I jus watched some clips on the 24th June Red White Songs Battle Hits (Anime) Singapore at NUS and the 9th July Cosfest V - The Reunion at Downtown East on Stomp's site. Quite a no. of things to see if u r bored. I thot it was rather cute seeing Jolin in her cutsy outfits although shes supposed to be sexy. Lol.
Quite interesting ne.
Some gals actually sounded quite gd i thot for e anime hits battle... Kinda cute.
For e Cosfest, its also rather interesting. E interviews and the cosplayers and costumers were quite a treat to look at, although e screen is small. And i saw e familiar faces which i saw from e pics off Wingede blog. Same event right?
They kept interviewing Sesshomaru (Inuyasha), i see liao buay tahan... Hes my fav character but then tt guy!!! -_-" His fur!!! -_-" His make up!!! -_-"
And then e one who did one of e Bleach's female vice captain shinigami, i forgot tt character's name. E one wif gi-normous boobs, almost spilling out every scene. Her boobs!!! Oh my gawd!!!
But for some reasons, i actually find guys cross dressing as female characters fine. Lol. I think its still the overall look.
One gal who cosplayed a character from Gundam Seed Destiny (i dun like tis anime, i even rejected when ppl wan to lend me e dvd, even Gackt sexy influence doesnt work tis time. Lol), she said she wans to hold a Cosplay Wedding in her future. And her gd fren was supporting her grds tis n tt.
At 1st thot, i thot its fresh and interesting... I think its gonna be quite cool, and it adds alot of colors n fun to e otherwise formal n boring weddings. At least, i doubt anyone would cry at the event. But maybe ur parents n older relatives would cry abit seeing all ur guests becum cosplayers? Lol. I am so evil.
But on second thot, ur whole wedding's gonna be a joke if ur guests actually did tt. For one, i doubt any hotels would put up wif such a rukus. For two, i doubt any wedding planners will take tt up coz of impracticality and e enormous problems tt would arise (unless u pay them huge of coz). For three, i doubt any guest will turn up.
If i attend ur wedding, i am already obliged to give u a 3 figure ang bao, and on top of tt, i even need to put in a few hundred bucks, and few mths of time to do e costumes jus to attend ur wedding. I wouldnt even do tt for "best frenz". No pun intended. Doing cosplay for cosplay events is different, coz simply its an EVENT in e 1st place.
Wats e pt if some turn up in normal clothes and some turn up in costumes? It would dampen e whole mood. Imagine i am e only one who cosplayed in a table wif ur other 9 normal guests. Maybe they would be annoyed wif my ribbons dropping on e food or my sword poking at the one next to me. Lol.
If u wan to do it, its better to make sure tt e majority do it instead. The main prob tt ppl worries over wedding dinner is e attendance. Unless u r a celebrity, chances r its not full attendance. Ive not even heard of anyone's wedding being full thus far. So i bet throwing tis worry aside, u still haf to convince all ur guests to cosplay.
Wait wait, i am not targetting e gal who came up wif tis idea. But i am targetting at tt concept.
U also better come up wif a proper agenda on e events tts going to happen. If not, u would jus see a Sailormoon eating shark fins, gobble gobble, clap clap, drink drink then BYE BYE, all rush home for e last train/bus. I cant even begin to imagine.
Granted, u can do a outdoor event like at Fort Canning hill, etc... Do a buffet instead of dinner. So tt at least theres more space for falling boxes, ribbons, wigs, swords. And e cosplayers can congregate and leave e normal guests as normal guests at e other side of e field.
Haha, youngsters will always be youngsters. Very opinionated, very idealistic (to their own perceptions, can means can attitude). Although she is e same age as me, lol *dig a hole n hide inside* But then having said all tt. I still think its quite cool. It will be a pretty gd "show" for e rest of e guests. Not only tt, its e 1st in sg, u can even call e press for interviews n shoots.
I myself did mentioned be4 tt it would be nice if my wedding is LOTR themed (ok, dun laugh). But i never expect my guests to do anything. I certainly dun expect anyone carrying fake swords, or elvish ears or coming to the hotel bare foot. Lol. But my door gift is e ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL RING lor. Cool eh? Haha.
But one thing i must grumble though. How come ALL the cosplayers (those interviewed) all spoke in broken/bad/beng-lian-ish singlish one? Very bad for public viewing u noe. Wait e government/parents or whoever say those who like anime/cosplays all cannot speak properly then ban it like e old PCK scripts how?
Imagine they say, "Ive been watching the broadcast of the cosplay events and i realised all of them couldnt speak proper english. Anime must be bad influence for e young generation, so we must ban them all! Stop your kids from watching animes." Blah blah...Then how? Dun lidat leh...
Ppl already say we bloggers dun write in proper english, shortform no GD, singlish no good, say we tok nonsense, irresponsible, tis n tt liao, if cannot watch anime liao how? Im not toking about *er hem* those down *cough* loaded ones. If legally cannot watch liao how?
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Crabby Durian
Last fri, i went to e famous amk seafood place to eat again wif my 2nd sis, her bf and mum.
After being there so many times, i seriously think its my fav from all ive eaten. Although ive not eaten e similar famous n cheap Balestier one, isit Balestier or Jalan Kayu? Jalan Kayu besides prata got sell famous seafood or not ar? But anyways, since tis one is so near my place, i haf no reason to go there. Besides, my fav dishes are one and only here anyways. Its addiction.
But i haf no idea wat bus to take if theres no car. Can walk also but i not sure e way too. Lol. Although it was only a less than 10 mins ride, my motion sickness did kicked in coz i didnt put e plaster. But i bet tts coz of my sis's bad driving skills. Coz later on, when her bf took e wheel i was ok. But it may be due to the multiple turnings ard e car park as well.
We brought my granny there some time back and she was saying like, "I eat tis crab liao i go back M'sia no need to eat already!" Lol, cant blame her, tt night, e crabs were especially fat and juciy and sweet and cheap obviously compared to atas resturants. They say eat crabs must choose dates within a mth to go. And also when e moon is out or something. Not sure though.
E auntie did tell us the crabs not so fat today, but i thot it was still good, it was still very fresh and juicy. I finally ate their signature Claypot Crab Noodle tis time. If i go there again, i bring my cam along. Its very nice. The soup is very creamy. We also ordered e creamy butter crabs as usual and e buns.
I love their toufu, must try! If u go there, must try their Claypot Crab, Creamy Butter Crab and the Crispy Toufu. Its enuff to fill u up till u puke. Ok, maybe not depending on how many u go wif. Amazing thing is u will be addicted to these 3 dishes, and they r not found anywhere else.
We had beer and a hearty meal. But i can tell e 3 of them not full yet. So we headed to eat e most amazing durian at one oolu oolu carpark. Beer ok to eat durian lah, dun eat when u drink hard liquor though. I think i drank e most tt night, duno y. Lol.
My sis had been raving about it ever since shes eaten it. She said e durian is e best, much better than any D24, XO or watever u've eaten at Geylang. She said its so creamy it tasted like ice cream. And e seed is extremely small. So u haf like big scoops of them.
But of coz, it comes wif a price lah. One durian about 30 bucks. Can eat one crab le.
The stall is located at the strangest place. Its within a car park. Very dark and oolu along wat, Damsy Road, Demsy Road? Duno wats e spelling. U see many rich ppl and sports cars driving in for their durians and also their Shan Zhu(2) (fruit), wats shan zhu in el?
I was very curious about their Shan Zhu coz by the time we left, they were almost empty. So e bf bought one bag for us. Very nice though ex. 5 bucks per bag, inside about 10. But very sweet and juicy and fat. Nice! The uncle said got one lady has been patronising him for the past 10 yrs, but only buy his shan zu, she never buy his durian, duno y... Lol.
His business has been going on i think for about 20 yrs. And looking at the location n stall, i bet hes earning lots of money. But we went too late. His durians had almost ran out. We were e last customers sitting down. He rejected e rest.
We asked him wat kind of durian hes selling, but he refused to tell us. He only kept saying, "Good durian!"... Lol, maybe he planted himself using his own secret methods. Lol.
Unfortunately, e durians werent great. It was good but nothing special like wat they say. So we gave e durians back and he kept opening and finding gd ones for us. My sis was disappointed tt i didnt get to taste e kind she was toking about. Maybe go earlier next time.
The uncle said we didnt even eat 1 KG, and e bf said, "Ur durian lidat how to eat 1 KG?"... Lol, so he gave us discounts and apologised. All e best ones must be sold le... So sad... But i did eat one seed tts especially good but one how to judge.
So maybe next time i guess. But i was full like mad. Hearty meal. I think its me lah, every time i go out wif ppl for food sure something goes wrong one.
I can go wif SZ next time and order e Claypot one, got noodle in e soup, i think she will like. Its soupy, healthier and instead of rice she can haf noodles. Coz her family always eat rice when they eat seafood or something, which was so strange compared to mine. We never eat rice when we eat chinese food outside. Lol.
But i wan to intro her e Creamy Butter and toufu, so maybe another time. I doubt we 2 girls can finish.
After being there so many times, i seriously think its my fav from all ive eaten. Although ive not eaten e similar famous n cheap Balestier one, isit Balestier or Jalan Kayu? Jalan Kayu besides prata got sell famous seafood or not ar? But anyways, since tis one is so near my place, i haf no reason to go there. Besides, my fav dishes are one and only here anyways. Its addiction.
But i haf no idea wat bus to take if theres no car. Can walk also but i not sure e way too. Lol. Although it was only a less than 10 mins ride, my motion sickness did kicked in coz i didnt put e plaster. But i bet tts coz of my sis's bad driving skills. Coz later on, when her bf took e wheel i was ok. But it may be due to the multiple turnings ard e car park as well.
We brought my granny there some time back and she was saying like, "I eat tis crab liao i go back M'sia no need to eat already!" Lol, cant blame her, tt night, e crabs were especially fat and juciy and sweet and cheap obviously compared to atas resturants. They say eat crabs must choose dates within a mth to go. And also when e moon is out or something. Not sure though.
E auntie did tell us the crabs not so fat today, but i thot it was still good, it was still very fresh and juicy. I finally ate their signature Claypot Crab Noodle tis time. If i go there again, i bring my cam along. Its very nice. The soup is very creamy. We also ordered e creamy butter crabs as usual and e buns.
I love their toufu, must try! If u go there, must try their Claypot Crab, Creamy Butter Crab and the Crispy Toufu. Its enuff to fill u up till u puke. Ok, maybe not depending on how many u go wif. Amazing thing is u will be addicted to these 3 dishes, and they r not found anywhere else.
We had beer and a hearty meal. But i can tell e 3 of them not full yet. So we headed to eat e most amazing durian at one oolu oolu carpark. Beer ok to eat durian lah, dun eat when u drink hard liquor though. I think i drank e most tt night, duno y. Lol.
My sis had been raving about it ever since shes eaten it. She said e durian is e best, much better than any D24, XO or watever u've eaten at Geylang. She said its so creamy it tasted like ice cream. And e seed is extremely small. So u haf like big scoops of them.
But of coz, it comes wif a price lah. One durian about 30 bucks. Can eat one crab le.
The stall is located at the strangest place. Its within a car park. Very dark and oolu along wat, Damsy Road, Demsy Road? Duno wats e spelling. U see many rich ppl and sports cars driving in for their durians and also their Shan Zhu(2) (fruit), wats shan zhu in el?
I was very curious about their Shan Zhu coz by the time we left, they were almost empty. So e bf bought one bag for us. Very nice though ex. 5 bucks per bag, inside about 10. But very sweet and juicy and fat. Nice! The uncle said got one lady has been patronising him for the past 10 yrs, but only buy his shan zu, she never buy his durian, duno y... Lol.
His business has been going on i think for about 20 yrs. And looking at the location n stall, i bet hes earning lots of money. But we went too late. His durians had almost ran out. We were e last customers sitting down. He rejected e rest.
We asked him wat kind of durian hes selling, but he refused to tell us. He only kept saying, "Good durian!"... Lol, maybe he planted himself using his own secret methods. Lol.
Unfortunately, e durians werent great. It was good but nothing special like wat they say. So we gave e durians back and he kept opening and finding gd ones for us. My sis was disappointed tt i didnt get to taste e kind she was toking about. Maybe go earlier next time.
The uncle said we didnt even eat 1 KG, and e bf said, "Ur durian lidat how to eat 1 KG?"... Lol, so he gave us discounts and apologised. All e best ones must be sold le... So sad... But i did eat one seed tts especially good but one how to judge.
So maybe next time i guess. But i was full like mad. Hearty meal. I think its me lah, every time i go out wif ppl for food sure something goes wrong one.
I can go wif SZ next time and order e Claypot one, got noodle in e soup, i think she will like. Its soupy, healthier and instead of rice she can haf noodles. Coz her family always eat rice when they eat seafood or something, which was so strange compared to mine. We never eat rice when we eat chinese food outside. Lol.
But i wan to intro her e Creamy Butter and toufu, so maybe another time. I doubt we 2 girls can finish.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Best Friends
I duno y but Wingede's entry just pierced my heart.
Actually i noe y, obviously. I will be lying thru my teeth if i said i duno y.
But wat can i say... I cant say much anymore. Actually i dun wan to.
Actually i noe y, obviously. I will be lying thru my teeth if i said i duno y.
But wat can i say... I cant say much anymore. Actually i dun wan to.
Pirates is gd. Although not a movie tt everyone will like. Ppl wif a too serious attitude and those who dun laugh at movies, wouldnt find it enjoyable.
While Pirates is a adventure movie, its mainly a comedy, a comedy adventure basically.
I knew tt there's going to be 3 Pirate movies (trilogy, bah!)... But wat i didnt expect was the continuation from e second to e third. Tis movie ended wif no ending, thus expecting u to wait for e next. Tis is so bek cek u noe, much like watching Stephen Chow's Qi Tian Da Sheng (Monkey God), which left ppl cursing and throwing things at e screen. Ok i am exaggerating.
At least for LOTR, e directors and writers knew they had to end each one wif a resolution, tis is thinking ahead from an audience pt of view. And doing tis doesnt neccessarily turn ppl off fr e 3rd. Doesnt mean u leave ppl hanging, ppl will surely watch ur sequel again after wat, 1 yr?
I cant deny i like e movie coz of my fav male actor, no not Orlando Bloom (i only like legolas, i dun like e real Orlando Bloom, lol), its Johnny Depp. Without him, i tell u e whole movie cannot watch one. He is e spirit of e film, e main character obviously, but its his acting. Simply amazing. He transforms into his character seamlessly.
Some ppl always tell me they love Johnny Depp as well, but these ppl never watch his films. Even when they somehow watched his films, they didnt noe its him until i tell them. Duh.
Johnny Depp to me is e most charismatic actor. I like him ever since e melancholic character in Edward's Scissors hand.
Anyways, hes damn funny in the movie as usual. Very very funny, hes still in his forever drunken mode for Jack Sparrow, which i like alot. Keira Knightley is still as lovely as usual.
For tis one, i thot e CG is even better than e 1st. While e 1st was already very gd for e zombie effects, tis one is even better. I thot e make up is amazing as well. Totally on par, if not better than LOTR. But LOTR was too huge scale so maybe i shdnt compare them. Lol. However, e water effects are still too fake, i think for CG its still yrs more to go till they make a break thru in water effects.
However, i did find e movie too long. 2 and a half is way too long for e plot. It simply wasnt tight enuff especially for e 1st hr. For e 1st half of the film, u wouldnt really noe wat they r saying, e relations, e adventure.
You wouldnt really understand them until e whole thing explains itself later. Theres too much politics, internal affairs which while were in relation to e characters but not drivin e story. Knowledge of e 1st Pirate movie is not neccessary, but i guarantee u would be quite lost at least for e 1st half. And without subtitles, their English accent proved to be quite tough for many.
I had an enjoyable time looking at familiar faces and their effects tis time. Some things did blew me away. I am still going to catch e 3rd. Its still gd movie, and its worth ur 9.50 bucks. But like e 1st, it is a forgettable film. In fact, its quite a blur to me already.
Ppl after e movie said they shd re-watch e 1st, but seriously its not entirely neccessary unless u cant haf enuff of the characters. =)
FYI jus to fill up e hole, e last character tt appeared is e original Captain of e Black Pearl (ghost ship) which Jack Sparrow stole from e prev movie. Tts pretty much all u need to noe.
While Pirates is a adventure movie, its mainly a comedy, a comedy adventure basically.
I knew tt there's going to be 3 Pirate movies (trilogy, bah!)... But wat i didnt expect was the continuation from e second to e third. Tis movie ended wif no ending, thus expecting u to wait for e next. Tis is so bek cek u noe, much like watching Stephen Chow's Qi Tian Da Sheng (Monkey God), which left ppl cursing and throwing things at e screen. Ok i am exaggerating.
At least for LOTR, e directors and writers knew they had to end each one wif a resolution, tis is thinking ahead from an audience pt of view. And doing tis doesnt neccessarily turn ppl off fr e 3rd. Doesnt mean u leave ppl hanging, ppl will surely watch ur sequel again after wat, 1 yr?
I cant deny i like e movie coz of my fav male actor, no not Orlando Bloom (i only like legolas, i dun like e real Orlando Bloom, lol), its Johnny Depp. Without him, i tell u e whole movie cannot watch one. He is e spirit of e film, e main character obviously, but its his acting. Simply amazing. He transforms into his character seamlessly.
Some ppl always tell me they love Johnny Depp as well, but these ppl never watch his films. Even when they somehow watched his films, they didnt noe its him until i tell them. Duh.
Johnny Depp to me is e most charismatic actor. I like him ever since e melancholic character in Edward's Scissors hand.
Anyways, hes damn funny in the movie as usual. Very very funny, hes still in his forever drunken mode for Jack Sparrow, which i like alot. Keira Knightley is still as lovely as usual.
For tis one, i thot e CG is even better than e 1st. While e 1st was already very gd for e zombie effects, tis one is even better. I thot e make up is amazing as well. Totally on par, if not better than LOTR. But LOTR was too huge scale so maybe i shdnt compare them. Lol. However, e water effects are still too fake, i think for CG its still yrs more to go till they make a break thru in water effects.
However, i did find e movie too long. 2 and a half is way too long for e plot. It simply wasnt tight enuff especially for e 1st hr. For e 1st half of the film, u wouldnt really noe wat they r saying, e relations, e adventure.
