Ive watched them...
The Island is good, but its very disturbing... SO much death just becoz of e 2 main characters... Too many innocent deaths... Its e best cloning movie thus far... But e story is very disburbing, its in e grey area where there's no clear distinction btween right and wrong... I felt extremely stressed and disturbed after watching... Coz there is no clear moral values towards killing... U kill if u think its right, and u dun need to feel anything... Dun like... But tts me only lah...
But e show gripped me thru out... My heart was still pounding, most of the time, i couldnt catch my breathe...
After tt show, ive realised how crappy War Of The World was...
Recently, ive watched a series of unsatifactory movies, but after tis, my expectations became higher...
So i was anticipating Stealth, coz e trailer totally gripped me...
I watched Stealth yesterday, paid e crazy $9.50 for it... I find SHuzhen very sweet, coz i told her i prefer to come out on fri... We watched The Island on sun, and next day i got to work so i was tired and all, and i couldnt really sleep well after a disturbing show...
Though she never said anything, but tis wk, she asked me out on fri... Further more, she even paid $9.50 for e show, which she used to complain alot about... Heh... Appreciate it...
Watching Stealth was abit tiring as well, coz of my increased workload n stress lately...
My Boss may buy one software for me, the whole adobe design suite... Feel abit guilty leh, like i make e company pay alot of money lidat...
Anyways, Stealth is nt bad... Abit hao siao and some parts not consistent, but nvm lah, very thrilling... E male lead's eyes is so crytal blue...
Go watch go watch, not bad... But try not to pay 9.50 la, very ex...
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Updates - Naruto
Yah, i noe ive not been blogging tis week, which is something i always try to prevent.
Anyways, i haf decided to type shorthand again... Hack watever!
I noe after i start full time job i'll be too tired to blog. But tt wasnt really e reason for tis week. E reason is tat i am trying to watch as many episodes of Naruto as possible...
But then, my sleep is more impt, i do not wish to sacrifice my work efficiency for some silly shows... I even cut down some TV shows which i used to watch faithfully...
Thus, i could at most watch about 6 episodes every night...
Y i haf to rush myself? Coz e Naruto is kindly lent to me by Shuzhen. And they werent hers, she borrowed fr her uni fren... And i dun even noe whether tt fren noes im watching or not... So like tat how? 100+ epi fr a stranger... Paiseh leh, cannot take my own sweet time right? So i am decent enuff to make sure i return her as soon as possible to return him...
But wats frustratin is, Naruto is damn slow paced leh... Its e slowest paced anime ive watched ever... Damn boring leh, one match can drag so many episodes... And e scenes repeat and repeat and repeat... And e characters talked so slow somemore...
Biangz, i come back so tired liao, and e show so slow...
Yah, i noe, complain so much might as well dun watch right?
Its not tt i dun like, its jus tt its freakingly slow... And further more, so many ppl crazy over e show, so i KPO wan to see y... But many asked me dun watch also, they said its lousy... Actually, now i understand both side...
E show has a gd soundtrack, and its more like catered towards westernised ppl, due to e silly jap el songs and e effort to edit e jap characters to el characters in e anime... But then, their drawing is so lousy... Duno y, its e flatest 2d characters ive seen in recent anime in recent yrs... Dun tell me 2d is supposed to be flat, if u watch enuff u'll noe wat i mean...
Anyways, all these aside, to me story is more impt... E Naruto story line is not bad, going in e moralful direction, jus tt too slow lah, and repeat so many times i can memorise liao...
E 1st part i started toenjoy e show is e 1st difficult mission they had... E match wif Haku and e Izuba or Zuzuba or something...
Sibei sad leh... I cried while eating my hot maggie mee...
Now im stuck at their stupid Chuunin Exam which takes like 20 over episodes to get over it... And there were 3 episodes which even repeated e whole thing with a few added scenes... Are they mad or wat?
Im now watching their prelim matches for entry to e 3rd exam... I smsed Shuzhen, "Bloody hell, u mean they r going to show all e 10 matches arh?"... And she said yah, which i replied, "Wa lao, 1 match already drag so long, 10 match duno drag till how many episodes..."
She agreed tt its very slow, which is y she enjoyed reading e comics more... She also said the anime is exactly like her fav slam dunk... She can match all e characters somemore... So cute... Like i used to say Qi Ling Wang is exactly like Initial D, and i can fit all those characters as well, only diff is one is car racing, one is chess... QI Ling Wang got one ghost ard, and Hakumi fr Initial D is known as e ghost of Akina... His opponents said hes a ghost... Haha... Not forgetting Inuyasha to Ranma 1/2...
Im scheduling my work to do tmr... SO perhaps i'll try to finish more Naruto later...
Also, ive finally bought my LAST INUYASHA BOX!!!! After waiting for so long... But very sad leh, watch finish then no more liao... Sigh... I bought one INUYASHA LIGHTER tt day, but no time to play wif it yet...
Shuzhen burned alot of shows for me to watch... Cannot finish liao... Btw, i seemed to haf misplaced one disc she burnt, she burnt for me Hunchback of Notre Dame, but i duno put where leh... Jialat...
I hate to owe ppl things... Like ive got no time to read SHuzhen's 2 bks, of which is e last bk of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code... Maybe watch movie lah, but she dun wan to watch leh... Will try to finish... And also 2 books fr Jul, which she flied me aeroplane last wk when i wan to return her, after rushing my dinner, she said she wan to sleep... U ARH!!!
Anyways, i haf decided to type shorthand again... Hack watever!
I noe after i start full time job i'll be too tired to blog. But tt wasnt really e reason for tis week. E reason is tat i am trying to watch as many episodes of Naruto as possible...
But then, my sleep is more impt, i do not wish to sacrifice my work efficiency for some silly shows... I even cut down some TV shows which i used to watch faithfully...
Thus, i could at most watch about 6 episodes every night...
Y i haf to rush myself? Coz e Naruto is kindly lent to me by Shuzhen. And they werent hers, she borrowed fr her uni fren... And i dun even noe whether tt fren noes im watching or not... So like tat how? 100+ epi fr a stranger... Paiseh leh, cannot take my own sweet time right? So i am decent enuff to make sure i return her as soon as possible to return him...
But wats frustratin is, Naruto is damn slow paced leh... Its e slowest paced anime ive watched ever... Damn boring leh, one match can drag so many episodes... And e scenes repeat and repeat and repeat... And e characters talked so slow somemore...
Biangz, i come back so tired liao, and e show so slow...
Yah, i noe, complain so much might as well dun watch right?
Its not tt i dun like, its jus tt its freakingly slow... And further more, so many ppl crazy over e show, so i KPO wan to see y... But many asked me dun watch also, they said its lousy... Actually, now i understand both side...
E show has a gd soundtrack, and its more like catered towards westernised ppl, due to e silly jap el songs and e effort to edit e jap characters to el characters in e anime... But then, their drawing is so lousy... Duno y, its e flatest 2d characters ive seen in recent anime in recent yrs... Dun tell me 2d is supposed to be flat, if u watch enuff u'll noe wat i mean...
Anyways, all these aside, to me story is more impt... E Naruto story line is not bad, going in e moralful direction, jus tt too slow lah, and repeat so many times i can memorise liao...
E 1st part i started toenjoy e show is e 1st difficult mission they had... E match wif Haku and e Izuba or Zuzuba or something...
Sibei sad leh... I cried while eating my hot maggie mee...
Now im stuck at their stupid Chuunin Exam which takes like 20 over episodes to get over it... And there were 3 episodes which even repeated e whole thing with a few added scenes... Are they mad or wat?
Im now watching their prelim matches for entry to e 3rd exam... I smsed Shuzhen, "Bloody hell, u mean they r going to show all e 10 matches arh?"... And she said yah, which i replied, "Wa lao, 1 match already drag so long, 10 match duno drag till how many episodes..."
She agreed tt its very slow, which is y she enjoyed reading e comics more... She also said the anime is exactly like her fav slam dunk... She can match all e characters somemore... So cute... Like i used to say Qi Ling Wang is exactly like Initial D, and i can fit all those characters as well, only diff is one is car racing, one is chess... QI Ling Wang got one ghost ard, and Hakumi fr Initial D is known as e ghost of Akina... His opponents said hes a ghost... Haha... Not forgetting Inuyasha to Ranma 1/2...
Im scheduling my work to do tmr... SO perhaps i'll try to finish more Naruto later...
Also, ive finally bought my LAST INUYASHA BOX!!!! After waiting for so long... But very sad leh, watch finish then no more liao... Sigh... I bought one INUYASHA LIGHTER tt day, but no time to play wif it yet...
Shuzhen burned alot of shows for me to watch... Cannot finish liao... Btw, i seemed to haf misplaced one disc she burnt, she burnt for me Hunchback of Notre Dame, but i duno put where leh... Jialat...
I hate to owe ppl things... Like ive got no time to read SHuzhen's 2 bks, of which is e last bk of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code... Maybe watch movie lah, but she dun wan to watch leh... Will try to finish... And also 2 books fr Jul, which she flied me aeroplane last wk when i wan to return her, after rushing my dinner, she said she wan to sleep... U ARH!!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I Have A Nice Boss
Wah, u noe wat, i jus made my Boss upgrade my PC's ram to 1 GB just like tt...
I have been doing alot of photoshop these few days... Thus, my com (256 M ram) cant take it, so i said my com is going to crash yest... And jus like tt, she asked e Software Engineer to put one more 256 into my com immediately...
Even so somehow, due to alot of applications and server running in my com, its still not enuff...
Think its coz of e slower processing speed as well, only 1.8 Ghz...
So e colleague who drive me home said, shd ask my Boss to get 1G ram for me...
So today, i completed a marketing material, and it turned out rather well, they gave me very positive feedbacks... I was so proud... Haha...
Then my Boss came over to my com and ask me how, i didnt say much, then suddenly my colleague told her tt i need to upgrade my com's ram to 1G...
And she said ok, and asked e software engineer to find out e pricings and got it for me within the next 1 hr...
Heh, now my com is e fastest... Even faster than their laptops... So happy... I can even on MSN web now, i couldnt before, coz e memory's not enuff... But i tried jus now be4 i left and magically it can work...
My Boss then turned back to me, and asked wat else i need...
SO nice...
I really have a nice Boss, not demanding, no pressure, very willing to teach me herself, even e bo liao stuffs... Even when i made mistakes and apologised, she said, "No lah, maybe my instructions werent clear enuff."...
All Bosses shd be like her...
I have been doing alot of photoshop these few days... Thus, my com (256 M ram) cant take it, so i said my com is going to crash yest... And jus like tt, she asked e Software Engineer to put one more 256 into my com immediately...
