traumatising... Maybe i shd snip off her hair when she scares me again... :P
Ok, e "she" is of coz, my attitude sis... Hah...
Yea, she quit her job, and by some trickery, she actually managed to convinced her manager to change fr a standard one mth notice down to 2 days... When i asked wat she said, again, the sell fish fella didnt ans me...
Yest was her last day, she slept at 8pm coz she said shes damn tired... Then later on, while i was preparin to sleep, i saw a creepy sight of her. She looked completed distorted, again... Haha, the followin pics will illustrate the scenario...
It was rather amusing, so much so tat, i even got up fr my bed to find my cam in my drawer, n took the pics of the classic moments... Yea, i knoe im bo liao... But my flash affected her subconsciously, and she changed her creepy pose...
In my rm, theres these 2 mattresses on the floor, so btw us there is a gap which i called "drain" where i put our tissue box n some misc stuffs... I sleep on the right side... She has long hair like me... But as she distorts herself at night, her hair can be horrifyin...
Her most common pose is an inverted "L" shape... Imagine urself, so the shorter "L" stroke which is her head to her chest will be pointin towards me... Her spine will look completely broken when she does tat... But strange thing is when shes awake, she cant do it... The "L" is not the bendin forward ur body, its the other way, where u will haf to flip ur spine the other way... She covers the whole of herself except her crown wif her blanket...
Amazingly, she always manages to arrange her hair while she was sleepin, to spread across the drain. Sometimes, it even land on my mattress... I always wonder how she did tat... And so sometimes when i turn to my right, facing her and i open my eyes, only to scare myself wif a scene of sadako hair... Directly 2 inches away fr my eyes... Scary...
If i see her in her "L" pose again, i'll take a pic n show u guys... n maybe the sadako head too... Hah...
Opening ur eyes to a head of long hair is very traumatising... Maybe i shd snip off her hair when she scares me again... :P

She basically dun even look like shes there... Haha, its damn funny, her body looked like she was distorted n twisted... I usually curled up like a ball when im sleepin... But for her, she will look distorted... The picture didnt manage to capture e feel tat i saw in real life, she really dun look like shes there... N It was a creepy sight...
But my flash made her change her position to the next, which is a straight zombie pose... Hah... Lucky she doesnt read my blog, if not she'll kill me...
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Hard to Blog Tis...
I saw something yest, i was quite affected by it emotionally, so much so tat i even dreamt of tokin about it to others last night...
However, i struggled to decide whether to blog tis, coz it will be extremely hard to be tactful, sensitive. After bloggin, i will becum a big fat meany... I do not wish to offend or affect the ppl involved...
But then, i had decided to stay true to myself... I will try to eliminate identities n actual details... Though u all may say its none of my business, but i jus felt some bit about e situation n i feel like expressin my thots...
So here goes...
The gist of it is tat, someone very young, from the media industry, had met wif an accident, and as the words fr the source wrote, it was extremely horrifyin, severe, n chances of survival was nearly zero...
However, the victim survived thru numerous operation, n was somewat a miracle... However, the victim is losin his legs... But, the victim still has not crossed over death border...
Therefore, he would haf to face numerous operations to ensure his survival n would haf to haf long term treamtments. All these, ultimately, will boils down to needin a huge financial support....
As quoted, the family needed $ 750, 000.
Thus, the family had extended their worries to the media community(not public, only those in the media industry), in the hope of raisin the funds for the victim fr the fellow ppl fr the same industry.
Some impt things to note be4 i go on wif my thots:
1) I am extremely sorry for e victim, nobody wanted tis to happen...
2) I admire the victim's will of survival, thereby conquerin death...
3) I feel very sorry for tis n at e same time, i feel helpless...
I am extremely supportive of their actions, however, i was affected more, when i saw the letter attached, to appeal to the media crowd...
However hard to type tis, i do however, find the letter very insincere... The 1st line of e letter wrote: "One of Singapore’s brightest sons has fallen."
Which then followed by paragraphs n paragraphs of the victim's achievements, contributions to our sg media industry... How e victim had represented sg in various festivals wif his films n works... And also, how brilliantly e victim was to be the 1st in Asia to win certain awards.
These are not small festivals that carry little weight. These are the recognised stepping-stones to a serious, international career. Something for which we all must be proud.
And thereby, concluded, how can we not help someone who is of so much worthy. And helpin someone who has and will create such great impact for our local film industry... Someone of a worthy cause...
His potential to grow our industry, to bring all of us to a level that sees this country competing on a world stage, is not to be underestimated. We ask you, is there anything more noble than to provide a second chance for one of our great hopes?
And yet, the film industry, supported by the Singapore Film Commission, with others coming on board daily, are lending their considerable support now. Why? Because they know this is bigger than one man. This is because they know the effect his dreams and ambitions will have on the future of hundreds of Singaporeans.
The letter also indicated we shd help to get him back on track, even if we cant make him walk again, if we managed to keep him alive wif his brains, n his creativity will still passes on.
We must ensure that he has all the means possible, to not only survive, but to put that fertile head of his to use again. To continue putting Singapore on the map as a creative force. Eyes, ears and a creative mind are all he needs to be at the top of his game. Thankfully, they are all operational. He can get there, where he duly belongs. But only with our considerable help.
Based on all e above, let me ask one qns. If tmr, i meet wif a horrible accident n need alot of money for my operational fees. Am i still eligible to ask others for help?
The letter somehow scares me... Throughtout the letter, there's one clear message, "Lend a help on a worthy case".
But wat if the victim is a nobody? Wat if the victim has no significant contributions to the society but only to e population? Wat reasons r they going to give other then sayin they haf no money?
Singaporeans need reasons to help?
I am appalled by tat... I cannot understand wat e hell e person who wrote the letter, is thinkin...
I would love to help him, however, i do not haf the money. But if i do, i swear wif my life, i will help, but not only to him, i will help whoever needs it... I will help him not becoz he will assumed to be a influential character to the society.
I help him only due to one reason, which i strongly believe,
"Nobody shd die due to lack of money"
I haf distant relatives who died in M'sia, coz they didnt haf enough money, n the hospital kicked them out and told them to wait to die at home...
I haf one relative, she contracted cancer and was admitted... One day, his husband's money ran dry, the hospital told them shes going to die soon, theres nothin they can do, n therefore, asked them to go home...
Amazingly, she survived her condition for 7 yrs on her bed.
But she died last yr, reason? She starved to death...
Nope, her husband wasnt broke to starve her... Her condition was so tough tat she couldnt consume any food. He brought her to many hospitals but none accepted her, coz they dun haf money... They also told her husband tat she had no hope...