You wouldnt really understand them until e whole thing explains itself later. Theres too much politics, internal affairs which while were in relation to e characters but not drivin e story. Knowledge of e 1st Pirate movie is not neccessary, but i guarantee u would be quite lost at least for e 1st half. And without subtitles, their English accent proved to be quite tough for many.
I had an enjoyable time looking at familiar faces and their effects tis time. Some things did blew me away. I am still going to catch e 3rd. Its still gd movie, and its worth ur 9.50 bucks. But like e 1st, it is a forgettable film. In fact, its quite a blur to me already.
Ppl after e movie said they shd re-watch e 1st, but seriously its not entirely neccessary unless u cant haf enuff of the characters. =)
FYI jus to fill up e hole, e last character tt appeared is e original Captain of e Black Pearl (ghost ship) which Jack Sparrow stole from e prev movie. Tts pretty much all u need to noe.
Dog Habits
When my son was still a pup, he went thru e general phase of eating his own poop. Ok, now i hear u say WAHHHHHHHHHTTTTTT, and EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW~ Anyways, when i told my frenz then, they all went like puking (not literally). I dun blame them coz they are not dog owners anyways.
Generally, ppl cringe at the sight of seeing animal pee n poo or dirty things anyways. Much less cleaning them. But tts not wat i wanted to say.
However, i am extremely pissed when dog owners complained, get angry or becum traumatised when they experienced their dogs doing the same thing. I can close one eye if its their 1st dog and they expect e dogs to be holy moly like in e movies (duh -__-) . But after e 1st, u still complain and tell e whole world how disgusting how traumatising how... watever.
The thing is puppies in general do tt. While it can be a sign of food malnutrition or poor developed digestive systems, it is a perfectly common phase tt puppies go thru. Puppies are like babies, they duno until u teach them. If u wan them to stop eating poop sooner, then u as a parent is responsible for it.
If its not e case of poor health which u shd bring ur puppies for checkups, you need to discipline ur pets. Warm food obviously becums more appealing than hard cold biscuits, no?
Dogs sniff their poo after doing it, they do tt to access their own health, though i haf no idea wats tt for since they cant do anything to themselves anyways. So u can imagine wat kind of report babies give to themselves. But when they eat poo, chances are either u dun feed them enuff, or they r not getting enuff nutrients. And also, coz their digestive systems are not fully developed, their food are not fully digested, so they will treat it as food and eat it again.
When u noe these hard cold facts, wats so disgusting? I was much more concerned y he was doing it so i could help him.
I myself played wif overturned poo when i was a infant (small kid?), or so i heard, and my mum wasnt even sure if i had eaten it. Lol. But tts my mum's fault coz she wasnt looking at me. She doesnt really take care of children and went to do her own things most of the time. So i always ended up in minor accidents. Even so, she didnt go ard saying, "My baby so disgusting, she eat her own shit, dun get near her!"...
Ok, back to e puppies.
Wat annoys me is tt when u tell ppl such things and u dun explain properly. Ppl becum repulsed by the idea. Some even said "tts y i converted from being a dog lover to a cat lover coz u dun wan to see ur pet doing ugly things". WTF???????
Come on lah, while a kitten may not eat poo (i duno, never kept kittens be4), i am sure as kittens they do alot of funny dirty things as well.
My pup though 6 mths old when i brought him back was facing alot of toilet prob. Becoz he was in a small cage for 6 bloody mths, his idea of sleeping area and toilet fused together. So besides eating poop, he also roll about in them. But all was solved after sending him for toilet training, some discipline, and his own mental n physical growth.
On a side note, u noe my pup couldnt walk properly coz his limbs were poorly developed in a small cage. I was extremely disgusted wif e way tt pet farm treated pets. But anyways, tt didnt matter anymore, i noe he is happy now.
I also concluded my son's poor mental growth. I think he is retarded. But no matter, i am still going to look after him till e last of his days which i hoped is at least 10 yrs later.
The thing is, when u decide to keep a pet. U accept their dirty side as well. Same as babies, they also poo n pee, u also still haf to clean them up, unless u r rich n pampered u can tell ur maid to do tt. But if not, u also got to do it one mah.
I lost my train of thots somewat, and i dun really noe wat i wan to say coz i am very tired. Damn!
E difference is tt, eventually babies all grow up and clean themselves. But accept reality in tt, dogs/cats while they could be toilet trained, they can never clean wipe their own back side and throw their poo away.
So e next time when u decide to becum a pet owner. Besides all e sweet little moments u wish to get out of them. Ask urself whether u can handle e dirty side which is perfectly normal but will surely last for e rest of their lifetime. U need more time when they r in baby phase.
Its a much tougher job to look after Kittens, u've got to feed them once every hr and if they r too small, u even got to help them pee (i found tis out fr Battle Royale Manga, lol).
Baby animals will puke some times coz of poor digestive system. They may be stricken wif diseases if u do not give them proper hygiene. They can be allergic to e detergent u use for mopping and develop rash and lose all their fur. They poo n pee all over coz they haf no bloody idea wats a "toilet". Due to poor control, they will sometimes pee, poo or puke on u.
They will be pretty much senseless like kids knowing nothing, so tis is the toughest phase and u need to discipline them to do wats right.
But after they grow up, it will be fine. If u r so scared of dirty things or complain work too bz, no time, etc but still wan to keep a pet for watever reason then get a grown up pet, but u may still need to toilet train them anyways. U also need to discipline them anyways, so to me theres no diff. But its so much harder to discipline a grown up pet.
Just remember, cuteness, sweetness, companionship, comes wif poo, pee, puke, diseases, illnesses as well. Its all part of e package.
I also complain sometimes his poo very smelly, but i dun blame him nor scold him, nor do i traumatise ppl. My tolerance level for smelly n dirty things is not as high as some ppl, but i accepted him for everything e day i decided to take care of him. Theres always counter measures to overcome these problems if u r willing to put in e effort. Research research research! Dun sit there n expect things to solve themselves or others to feed u wif information.
When u r clear wif tt, even if u wake up n e 1st thing u see beside ur face is poo. U calmly jus clean it up and its back to a normal start of a day.
Lol. U let him sleep wif u mah, sometimes "accidents" happen one lah. E things they do come back to ur own responsibility one lah, how u take care of him, shows wat kind of pet they will grow to be.
Though i certainly did not impart my lazy genes to him. He must haf learnt it from TV. Lol.
Generally, ppl cringe at the sight of seeing animal pee n poo or dirty things anyways. Much less cleaning them. But tts not wat i wanted to say.
However, i am extremely pissed when dog owners complained, get angry or becum traumatised when they experienced their dogs doing the same thing. I can close one eye if its their 1st dog and they expect e dogs to be holy moly like in e movies (duh -__-) . But after e 1st, u still complain and tell e whole world how disgusting how traumatising how... watever.
The thing is puppies in general do tt. While it can be a sign of food malnutrition or poor developed digestive systems, it is a perfectly common phase tt puppies go thru. Puppies are like babies, they duno until u teach them. If u wan them to stop eating poop sooner, then u as a parent is responsible for it.
If its not e case of poor health which u shd bring ur puppies for checkups, you need to discipline ur pets. Warm food obviously becums more appealing than hard cold biscuits, no?
Dogs sniff their poo after doing it, they do tt to access their own health, though i haf no idea wats tt for since they cant do anything to themselves anyways. So u can imagine wat kind of report babies give to themselves. But when they eat poo, chances are either u dun feed them enuff, or they r not getting enuff nutrients. And also, coz their digestive systems are not fully developed, their food are not fully digested, so they will treat it as food and eat it again.
When u noe these hard cold facts, wats so disgusting? I was much more concerned y he was doing it so i could help him.
I myself played wif overturned poo when i was a infant (small kid?), or so i heard, and my mum wasnt even sure if i had eaten it. Lol. But tts my mum's fault coz she wasnt looking at me. She doesnt really take care of children and went to do her own things most of the time. So i always ended up in minor accidents. Even so, she didnt go ard saying, "My baby so disgusting, she eat her own shit, dun get near her!"...
Ok, back to e puppies.
Wat annoys me is tt when u tell ppl such things and u dun explain properly. Ppl becum repulsed by the idea. Some even said "tts y i converted from being a dog lover to a cat lover coz u dun wan to see ur pet doing ugly things". WTF???????
Come on lah, while a kitten may not eat poo (i duno, never kept kittens be4), i am sure as kittens they do alot of funny dirty things as well.
My pup though 6 mths old when i brought him back was facing alot of toilet prob. Becoz he was in a small cage for 6 bloody mths, his idea of sleeping area and toilet fused together. So besides eating poop, he also roll about in them. But all was solved after sending him for toilet training, some discipline, and his own mental n physical growth.
On a side note, u noe my pup couldnt walk properly coz his limbs were poorly developed in a small cage. I was extremely disgusted wif e way tt pet farm treated pets. But anyways, tt didnt matter anymore, i noe he is happy now.
I also concluded my son's poor mental growth. I think he is retarded. But no matter, i am still going to look after him till e last of his days which i hoped is at least 10 yrs later.
The thing is, when u decide to keep a pet. U accept their dirty side as well. Same as babies, they also poo n pee, u also still haf to clean them up, unless u r rich n pampered u can tell ur maid to do tt. But if not, u also got to do it one mah.
I lost my train of thots somewat, and i dun really noe wat i wan to say coz i am very tired. Damn!
E difference is tt, eventually babies all grow up and clean themselves. But accept reality in tt, dogs/cats while they could be toilet trained, they can never clean wipe their own back side and throw their poo away.
So e next time when u decide to becum a pet owner. Besides all e sweet little moments u wish to get out of them. Ask urself whether u can handle e dirty side which is perfectly normal but will surely last for e rest of their lifetime. U need more time when they r in baby phase.
Its a much tougher job to look after Kittens, u've got to feed them once every hr and if they r too small, u even got to help them pee (i found tis out fr Battle Royale Manga, lol).
Baby animals will puke some times coz of poor digestive system. They may be stricken wif diseases if u do not give them proper hygiene. They can be allergic to e detergent u use for mopping and develop rash and lose all their fur. They poo n pee all over coz they haf no bloody idea wats a "toilet". Due to poor control, they will sometimes pee, poo or puke on u.
They will be pretty much senseless like kids knowing nothing, so tis is the toughest phase and u need to discipline them to do wats right.
But after they grow up, it will be fine. If u r so scared of dirty things or complain work too bz, no time, etc but still wan to keep a pet for watever reason then get a grown up pet, but u may still need to toilet train them anyways. U also need to discipline them anyways, so to me theres no diff. But its so much harder to discipline a grown up pet.
Just remember, cuteness, sweetness, companionship, comes wif poo, pee, puke, diseases, illnesses as well. Its all part of e package.
I also complain sometimes his poo very smelly, but i dun blame him nor scold him, nor do i traumatise ppl. My tolerance level for smelly n dirty things is not as high as some ppl, but i accepted him for everything e day i decided to take care of him. Theres always counter measures to overcome these problems if u r willing to put in e effort. Research research research! Dun sit there n expect things to solve themselves or others to feed u wif information.
When u r clear wif tt, even if u wake up n e 1st thing u see beside ur face is poo. U calmly jus clean it up and its back to a normal start of a day.
Lol. U let him sleep wif u mah, sometimes "accidents" happen one lah. E things they do come back to ur own responsibility one lah, how u take care of him, shows wat kind of pet they will grow to be.
Though i certainly did not impart my lazy genes to him. He must haf learnt it from TV. Lol.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Coming Up
I forgot to write about Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest which i saw 2 weeks back. Will do tt tmr. I suddenly wan to watch LOTR again... As in e making offs... Hmm, maybe i'll do it later since i noe i wun be able to sleep tonight.
I slept 12 hrs last night can u believe it... I was soooo tired, was knocked out early on my bed. To suffer from tt unintentional indulgence, i would be sleepless tonight, oh crap.
Although theres not many gd movies tis yr, but i haf 2 movies coming up. Lady in the Water and The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift.
I mentioned i never miss writer cum director M Night Shyamalan's works. Hes e only writer cum director tt stood out to me. And his cameo in every movie never fails to make me chuckle, but sad thing is, nobody noes him. I am usually e only one who noes when he appears. Lol. I think ppl shd give more credit to writers n directors, not to say he does both of them.
Peter Jackson cameoed in all his LOTR trilogy, but again, im sure nobody notices.
Hope tis one doesnt freak me out. E synopsis is different fr wat i gathered fr e trailer though, so maybe it wun be tt scary after all. Please dun let tis one be a disappointment. I love ur prev works other than The Village.
Fast and Furious 3rd installment, wats up wif trilogies these days? Anyways, i love car movies... And unlike others who "claimed" they love car movies, i watch them, those showin on cinemas i meant.
The 1st one was great, 2nd one was disappointing but it never failed to satisfy guys due to u noe who and not to say "sexy" scenes. Cars, babes, sex (though never show la), wat else do guys need? -_-" I was pretty much angry at the 2nd one, Too Fast Too Furious, for its lack of plot and boring races. Old Hong Kong car racing movies were alot better ok! But i heard e 3rd installment received a raving response. Since it was already shown in M'sia and many car freak lovers all caught it.
And i hope tis one's gonna be great since its based in Tokyo, my fav city. I heard tis one is awesome, i hope i wun be disappointed. Its been quite some time since i last caught a satisfying car racing movie.
I slept 12 hrs last night can u believe it... I was soooo tired, was knocked out early on my bed. To suffer from tt unintentional indulgence, i would be sleepless tonight, oh crap.
Although theres not many gd movies tis yr, but i haf 2 movies coming up. Lady in the Water and The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift.
I mentioned i never miss writer cum director M Night Shyamalan's works. Hes e only writer cum director tt stood out to me. And his cameo in every movie never fails to make me chuckle, but sad thing is, nobody noes him. I am usually e only one who noes when he appears. Lol. I think ppl shd give more credit to writers n directors, not to say he does both of them.
Peter Jackson cameoed in all his LOTR trilogy, but again, im sure nobody notices.
Hope tis one doesnt freak me out. E synopsis is different fr wat i gathered fr e trailer though, so maybe it wun be tt scary after all. Please dun let tis one be a disappointment. I love ur prev works other than The Village.
Fast and Furious 3rd installment, wats up wif trilogies these days? Anyways, i love car movies... And unlike others who "claimed" they love car movies, i watch them, those showin on cinemas i meant.
The 1st one was great, 2nd one was disappointing but it never failed to satisfy guys due to u noe who and not to say "sexy" scenes. Cars, babes, sex (though never show la), wat else do guys need? -_-" I was pretty much angry at the 2nd one, Too Fast Too Furious, for its lack of plot and boring races. Old Hong Kong car racing movies were alot better ok! But i heard e 3rd installment received a raving response. Since it was already shown in M'sia and many car freak lovers all caught it.
And i hope tis one's gonna be great since its based in Tokyo, my fav city. I heard tis one is awesome, i hope i wun be disappointed. Its been quite some time since i last caught a satisfying car racing movie.
Newton Circus
Went Orchard wif SZ last sat, i haf been meeting her once a week ever since she started working. Lol. Duno she got tired of me or not... Muahaha. 1 week will be quite long for me staying home, but for her while working, it passes like lightning.
Every sat till 2.30 pm she would haf tuition at yck. So afterwards if shes got no other plans, we would meet up. We had lunch 1st at amk at our usual hangout, e bubble tea hut. Orchard very crowded, i dun really like to eat there.
Wanted to eat my fav Curry Chicken Rice but then only left one, so she ate tt and i ate Curry Scissors Chicken Rice, which is basically chicken cutlet, and jus a miserable dash of curry over rice. Oh, and a sunny side up. I took most of her curry though, coz she doesnt finish it unlike me. Lol...
We walked ard, and Forever 21 (my fav clothes brand, my style, lots of lace n diamante, although i only haf 2 tops of theirs, ex mah) is having a sale. I walked in and i fell in love immediately wif so many of their clothes, though not on sale. But then i cannot buy, so sad... The fitting Q is so damn long as usual, even if i can buy i also dun haf e patience to wait so long.
And then i headed to Isetan, saw many sunglasses i love. I like most of the collection, but theres 2 i especially love. Both of e same design, but different color, one is yellow, one is turquoise or very light blue...
I like both coz different looks, cant decide btw them. One costs 60 bucks each. Sigh, cannot buy, so sad... SZ said if she strike a fortune she would get for me... Sigh... I wanted a green sun glass for e longest time, but unfortunately, i still haven seen any nice green sunglasses. I did see at either Mini Toons or More Than Words, but haf not tried it coz they like dun haf mirrors.
I think i am gonna make a collection on sunglasses in e future, i wan aviator shades as well. I wan a white pair, yellow pair, green pair, blue pair, purple pair, red pair (haf liao but got crack), brown pair and silver pair. All i wan got crystals one. Or diamante at least. Nah, crystals better.
We sat at Cineleisure for like 2 hrs chatting. Then we couldnt decide on wat to haf for dinner. SZ said she wans to eat cockles, at 1st she said we go chomp chomp. But i scared chomp chomp closes quite early coz it was rather late then and chomp chomp is rather inaccessible.
So i suggested Newton Circus instead, since both of us haven been to e newly renonvated one. Although e place is smoky and hot as hell. E food is heavenly~ Lol. Its been so long since i last ate my fav BBQ Sambal Sting Ray.
I forgot to take pics of e very full n crowded place coz i was too hot... Nvm next time. E auntie chopped seats for me, though we missed a gd airy spot outside, coz we didnt hear e auntie shouting.
I immediately ordered coke wif salt to calm myself down. Lol. And then had to order sugar cane again to reduce e food's heatiness.