Even so somehow, due to alot of applications and server running in my com, its still not enuff...
Think its coz of e slower processing speed as well, only 1.8 Ghz...
So e colleague who drive me home said, shd ask my Boss to get 1G ram for me...
So today, i completed a marketing material, and it turned out rather well, they gave me very positive feedbacks... I was so proud... Haha...
Then my Boss came over to my com and ask me how, i didnt say much, then suddenly my colleague told her tt i need to upgrade my com's ram to 1G...
And she said ok, and asked e software engineer to find out e pricings and got it for me within the next 1 hr...
Heh, now my com is e fastest... Even faster than their laptops... So happy... I can even on MSN web now, i couldnt before, coz e memory's not enuff... But i tried jus now be4 i left and magically it can work...
My Boss then turned back to me, and asked wat else i need...
SO nice...
I really have a nice Boss, not demanding, no pressure, very willing to teach me herself, even e bo liao stuffs... Even when i made mistakes and apologised, she said, "No lah, maybe my instructions werent clear enuff."...
All Bosses shd be like her...
Saturday, July 23, 2005
A Reply Fr NKF Staff
I received tis comment to my entry on Last On NKF.
(Sorry Anonymous tt i quoted u, but some things jus need to be said...)
iam the staff of the NKF...iam juat speaking own my own opinion...
iam been workin very hard for the NKF for the past 17 years ro raised fund for the kidney patient..its sad to say we all are abused badly by the public..especially me...iam been abused whereever i go...even my good friends make fun of me...
I myself dont really know the salary of my top executive...but my salary is just enough for me to support my three kids...i have to work part-time to earn extra salary..i dont get 10 month bonus..
even my kids get abused by my neighour...sad to know that...
I have a lot of kidney patient friends whom i do really care.
Now people, this is e repurcussion tt u get...
Many times, we say tt we answer to our own actions. So watever we do or say, we say tt it is our right to do so... I haf a right to bitch about someone i hate (though i honestly dun really noe e person), i haf a right to scold others (though i haven gotten e real truth of e whole picture, but fr wat i gathered fr media)...
But how many of u actually think about e CONSEQUENCES? E after results?
U can easily backstab a person, especially in a office... But haf u ever wondered how e person feel when he/she found out... How frustrating it can be, how depressing it can be, jus becoz of some words u said...
Yah, i noe, some will say if u never do it, y get affected. If u r affected, it meant tt somewat its true...
All i can say is, its all UTTER BULLSHIT!!!
If u get affected, it jus simply prove tt u r still human... Humans r born wif these humane emotions... If u do not feel anything, its either u r one of them, who does tis to others coz its too normal to u, or tt u haf given up being a person wif humanity n integrity tt u feel numb to ur surrounding, tt u no longer fight for anything anymore and let all e nasty ppl get their way ard...
If u haf seen all the blogs in e bloggersphere wif regards to e NKF saga... U will realised how much anger, disgust tt ppl haf towards NKF, and especially e CEO...
However, none had spoken up for their staff, and shall i REPEAT again, e INNOCENT PARTIES... Everyone jus ranted on their own one sided views wif wat gathered fr the publications...
Which was wat made me wrote my entry on Last on NKF.
Now my reply to e comment.
Dear Anonymous,
I am very appreciative that u took the trouble to go thru my entry and commented.
No doubt I am also appalled to e NKF issue like many others... But i am not stupid enough to feel tt e whole company is in cahoots altogether...
I am working also, and i truly understand tt especially in large coorporations, u will never know wat ur executives are doing nor to even haf e slightest ability to interfere wif their decisions...
However, there will always be nasty ppl around... This is something we cant help.
I am someone who is an easy victim of misunderstandings. Alot of ppl misjudged me on issues tt i absolutely have no idea about. Its all groundless assumptions...
Therefore, i understand ur concerns, ur struggle throughout this whole situation, especially when it had been blown up nationally.
Its hard to make others understand ur plight. And its even harder for them to understand the pressure ur family has been put to.
We cant make the majority change their perceptions. But just so u know, i believe, along with me, there's bound to be ppl who understand the whole situation and do not base their opinions and actions on clueless assumptions, like they know better.
I respect that you take on a job, with only a survivable salary to support an entire family, bacause u have a bigger heart to endure the toughest, unlike many others.
I am still positive on the scene. I feel that the grievances will be redressed as long as u continue to stay true to yourself.
Keep the good work there. Im sure the patients held much more gratitude and appreciation to u silently than what my mere words can say.
(Sorry Anonymous tt i quoted u, but some things jus need to be said...)
iam the staff of the NKF...iam juat speaking own my own opinion...
iam been workin very hard for the NKF for the past 17 years ro raised fund for the kidney patient..its sad to say we all are abused badly by the public..especially me...iam been abused whereever i go...even my good friends make fun of me...
I myself dont really know the salary of my top executive...but my salary is just enough for me to support my three kids...i have to work part-time to earn extra salary..i dont get 10 month bonus..
even my kids get abused by my neighour...sad to know that...
I have a lot of kidney patient friends whom i do really care.
Now people, this is e repurcussion tt u get...
Many times, we say tt we answer to our own actions. So watever we do or say, we say tt it is our right to do so... I haf a right to bitch about someone i hate (though i honestly dun really noe e person), i haf a right to scold others (though i haven gotten e real truth of e whole picture, but fr wat i gathered fr media)...
But how many of u actually think about e CONSEQUENCES? E after results?
U can easily backstab a person, especially in a office... But haf u ever wondered how e person feel when he/she found out... How frustrating it can be, how depressing it can be, jus becoz of some words u said...
Yah, i noe, some will say if u never do it, y get affected. If u r affected, it meant tt somewat its true...
All i can say is, its all UTTER BULLSHIT!!!
If u get affected, it jus simply prove tt u r still human... Humans r born wif these humane emotions... If u do not feel anything, its either u r one of them, who does tis to others coz its too normal to u, or tt u haf given up being a person wif humanity n integrity tt u feel numb to ur surrounding, tt u no longer fight for anything anymore and let all e nasty ppl get their way ard...
If u haf seen all the blogs in e bloggersphere wif regards to e NKF saga... U will realised how much anger, disgust tt ppl haf towards NKF, and especially e CEO...
However, none had spoken up for their staff, and shall i REPEAT again, e INNOCENT PARTIES... Everyone jus ranted on their own one sided views wif wat gathered fr the publications...
Which was wat made me wrote my entry on Last on NKF.
Now my reply to e comment.
Dear Anonymous,
I am very appreciative that u took the trouble to go thru my entry and commented.
No doubt I am also appalled to e NKF issue like many others... But i am not stupid enough to feel tt e whole company is in cahoots altogether...
I am working also, and i truly understand tt especially in large coorporations, u will never know wat ur executives are doing nor to even haf e slightest ability to interfere wif their decisions...
However, there will always be nasty ppl around... This is something we cant help.
I am someone who is an easy victim of misunderstandings. Alot of ppl misjudged me on issues tt i absolutely have no idea about. Its all groundless assumptions...
Therefore, i understand ur concerns, ur struggle throughout this whole situation, especially when it had been blown up nationally.
Its hard to make others understand ur plight. And its even harder for them to understand the pressure ur family has been put to.
We cant make the majority change their perceptions. But just so u know, i believe, along with me, there's bound to be ppl who understand the whole situation and do not base their opinions and actions on clueless assumptions, like they know better.
I respect that you take on a job, with only a survivable salary to support an entire family, bacause u have a bigger heart to endure the toughest, unlike many others.
I am still positive on the scene. I feel that the grievances will be redressed as long as u continue to stay true to yourself.
Keep the good work there. Im sure the patients held much more gratitude and appreciation to u silently than what my mere words can say.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Wat the crap...
Job predictor predicted tt my ideal job is to be a PORN DIRECTOR... Wat e hell man, disgusting...
It predicts ur name, i tried twice, my english name and actual name churned out e same thing...
Haha, but my english name wif my surname churned out HEAVY WEIGHT BOXER... Damn funny...
Ok, i shall quit my job next wk and go be a PORN DIRECTOR!!! Will tt make me rich???
PS: I tried Shuzhen's name and her result was TRAINED ASSASSIN... SO funny... Dun kill me wor... Lucky u never watch KILL BILL...
How about u?
Job predictor predicted tt my ideal job is to be a PORN DIRECTOR... Wat e hell man, disgusting...
It predicts ur name, i tried twice, my english name and actual name churned out e same thing...
Haha, but my english name wif my surname churned out HEAVY WEIGHT BOXER... Damn funny...
Ok, i shall quit my job next wk and go be a PORN DIRECTOR!!! Will tt make me rich???
PS: I tried Shuzhen's name and her result was TRAINED ASSASSIN... SO funny... Dun kill me wor... Lucky u never watch KILL BILL...
How about u?
Thursday, July 21, 2005
How Can He/She Do This?
Somebody hacked into Xiaxue's email and deleted all her 3000+ emails, which some contains private, confidential, important business contacts...
Not only tat, he/she even hacked into her blog site, and deleted all her templates, and all her archives of 3 yrs...
E hacker then deleted her blog account, changed all her passwords.
The poor girl broke down at 4am last night when she found out.
I feel sad for her, very sad... Perhaps maybe its tt we r fr the same age, or maybe its tt we r both fr polys, tt i empathise wif her... Or maybe, its jus simply tt we r both humans...
I cant imagine how i would feel if it happened to me... Even though my site is only half a yr old...
As though being robbed away ur painstaken efforts were not enuff, ppl had to insult her like they know her any better... And its bloody disgusting tt ppl judge her as a person thru her words, and even bother to throw her e worst words u can ever imagine, asking her to die, calling her a cunt, etc...
Sigh... Humans, how low can u go?
Some supported e hacker, cheered e hacker on, thanked e hacker, some even wanted to give e hacker a hug...
Hacking is a crime, my dear, how can u cheered on?
So if a super evil and disgusting person got mudered, we shd all kiss e murderer for getting rid of a asshole?
So if i hate u, means i can hack into ur bank account, seize all ur money, and then get away scott free coz u deserve it?
If its so, let me noe... I'll enrol into a hacking course right away, coz i hate e whole world... E more i hate, e richer i get...
Further more, shes not even anywhere near there...
I am just appalled... Super disgusted... Sigh...
Worst part is, she's not e only one, another female blogger got hacked into too...
BLOODY HELL, im sure u'll go to jail...
Not only tat, he/she even hacked into her blog site, and deleted all her templates, and all her archives of 3 yrs...
E hacker then deleted her blog account, changed all her passwords.
The poor girl broke down at 4am last night when she found out.
