I just watched Battle Royale 2 last night... Better blog about it coz its a forgettable film, i already dun remember much about e show...
I haf no idea y it took me so long to get to tis movie... I like e 1st one, but when the movie sequel was screened at Cineleisure yrs ago, i was underage unfortunately... During then there was no NC16 or M18, so e movie was rated RA (21) i think... Well, not tt i haf a prob wif e underage issue, just tt its not worth it to risk e ticket money for tt movie...
While i was interested, Battle Royale is not e kind tt i would bear to forfeit my money if i was caught...
I was browsing for new Gackt clips (i do tt daily but not only about Gackt), then i saw one fan made a BR2 MV usin his song... And then i after watching i thot, yahor, y i never watch tt movie ar...
So anyways, i watched wif my sis last night and she fell asleep halfway thru... Lol...
Movie critics were on 2 extreme ends, either u love it or u hate it...
For me, since i already noe, i am not all tt disappointed... I already noe how its coming...
The movie was too long for its genre... Its 2 hrs plus, for a violent movie (supposedly), tts way too much... U can tell they tried to push the film and added lots of scenes where theres long dialogs... To make things worst, they spoke in a slow old fashion manner (imagine young cute actors speaking tt way, tts abit nerve wrecking)...
A typical 1 hr and 1/2 is enuff to showcase a very tight and exciting storyline... Further more, theres isnt much story in tis kind of movie anyway, its not drama...
U noe those typical movie scenes where the casts are trying to teach e audience some moral grds/values on evil/good ppl, how we live our lives, e reality of e world of adults, how dominating countries create war, how many innocent lives lost, etc? Yup, tonnes of those scenes... I think tis is e reason y e movie received e worst reviews on tt end...
Ppl watched BR1 for e gore n violence, they werent expecting the sequel to be full of slow preaches (again, by very young cute guys at tt)...
BR1 is a sick movie, u see how e grp of classmates and even close/best frens doubt one another, and eventually killing one another off for their own survival... We all r sick anyways, so we enjoy these kind of movies where humans kill off one another for their own self... Disgustingly sick, bloody but exciting it at e same time... Often in these kind of movies, u would wonder how e next person's gonna die and u anticipates...
BR2 broke away fr tt... Its no longer selfish senseless killings... At least there was a reason now, and whether valid or not tts another thing...
Instead of killing each other, they now haf to kill e leader of a terrorist grp, who was e male survivor of BR1 (yea, Kira~ urgh)... He formed a terrorist grp and launched attacks on e adults for revenge... Sworing to kill off all e adults in tis world so tt they could let e children live n smile peacefully and openly once again...
So tis time, its war, not a survival game... The students were equipped wif combat weapons and uniforms, being sent to e island where e terrorists were hiding... They had to kill e leader within 72 hrs...
The students were abit different, they were not as smart as the 1st... Many of them r cowards n losers... Tis time they chose a class of losers/ah bengs/lians/delinquents, so its different compared to the class of BR1... Which explains y more than half of e class were already killed even be4 e main action started...
They were also matched in pairs, if one dies, ur necklace explodes... Also they haf to stay in a 50 m range as well... I haf no idea y they did tt, perhaps only to torture e students... Coz on one hand they used e students to kill their common enemy, on the other hand, they keep some of e old rules to get rid of most of them as well... Totally double standards, i couldnt understand... Maybe e adults r jus having fun watching e whole damn thing...
But i see no students having known e pairing rule, protect or even work together wif their partners... But like i said, they arent smart students... So u see most of them died coz their partners died... Abit pathetic... They dun use their brains, so they dun work together nor come up wif plans or form allies which were some exciting parts of BR1... For tis class, e survivors were more like random killing and shooting...
Oh e girls of BR1 were really smart n evil at the same time... E girls of this class were mainly just running n screaming ard and getting killed... They kept freaking out all e way... Made me abit pissed.... Haha... Then u see all e guys very gung ho and go shooting like theres no tmr...
Lots of explosives/bullets used in tis film... Their methods of killing were military based, so nothing interesting there... BR1 they gave them random weapons, it can be a paper fan or pot depending on ur luck... Lol... Tis one everyones equipped wif rifles...
There was a major plot overlook which i saw... But i dismissed it as maybe e director forgot...
Tis movie is better in quality compared to e 1st... I am not toking about video quality... Quality as in filming qualities, e props, sets, etc... I cant stand some fake CG stuffs though... The cast were also better looking in general... The 1st one was more random...
I wont really say tt its a bad sequel due to one simple reason, it wasnt e same director...
The director of BR1 passed away due to cancer after only shooting e 1st scene of BR2... So his son took over in honour of his Dad since he wrote e script anyways ... Tt to me, is a gd enuff reason to support tis movie...
The pacing goes up n down, it started off slow, then e same thing as of e 1st, e bus, then brought to tis place, then e explanation etc... Very draggy coz we all still remember mah... Then e action started, it was quite thrilling and then everything stopped... After e surviving kids turned to the terrorists, it became like a drama, hearing stories etc... Tt was where my sis fell asleep... Lol... And then lastly the action picked up for a final confrontation, and then ended wif a slow ending...
Oh, one interesting aspect was e daughter of the teacher of BR1, appeared n joined the BR act in tis one in order to find out y her Dad was fascinated wif e female lead of BR1 and also to avenge him... I thot e character was pretty interesting, but e character wasnt used to e fullest, it pretty much fell flat in the middle, she became jus a sick kick ultimately...
For Br1 i like e extra 2 characters in the game, they were so cool and interesting... For tis one, theres no such kind of anticipation...
Maybe younger ppl would be more fascinated learning things about e real world, reality, wars etc... But as for e more mature adults, they mus haf thot its boring as hell...
The show is rather political as well, although done in a subtle manner... Constantly protraying the America bully power, how they bombed all the countries in e past 20 yrs...
Also, e main lead seemed to be a ref to *cough* O s a m a *cough*... Tis is something i read, coz they said he wore e same white robe at the end of the movie... There were sufficient evidence in e movie to convey alot of references to real life situations... Maybe tis movie also makes u understand e terrorists slightly better, y they kept on fighting e losing war n y they would find new willing partners where ever they r...
Its trying to make u think twice about e current political situation...
To me, if its slightly leaning towards political perspectives, it should be done wif a documentary movie genre, so tt u can better explain things and clear things up... And not tryin to half heartedly say abit here n there in a teenager film... But maybe it can be considered as a window for start as well...
No matter, if u caught e 1st, theres no reason for u to not catch e second... Oh, tis one is not as gory as e 1st... Like i said, tis one focuses on more human politics...
Not bad lah, just abit too long... Very different in terms of style as well, maybe coz its a different director...
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
About Long Entries
Its so shiok writing long entries although its extremely time consuming, i haf so many crap to say... Lol... But i need to control myself... Hahahah... How e hell u guys managed to summarise ur thots in a few lines??? I can never do tt in my whole life i guess...
Even my fren whos not contacted me, he sent me a one line message in frenster... I replied in multiple paragraphs... One of which saying though ive been having some probs but im still e same, dun worry...
And then he bloody hell replied and said, "Yah, can tell u r still e same, still reply in long sentences! chatty?"... Damn it!!! Lol, got alot of things to say mah... How to patronise ppl? I mean like ppl ask u how haf u been, u just reply, "been fine. u?" Lidat can liao meh? Mus update mah, mus ask qns also mah!
If i ask ppl how uve been and u reply saying fine, fullstop, i might as well dun ask... lol
Even SZ said its very easy to tell its my replies or emails or smses... Coz mine would be extra long... Only i am lidat...
But hor its i am e only one lidat sometimes also bek cek... Like i write long long message to ppl, then ppl reply short short only... I wan to read long long replies also mah... Hahahah... Like sometimes i sms SZ, maybe like 2 sms spaces... And she replied wif a "OK."... Then i will message back, i tok so much u only say Ok... Then she will say duno wat to reply mah... Lol...
Anyways, i am not e only one... If u think my long entries are damn long, u r wrong liao lor... Most of e blogs i read r at least 2-3 times longer than mine... Maybe we r e same though i duno them, so i enjoyed their writings... Much more than those 1 paragraph entries...
Actually i haf many many things to update n blog one... But most of e time i lazy or no time so no blog here lor... Then like if i drag after few days then i dun haf tt feeling liao so never blog about it liao... lol...
Alright, tis is a short n meaningless one...
I feel happy n shiok after each writing, erm, typing... Duno y leh... Really love it but takes up too much time...
Even my fren whos not contacted me, he sent me a one line message in frenster... I replied in multiple paragraphs... One of which saying though ive been having some probs but im still e same, dun worry...
And then he bloody hell replied and said, "Yah, can tell u r still e same, still reply in long sentences! chatty?"... Damn it!!! Lol, got alot of things to say mah... How to patronise ppl? I mean like ppl ask u how haf u been, u just reply, "been fine. u?" Lidat can liao meh? Mus update mah, mus ask qns also mah!
If i ask ppl how uve been and u reply saying fine, fullstop, i might as well dun ask... lol
Even SZ said its very easy to tell its my replies or emails or smses... Coz mine would be extra long... Only i am lidat...
But hor its i am e only one lidat sometimes also bek cek... Like i write long long message to ppl, then ppl reply short short only... I wan to read long long replies also mah... Hahahah... Like sometimes i sms SZ, maybe like 2 sms spaces... And she replied wif a "OK."... Then i will message back, i tok so much u only say Ok... Then she will say duno wat to reply mah... Lol...
Anyways, i am not e only one... If u think my long entries are damn long, u r wrong liao lor... Most of e blogs i read r at least 2-3 times longer than mine... Maybe we r e same though i duno them, so i enjoyed their writings... Much more than those 1 paragraph entries...
Actually i haf many many things to update n blog one... But most of e time i lazy or no time so no blog here lor... Then like if i drag after few days then i dun haf tt feeling liao so never blog about it liao... lol...
Alright, tis is a short n meaningless one...
I feel happy n shiok after each writing, erm, typing... Duno y leh... Really love it but takes up too much time...
For some reasons, i am digging wedges... I am not toking about potatoes... Im toking about shoes...
I do not own any wedges coz i haven seen any tt caught my attention yet... But recently coz its soaring in trend, i found lots of nice wedges every where...
I just saw a lovely multi-colored floral/gem wedge at VNC last sat... Though its not really wedge but more like platform, then again, i classify platforms n wedge e same, but tts only me... Anyways, i didnt get tt though... Sad... I didnt even try...
The shoe is nice but e front part is e multiple straps kind, my front feet usually cannot fit these kind of cutting unless its really wide... And besides tt, usually strappy kind dun last, or at least tts wat happened to my old strappy heels... Wif e pressure on the front feet, e thin straps will bust sooner than others...
I found out VNC shoes size reaches 10... But having seen SZ getting size 9 when shes a size 8, its jus e numbers game like i mentioned... Which means size 10 is actually size 9 in actual measurement... Nothing to feel happy about for ppl wif large feet...
Then again, at least they haf my size, so its something to be happy about... Even if i dun fit their strappy shoes coz of fat feet, at least i believe there r shoes i can fit... Abit sad tt they uses e same material as Charles & Keith, which is PVC...
Materials n price range about e same... Durability alittle bit more than C & C, or so i heard but it also meant it doesnt last all e same... Cheaps shoes generally dun last anyways... So wan to get cheap shoes, dun complain... But i got C & C disc card though....
But VNC costs dirt cheap in Msia lor, its e same price... Imagine u bought ur shoes for 28 bucks in sing, and it also cost 28 bucks in rm there, well, tts only if u go msia often, if not u'll haf to settle for sing dollars...
Anyways, about 2 weeks ago, i saw 2 lovely wedges at C & C... Both about 35/36 bucks... Very nice, i like lor... Was very tempted... I think i like tried e displays for more than 10 times... And i put it back, walk ard, come back to try, put it back, over n over, while SZ was looking n trying her shoes...
All e while, many many females also love e 2 wedges i like... They also kept trying... Haha... The wedges attracted so many passerbys...
U noe i hate those ladies who seem to be interested in a certain shoes, but lazy to try or something... Then when they saw u pick up e shoes, they would stand beside u and watch u try and see how it looks...
I dun like ppl lidat... Damn irritating lor, dun use my feet to judge leh... Try urself lah... I will paiseh one lor...
Theres tis gf/bf, e gf saw e wedge and was trying and then she said something...
GF: Now tis very in e trend hor?
BF: Huh? Wat? Oh, u mean pointed shoes?
GF: !!! No, i mean wedges! (Actually she didnt even say tt word, i think she like just showed him, doubt he understands wat wedges r anyways... lol, he'll probably relate it to potatoes!)
A very typical scenario which showcased e ignorance of man's knowledge and judgement on fashion... In e 1st place, wedges doesnt even haf pointed fronts... Duno where he got e idea... Haha, he must be thinking, shoes all e same to me mah! And he clearly wasnt even looking or interested in wat his gf's trying, but pretended he was...
Which made me laughed out loud, erm, subtlely? Muahahaha...
But hor, some guys really haf eyes for fashion, though sometimes abit overboard... Like how some guys insisted to go shopping wif me and help me choose... And they wan to see me try everything... Its embarassing to let guys get so personal... Or at least tts me...
A guy and me passed by one shoe shop some time ago, and he spotted one particular heels which was damn nice according to him... I didnt see it though... And he kept harping on it, saying its really nice etc... I noe he wans me to go try, but its not like hes paying or wat mah (maybe he will but tts not e pt)... So i said, "Aiyah, u go find one gf then buy for her lor!"... Lol, i believed it shattered watever hes thinking... I am so cruel sometimes... Muahaha...
Anyways, i didnt get e wedges in e end... Then we headed to Far East... And then holly shit, i saw tis even nicer wedge... I came to tis shop, and i immediately love so many of their shoes... Like 60% of them... Their flat shoes are extremely gorgeous, i would haf bought every single one i tried... But i haf tis thing about heels n height...
I bought tis in e end...