We order cockles (her fav, used to be my fav also, now my 3rd fav), sting ray (my fav), oyster egg (my fav), and Gong Gong (both 1st time)...
I dun really like e oyster egg but its enuff to suppress my craving... Its very oily, not enuff tapioca flour, but its crispy enuff and e osyters are big, fat n juicy. Ok lah, medium size.

The Sting Ray is nice~ Juicy but she complained too much chilli, abit er xin, but i complained NOT ENUFF!!! Lol.

The cockles came 1st, and when she ate it she said shes in heaven... Muahaha... Its very nice, very fresh, i like. Not many spoilt ones, she only ate one spoilt, i threw away some spoilt ones, i can tell mah, expert! Lol.
The Gong Gong was very nice. I like! Actually i like all shell seafood. She asked me whether eat liao will becum more "Gong" or not then i laughed and said then eat more "Chong" (spring onions) lor, from e oyster egg.
I also like La La coz of e sauce. But didnt order coz scared cannot finish. I like sambal squid also, but not every stall cook nice one. Some very hard i dun like.
The place seemed bigger. And last time e toilet is the kind u put 10 cents then turn e bar and go in. No more of tt, jus put 10 cents into e small metal box near e entrance. There would be a auntie standin there telling u 10 cent, 10 cent. Anyways, even if u dun put nobody will find out.
I did even though i only wan to wash my hand coz SZ wans to use e toilet. Nvm lah, 20 cents only. She works so hard standing there also.
We were so full and smelly later on. I couldnt stand e way i smelt though... Then we headed to Yishun's Mac, stayed there for hrs and then i took e night rider back. SZ, u quickly go take ur driving liscense leh...
I wore e necklace SZ bought it weeks back. I mentioned it be4 but didnt take pic.