I feel sad for her, very sad... Perhaps maybe its tt we r fr the same age, or maybe its tt we r both fr polys, tt i empathise wif her... Or maybe, its jus simply tt we r both humans...
I cant imagine how i would feel if it happened to me... Even though my site is only half a yr old...
As though being robbed away ur painstaken efforts were not enuff, ppl had to insult her like they know her any better... And its bloody disgusting tt ppl judge her as a person thru her words, and even bother to throw her e worst words u can ever imagine, asking her to die, calling her a cunt, etc...
Sigh... Humans, how low can u go?
Some supported e hacker, cheered e hacker on, thanked e hacker, some even wanted to give e hacker a hug...
Hacking is a crime, my dear, how can u cheered on?
So if a super evil and disgusting person got mudered, we shd all kiss e murderer for getting rid of a asshole?
So if i hate u, means i can hack into ur bank account, seize all ur money, and then get away scott free coz u deserve it?
If its so, let me noe... I'll enrol into a hacking course right away, coz i hate e whole world... E more i hate, e richer i get...
Further more, shes not even anywhere near there...
I am just appalled... Super disgusted... Sigh...
Worst part is, she's not e only one, another female blogger got hacked into too...
BLOODY HELL, im sure u'll go to jail...
Bus To Work!
Sob... I may need to take a bus to work... My colleague said he might not make it on time coz now he got to send his wife to work, so he'll meet me near my workplace to drive me to our company...
But tmr, he'll try out 1st... If he can come back for me on time, then he'll drive me there fr my BLK...
So means, if it doesnt work, i'll haf to take tt bloody half an hr one bus, BUS 138!!! And i haf to wake up 1/2 hr earlier...
But then, wat more can i ask for right? At least, he'll still drive me home...
*cross fingers*
Tis 2 days, i haf things to do, so im happier... Doing their website now... Received a website task today tt will keep me occupied for a long time when i haf nothing to do... Though it seemed like an endless pit for tt, but wats gd is tt, when i haf nothin to do, i can do tt... Heh...
But my kind colleague ask me do slowly, dun get too stressed up...
And Shuzhen, me take e calls for whole day today le... Yeah! (E rest dun ask me about tis, embarrassed... My little secret btween us both... )
But tmr, he'll try out 1st... If he can come back for me on time, then he'll drive me there fr my BLK...
So means, if it doesnt work, i'll haf to take tt bloody half an hr one bus, BUS 138!!! And i haf to wake up 1/2 hr earlier...
But then, wat more can i ask for right? At least, he'll still drive me home...
*cross fingers*
Tis 2 days, i haf things to do, so im happier... Doing their website now... Received a website task today tt will keep me occupied for a long time when i haf nothing to do... Though it seemed like an endless pit for tt, but wats gd is tt, when i haf nothin to do, i can do tt... Heh...
But my kind colleague ask me do slowly, dun get too stressed up...
And Shuzhen, me take e calls for whole day today le... Yeah! (E rest dun ask me about tis, embarrassed... My little secret btween us both... )
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
2nd Day @ Work
I knew yesterday was strange, and im glad to see my counters back to normal... Haha...
Anyways, today at work is slightly better... Can tell my manager slowly giving me more tasks, more responsibilities... She like to give me a last min task one leh... Duno y...
But today is somewat weird, ppl who were supposed unfriendly became slightly friendlier, ppl who were supposed friendly became hostile... But then, at times like this, i give ppl benefit of the doubt... Maybe its jus fatigue... Aiyah, watever lah... Shouldnt bother...
I have things to do today... But my work only lasted till 4+pm, then i had nothing to do again... But an hr plus of nothing is better compared to yest. But tats also becoz, i spent e whole morning sorting the cabinets... Well, now tt its done, i duno wat else is there for me to do tmr...
E daily sorts r not enuff to keep me occupied, not enuff to make me not think nonsense, not enuff to make e quietness n loneliness go away...
One colleague asked me today, "Wat u think of e environment? Quiet right?"
I replied, "Yalor, very quiet, extremely quiet..."
I fear nothing to do... I cant stand stillness... Scary..
Anyways, today at work is slightly better... Can tell my manager slowly giving me more tasks, more responsibilities... She like to give me a last min task one leh... Duno y...
But today is somewat weird, ppl who were supposed unfriendly became slightly friendlier, ppl who were supposed friendly became hostile... But then, at times like this, i give ppl benefit of the doubt... Maybe its jus fatigue... Aiyah, watever lah... Shouldnt bother...
I have things to do today... But my work only lasted till 4+pm, then i had nothing to do again... But an hr plus of nothing is better compared to yest. But tats also becoz, i spent e whole morning sorting the cabinets... Well, now tt its done, i duno wat else is there for me to do tmr...
E daily sorts r not enuff to keep me occupied, not enuff to make me not think nonsense, not enuff to make e quietness n loneliness go away...
One colleague asked me today, "Wat u think of e environment? Quiet right?"
I replied, "Yalor, very quiet, extremely quiet..."
I fear nothing to do... I cant stand stillness... Scary..
Monday, July 18, 2005
1st Day At Work...
Gosh, wat happened to the counters? I had a shock when i came online.
Is it becoz of e death topic? I duno... I jus find it all so strange. Heh...
Yup, im working now. Not in my design/animation industry and not in sales. I took on a new industry... I went into e business industry... Even so, i am something like 20% designer? I duno, coz they haven briefed me with clear instructions on the marketing side yet...
My 1st day at work today is extremely boring. Though not as miserable as my 2 poly attachments...
Its jus so boring when you've got nothing to do, and u just haf to stare at ur computer and place ur numbed butt on the chair for hours... I felt so bored so i kept drinking fr my water bottle, coz theres simply nothing much for me to do, even when i kept bugging for work... But i guess thats always the case for 1st days...
And its rather lonely to eat on my table. But i'll haf to respect their working culture... Im used to be alone, so i guess i will get used to it...
On a gd note, ive got a colleague to fetch me to and fro work, guess that compensates alot... Heh... Oh, ive got not bad a starting pay for someone with no relevant experience... And now, i dun haf to pay for transportation...
And its super near my place... Only less than 12 mins journey...
Im the only one in the company with no vehicles, haha... But my colleague said nvm lah, got ppl drive me gd enuff liao lor...
2 mths of probation for me, after which my pay will be reviewed... Unlike my old creative industry, i now haf medical benefits, accident coverage, annual leaves and bonus... Nice nice... And best of all, i dun haf to work crazy long hrs, with no overtime pay anymore... Well, perhaps some overtime occassionally but at least not so frequent... And its not crazy hrs...
But all provided i stay lah, provided i pull thru the probation lah...
Im quite tired n shag now, perhaps i'll blog more after i becum more stable in my work? I wan to tok about the interviews i had last week... And also maybe more details about my job?
We'll see how it goes...
Im not sure how long i'll be able to stay in tis company. But i hope for gd certainly... Take one step at a time bah, dont think too far yet... I dun wish to prejudge now... I will review it again after 1 mth...
Its always gd to try out something new, at least for me, i learn different things on different platforms...
So let me keep the energy level there... For now... While i still can...
Is it becoz of e death topic? I duno... I jus find it all so strange. Heh...
Yup, im working now. Not in my design/animation industry and not in sales. I took on a new industry... I went into e business industry... Even so, i am something like 20% designer? I duno, coz they haven briefed me with clear instructions on the marketing side yet...
My 1st day at work today is extremely boring. Though not as miserable as my 2 poly attachments...
Its jus so boring when you've got nothing to do, and u just haf to stare at ur computer and place ur numbed butt on the chair for hours... I felt so bored so i kept drinking fr my water bottle, coz theres simply nothing much for me to do, even when i kept bugging for work... But i guess thats always the case for 1st days...
And its rather lonely to eat on my table. But i'll haf to respect their working culture... Im used to be alone, so i guess i will get used to it...
On a gd note, ive got a colleague to fetch me to and fro work, guess that compensates alot... Heh... Oh, ive got not bad a starting pay for someone with no relevant experience... And now, i dun haf to pay for transportation...
And its super near my place... Only less than 12 mins journey...
Im the only one in the company with no vehicles, haha... But my colleague said nvm lah, got ppl drive me gd enuff liao lor...
2 mths of probation for me, after which my pay will be reviewed... Unlike my old creative industry, i now haf medical benefits, accident coverage, annual leaves and bonus... Nice nice... And best of all, i dun haf to work crazy long hrs, with no overtime pay anymore... Well, perhaps some overtime occassionally but at least not so frequent... And its not crazy hrs...
But all provided i stay lah, provided i pull thru the probation lah...
Im quite tired n shag now, perhaps i'll blog more after i becum more stable in my work? I wan to tok about the interviews i had last week... And also maybe more details about my job?
We'll see how it goes...
Im not sure how long i'll be able to stay in tis company. But i hope for gd certainly... Take one step at a time bah, dont think too far yet... I dun wish to prejudge now... I will review it again after 1 mth...
Its always gd to try out something new, at least for me, i learn different things on different platforms...
So let me keep the energy level there... For now... While i still can...
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Till Death Do Us Part...
This is a story about an old couple, Mr and Mrs Tan.
Through their years of living together, they are very loving and reliable to each other. Even when their hair turned to silver glass, their love grows...
In the middle of one unfortunate night, Mrs Tan got up to the kitchen's bathroom, in the darkness of a familiar home. However, this time, it seemed different. She slipped and broke her hip bone. She let out a loud cry of agony...
She was sent to the hospital immediately, and had to be admitted.
Life still have to carry on for the rest of the family members. Sons, daughters, in laws, will still have to work, and the grand children will still need to go to school.
Can't bear Mrs Tan to face the pain and loneliness herself, Mr Tan goes to the hospital to accompany her as much as he could. He goes there back and forth 3 times a day, daily.
One morning, Mr Tan and his son went to the supermarket to get some groceries. While at the cashier paying, standing before his son, Mr Tan felt his mind going blank.
He saw flashes of darkness, and his head started to spin.
"Very giddy, very giddy..." He said...
His son reacted promptly, grabbed him from behind and slowly let him down on the floor.
His son realised his Dad's difficult breathing and called for an ambulance immediately.
However, before the ambulance came, he saw his Dad's unstable breathing momentum came to a stop. He laid there motionless.
Mr Tan left.
Just like that. Without any warnings, within a few minutes.
It was too sudden, nobody knew what to do.
Upon diagnosis, the doctor explained Mr Tan had died of fatigue.
While attending to the funeral arrangments and informing all those they've known, the children had to inform Mrs Tan the difficult news.