So she died...
Can u believe tat medical technology couldnt help someone who cant consume food herself?
In the end, she didnt die of cancer, she died of starvation... I cannot forgive tat...
Another thing, for someone who is handicapped, paralysed wif a workin mind, do u think it is so easy to be accepted in the workin society... Life is not as simple as to having a workin head, eyes, nose, mouth... Ironically, it takes more than tat...
My Dad is paralysed after his stroke, before his stroke, he had a multi-million business, which overnight turned to nothing due to his medical condition... He still has a workin mind, every time i visited him, he still tell me so many strategies of running corporate organisation...
But did society accept him after he woke up fr his operation? No.
Did ppl still believe n continue work for him, even though he cant move n walk, but he can still talk n command, n give instructions wif his brilliant brain? Ans is No...
While i was in upper secondary, my Dad's artificial heart went dead, he needed to go thru another operation. Coz the duration for artificial heart only lasts for 10 yrs... Then was the 12th yr, time is up... However, the operations costs hundreds of thousands...
Guess wat the Doc said to my Dad,
"In Sg, when u dun haf money, u'll die."
Luckily, they did a backgrd check, n the govt stepped in. They paid my Dad's full expenses fr the treasury... For the contributions my Dad made. He made the govt earned millions of dollars, n contributed heavily to the buildin n construction industry. He built serveral famous ppl's houses, and landmarks.
Tis was a conversation heard at the hospital.
Nurse: Y r we still helpin tis old man? Hes got no money wat...
Head Nurse: Mai siao siao tis old man ah, hes not a simple person. Upstairs management also passed word down, cannot let tis man die. Mus save him at all costs...
Though i find it hard to believe ppl tok tis way, it did happened... My Dad weeped after he heard tat...
My Dad is surviving strong now, however thankful to the govt for helpin him, still, back to reality, govt is still pressin him to pay finish his incom tax of 20K, even though hes not workin... Sigh...
I believe if i was the patient, Doc would haf told me, "Maybe u shd go to the press for donations, if not we cant save u... All the best...May god haf mercy on u"...
Why haf the world become like tis? Maybe like wat ppl say, "Only God Knoes."
PS: I seriously hope tat the victim will recover and get well, i believe he's got our blessings. I hope they wld be able to get the amt of money targeted and tat no one will die fr the lack of money again... =)
However, i struggled to decide whether to blog tis, coz it will be extremely hard to be tactful, sensitive. After bloggin, i will becum a big fat meany... I do not wish to offend or affect the ppl involved...
But then, i had decided to stay true to myself... I will try to eliminate identities n actual details... Though u all may say its none of my business, but i jus felt some bit about e situation n i feel like expressin my thots...
So here goes...
The gist of it is tat, someone very young, from the media industry, had met wif an accident, and as the words fr the source wrote, it was extremely horrifyin, severe, n chances of survival was nearly zero...
However, the victim survived thru numerous operation, n was somewat a miracle... However, the victim is losin his legs... But, the victim still has not crossed over death border...
Therefore, he would haf to face numerous operations to ensure his survival n would haf to haf long term treamtments. All these, ultimately, will boils down to needin a huge financial support....
As quoted, the family needed $ 750, 000.
Thus, the family had extended their worries to the media community(not public, only those in the media industry), in the hope of raisin the funds for the victim fr the fellow ppl fr the same industry.
Some impt things to note be4 i go on wif my thots:
1) I am extremely sorry for e victim, nobody wanted tis to happen...
2) I admire the victim's will of survival, thereby conquerin death...
3) I feel very sorry for tis n at e same time, i feel helpless...
I am extremely supportive of their actions, however, i was affected more, when i saw the letter attached, to appeal to the media crowd...
However hard to type tis, i do however, find the letter very insincere... The 1st line of e letter wrote: "One of Singapore’s brightest sons has fallen."
Which then followed by paragraphs n paragraphs of the victim's achievements, contributions to our sg media industry... How e victim had represented sg in various festivals wif his films n works... And also, how brilliantly e victim was to be the 1st in Asia to win certain awards.
These are not small festivals that carry little weight. These are the recognised stepping-stones to a serious, international career. Something for which we all must be proud.
And thereby, concluded, how can we not help someone who is of so much worthy. And helpin someone who has and will create such great impact for our local film industry... Someone of a worthy cause...
His potential to grow our industry, to bring all of us to a level that sees this country competing on a world stage, is not to be underestimated. We ask you, is there anything more noble than to provide a second chance for one of our great hopes?
And yet, the film industry, supported by the Singapore Film Commission, with others coming on board daily, are lending their considerable support now. Why? Because they know this is bigger than one man. This is because they know the effect his dreams and ambitions will have on the future of hundreds of Singaporeans.
The letter also indicated we shd help to get him back on track, even if we cant make him walk again, if we managed to keep him alive wif his brains, n his creativity will still passes on.
We must ensure that he has all the means possible, to not only survive, but to put that fertile head of his to use again. To continue putting Singapore on the map as a creative force. Eyes, ears and a creative mind are all he needs to be at the top of his game. Thankfully, they are all operational. He can get there, where he duly belongs. But only with our considerable help.
Based on all e above, let me ask one qns. If tmr, i meet wif a horrible accident n need alot of money for my operational fees. Am i still eligible to ask others for help?
The letter somehow scares me... Throughtout the letter, there's one clear message, "Lend a help on a worthy case".
But wat if the victim is a nobody? Wat if the victim has no significant contributions to the society but only to e population? Wat reasons r they going to give other then sayin they haf no money?
Singaporeans need reasons to help?
I am appalled by tat... I cannot understand wat e hell e person who wrote the letter, is thinkin...
I would love to help him, however, i do not haf the money. But if i do, i swear wif my life, i will help, but not only to him, i will help whoever needs it... I will help him not becoz he will assumed to be a influential character to the society.
I help him only due to one reason, which i strongly believe,
"Nobody shd die due to lack of money"
I haf distant relatives who died in M'sia, coz they didnt haf enough money, n the hospital kicked them out and told them to wait to die at home...
I haf one relative, she contracted cancer and was admitted... One day, his husband's money ran dry, the hospital told them shes going to die soon, theres nothin they can do, n therefore, asked them to go home...
Amazingly, she survived her condition for 7 yrs on her bed.
But she died last yr, reason? She starved to death...
Nope, her husband wasnt broke to starve her... Her condition was so tough tat she couldnt consume any food. He brought her to many hospitals but none accepted her, coz they dun haf money... They also told her husband tat she had no hope...
So she died...
Can u believe tat medical technology couldnt help someone who cant consume food herself?