I cropped it so tt u wouldnt be staring at my boobs. Lol. Very cute i like. Saw it at a push cart at Suntec. 5 Bucks, SZ bought for me. So sweet.
I saw one handsome dude beside my table, he caught my attention immediately. But as i took many glances, chey, i noe him one, hes my pri sch fren. But of coz he wouldnt recognise me. He was already e most handsome kid in my class then, i jus didnt expect him to look even more sharper now... Lol.
He got skin problems then though but luckily not on his face, and i am glad hes ok now. Though i still see some scars on his limbs... But can tell he got rid of tt prob. Hes most probably flirting wif e gal beside him, lol. E grp of 3 looks like classmates.
Hes e ah beng kind since young, during pri sch, u can tell those in the beng/lian makings, he was one of them. I saw him once during sec, he was still very gd looking, e pai kia man man look... Lol. Hes got many tattoos all over now.
3 of them dun really tok, they were drawing constantly in a notebook and on each other's hands. Lol.
Fate is such a strange thing. We r so near but yet so far away from each other. =)
Anyways, i miss e food already.
Every sat till 2.30 pm she would haf tuition at yck. So afterwards if shes got no other plans, we would meet up. We had lunch 1st at amk at our usual hangout, e bubble tea hut. Orchard very crowded, i dun really like to eat there.
Wanted to eat my fav Curry Chicken Rice but then only left one, so she ate tt and i ate Curry Scissors Chicken Rice, which is basically chicken cutlet, and jus a miserable dash of curry over rice. Oh, and a sunny side up. I took most of her curry though, coz she doesnt finish it unlike me. Lol...
We walked ard, and Forever 21 (my fav clothes brand, my style, lots of lace n diamante, although i only haf 2 tops of theirs, ex mah) is having a sale. I walked in and i fell in love immediately wif so many of their clothes, though not on sale. But then i cannot buy, so sad... The fitting Q is so damn long as usual, even if i can buy i also dun haf e patience to wait so long.
And then i headed to Isetan, saw many sunglasses i love. I like most of the collection, but theres 2 i especially love. Both of e same design, but different color, one is yellow, one is turquoise or very light blue...
I like both coz different looks, cant decide btw them. One costs 60 bucks each. Sigh, cannot buy, so sad... SZ said if she strike a fortune she would get for me... Sigh... I wanted a green sun glass for e longest time, but unfortunately, i still haven seen any nice green sunglasses. I did see at either Mini Toons or More Than Words, but haf not tried it coz they like dun haf mirrors.
I think i am gonna make a collection on sunglasses in e future, i wan aviator shades as well. I wan a white pair, yellow pair, green pair, blue pair, purple pair, red pair (haf liao but got crack), brown pair and silver pair. All i wan got crystals one. Or diamante at least. Nah, crystals better.
We sat at Cineleisure for like 2 hrs chatting. Then we couldnt decide on wat to haf for dinner. SZ said she wans to eat cockles, at 1st she said we go chomp chomp. But i scared chomp chomp closes quite early coz it was rather late then and chomp chomp is rather inaccessible.
So i suggested Newton Circus instead, since both of us haven been to e newly renonvated one. Although e place is smoky and hot as hell. E food is heavenly~ Lol. Its been so long since i last ate my fav BBQ Sambal Sting Ray.
I forgot to take pics of e very full n crowded place coz i was too hot... Nvm next time. E auntie chopped seats for me, though we missed a gd airy spot outside, coz we didnt hear e auntie shouting.
I immediately ordered coke wif salt to calm myself down. Lol. And then had to order sugar cane again to reduce e food's heatiness.

We order cockles (her fav, used to be my fav also, now my 3rd fav), sting ray (my fav), oyster egg (my fav), and Gong Gong (both 1st time)...
I dun really like e oyster egg but its enuff to suppress my craving... Its very oily, not enuff tapioca flour, but its crispy enuff and e osyters are big, fat n juicy. Ok lah, medium size.

The Sting Ray is nice~ Juicy but she complained too much chilli, abit er xin, but i complained NOT ENUFF!!! Lol.

The cockles came 1st, and when she ate it she said shes in heaven... Muahaha... Its very nice, very fresh, i like. Not many spoilt ones, she only ate one spoilt, i threw away some spoilt ones, i can tell mah, expert! Lol.
The Gong Gong was very nice. I like! Actually i like all shell seafood. She asked me whether eat liao will becum more "Gong" or not then i laughed and said then eat more "Chong" (spring onions) lor, from e oyster egg.
I also like La La coz of e sauce. But didnt order coz scared cannot finish. I like sambal squid also, but not every stall cook nice one. Some very hard i dun like.
The place seemed bigger. And last time e toilet is the kind u put 10 cents then turn e bar and go in. No more of tt, jus put 10 cents into e small metal box near e entrance. There would be a auntie standin there telling u 10 cent, 10 cent. Anyways, even if u dun put nobody will find out.
I did even though i only wan to wash my hand coz SZ wans to use e toilet. Nvm lah, 20 cents only. She works so hard standing there also.
We were so full and smelly later on. I couldnt stand e way i smelt though... Then we headed to Yishun's Mac, stayed there for hrs and then i took e night rider back. SZ, u quickly go take ur driving liscense leh...
I wore e necklace SZ bought it weeks back. I mentioned it be4 but didnt take pic.

I cropped it so tt u wouldnt be staring at my boobs. Lol. Very cute i like. Saw it at a push cart at Suntec. 5 Bucks, SZ bought for me. So sweet.
I saw one handsome dude beside my table, he caught my attention immediately. But as i took many glances, chey, i noe him one, hes my pri sch fren. But of coz he wouldnt recognise me. He was already e most handsome kid in my class then, i jus didnt expect him to look even more sharper now... Lol.
He got skin problems then though but luckily not on his face, and i am glad hes ok now. Though i still see some scars on his limbs... But can tell he got rid of tt prob. Hes most probably flirting wif e gal beside him, lol. E grp of 3 looks like classmates.
Hes e ah beng kind since young, during pri sch, u can tell those in the beng/lian makings, he was one of them. I saw him once during sec, he was still very gd looking, e pai kia man man look... Lol. Hes got many tattoos all over now.
3 of them dun really tok, they were drawing constantly in a notebook and on each other's hands. Lol.
Fate is such a strange thing. We r so near but yet so far away from each other. =)
Anyways, i miss e food already.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Cheesy Creamy Mushroom
I cooked my creamy cheese prata last week. I perfected my receipe though i changed something tts not according to plan. And now it tastes great, although it wasnt as cheesy as my prev, coz i cheapskate, i wanted to save e cheese for other use.
But i noe e taste would be excellent if i jus let e cheese go... Lol.
Instead of doing e creamy cheese, i did creamy cheese mushroom sauce. I like!

I grilled e chicken one lor... E color is so beautiful.

Tis one is e next next day. I used up e remaining ingredients but used chicken breasts instead. Equally nice! I like. And healthy too!


It looks alot but only abit in real life...

I used white shrooms, i love white shrooms...
I saw one creamy mushroom rice thingy... When im in a gd mood, i will try cook tt one... But then cooking on a pan from raw rice to cooked rice is a big chore. And will use up alot of time n gas. So see how lah, but im curious how it turns out though...
My sis just came home (3+pm) coz shes got nothing to do, gd hor? Leave house near 10 am, then come back so early and earn so much somemore... Where to find? Hurhurhur?
Anyways, my pics are preloaded so my post entry timings r not actual, i haf another entry for tmr. If i dun load e pics 1st, i noe i will take ages to blog these entries... Lol.
I am hungry, going to buy groceries later. Making sandwich and salad tonight! Cant wait.
But i noe e taste would be excellent if i jus let e cheese go... Lol.
Instead of doing e creamy cheese, i did creamy cheese mushroom sauce. I like!

I grilled e chicken one lor... E color is so beautiful.

Tis one is e next next day. I used up e remaining ingredients but used chicken breasts instead. Equally nice! I like. And healthy too!


It looks alot but only abit in real life...

I used white shrooms, i love white shrooms...
I saw one creamy mushroom rice thingy... When im in a gd mood, i will try cook tt one... But then cooking on a pan from raw rice to cooked rice is a big chore. And will use up alot of time n gas. So see how lah, but im curious how it turns out though...
My sis just came home (3+pm) coz shes got nothing to do, gd hor? Leave house near 10 am, then come back so early and earn so much somemore... Where to find? Hurhurhur?
Anyways, my pics are preloaded so my post entry timings r not actual, i haf another entry for tmr. If i dun load e pics 1st, i noe i will take ages to blog these entries... Lol.
I am hungry, going to buy groceries later. Making sandwich and salad tonight! Cant wait.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Blood Donation #2
1 week back, i asked SZ along to go for blood donation. She failed e 1st, but i was very confident she would be successful tis time.
But after tis time, i swear i wun allow her near any donation drive ever.
We headed to one of the CCs at Yishun, and waited for a long time although i got make appt, too many ppl, cant help. I especially love e small pens they give, and thus i took 3, muahahah, 1 given fr SZ, coz she doesnt wan it.
Theres lots of stations to go to in case u've haven been to one, much like NAFA test. Lol. So anyways, e second station is e computer station whereaunties ladies register ur particulars to their lap tops, SLOWLY~
Theres 3 ladies at the counter, e middle one jus came back fr a break. I went 1st to e left one, and while i was waiting PATIENTLY, i noticed e middle indian lady looking at me, fr e corner of my eyes. At 1st i jus wanted to ignore. Then again, i thot, watever, so i looked at her and smiled, and she said, "U r so pretty!"... Muahahaha...
I didnt noe how to react, i simply jus smiled AGAIN. She caught me off guard.
Shes a very pretty indian lady as well. And so i started to chit chat wif her. She peeped my particulars from the labby, and exclaimed, "U r a chinese? I thot u r malay!"... -_-" "Yea, everyone says so, i get tt all the time, hahaha!"
Then we roped in e chinese lady serving me into our conversation, i small talk wif them, make them laugh, jus so i can make them feel happier coz i can tell they r very tired from e long day's work.
Meanwhile, e 3rd lady was serving SZ, and it was dead silence there. We laughed so much i thot we made a rukus, but SZ didnt even noe it. But maybe tts only her. Lol.
One pt e chinese lady said, "She only say u pretty, she even said i ugly."... We laughed much more. So funny e 2 ladies.
Anyways, there was something wrong wif SZ's particulars. But it was fixed manually by doc later.
Next to the Doc's chamber, hes very frendly. The 1st one i saw mths back was frendly too, but hes kinda rushed and shoots like rocket, i couldnt even understand him. Then to e blood test station, e pain pain needle, eeks! My blood is thicker tis time, think coz i never drink enuff water. I forgot mus drink 1 litre becum going.
I like to see tt beaker, u see everyone's blood like donuts congregating at the bottom of the beaker. A few's floating, those mus be got prob one. Then we waited n waited in Q for e 8 donation beds to be available.
While we were waiting, there were a few ladies who suffered during e donation, they went white and they had to stop and Doc/nurses got to help them. They suffered e giddiness. SZ asked me, "Nobody has died fr blood donation right?" To which i replied, "No lah.................. But, kena AIDS haf be4"... "SG is safe though".
I saw there were green bandages tis time, i was so happy. And then i saw purple. But then i always dun get e color i like. I got e worst color orange then. And tis time i got,

PINK! So angry. I dun like orange, yellow n pink, and they must give me pink. Its random one, duno y always give me e ugly colors i hate.
Anyways, tis time, it was strangely painless. E anesthatics (anyhow spell, lazy to check) injection was a breeze. And then e blood sucker needle was painless as well. I was so surprised. So i concluded e nurse for my 1st time did a terrible job. Either tt or 1st time is more painful. Duno.
I even thanked e nurse coz i was so impressed, to which she was so surprised. I think nobody thank nurses for poking needles into their veins. I mus be e 1st, but i can tell shes very happy tt i did. I wanted to explain y i thank her but i didnt. Cant blame me, my blood was being drawn. Theres other things my brain was concentrating on.
I donated more than usual. I saw lots of blood bags only 3/4 filled. I was looking at my bag, and its almost over filled. Not sure isit my blood type or they simply forgot. Anyways, when i was done, e male nurse hor, didnt even give me time to press my wound, i only pressed for a few seconds and he came to bandage me. So bek cek, e nurse also said "Y u come so fast?" and he said coz he wan to move me to e resting bed. Rushing again. -_-"
I was done in e evening, and when i reached home after midnight. I realised my wound didnt even stop bleeding. So angry, all tt impatient chap's fault.

My blood was soaking e bandage. Waste my blood!
Anyways, while i was lying on e waiting bed. I saw SZ far across me in trouble. She was donating but i could see she felt terrible. She asked for nurses' help, but e auntie ignored her. So angry. Finally, e nice nurse i thanked went to her, i think tt nurse scolded e auntie nurse after tt.
They stopped her donation and called for e doc. They laid her flat, up her legs. I got off e bed and went over to e pale her. I touched her head and then e nurse ask me to go sit down, and said my fren will be fine.
I was worried like mad ok? I took a drink and waited while looking at her. She got better, and came over after some time. But while she was sitting there, she felt giddy again. I called for help and e Doc n one volunteer guy moved her to e bed.
I accompanied her and after a long time, she was ok. It so so scary ok!!!!!!! But fortunately for her, we were all ard. When i was giddy then, i was alone. So ke lian ok. I felt so helpless. Although i did call SZ, but she didnt noe my condition coz she said my voice sounded fine.
I wanted to cancel our dinner n movie trip but she dun wan to. She lacks iron in her blood and she didnt drink enuff water. Tts y she ended up lidat. I thot i would faint, coz i didnt haf lunch and enuff water, but i certainly drank more then her though.
The donation was very smooth for me tis time, i dun feel weak nor is there any bruising. I could jump about after tt. No difference at all. Or maybe i became healthier lately?
Her bruising went up to a big big big blue black. Shes very prone to blue blacks... Her blood circulation got prob one like my sis. And they both haf very thin skin as well.
Shes fine now. Gotten over her weak state. I am never ever bringing her to donate again. So scary.

E squeeze ball tis time. Cute eh?