It comes in pink and green... I like both, i couldnt decide... In e end, i chose my fav color, green, although i really wan e pink as well... Tis one is 29.90, but their other shoes are generally even more cheaper...
I also like another pink/white heel... But i cant possibly buy everything...

Their shoe sizes end at 39 or 40... Which is supposed to be 8 or 9... But i saw SZ trying e shoes, and she settled for 40, which means their 40 is more like 8.5 instead of 9... Another number game... I knew it, coz tis kind of random cheap shoe shops, their number usually end at 8... Rarely do u see 40...

It comes wif extra packet of a pair of heel padding as well... So cool...

My 1st wedge, i love it...
Although it gave me lots of blisters during my 1st wearing... Wat to do, got to season it mah... Hope it tastes better e next time... lol... I am used to blisters wif all my new shoes anyways...
I do not own any wedges coz i haven seen any tt caught my attention yet... But recently coz its soaring in trend, i found lots of nice wedges every where...
I just saw a lovely multi-colored floral/gem wedge at VNC last sat... Though its not really wedge but more like platform, then again, i classify platforms n wedge e same, but tts only me... Anyways, i didnt get tt though... Sad... I didnt even try...
The shoe is nice but e front part is e multiple straps kind, my front feet usually cannot fit these kind of cutting unless its really wide... And besides tt, usually strappy kind dun last, or at least tts wat happened to my old strappy heels... Wif e pressure on the front feet, e thin straps will bust sooner than others...
I found out VNC shoes size reaches 10... But having seen SZ getting size 9 when shes a size 8, its jus e numbers game like i mentioned... Which means size 10 is actually size 9 in actual measurement... Nothing to feel happy about for ppl wif large feet...
Then again, at least they haf my size, so its something to be happy about... Even if i dun fit their strappy shoes coz of fat feet, at least i believe there r shoes i can fit... Abit sad tt they uses e same material as Charles & Keith, which is PVC...
Materials n price range about e same... Durability alittle bit more than C & C, or so i heard but it also meant it doesnt last all e same... Cheaps shoes generally dun last anyways... So wan to get cheap shoes, dun complain... But i got C & C disc card though....
But VNC costs dirt cheap in Msia lor, its e same price... Imagine u bought ur shoes for 28 bucks in sing, and it also cost 28 bucks in rm there, well, tts only if u go msia often, if not u'll haf to settle for sing dollars...
Anyways, about 2 weeks ago, i saw 2 lovely wedges at C & C... Both about 35/36 bucks... Very nice, i like lor... Was very tempted... I think i like tried e displays for more than 10 times... And i put it back, walk ard, come back to try, put it back, over n over, while SZ was looking n trying her shoes...
All e while, many many females also love e 2 wedges i like... They also kept trying... Haha... The wedges attracted so many passerbys...
U noe i hate those ladies who seem to be interested in a certain shoes, but lazy to try or something... Then when they saw u pick up e shoes, they would stand beside u and watch u try and see how it looks...
I dun like ppl lidat... Damn irritating lor, dun use my feet to judge leh... Try urself lah... I will paiseh one lor...
Theres tis gf/bf, e gf saw e wedge and was trying and then she said something...
GF: Now tis very in e trend hor?
BF: Huh? Wat? Oh, u mean pointed shoes?
GF: !!! No, i mean wedges! (Actually she didnt even say tt word, i think she like just showed him, doubt he understands wat wedges r anyways... lol, he'll probably relate it to potatoes!)
A very typical scenario which showcased e ignorance of man's knowledge and judgement on fashion... In e 1st place, wedges doesnt even haf pointed fronts... Duno where he got e idea... Haha, he must be thinking, shoes all e same to me mah! And he clearly wasnt even looking or interested in wat his gf's trying, but pretended he was...
Which made me laughed out loud, erm, subtlely? Muahahaha...
But hor, some guys really haf eyes for fashion, though sometimes abit overboard... Like how some guys insisted to go shopping wif me and help me choose... And they wan to see me try everything... Its embarassing to let guys get so personal... Or at least tts me...
A guy and me passed by one shoe shop some time ago, and he spotted one particular heels which was damn nice according to him... I didnt see it though... And he kept harping on it, saying its really nice etc... I noe he wans me to go try, but its not like hes paying or wat mah (maybe he will but tts not e pt)... So i said, "Aiyah, u go find one gf then buy for her lor!"... Lol, i believed it shattered watever hes thinking... I am so cruel sometimes... Muahaha...
Anyways, i didnt get e wedges in e end... Then we headed to Far East... And then holly shit, i saw tis even nicer wedge... I came to tis shop, and i immediately love so many of their shoes... Like 60% of them... Their flat shoes are extremely gorgeous, i would haf bought every single one i tried... But i haf tis thing about heels n height...
I bought tis in e end...

It comes in pink and green... I like both, i couldnt decide... In e end, i chose my fav color, green, although i really wan e pink as well... Tis one is 29.90, but their other shoes are generally even more cheaper...
I also like another pink/white heel... But i cant possibly buy everything...

Their shoe sizes end at 39 or 40... Which is supposed to be 8 or 9... But i saw SZ trying e shoes, and she settled for 40, which means their 40 is more like 8.5 instead of 9... Another number game... I knew it, coz tis kind of random cheap shoe shops, their number usually end at 8... Rarely do u see 40...

It comes wif extra packet of a pair of heel padding as well... So cool...

My 1st wedge, i love it...
Although it gave me lots of blisters during my 1st wearing... Wat to do, got to season it mah... Hope it tastes better e next time... lol... I am used to blisters wif all my new shoes anyways...
Monday, June 26, 2006
Just My Luck
I woke up early today! At 7am! My sis too, she usually wakes at 8 + am... We slept early last night, due to the boring bits of Hunter X Hunter anime... She always fell asleep watching Hunter... Lol... For me, ive already watched e series 3 times... So it was also boring for me as well, especially some already borings parts...
We were watching the fourth exam, where the candidates hunt for each others' number tags, e most boring exam of all, no wonder she fell asleep... Haha... She slept at 11 + and then i helped her switched off e stuffs and i slept at 12 +... I fell asleep listenin to Gackt (as usual), and woke up an hr later to off my mp3 player... Lucky i managed to go back to sleep smoothly... Haha...
I had a rather alright but boring dream... Maybe not really considering i dreamt of zombies taking over e world again... I was living in Yishun and my whole neighbourhood was flooded wif zombies...
But i had dreamt of zombies so many times, it wasnt scary any more... It was more dreary and worst, my zombies tis time were those slow n retarded 80s kind... E kind tt u can just walk faster to avoid them...
We hid in a big grp locking all the doors in an enclosed multi storey carpark... The dream did get more action packed later when e zombies mutated and can move n look jus like any one of us... So it was very hard differenciating whether who became a zombie...
No matter, it was still boring though... I also dreamt of my fren and her bf, her bf is so handsome! Then i dreamt tt Kelvin Tan Weilian (e blind singer), hes my older bro... And his best fren, Chen Guo Qiang (another artiste)... I was a rather heartless person in my dream, but i later thot things thru and looked after him in e crisis...
Met up wif SZ after tuition last sat... Shes working now so we went to look for more working shoes n clothes... We headed to City Hall... I wore new shoes to season them, sufferin from blisters as usual...
Very traumatic, but used to it at the same time... Its not easy being females in e 1st place...
We ate lunch (sushi) in the evening... It was a weird timing... I was later resting on a bench at Suntec coz i couldnt take e pain n pressure anymore... She went to the shops in front of me to shop ard...
Just in front of me was Andersons Ice cream... So i called her and said we shd haf dessert for dinner instead then... I think i sat on e bench for like 1 hr plus... So i headed there 1st at 7pm, chose a gd couple couch table n settled myself in... It was rather lonely waitin n sloggin there alone... Initially, the place was packed, but the moment i sat there, everyone left another one another... I drove the ppl away... Lol...
Even later while we were eating, i clearly saw tis family settling down beside my table, but just after 3 mins, they disappeared... Haha... No gd having me in e cafe, eh?
I ordered coffee, coz i was very sleepy, was worried tt i'll fall asleep during e movie later... And i finally ate Oreo Cheesecake, something i wanted to try since yrs back, but each time i chose something else instead...

E food n coffee is nice, i like it... Or maybe i was just plainly hungry... Coz i didnt ate much e whole day... Asked SZ to give me morning call but i went back to sleep... Lol... But i was still early for e meeting lor, and she late as usual... Muahahah...

We ate Couple Fondue... So nice, romantic and sweet...

The full set, i still remember e ice cream we ordered... Rum & Raisins (her fav, i dun like), Mint Chip (she dun like mint, menthol), Strawberries n Cream (better than i thot), Mocha Almond Fudge (normal), n Macademia Nuts (my fav)...
The choc doesnt drip, its amazing... And e choc is thick, i like... But SZ doesnt, she prefers it to be more watery, while i kept saying thick gd mah, then they not cheating our money... Lol... Anyways, theres so much choc left, very wasteful leh...

She also had blueberry cheesecake, which i forgot to take pic... Didnt bring my cam out so i used my lousy HP cam, ok lah, can see can liao...
I saw 2 lacy bags tt i like... I also saw some watches tt i like...
I saw a nice blue necklace (5 bucks), and SZ bought it for me... So sweet... I love it but forgot to take photo... Very cute necklace, my sis said Hello Kitty wear one (abeit sacarstic eh?)... Nvm, i like can liao...
Watched Just My Luck... Its been some time since i last saw a romance chick flick... I wanted to feel e heart warmth and e sooo sweet moments... Besides, i love Lindsay Lohan, though i prefered her be4 her boob job, be4 her skin job, be4 her crazy weight loss... She doesnt even look like herself now...
She was so pretty then, i thot she was very unique, she caught my attention immediately for her 1st teenager movie... And shes very curvy, i like... But now shes skinny wif crazy boobs... Hmm...
Having said all tt, theres still something about her tt makes u like her... So ya, i still like to watch her, no matter wat she becums...
The movie was alright, but fast paced compared to all the slow movies ive watched tis yr... So its not boring... There were lots of small little things in e movie tt relates to me... Coz of tt, it felt especially close, and i thot thru some things abit, while watching...
And of coz, Mcfly's more amazing than i thot... I listen to their songs wifout their faces... And they were better looking than i had imagined... Their live n stage performances were great... Gd band... Im sure their fame would pick up more after tis movie... Since they already hooked up my fren, who gained some interests on them even though she never heard about them be4...
The movie doesnt make u cry though, even though i did teared at some pts, but tts coz i thot of myself... Lol... I thot the movie was gd visually...
SZ did joke and said she can pass some luck to me if i wan... Tt moment was so funny coz if u watched it, u'll understand e passing of luck means a smoldering kiss... She later consoled me and said, well at least u r not as unlucky as e guy in e movie... To which i retorted, tts just a movie, they r exaggerating... Then she said, but maybe theres really ppl like him leh...
I love 4 leaf clovers way long back... I love e idea when i tell someone about it, e secret behind e clover and y i love it, it was a special moment... And often ppl then, duno much about e plant and much less wat i noe about them... They would remember it and will relate it back to me whenever they see one...
But becoz its so commercialised and everyone's selling it, it doesnt feel special anymore... I dun even tell new ppl i love it nowadays, coz its diff... Ppl wouldnt see it in the same way anymore coz u see it every where now... Its too much... And coz of tt, so many ppl owns it, so many ppl love it, and so many ppl buy it... It makes diamonds seem like dust specks... Ok, tts to me only...
Which is y till now i still dun own any 4 leaf clover stuffs (too over rated by e trend it becums cheesy), or maybe i haven found e one tt i love yet... But i still love it though...
I said tis, coz e clover appeared in e opening credits of e movie... I was so surprised, my eyes almost popped out... 4 Leaf Clover is like a asian myth thingy, so i didnt expect it to appear on a western film...
Well, its a movie about luck, and certainly, they did their research... I already love e movie even be4 they started... Lol...
Pass me some luck anyone? Muaks~
We were watching the fourth exam, where the candidates hunt for each others' number tags, e most boring exam of all, no wonder she fell asleep... Haha... She slept at 11 + and then i helped her switched off e stuffs and i slept at 12 +... I fell asleep listenin to Gackt (as usual), and woke up an hr later to off my mp3 player... Lucky i managed to go back to sleep smoothly... Haha...
I had a rather alright but boring dream... Maybe not really considering i dreamt of zombies taking over e world again... I was living in Yishun and my whole neighbourhood was flooded wif zombies...
But i had dreamt of zombies so many times, it wasnt scary any more... It was more dreary and worst, my zombies tis time were those slow n retarded 80s kind... E kind tt u can just walk faster to avoid them...
We hid in a big grp locking all the doors in an enclosed multi storey carpark... The dream did get more action packed later when e zombies mutated and can move n look jus like any one of us... So it was very hard differenciating whether who became a zombie...
No matter, it was still boring though... I also dreamt of my fren and her bf, her bf is so handsome! Then i dreamt tt Kelvin Tan Weilian (e blind singer), hes my older bro... And his best fren, Chen Guo Qiang (another artiste)... I was a rather heartless person in my dream, but i later thot things thru and looked after him in e crisis...
Met up wif SZ after tuition last sat... Shes working now so we went to look for more working shoes n clothes... We headed to City Hall... I wore new shoes to season them, sufferin from blisters as usual...
Very traumatic, but used to it at the same time... Its not easy being females in e 1st place...
We ate lunch (sushi) in the evening... It was a weird timing... I was later resting on a bench at Suntec coz i couldnt take e pain n pressure anymore... She went to the shops in front of me to shop ard...
Just in front of me was Andersons Ice cream... So i called her and said we shd haf dessert for dinner instead then... I think i sat on e bench for like 1 hr plus... So i headed there 1st at 7pm, chose a gd couple couch table n settled myself in... It was rather lonely waitin n sloggin there alone... Initially, the place was packed, but the moment i sat there, everyone left another one another... I drove the ppl away... Lol...
Even later while we were eating, i clearly saw tis family settling down beside my table, but just after 3 mins, they disappeared... Haha... No gd having me in e cafe, eh?
I ordered coffee, coz i was very sleepy, was worried tt i'll fall asleep during e movie later... And i finally ate Oreo Cheesecake, something i wanted to try since yrs back, but each time i chose something else instead...