In the end, she didnt die of cancer, she died of starvation... I cannot forgive tat...
Another thing, for someone who is handicapped, paralysed wif a workin mind, do u think it is so easy to be accepted in the workin society... Life is not as simple as to having a workin head, eyes, nose, mouth... Ironically, it takes more than tat...
My Dad is paralysed after his stroke, before his stroke, he had a multi-million business, which overnight turned to nothing due to his medical condition... He still has a workin mind, every time i visited him, he still tell me so many strategies of running corporate organisation...
But did society accept him after he woke up fr his operation? No.
Did ppl still believe n continue work for him, even though he cant move n walk, but he can still talk n command, n give instructions wif his brilliant brain? Ans is No...
While i was in upper secondary, my Dad's artificial heart went dead, he needed to go thru another operation. Coz the duration for artificial heart only lasts for 10 yrs... Then was the 12th yr, time is up... However, the operations costs hundreds of thousands...
Guess wat the Doc said to my Dad,
"In Sg, when u dun haf money, u'll die."
Luckily, they did a backgrd check, n the govt stepped in. They paid my Dad's full expenses fr the treasury... For the contributions my Dad made. He made the govt earned millions of dollars, n contributed heavily to the buildin n construction industry. He built serveral famous ppl's houses, and landmarks.
Tis was a conversation heard at the hospital.
Nurse: Y r we still helpin tis old man? Hes got no money wat...
Head Nurse: Mai siao siao tis old man ah, hes not a simple person. Upstairs management also passed word down, cannot let tis man die. Mus save him at all costs...
Though i find it hard to believe ppl tok tis way, it did happened... My Dad weeped after he heard tat...
My Dad is surviving strong now, however thankful to the govt for helpin him, still, back to reality, govt is still pressin him to pay finish his incom tax of 20K, even though hes not workin... Sigh...
I believe if i was the patient, Doc would haf told me, "Maybe u shd go to the press for donations, if not we cant save u... All the best...May god haf mercy on u"...
Why haf the world become like tis? Maybe like wat ppl say, "Only God Knoes."
PS: I seriously hope tat the victim will recover and get well, i believe he's got our blessings. I hope they wld be able to get the amt of money targeted and tat no one will die fr the lack of money again... =)
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Ok, im going to complain, so if u dun wish to see rantin then shoo!
Actually i wanted to blog tis days ago, nvm, i shall do it today...
I hate PARKERS! Meaning they jus park there in ur icq, msn, friendster, and they never ever will communicate wif u even if both of u r online together... Im only refering to those who since the 1st day added u, and never even attempted any moment to strike a conversation...
Dun get me wrong, its ok for me to not chat sometimes when we r online especially when we r frenz, coz sometimes theres nothing much to tok about... Among all the time me n Shuzhen online in msn, we also had times when we didnt msg each other... Tis is ok... But PARKERS r not tolerable...
Actually i meant tis more to friendster...
Wif the creation of the all-time popular friendster when it 1st started, everyone became obssessed finding n adding frenz n strangers to the frenz list... I admit it was a gd revenue especially to locate some long lost frenz... Especially, those whom u noe during kindergarden or those, when time drifted u guys apart, etc...
I spent quite some effort to locate some ppl whom i lost contact wif, due to the fact tat we dun haf hp then, and ppl kept moving houses, including myself, i had moved 12 times since P1. Communication systems were not so convenient then...
Now, gd thing about frenster is, ppl get to post up lovely pics of them, thus i am able to locate them... However, recently i started wondering, wats more impt?
1) No. of frens in ur list
2) Keepin contact wif the onces added in ur list
Naively, i once thot tat, ok great, now frenster makes things more convenient for me to keep in touch wif ppl, or some whom i wasnt very close wif... I didnt haf to worry about their changin of hp/house nos., or change of their emails when i can simply communicate wif them thru frenster messages...
However, in reality, tis is not the case...
Lets not even tok about those who only wanted to screw or date ppl over frenster... Coz its the same every where... I wan to focus on the ppl u once knew...
I started hearing ppl tellin me, or rather "HAO LIAN" to me, how many ppl they haf added to imply the underlying msg of showcasin their popularity... I even haf frens who tell me, ok, my target is to haf 200 ppl in my list...
Wat the ???
I mean come on, its damn easy to haf full 500 ppl in ur acc, u jus need to place a handsome/pretty face, and i gurantee u ur acc will be swarming wif ppl... Or wat they called "FRIENDS" in their list... To make things go faster, all u need is jus to place a couple pics of boobs, or some porn pics copied fr the net...
Once during my exploration, i saw so many porno accs, where the pics of their profiles r either nude pics of themself(mainly phillipinos, indonesians, tis was an observation, not despisin them or anything), or copied porn pics of jap girls... True enough, they all haf more than 300 ppl under their list at least...
I think guys shd be very happy to noe tis... But to me, maybe coz im a female, i feel disgusted...
How many in ur list do u actually noe? R they all ur frenz? Even so, did u even tok to them to find out how they haf been? I bet u dun even noe wat they r doing now if they didnt typed it in their profile... So, wats there to show off???
U mus be wondering wats e fuss of ranting, when tis is so common...
Let me tell u one incident...
Recently, i located someone fr frenster whom we lost contact for many many yrs... Feeling damn excited i sent the person a msg:
Im so n so, fr ... (I need to intro e person my old name, coz Celestine doesnt exist in my history, and im not sharing much details to protect the person's interests)
Its been so long liao, how haf u been? U Studyin now?
Anyway, u can add me to tis email, celes_seow@hotmail.com =)
And the reply came,
Oh Hi,
Can u pls add me?
Ok, giving XXX benefit of the doubt tat XXX didnt see my last 2 lines, i sent back a msg... Note tat XXX was a 3rd degree user, so i cannot add her directly... I replied back...
Oh, sorry, i couldnt add u directly due to frenster's restrictions, my email is celes_seow@hotmail.com
In case u cant add me, maybe u wan to send me ur email as well?
How haf u been lately?
I had never hear fr XXX again, XXX still didnt add me, or reply... Then one day i added one of XXX's fren whom i happen to noe as well... So XXX became a 2nd degree user n i added her smoothly... If u use frenster, u do noe tat, XXX need to acknowledge me in order to be added...
As expected, XXX did. And now officially, XXX became one under my list... But, still no reply of her returning any conversations...
Sigh... Wat e ???
U mean its more impt to jus place me under ur list then to correspond wif me? Im not tryin to hook her up or wat... Im a female also, if she had felt i had evil intentions, then she wldnt even bother to add me liao wat... Wats so nice about havin one more person pic in ur frens thumbnails when u dun even noe wat the hell shes doing now...