Last one coz lunar new yr they give orange, wonder next one is wat. Next in October. I think it would e same as tis time one.
Eat more liver and red meat if u wan to donate hor. And drink lots of water!!!
But after tis time, i swear i wun allow her near any donation drive ever.
We headed to one of the CCs at Yishun, and waited for a long time although i got make appt, too many ppl, cant help. I especially love e small pens they give, and thus i took 3, muahahah, 1 given fr SZ, coz she doesnt wan it.
Theres lots of stations to go to in case u've haven been to one, much like NAFA test. Lol. So anyways, e second station is e computer station where
Theres 3 ladies at the counter, e middle one jus came back fr a break. I went 1st to e left one, and while i was waiting PATIENTLY, i noticed e middle indian lady looking at me, fr e corner of my eyes. At 1st i jus wanted to ignore. Then again, i thot, watever, so i looked at her and smiled, and she said, "U r so pretty!"... Muahahaha...
I didnt noe how to react, i simply jus smiled AGAIN. She caught me off guard.
Shes a very pretty indian lady as well. And so i started to chit chat wif her. She peeped my particulars from the labby, and exclaimed, "U r a chinese? I thot u r malay!"... -_-" "Yea, everyone says so, i get tt all the time, hahaha!"
Then we roped in e chinese lady serving me into our conversation, i small talk wif them, make them laugh, jus so i can make them feel happier coz i can tell they r very tired from e long day's work.
Meanwhile, e 3rd lady was serving SZ, and it was dead silence there. We laughed so much i thot we made a rukus, but SZ didnt even noe it. But maybe tts only her. Lol.
One pt e chinese lady said, "She only say u pretty, she even said i ugly."... We laughed much more. So funny e 2 ladies.
Anyways, there was something wrong wif SZ's particulars. But it was fixed manually by doc later.
Next to the Doc's chamber, hes very frendly. The 1st one i saw mths back was frendly too, but hes kinda rushed and shoots like rocket, i couldnt even understand him. Then to e blood test station, e pain pain needle, eeks! My blood is thicker tis time, think coz i never drink enuff water. I forgot mus drink 1 litre becum going.
I like to see tt beaker, u see everyone's blood like donuts congregating at the bottom of the beaker. A few's floating, those mus be got prob one. Then we waited n waited in Q for e 8 donation beds to be available.
While we were waiting, there were a few ladies who suffered during e donation, they went white and they had to stop and Doc/nurses got to help them. They suffered e giddiness. SZ asked me, "Nobody has died fr blood donation right?" To which i replied, "No lah.................. But, kena AIDS haf be4"... "SG is safe though".
I saw there were green bandages tis time, i was so happy. And then i saw purple. But then i always dun get e color i like. I got e worst color orange then. And tis time i got,

PINK! So angry. I dun like orange, yellow n pink, and they must give me pink. Its random one, duno y always give me e ugly colors i hate.
Anyways, tis time, it was strangely painless. E anesthatics (anyhow spell, lazy to check) injection was a breeze. And then e blood sucker needle was painless as well. I was so surprised. So i concluded e nurse for my 1st time did a terrible job. Either tt or 1st time is more painful. Duno.
I even thanked e nurse coz i was so impressed, to which she was so surprised. I think nobody thank nurses for poking needles into their veins. I mus be e 1st, but i can tell shes very happy tt i did. I wanted to explain y i thank her but i didnt. Cant blame me, my blood was being drawn. Theres other things my brain was concentrating on.
I donated more than usual. I saw lots of blood bags only 3/4 filled. I was looking at my bag, and its almost over filled. Not sure isit my blood type or they simply forgot. Anyways, when i was done, e male nurse hor, didnt even give me time to press my wound, i only pressed for a few seconds and he came to bandage me. So bek cek, e nurse also said "Y u come so fast?" and he said coz he wan to move me to e resting bed. Rushing again. -_-"
I was done in e evening, and when i reached home after midnight. I realised my wound didnt even stop bleeding. So angry, all tt impatient chap's fault.

My blood was soaking e bandage. Waste my blood!
Anyways, while i was lying on e waiting bed. I saw SZ far across me in trouble. She was donating but i could see she felt terrible. She asked for nurses' help, but e auntie ignored her. So angry. Finally, e nice nurse i thanked went to her, i think tt nurse scolded e auntie nurse after tt.
They stopped her donation and called for e doc. They laid her flat, up her legs. I got off e bed and went over to e pale her. I touched her head and then e nurse ask me to go sit down, and said my fren will be fine.
I was worried like mad ok? I took a drink and waited while looking at her. She got better, and came over after some time. But while she was sitting there, she felt giddy again. I called for help and e Doc n one volunteer guy moved her to e bed.
I accompanied her and after a long time, she was ok. It so so scary ok!!!!!!! But fortunately for her, we were all ard. When i was giddy then, i was alone. So ke lian ok. I felt so helpless. Although i did call SZ, but she didnt noe my condition coz she said my voice sounded fine.
I wanted to cancel our dinner n movie trip but she dun wan to. She lacks iron in her blood and she didnt drink enuff water. Tts y she ended up lidat. I thot i would faint, coz i didnt haf lunch and enuff water, but i certainly drank more then her though.
The donation was very smooth for me tis time, i dun feel weak nor is there any bruising. I could jump about after tt. No difference at all. Or maybe i became healthier lately?
Her bruising went up to a big big big blue black. Shes very prone to blue blacks... Her blood circulation got prob one like my sis. And they both haf very thin skin as well.
Shes fine now. Gotten over her weak state. I am never ever bringing her to donate again. So scary.

E squeeze ball tis time. Cute eh?

Eat more liver and red meat if u wan to donate hor. And drink lots of water!!!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
See la, tmr i wan to go out then my menses jus came... See after my menses come then still pissed off or not... Y i so suay recently one... Just now whole day even more suay... If i can wake up early early tmr, i'll blog.
Duno isit i too long never take mrt or wat. Tt day i took e peak hr off work weekday mrt, then in the train hor, suddenly i see like almost 90% of those carrying gadgets all carrying those video gadgets watching videos. Younger ones watching anime, slighter older ones watching korean dramas, then older ones watching taiwanese dramas... So siao on wor, i dun even noe they r in e trend.
I am very siao on about gadgets also, but then i never thot those video gadgets so popular. E thing so big, screen so small, still mus hand carry while watching, so ma fan... Until i went on tt train, i realised im livin in a hole... Gd thing was, I also happily feasting myself to e drama e guy next to me watching. Subtitles quite big tts y i can feast... Got one guy watching anime, i wanted to watch but its Dragon Ball, i dun watch dragon ball anymore, got over it since pri sch.
Suddenly i look down and despise my mp3 player. Ppl watching videos i listening to songs... Lol. I feel so dated. I despise my old ugly black same length ear piece even more, i always feel ppl staring at me when i take out tt ear piece. But then can control vol one leh, only same length and black color mah. I wan to get a nice cool white/purple/green one wif vol controls, durable but cheap, cannot find one la. Gd ear phones very ex!
Think its time to upgrade my gadgets n accessories... But tts only after i found a job... Saw someone carrying e phone i wan. Tts my target next.
Duno isit i too long never take mrt or wat. Tt day i took e peak hr off work weekday mrt, then in the train hor, suddenly i see like almost 90% of those carrying gadgets all carrying those video gadgets watching videos. Younger ones watching anime, slighter older ones watching korean dramas, then older ones watching taiwanese dramas... So siao on wor, i dun even noe they r in e trend.
I am very siao on about gadgets also, but then i never thot those video gadgets so popular. E thing so big, screen so small, still mus hand carry while watching, so ma fan... Until i went on tt train, i realised im livin in a hole... Gd thing was, I also happily feasting myself to e drama e guy next to me watching. Subtitles quite big tts y i can feast... Got one guy watching anime, i wanted to watch but its Dragon Ball, i dun watch dragon ball anymore, got over it since pri sch.
Suddenly i look down and despise my mp3 player. Ppl watching videos i listening to songs... Lol. I feel so dated. I despise my old ugly black same length ear piece even more, i always feel ppl staring at me when i take out tt ear piece. But then can control vol one leh, only same length and black color mah. I wan to get a nice cool white/purple/green one wif vol controls, durable but cheap, cannot find one la. Gd ear phones very ex!
Think its time to upgrade my gadgets n accessories... But tts only after i found a job... Saw someone carrying e phone i wan. Tts my target next.
Friday, July 21, 2006
I am so angry n disturbed by e multiple calls today since morning... I was so sick i jus carried on sleeping even though i am supposed to wake up...
I am so pissed tis few days tt i cant even be bothered to blog e 2 pending entries.
I haf no idea y am I obliged to take in accusations, insults n nonsense jus becoz of u got to give in to senile ppl. Jus becoz u got to give ur respect to them coz they r ur elders. Jus becoz they always think they r right becoz they noe more...
I cleared up e accusation, and then 15 mins later, the call goes over n over jus becoz ppl r forgetful. Jus becoz ppl already think they r so god damn right tt watever u tell them goes thru their ears even though wat u r saying is e truth.
E worst is, u can only do 3 things, 1 is to clear up and make ur stand but it wun be registered, 2 is to take in e accusation n admit e things u've never done and then bear wif e scoldings each n every time u hear or see them, or 3 totally give up and stop any contacts but tt is too hard for me.
I am just so tired. So tired to even talk. Sigh. Hope i'll feel better after going out tmr.
Edited: Alamak, while i was cooking, my sis called n said go eat crabs. My porridge duno how liao, i even put more herbs (for lowering blood pressure) in coz i very angry (its jus all in my mind tt e herbs will make me less angry, lol)... So bekcek, mum said mus go coz her bf seldom treat. Sigh... My marinated fish how, put back in e freezer liao but like duno will becum wat on sun...
I going out tmr, so only can cook e fish porridge on sun... Urgh.
I am so pissed tis few days tt i cant even be bothered to blog e 2 pending entries.
I haf no idea y am I obliged to take in accusations, insults n nonsense jus becoz of u got to give in to senile ppl. Jus becoz u got to give ur respect to them coz they r ur elders. Jus becoz they always think they r right becoz they noe more...
I cleared up e accusation, and then 15 mins later, the call goes over n over jus becoz ppl r forgetful. Jus becoz ppl already think they r so god damn right tt watever u tell them goes thru their ears even though wat u r saying is e truth.
E worst is, u can only do 3 things, 1 is to clear up and make ur stand but it wun be registered, 2 is to take in e accusation n admit e things u've never done and then bear wif e scoldings each n every time u hear or see them, or 3 totally give up and stop any contacts but tt is too hard for me.
I am just so tired. So tired to even talk. Sigh. Hope i'll feel better after going out tmr.
Edited: Alamak, while i was cooking, my sis called n said go eat crabs. My porridge duno how liao, i even put more herbs (for lowering blood pressure) in coz i very angry (its jus all in my mind tt e herbs will make me less angry, lol)... So bekcek, mum said mus go coz her bf seldom treat. Sigh... My marinated fish how, put back in e freezer liao but like duno will becum wat on sun...
I going out tmr, so only can cook e fish porridge on sun... Urgh.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Jap Curry
Argh, my dream reminded me of e Jap Curry i made during feb. I lazy to find tt post, so i jus repost tt pic.

I saw a curry cooking show on tv yest noon. She was doing basically e same thing i did. Except tt her Jap curry is sweet and fruity and she uses chicken i used pork.
Its very easy to make, er, provided u cook lah. So maybe u gals wan to try it. I cant really imagine eating a sweet fruity curry though.
I will explain the receipe to e best of my memory. E guy who tasted her curry said its e best jap curry he tasted. Mus be bluff one, i dun believe.
Jap Curry Sauce
1) Add one tablespoon of butter into pot.
2) Add some chopped garlic.
3) Then some chopped onions.
4) Let it sauteen (duno how u spell tis, let it sit for awhile to soften e onions. From my experience, adding some wine is gd at tis pt, french style)
5) Then add in chopped green apples.
6) Lastly, add in chopped bananas.
7) Pour in a cup of chicken stock. Boil.
8) Ok now heres e prob, e lady sprinkled some orange powder from a small bottle, she said its to give a nice color. I haf no idea wats tt, so check out jap groceries.
9) Then she added in curry powder tis time, its a packet of grey brown powder, so check out jap curry powders as well. Tis one shd be easier to find.
10) Add one tablespoon of honey.
11) Let it simmer.
12) Chop some potatoes and carrots.
13) Boil the vegetables in water in another pot. Meanwhile go do e chicken katsu.
Chicken Katsu (Tis is is pretty standard, e same as how i always do katsu)
1) Flatten ur meat by cutting, if u use pork, remember to pound it, chicken no need to pound.
2) Beat some eggs, pour it onto a plate for easy coating
3) Prepare a plate of flour (in e show she jus said flour, i use jap tempura flour though)
4) Prepare a plate of bread crumbs. (e show said use e jap one, coz its coated wif honey, so will haf sweet taste, no idea how honey n bread crumbs come together though, u can use normal breadcrumbs of coz, its cheaper.)
5) U may wan to marinate ur meat, i do for mine. But jap one no need i think.
6) Now start coating, 1stly e flour (not too much), then eggs, then lastly crumbs.
7) Then deep dry it. Cut into smaller pieces afterwards.
Back to the sauce.
1) Drain ur cooked veges. (tis is wasteful, i would haf put e vege soup to gd use) Leave e veges in e pot.
2) E curry sauce tt u haf been cooking should be reduced to mashy state. So using a sieve, sift e sauce for a smooth texture into e pot of vege. Meanwhile use a spoon to mash on the substances left in e sieve.
3) Add in cornflour solution to thicken the sauce. (So chinese, i dun remember e actual jap curry using tis method). Then boil it for a short while until e thickness is jus nice. Dun overcook ur veges. She overcooked hers in e show i can tell.
4) And then done! U can serve e curry over e rice, together wif e chicken katsu.
Go try it, and let me noe if its nice. I imagine it being sweet from e way it was cooked. Sweet curry, hmm, cant imagine.