E food n coffee is nice, i like it... Or maybe i was just plainly hungry... Coz i didnt ate much e whole day... Asked SZ to give me morning call but i went back to sleep... Lol... But i was still early for e meeting lor, and she late as usual... Muahahah...

We ate Couple Fondue... So nice, romantic and sweet...

The full set, i still remember e ice cream we ordered... Rum & Raisins (her fav, i dun like), Mint Chip (she dun like mint, menthol), Strawberries n Cream (better than i thot), Mocha Almond Fudge (normal), n Macademia Nuts (my fav)...
The choc doesnt drip, its amazing... And e choc is thick, i like... But SZ doesnt, she prefers it to be more watery, while i kept saying thick gd mah, then they not cheating our money... Lol... Anyways, theres so much choc left, very wasteful leh...

She also had blueberry cheesecake, which i forgot to take pic... Didnt bring my cam out so i used my lousy HP cam, ok lah, can see can liao...
I saw 2 lacy bags tt i like... I also saw some watches tt i like...
I saw a nice blue necklace (5 bucks), and SZ bought it for me... So sweet... I love it but forgot to take photo... Very cute necklace, my sis said Hello Kitty wear one (abeit sacarstic eh?)... Nvm, i like can liao...
Watched Just My Luck... Its been some time since i last saw a romance chick flick... I wanted to feel e heart warmth and e sooo sweet moments... Besides, i love Lindsay Lohan, though i prefered her be4 her boob job, be4 her skin job, be4 her crazy weight loss... She doesnt even look like herself now...
She was so pretty then, i thot she was very unique, she caught my attention immediately for her 1st teenager movie... And shes very curvy, i like... But now shes skinny wif crazy boobs... Hmm...
Having said all tt, theres still something about her tt makes u like her... So ya, i still like to watch her, no matter wat she becums...
The movie was alright, but fast paced compared to all the slow movies ive watched tis yr... So its not boring... There were lots of small little things in e movie tt relates to me... Coz of tt, it felt especially close, and i thot thru some things abit, while watching...
And of coz, Mcfly's more amazing than i thot... I listen to their songs wifout their faces... And they were better looking than i had imagined... Their live n stage performances were great... Gd band... Im sure their fame would pick up more after tis movie... Since they already hooked up my fren, who gained some interests on them even though she never heard about them be4...
The movie doesnt make u cry though, even though i did teared at some pts, but tts coz i thot of myself... Lol... I thot the movie was gd visually...
SZ did joke and said she can pass some luck to me if i wan... Tt moment was so funny coz if u watched it, u'll understand e passing of luck means a smoldering kiss... She later consoled me and said, well at least u r not as unlucky as e guy in e movie... To which i retorted, tts just a movie, they r exaggerating... Then she said, but maybe theres really ppl like him leh...
I love 4 leaf clovers way long back... I love e idea when i tell someone about it, e secret behind e clover and y i love it, it was a special moment... And often ppl then, duno much about e plant and much less wat i noe about them... They would remember it and will relate it back to me whenever they see one...
But becoz its so commercialised and everyone's selling it, it doesnt feel special anymore... I dun even tell new ppl i love it nowadays, coz its diff... Ppl wouldnt see it in the same way anymore coz u see it every where now... Its too much... And coz of tt, so many ppl owns it, so many ppl love it, and so many ppl buy it... It makes diamonds seem like dust specks... Ok, tts to me only...
Which is y till now i still dun own any 4 leaf clover stuffs (too over rated by e trend it becums cheesy), or maybe i haven found e one tt i love yet... But i still love it though...
I said tis, coz e clover appeared in e opening credits of e movie... I was so surprised, my eyes almost popped out... 4 Leaf Clover is like a asian myth thingy, so i didnt expect it to appear on a western film...
Well, its a movie about luck, and certainly, they did their research... I already love e movie even be4 they started... Lol...
Pass me some luck anyone? Muaks~
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Be4 U Start, Dun Say I Never Say!
Some ppl told me they r going to start on Death Note... Its a gd thing u r intrigued, coz according to e manga communities, tis is one of the must-read...
But then, well, jus some clarifications...
If u r into mature story themes, tis manga can easily becum e best... However, the juice of e manga only lasted for about e 1st 5 or 6 volumes... The L arc was wat captivated fans ard e world... After L died (well, i already mentioned it), everything pretty much went downhill... These are wat e fans said too...
After e 1st arc, u may find it hard to follow... I did as well, it was very dry and very hard to concentrate... At some pt, u may not even be bothered to follow wat e long captions say... I am not exaggerating... I did fell asleep while reading it, wif my chin resting on my keyboard drawer, one hand on my mouse, i DOZED off! Lol...
U will finish e 1st arc in 1 shot, but then after which u may find it hard to continue... And to make matters worst, e writer created an ending (which i found out be4 i even read e manga) tt NOBODY liked... Also, e writer made e main character who was so great, lost himself and becum pathetic in the last chapters...
The ending chapters pissed e fans off...
Even so, this is still one of e best, becoz it started powerful... The 1st arc was amazing... It was smart, thrilling, n mind provoking... E ideal for serious ppl wif detective/analytical minds or simply for those ppl who think alot or too much like me, and for those who live in unfair/evil societies...
Ultimately u will still force urself to finish it for a full circle... It did pick up for some chapters, so it wasnt tt bad...
I dun reccomend girls reading it though... Seriously, i dun think girls will like tis... Like i said, e sexual discriminations may turn u off, and its a dark serious world... So far, only guys tt i noe read e manga... Also, e manga may clash wif ur moral grds, living isnt like sweet candies...
I am alittle biased, just abit... Coz like i said in e comments of e prev post... The Illustrator is Takeshi Obata, who is one of my fav manga illustrators... Coz he drew my fav manga, Hikaru No Go... So ya... Lol... I also didnt like e ending of Hikaru No Go, but then hes got nothing to do wif both stories anyways... Its e writers... Both (DN & HNG) females somemore...
So ya, anyways, enjoy it though... Wun regret one lah... Its interesting n exciting enuff, e story n concept gives u a great impact on ur minds, it affects ur mindset (kinda), u wun forget it... So after awhile u'll forgive e second arc... Haha...
But then, well, jus some clarifications...
If u r into mature story themes, tis manga can easily becum e best... However, the juice of e manga only lasted for about e 1st 5 or 6 volumes... The L arc was wat captivated fans ard e world... After L died (well, i already mentioned it), everything pretty much went downhill... These are wat e fans said too...
After e 1st arc, u may find it hard to follow... I did as well, it was very dry and very hard to concentrate... At some pt, u may not even be bothered to follow wat e long captions say... I am not exaggerating... I did fell asleep while reading it, wif my chin resting on my keyboard drawer, one hand on my mouse, i DOZED off! Lol...
U will finish e 1st arc in 1 shot, but then after which u may find it hard to continue... And to make matters worst, e writer created an ending (which i found out be4 i even read e manga) tt NOBODY liked... Also, e writer made e main character who was so great, lost himself and becum pathetic in the last chapters...
The ending chapters pissed e fans off...
Even so, this is still one of e best, becoz it started powerful... The 1st arc was amazing... It was smart, thrilling, n mind provoking... E ideal for serious ppl wif detective/analytical minds or simply for those ppl who think alot or too much like me, and for those who live in unfair/evil societies...
Ultimately u will still force urself to finish it for a full circle... It did pick up for some chapters, so it wasnt tt bad...
I dun reccomend girls reading it though... Seriously, i dun think girls will like tis... Like i said, e sexual discriminations may turn u off, and its a dark serious world... So far, only guys tt i noe read e manga... Also, e manga may clash wif ur moral grds, living isnt like sweet candies...
I am alittle biased, just abit... Coz like i said in e comments of e prev post... The Illustrator is Takeshi Obata, who is one of my fav manga illustrators... Coz he drew my fav manga, Hikaru No Go... So ya... Lol... I also didnt like e ending of Hikaru No Go, but then hes got nothing to do wif both stories anyways... Its e writers... Both (DN & HNG) females somemore...
So ya, anyways, enjoy it though... Wun regret one lah... Its interesting n exciting enuff, e story n concept gives u a great impact on ur minds, it affects ur mindset (kinda), u wun forget it... So after awhile u'll forgive e second arc... Haha...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
This Is How I Expected Kira To Look Like
(VERY loooooong entry, i haf many things about tis to tok about...)
Or at least, tis is as close to the reality as possible... Someone like tt, i am sure there are still tonnes of gorgeous, tall, well built, cool artistes in e entertainment industry besides Gackt... Lol...
Not toking about Gackt, it jus came to my mind... I dun mind him being Kira, but he wouldnt be able to pull it off, especially e smart looking part and e amazing communication skills part... Oops, dun smash me, dears (gackt's fans community)...

Winner from e 2nd Death Note fan art competition... Supposed to be European perspective... Raito/Light as a Caucasian... Click to view e larger size, bigger one looks nicer...
Anyways, I took 2 nights to finish e remaining 5 books... I overestimated my reading speed of tis long n tedious manga (long as in content)... Lol... I spent about 4 hrs plus reading e last 2 1/2 books... It is tt heavy...
I like tis manga, one of the better ones tt ive read so far... I understood y it was tt popular... I knew it was popular, but i didnt noe it was tt famous... Haha... I feel happy having read it in the end after a yr plus of postponing... Although i felt rather sad at e tragic ending... *spoiler*
It is gd tt i waited anyways, since e last chapter was completed in may tis yr...
Having said tt, it is a very controversial manga and u really haf to read it wif a open mind... Otherwise, u would agonise over e contents... Its apparent e manga is catered more for males... As u can tell Kira is very sexist and often thot females are stupid trash (intelligence wise) and extremely predictable and can be easily manipulated by sweet n appropriate words/mind games...
So females reading these, they would generally get very worked up over how e females are being made used of and often killed in the end for stupid loyalty in tis series... We r not like tt in real life, i hope? Okok, joking joking... But on a serious note, i cant deny a portion of females r known to be like tt, which is y how some others view females tis way anyways...
Sexual discrimation is every where even in these days (especially occupational wise), even in Singapore, our bright peaceful sunny island... I hope u gals dun encounter tt though...
Strangely, the author Tsugumi Ohba of Death Note is female... But ppl r speculating e identity of tt author... Some agreed tt she is actually Hiroshi Gamou, a well known male manga writer, others also thot tt she is actually Yuuko Asami, a shonen jump female artist... Either way, theres no way we can find out...
I thot tt its quite strange if e writer is indeed female, coz e story's pt of view is very sexist in all areas... U can sense tt... E writer is a male without a doubt, otherwise shes a person who understand males very well and wanted her 1st manga series catered for guys...
It is also strongly speculated that the character "L" in e story is based on Ohba him/herself... If its so, i haf even more reasons to believe Ohba is a He...
I thot it would be interesting to see both sexes battle out each other wif their wits... I mean like y cant e nemesis be a female, an extremely intelligent n talented one? But i doubt tis will happen in Japan... Y do all e females haf to be underlings? Tts so pathetic... I haf no idea whether to call Kira or L/Mello/Near as nemesis... They r all in e grey area, no one is gd or bad...
Having said tt, i dun really care about e displacement of females in the content... Coz its a good story on e bigger picture...
Tis manga was banned in China, for obvious reasons... They claimed tt e manga creates evil in itself... I dun deny tt seriously... I am sure a young one would be influenced by some theories in the story... If u dun really understand e story, u would generally get e idea tt, if u attained a power to kill, it is ok to kill those who u judged as bad or evil...
But e story is not like tt... Not everyone would be able to judge so called effectively... The power was given to many characters in the book... Everybody strayed off into their own judgement and tainted Kira's initial intention... Tt alone showed how ugly humans are...
I wouldnt let my own young children to read tis as well, wouldnt wan them to grow up as psycopathic serial killers, passing their own justice... Lol... Tt wouldnt happen obviously...
To stop evil using murder is very sensitive, just like how all those ppl who act or are good ppl, saying death execution shd be banned all tt... There would be ppl who would be turned off by tis theory, but there would also be ppl who looked at the bigger picture and said its inevitable...
Honestly, all these ppl who say deadly criminals shd not be executed, i wonder how they feel when they watch super heroes movies... Even superheroes kill their enemies... I didnt even hear anyone complained to me "superman shouldnt kill", "its not right to kill a person, even if tt person is evil and killed many others, we shd give them a chance"...
*Spoilers* Actually wat e heck wif spoilers anyways, for me, even if i noe e complete story, i would still read/watch e actual thing... Coz experiencing it urself u get a different feel... Hearing n reading it off others isnt e same thing... But tts jus me, i noe i noe...
E story has 2 arc...
1stly its e Kira(Light/Raito) and L arc...
Death Note is about tis realm of Shinigamis... They can reach the human world and kill humans by simply writing their names in their notebook... If only e name is written, e person will die of heart attack in 40s, otherwise u can also control and state how n when e person would die but only up till a max of 23 days... There are some other rules as well... The only reason y they would kill u is so tt they prolong their own lives (wtf!!! we r like toys!!!)... They generally dun die but theres still ways for them to die especially if they r lazy...
But unlike Bleach, e shinigamis are not a bunch of gd looking dudes n bishounens... They are scary, creepy, rotten monsters wif wings... Their Death God world is a dry dessert wif ruins n skeletons... They dun need to eat, but apples are like cigarrettes/alcohol to them, they behave weirdly if they dun haf one... But in their world, apples tastes like sand... So our apples in real world tastes heavenly...
So tis bored shinigami tricked e king of shinigamis and owned 2 notebooks... He decided to drop one in human world for fun... The 1st human who picked e book, can use e power and kill ppl... However, u can only kill a person if u noe e name n face... But if u trade half ur lifespan wif e shinigami, u can get e eyes of shinigamis, whereby u can see the lifespan n name of others jus by looking at them... U cant see ur own and other notebook users though...
Yagami Light, 17, picked the notebook... Hes e top scorer of his reputable sch, very smart and very bored as well... He found out e secret fr e shinigami, actually basic instructions r written in the book as well... Only those who touch e book can see e shinigamis...
He wanted to cure tis rotten world, and started his plan to create his ideal, peaceful, righteous world by using e power of tis death note... Some ppl started worshipping his ideals, and called him Kira(Killer)... Of coz, e top detective of tis world L, took on tis case and they began a cat n mouse chase...
Then after a long procress, sigh, L died, his death kept under secret, Kira took over L's position and became invincible... I absolutely love e way Kira defeated L... Its so amazing... Kira was many steps ahead but he also ultimately really respected L in the end... He realised nobody could be compared to L, just tt a competition of wits n pride btw them, death was e price...
L did mentioned tt Light if not being Kira, can truly becum L's successor... I am sure, e seconds be4 he died, he still thot tt way...
Its kinda confusing Light and L haf e same initials, most of e time when i said Light, ppl thot i said L... Haha...
Tis arc is done very well, simple and neatly composed... I think all mangas start out well wif enthusiasm soaring...
2nd arc tok abouts Kira against Mellow n Near who were supposed to be e rightful successors of L... Did u realise tt its L M N? I thot its very funny when i realised it for e 1st time, i wonder was it intended...
Tis arc isnt done very well... Although its also wittyly gd, but e progress was too tedious, i had a hard time following e story, coz sometimes it too dry... Maybe trying to read all at one time isnt a gd suggestion... Readin a book at a time for mths might solve e prob...
It was abit draggy... Theres nothing much going on except conversations n conversations, analysis n analysis... I mean e 1st arc is like tis as well, but somehow it wasnt as boring... Maybe e characters were flowing very well...
But 2nd arc is more complicated... They spent a long time in the US... There are tonnes n tonnes of characters... The story involved more ppl, n countries...
Many ppl were killed in tis one... Mello was killed as well, although e true cause of death is somehow intrigueing... Many ways to look at it... But nobody haf any evidence...
Of coz, Kira's death, *BIG SIGH* sealed e fate of e whole story... E better world he created, returned to its rotten state as be4... Wars would be aroused, politicians/govt into corruption, the underworld doing their crimes, ppl returned to their evil n selfish beings, etc... All the books were destroyed... Near became e new L...
All of them were in e grey area... No doubt Kira killed ppl to create his better world, his utopia, L/Mello/Near also killed n sacrifice ppl along e way to catch him... Its e same... No right or wrong, jus a matter of which side u take... Taking e LMN side doesnt make u any less evil, coz u were also taking lives and e world returned to its original state, and crime rate increased, thereby more ppl were killed... Everyone's e same...
The shinigami revealed in the 2nd last chapter tt, there is no heaven or hell in reality... Death is equal, after u die, its nothing... Tts a pretty sad way of ending e story... There is no judgement... There is no kharma... The only way to judge was destroyed...
Everybody live a certain way due to afterlife and kharma, if death is equal, everybody would haf led their lives differently in their only 1 life time of existance... Anyways, tts only e world in e story...
Bleach world worst lor... In Bleach, after u die, u randomly go to tis place called Soul Society, depending on ur luck, u might end up in e worst n poorest state, and then when u live there, u continue to live, work, grow, u start to form ur own new families... U dun eat but u need to drink to survive... If u unlucky live in e worst state, then u would haf to commit crimes to steal water...
Just tt you can be killed if they catch u... Even if u dun do anything, there would still be rotten ppl in soul society who bully n kill ppl for fun... If u avoid all these, u would be able to live, drink, work, sleep for thousands of yrs... But then u could be stricken wif diseases as well, so make sure u drink more water n be healthy... Lol, tts my own line, e drink more water part...
If u suay get killed, nvm... U reincarnate back to ur original world... Tis is how e world maintain their balance...
How cool is tt? U get to carry on living for thousands of yrs after u die in another place, though u might end up being a begger... Then u slog(work) forever for e sake of water... If u are extremely lucky and haf strong spiritual power, u can upgrade urself to Shinigami Royal Palace, live in luxury and can eat food somemore... Otherwise, its back to living in ur town for wat seems like eternity...
Urgh, wat crap... Otherwise, its a gd manga minus e bounto arc in anime...
Or at least, tis is as close to the reality as possible... Someone like tt, i am sure there are still tonnes of gorgeous, tall, well built, cool artistes in e entertainment industry besides Gackt... Lol...
Not toking about Gackt, it jus came to my mind... I dun mind him being Kira, but he wouldnt be able to pull it off, especially e smart looking part and e amazing communication skills part... Oops, dun smash me, dears (gackt's fans community)...