Wats e pt of findin a long lost fren in frenster, when all u do is jus to park there?
I really cannot relate to some ppl, i cannot understand y...
In msn world as well, some ppl added me to their list, and never even tok to me be4... Then in e 1st place, y add me? Do u feel so insecure tat u find satisfisfaction of seeing a great no. of ppl under ur list, thereby, illusionin urself tat u haf many many frens even though they r strangers???
Me on the contrary, like to only see those i noe on my list, therefore, i do list spring cleaning, i will remove those whom i dun even noe who they r... I am open to noe new ppl, however, if u added me and didnt even tok at all, then y shd u waste my web space... Its such an eye sore...
It only goes to show how insincere u r...
I think it was last yr, when i was tellin 2 frens about msn... Fren B is the kind who "Hao Lian" imagined popularity... So i purposely brought tat topic up, immediately, Fren B was blabbering how long B's frens list is in msn... And i told B, "oh ok, recently, i only kept those who r true frenz who r correspondin, and i think now my list haf only 6 ppl, i deleted the rest"...
B exclaimed, "Wat? Only 6?" And then gave me a look n kept quiet... Then i said, "Wats e pt of having e others whom u hardly noe, or those who jus park there? Further more, its not as though i blocked them, if one day they decided to tok to me, they can always msg me again."
Funny thing is, i dun even noe whether B understands wat im trying to say... Coz ppl always turn a deaf ear to things tat will slap them back to reality...
I had been getting more n more strangers emailin me daily... Hmm... Im not interested to relationships now, so if ur intention is to date me out, or shag me, then dun even try... Unless u r capable of intelligent banter, which is so lackin in my life right now, then we'll correspond...
Foreigners, pls! Im not interested to be ur tourguide, if u wan to noe more about sg, i dun mind sharing, i am not meeting u up to be laid however...
Oh also, pls, if u email me, dun jus put "Lets talk" and then end of story... Pls write more, if u r sincere... I delete tis kind of email immediately wifout 2nd thots... Remember, I AM NOT EASILY IMPRESSED, if u cant, then dun even try...
Actually i wanted to blog tis days ago, nvm, i shall do it today...
I hate PARKERS! Meaning they jus park there in ur icq, msn, friendster, and they never ever will communicate wif u even if both of u r online together... Im only refering to those who since the 1st day added u, and never even attempted any moment to strike a conversation...
Dun get me wrong, its ok for me to not chat sometimes when we r online especially when we r frenz, coz sometimes theres nothing much to tok about... Among all the time me n Shuzhen online in msn, we also had times when we didnt msg each other... Tis is ok... But PARKERS r not tolerable...
Actually i meant tis more to friendster...
Wif the creation of the all-time popular friendster when it 1st started, everyone became obssessed finding n adding frenz n strangers to the frenz list... I admit it was a gd revenue especially to locate some long lost frenz... Especially, those whom u noe during kindergarden or those, when time drifted u guys apart, etc...
I spent quite some effort to locate some ppl whom i lost contact wif, due to the fact tat we dun haf hp then, and ppl kept moving houses, including myself, i had moved 12 times since P1. Communication systems were not so convenient then...
Now, gd thing about frenster is, ppl get to post up lovely pics of them, thus i am able to locate them... However, recently i started wondering, wats more impt?
1) No. of frens in ur list
2) Keepin contact wif the onces added in ur list
Naively, i once thot tat, ok great, now frenster makes things more convenient for me to keep in touch wif ppl, or some whom i wasnt very close wif... I didnt haf to worry about their changin of hp/house nos., or change of their emails when i can simply communicate wif them thru frenster messages...
However, in reality, tis is not the case...
Lets not even tok about those who only wanted to screw or date ppl over frenster... Coz its the same every where... I wan to focus on the ppl u once knew...
I started hearing ppl tellin me, or rather "HAO LIAN" to me, how many ppl they haf added to imply the underlying msg of showcasin their popularity... I even haf frens who tell me, ok, my target is to haf 200 ppl in my list...
Wat the ???
I mean come on, its damn easy to haf full 500 ppl in ur acc, u jus need to place a handsome/pretty face, and i gurantee u ur acc will be swarming wif ppl... Or wat they called "FRIENDS" in their list... To make things go faster, all u need is jus to place a couple pics of boobs, or some porn pics copied fr the net...
Once during my exploration, i saw so many porno accs, where the pics of their profiles r either nude pics of themself(mainly phillipinos, indonesians, tis was an observation, not despisin them or anything), or copied porn pics of jap girls... True enough, they all haf more than 300 ppl under their list at least...
I think guys shd be very happy to noe tis... But to me, maybe coz im a female, i feel disgusted...
How many in ur list do u actually noe? R they all ur frenz? Even so, did u even tok to them to find out how they haf been? I bet u dun even noe wat they r doing now if they didnt typed it in their profile... So, wats there to show off???
U mus be wondering wats e fuss of ranting, when tis is so common...
Let me tell u one incident...
Recently, i located someone fr frenster whom we lost contact for many many yrs... Feeling damn excited i sent the person a msg:
Im so n so, fr ... (I need to intro e person my old name, coz Celestine doesnt exist in my history, and im not sharing much details to protect the person's interests)
Its been so long liao, how haf u been? U Studyin now?
Anyway, u can add me to tis email, celes_seow@hotmail.com =)
And the reply came,
Oh Hi,
Can u pls add me?
Ok, giving XXX benefit of the doubt tat XXX didnt see my last 2 lines, i sent back a msg... Note tat XXX was a 3rd degree user, so i cannot add her directly... I replied back...
Oh, sorry, i couldnt add u directly due to frenster's restrictions, my email is celes_seow@hotmail.com
In case u cant add me, maybe u wan to send me ur email as well?
How haf u been lately?
I had never hear fr XXX again, XXX still didnt add me, or reply... Then one day i added one of XXX's fren whom i happen to noe as well... So XXX became a 2nd degree user n i added her smoothly... If u use frenster, u do noe tat, XXX need to acknowledge me in order to be added...
As expected, XXX did. And now officially, XXX became one under my list... But, still no reply of her returning any conversations...
Sigh... Wat e ???
U mean its more impt to jus place me under ur list then to correspond wif me? Im not tryin to hook her up or wat... Im a female also, if she had felt i had evil intentions, then she wldnt even bother to add me liao wat... Wats so nice about havin one more person pic in ur frens thumbnails when u dun even noe wat the hell shes doing now...
Wats e pt of findin a long lost fren in frenster, when all u do is jus to park there?