The children struggled, as they all know they were and still very much in love, and that Mrs Tan is very reliable to her husband. But they had to do it, even if its too cruel to accept...
The children and grand children went to the ward, with Doctors and Nurses on standby. They broke the unfortunate news.
Mrs Tan was exceptionally calm. Maybe she had sensed it herself. She laid on her bed, silent. Tears rolled down her cheeks silently.
That very night, the ambulance sent Mrs Tan to her HDB block to attend to her husband's funeral.
Everybody who went felt very sad. Some even thought Mrs Tan was the deceased.
Those who were close, just couldnt accept the sudden fact.
Some said, Mr Tan might have experienced symptons. But he kept mumbed to himself cause he didnt want the others to be worried.
His fatigue is caused by his travelling back and forth the hospital daily.
But no matter what, looking at the silent weeping Mrs Tan, no amount of explaination can bring back her love.
I believe Mr Tan did not regret his actions, for his love for his wife is stronger than what his human body could managed...
--------------------------- End -----------------------------
This is a true story that happened 2 weeks ago. Deceased is my mum's friend's father. Surnames have been made up. I do not know their surnames.
My condolences to the family.
I guess we all have to come to face this day eventually. For now, fortunately, my Dad should be able to discharge next week.
I have been very tired and stressed up this week.
I have been running errands for 2 houses (my home n Dad's), and travelling back and forth from my place to the hospital to my Dad's place and back to mine.
Worst, i had many interviews this week. I have to travel to all parts of Singapore for the interviews. Of which, one interview even lasted for 3 hrs over, it was really stressful.
Even for me with a young body, i felt the fatigue. I felt very drained, let alone someone of old age.
I share this story with you. Just felt like sharing it.
Through their years of living together, they are very loving and reliable to each other. Even when their hair turned to silver glass, their love grows...
In the middle of one unfortunate night, Mrs Tan got up to the kitchen's bathroom, in the darkness of a familiar home. However, this time, it seemed different. She slipped and broke her hip bone. She let out a loud cry of agony...
She was sent to the hospital immediately, and had to be admitted.
Life still have to carry on for the rest of the family members. Sons, daughters, in laws, will still have to work, and the grand children will still need to go to school.
Can't bear Mrs Tan to face the pain and loneliness herself, Mr Tan goes to the hospital to accompany her as much as he could. He goes there back and forth 3 times a day, daily.
One morning, Mr Tan and his son went to the supermarket to get some groceries. While at the cashier paying, standing before his son, Mr Tan felt his mind going blank.
He saw flashes of darkness, and his head started to spin.
"Very giddy, very giddy..." He said...
His son reacted promptly, grabbed him from behind and slowly let him down on the floor.
His son realised his Dad's difficult breathing and called for an ambulance immediately.
However, before the ambulance came, he saw his Dad's unstable breathing momentum came to a stop. He laid there motionless.
Mr Tan left.
Just like that. Without any warnings, within a few minutes.
It was too sudden, nobody knew what to do.
Upon diagnosis, the doctor explained Mr Tan had died of fatigue.
While attending to the funeral arrangments and informing all those they've known, the children had to inform Mrs Tan the difficult news.
The children struggled, as they all know they were and still very much in love, and that Mrs Tan is very reliable to her husband. But they had to do it, even if its too cruel to accept...
The children and grand children went to the ward, with Doctors and Nurses on standby. They broke the unfortunate news.
Mrs Tan was exceptionally calm. Maybe she had sensed it herself. She laid on her bed, silent. Tears rolled down her cheeks silently.
That very night, the ambulance sent Mrs Tan to her HDB block to attend to her husband's funeral.
Everybody who went felt very sad. Some even thought Mrs Tan was the deceased.
Those who were close, just couldnt accept the sudden fact.
Some said, Mr Tan might have experienced symptons. But he kept mumbed to himself cause he didnt want the others to be worried.
His fatigue is caused by his travelling back and forth the hospital daily.
But no matter what, looking at the silent weeping Mrs Tan, no amount of explaination can bring back her love.
I believe Mr Tan did not regret his actions, for his love for his wife is stronger than what his human body could managed...
--------------------------- End -----------------------------
This is a true story that happened 2 weeks ago. Deceased is my mum's friend's father. Surnames have been made up. I do not know their surnames.
My condolences to the family.
I guess we all have to come to face this day eventually. For now, fortunately, my Dad should be able to discharge next week.
I have been very tired and stressed up this week.
I have been running errands for 2 houses (my home n Dad's), and travelling back and forth from my place to the hospital to my Dad's place and back to mine.
Worst, i had many interviews this week. I have to travel to all parts of Singapore for the interviews. Of which, one interview even lasted for 3 hrs over, it was really stressful.
Even for me with a young body, i felt the fatigue. I felt very drained, let alone someone of old age.
I share this story with you. Just felt like sharing it.
Quote For The Day
Thought i'll share this...
I saw this when i went to the Zoo last yr. I fell in love with the words of magic instantly.
Only when the last tree had been cleared,
Only when the last river had been poisoned,
Only when the last fish had been caught,
Only then will humans understand that money cannot be eaten.
Pardon, I cant give any credits coz i cannot remember who is the author.
I saw this when i went to the Zoo last yr. I fell in love with the words of magic instantly.
Only when the last tree had been cleared,
Only when the last river had been poisoned,
Only when the last fish had been caught,
Only then will humans understand that money cannot be eaten.
Pardon, I cant give any credits coz i cannot remember who is the author.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Great Song
This is so cool. A song consisting each line of 23 mandarin pop songs...
And the singer blended everything so well... I am bloody hell impressed!!!
Enjoy... (Only for ppl who knoes mandarin)
And the singer blended everything so well... I am bloody hell impressed!!!
Enjoy... (Only for ppl who knoes mandarin)
Random Pic
Pics to ease my mood...

One of the few pics, whereby u can see his eyes... Haha... See his neck, got one heart shape one... So cute, he's looking at me using the computer. He banned from entering rooms then, so he can only sit there for the furthest. But now, the naughty boy doesnt care anymore...

One of the few pics, whereby u can see his eyes... Haha... See his neck, got one heart shape one... So cute, he's looking at me using the computer. He banned from entering rooms then, so he can only sit there for the furthest. But now, the naughty boy doesnt care anymore...
Friday, July 15, 2005
I Should Have Known.
Bloody hell, Tan Tock Seng just called me to pay for my Dad's hospital bills.
Pay with what? I dont have any medisave or medishield. I don't even have any money in my CPF. I dont even have money in my bank account.
I knew it. I shouldnt have taken my Dad to the hospital. I shouldnt have signed the papers.
I just told them my Dad had spoken to the social worker.
Hope they don't bother me anymore...
As though im not stressed enough lately. Aaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh
Ive decided to keep this from my mum. She has been nagging me everyday for being so stupid to bother taking my Dad to the hospital and signing the papers.
If she knows this, i bet she will say, "Orbi lor, who ask u so stupid." Bah...
Pay with what? I dont have any medisave or medishield. I don't even have any money in my CPF. I dont even have money in my bank account.
I knew it. I shouldnt have taken my Dad to the hospital. I shouldnt have signed the papers.
I just told them my Dad had spoken to the social worker.
Hope they don't bother me anymore...
As though im not stressed enough lately. Aaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh
Ive decided to keep this from my mum. She has been nagging me everyday for being so stupid to bother taking my Dad to the hospital and signing the papers.
If she knows this, i bet she will say, "Orbi lor, who ask u so stupid." Bah...
Last On NKF
CEO, TT Durai and along with 8 members of the NKF board have tendered their resignation yesterday.
Ministers will now step in to restructure/investigate and re-evaluate their accounts and management operations.
NKF have stopped all their donation events and may not resume for the next few years. Their last NKF 3rd show yesterday had turned from a charity donation show to a thank you show. No more 1900 something something.
The issue should come to a stop i feel.
However, i do pity the NKF operators. As they have to deal with the nasty citizens calling in to scold them shameless, asking them to resign, and they have to endure all their vulgarities. Some even made their trips to the company to make a scene.
I'm not surprised. Its typical of Singaporeans nowadays.
Its just that they are becoming overboard. Just withdraw your donation and that's it. Why do they have to insult all those who werent involved?
Some telephone operators felt so frustrated till the stage where that they even took out their own money to return to the donors.
PEOPLE! Just stop all the nonsense. Its not like they have done great injustice to you, even though you proclaimed that they had misused the money. But face it, the case had been there for so long, if you were affected, you wouldnt be donating to the shows this year. Come on, you did it for a chance to win the attractive prizes. No? Don't even try to pretend you are on higher moral grounds to judge.
E last 3 NKF shows had received a total of 10 over million dollars. But the case isnt new. So, don't even ride on the excuse.
Im not supporting NKF actions, its just that i find it so unreasonable for people to be so nasty to uninvolved parties. Spraying paints of evil words at their company is already such a bullshit. The CEO is not going to come out to clean the mess. The cleaners had to keep painting their walls back. How reasonable is that?
Think, people, think!
My sister is going to withdraw her donations. And she had just cancelled my mum's monthly donation to the NKF, whereby my mum was sort of cheated to donate in the first place. We let the issue rest cause its at least for a good cause. But now, my sis finds it meaningless.
We still have the 2000 over kidney patients (NKF lied it was 3000+) to think about. With their 30 years of reserves, why not increase their help for their current patients. Each patient is only receiving 30% of subsidise now. And its not that easy to be eligible for their assistance.
Alright, i hope that this is the last NKF entry. Let's just hope that the Gahmen will turn the table around with their influence.
Ministers will now step in to restructure/investigate and re-evaluate their accounts and management operations.
NKF have stopped all their donation events and may not resume for the next few years. Their last NKF 3rd show yesterday had turned from a charity donation show to a thank you show. No more 1900 something something.
The issue should come to a stop i feel.
However, i do pity the NKF operators. As they have to deal with the nasty citizens calling in to scold them shameless, asking them to resign, and they have to endure all their vulgarities. Some even made their trips to the company to make a scene.
I'm not surprised. Its typical of Singaporeans nowadays.
Its just that they are becoming overboard. Just withdraw your donation and that's it. Why do they have to insult all those who werent involved?
Some telephone operators felt so frustrated till the stage where that they even took out their own money to return to the donors.
PEOPLE! Just stop all the nonsense. Its not like they have done great injustice to you, even though you proclaimed that they had misused the money. But face it, the case had been there for so long, if you were affected, you wouldnt be donating to the shows this year. Come on, you did it for a chance to win the attractive prizes. No? Don't even try to pretend you are on higher moral grounds to judge.
E last 3 NKF shows had received a total of 10 over million dollars. But the case isnt new. So, don't even ride on the excuse.