Winner from e 2nd Death Note fan art competition... Supposed to be European perspective... Raito/Light as a Caucasian... Click to view e larger size, bigger one looks nicer...
Anyways, I took 2 nights to finish e remaining 5 books... I overestimated my reading speed of tis long n tedious manga (long as in content)... Lol... I spent about 4 hrs plus reading e last 2 1/2 books... It is tt heavy...
I like tis manga, one of the better ones tt ive read so far... I understood y it was tt popular... I knew it was popular, but i didnt noe it was tt famous... Haha... I feel happy having read it in the end after a yr plus of postponing... Although i felt rather sad at e tragic ending... *spoiler*
It is gd tt i waited anyways, since e last chapter was completed in may tis yr...
Having said tt, it is a very controversial manga and u really haf to read it wif a open mind... Otherwise, u would agonise over e contents... Its apparent e manga is catered more for males... As u can tell Kira is very sexist and often thot females are stupid trash (intelligence wise) and extremely predictable and can be easily manipulated by sweet n appropriate words/mind games...
So females reading these, they would generally get very worked up over how e females are being made used of and often killed in the end for stupid loyalty in tis series... We r not like tt in real life, i hope? Okok, joking joking... But on a serious note, i cant deny a portion of females r known to be like tt, which is y how some others view females tis way anyways...
Sexual discrimation is every where even in these days (especially occupational wise), even in Singapore, our bright peaceful sunny island... I hope u gals dun encounter tt though...
Strangely, the author Tsugumi Ohba of Death Note is female... But ppl r speculating e identity of tt author... Some agreed tt she is actually Hiroshi Gamou, a well known male manga writer, others also thot tt she is actually Yuuko Asami, a shonen jump female artist... Either way, theres no way we can find out...
I thot tt its quite strange if e writer is indeed female, coz e story's pt of view is very sexist in all areas... U can sense tt... E writer is a male without a doubt, otherwise shes a person who understand males very well and wanted her 1st manga series catered for guys...
It is also strongly speculated that the character "L" in e story is based on Ohba him/herself... If its so, i haf even more reasons to believe Ohba is a He...
I thot it would be interesting to see both sexes battle out each other wif their wits... I mean like y cant e nemesis be a female, an extremely intelligent n talented one? But i doubt tis will happen in Japan... Y do all e females haf to be underlings? Tts so pathetic... I haf no idea whether to call Kira or L/Mello/Near as nemesis... They r all in e grey area, no one is gd or bad...
Having said tt, i dun really care about e displacement of females in the content... Coz its a good story on e bigger picture...
Tis manga was banned in China, for obvious reasons... They claimed tt e manga creates evil in itself... I dun deny tt seriously... I am sure a young one would be influenced by some theories in the story... If u dun really understand e story, u would generally get e idea tt, if u attained a power to kill, it is ok to kill those who u judged as bad or evil...
But e story is not like tt... Not everyone would be able to judge so called effectively... The power was given to many characters in the book... Everybody strayed off into their own judgement and tainted Kira's initial intention... Tt alone showed how ugly humans are...
I wouldnt let my own young children to read tis as well, wouldnt wan them to grow up as psycopathic serial killers, passing their own justice... Lol... Tt wouldnt happen obviously...
To stop evil using murder is very sensitive, just like how all those ppl who act or are good ppl, saying death execution shd be banned all tt... There would be ppl who would be turned off by tis theory, but there would also be ppl who looked at the bigger picture and said its inevitable...
Honestly, all these ppl who say deadly criminals shd not be executed, i wonder how they feel when they watch super heroes movies... Even superheroes kill their enemies... I didnt even hear anyone complained to me "superman shouldnt kill", "its not right to kill a person, even if tt person is evil and killed many others, we shd give them a chance"...
*Spoilers* Actually wat e heck wif spoilers anyways, for me, even if i noe e complete story, i would still read/watch e actual thing... Coz experiencing it urself u get a different feel... Hearing n reading it off others isnt e same thing... But tts jus me, i noe i noe...
E story has 2 arc...
1stly its e Kira(Light/Raito) and L arc...
Death Note is about tis realm of Shinigamis... They can reach the human world and kill humans by simply writing their names in their notebook... If only e name is written, e person will die of heart attack in 40s, otherwise u can also control and state how n when e person would die but only up till a max of 23 days... There are some other rules as well... The only reason y they would kill u is so tt they prolong their own lives (wtf!!! we r like toys!!!)... They generally dun die but theres still ways for them to die especially if they r lazy...
But unlike Bleach, e shinigamis are not a bunch of gd looking dudes n bishounens... They are scary, creepy, rotten monsters wif wings... Their Death God world is a dry dessert wif ruins n skeletons... They dun need to eat, but apples are like cigarrettes/alcohol to them, they behave weirdly if they dun haf one... But in their world, apples tastes like sand... So our apples in real world tastes heavenly...
So tis bored shinigami tricked e king of shinigamis and owned 2 notebooks... He decided to drop one in human world for fun... The 1st human who picked e book, can use e power and kill ppl... However, u can only kill a person if u noe e name n face... But if u trade half ur lifespan wif e shinigami, u can get e eyes of shinigamis, whereby u can see the lifespan n name of others jus by looking at them... U cant see ur own and other notebook users though...
Yagami Light, 17, picked the notebook... Hes e top scorer of his reputable sch, very smart and very bored as well... He found out e secret fr e shinigami, actually basic instructions r written in the book as well... Only those who touch e book can see e shinigamis...
He wanted to cure tis rotten world, and started his plan to create his ideal, peaceful, righteous world by using e power of tis death note... Some ppl started worshipping his ideals, and called him Kira(Killer)... Of coz, e top detective of tis world L, took on tis case and they began a cat n mouse chase...
Then after a long procress, sigh, L died, his death kept under secret, Kira took over L's position and became invincible... I absolutely love e way Kira defeated L... Its so amazing... Kira was many steps ahead but he also ultimately really respected L in the end... He realised nobody could be compared to L, just tt a competition of wits n pride btw them, death was e price...
L did mentioned tt Light if not being Kira, can truly becum L's successor... I am sure, e seconds be4 he died, he still thot tt way...
Its kinda confusing Light and L haf e same initials, most of e time when i said Light, ppl thot i said L... Haha...
Tis arc is done very well, simple and neatly composed... I think all mangas start out well wif enthusiasm soaring...
2nd arc tok abouts Kira against Mellow n Near who were supposed to be e rightful successors of L... Did u realise tt its L M N? I thot its very funny when i realised it for e 1st time, i wonder was it intended...
Tis arc isnt done very well... Although its also wittyly gd, but e progress was too tedious, i had a hard time following e story, coz sometimes it too dry... Maybe trying to read all at one time isnt a gd suggestion... Readin a book at a time for mths might solve e prob...
It was abit draggy... Theres nothing much going on except conversations n conversations, analysis n analysis... I mean e 1st arc is like tis as well, but somehow it wasnt as boring... Maybe e characters were flowing very well...
But 2nd arc is more complicated... They spent a long time in the US... There are tonnes n tonnes of characters... The story involved more ppl, n countries...
Many ppl were killed in tis one... Mello was killed as well, although e true cause of death is somehow intrigueing... Many ways to look at it... But nobody haf any evidence...
Of coz, Kira's death, *BIG SIGH* sealed e fate of e whole story... E better world he created, returned to its rotten state as be4... Wars would be aroused, politicians/govt into corruption, the underworld doing their crimes, ppl returned to their evil n selfish beings, etc... All the books were destroyed... Near became e new L...
All of them were in e grey area... No doubt Kira killed ppl to create his better world, his utopia, L/Mello/Near also killed n sacrifice ppl along e way to catch him... Its e same... No right or wrong, jus a matter of which side u take... Taking e LMN side doesnt make u any less evil, coz u were also taking lives and e world returned to its original state, and crime rate increased, thereby more ppl were killed... Everyone's e same...
The shinigami revealed in the 2nd last chapter tt, there is no heaven or hell in reality... Death is equal, after u die, its nothing... Tts a pretty sad way of ending e story... There is no judgement... There is no kharma... The only way to judge was destroyed...
Everybody live a certain way due to afterlife and kharma, if death is equal, everybody would haf led their lives differently in their only 1 life time of existance... Anyways, tts only e world in e story...
Bleach world worst lor... In Bleach, after u die, u randomly go to tis place called Soul Society, depending on ur luck, u might end up in e worst n poorest state, and then when u live there, u continue to live, work, grow, u start to form ur own new families... U dun eat but u need to drink to survive... If u unlucky live in e worst state, then u would haf to commit crimes to steal water...
Just tt you can be killed if they catch u... Even if u dun do anything, there would still be rotten ppl in soul society who bully n kill ppl for fun... If u avoid all these, u would be able to live, drink, work, sleep for thousands of yrs... But then u could be stricken wif diseases as well, so make sure u drink more water n be healthy... Lol, tts my own line, e drink more water part...
If u suay get killed, nvm... U reincarnate back to ur original world... Tis is how e world maintain their balance...
How cool is tt? U get to carry on living for thousands of yrs after u die in another place, though u might end up being a begger... Then u slog(work) forever for e sake of water... If u are extremely lucky and haf strong spiritual power, u can upgrade urself to Shinigami Royal Palace, live in luxury and can eat food somemore... Otherwise, its back to living in ur town for wat seems like eternity...
Urgh, wat crap... Otherwise, its a gd manga minus e bounto arc in anime...
Monday, June 19, 2006
Death Note Trailers
(Post Note: The sequel to e movie will be released tis oct... Looks like i really haf to wait damn long for the whole thing.)
I am currently reading the extremely famous manga, Death Note... I heard and saw so much hoo ha about it for a long time but i only recently decided to read it coz i had finished my whole chain of animes and other mangas...
But i am still not done yet, i am on vol 8, still 5 vol left... And i take a longer time reading tis than any other mangas coz of their lengthy conversations in each bubble... Lol... I am done wif e 1st arc and currently on the last arc...
I played cheat though, while i was only on the 1st book, i was too intrigued, so i went ahead to see the plot review... Sigh, i found out e ending and the 2 plot arcs... But it wasnt an ending tt i like so i actually took a short break be4 i continued the manga...
A movie was made and was screened in Japan, 2 days ago... I am sure it was a hit... The manga did sold 15 million copies then... I read that there will be a sequel... Most probably, since there r 2 main plots in the manga... And fr e trailer, e movie is mainly based on e 1st arc...
I kinda like e casting, except the main Yagami Raito character casting... The rest looked almost identical... Its amazing seeing the manga come alive... I used to hope there would be a anime series, but my bubble burst obviously...
I like the main lead during Battle Royale... But then he just doesnt look like Kira in tis movie... So tt was disappointing... He doesnt even look as tall, smart and suave as Kira... Kira is a perfect human, but the main cast isnt... But i like e L cast though, he really like e same and his acting behavior was just taken off the books... Tts very exciting...
I hope to see tis movie, even though i knoe e story obviously... Now i just haf to be patient and wait... Let me noe if u noe any source or lead...
I did wonder they were going to create the Death God monsters in the live action movie yrs back, one of the shinigami looks extremely horrible ine manga, if brought to life would be so scary... But of coz, i later found out then tt obviously they did 3G, how else do u make a monster fly about...
3G confirm look very weird n fake one lor... And e lip sync!!! Judging fr e trailer, e CG Death God although looked exactly the same as the manga, jus looks very weird n fake... He looks more funny then scary... But nvm lah, i believe e plot makes up for it...
I think i would be done wif e manga tonight... So tmr, i'll tok more about the manga tmr...
2 trailers, one short but el subtitled, another one longer, no subtitles, but u get to see more of the characters, including e main death god, u get the see Ryuk's full body and him flying...
1st shorter one...
I am currently reading the extremely famous manga, Death Note... I heard and saw so much hoo ha about it for a long time but i only recently decided to read it coz i had finished my whole chain of animes and other mangas...
But i am still not done yet, i am on vol 8, still 5 vol left... And i take a longer time reading tis than any other mangas coz of their lengthy conversations in each bubble... Lol... I am done wif e 1st arc and currently on the last arc...
I played cheat though, while i was only on the 1st book, i was too intrigued, so i went ahead to see the plot review... Sigh, i found out e ending and the 2 plot arcs... But it wasnt an ending tt i like so i actually took a short break be4 i continued the manga...
A movie was made and was screened in Japan, 2 days ago... I am sure it was a hit... The manga did sold 15 million copies then... I read that there will be a sequel... Most probably, since there r 2 main plots in the manga... And fr e trailer, e movie is mainly based on e 1st arc...
I kinda like e casting, except the main Yagami Raito character casting... The rest looked almost identical... Its amazing seeing the manga come alive... I used to hope there would be a anime series, but my bubble burst obviously...
I like the main lead during Battle Royale... But then he just doesnt look like Kira in tis movie... So tt was disappointing... He doesnt even look as tall, smart and suave as Kira... Kira is a perfect human, but the main cast isnt... But i like e L cast though, he really like e same and his acting behavior was just taken off the books... Tts very exciting...