I really cannot relate to some ppl, i cannot understand y...
In msn world as well, some ppl added me to their list, and never even tok to me be4... Then in e 1st place, y add me? Do u feel so insecure tat u find satisfisfaction of seeing a great no. of ppl under ur list, thereby, illusionin urself tat u haf many many frens even though they r strangers???
Me on the contrary, like to only see those i noe on my list, therefore, i do list spring cleaning, i will remove those whom i dun even noe who they r... I am open to noe new ppl, however, if u added me and didnt even tok at all, then y shd u waste my web space... Its such an eye sore...
It only goes to show how insincere u r...
I think it was last yr, when i was tellin 2 frens about msn... Fren B is the kind who "Hao Lian" imagined popularity... So i purposely brought tat topic up, immediately, Fren B was blabbering how long B's frens list is in msn... And i told B, "oh ok, recently, i only kept those who r true frenz who r correspondin, and i think now my list haf only 6 ppl, i deleted the rest"...
B exclaimed, "Wat? Only 6?" And then gave me a look n kept quiet... Then i said, "Wats e pt of having e others whom u hardly noe, or those who jus park there? Further more, its not as though i blocked them, if one day they decided to tok to me, they can always msg me again."
Funny thing is, i dun even noe whether B understands wat im trying to say... Coz ppl always turn a deaf ear to things tat will slap them back to reality...
I had been getting more n more strangers emailin me daily... Hmm... Im not interested to relationships now, so if ur intention is to date me out, or shag me, then dun even try... Unless u r capable of intelligent banter, which is so lackin in my life right now, then we'll correspond...
Foreigners, pls! Im not interested to be ur tourguide, if u wan to noe more about sg, i dun mind sharing, i am not meeting u up to be laid however...
Oh also, pls, if u email me, dun jus put "Lets talk" and then end of story... Pls write more, if u r sincere... I delete tis kind of email immediately wifout 2nd thots... Remember, I AM NOT EASILY IMPRESSED, if u cant, then dun even try...
Web Counter
Muahahaha, loooooooooookkkkkkkk below the tagboard!!!!!!!!!
I chanced upon one Inuyasha's web counter n i swear i mus haf it in my blog!!!Tats Inuyasha himself btw, but a baby version, nevetheless i still love it!!!!!
Nice hor, Shuzhen? Sibei cute! I like... It got me so excited about my blog site... Heh...
I chanced upon one Inuyasha's web counter n i swear i mus haf it in my blog!!!Tats Inuyasha himself btw, but a baby version, nevetheless i still love it!!!!!
Nice hor, Shuzhen? Sibei cute! I like... It got me so excited about my blog site... Heh...
Monday, March 14, 2005
Diamond Heart
I realised i had not been updating my blog regularly... Hmm, somehow i didnt haf time, dun ask me y... I added some new features to my blog, thks to jul, haha...
I've added one tag board where u all can add comments to it... Even so, u can still add comments to the end of my each entry... Somehow, i cant change certain features of the tagboard, but nvm lah, hack...
Also, in addition, i had added my wishlist, shows i wan to buy soon, and also trips in 2005... Anyone who wishes to share my burden can leave me a msg... All r welcomed...Haha...
Hmm...Diamond Heart? Reminds me of the jap song of one jap drama serial... I used to love tat song, together wif one phone-fren... But i had never seen tat guy be4, we only chatted on the phone...
But we lost contact many yrs ago, i even sent one hand-made gift to his place during his bday, but the gift bounced back, i didnt noe y till now... And the box was crashed when sent back... Tat time Shuzhen helped me deliver it to post office, somehow i was bz or something, then she chose the normal envelope packaging, coz box is more ex... But luckily the gift is still intact...
Haha, it guess maybe its jus not meant to be bah... But i still keep the gift till now, coz i spent alot alot of effort doing it...
Yest before i went to meet Shuzhen, i went down to orchard to get some things... I bought 2 bracelets, and also one key ring(remember i mentioned i lost mine?). Spent quite a deal... Sigh...
I used to love the key chains/rings at IG Heaven, but somehow their new series sucks for me... Not my style... But thankfully, while i was scouting for Kenneth's gift, i saw the key ring i wan at Heeren, Annex Lvl 2... Actually in fact, i saw many things i wan to buy fr the trips... But i cant haf everything obviously...
I saw 3 tat i wan actually, when i went there to buy officially, 3 became 2 after elimination... Heh.
I bought the following. $15.90. Its called Diamond Heart Flip Key Holder. Funny name eh?

Ahhhh... As u shd noe, i siao diamonds, crystals, anythin tat sparkles!!! Hah...

The flippin makes it easier for me to slot my keys, so i wouldnt haf to break my nails again...

Look at tat! Another diamond! Big one somemore... Yeah, i am so happy...
While i was decidin which of the 2 to buy, due to many obvious reasons, i chose tis one, when i requested for it, they told me the display piece was the last one... Hah, lucky lucky...
Going to buy the second key ring next time... The second one is a stainless steel one, also got 2 diamonds... But to me, its easier to get scratched... And sure will leave alot of fingerprints then i will haf to keep wipin... But it look even nicer than tis one but not so practical...
While e sales assistant was handlin my tis one, i went to pick up the second one to look see. Immediately, my fingerprints were all over it... Its damn obvious, but i placed it back in the cupboard, and she locked it up... So if u passed by, u can look at my fingerprints... Haha...
I love exquisite stuffs, small and simple lookin items wif a touch of class... Which is y i used to collect crystal items when i used to be richer... Sigh... Dun wish to think about the past liao...
Current Balance : 4,638,856 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 361,144 NP
I've added one tag board where u all can add comments to it... Even so, u can still add comments to the end of my each entry... Somehow, i cant change certain features of the tagboard, but nvm lah, hack...
Also, in addition, i had added my wishlist, shows i wan to buy soon, and also trips in 2005... Anyone who wishes to share my burden can leave me a msg... All r welcomed...Haha...
Hmm...Diamond Heart? Reminds me of the jap song of one jap drama serial... I used to love tat song, together wif one phone-fren... But i had never seen tat guy be4, we only chatted on the phone...
But we lost contact many yrs ago, i even sent one hand-made gift to his place during his bday, but the gift bounced back, i didnt noe y till now... And the box was crashed when sent back... Tat time Shuzhen helped me deliver it to post office, somehow i was bz or something, then she chose the normal envelope packaging, coz box is more ex... But luckily the gift is still intact...
Haha, it guess maybe its jus not meant to be bah... But i still keep the gift till now, coz i spent alot alot of effort doing it...