Im not supporting NKF actions, its just that i find it so unreasonable for people to be so nasty to uninvolved parties. Spraying paints of evil words at their company is already such a bullshit. The CEO is not going to come out to clean the mess. The cleaners had to keep painting their walls back. How reasonable is that?
Think, people, think!
My sister is going to withdraw her donations. And she had just cancelled my mum's monthly donation to the NKF, whereby my mum was sort of cheated to donate in the first place. We let the issue rest cause its at least for a good cause. But now, my sis finds it meaningless.
We still have the 2000 over kidney patients (NKF lied it was 3000+) to think about. With their 30 years of reserves, why not increase their help for their current patients. Each patient is only receiving 30% of subsidise now. And its not that easy to be eligible for their assistance.
Alright, i hope that this is the last NKF entry. Let's just hope that the Gahmen will turn the table around with their influence.
Fare Hike
I've just watched the news on Shanghai's MRT fare hike, due to the fact that their MRT is overcrowded, so they decided to have a fare hike to solve the prob.
Ya right. Since when did fare hike help?
I do not understand why the countries have the same mentality. Its Singapore lately then now Shanghai.
When its congested, u use a fare hike to solve the prob. What kind of logic is that?
Even if you increased the fare, the same no. of people will still need to go home right? And if its convenient to go home by bus, who the hell will want to squeeze in a overcrowded train in the first place?
In Singapore, taking a public transport during peak hours is crazy. Be it Bus, or Mrt, or cab, or car. Every where is congested. Not becoz of cheap fares or watsoever.
Government has been trying to promote public transport to own vehicles. Thereby, they increase road tax, ERPs, with the idea that somehow, due to increase of monetary issues, people will take the buses and trains. But they have failed to see how packed the buses and trains already are.
Thats cause they themselves never take the public transport. SImple as that.
And then, now that you sort of want to clear the traffic on the road to force people to take public transport, u increase the MRT and Buses' fares. Ha, this is sooooooo clever of you, eh?
What crap. I am so fed up.
The morning and evening trains are so packed (cause i stay in the north region, by the time the train reaches my station, its already too packed). The buses are overcrowded. I couldnt get any taxis in the morning. And even if i do, i have to pay an extra of $5.50 for the ERP through CTE.
Even with the heart to pay more, i am still stuck in jams.
Fine, even if you travel along the roads without the increased ERP, you will be in a longer jam. Cause apparently, you are not the onloy one who know how to cheat.
U pay more, u jam, u pay less u jam, u take bus, u also jam, u take train, its so packed that sometimes u can't get on the train and you become miserable out of it. And the worst thing is, we have to live with these for the rest of our lives here in Sg. And for the freaking experience, we have to pay more and more.
Damn it. Now that makes me hate working.
Increasing the fares ultimately only result in one conclusion. It make us citizens grumble more and more. Cause apparently, the issues were never solved or improved.
Apparently, the problem is not with the fares. The whole freaking problem is clearly that we are OVERPOPULATED!!! We do not have enough roads, vehicles, public tranports for everybody. I know this is inevitable cause i don't expect you to start shooting us like the poor pigeons.
Yeah, i know the circus line is coming. But im not smelling it. And how effectively it is, we do not know.
Holy crap, you do not solve congested problems by increasing the fares. People still need to work, and people still need to come home.
I think this is the disadvantage of staying in a small developed city. I know New York's the same, and i also know KL's the same. I also know the scary prices of fares that Hong Kong, Japan, etc, have. But its different, you have to judge the standard of living in a country, not comparing durians to rambutans.
Sigh... I need to go take the mrt now. Non peak period.
Ya right. Since when did fare hike help?
I do not understand why the countries have the same mentality. Its Singapore lately then now Shanghai.
When its congested, u use a fare hike to solve the prob. What kind of logic is that?
Even if you increased the fare, the same no. of people will still need to go home right? And if its convenient to go home by bus, who the hell will want to squeeze in a overcrowded train in the first place?
In Singapore, taking a public transport during peak hours is crazy. Be it Bus, or Mrt, or cab, or car. Every where is congested. Not becoz of cheap fares or watsoever.
Government has been trying to promote public transport to own vehicles. Thereby, they increase road tax, ERPs, with the idea that somehow, due to increase of monetary issues, people will take the buses and trains. But they have failed to see how packed the buses and trains already are.
Thats cause they themselves never take the public transport. SImple as that.
And then, now that you sort of want to clear the traffic on the road to force people to take public transport, u increase the MRT and Buses' fares. Ha, this is sooooooo clever of you, eh?
What crap. I am so fed up.
The morning and evening trains are so packed (cause i stay in the north region, by the time the train reaches my station, its already too packed). The buses are overcrowded. I couldnt get any taxis in the morning. And even if i do, i have to pay an extra of $5.50 for the ERP through CTE.
Even with the heart to pay more, i am still stuck in jams.
Fine, even if you travel along the roads without the increased ERP, you will be in a longer jam. Cause apparently, you are not the onloy one who know how to cheat.
U pay more, u jam, u pay less u jam, u take bus, u also jam, u take train, its so packed that sometimes u can't get on the train and you become miserable out of it. And the worst thing is, we have to live with these for the rest of our lives here in Sg. And for the freaking experience, we have to pay more and more.
Damn it. Now that makes me hate working.
Increasing the fares ultimately only result in one conclusion. It make us citizens grumble more and more. Cause apparently, the issues were never solved or improved.
Apparently, the problem is not with the fares. The whole freaking problem is clearly that we are OVERPOPULATED!!! We do not have enough roads, vehicles, public tranports for everybody. I know this is inevitable cause i don't expect you to start shooting us like the poor pigeons.
Yeah, i know the circus line is coming. But im not smelling it. And how effectively it is, we do not know.
Holy crap, you do not solve congested problems by increasing the fares. People still need to work, and people still need to come home.
I think this is the disadvantage of staying in a small developed city. I know New York's the same, and i also know KL's the same. I also know the scary prices of fares that Hong Kong, Japan, etc, have. But its different, you have to judge the standard of living in a country, not comparing durians to rambutans.
Sigh... I need to go take the mrt now. Non peak period.
Shorthands No More...
Had been jugglin btween going to e hospital n... Nonono, wait wait...
Cause it has bloody hell grew into my blood and became a freaking habit of mine. (note i actually had to edit tis sentence for about 10 times. ) *tsk* tis = this!
Poor english, bad/broken english is ok, cause i never believe in writing perfectly in blogs anyways... Ok, that's an excuse! My english isnt perfect, i know, but hack... And tis "..." dotdotdot habit at the end of my each line is affecting me as well.
I learnt quite abit this week. I hear how I talk, see how I write, observe how I work. Well, cause i have stopped working for some time, and thus i became more reserved and stupid and slow and quiet and moody and watever. I need to know if I've changed somehow.
And I am so mad at myself!
Few things i noticed:
1) Singlish
I'm speaking in singlish! I never do that. Where the hell i picked that from? MSN! All the silly singlish icons! I actually spoke singlish to professional interviewers. Damn. I must slap myself for that. I am trained to not speak in singlish last time, and now i don't understand why I do that.
2) English
I am not as confident and fluent in my thoughts as compared to last year (don't know is it the lack of work or i become more stupid or simply i old liao). All because i realised my mandarin had deteriorated till the stage i can't communicate properly with my mum. But now, my english is affected. I shall stop speaking mandarin for the time being. Also, it is due to the fact that i had been hanging out with mandarin speaking people this year, and i didn't wan to be the odd one out.
3) Shorthands
I bloodly hell typed my words in shorthands for my resume, cover letter, etc. Damn, it was so time wasting, i had to keep editing the documents. The dotdotdot habit kept popping as well... >>> THERE!!! I used to type in full for online chats, until people say that im crazy. Haha. Well, i shall switch back. I MUST!
I have many things to blog. But I am pretty occupied. I shall find time to blog all my thoughts as soon as possible before i lose my mood.
But for now, i'll go sleep. More tomorrow.
Cause it has bloody hell grew into my blood and became a freaking habit of mine. (note i actually had to edit tis sentence for about 10 times. ) *tsk* tis = this!
Poor english, bad/broken english is ok, cause i never believe in writing perfectly in blogs anyways... Ok, that's an excuse! My english isnt perfect, i know, but hack... And tis "..." dotdotdot habit at the end of my each line is affecting me as well.
I learnt quite abit this week. I hear how I talk, see how I write, observe how I work. Well, cause i have stopped working for some time, and thus i became more reserved and stupid and slow and quiet and moody and watever. I need to know if I've changed somehow.
And I am so mad at myself!
Few things i noticed:
1) Singlish
I'm speaking in singlish! I never do that. Where the hell i picked that from? MSN! All the silly singlish icons! I actually spoke singlish to professional interviewers. Damn. I must slap myself for that. I am trained to not speak in singlish last time, and now i don't understand why I do that.
2) English
I am not as confident and fluent in my thoughts as compared to last year (don't know is it the lack of work or i become more stupid or simply i old liao). All because i realised my mandarin had deteriorated till the stage i can't communicate properly with my mum. But now, my english is affected. I shall stop speaking mandarin for the time being. Also, it is due to the fact that i had been hanging out with mandarin speaking people this year, and i didn't wan to be the odd one out.
3) Shorthands
I bloodly hell typed my words in shorthands for my resume, cover letter, etc. Damn, it was so time wasting, i had to keep editing the documents. The dotdotdot habit kept popping as well... >>> THERE!!! I used to type in full for online chats, until people say that im crazy. Haha. Well, i shall switch back. I MUST!
I have many things to blog. But I am pretty occupied. I shall find time to blog all my thoughts as soon as possible before i lose my mood.
But for now, i'll go sleep. More tomorrow.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Sg 1st Bloggers Convention 16 July 05
- The morning session will be at the Woodlands Regional Library from 10am - 12pm
- The main session is at DXO, Esplanade - Sat, 16 July, 2pm
- The party is at DXO, from 6pm onwards (if you came for the main session, you’ll get free entry and 2 complimentary drinks)
For detailed information, look here. In case you have a question, here is an FAQ for Bloggers.SG 2005. Remember to come early if you want to get a Bloggers.SG t-shirt (only 150 are up for sale).
For all bloggers and blog readers... All e famous bloggers will be there... All e best to e event...
PS: I actually placed e banner at e top, but its too long for my template... Heh... Nvm, e contents wat it matters...
Unlucky Yesterday
I had a very unusual "Unlucky Yesterday", er, yesterday...
Everything wasnt going well e moment i woke up at 7 am and left e house...