I hope to see tis movie, even though i knoe e story obviously... Now i just haf to be patient and wait... Let me noe if u noe any source or lead...
I did wonder they were going to create the Death God monsters in the live action movie yrs back, one of the shinigami looks extremely horrible ine manga, if brought to life would be so scary... But of coz, i later found out then tt obviously they did 3G, how else do u make a monster fly about...
3G confirm look very weird n fake one lor... And e lip sync!!! Judging fr e trailer, e CG Death God although looked exactly the same as the manga, jus looks very weird n fake... He looks more funny then scary... But nvm lah, i believe e plot makes up for it...
I think i would be done wif e manga tonight... So tmr, i'll tok more about the manga tmr...
2 trailers, one short but el subtitled, another one longer, no subtitles, but u get to see more of the characters, including e main death god, u get the see Ryuk's full body and him flying...
1st shorter one...
Friday, June 16, 2006
Shoes Shoes
wingede: How cum u can post on cbox one? I daytime, night time, midnight go in all cannot load one leh... So bek cek...
I fell in love wif 2 pairs of shoes from Ice Lemon Tee... But becoz i am on budget now, i thot i shdnt get them...
But i cant get them out of my mind...
In fact, i love so many designs of their shoes... Theirs shoes are very nice, got lacy ones, very me lor... And best of all, they haf large sizes too... But i haven tried them, so i duno whether their large sizes are actually real sizes or jus numbers... Coz sometimes ppl jus name e size differently, a size 10 can actually mean a normal size 8, it happens alot especially for cheap shoes...
And e worst thing is their shoes are on sale, theirs shoes were 29.90 but now its only 19.90... Urgh... I wan to get them leh...
SZ offered to buy me one pair, but seriously i am not tt kind of person, so i turned her down... Even though shes has a little bit of income every mth unlike me, but she has her own committments as well mah... But if its my bf then different liao... Muahahaha, i am just joking... Then again, maybe im not, haha, nvm, anyways, i feel so unsatisfied...
I feel like going down to try them out, so tt i can give up if its not e right fit, at least i feel better... Then i can get them out of my head... Most of the time, i cant really find gd fittin shoes due to my wide foot...
But wat if it fits leh, i think i will buy one lor...
I prefer one design over e other, even though i love them both, and one is more practical... I wan a black one for tt, but coz i saw e black one long time ago, e other day when i went to another branch tt design only left purple and beige... Their sizes are very limited as well and they are running out due to the sale... I duno how leh...
Should i go try and see how 1st? If its not e right cutting or fit or no more size or colors, at least i can give up... I feel like going down later leh... I calculated my budget, i can still afford 2 pairs (40 bucks)... But it would e last thing i can buy obviously...
Hmm... It sucks not having more money isnt it? Then again, all these things are not tt impt... Just tt occasionally, u see things u really like n u wan to own them... I seldom really love shoes i bought... Coz its kinda difficult for me to buy shoes, i usually kinda limit myself design wise... If its e right fit i would just get it... And i buy practical shoes though i buy cheap ones, pretty shoes are usually not very wearable for me...
Tts y my shoes are usually those simple and plain ones... I dun really need the shoes i saw but i dun haf tt type of shoes... Its low covered heels, which is a type ive been wanting to get for long time too...
Later see how bah...
I fell in love wif 2 pairs of shoes from Ice Lemon Tee... But becoz i am on budget now, i thot i shdnt get them...
But i cant get them out of my mind...
In fact, i love so many designs of their shoes... Theirs shoes are very nice, got lacy ones, very me lor... And best of all, they haf large sizes too... But i haven tried them, so i duno whether their large sizes are actually real sizes or jus numbers... Coz sometimes ppl jus name e size differently, a size 10 can actually mean a normal size 8, it happens alot especially for cheap shoes...
And e worst thing is their shoes are on sale, theirs shoes were 29.90 but now its only 19.90... Urgh... I wan to get them leh...
SZ offered to buy me one pair, but seriously i am not tt kind of person, so i turned her down... Even though shes has a little bit of income every mth unlike me, but she has her own committments as well mah... But if its my bf then different liao... Muahahaha, i am just joking... Then again, maybe im not, haha, nvm, anyways, i feel so unsatisfied...
I feel like going down to try them out, so tt i can give up if its not e right fit, at least i feel better... Then i can get them out of my head... Most of the time, i cant really find gd fittin shoes due to my wide foot...
But wat if it fits leh, i think i will buy one lor...
I prefer one design over e other, even though i love them both, and one is more practical... I wan a black one for tt, but coz i saw e black one long time ago, e other day when i went to another branch tt design only left purple and beige... Their sizes are very limited as well and they are running out due to the sale... I duno how leh...
Should i go try and see how 1st? If its not e right cutting or fit or no more size or colors, at least i can give up... I feel like going down later leh... I calculated my budget, i can still afford 2 pairs (40 bucks)... But it would e last thing i can buy obviously...
Hmm... It sucks not having more money isnt it? Then again, all these things are not tt impt... Just tt occasionally, u see things u really like n u wan to own them... I seldom really love shoes i bought... Coz its kinda difficult for me to buy shoes, i usually kinda limit myself design wise... If its e right fit i would just get it... And i buy practical shoes though i buy cheap ones, pretty shoes are usually not very wearable for me...
Tts y my shoes are usually those simple and plain ones... I dun really need the shoes i saw but i dun haf tt type of shoes... Its low covered heels, which is a type ive been wanting to get for long time too...
Later see how bah...
Some TV Shows
I went to sleep at 930pm, and at 1210am, my son woke me up... After i opened my eyes, i realised, 1stly i am wet, i mean wet wif sweat... Lol...
It was tt hot...
Then secondly, using my instincts, i felt it was still early... It didnt feel very late, and i was right... It was only 1210am... I had set my alarm at 4 am btw... I went to on my aircon, hopefully to sleep again, which obviously didnt happen... I got up to check my son's toilet tray, and i was even thinking maybe he woke me up to clean his backside... But he didnt poo, so i noe he purposely woke me up... Then i went to close my mum's room door for her as well...
Just a sidenote, usually after he poo, he would wait for me outside my room to clean his backside, he seemed especially fond of it although he like to struggle meanwhile and bite e paper towel jus for fun... He thinks it interesting... *shrugs*
Usually there is no need to clean dog's backside, but hes a weird one, he stains our bed sheets if i dun... I noe some of u would feel its super disgusting when i say tt... But dog/pet owners are used to all dirty things imagineable...
I am used to waking up, sleeping on dried poo stains... I dun even feel anything anymore... I think my sis had it worst, someone my son like to stain hers more... Lol...
Anyways, i was on my bed, and i realised my son went back to sleep after he woke up... Its so unfair, so i went to wake him up, and he started waking my sis up afterwards... Lol... I smsed SZ (1+am) to realise shes just finished baking brownies... Wat a late baker...
Ard 2 plus, my sis woke up and finally i can do my stuffs wif lights on... Oh, i did not catch Sg idol n Lost in the end... Hahaha... And i also did not wash my hair, but i will soon...
My sister is having her last exam paper for her degree tmr... And her 2 weeks leave ends tmr as well... So gd, shes getting her cert soon... Sigh... But shes already getting a degree salary all this while, even though shes still a undergrad... Maybe its jus a better world out there for business and finance industries...
Sg idol sucks big time tis yr... I think tis shd be e last... Nobody could sing... If u think last batch was bad, think again... For the piano shows in the past, most of the participants could at least sing ok, sing proper... But tis time, everyone sing so bad i duno wan to say... Its a waste man, e last batch shd take part again...
Last batch, the contestants sang average and some not bad, so everyone was fighting over appearances vote, obviously e more gd looking ones entered e finals... Tis yr, sigh, they selected those wif appearances but all couldnt even sing a proper song... I frowned to almost every performance... Their singing gave me headaches, it was tt bad...
Maybe u think its bad tt i criticised them, but personally, i pinpt the fault to e judges n e showbiz... I wan to hear talents, not gd looking chaps who cant sing in tune... Wat happened to those not so gd looking but sing alright grps?
Its not their fault tt they dun sing well, but its e judges fault for choosing them from e rest... Wat crap about tis yr is better, tis yr they see more talents? Even Ken critiscised almost every single contentants... Even those who got in, Ken didnt even think they were gd...
Wat rubbish? Then y u qualify them in e 1st place???
It wasnt like tis last time... Even Ken wasnt so harsh last time, there were still some gd comments even though it goes like, "U can sing but u dun look like a star.", but tis yr is like, "U got no voice, no looks, no chance!"...
Anyways, i believed those who got into e finals would improve themselves forcefully as e competition goes on, given the fact they are quite gd looking from e lot, now all they need to work on is their singing...
It wasnt entirely their bad singing as well... It was also the bad sound system... I duno wat the hell they use... I cant hear their singing at all, it all sounded so muffled, cant be everyone sing until tt bad mah, and the silly live music didnt do justice to them... They should haf used original music score like e last batch, they sounded so much better, it was also so much clearer...
They did not even follow e pitch of the contestants most of the times tis yr, and e music they created were so weird and awful i had a hard time listening n focusing on their voices... I think by doing tis, they wanted to cut down on music scores copyrights... Crap...
I watched e Project Runaway Season 2 even though i already noe e results and all... I really like the show... And the last epi was so touching, i was in tears at the end... Daniel F left wif an emotional impact on the show, something tt didnt happen the last season... I like him, even though i had to admit hes kinda weird... But i still like him, like how i like Austin for the 1st season...
For the American Idol, i told u right... Those tt i love n support always turn out Second... Tis yr again lidat, Katherine McPhee was the runner up... But difference is tt, i like Taylor as well... U may find him to be a strange old white-haired man, but im sure u'll fall for him as well, if u watched their journeys...
When i watched their finals, i told e whole world tt Taylor's gonna win it... Becoz it was very obvious tis yr as compared to e past seasons... Katherine lost it, u can see she doesnt haf e drive to win it... And thru her performances, it was clear tt she didnt give it her all... I duno wat happened to her... I hate to believe she became over confident...
Her performance for her last few weeks were just average, she started to defend herself alot during critics, and she never listened to their advices, so i felt it was quite sad... Maybe her heart just wasnt there anymore...
But i still love her n her voice, i hope to hear jazz and blues from her soon...
Taylor really was the most deserving winner... Unlike the past seasons, although e winners were never my fav, and i hate the resultss, but tis yr i truly think Taylor's e rightful one... That is his magic! Soul Patrol~
It was tt hot...
Then secondly, using my instincts, i felt it was still early... It didnt feel very late, and i was right... It was only 1210am... I had set my alarm at 4 am btw... I went to on my aircon, hopefully to sleep again, which obviously didnt happen... I got up to check my son's toilet tray, and i was even thinking maybe he woke me up to clean his backside... But he didnt poo, so i noe he purposely woke me up... Then i went to close my mum's room door for her as well...
Just a sidenote, usually after he poo, he would wait for me outside my room to clean his backside, he seemed especially fond of it although he like to struggle meanwhile and bite e paper towel jus for fun... He thinks it interesting... *shrugs*
Usually there is no need to clean dog's backside, but hes a weird one, he stains our bed sheets if i dun... I noe some of u would feel its super disgusting when i say tt... But dog/pet owners are used to all dirty things imagineable...
I am used to waking up, sleeping on dried poo stains... I dun even feel anything anymore... I think my sis had it worst, someone my son like to stain hers more... Lol...
Anyways, i was on my bed, and i realised my son went back to sleep after he woke up... Its so unfair, so i went to wake him up, and he started waking my sis up afterwards... Lol... I smsed SZ (1+am) to realise shes just finished baking brownies... Wat a late baker...
Ard 2 plus, my sis woke up and finally i can do my stuffs wif lights on... Oh, i did not catch Sg idol n Lost in the end... Hahaha... And i also did not wash my hair, but i will soon...
My sister is having her last exam paper for her degree tmr... And her 2 weeks leave ends tmr as well... So gd, shes getting her cert soon... Sigh... But shes already getting a degree salary all this while, even though shes still a undergrad... Maybe its jus a better world out there for business and finance industries...
Sg idol sucks big time tis yr... I think tis shd be e last... Nobody could sing... If u think last batch was bad, think again... For the piano shows in the past, most of the participants could at least sing ok, sing proper... But tis time, everyone sing so bad i duno wan to say... Its a waste man, e last batch shd take part again...
Last batch, the contestants sang average and some not bad, so everyone was fighting over appearances vote, obviously e more gd looking ones entered e finals... Tis yr, sigh, they selected those wif appearances but all couldnt even sing a proper song... I frowned to almost every performance... Their singing gave me headaches, it was tt bad...
Maybe u think its bad tt i criticised them, but personally, i pinpt the fault to e judges n e showbiz... I wan to hear talents, not gd looking chaps who cant sing in tune... Wat happened to those not so gd looking but sing alright grps?