Yest before i went to meet Shuzhen, i went down to orchard to get some things... I bought 2 bracelets, and also one key ring(remember i mentioned i lost mine?). Spent quite a deal... Sigh...
I used to love the key chains/rings at IG Heaven, but somehow their new series sucks for me... Not my style... But thankfully, while i was scouting for Kenneth's gift, i saw the key ring i wan at Heeren, Annex Lvl 2... Actually in fact, i saw many things i wan to buy fr the trips... But i cant haf everything obviously...
I saw 3 tat i wan actually, when i went there to buy officially, 3 became 2 after elimination... Heh.
I bought the following. $15.90. Its called Diamond Heart Flip Key Holder. Funny name eh?

Ahhhh... As u shd noe, i siao diamonds, crystals, anythin tat sparkles!!! Hah...

The flippin makes it easier for me to slot my keys, so i wouldnt haf to break my nails again...

Look at tat! Another diamond! Big one somemore... Yeah, i am so happy...
While i was decidin which of the 2 to buy, due to many obvious reasons, i chose tis one, when i requested for it, they told me the display piece was the last one... Hah, lucky lucky...
Going to buy the second key ring next time... The second one is a stainless steel one, also got 2 diamonds... But to me, its easier to get scratched... And sure will leave alot of fingerprints then i will haf to keep wipin... But it look even nicer than tis one but not so practical...
While e sales assistant was handlin my tis one, i went to pick up the second one to look see. Immediately, my fingerprints were all over it... Its damn obvious, but i placed it back in the cupboard, and she locked it up... So if u passed by, u can look at my fingerprints... Haha...
I love exquisite stuffs, small and simple lookin items wif a touch of class... Which is y i used to collect crystal items when i used to be richer... Sigh... Dun wish to think about the past liao...
Current Balance : 4,638,856 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 361,144 NP
Happy 21st Bday, Kenneth!
Yup, Happy Birthday to Kenneth, its his bday today. Yest night, he had a party celebration at his condo, but i didnt turn up. Shuzhen n Tay Ning went instead.
We bought for him a haversack, something which i feel shd be quite adaquent since i realised he had been travellin ard quite often.
I went ard a few places for days to search for something for him, coz like i said both of them r busy. But then, i ended up ruling out all my options and ended up suggestin a haversack(color = darkblue, white, black), haha...
It was kinda rush when we bought the gift, coz Shuzhen can only meet up wif me for 1hr 45mins... And we had lunch too... So i brought the gift back home to package it... It was boiling hot yest, even wif umbrella, my flesh boiled...
Anyways, below is the gift after my hrs of efforts...

Haha, looks damn guy right? I looked for quite some time for the right wrapper too, coz the rest r quite girly as usual... And tat Popular branch has so limited resources...
Oh, we found a card tat matched him perfectly as well, though its abit ex...
The gift is done wif 3 normal wrappers, and theres abit of leftovers, which i threw away, im glad i didnt screw up the packaging... =)
We bought for him a haversack, something which i feel shd be quite adaquent since i realised he had been travellin ard quite often.
I went ard a few places for days to search for something for him, coz like i said both of them r busy. But then, i ended up ruling out all my options and ended up suggestin a haversack(color = darkblue, white, black), haha...
It was kinda rush when we bought the gift, coz Shuzhen can only meet up wif me for 1hr 45mins... And we had lunch too... So i brought the gift back home to package it... It was boiling hot yest, even wif umbrella, my flesh boiled...
Anyways, below is the gift after my hrs of efforts...

Haha, looks damn guy right? I looked for quite some time for the right wrapper too, coz the rest r quite girly as usual... And tat Popular branch has so limited resources...
Oh, we found a card tat matched him perfectly as well, though its abit ex...
The gift is done wif 3 normal wrappers, and theres abit of leftovers, which i threw away, im glad i didnt screw up the packaging... =)
Friday, March 11, 2005
Drunken Sis
Ahhh, wat a nice rainy weather in the evening... Im in my room, behind me is my window, i can hear the raindrops, and feel the coolness of the atmosphere. My hair embracing the wind fr my fan directly to my face, enjoyin soothing sentimental songs fr my mp3s... Aww, i enjoy tis kind of moments. It evokes alot of my emotions...
I realised i repeat alot in my blog, heh, but im jus bloggin watever comes to my mind right now...
Last night, my sis came back very drunk... She dressed damn cute for her age, very deep pink for her liking and the way she clipped her hair... Heh... She couldnt open the door, and walk properly... Anyways, let me update about her life alittle lately...
Remember i mentioned in one of my entries tat she had a interview at suntec... Well, it so happened tat the interviewer was also fr her same sec sch, CHIJ ST Nicholas Girls Sch. But shes a senior and a stranger.
Oh, in case u duno tis, most of the SAP girls sch haf tis so called motto tat they r sisters n family, and no matter where they r in life, they will look after n take care of each other... Tis is their culture n i had witnessed it many times.
During poly days, i had one lecturer tellin one gal, "Oh, u r fr Nanyang Girls? No wonder, U mus be very smart!". Even though she wasnt as gd, and she nearly got retained like some others but managed to get thru due to special privileges which i think u noe wat i meant... It was amazing then, how i see they didnt give as much concern and lee-way to those of neighbourhood schs...
Oh well, life is unfair isnt it? But tat gal always claim to argue tat life is fair, well, for her, i can see where tats coming fr...
Anyways, back to my sis... Yah, so the interviewer treated my sis very well, and they had a long interview chatting, my sis came back n told me she made her very happy... When i asked her how she did it, she only said 5 words, "Like tis lor! Normal lah!". Cant help, shes a fishmonger, sell fish one...
Anyways, the highest the company can offer her as an admin is $1600, but my sis said she cannot compromise, her lowest is $1800. Wif her yrs of experience, it's understandable. Wantin her badly, the interviewer offered $1700. And days later told the agent, they wanted her.
Meanwhile she went to another company which offered her $2000 for admin. She wanted to wait for tat one, but then, the $1700 agent is pushin her for an ans. Even when she rejected the agent, the agent gave her few more hrs to think about it...
Smart move... I was in sales, haha, very gd tactic... Commissions really drive a person desperate i can tell u...
And so, the agent stressed up my sis, she was in a dilemma, and so she accepted the job. Its a full time job btw, even though she was lookin for temps. She told me nvm, can work one yr see how, got bonus somemore... But i calculated her expenses, the salary isnt even enough for her... Shes a heavy spender... Her last job was $2200, and she spent every ounce of it... Let alone $500 lesser... Tis is a hugh difference...