I dun wish to go into e details except tt i haf 2 sprained ankles now... But its not serious, jus felt abit strained and cannot straighten...
It was so unusual till its creepy... Its as though someone is watching and hearing wat i silently say to myself to make those things happen...
Even simple things like sending a email to me can be screwed up...
I haf some stuffs to resolve today... If everything goes on well, then things may get alittle better...
Oh well... It will, hopefully...
Oh btw, i've watched e Fantastic 4 e other day... E movie's not bad, a very funny movie... Quite entertaining except for some dun make sense plots... Overall, if u r in for laughs, e movie can be watched...
Everything wasnt going well e moment i woke up at 7 am and left e house...
I dun wish to go into e details except tt i haf 2 sprained ankles now... But its not serious, jus felt abit strained and cannot straighten...
It was so unusual till its creepy... Its as though someone is watching and hearing wat i silently say to myself to make those things happen...
Even simple things like sending a email to me can be screwed up...
I haf some stuffs to resolve today... If everything goes on well, then things may get alittle better...
Oh well... It will, hopefully...
Oh btw, i've watched e Fantastic 4 e other day... E movie's not bad, a very funny movie... Quite entertaining except for some dun make sense plots... Overall, if u r in for laughs, e movie can be watched...
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
SINGAPORE : The National Kidney Foundation's (NKF) defamation suits against the Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) came to abrupt end on Tuesday at the High Court.
This, after its CEO TT Durai admitted during intense cross examination that some of the fittings in its headquarters, which were highlighted in a Straits Times article, were indeed extravagant for a public charity.
The article spoke of a glass panelled shower, a pricey German toilet bowl and a gold plated tap.
Mr Durai finally withdrew both his and the NKF's case against the SPH and its journalist Susan Long.
NKF's CEO was in the witness box for the second day and he was to be the only one.
Senior Counsel Davinder Singh's cross examination focused on several areas.
First, the business relationships Mr Durai had with NKF board member Ms Matilda Chua.
These were through two companies - Proton Web Solutions, a call centre operations based in India, which NKF had contracted its tele-marketing work to - and Global Net, in which Mr Durai himself had a stake.
Mr Durai also said he had held several directorships in addition to his work as CEO of the NKF.
Asked if he had informed the NKF Board of these appointments, he replied that it was not consequential and the Board gave him the liberty to do so. T
he court also heard the NKF had a fleet of eight cars and drivers, which Mr Durai and its visiting guests and VIPs could use.
NKF also paid for the road tax, repair and maintenance for Mr Durai's personal Mercedes Benz.
On NKF's reserves, the court was told it stood at $262 million as of July 2005.
Mr Singh argued that if the NKF stopped all fundraising activities and concentrated on treating kidney patients, it would still have enough money to see through its operations for 30 years, based on its expenses scheduled for 2003.
For that year, the NKF received $24.4 million for patient fees for dialysis but spent some $31 million for these operations.
So even if it was out of pocket of $7 million to $8 million per year, NKF's current reserves were sufficient for at least 30 years.
But Mr Singh says the organisation has been telling Singaporeans its reserves won't last more than three years, according to statements made by its officials.
Another issue that arose during the cross examination was that of patient numbers.
Mr Singh argued that NKF had overstated its patient numbers and this would have given the impression to the public that more funds were needed to run its operations. T
he final straw came when Mr Singh began to zoom in on the issues of contention - the expensive fittings which the Straits Times article had highlighted.
Mr Durai agreed they were expensive and extravagant for a public charity and withdrew his and the NKF's cases.
The trial which was to have lasted for ten days ended in two days.
Speaking to the media afterwards, Mr Durai told reporters that litigation is always fought with difficulty.
On public reaction to the revelations in court, he said the NKF is quite aware of what may happen but its track record spoke for itself.
He said the NKF has struggled to be perfect and he himself has tried his best for 37 years. He maintained that the NKF did not hide the truth in any way.
And there's no running away from the fact that NKF has discharged its obligation to the people of Singapore with a world class kidney programme.
In a separate statement, the NKF Board says it has discontinued its proceedings against Singapore Press Holdings and its senior writer Ms Susan Long.
And the decision to withdraw was a considered decision made in the best interests of the NKF, its supporters, donors and patients.
The Board also reiterated its whole-hearted support for Mr Durai as its CEO and looked forward to carrying on all its life-saving activities with full vigour and strength, and to continue to serve the public to the best of its ability.
Mrs Goh Chok Tong, an NKF patron who was present in the public gallery, told TODAY: "All NKF asked for was a retraction, because what was stated was not true. Instead they have expanded the case into other matters. I have no question on the NKF's transparency, and have complete faith in the NKF and Mr Durai."
Everything ended so fast... And its e second day only...
However, now u noe SPH is a scary monster... Dun play play wif them... Straits Times has been very aggressive these few days...
This, after its CEO TT Durai admitted during intense cross examination that some of the fittings in its headquarters, which were highlighted in a Straits Times article, were indeed extravagant for a public charity.
The article spoke of a glass panelled shower, a pricey German toilet bowl and a gold plated tap.
Mr Durai finally withdrew both his and the NKF's case against the SPH and its journalist Susan Long.
NKF's CEO was in the witness box for the second day and he was to be the only one.
Senior Counsel Davinder Singh's cross examination focused on several areas.
First, the business relationships Mr Durai had with NKF board member Ms Matilda Chua.
These were through two companies - Proton Web Solutions, a call centre operations based in India, which NKF had contracted its tele-marketing work to - and Global Net, in which Mr Durai himself had a stake.
Mr Durai also said he had held several directorships in addition to his work as CEO of the NKF.
Asked if he had informed the NKF Board of these appointments, he replied that it was not consequential and the Board gave him the liberty to do so. T
he court also heard the NKF had a fleet of eight cars and drivers, which Mr Durai and its visiting guests and VIPs could use.
NKF also paid for the road tax, repair and maintenance for Mr Durai's personal Mercedes Benz.
On NKF's reserves, the court was told it stood at $262 million as of July 2005.
Mr Singh argued that if the NKF stopped all fundraising activities and concentrated on treating kidney patients, it would still have enough money to see through its operations for 30 years, based on its expenses scheduled for 2003.
For that year, the NKF received $24.4 million for patient fees for dialysis but spent some $31 million for these operations.
So even if it was out of pocket of $7 million to $8 million per year, NKF's current reserves were sufficient for at least 30 years.
But Mr Singh says the organisation has been telling Singaporeans its reserves won't last more than three years, according to statements made by its officials.
Another issue that arose during the cross examination was that of patient numbers.
Mr Singh argued that NKF had overstated its patient numbers and this would have given the impression to the public that more funds were needed to run its operations. T
he final straw came when Mr Singh began to zoom in on the issues of contention - the expensive fittings which the Straits Times article had highlighted.
Mr Durai agreed they were expensive and extravagant for a public charity and withdrew his and the NKF's cases.
The trial which was to have lasted for ten days ended in two days.
Speaking to the media afterwards, Mr Durai told reporters that litigation is always fought with difficulty.
On public reaction to the revelations in court, he said the NKF is quite aware of what may happen but its track record spoke for itself.
He said the NKF has struggled to be perfect and he himself has tried his best for 37 years. He maintained that the NKF did not hide the truth in any way.
And there's no running away from the fact that NKF has discharged its obligation to the people of Singapore with a world class kidney programme.
In a separate statement, the NKF Board says it has discontinued its proceedings against Singapore Press Holdings and its senior writer Ms Susan Long.
And the decision to withdraw was a considered decision made in the best interests of the NKF, its supporters, donors and patients.
The Board also reiterated its whole-hearted support for Mr Durai as its CEO and looked forward to carrying on all its life-saving activities with full vigour and strength, and to continue to serve the public to the best of its ability.
Mrs Goh Chok Tong, an NKF patron who was present in the public gallery, told TODAY: "All NKF asked for was a retraction, because what was stated was not true. Instead they have expanded the case into other matters. I have no question on the NKF's transparency, and have complete faith in the NKF and Mr Durai."
Everything ended so fast... And its e second day only...
However, now u noe SPH is a scary monster... Dun play play wif them... Straits Times has been very aggressive these few days...
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
And first to take the stand was the NKF's CEO, TT Durai who made some startling revelations during cross examination by SPH's Senior Counsel Davinder Singh.
The article in question was written by SPH's journalist Susan Long, whom NKF is also suing.
It had an account of a contractor who had been hired to install some bathroom fittings for its new headquarters in 1995.
NKF says the article had many falsehoods and half truths. But Monday's hearing was more than just about toilet fittings.
It was a public scrutiny of how the NKF is administered and run, the travel patterns of its senior executives and the chief executive officer, and what salaries were paid to the CEO in the last three years.
The court heard that CEO Durai got a twelve month bonus last year. And between 2002 and 2004, he would have earned close to S$1.8 million.
From the outset, Senior Counsel Davinder Singh who is acting for SPH, emphasized the importance of transparency and public accountability on NKF's part as every cent which NKF spent came from public donations.
Several senior officials from NKF were in court to follow the proceedings, including its patron Mrs Goh Chok Tong.
Another one:
NKF sues SPH over 'gold-plated tap'
Claims it didn't even have 12-storey building then; SPH lawyer asks NKF chief about his salary
LAST April, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) made headlines in The Straits Times' (ST) on several occasions: First, for its corporate tie-up with insurance company Aviva, then for its $189-million reserves and again on April 19 — a day after an NKF fund-raising charity show — in a report that mentioned a "gold-plated tap" that cost "at least $1,000" at its Kim Keat Road headquarters.
The non-profit organisation is now making headlines again as it commences, along with its chief executive T T Durai, 57, a libel suit against the Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and Ms Susan Long, 32, ST senior writer and author of the April 19 report, "The NKF: Controversially ahead of its time?".
In the first six paragraphs of the report, Ms Long set out that her source — "a retired contractor … known only as Mr Tan" — told her of a "gold-plated tap" costing "at least $1,000", as well as a glass-panelled shower and a "pricey German toilet bowl", that he had to install on the "12th floor of the $21-million building".
She recounted how the contractor had "scream(ed) his head off" on learning of the assignment at the NKF's "new headquarters at Kim Keat Road in 1995", but was told to "just do" his job.
According to the report, the taps he eventually installed were "scaled down" to an "upmarket chrome-plated model".
These allegations implied that the NKF had — under Mr Durai's management — misused public funds, said the NKF in the Supreme Court yesterday. It is arguing that the newspaper had an agenda against it.
Following the report, the NKF had sought an apology and retraction of this allegation from SPH. But as none was forthcoming, the case will be heard out in court over the next nine days.