Its not their fault tt they dun sing well, but its e judges fault for choosing them from e rest... Wat crap about tis yr is better, tis yr they see more talents? Even Ken critiscised almost every single contentants... Even those who got in, Ken didnt even think they were gd...
Wat rubbish? Then y u qualify them in e 1st place???
It wasnt like tis last time... Even Ken wasnt so harsh last time, there were still some gd comments even though it goes like, "U can sing but u dun look like a star.", but tis yr is like, "U got no voice, no looks, no chance!"...
Anyways, i believed those who got into e finals would improve themselves forcefully as e competition goes on, given the fact they are quite gd looking from e lot, now all they need to work on is their singing...
It wasnt entirely their bad singing as well... It was also the bad sound system... I duno wat the hell they use... I cant hear their singing at all, it all sounded so muffled, cant be everyone sing until tt bad mah, and the silly live music didnt do justice to them... They should haf used original music score like e last batch, they sounded so much better, it was also so much clearer...
They did not even follow e pitch of the contestants most of the times tis yr, and e music they created were so weird and awful i had a hard time listening n focusing on their voices... I think by doing tis, they wanted to cut down on music scores copyrights... Crap...
I watched e Project Runaway Season 2 even though i already noe e results and all... I really like the show... And the last epi was so touching, i was in tears at the end... Daniel F left wif an emotional impact on the show, something tt didnt happen the last season... I like him, even though i had to admit hes kinda weird... But i still like him, like how i like Austin for the 1st season...
For the American Idol, i told u right... Those tt i love n support always turn out Second... Tis yr again lidat, Katherine McPhee was the runner up... But difference is tt, i like Taylor as well... U may find him to be a strange old white-haired man, but im sure u'll fall for him as well, if u watched their journeys...
When i watched their finals, i told e whole world tt Taylor's gonna win it... Becoz it was very obvious tis yr as compared to e past seasons... Katherine lost it, u can see she doesnt haf e drive to win it... And thru her performances, it was clear tt she didnt give it her all... I duno wat happened to her... I hate to believe she became over confident...
Her performance for her last few weeks were just average, she started to defend herself alot during critics, and she never listened to their advices, so i felt it was quite sad... Maybe her heart just wasnt there anymore...
But i still love her n her voice, i hope to hear jazz and blues from her soon...
Taylor really was the most deserving winner... Unlike the past seasons, although e winners were never my fav, and i hate the resultss, but tis yr i truly think Taylor's e rightful one... That is his magic! Soul Patrol~
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Strange Hour
Btw, i cant post on my side comment box, coz its down whenever i visit my site... For days liao...
Anyways, tis is so strange...
Right now, i am in total darkness except the light coming out from my monitor... Becoz my whole family is sleeping... My sis is sleeping behind me, my son sleeping beside me, my mum sleeping next door... All the doors are opened so i cant on any lights... I think coz its bloody hot now...
And i cant really type too much coz even now when i type i feel my sis moving in her dream state... But i just felt its too weird at tis moment so i wan to blog short about it... Lol...
Wat a weird hour... They all fell asleep at 8 pm together...
Maybe i shd go sleep wif them too... But i wan to watch sg idol results n lost... And i also wan to read my manga... But i dun function well in darkness... I also felt like washing my hair... Im yawning wif all e sleepy vibes floating ard...
My mum went to buy our dinner just now at the nearby hawker and SZ was there and she smsed me...
Maybe someone fed us wif sleeping potion... Lol... I suspect must be SZ... Muahahahah... Not strong enuff for me though, try again next time...
Anyways, tis is so strange...
Right now, i am in total darkness except the light coming out from my monitor... Becoz my whole family is sleeping... My sis is sleeping behind me, my son sleeping beside me, my mum sleeping next door... All the doors are opened so i cant on any lights... I think coz its bloody hot now...
And i cant really type too much coz even now when i type i feel my sis moving in her dream state... But i just felt its too weird at tis moment so i wan to blog short about it... Lol...
Wat a weird hour... They all fell asleep at 8 pm together...
Maybe i shd go sleep wif them too... But i wan to watch sg idol results n lost... And i also wan to read my manga... But i dun function well in darkness... I also felt like washing my hair... Im yawning wif all e sleepy vibes floating ard...
My mum went to buy our dinner just now at the nearby hawker and SZ was there and she smsed me...
Maybe someone fed us wif sleeping potion... Lol... I suspect must be SZ... Muahahahah... Not strong enuff for me though, try again next time...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Its been quite awhile, been lazy as usual... Haha... Seems to me a long time since i last blogged although i check e date and realised it wasnt tt long...
My sis finished Hellsing, and she did it within 2 days... Tis is e 1st considering she takes her own sweet time wif other animes... She really loved it and even discussed e show wif me afterwards... Now tts a 1st... She said its super fast and realised tt she prefered to watch modern adult anime as compared to teen fantasy...
I told her actually its not fast paced, just tt its a short anime, tts y u felt it was fast... I realised tt when i watched e 2nd time, if not to explain to her wats going on n controlling e player, i would haf fallen asleep... Shes very disappointed theres no sequel... She said its tt gd, how come it doesnt continue... Actually, there is a OVA, just tt i couldnt find it or it isnt out yet...
While watching wif her again, it reminded me of Van Helsing... My sis at 1st thot its a remake or watever fr e movie... Of coz i thot her its not lidat... The old old original Van Helsing novel's story is totally different...
Anyways, although i cant get enuff of Arucard, but i dun see e need for the story to continue as well, for anime at least... If u were to start a ended story up... It would just be e same old things over again, wif Hellsing becuming a vampire, breaking free, building up of her organisation or new kingdom, then there would be new nemesis for Arucard and Seras...
If e story goes on, i am sure eventually at the end of e final arc, Arucard would die and fall to the final powerful enemy and then Hellsing and Seras would carry on his blood... Stuffs lidat... E last thing i would wan to see is e death of my fav character... So there... Just let it end here... Lol...
I was busy editing and resizing pics today, i wanted to use e batch actions in photoshop for convenience sake... But obviously, i had already forgotten how to use it and it took me a few trials to get everything perfect... Until the last attempt i was too confident and wanted to try something else, and i got my photos overwritten...
Damn it... Tt batch of photos became small and web sized... I was so pissed...
However, lucky thing was tt last batch were pics of my son... If it was e batch of my own pics tt i was doing earlier on, i would haf killed somebody... But sadly, those pics tt i overwritten happened to be my fav pics of my son...
I did a backup sometime ago, but i cant remember whether i did backup his pics or not... Anyhows, lucky they werent so impt...
I'll update more tmr...
My sis finished Hellsing, and she did it within 2 days... Tis is e 1st considering she takes her own sweet time wif other animes... She really loved it and even discussed e show wif me afterwards... Now tts a 1st... She said its super fast and realised tt she prefered to watch modern adult anime as compared to teen fantasy...
I told her actually its not fast paced, just tt its a short anime, tts y u felt it was fast... I realised tt when i watched e 2nd time, if not to explain to her wats going on n controlling e player, i would haf fallen asleep... Shes very disappointed theres no sequel... She said its tt gd, how come it doesnt continue... Actually, there is a OVA, just tt i couldnt find it or it isnt out yet...
While watching wif her again, it reminded me of Van Helsing... My sis at 1st thot its a remake or watever fr e movie... Of coz i thot her its not lidat... The old old original Van Helsing novel's story is totally different...
Anyways, although i cant get enuff of Arucard, but i dun see e need for the story to continue as well, for anime at least... If u were to start a ended story up... It would just be e same old things over again, wif Hellsing becuming a vampire, breaking free, building up of her organisation or new kingdom, then there would be new nemesis for Arucard and Seras...
If e story goes on, i am sure eventually at the end of e final arc, Arucard would die and fall to the final powerful enemy and then Hellsing and Seras would carry on his blood... Stuffs lidat... E last thing i would wan to see is e death of my fav character... So there... Just let it end here... Lol...
I was busy editing and resizing pics today, i wanted to use e batch actions in photoshop for convenience sake... But obviously, i had already forgotten how to use it and it took me a few trials to get everything perfect... Until the last attempt i was too confident and wanted to try something else, and i got my photos overwritten...
Damn it... Tt batch of photos became small and web sized... I was so pissed...
However, lucky thing was tt last batch were pics of my son... If it was e batch of my own pics tt i was doing earlier on, i would haf killed somebody... But sadly, those pics tt i overwritten happened to be my fav pics of my son...
I did a backup sometime ago, but i cant remember whether i did backup his pics or not... Anyhows, lucky they werent so impt...
I'll update more tmr...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Btw, i didnt catch Da Vinci Code in the end coz someone's gonna get e cheap dvd... So i'll wait, dun waste my money on lousy films...
Ive always loved Pixar's animation movies... Coz they are also one of their kind, they never failed to deliver surprises yr after yr... I did missed Incredibles in the theatre though coz i wasnt interested in their plot, but i did watch it at home...
Pixar's animation techniques could not be duplicated in other animation studios... It belongs to them and theirs alone... And they improve yr after yr and e results clearly shown right in ur face...
I wanted to catch Cars coz i love car movies so i thot its e same wif animations...
In terms of e technical aspects, u wouldnt be disappointed... Instead, im sure u would be blown away by how much they had done... Their 3D movies bring others to shame... U could see their improvements, their efforts, though i duno how many animators collapsed... Lol
Modelling, texturing, lighting, animations, etc, top notch! I was so captivated... Was so busy looking at the fine details...
However, their plot is quite bland... Quite old sch, but i enjoyed it nonetheless... Coz of the support of the overwhelming technical aspects... I like e Car worlds they created... I thot tis was rather creative, a great experiment...
But it was not emotional enuff... I had gd laughs but i didnt even shed any tears during those "oh so sad/touching" moments... I realised animations tis yr tend to target more towards e kids again... I am disappointed, but perhaps tis is how commercialism works...
I am already looking forward to their next attempt... Wonder wat r they going to try and wat surprises they r going to give...
World of toys, world of bugs, world of monsters, world of fish, world of humans, and lastly world of cars, i wonder wats next...
Ive always loved Pixar's animation movies... Coz they are also one of their kind, they never failed to deliver surprises yr after yr... I did missed Incredibles in the theatre though coz i wasnt interested in their plot, but i did watch it at home...
Pixar's animation techniques could not be duplicated in other animation studios... It belongs to them and theirs alone... And they improve yr after yr and e results clearly shown right in ur face...
I wanted to catch Cars coz i love car movies so i thot its e same wif animations...
In terms of e technical aspects, u wouldnt be disappointed... Instead, im sure u would be blown away by how much they had done... Their 3D movies bring others to shame... U could see their improvements, their efforts, though i duno how many animators collapsed... Lol
Modelling, texturing, lighting, animations, etc, top notch! I was so captivated... Was so busy looking at the fine details...
However, their plot is quite bland... Quite old sch, but i enjoyed it nonetheless... Coz of the support of the overwhelming technical aspects... I like e Car worlds they created... I thot tis was rather creative, a great experiment...
But it was not emotional enuff... I had gd laughs but i didnt even shed any tears during those "oh so sad/touching" moments... I realised animations tis yr tend to target more towards e kids again... I am disappointed, but perhaps tis is how commercialism works...
I am already looking forward to their next attempt... Wonder wat r they going to try and wat surprises they r going to give...
World of toys, world of bugs, world of monsters, world of fish, world of humans, and lastly world of cars, i wonder wats next...
Silent Hill
I came back fr watching Silent Hill midnight sneak preview wif a disturbed mind, full stomach and motion sickness as usual... I had mac for supper, gawd, tts too heavy... I somehow cannot remember to stick tt plaster over my belly button when im out lately... I am going dinner later tonight and hopefully i remember...
Reviews on the movie were damn good...
The movie was supposed to be very very scary...
The movie's plot wasnt on the game of coz, but it took a gd deal of references from the series...
I used to haf a bf who was crazy over Silent Hill and creeps me out everynight... We combined forces to play e game, my brains, my commands, his hands, his fights wif e zombies... But then i was very traumatised by the scary effects and horrible creepy music, which were famous then...
I even remembered his newly bought vibrating controller vibrates alot wif tis game... So it was super irritating n noisy...
Being a nice gf i had to bear wif all e creeps and helped him out wif e mind challenging puzzles... But i cant solve e piano part, so we had to ask for e cheat answers fr e experts, lol... I forgot which Silent Hill we played, but i remembered it was a Father looking for his daughter, Cheryl, coz it was the same name as me then...
Yes, i was called Cheryl a long time ago... I had too many names... Maybe it wasnt Cheryl but Sharon like e movie, but i remembered it was my name leh...
Its freaky to see the Silent Hill town brought to life... I used to tell myself then tt its fake so no need to feel creepy about it... But seeing it brought to life in the movie, sent chills down my spine...