I saw a curry cooking show on tv yest noon. She was doing basically e same thing i did. Except tt her Jap curry is sweet and fruity and she uses chicken i used pork.
Its very easy to make, er, provided u cook lah. So maybe u gals wan to try it. I cant really imagine eating a sweet fruity curry though.
I will explain the receipe to e best of my memory. E guy who tasted her curry said its e best jap curry he tasted. Mus be bluff one, i dun believe.
Jap Curry Sauce
1) Add one tablespoon of butter into pot.
2) Add some chopped garlic.
3) Then some chopped onions.
4) Let it sauteen (duno how u spell tis, let it sit for awhile to soften e onions. From my experience, adding some wine is gd at tis pt, french style)
5) Then add in chopped green apples.
6) Lastly, add in chopped bananas.
7) Pour in a cup of chicken stock. Boil.
8) Ok now heres e prob, e lady sprinkled some orange powder from a small bottle, she said its to give a nice color. I haf no idea wats tt, so check out jap groceries.
9) Then she added in curry powder tis time, its a packet of grey brown powder, so check out jap curry powders as well. Tis one shd be easier to find.
10) Add one tablespoon of honey.
11) Let it simmer.
12) Chop some potatoes and carrots.
13) Boil the vegetables in water in another pot. Meanwhile go do e chicken katsu.
Chicken Katsu (Tis is is pretty standard, e same as how i always do katsu)
1) Flatten ur meat by cutting, if u use pork, remember to pound it, chicken no need to pound.
2) Beat some eggs, pour it onto a plate for easy coating
3) Prepare a plate of flour (in e show she jus said flour, i use jap tempura flour though)
4) Prepare a plate of bread crumbs. (e show said use e jap one, coz its coated wif honey, so will haf sweet taste, no idea how honey n bread crumbs come together though, u can use normal breadcrumbs of coz, its cheaper.)
5) U may wan to marinate ur meat, i do for mine. But jap one no need i think.
6) Now start coating, 1stly e flour (not too much), then eggs, then lastly crumbs.
7) Then deep dry it. Cut into smaller pieces afterwards.
Back to the sauce.
1) Drain ur cooked veges. (tis is wasteful, i would haf put e vege soup to gd use) Leave e veges in e pot.
2) E curry sauce tt u haf been cooking should be reduced to mashy state. So using a sieve, sift e sauce for a smooth texture into e pot of vege. Meanwhile use a spoon to mash on the substances left in e sieve.
3) Add in cornflour solution to thicken the sauce. (So chinese, i dun remember e actual jap curry using tis method). Then boil it for a short while until e thickness is jus nice. Dun overcook ur veges. She overcooked hers in e show i can tell.
4) And then done! U can serve e curry over e rice, together wif e chicken katsu.
Go try it, and let me noe if its nice. I imagine it being sweet from e way it was cooked. Sweet curry, hmm, cant imagine.
Nezumi and Wingede and HYDE
Before i forget and take my time to post other entries, i better write tis one down 1st.
I dreamt of Nezumi and Wingede wor....
I had a big dream last night, of many things, coz i was extremely tired. But i'll only blog about tis part.
I dreamt of u gals setting up a Jap Curry stall at Bugis Food Street (or watever u call it), it was quite big considering u haf like more than 15 tables. Besides e jap curry, u also do some fried jap snacks, often they r sweet snacks. I like e snacks! Very gd! And u serve gd SAKE too!
I think i must be craving for curry, coz i was eating curry (chinese type) at home in e dream, and coz i jus ate curry, i didnt get to taste e curry u gals cooked.
U gals priced ur curry about $4.50 to $5.50 and the snacks ranges from $2 + to $4 +. I was so proud n happy for u gals, i kept going there for visits throughout my dream.
There was also tis part about HYDE. Somehow hes starring in a chinese or canto serial, shot in Malaysia. He appeared in a Hong Kong drama second serial and is shooting e third. So anyways, i got news of tis, and told Nezumi tt HYDE's gonna be shooting in JB. I think ur blogs are affecting me. Lol.
Anyways, Nezumi being crazy about HYDE. Set up her Jap Curry stall in JB as well. It was those kind u drive along e long highways of M'sia, then by the roadside plantations right? Then every now n then u see some stalls for ppl to stop over. Yup, u gals set up one like tt. Wingede remained in sg to attend to e Bugis stall, while Nezumi went JB to pursue her love. Lol.
Becoz Nezumi was shy and didnt wan to openly chase him. Her idea was to set up tis stall along e way, so tt e filmin crew would stop over since its Jap Curry anyways, so she'll get to see HYDE. It was very prominient compared to other dirty roadside stalls.
E stalls u gals set up were looking like Dunkin Donuts, of pinks, white and yellow. Very distinct. I saw it while i was driving thru, but i cant remember y i went JB.
Unfortunately, Nezumi did not see HYDE at the end of e whole thing. And she packed and went back to sg, disappointed. So sad right? Lol. Duno isit my fault or not. Lol.
So it was back to e Bugis branch where i help out (for free ok!!!) every now n then. U gals didnt even give me free curry to eat. *sob*
I still wonder how ur curry tastes like.
Tis makes me very hungry.
I dreamt of Nezumi and Wingede wor....
I had a big dream last night, of many things, coz i was extremely tired. But i'll only blog about tis part.
I dreamt of u gals setting up a Jap Curry stall at Bugis Food Street (or watever u call it), it was quite big considering u haf like more than 15 tables. Besides e jap curry, u also do some fried jap snacks, often they r sweet snacks. I like e snacks! Very gd! And u serve gd SAKE too!
I think i must be craving for curry, coz i was eating curry (chinese type) at home in e dream, and coz i jus ate curry, i didnt get to taste e curry u gals cooked.
U gals priced ur curry about $4.50 to $5.50 and the snacks ranges from $2 + to $4 +. I was so proud n happy for u gals, i kept going there for visits throughout my dream.
There was also tis part about HYDE. Somehow hes starring in a chinese or canto serial, shot in Malaysia. He appeared in a Hong Kong drama second serial and is shooting e third. So anyways, i got news of tis, and told Nezumi tt HYDE's gonna be shooting in JB. I think ur blogs are affecting me. Lol.
Anyways, Nezumi being crazy about HYDE. Set up her Jap Curry stall in JB as well. It was those kind u drive along e long highways of M'sia, then by the roadside plantations right? Then every now n then u see some stalls for ppl to stop over. Yup, u gals set up one like tt. Wingede remained in sg to attend to e Bugis stall, while Nezumi went JB to pursue her love. Lol.
Becoz Nezumi was shy and didnt wan to openly chase him. Her idea was to set up tis stall along e way, so tt e filmin crew would stop over since its Jap Curry anyways, so she'll get to see HYDE. It was very prominient compared to other dirty roadside stalls.
E stalls u gals set up were looking like Dunkin Donuts, of pinks, white and yellow. Very distinct. I saw it while i was driving thru, but i cant remember y i went JB.
Unfortunately, Nezumi did not see HYDE at the end of e whole thing. And she packed and went back to sg, disappointed. So sad right? Lol. Duno isit my fault or not. Lol.
So it was back to e Bugis branch where i help out (for free ok!!!) every now n then. U gals didnt even give me free curry to eat. *sob*
I still wonder how ur curry tastes like.
Tis makes me very hungry.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Stay Tune
Lol, i got ur msg... Yeah will update but now cannot... Alot of things to do until tmr night, and i am going to cook a gd meal in half hr's time, its alot of work, i am trying new things again coz i thot of some new methods to try, but i get a feeling its going to turn out so gd later... Lol... I am so corky.
Will update tmr night or wed morning... I haf many things to say...
Jus a note, my last sat tt Blood Donation is not painful at all, not even any tingling feeling, no ants bite feeling, no nothing, it was so smooth. So it meant tt during my 1st time at HSA, they did a terrible job. But e whole experience was still scary, i will tell u y soon.
So having said tt, pls go n donate, i take back all my painful comments. But then if u r unlucky like me e 1st time, then too bad lah... Lol...
Will update tmr night or wed morning... I haf many things to say...
Jus a note, my last sat tt Blood Donation is not painful at all, not even any tingling feeling, no ants bite feeling, no nothing, it was so smooth. So it meant tt during my 1st time at HSA, they did a terrible job. But e whole experience was still scary, i will tell u y soon.
So having said tt, pls go n donate, i take back all my painful comments. But then if u r unlucky like me e 1st time, then too bad lah... Lol...
Friday, July 14, 2006
Waking Early
I have been a gd girl tis week.
This week hor i wake up early everyday lor. Of coz not as early as u working ppl lah. I wake up about 8 +, 9 am everyday. Granted i wanted to wake at 7, but then i wake up so early so wat, nobody is up. Even my son dun wake up so early. My sis wake up 9 plus one lor, even though shes working at 9. Lol.
Anyways I try to wake after her so tt i dun disturb her and also wun snatch her toilet. I wake up 8 +, 9 but i laid on my bed till she gets out of e house, she dun like me blocking her ways in e morning. E 1st thing i awake, i always ON my pc, but then she sleepin so i try not to wake her. And she uses my pc table to do her make up also.
But then today i woke up late. Coz her timing wrong. I ended up waking at 10, my gawd. I offed my alarm and i forgot to re set it.
But then hor, i am very very tired leh. Even though i wake up earlier, i still sleep late. I jus cant get to sleep. At least i dun sleep at 8 am now, but i can only sleep 3 +, 4 am leh. Very tired lor. I am tired e whole day, kept wanting to doze off but then when i got on my bed at 12 + am, i am like totally awake again. Lol.
I now readin Battle Royale manga, so different, will tok about it after im done.
This week hor i wake up early everyday lor. Of coz not as early as u working ppl lah. I wake up about 8 +, 9 am everyday. Granted i wanted to wake at 7, but then i wake up so early so wat, nobody is up. Even my son dun wake up so early. My sis wake up 9 plus one lor, even though shes working at 9. Lol.
Anyways I try to wake after her so tt i dun disturb her and also wun snatch her toilet. I wake up 8 +, 9 but i laid on my bed till she gets out of e house, she dun like me blocking her ways in e morning. E 1st thing i awake, i always ON my pc, but then she sleepin so i try not to wake her. And she uses my pc table to do her make up also.
But then today i woke up late. Coz her timing wrong. I ended up waking at 10, my gawd. I offed my alarm and i forgot to re set it.
But then hor, i am very very tired leh. Even though i wake up earlier, i still sleep late. I jus cant get to sleep. At least i dun sleep at 8 am now, but i can only sleep 3 +, 4 am leh. Very tired lor. I am tired e whole day, kept wanting to doze off but then when i got on my bed at 12 + am, i am like totally awake again. Lol.
I now readin Battle Royale manga, so different, will tok about it after im done.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Happy Thots Happy Thots
Hmm, i mus think of happy thots... But wat leh?
Yest i watched BR I again, the 1st one, not e 2nd. Still quite like it after watching so many times. But kinda not very into it anymore coz they now seem so young to me, now tt i am older. Lol. I kinda like e character Keiko (Kawada's dead gf who died in e prev BR they took), i thot shes very pretty. Very mature n feminine look.
I paid close attention to Kou Shibasaki who debut herself in e movie as a evil/heartless slut tis time. I still cant place her together wif her character wif Takuya Kimura in Good Luck. Although she kinda looks e same but she looks so old in Good Luck. Hmm, but its her mature features i think, shes not really tt old.
I like 2 pieces of music from BR I. One's called Memory, a sad instrumentral piece (piano n full orchestra) which plays over many sad moments or flashbacks in the movie. Another one is the end credits song, Shizukana Hibi No Kaidan Wo by Dragon Ash. I like tt song, a rather fast song.
I like a particular song from Hunter X Hunter in one of its OVA. E song is Pale Ale by Kurosawa Kenichi. A fast paced song as well, it was e opening credits song. Becoz of tt song, its e only anime i jus let e credits run instead of fast forwarding. Lol.
The song has a indie/tribal kind of beat/drums to it. I like, even my sis thot e song's interesting. But then hor, e song's damn loud, e voice is practically in shouting mode. U even hear e singer gasp, coz he like sing/rap most of the lines in one breath. Its jus very loud. But I like e way e opening and e anime characters blended wif e song, which of coz was showcasing them running to e beat. Which is a pretty funny sight, coz e animators of tt anime seem to haf prob in doing run sequences. Most of e characters look like they r dancing when they r running. But of coz, tts anime a long time ago, cant help.