The NKF statement cited that in 1995, it was not yet housed in its current 12-storey premises, but instead, in a two-storey block on site.
The statement also said that there was no "gold-plated tap" nor any tap which "alone cost at least $1,000" in that building.
During his full-day cross-examination session by SPH's Senior Counsel Davinder Singh, Mr Durai stated that in 1994, a shower mixer and basin mixer had been installed in his absence. He "gave instructions for that to be removed" upon his return from an overseas trip.
Mr Durai did not want the office interior to appear luxurious. But, according to the NKF, Ms Long's report had implied that the alleged "gold-plated taps" were "scaled down" only because of the contractor's protestations.
Mr Singh said this incident supported his argument that the report was factual and that the "expensive bathroom fittings" were, in fact, installed and then removed.
Mr Singh also said that SPH had a duty to comment on the NKF's financial affairs in the interest of the public and questioned Mr Durai on his salary package and whether he had flown first class on NKF funds collected from the public.
Mr Durai, who initially told the court he preferred to keep his salary private, said he earned an average of about $550,000 a year, including bonuses varying from 10 months to a year's salary. Over the last three years, he earned a total of around $1.8 million.
Two years ago, when Mr Durai earned nearly $600,000, the NKF had an annual turnover of $100 million.
Mr Durai explained that his pay package and bonus was a decision made by the foundation's board and that the board had also pegged the flight entitlement for senior staff at Singapore Airlines business class prices.
Mr Durai said that he had flown all classes before and only started travelling first-class in the past two years.
He said he would pay the difference for any first class upgrades and that sometimes, it was cheaper for him to fly first class than on business class.
In the public gallery was Mrs Goh Chok Tong, patron of the foundation, and SPH chief executive Alan Chan.
Disgustingly evil... No?
Sigh... Oh wait, like tt wait i kena sue for deflamation wor... Nono, understand tis NKF CEO, im e disgusting evil one, ok??? Dun put words into my mouth...
Humans... Whoever said life is fair anyway...
U judge tis urself... I dun wan to comment about it tis time...
PS: Will be bz tis few days... May not blog... Very tired...
And first to take the stand was the NKF's CEO, TT Durai who made some startling revelations during cross examination by SPH's Senior Counsel Davinder Singh.
The article in question was written by SPH's journalist Susan Long, whom NKF is also suing.
It had an account of a contractor who had been hired to install some bathroom fittings for its new headquarters in 1995.
NKF says the article had many falsehoods and half truths. But Monday's hearing was more than just about toilet fittings.
It was a public scrutiny of how the NKF is administered and run, the travel patterns of its senior executives and the chief executive officer, and what salaries were paid to the CEO in the last three years.
The court heard that CEO Durai got a twelve month bonus last year. And between 2002 and 2004, he would have earned close to S$1.8 million.
From the outset, Senior Counsel Davinder Singh who is acting for SPH, emphasized the importance of transparency and public accountability on NKF's part as every cent which NKF spent came from public donations.
Several senior officials from NKF were in court to follow the proceedings, including its patron Mrs Goh Chok Tong.
Another one:
NKF sues SPH over 'gold-plated tap'
Claims it didn't even have 12-storey building then; SPH lawyer asks NKF chief about his salary
LAST April, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) made headlines in The Straits Times' (ST) on several occasions: First, for its corporate tie-up with insurance company Aviva, then for its $189-million reserves and again on April 19 — a day after an NKF fund-raising charity show — in a report that mentioned a "gold-plated tap" that cost "at least $1,000" at its Kim Keat Road headquarters.
The non-profit organisation is now making headlines again as it commences, along with its chief executive T T Durai, 57, a libel suit against the Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and Ms Susan Long, 32, ST senior writer and author of the April 19 report, "The NKF: Controversially ahead of its time?".
In the first six paragraphs of the report, Ms Long set out that her source — "a retired contractor … known only as Mr Tan" — told her of a "gold-plated tap" costing "at least $1,000", as well as a glass-panelled shower and a "pricey German toilet bowl", that he had to install on the "12th floor of the $21-million building".
She recounted how the contractor had "scream(ed) his head off" on learning of the assignment at the NKF's "new headquarters at Kim Keat Road in 1995", but was told to "just do" his job.
According to the report, the taps he eventually installed were "scaled down" to an "upmarket chrome-plated model".
These allegations implied that the NKF had — under Mr Durai's management — misused public funds, said the NKF in the Supreme Court yesterday. It is arguing that the newspaper had an agenda against it.
Following the report, the NKF had sought an apology and retraction of this allegation from SPH. But as none was forthcoming, the case will be heard out in court over the next nine days.
The NKF statement cited that in 1995, it was not yet housed in its current 12-storey premises, but instead, in a two-storey block on site.
The statement also said that there was no "gold-plated tap" nor any tap which "alone cost at least $1,000" in that building.
During his full-day cross-examination session by SPH's Senior Counsel Davinder Singh, Mr Durai stated that in 1994, a shower mixer and basin mixer had been installed in his absence. He "gave instructions for that to be removed" upon his return from an overseas trip.
Mr Durai did not want the office interior to appear luxurious. But, according to the NKF, Ms Long's report had implied that the alleged "gold-plated taps" were "scaled down" only because of the contractor's protestations.
Mr Singh said this incident supported his argument that the report was factual and that the "expensive bathroom fittings" were, in fact, installed and then removed.
Mr Singh also said that SPH had a duty to comment on the NKF's financial affairs in the interest of the public and questioned Mr Durai on his salary package and whether he had flown first class on NKF funds collected from the public.
Mr Durai, who initially told the court he preferred to keep his salary private, said he earned an average of about $550,000 a year, including bonuses varying from 10 months to a year's salary. Over the last three years, he earned a total of around $1.8 million.
Two years ago, when Mr Durai earned nearly $600,000, the NKF had an annual turnover of $100 million.
Mr Durai explained that his pay package and bonus was a decision made by the foundation's board and that the board had also pegged the flight entitlement for senior staff at Singapore Airlines business class prices.
Mr Durai said that he had flown all classes before and only started travelling first-class in the past two years.
He said he would pay the difference for any first class upgrades and that sometimes, it was cheaper for him to fly first class than on business class.
In the public gallery was Mrs Goh Chok Tong, patron of the foundation, and SPH chief executive Alan Chan.
Disgustingly evil... No?
Sigh... Oh wait, like tt wait i kena sue for deflamation wor... Nono, understand tis NKF CEO, im e disgusting evil one, ok??? Dun put words into my mouth...
Humans... Whoever said life is fair anyway...
U judge tis urself... I dun wan to comment about it tis time...
PS: Will be bz tis few days... May not blog... Very tired...
Monday, July 11, 2005
Pasta Cafe
I luv Pasta Cafe, even though i haf only been there under 7 times... And im not even tokin about Ngee Ann City's branch... Im tokin about Northpt... Yishun... Particularly located at North Street (Na Fu Jie)...
E food's great... Ambience's great... And e prices r great as well, very affordable...
They improvise their menu every now n then... Even though i miss their baked rice (e best), but taken off e menu... But e food is even better now... If i haf a big pocket, i would luv to try out their everything...
Shuzhen n I went over tt day on sat for dinner... I haf one fav table there... I usually sit tt table if im eating wif her... Somehow i had already labelled it mine... Ha... We both ordered set dinner... Which comes with either soup, or drink or dessert... We both chose soup...
Yum... Its chicken n corn soup tt day... E soup is extremely meaty and e bread is fresh, crispy n nice... U can see bits of garlic pieces on it... Very very tasty...

Our main cozes... She had Grilled Dory Fish as usual... I had Mushroom Chicken Chop Wif Cheese... I didnt noe both come wif rice... Look at their arrangements... SO classy... I haf never seen SHuzhen's dory fish so nice be4... E meat, sauce, rice, veges... Simply finger licking gd...
Im hungry...
E rice's short grain rice, very fillin... Its tomato rice... E tomatoes r quite sour, but goes well wif everything...
And e best part is, its only cost us $12.90!!!!
Where to find such gd food at such prices?
Even their refillable ice water comes in nice glasses n e waitresses will forever be refilling ur cup wif ice n water... But think coz they bored lah...
Swensens dun come close after being so commercialised n their quality dropped a bomb... Swensen used to haf really nice tenderloins, but they took it off e menu as well...
Great thing about Pasta Cafe is tt they never cut costs or shortcut on their food... Their food is very rich in taste and their cheese is e best... Im not so sure about e orchard branch though... But i especially appreciate tis one, coz u can see y fr e next 2 pics...

I dun like e cushion seats... E spotlights very bright over there... Open concept kitchen on e right...

See, i booked e whole place... Cost me a bomb on a sat night... Scary...
Haha, actually, its jus us there... Its usually quite empty... Coz its at e 2nd level, and most ppl doesnt noe it exists...
Tts y, knowing tt they r doin broke business, and yet they maintained their quality... I had been fearing tt they will close down, but i had been worried for more than a yr plus... Seems they r doin fine wif Orchard's profit... Orchard's one forever crowded, i dun like... No privacy...
I wan to go eat again, tis time, i'll try their lasagne... Yummy yum...
E food's great... Ambience's great... And e prices r great as well, very affordable...
They improvise their menu every now n then... Even though i miss their baked rice (e best), but taken off e menu... But e food is even better now... If i haf a big pocket, i would luv to try out their everything...
Shuzhen n I went over tt day on sat for dinner... I haf one fav table there... I usually sit tt table if im eating wif her... Somehow i had already labelled it mine... Ha... We both ordered set dinner... Which comes with either soup, or drink or dessert... We both chose soup...

Yum... Its chicken n corn soup tt day... E soup is extremely meaty and e bread is fresh, crispy n nice... U can see bits of garlic pieces on it... Very very tasty...

Our main cozes... She had Grilled Dory Fish as usual... I had Mushroom Chicken Chop Wif Cheese... I didnt noe both come wif rice... Look at their arrangements... SO classy... I haf never seen SHuzhen's dory fish so nice be4... E meat, sauce, rice, veges... Simply finger licking gd...
Im hungry...
E rice's short grain rice, very fillin... Its tomato rice... E tomatoes r quite sour, but goes well wif everything...
And e best part is, its only cost us $12.90!!!!
Where to find such gd food at such prices?
Even their refillable ice water comes in nice glasses n e waitresses will forever be refilling ur cup wif ice n water... But think coz they bored lah...
Swensens dun come close after being so commercialised n their quality dropped a bomb... Swensen used to haf really nice tenderloins, but they took it off e menu as well...