The Sch was extremely memorable, coz i spent most of my time in e game there, e sch was huge n very haunted... My bf played by himself other times, only when he needed my help, he would ask...
I remembered theres tis Courtyard wif clocks, whenever u r in tis place, it gives off a weird eerie music... Anyways, tis was e place where u cross one dimension or place to another... I hate the music... Even when i had fallen asleep, i cant help but woke up due to the zombies sound effects... And the moment my eyes open, i see zombies... Urgh... And every time i hear the music changes i closed my eyes and go to sleep and leave my bf alone wif e game...
The movie also showed e toilet scenes... I tell u ar, the Sch in e game hor, got alot alot of toilets, and u get to enter n explore so many... But most of them r empty but very creepy n dirty looking... The scene where they showed e main sch office counter was especially nostalgic but in a eerie way... Coz u passed by alot alot of times there, i think there was a map there or something, and e flashlight which was in e movie... It is exactly as how i remembered 9 yrs ago...
I think e movie did quite a gd job of piecing a story together, although e story developed abit too slow and they lost the climax everytime they create one...
Its like, coming coming, zombies, ahhh, scary, oh no, ouch, ahhhhh, then back to normal...
They had tis siren going every time u hear it, u noe the darkness is coming... I could not take it after e second time, i do not like it when u noe u hear tt and scary things would come out... Its a mental torture...
Alot of scenes made some ppl laughed in e movie, including e way e zombies moved and e way ppl were killed... Although true enuff, some were quite fake but i didnt think it was funny... I almost couldnt understand y SZ burst into laughter just after e characters went thru a ordeal... Lol...
All in all, the movie is quite creepy, maybe less for those non game players... If u played e game, u would remember alot of scary scenes while u r watching e movie... I hate e music, very creepy as usual... Some mix of gore n blood as well in e end...
I saw the trailers for Stay Alive and e famous M. Shayamalan's Lady In The Water, boths seem super scary... I was super surprised SZ remembered tt director's name, having watched e disappointing The Village wif her last time... But i was even more surprised tt she was surprised i noe the director... Lol...
How can u not noe him if u watched horror films, somemore for media design students... Somemore a movie freak like me...
I watched all his films, since Unbreakable... But The Village was a huge disappointment... His concept wasnt great tt time round... Lady In The Water seems promising though... I am going to catch it coz of him... I hope he can go back to his old style...
Unbreakable was his best work, so many yrs haf passed and yet its still unforgettable... He easily became everyone's (movie freaks) fav director then... Coz his movies were one of a kind... Unbreakable was a very unqiue movie then but of coz all these yrs lots of copycats came out... His movies always either end wif a twist, or wif a heavy impactful punchline... Lots of media students wannabes wan to write scripts like him...
Anyways, I do not believe 50 Million went into tis movie (Silent Hill)... It does not look like tt... Most of the special effects and make up were CG, meaning fake... Even their actual makeup looked fake most of the times, but nvm lah, normal ppl wouldnt notice such things...
Reviews on the movie were damn good...
The movie was supposed to be very very scary...
The movie's plot wasnt on the game of coz, but it took a gd deal of references from the series...
I used to haf a bf who was crazy over Silent Hill and creeps me out everynight... We combined forces to play e game, my brains, my commands, his hands, his fights wif e zombies... But then i was very traumatised by the scary effects and horrible creepy music, which were famous then...
I even remembered his newly bought vibrating controller vibrates alot wif tis game... So it was super irritating n noisy...
Being a nice gf i had to bear wif all e creeps and helped him out wif e mind challenging puzzles... But i cant solve e piano part, so we had to ask for e cheat answers fr e experts, lol... I forgot which Silent Hill we played, but i remembered it was a Father looking for his daughter, Cheryl, coz it was the same name as me then...
Yes, i was called Cheryl a long time ago... I had too many names... Maybe it wasnt Cheryl but Sharon like e movie, but i remembered it was my name leh...
Its freaky to see the Silent Hill town brought to life... I used to tell myself then tt its fake so no need to feel creepy about it... But seeing it brought to life in the movie, sent chills down my spine...
The Sch was extremely memorable, coz i spent most of my time in e game there, e sch was huge n very haunted... My bf played by himself other times, only when he needed my help, he would ask...
I remembered theres tis Courtyard wif clocks, whenever u r in tis place, it gives off a weird eerie music... Anyways, tis was e place where u cross one dimension or place to another... I hate the music... Even when i had fallen asleep, i cant help but woke up due to the zombies sound effects... And the moment my eyes open, i see zombies... Urgh... And every time i hear the music changes i closed my eyes and go to sleep and leave my bf alone wif e game...
The movie also showed e toilet scenes... I tell u ar, the Sch in e game hor, got alot alot of toilets, and u get to enter n explore so many... But most of them r empty but very creepy n dirty looking... The scene where they showed e main sch office counter was especially nostalgic but in a eerie way... Coz u passed by alot alot of times there, i think there was a map there or something, and e flashlight which was in e movie... It is exactly as how i remembered 9 yrs ago...
I think e movie did quite a gd job of piecing a story together, although e story developed abit too slow and they lost the climax everytime they create one...
Its like, coming coming, zombies, ahhh, scary, oh no, ouch, ahhhhh, then back to normal...
They had tis siren going every time u hear it, u noe the darkness is coming... I could not take it after e second time, i do not like it when u noe u hear tt and scary things would come out... Its a mental torture...
Alot of scenes made some ppl laughed in e movie, including e way e zombies moved and e way ppl were killed... Although true enuff, some were quite fake but i didnt think it was funny... I almost couldnt understand y SZ burst into laughter just after e characters went thru a ordeal... Lol...
All in all, the movie is quite creepy, maybe less for those non game players... If u played e game, u would remember alot of scary scenes while u r watching e movie... I hate e music, very creepy as usual... Some mix of gore n blood as well in e end...
I saw the trailers for Stay Alive and e famous M. Shayamalan's Lady In The Water, boths seem super scary... I was super surprised SZ remembered tt director's name, having watched e disappointing The Village wif her last time... But i was even more surprised tt she was surprised i noe the director... Lol...
How can u not noe him if u watched horror films, somemore for media design students... Somemore a movie freak like me...
I watched all his films, since Unbreakable... But The Village was a huge disappointment... His concept wasnt great tt time round... Lady In The Water seems promising though... I am going to catch it coz of him... I hope he can go back to his old style...
Unbreakable was his best work, so many yrs haf passed and yet its still unforgettable... He easily became everyone's (movie freaks) fav director then... Coz his movies were one of a kind... Unbreakable was a very unqiue movie then but of coz all these yrs lots of copycats came out... His movies always either end wif a twist, or wif a heavy impactful punchline... Lots of media students wannabes wan to write scripts like him...
Anyways, I do not believe 50 Million went into tis movie (Silent Hill)... It does not look like tt... Most of the special effects and make up were CG, meaning fake... Even their actual makeup looked fake most of the times, but nvm lah, normal ppl wouldnt notice such things...
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
I am stoning...
I am so tired...
I was woken up from 4 hrs of sleep coz my son LS on my sis's leg and her bed and on e floor... We didnt noe until my mum came into our room and screamed!!! Imagine my whole rm smells like poo, i wonder how come we didnt wake up... And then i headed to meet SZ for lunch and movie afterwards... I watched Cars, but i am too stone to talk about it...
The pink razor is cute... Looks purplish, i like... Though my phone still rocks... I told SZ today, it looks like i picked a gem out of motorola phone series, coz my phone is one n only and its so different fr e rest of their phones...
I still haven remove my makeup though i came back like 6 hrs ago... I wanted to do masque, but i would most probably fell asleep doing it... Singapore idol was so disappointing... Urgh, how cum our sg girls look pretty but all cannot sing one, so disappointed... I almost fell asleep during e show...
I bought a magnetic goban and dvdr discs today...
To end tis off, SZ looks gd wif her makeup, though not full makeup but tis is e 1st time i see her wif makeup... I love her eye shadow colors... Shimmer one, i dun haf leh...
I go wash my face, finish reading a blog then sleep...
I am so tired...
I was woken up from 4 hrs of sleep coz my son LS on my sis's leg and her bed and on e floor... We didnt noe until my mum came into our room and screamed!!! Imagine my whole rm smells like poo, i wonder how come we didnt wake up... And then i headed to meet SZ for lunch and movie afterwards... I watched Cars, but i am too stone to talk about it...
The pink razor is cute... Looks purplish, i like... Though my phone still rocks... I told SZ today, it looks like i picked a gem out of motorola phone series, coz my phone is one n only and its so different fr e rest of their phones...
I still haven remove my makeup though i came back like 6 hrs ago... I wanted to do masque, but i would most probably fell asleep doing it... Singapore idol was so disappointing... Urgh, how cum our sg girls look pretty but all cannot sing one, so disappointed... I almost fell asleep during e show...
I bought a magnetic goban and dvdr discs today...
To end tis off, SZ looks gd wif her makeup, though not full makeup but tis is e 1st time i see her wif makeup... I love her eye shadow colors... Shimmer one, i dun haf leh...
I go wash my face, finish reading a blog then sleep...
Monday, June 05, 2006
Welcome to Hello Moto
All the while, in my house, we all use different phones, my sis uses Sony E, mum uses Samsung, her ex bf uses Nokia, i use Motorola... And of coz, i still haf 1 spare Samsung phone, and 2 old Panasonic phones...
Of coz Nokia is out, since he left...
Anyways, suddenly, my whole family converted to Motorola... My sis bougt her Gold Dolce & Gabbana Razor, my mum just ordered her Pink Razor, and me of coz still using my Motorola touch screen phone, i forgot my model... Lol... E680i i think...
For my sis to convert from Sony E to Moto is so unbelievable... She buying e 68 bucks pink razor for my mum... But my mum's got to pay 76 bucks for e sim card n registration... Damn ex!!! And e one she just ordered is e last set at Raffles Place... Its sold out in most branches... Razor is really so popular...
I now feel abit jealous, coz everyone got new spanking pretty phones... Although i heard n saw alot of ppl having probs wif their razors, but i got to admit, e phone is gorgeous, e metallic ones V3i, not the intial V3...
I noe my phone is big, but then its got to accomodate e features of a touch screen phone, so give n take lah... I will get a cosmetic phone in far future... Lol... I still wan to get e mickey mouse phone lor, prob is tt i am not a Singtel user...
I am waiting for Sony E's new touch screen phone, but then i wouldnt buy it if it costs more than 800 or worst 1K... Coz of e branding, Sony E's new phones r super ex...
My moto phone turns 1 yr old in another 3 mths +... I still love my phone, theres no doubt about tt... I finally bought a screen protector for it after so long... Coz i cheapskate mah, those normal 8-10 bucks one i dun wan to buy... Then i saw e cheap 5 bucks one so i got it lor... Coz i bought it for my camera also...
But got bubble at the edge, well wat to expect fr cheap gds anyways... Still its better than naked...
Yest night, i was playing my my phone's voice commands... Bloody phone dun recognise Shuzhen's name... It only recognises her name when i changed it to Susan... Then i use e talking phone features to read out the smses tt SZ sent me... Then i kept laughing...
My phone's voice is a man's voice... I thot its pretty logical tt if u r a female, u would rather wan ur robot to be a male...
But then when i tried my sis's razor voice commands, her one is female voice leh!!! But the gold edition one obviously for females mah...
So suddenly i thot maybe my phone's meant for guys to use... But then as a guy wouldnt u rather listen to female's voice?
Her phone's voice command no gd, e commands' limited nvm, but it cant catch my diction... It couldnt catch e numbers i commanded... But my phone can lor, it performs almost 95%, hers is like 2% until i gave up... Another reason y i love my phone so much... Must be e male female thingy... Muahahaha...
But my phone needs to be pressed when i speak like walkie talkie, hers no need, but her one cannot work anyways, so tt part gd also no use...
I think my phone's a experimental device, i wonder y they dun continue in it... Low budget touch screen phones, cannot find liao leh...
Of coz Nokia is out, since he left...
Anyways, suddenly, my whole family converted to Motorola... My sis bougt her Gold Dolce & Gabbana Razor, my mum just ordered her Pink Razor, and me of coz still using my Motorola touch screen phone, i forgot my model... Lol... E680i i think...
For my sis to convert from Sony E to Moto is so unbelievable... She buying e 68 bucks pink razor for my mum... But my mum's got to pay 76 bucks for e sim card n registration... Damn ex!!! And e one she just ordered is e last set at Raffles Place... Its sold out in most branches... Razor is really so popular...
I now feel abit jealous, coz everyone got new spanking pretty phones... Although i heard n saw alot of ppl having probs wif their razors, but i got to admit, e phone is gorgeous, e metallic ones V3i, not the intial V3...
I noe my phone is big, but then its got to accomodate e features of a touch screen phone, so give n take lah... I will get a cosmetic phone in far future... Lol... I still wan to get e mickey mouse phone lor, prob is tt i am not a Singtel user...
I am waiting for Sony E's new touch screen phone, but then i wouldnt buy it if it costs more than 800 or worst 1K... Coz of e branding, Sony E's new phones r super ex...
My moto phone turns 1 yr old in another 3 mths +... I still love my phone, theres no doubt about tt... I finally bought a screen protector for it after so long... Coz i cheapskate mah, those normal 8-10 bucks one i dun wan to buy... Then i saw e cheap 5 bucks one so i got it lor... Coz i bought it for my camera also...