Unless, she dun go drinkin, restaurants, clubbin, no branded clothes. But it will kill her... The interviewer mentioned they wan to find someone full time, she very scared find someone who leave after some time... Coz tat was wat happened to the last one, who left after one mth...
I highlighted to my sis about tis pt be4 she made her decision, but she said, "Well, my prob ah? Who cares!". Alright, count tat interviewer bad luck anyway, n for having poor judgement on ppl apparently...
Then she started work tis mon, and yest night, she told me shes quitting... Ha, tats early, i was expectin 2 mths... She kept rambling, but in pieces so most of the time i didnt bother. She came back about 3+am, while i was readin straits times in the living room.
Anyway, she said she need to go back to her old job, sales, coz she kept exclaiming tat her old boss said he dun take no for an ans. Wat rubbish, i still dun get it... My sis is damn bloody fierce one lor, she is someone who can ask her boss to screw himself, she's not e type who will kena forced one, tats y the whole issue is so weird, i still dun get it... She said she dun also... ????
Her studies screwed up also, instead of one yr left now becum 2 yrs...And she need to compensate the agent for leaving before one mth... Only conclusion is shes screwed...
Anyway, she complained shes hungry, coz never eat dinner, i asked her wat she wan to eat, she said anything. So i cooked mee for her, then she ate 1/3 then throw away, told me she'll eat ham n bread... Wat the ??? I even tested the noodle hardness to make sure its jus nice for her, coz shes a damn fussy person... Nvm, no use gettin angry over drunken ppl...
Then she sat on the sofa, while i was in the room, then suddenly i heard "BOOM boom!!!" I went out and saw tat she collapsed on the floor... She had her face down, and laid there. She fell... I helped her up, and gave her ointment, but she refused to apply... Sigh... Then i forced her to her bed, and told her tat if she wan to fall, fall in the room... Then she giggled, damn funny.
No, no hot towels or tea... Tat's only in TV Drama...Somehow, i find tat in real life it doesnt help at all when u r extremely drunk, wats helps is quickly bring the person to bed n sleep...
After everything n hearing her drunken speech, she fall asleep finally, but think its already 5am, how is she going to wake up 2 hrs later for work. I knew she will take MC, as i predicted, she did. Haha, now shes out already...
Sigh... i told her one thing, sales is a lonely n tough journey lor... She did sales for 2 yrs, she understood... So i dun understand y she wans to go back to a path she left...I mentioned tat if she goes back, there will be more days weekly when she will come back after 2am, drunk, weepin n miserable. She said she noes, tats y she very sad... Still dun get it!
Shes a very materialistic n practical person, and it took her so many yrs in sales to one day finally tell me, tat money is not everything... But now, i think she wans money again... Sigh... Duno her lah, me n mum washes our hands off her...
She never listens... And when i wan to tok to her about my probs, she ignored... Sigh... I let it be liao...
I realised i repeat alot in my blog, heh, but im jus bloggin watever comes to my mind right now...
Last night, my sis came back very drunk... She dressed damn cute for her age, very deep pink for her liking and the way she clipped her hair... Heh... She couldnt open the door, and walk properly... Anyways, let me update about her life alittle lately...
Remember i mentioned in one of my entries tat she had a interview at suntec... Well, it so happened tat the interviewer was also fr her same sec sch, CHIJ ST Nicholas Girls Sch. But shes a senior and a stranger.
Oh, in case u duno tis, most of the SAP girls sch haf tis so called motto tat they r sisters n family, and no matter where they r in life, they will look after n take care of each other... Tis is their culture n i had witnessed it many times.
During poly days, i had one lecturer tellin one gal, "Oh, u r fr Nanyang Girls? No wonder, U mus be very smart!". Even though she wasnt as gd, and she nearly got retained like some others but managed to get thru due to special privileges which i think u noe wat i meant... It was amazing then, how i see they didnt give as much concern and lee-way to those of neighbourhood schs...
Oh well, life is unfair isnt it? But tat gal always claim to argue tat life is fair, well, for her, i can see where tats coming fr...
Anyways, back to my sis... Yah, so the interviewer treated my sis very well, and they had a long interview chatting, my sis came back n told me she made her very happy... When i asked her how she did it, she only said 5 words, "Like tis lor! Normal lah!". Cant help, shes a fishmonger, sell fish one...
Anyways, the highest the company can offer her as an admin is $1600, but my sis said she cannot compromise, her lowest is $1800. Wif her yrs of experience, it's understandable. Wantin her badly, the interviewer offered $1700. And days later told the agent, they wanted her.
Meanwhile she went to another company which offered her $2000 for admin. She wanted to wait for tat one, but then, the $1700 agent is pushin her for an ans. Even when she rejected the agent, the agent gave her few more hrs to think about it...
Smart move... I was in sales, haha, very gd tactic... Commissions really drive a person desperate i can tell u...
And so, the agent stressed up my sis, she was in a dilemma, and so she accepted the job. Its a full time job btw, even though she was lookin for temps. She told me nvm, can work one yr see how, got bonus somemore... But i calculated her expenses, the salary isnt even enough for her... Shes a heavy spender... Her last job was $2200, and she spent every ounce of it... Let alone $500 lesser... Tis is a hugh difference...
Unless, she dun go drinkin, restaurants, clubbin, no branded clothes. But it will kill her... The interviewer mentioned they wan to find someone full time, she very scared find someone who leave after some time... Coz tat was wat happened to the last one, who left after one mth...
I highlighted to my sis about tis pt be4 she made her decision, but she said, "Well, my prob ah? Who cares!". Alright, count tat interviewer bad luck anyway, n for having poor judgement on ppl apparently...
Then she started work tis mon, and yest night, she told me shes quitting... Ha, tats early, i was expectin 2 mths... She kept rambling, but in pieces so most of the time i didnt bother. She came back about 3+am, while i was readin straits times in the living room.
Anyway, she said she need to go back to her old job, sales, coz she kept exclaiming tat her old boss said he dun take no for an ans. Wat rubbish, i still dun get it... My sis is damn bloody fierce one lor, she is someone who can ask her boss to screw himself, she's not e type who will kena forced one, tats y the whole issue is so weird, i still dun get it... She said she dun also... ????
Her studies screwed up also, instead of one yr left now becum 2 yrs...And she need to compensate the agent for leaving before one mth... Only conclusion is shes screwed...
Anyway, she complained shes hungry, coz never eat dinner, i asked her wat she wan to eat, she said anything. So i cooked mee for her, then she ate 1/3 then throw away, told me she'll eat ham n bread... Wat the ??? I even tested the noodle hardness to make sure its jus nice for her, coz shes a damn fussy person... Nvm, no use gettin angry over drunken ppl...