Overall, its nice wif e whole Hunter Hunter feel and e song, although Hunter X Hunter is no way near fast paced. Lol. But hor, listening e song thru my ear phones is a pain. It hurts and gives me headache. Lol.
The closing credits of BR II is Mayonaka Shounen Totsugeki Dan by Stance Punks. I do not like tt song at all. Though its rock especially later on (shoutings). But its not nice (to me) so i dun get y tt song's popular.
2 more days to the donation. I am still excited but not looking forward to needles, pain and bruising. E pricking of finger tip to test ur blood is especially painful. More painful than my own pricking for diabetes check at home. But in a way i am used to tt, so not so bad. I say so much scarly sat i cannot pass. Lol.
These r not happy thots leh, but then nvm lah, at least they r something else.
Yest i watched BR I again, the 1st one, not e 2nd. Still quite like it after watching so many times. But kinda not very into it anymore coz they now seem so young to me, now tt i am older. Lol. I kinda like e character Keiko (Kawada's dead gf who died in e prev BR they took), i thot shes very pretty. Very mature n feminine look.
I paid close attention to Kou Shibasaki who debut herself in e movie as a evil/heartless slut tis time. I still cant place her together wif her character wif Takuya Kimura in Good Luck. Although she kinda looks e same but she looks so old in Good Luck. Hmm, but its her mature features i think, shes not really tt old.
I like 2 pieces of music from BR I. One's called Memory, a sad instrumentral piece (piano n full orchestra) which plays over many sad moments or flashbacks in the movie. Another one is the end credits song, Shizukana Hibi No Kaidan Wo by Dragon Ash. I like tt song, a rather fast song.
I like a particular song from Hunter X Hunter in one of its OVA. E song is Pale Ale by Kurosawa Kenichi. A fast paced song as well, it was e opening credits song. Becoz of tt song, its e only anime i jus let e credits run instead of fast forwarding. Lol.
The song has a indie/tribal kind of beat/drums to it. I like, even my sis thot e song's interesting. But then hor, e song's damn loud, e voice is practically in shouting mode. U even hear e singer gasp, coz he like sing/rap most of the lines in one breath. Its jus very loud. But I like e way e opening and e anime characters blended wif e song, which of coz was showcasing them running to e beat. Which is a pretty funny sight, coz e animators of tt anime seem to haf prob in doing run sequences. Most of e characters look like they r dancing when they r running. But of coz, tts anime a long time ago, cant help.
Overall, its nice wif e whole Hunter Hunter feel and e song, although Hunter X Hunter is no way near fast paced. Lol. But hor, listening e song thru my ear phones is a pain. It hurts and gives me headache. Lol.
The closing credits of BR II is Mayonaka Shounen Totsugeki Dan by Stance Punks. I do not like tt song at all. Though its rock especially later on (shoutings). But its not nice (to me) so i dun get y tt song's popular.
2 more days to the donation. I am still excited but not looking forward to needles, pain and bruising. E pricking of finger tip to test ur blood is especially painful. More painful than my own pricking for diabetes check at home. But in a way i am used to tt, so not so bad. I say so much scarly sat i cannot pass. Lol.
These r not happy thots leh, but then nvm lah, at least they r something else.
I feel very frustrated lately. Very pissed at everything.
At our media, reporters, journalists, gahmen, family, frenz, everything. I see everything also angry, i watch shows, anime, movies, news, variety shows, i can somehow nitpick e smallest things (which are many, sadly) tt makes me angry.
Im not sure if its PMS, coz my last mth one was weird, so i do not noe whether tis mth coming earlier or not. Although i do feel very hungry now, but pls come after sat. I wan to donate blood lor! I donated my blood during my menses e 1st time, and i did not reveal it to e doc, so i am not sure whether i so called fainted isit coz of tt or not.
Judging fr last mth's menses, i knew i was under tremedous stress. Or at least enuff to affect me.
Its simply frustrating when everything ard u, isnt going well at all and tt everything ard other ppl's going extremely well. Just becoz those ppl r more lucky, rich, pretty or slim than me. WTH!!!
I just told my sis today after hearing about her new colleagues (she transfered branch), "Its so sad tt there r so many ppl who cannot find jobs and yet ur colleagues got high pay job and never take their work seriously."
Supposedly a job tt's fr 9 to 6.30pm. Her colleagues only come in fr 10-11am, and then at 12, they go eat a 3 hr lunch and then at 4, they left early. All e while e manager jus close one eye. Or rather he do e same too, he left at 3.
So bek cek lor. Ur job pays u better than other jobs and then those ppl got so sucky attitude. Ppl who wan to work, like me, wan to find job also cannot find. Bloody hell lor!!!!!!!!!! I knoe they very happy there, but its jus so unfair lor. Even my sis also lidat.
Maybe i shd act all holy n crap n feel god damn happy for those of u whos doing fine... But i cannot now, coz everything is not fine for me.
Argh, forget it.
I am jus so down. Though not e worst i haf had. But i am not gd. Sigh.
Life is jus so bloody unfair. Even in own families, same blood one, y e fate so different? Luck runs out? Kiss my foot! Ive not seen any lucky person run out of luck be4. And now see, i am so right. Say wat luck no more, no more ur head. Wan to gain sympathy then act vulnerable, now everything ok liao then so happy annouce to e whole world.
Even my lucky fren who quit his job, and tell me e job no gd, colleagues no gd tis n tt, then 1 week later, a job dropped fr e sky, double or triple his pay. Not one but two somemore. And somemore he sucks at work, character n attitude.
And still got e cheek to tell me, most of e time he no need find jobs one, usually jobs will come to him. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoever tts passing judgement is jus blind. Dun tell me bullshit tt eventually things will become better, there will be kharma. Bullshit!
Ah crap.
Dun mind me. Maybe its really PMS.
My sis bf just popped over to sleep. I got to stop here... See, even wan to complain let things out also cannot. So unfair.
At our media, reporters, journalists, gahmen, family, frenz, everything. I see everything also angry, i watch shows, anime, movies, news, variety shows, i can somehow nitpick e smallest things (which are many, sadly) tt makes me angry.
Im not sure if its PMS, coz my last mth one was weird, so i do not noe whether tis mth coming earlier or not. Although i do feel very hungry now, but pls come after sat. I wan to donate blood lor! I donated my blood during my menses e 1st time, and i did not reveal it to e doc, so i am not sure whether i so called fainted isit coz of tt or not.
Judging fr last mth's menses, i knew i was under tremedous stress. Or at least enuff to affect me.
Its simply frustrating when everything ard u, isnt going well at all and tt everything ard other ppl's going extremely well. Just becoz those ppl r more lucky, rich, pretty or slim than me. WTH!!!
I just told my sis today after hearing about her new colleagues (she transfered branch), "Its so sad tt there r so many ppl who cannot find jobs and yet ur colleagues got high pay job and never take their work seriously."
Supposedly a job tt's fr 9 to 6.30pm. Her colleagues only come in fr 10-11am, and then at 12, they go eat a 3 hr lunch and then at 4, they left early. All e while e manager jus close one eye. Or rather he do e same too, he left at 3.
So bek cek lor. Ur job pays u better than other jobs and then those ppl got so sucky attitude. Ppl who wan to work, like me, wan to find job also cannot find. Bloody hell lor!!!!!!!!!! I knoe they very happy there, but its jus so unfair lor. Even my sis also lidat.
Maybe i shd act all holy n crap n feel god damn happy for those of u whos doing fine... But i cannot now, coz everything is not fine for me.
Argh, forget it.
I am jus so down. Though not e worst i haf had. But i am not gd. Sigh.
Life is jus so bloody unfair. Even in own families, same blood one, y e fate so different? Luck runs out? Kiss my foot! Ive not seen any lucky person run out of luck be4. And now see, i am so right. Say wat luck no more, no more ur head. Wan to gain sympathy then act vulnerable, now everything ok liao then so happy annouce to e whole world.
Even my lucky fren who quit his job, and tell me e job no gd, colleagues no gd tis n tt, then 1 week later, a job dropped fr e sky, double or triple his pay. Not one but two somemore. And somemore he sucks at work, character n attitude.
And still got e cheek to tell me, most of e time he no need find jobs one, usually jobs will come to him. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoever tts passing judgement is jus blind. Dun tell me bullshit tt eventually things will become better, there will be kharma. Bullshit!
Ah crap.
Dun mind me. Maybe its really PMS.
My sis bf just popped over to sleep. I got to stop here... See, even wan to complain let things out also cannot. So unfair.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
My Nikon S4
(PS: I bought n used it for mths liao. Only now then tok about it. In case i use awhile then got prob mah)
I wanted to change my old Canon Ixus I a long long long time ago. Having so many temptations in e market, i was swayed. They r apparent cheaper. Damn!
My 4 megapix was inadequate. But I also dun wan to crash my com using 8 megapix, u noe i cant really preview pics tts 8 megapix? I haf some photos fr frenz taken using their stylo milo huge cams and often it slows down my processing memory so much when i am doing something to them.
Maybe its jus tt i dun haf enuff ram. Ok, shut up.
After a whole yr of research, i settled on 6 megapix compact cams. 6 is just nice, do read up on mega pix as well. No pt spending more on mega pixs.
I only wan to upgrade my cam for everyday use (*er hem* mainly narcisistic photos). Also, i like to haf spare everything. So having 2 cams is always gd, although i did consider selling away my canon ixus for a cheap price, but i jus couldnt bear it.
E 1st moment i used a Kyocera rotating lens cam yrs back in 2004, i knew i wanted one as well. As much as i am gd at taking self portraits, its always easier on ur nerves to use a rotating cam (*er hem* for narcisistic photos). No lah, easier to take wif frenz also mah, no need to try n try n see ur frenz head cropped off.
My demanding side hates ppl taking my pics, so rotating lens makes it easy for me to take my bg n me when i am out, rather than letting others (especially those who duno how to take pics) take bad photos which resulted deletion from me later on.
And during self timer, i can still see e whole frame mah. Also, e rotating lens can take many angels, i like. Easier to take my son's pic as well, no need to move so much. Jus lower my lens, zoom and snap. Easy as hell!
When i got my progress package money, i knew tt its time. Lol.
Lets not even tok about my rotating requirements. Lets tok about brands.
For me personally, i do not like brands like fujifilm, kyocera, casio, etc. I also do not like their image quality. For e bigger brands, although i haf tis thing for touch screen (as ive always said) and was so tempted to get Sony's touch screen digi cam, i held myself back. I am a cheapo, i wan cams tt hold SD cards, becoz my other gadgets use SD cards as well, i can interchange.
Sony not using SD already way off... Byebye touch screen.
I boycott Canon, coz Canon is not durable AT ALL... The softwares r often unstable as well. So even though Canon Ixus series are the best compact digi ard, i wasnt even aroused.
I was interested in Panasonic cams, them being e second best next to canon for compact cams. Im only toking about compact digi cams, not toking about manual/dslr/slr... As i've said, i was only looking for a everyday use cam. Like i said be4, if u r pro, u shdnt even go digital. E photos lack depth. Ok nuff said.
If Pana offers rotating, i would haf got it. But too bad. Although i do find Pana ex, especially their new cams.
There were limited rotating lens in e market. Even Kyocera didnt come up wif any newer models. Canon did haf a cam wif rotating flip lcd monitor, but then tts very diff. Besides e screen was so small.
So e only choice was NIKON S4.
While Nikon is e leader in cameras, but its still a baby for digi cams. So when i told ppl i wan e Nikon S4, ppl said im crazy. But i wan the rotating lens mah, besides, S4 is e only digi cam tt offers 10X OPTICAL zoom wif rotating lens. I haf e best combi i wanted. Now i duno la, bought my cam liao so i stopped all research, dun wan to heart pain u noe.
Ppl said S series no gd coz e lens is fixed internally or something. But S4 is different, e lens is not fixed but moves inside its own lens barrel. If not how to do optical zoom? I am so happy wif e zoom, so much so tt ive often forgot i got it. Lol. I can take close ups of building wif a lousy digi cam. Digi cams are all lousy to me compared to slr/film cams.