But got bubble at the edge, well wat to expect fr cheap gds anyways... Still its better than naked...
Yest night, i was playing my my phone's voice commands... Bloody phone dun recognise Shuzhen's name... It only recognises her name when i changed it to Susan... Then i use e talking phone features to read out the smses tt SZ sent me... Then i kept laughing...
My phone's voice is a man's voice... I thot its pretty logical tt if u r a female, u would rather wan ur robot to be a male...
But then when i tried my sis's razor voice commands, her one is female voice leh!!! But the gold edition one obviously for females mah...
So suddenly i thot maybe my phone's meant for guys to use... But then as a guy wouldnt u rather listen to female's voice?
Her phone's voice command no gd, e commands' limited nvm, but it cant catch my diction... It couldnt catch e numbers i commanded... But my phone can lor, it performs almost 95%, hers is like 2% until i gave up... Another reason y i love my phone so much... Must be e male female thingy... Muahahaha...
But my phone needs to be pressed when i speak like walkie talkie, hers no need, but her one cannot work anyways, so tt part gd also no use...
I think my phone's a experimental device, i wonder y they dun continue in it... Low budget touch screen phones, cannot find liao leh...
Sunday, June 04, 2006
New Phone
The trip to Sentosa was both great and tiring... Enjoyable and miserable... Lol... Coz of the heat (it was super super super hot) and my crazy heavy bag... But now tt i saw lockers be4 i left... I am so going to check my stuffs into tt locker for 2 bucks before roaming about e next time...
It was so hot till i was dizzy, till i got bad headaches, till i actually almost dozed off when i was eating...
We took about 100+ pics, but mainly they were my self portraits... Lol, wat else...
Still deciding whether to post some pics or not... Hmm... Its not really e lazy part... Will blog about e trip some other time (w or w/o pics)...
My sis bought the Limited Gold Dolce & Gabbana Edition Motorola Razor V3i... Its gorgeously nice, i love gold!!! Its e X-men promotion... Dolce & Gabbana leh! I wonder whether next time got Gucci, LV or not...
Of coz its more ex coz of e gold branded casing and all... She bought it at 448, but then she sold her old phone for 250 and then she received 144 bucks for phone rebate somemore... So basically she only paid about 50+ bucks for e phone...
Shes thinking of getting my mum e pink razor, coz now zero dollar...
I love e box, its like a chocolate/perfume box... Very stylish...
The software is e same as SZ's phone... Which means different fr mine again... My software interface is very different fr theirs although same moto company, and i thot theirs look nicer... But mine is more user friendly though...
Also, they can dl themes, mine for some reason cannot... Maybe can lah, but thru my phone's wap it says not compatible for my model...
I met SZ for lunch at amk's bubble tea restaurant, ate curry rice again... Passed her e ktv voucher for her ktv trip next week... I hope her sch mates will all turn up, they every time meet got prob one... Then she came to my house and we watched e 1st 8 epis of Full Metal Panic... Then my sis lent her e dvd to finish it...
My sis bought prata for me to eat for supper jus now... Shes on leave for 2 weeks for her exams... I think meanwhile if shes ard, i would become more fat... Yest midnight she tempted me wif instant noodle, then jus now wif e prata...
For some reason i am very tired... But i cant sleep as usual... Everything's taking a toll on me...
I think if i can find a job soon, and get my 1st pay before my bday... I would book a hotel at rasa shangri la sentosa for my bday, then i ask SZ to go wif me... But see how bah... Maybe i would becum cheapskate and decide not to celebrate again... Lol...
I used to haf alot of probs for food at Sentosa... But now after renovation and all, food is not a prob... Besides, theres 7-11 there... I could never find any food after midnight in the past... The latest u can find food is our hotel's room service, but of coz, it cost me near 100 bucks for 2 person...
And then i can eat Sakae sushi there also... Near e hotel got Delifrance also... Now all so convenient unlike e past...
I now stomachache, mus be e prata... Later... Pain~
It was so hot till i was dizzy, till i got bad headaches, till i actually almost dozed off when i was eating...
We took about 100+ pics, but mainly they were my self portraits... Lol, wat else...
Still deciding whether to post some pics or not... Hmm... Its not really e lazy part... Will blog about e trip some other time (w or w/o pics)...
My sis bought the Limited Gold Dolce & Gabbana Edition Motorola Razor V3i... Its gorgeously nice, i love gold!!! Its e X-men promotion... Dolce & Gabbana leh! I wonder whether next time got Gucci, LV or not...
Of coz its more ex coz of e gold branded casing and all... She bought it at 448, but then she sold her old phone for 250 and then she received 144 bucks for phone rebate somemore... So basically she only paid about 50+ bucks for e phone...
Shes thinking of getting my mum e pink razor, coz now zero dollar...
I love e box, its like a chocolate/perfume box... Very stylish...
The software is e same as SZ's phone... Which means different fr mine again... My software interface is very different fr theirs although same moto company, and i thot theirs look nicer... But mine is more user friendly though...
Also, they can dl themes, mine for some reason cannot... Maybe can lah, but thru my phone's wap it says not compatible for my model...
I met SZ for lunch at amk's bubble tea restaurant, ate curry rice again... Passed her e ktv voucher for her ktv trip next week... I hope her sch mates will all turn up, they every time meet got prob one... Then she came to my house and we watched e 1st 8 epis of Full Metal Panic... Then my sis lent her e dvd to finish it...
My sis bought prata for me to eat for supper jus now... Shes on leave for 2 weeks for her exams... I think meanwhile if shes ard, i would become more fat... Yest midnight she tempted me wif instant noodle, then jus now wif e prata...
For some reason i am very tired... But i cant sleep as usual... Everything's taking a toll on me...
I think if i can find a job soon, and get my 1st pay before my bday... I would book a hotel at rasa shangri la sentosa for my bday, then i ask SZ to go wif me... But see how bah... Maybe i would becum cheapskate and decide not to celebrate again... Lol...
I used to haf alot of probs for food at Sentosa... But now after renovation and all, food is not a prob... Besides, theres 7-11 there... I could never find any food after midnight in the past... The latest u can find food is our hotel's room service, but of coz, it cost me near 100 bucks for 2 person...
And then i can eat Sakae sushi there also... Near e hotel got Delifrance also... Now all so convenient unlike e past...
I now stomachache, mus be e prata... Later... Pain~
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Fumo Fumo Fuuuuu
Went to visit my dad yest... And i asked SZ along as well... He looked better tis time, and put on alittle weight surprisingly... His paralysed arm seemed to haf meaten up...
Stressful as usual... But SZ is there to share e attention... He spoke of the same old things, and putting me down as usual... I was teary at some pt, his words really hurt me alot, but of coz, nobody realised...
Had Teppanyaki for dinner... Very nice, as gd as e closed Bishan one... I had the garlic oysters as usual... Shall go there eat often, besides its so near only... And then we went for ice cream again... At Swensens again... We also ate salad and deep fried mushrooms... I absolutely love their deep fried mushrooms, coz e texture taste like chicken... I love it...
I finished Full Metal Panic Fumoffu... And i am finishing Second Raid... I also completed Tsubasa Chronicles season 1 (tok about it another time) ... Hmm, the FMP 2 short 17 epis were light hearted, and funny as hell... I was kinda disappointed tt there werent any more missions, which was y i like tt anime... I am not so into their lovey dovey high sch scenes... I was waiting n waiting and then realised e whole series was going to be lidat... Lol... Further more, i love e other characters more... And they hardly appear in tis one... But it was a great laugh though...
Love e fumo fumo fumo fumo fumoffu... Lol... Bonta-Kun Kawaii !!!! Then e Bonta got e same scar as Sagara... Lol...
But then e last epi almost killed my com, tt file was so corrupted i think... It crashed my com and i panic for some time... I couldnt delete e file somemore... I had to go safe mode, and tt stupid F8 doesnt work anymore...
So i had to do a dos run, for internal safe mode boot... And my com was so affected, i almost couldnt control it... My heart almost died... But it all turned out well in the end...
Then i still go dl e same link again... Luckily tis time e file ok... Scare me till death...
I now watching Second Raid online, so no prob on stupid corrupted files... Luckily e story continued... And here comes all the missions, once again i was excited... And i can see e rest of the characters in action...
I think i kinda like FMP coz there r some small things associated wif Lord Of the Rings... Like Mithril and Wraiths, words tt are invented by Tolkien... The writer must be a fan... Muahhahahah...
Im going Sentosa wif SZ tmr... I wan to go early early... But then she cannot wake up leh... I now still pondering meet wat time... Going to take loads of pics... I hope... I got 3 cams now, she can take pics too...
I wanna go somewhere to relax abit, and not think of anything... But i dun haf money to go for short trips... So i said to her, i'll bring a mat, and we'll go somewhere and lie down, relax, look at the sky, lol, but i dun wanna go East Coast, and i dun wanna go my reservoir too coz we can only stay a short few hrs be4 SZ wans to go toilet...
Anyways, we decided to go Sentosa instead... And we got excited and said we wanna take loads of pics along the way... Use my new cam also... I also wanna test the video features of my pocket dv camcorder... Although e card like only can shoot 13 mins in best quality, but nvm lah, i doubt we haf things to videocam anyways...
Then, we'll go walk all the FREE nature trails, and then by evening, relax by the clean beach...
I am very excited, i jus hoped our enthusiasm doesnt die off on the actual day...
I yest headache over wat to wear... Shes going to wear sleeveless or something coz she wanna tan herself... Me on the other hand, will cover myself up... Lol, coz i dun wan to turn dark... I always come back fr Sentosa like coffee...
Tis time cannot... I rather tahan e heat than my black skin... Long sleeves, sunglasses, umbrella (bought in time), sun block... Watever! Wanted to wear my cap but im going overboard, so tts staying...
Then now i duno carry wat bag coz of the bulky mat tt im bringing... Hmm... If i bring backpack like so kua zhang n big n ugly... If i carry normal bags cannot put e mat... Duno le...
Excited excited... I hope its a fun filled day tmr... And hopefully we get alot of our together photos tmr like our genting ones, nice pretty ones i meant...
Stressful as usual... But SZ is there to share e attention... He spoke of the same old things, and putting me down as usual... I was teary at some pt, his words really hurt me alot, but of coz, nobody realised...
Had Teppanyaki for dinner... Very nice, as gd as e closed Bishan one... I had the garlic oysters as usual... Shall go there eat often, besides its so near only... And then we went for ice cream again... At Swensens again... We also ate salad and deep fried mushrooms... I absolutely love their deep fried mushrooms, coz e texture taste like chicken... I love it...
I finished Full Metal Panic Fumoffu... And i am finishing Second Raid... I also completed Tsubasa Chronicles season 1 (tok about it another time) ... Hmm, the FMP 2 short 17 epis were light hearted, and funny as hell... I was kinda disappointed tt there werent any more missions, which was y i like tt anime... I am not so into their lovey dovey high sch scenes... I was waiting n waiting and then realised e whole series was going to be lidat... Lol... Further more, i love e other characters more... And they hardly appear in tis one... But it was a great laugh though...
Love e fumo fumo fumo fumo fumoffu... Lol... Bonta-Kun Kawaii !!!! Then e Bonta got e same scar as Sagara... Lol...
But then e last epi almost killed my com, tt file was so corrupted i think... It crashed my com and i panic for some time... I couldnt delete e file somemore... I had to go safe mode, and tt stupid F8 doesnt work anymore...
So i had to do a dos run, for internal safe mode boot... And my com was so affected, i almost couldnt control it... My heart almost died... But it all turned out well in the end...
Then i still go dl e same link again... Luckily tis time e file ok... Scare me till death...
I now watching Second Raid online, so no prob on stupid corrupted files... Luckily e story continued... And here comes all the missions, once again i was excited... And i can see e rest of the characters in action...
I think i kinda like FMP coz there r some small things associated wif Lord Of the Rings... Like Mithril and Wraiths, words tt are invented by Tolkien... The writer must be a fan... Muahhahahah...
Im going Sentosa wif SZ tmr... I wan to go early early... But then she cannot wake up leh... I now still pondering meet wat time... Going to take loads of pics... I hope... I got 3 cams now, she can take pics too...
I wanna go somewhere to relax abit, and not think of anything... But i dun haf money to go for short trips... So i said to her, i'll bring a mat, and we'll go somewhere and lie down, relax, look at the sky, lol, but i dun wanna go East Coast, and i dun wanna go my reservoir too coz we can only stay a short few hrs be4 SZ wans to go toilet...
Anyways, we decided to go Sentosa instead... And we got excited and said we wanna take loads of pics along the way... Use my new cam also... I also wanna test the video features of my pocket dv camcorder... Although e card like only can shoot 13 mins in best quality, but nvm lah, i doubt we haf things to videocam anyways...
Then, we'll go walk all the FREE nature trails, and then by evening, relax by the clean beach...
I am very excited, i jus hoped our enthusiasm doesnt die off on the actual day...
I yest headache over wat to wear... Shes going to wear sleeveless or something coz she wanna tan herself... Me on the other hand, will cover myself up... Lol, coz i dun wan to turn dark... I always come back fr Sentosa like coffee...
Tis time cannot... I rather tahan e heat than my black skin... Long sleeves, sunglasses, umbrella (bought in time), sun block... Watever! Wanted to wear my cap but im going overboard, so tts staying...
Then now i duno carry wat bag coz of the bulky mat tt im bringing... Hmm... If i bring backpack like so kua zhang n big n ugly... If i carry normal bags cannot put e mat... Duno le...
Excited excited... I hope its a fun filled day tmr... And hopefully we get alot of our together photos tmr like our genting ones, nice pretty ones i meant...
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