Then she sat on the sofa, while i was in the room, then suddenly i heard "BOOM boom!!!" I went out and saw tat she collapsed on the floor... She had her face down, and laid there. She fell... I helped her up, and gave her ointment, but she refused to apply... Sigh... Then i forced her to her bed, and told her tat if she wan to fall, fall in the room... Then she giggled, damn funny.
No, no hot towels or tea... Tat's only in TV Drama...Somehow, i find tat in real life it doesnt help at all when u r extremely drunk, wats helps is quickly bring the person to bed n sleep...
After everything n hearing her drunken speech, she fall asleep finally, but think its already 5am, how is she going to wake up 2 hrs later for work. I knew she will take MC, as i predicted, she did. Haha, now shes out already...
Sigh... i told her one thing, sales is a lonely n tough journey lor... She did sales for 2 yrs, she understood... So i dun understand y she wans to go back to a path she left...I mentioned tat if she goes back, there will be more days weekly when she will come back after 2am, drunk, weepin n miserable. She said she noes, tats y she very sad... Still dun get it!
Shes a very materialistic n practical person, and it took her so many yrs in sales to one day finally tell me, tat money is not everything... But now, i think she wans money again... Sigh... Duno her lah, me n mum washes our hands off her...
She never listens... And when i wan to tok to her about my probs, she ignored... Sigh... I let it be liao...
Am I Right or Wrong?
Ooooo... First of all, gd news, i can continue to blog liao, coz wif the help of Shuzhen n her fren, i had managed to keep the spyws under control. Though the prob is still there, however, its still manageable, at least they left my blog alone liao... Heh, am satisfied...
Hmm... Right or wrong...
Ok, as u know i had decided to leave my industry... However, about one mth ago, i saw one job opening at one company(still within my animation industry), which i was interested in. The position is different tis time, so i applied...
However, the thing is actually i haf frenz workin there, and they had asked me to work there be4, but i rejected the offer then coz i was workin at my prev company...
But tis time i had decided to send in my cv as a public... But after waiting for some time, i guess they r not going to call me for an interview, how sad...
The thing is, if i had called up my fren, the very least im sure i would at least haf granted the interview thru my fren... However, i chose not to...
Yah, i noe some of u will say tt im stupid... But then, i really cant do such things lor... I do not like to play things thru connections... I really dun, i prefer to let things take a more natural course... Ya, u r right, which is y i can barely survive in tis country. Coz u noe, its all about connection to climb ahead...
Jus like when i was in poly, when some classmates/cozmates achieve their grade A thru gifts, sweet talkin to lecturers, i chose the hard way and gave double effort of my work...
Im not saying i dun experience favourtism or something... Coz sometimes, surprisingly, i do haf lecturers who like me, and then, i do get the grades easier than those who r not so likable, even wif lesser efforts... It is tis practical... However, i dun sweet tok the lecturers, i cant be bothered, so sometimes i wonder y they like me also... Ha, but dun get me wrong i am appreciative...
But for lecturers who dun even bother to remember my name, i got to work my ass off to get gd grades, well, not literally of coz... For me, its always the case of LOVE or HATE, i never seem to haf neutral parties ard me... Weird...
Maybe tis is y, im not cut out to do sales, coz u haf to act so nice n frenly to customers u feel like screaming to. U haf to establish alot of small talks, but for me, i cant coz im more honest to my feelings nowadays...Establishin small toks or obliging conversations will kill me. Especially to those i dun feel comfortable wif or very very rude ppl.
Y am i so hard on myself? Sometimes i ask myself... Sometimes i would be able to get something if i jus request or ask... However, i chose the tougher way...For the so called dignity or principle, i chose not to haf the something at all, and take it as a bonus if eventually i get it in the end thru the longer route...
Well, i dun regret not callin my fren, i considered tat its jus not meant to be... Coz i always believe if its meant to be, it will come... No, im not self consoling, tis is honest feelings. =)
Be4 i applied, i told myself tat tis is the last chance of stayin in tis industry but as a different position, but if im not offered the job, i would move on wif my plans... Looks like, the ans is out now...
Current Balance : 4,627,944 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 372,056 NP
Hmm... Right or wrong...
Ok, as u know i had decided to leave my industry... However, about one mth ago, i saw one job opening at one company(still within my animation industry), which i was interested in. The position is different tis time, so i applied...
However, the thing is actually i haf frenz workin there, and they had asked me to work there be4, but i rejected the offer then coz i was workin at my prev company...
But tis time i had decided to send in my cv as a public... But after waiting for some time, i guess they r not going to call me for an interview, how sad...
The thing is, if i had called up my fren, the very least im sure i would at least haf granted the interview thru my fren... However, i chose not to...
Yah, i noe some of u will say tt im stupid... But then, i really cant do such things lor... I do not like to play things thru connections... I really dun, i prefer to let things take a more natural course... Ya, u r right, which is y i can barely survive in tis country. Coz u noe, its all about connection to climb ahead...
Jus like when i was in poly, when some classmates/cozmates achieve their grade A thru gifts, sweet talkin to lecturers, i chose the hard way and gave double effort of my work...
Im not saying i dun experience favourtism or something... Coz sometimes, surprisingly, i do haf lecturers who like me, and then, i do get the grades easier than those who r not so likable, even wif lesser efforts... It is tis practical... However, i dun sweet tok the lecturers, i cant be bothered, so sometimes i wonder y they like me also... Ha, but dun get me wrong i am appreciative...
But for lecturers who dun even bother to remember my name, i got to work my ass off to get gd grades, well, not literally of coz... For me, its always the case of LOVE or HATE, i never seem to haf neutral parties ard me... Weird...
Maybe tis is y, im not cut out to do sales, coz u haf to act so nice n frenly to customers u feel like screaming to. U haf to establish alot of small talks, but for me, i cant coz im more honest to my feelings nowadays...Establishin small toks or obliging conversations will kill me. Especially to those i dun feel comfortable wif or very very rude ppl.
Y am i so hard on myself? Sometimes i ask myself... Sometimes i would be able to get something if i jus request or ask... However, i chose the tougher way...For the so called dignity or principle, i chose not to haf the something at all, and take it as a bonus if eventually i get it in the end thru the longer route...
Well, i dun regret not callin my fren, i considered tat its jus not meant to be... Coz i always believe if its meant to be, it will come... No, im not self consoling, tis is honest feelings. =)
Be4 i applied, i told myself tat tis is the last chance of stayin in tis industry but as a different position, but if im not offered the job, i would move on wif my plans... Looks like, the ans is out now...
Current Balance : 4,627,944 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 372,056 NP
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