Great thing about Pasta Cafe is tt they never cut costs or shortcut on their food... Their food is very rich in taste and their cheese is e best... Im not so sure about e orchard branch though... But i especially appreciate tis one, coz u can see y fr e next 2 pics...

I dun like e cushion seats... E spotlights very bright over there... Open concept kitchen on e right...

See, i booked e whole place... Cost me a bomb on a sat night... Scary...
Haha, actually, its jus us there... Its usually quite empty... Coz its at e 2nd level, and most ppl doesnt noe it exists...
Tts y, knowing tt they r doin broke business, and yet they maintained their quality... I had been fearing tt they will close down, but i had been worried for more than a yr plus... Seems they r doin fine wif Orchard's profit... Orchard's one forever crowded, i dun like... No privacy...
I wan to go eat again, tis time, i'll try their lasagne... Yummy yum...
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Brands Hamper
Friday, July 08, 2005
Tis Is So Amazing...
I found my keys fortunately... Will be goin down tmr... Shun bian spot check e tenants... I hope they r not up to anything... Sigh...
Anyways, while i was browsing e pics of my frens on friendster few days ago... My dear Serene actually posted up 2 pics of her make up table...
Tis is simply amazing n amusing at e same time... Click on e pic for a larger view...

Wah... Look at her ultimate warfare collection of cosmetics man... It can last her a whole lifetime... I am so shocked so i saved e pic... To me, tis kind of pic is classic man...
Look at e right, i bet she almost bought all e lipstick colors of e same series... And so many sets somemore... Lipgloss, blushers... And e middle, slotted in e box are eye shadows... Again, u can see she mus haf bought all colors...
Tis is so amazing...
How to finish all arh? Will expire one u noe...
But of coz u noe right? SInce u work at a cosmetic counter...
Serene is my secondary classmate of 2 yrs... We soon lost contact after graduation, but i bumped into her alot during NYP days... She was studying Marketing i think... Ever since upper sec, she started to go thru a massive change...
Fortunately for her, she has found a perfect bf who seems to be her soulmate fr her descriptions...
So nice eh? Well, all e best to her...
Anyways, while i was browsing e pics of my frens on friendster few days ago... My dear Serene actually posted up 2 pics of her make up table...
Tis is simply amazing n amusing at e same time... Click on e pic for a larger view...

Wah... Look at her ultimate warfare collection of cosmetics man... It can last her a whole lifetime... I am so shocked so i saved e pic... To me, tis kind of pic is classic man...
Look at e right, i bet she almost bought all e lipstick colors of e same series... And so many sets somemore... Lipgloss, blushers... And e middle, slotted in e box are eye shadows... Again, u can see she mus haf bought all colors...
Tis is so amazing...
How to finish all arh? Will expire one u noe...
But of coz u noe right? SInce u work at a cosmetic counter...
Serene is my secondary classmate of 2 yrs... We soon lost contact after graduation, but i bumped into her alot during NYP days... She was studying Marketing i think... Ever since upper sec, she started to go thru a massive change...
Fortunately for her, she has found a perfect bf who seems to be her soulmate fr her descriptions...
So nice eh? Well, all e best to her...
London Bomb Blasts
Jus when things haf not been going on well...
E bomb blasts happened...
I believe many were taken aback... Who would haf guessed...
Feel so sad for all those who died and who were injured... My condolences to them... We all never expected tis... Much less fr an influencial state... Sigh...
Like wat one blogger said... Wat kind of evil drove these ppl to do these?
A phone call jus now, and my mum's god son's grandfather jus passed away...
It was so sudden...
He didnt haf any illness... He was at e NTUC today, and when he was at e cashier, he tripped and jus died... Jus like tt... No warnings, no nothing...
My mum has fallen ill and she has been very grouchy this few days due to my Dad's medical fees...
My sis has not been doing well in her sales tis few days, after going to e hospital to visit my Dad... Coz my Dad nagged at her... To sales ppl, naggin can coz ur wealth n luck to go away... Subsequently, she got scolded by customers n boss... And thus, she decided not to visit him...
Ppl say for those who r unlucky (like me), its best not to go hospital... It will get worst... All i noe is when im there, i got immediate headaches...
My Dad called me on Wed night n asked me y i never go down today... Sigh... He told me to buy orange juice and asked me to go down immediately... I told him i'll go down e next day... Kind SHuzhen accompanied me there again...
I bought 2 sunkist's orange juice bottles fr cold storage... THen i told him i bought liao... As expected, he already forgotten he asked me to buy e stuffs... Which of coz, e juices were jus excuses to ask me down...
Anways stayed there n stood for about 45mins... Washed alot of things... I took back a Brand's Chicken Essence hamper, which he doesnt drink...
Again, he told SHuzhen tt it is my honour to haf her as my fren and blah blah...
I thot he can walk already when he called me e night be4... But i realised he borrowed hospital's mobile phone...
He still cant walk, and his heart is having probs... Sigh...
We then headed over to City Hall, coz she had tuition at Bukit Batok at 6pm... We walked ard, and ate some takeaway sushi at Carrefour...
Then she left, while i continue to walk ard, until my mum called me to bug me to go home... THen i went home...
Sigh... I jus received a call fr my Dad... He asked me to go over to his place to settle his bills... Damn, i forgot where i put his keys... I took them out last yr, coz i haf a bunch of keys to 3 houses... After e repainting of e whole house, i duno where e keys r...
Sian... Hai~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
E bomb blasts happened...
I believe many were taken aback... Who would haf guessed...
Feel so sad for all those who died and who were injured... My condolences to them... We all never expected tis... Much less fr an influencial state... Sigh...
Like wat one blogger said... Wat kind of evil drove these ppl to do these?
A phone call jus now, and my mum's god son's grandfather jus passed away...
It was so sudden...
He didnt haf any illness... He was at e NTUC today, and when he was at e cashier, he tripped and jus died... Jus like tt... No warnings, no nothing...
My mum has fallen ill and she has been very grouchy this few days due to my Dad's medical fees...
My sis has not been doing well in her sales tis few days, after going to e hospital to visit my Dad... Coz my Dad nagged at her... To sales ppl, naggin can coz ur wealth n luck to go away... Subsequently, she got scolded by customers n boss... And thus, she decided not to visit him...
Ppl say for those who r unlucky (like me), its best not to go hospital... It will get worst... All i noe is when im there, i got immediate headaches...
My Dad called me on Wed night n asked me y i never go down today... Sigh... He told me to buy orange juice and asked me to go down immediately... I told him i'll go down e next day... Kind SHuzhen accompanied me there again...
I bought 2 sunkist's orange juice bottles fr cold storage... THen i told him i bought liao... As expected, he already forgotten he asked me to buy e stuffs... Which of coz, e juices were jus excuses to ask me down...
Anways stayed there n stood for about 45mins... Washed alot of things... I took back a Brand's Chicken Essence hamper, which he doesnt drink...
Again, he told SHuzhen tt it is my honour to haf her as my fren and blah blah...
I thot he can walk already when he called me e night be4... But i realised he borrowed hospital's mobile phone...
He still cant walk, and his heart is having probs... Sigh...
We then headed over to City Hall, coz she had tuition at Bukit Batok at 6pm... We walked ard, and ate some takeaway sushi at Carrefour...
Then she left, while i continue to walk ard, until my mum called me to bug me to go home... THen i went home...
Sigh... I jus received a call fr my Dad... He asked me to go over to his place to settle his bills... Damn, i forgot where i put his keys... I took them out last yr, coz i haf a bunch of keys to 3 houses... After e repainting of e whole house, i duno where e keys r...
Sian... Hai~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Olympics & Disneyland
Yeap, 2012 will be at London...
Sad right? Seeing e nasty one gets e prize... Well, tis is life... Life is such... So many ppl were disappointed... Almost all i noe rooted for Paris...
Anyways, its funny tt Singapore even participated tis time... We all knoe its impossible... So wat if we rebuilt our National Stadium...
I saw e other countries' presentation clips... Gosh, their stadiums r tastifully gorgeous... And they r like building up their whole state to contribute to e olympics... Wif hotels, estates n such... It was extreme massive...
And i cant help but laugh when they aired our Sg clip... Wats wif ppl swimming in a mini pool? Wats wif showing e multi racial society? National Day Parade propaganda arh?
But then, while many ppl geered at our participation... Some media mentioned tt tis is e Singapore spirit... Knoe sure will lose but still wan to try... Tryin to ask ppl dun give up...
All these reminded me of e Hong Kong's opening of famous Disneyland on 12 Sept 2005... All e hotels n plane fares increased 50%... Can u believe tt? Admission fees alone is already 70 sing dollars... Due to tt... My family (excludin me) trip to Hong Kong has been changed to Bangkok... Haha...
Lucky for those who went there earlier... Well, lucky for e poor ones... E rich ones wouldnt bother, would they?
I recalled many yrs ago, they had actually decided to built it in Singapore instead of HK... They planned to built it on Sentosa... But then, we dun haf enough space n land... Sentosa was too small... So they moved on to Hong Kong... Sad arh? Maybe e integrated resorts may really boast our economy then? If not, its hard for our stagnant economy to move on... We need to break e current status...
Not many opportunities ard for a small island...
Sad right? Seeing e nasty one gets e prize... Well, tis is life... Life is such... So many ppl were disappointed... Almost all i noe rooted for Paris...
Anyways, its funny tt Singapore even participated tis time... We all knoe its impossible... So wat if we rebuilt our National Stadium...
I saw e other countries' presentation clips... Gosh, their stadiums r tastifully gorgeous... And they r like building up their whole state to contribute to e olympics... Wif hotels, estates n such... It was extreme massive...
And i cant help but laugh when they aired our Sg clip... Wats wif ppl swimming in a mini pool? Wats wif showing e multi racial society? National Day Parade propaganda arh?
But then, while many ppl geered at our participation... Some media mentioned tt tis is e Singapore spirit... Knoe sure will lose but still wan to try... Tryin to ask ppl dun give up...
All these reminded me of e Hong Kong's opening of famous Disneyland on 12 Sept 2005... All e hotels n plane fares increased 50%... Can u believe tt? Admission fees alone is already 70 sing dollars... Due to tt... My family (excludin me) trip to Hong Kong has been changed to Bangkok... Haha...
Lucky for those who went there earlier... Well, lucky for e poor ones... E rich ones wouldnt bother, would they?
I recalled many yrs ago, they had actually decided to built it in Singapore instead of HK... They planned to built it on Sentosa... But then, we dun haf enough space n land... Sentosa was too small... So they moved on to Hong Kong... Sad arh? Maybe e integrated resorts may really boast our economy then? If not, its hard for our stagnant economy to move on... We need to break e current status...
Not many opportunities ard for a small island...
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