I usually buy very small n light cams. But e main prob wif tt is e pictures often turn out blur. So tis time i decided to get a heavier one. So i haf no prob wif S4's bigger n heavier frame, although my arms do ache. Lol.

It comes wif a lens cap as well, and e lens cap is attached to it. No need to scared lose it. The lid cover u can just flip it to e side and it stays there. Duno y ppl complain about it. Got lens cap still complain, can dun put one mah. Clean ur lens more lor. I like it though, especially e flipping n staying, no hastle at all.

Tis guy mus be huge, e cam looks so small between his fingers.
Due to e big monitor screen, e cam requires a different way of handling. If not u will put finger prints there wif ur thumb. I dun haf prob holding it e way its suppposed to though. Resting my right thumb on its desired place on top is no prob. SZ who most likely will use my cam more than anyone else, holds e cam like e guy in e pic, so wun haf finger prints.
But heck, i pasted protective film on e monitor anyways, so its ok even if u touch it.
E micro is very gd. It received lots of compliments. E cam i mean. E zoom range is gd as well, i often do not need e full zoom, even when i was shooting e Sentosa Merlion's head. I locked my canon's digital zoom, as u noe, who e hell uses e horrible digital zoom.
One feature my cam lacks is e motion/image stabilization which is so popular now although i heard Sony's one no gd. It was something i had to give n take. But e other features n setting makes up for it though. The Best Shot Selector (BSS) solves e blur pics. So i am still happy. E manual settings were better than i expected as well. I like their colors, image quality better than Canon's (my old cam i mean).
The photos on my old cam r alot darker when transfered to e com, which was a major prob, together wif e blur tendancy. But S4 dun haf these probs, so i am happy no matter wat ppl said.
I think e main prob wif e cam is viewing e monitor under sunlight. Its not very clear, but also coz i set e brighter n contrast to very low. But still can see la, not so kua zhang like wat others said. Other countries got sell e LCD shade cover, i really like it, will be perfect. But i also duno go where find here in sg. Also, e monitor cannot be viewed from all angles like some newer cams do, but tts not impt mah.
Regardless of wat ppl say about Nikon S series, all i can say is S4 is different fr its series itself. Its almost separate. E features are different too. I used to pass by Dhoby Ghaut mrt and gaze at the Nikon S4's poster. Its been there for very long. They even removed their other posters and left e S4 there.
I bought it cheaper than e market price. Retail was 699, i bought it at 580. Another reason i was happy for. Haha. Pls dun tell me how much it cost now ok. PC fair was 699 as well except they give u 1 GB card, i had 512 card fr tt shop, so its ok. Its still cheaper. So PC fair's not e best deal always.
My cam uses AA batts as well. I am so happy on tt too. Its so much cheaper than lithium ion batts. I already bought another set of rechargeable AA batts and it last longer as well. 2 AA batts can last up to about 260 shots.
It better to get a cam catered to ur preferences n needs. No pt spending 850 plus bucks getting a cam tt ppl tell u its gd. Confirm u wun really like it one. Digi cams r more or less e same, so it boils down to knowing wat u wan most.
If not for e 6 megapix, 10X optical zoom, rotating lens, hinged lens cap, 2.5 inch screen, AA batts, SD card, under 600 bucks combination, i would haf gotten a Canon Ixus or a Panasonic Lumix. Although tt would burn a hole in my pocket.
And now, i couldnt even ask for more, coz its perfect, FOR ME~
I wanted to change my old Canon Ixus I a long long long time ago. Having so many temptations in e market, i was swayed. They r apparent cheaper. Damn!
My 4 megapix was inadequate. But I also dun wan to crash my com using 8 megapix, u noe i cant really preview pics tts 8 megapix? I haf some photos fr frenz taken using their stylo milo huge cams and often it slows down my processing memory so much when i am doing something to them.
Maybe its jus tt i dun haf enuff ram. Ok, shut up.
After a whole yr of research, i settled on 6 megapix compact cams. 6 is just nice, do read up on mega pix as well. No pt spending more on mega pixs.
I only wan to upgrade my cam for everyday use (*er hem* mainly narcisistic photos). Also, i like to haf spare everything. So having 2 cams is always gd, although i did consider selling away my canon ixus for a cheap price, but i jus couldnt bear it.
E 1st moment i used a Kyocera rotating lens cam yrs back in 2004, i knew i wanted one as well. As much as i am gd at taking self portraits, its always easier on ur nerves to use a rotating cam (*er hem* for narcisistic photos). No lah, easier to take wif frenz also mah, no need to try n try n see ur frenz head cropped off.
My demanding side hates ppl taking my pics, so rotating lens makes it easy for me to take my bg n me when i am out, rather than letting others (especially those who duno how to take pics) take bad photos which resulted deletion from me later on.
And during self timer, i can still see e whole frame mah. Also, e rotating lens can take many angels, i like. Easier to take my son's pic as well, no need to move so much. Jus lower my lens, zoom and snap. Easy as hell!
When i got my progress package money, i knew tt its time. Lol.
Lets not even tok about my rotating requirements. Lets tok about brands.
For me personally, i do not like brands like fujifilm, kyocera, casio, etc. I also do not like their image quality. For e bigger brands, although i haf tis thing for touch screen (as ive always said) and was so tempted to get Sony's touch screen digi cam, i held myself back. I am a cheapo, i wan cams tt hold SD cards, becoz my other gadgets use SD cards as well, i can interchange.
Sony not using SD already way off... Byebye touch screen.
I boycott Canon, coz Canon is not durable AT ALL... The softwares r often unstable as well. So even though Canon Ixus series are the best compact digi ard, i wasnt even aroused.
I was interested in Panasonic cams, them being e second best next to canon for compact cams. Im only toking about compact digi cams, not toking about manual/dslr/slr... As i've said, i was only looking for a everyday use cam. Like i said be4, if u r pro, u shdnt even go digital. E photos lack depth. Ok nuff said.
If Pana offers rotating, i would haf got it. But too bad. Although i do find Pana ex, especially their new cams.
There were limited rotating lens in e market. Even Kyocera didnt come up wif any newer models. Canon did haf a cam wif rotating flip lcd monitor, but then tts very diff. Besides e screen was so small.
So e only choice was NIKON S4.
While Nikon is e leader in cameras, but its still a baby for digi cams. So when i told ppl i wan e Nikon S4, ppl said im crazy. But i wan the rotating lens mah, besides, S4 is e only digi cam tt offers 10X OPTICAL zoom wif rotating lens. I haf e best combi i wanted. Now i duno la, bought my cam liao so i stopped all research, dun wan to heart pain u noe.
Ppl said S series no gd coz e lens is fixed internally or something. But S4 is different, e lens is not fixed but moves inside its own lens barrel. If not how to do optical zoom? I am so happy wif e zoom, so much so tt ive often forgot i got it. Lol. I can take close ups of building wif a lousy digi cam. Digi cams are all lousy to me compared to slr/film cams.

I usually buy very small n light cams. But e main prob wif tt is e pictures often turn out blur. So tis time i decided to get a heavier one. So i haf no prob wif S4's bigger n heavier frame, although my arms do ache. Lol.

It comes wif a lens cap as well, and e lens cap is attached to it. No need to scared lose it. The lid cover u can just flip it to e side and it stays there. Duno y ppl complain about it. Got lens cap still complain, can dun put one mah. Clean ur lens more lor. I like it though, especially e flipping n staying, no hastle at all.

Tis guy mus be huge, e cam looks so small between his fingers.
Due to e big monitor screen, e cam requires a different way of handling. If not u will put finger prints there wif ur thumb. I dun haf prob holding it e way its suppposed to though. Resting my right thumb on its desired place on top is no prob. SZ who most likely will use my cam more than anyone else, holds e cam like e guy in e pic, so wun haf finger prints.
But heck, i pasted protective film on e monitor anyways, so its ok even if u touch it.
E micro is very gd. It received lots of compliments. E cam i mean. E zoom range is gd as well, i often do not need e full zoom, even when i was shooting e Sentosa Merlion's head. I locked my canon's digital zoom, as u noe, who e hell uses e horrible digital zoom.
One feature my cam lacks is e motion/image stabilization which is so popular now although i heard Sony's one no gd. It was something i had to give n take. But e other features n setting makes up for it though. The Best Shot Selector (BSS) solves e blur pics. So i am still happy. E manual settings were better than i expected as well. I like their colors, image quality better than Canon's (my old cam i mean).
The photos on my old cam r alot darker when transfered to e com, which was a major prob, together wif e blur tendancy. But S4 dun haf these probs, so i am happy no matter wat ppl said.
I think e main prob wif e cam is viewing e monitor under sunlight. Its not very clear, but also coz i set e brighter n contrast to very low. But still can see la, not so kua zhang like wat others said. Other countries got sell e LCD shade cover, i really like it, will be perfect. But i also duno go where find here in sg. Also, e monitor cannot be viewed from all angles like some newer cams do, but tts not impt mah.
Regardless of wat ppl say about Nikon S series, all i can say is S4 is different fr its series itself. Its almost separate. E features are different too. I used to pass by Dhoby Ghaut mrt and gaze at the Nikon S4's poster. Its been there for very long. They even removed their other posters and left e S4 there.
I bought it cheaper than e market price. Retail was 699, i bought it at 580. Another reason i was happy for. Haha. Pls dun tell me how much it cost now ok. PC fair was 699 as well except they give u 1 GB card, i had 512 card fr tt shop, so its ok. Its still cheaper. So PC fair's not e best deal always.
My cam uses AA batts as well. I am so happy on tt too. Its so much cheaper than lithium ion batts. I already bought another set of rechargeable AA batts and it last longer as well. 2 AA batts can last up to about 260 shots.
It better to get a cam catered to ur preferences n needs. No pt spending 850 plus bucks getting a cam tt ppl tell u its gd. Confirm u wun really like it one. Digi cams r more or less e same, so it boils down to knowing wat u wan most.
If not for e 6 megapix, 10X optical zoom, rotating lens, hinged lens cap, 2.5 inch screen, AA batts, SD card, under 600 bucks combination, i would haf gotten a Canon Ixus or a Panasonic Lumix. Although tt would burn a hole in my pocket.
And now, i couldnt even ask for more, coz its perfect, FOR ME~
Monday, July 10, 2006
Blood Donation & Orange Coconuts
I made an appointment wif SZ to go do e Blood Donation again tis sat. Although i like already postponed it for mths coz i didnt wan to go there myself. Lol.
Shes very worried tt she would fail again, she said its demoralisin. Haha. I told her to squeeze e ball every night, to which she lost it already, i think.
I told myself to do it 4 times a yr, but i think i can only do 3 tis yr, due to e postponing thingy. To be honest, although i am kinda excited, . But i am also scared at the same time. Lol.
Coz its painful ok? And then i got to get thru e pain n bruising... So its kinda scary to think about it. Besides, i haf deep vein, if e nurses arent experienced enuff, given tt im going to e donation mobile instead of HSA, i am going to fail too. HSA very far lor. Then tis time e mobile very near to our places, so i made her go, no excuses liao.
The 1st time i asked her to go for my 2nd donatn, she asked me y i wan to continue doing it, to which i said, "Coz can help ppl mah!"... She gave me a very strange look as if i am lying thru my teeth, which i am not. But maybe ppl r jus not used to me saying these things...
And then she said shes most likely not going to try it again. Coz very far, then if cannot, its a waste of time, effort n money, to which i said, "U cannot think lidat mah, mus think of saving/helping patients!". Then she said, "True also la."
And then recently, she asked me e same qns again (shes forgetful one la)... So tis time, remembering my last, i answered differently, "Coz donating blood makes me healthier." She immediately reacted n said, "Cannot think lidat, u mus think of saving ppl instead."...
Hahahaha, very funny... Didnt i already mentioned shes a forever changing kind of person. I bet she doesnt remember about these.
Only 5 days away, i am looking n not looking forward to it, duno tis time i will collapse or not... I think 2nd time liao shd be better? Or shd i ask for iron tablets? But eating iron tablets is not so gd right? I mean like isnt it better for ur body to recover from itself?
Anyways, i mus die die remember to paste e plaster (for motion sickness), if not i confirm die tis time. It works lor! Proven liao. So if u got motion sickness prob and cannot solve it, ask me. Hmm, but i think i shd take train instead of bus tis time to play safe as well.
I grabbed n cropped tis pic from a frenz' fren frenster pic. Hmm, duno isit bad of me to jus grab it lidat or not... But i wan to show mah...

I like e wrapping! I like haf tis paper also, one of e gifts fr SZ, was wrapped in tis kind of paper as well... The purplish/pinkish wif yellow tint kind... Multi color plus some bits of shimmer i like...
Too bad e flowers arent white roses, but tis bouquet overall looks so nice. In e pic, she received 2 bouquets. E other one though e flowers are big n nice but its damn ugly overall. Can tell tis one is from a better florist, e other one might be those cheapo kind. Red and purple scheme is e worst i felt.
But i tell u ar, guys like to buy tt kind. Red roses wif deep purple wrappins, fugly! My own bfs also lidat. My sis also got one fr her bf too, but her bf didnt noe, coz he color blind! My sis did ask him y e colors so ugly, he said he cant tell then he got quite angry after finding out wat e florist did... lol.
Some time back i was on a date wif tis color blind guy (i noe alot of color blind guys btw), i find it rather amusing, not in a bad way... Im always imagining how they see e world... Usually when i meet up wif color blind guys, e 1st thing i would ask for them to tell me is, wat colors am i wearing...
But before i even met him, i asked him wat color is his car, to which he said, "Not sure!". He said some said dark blue, some said under sunlight is dark green. Haha, then when i saw him, alamak, his car is black lor, i didnt even see any blue or green hint. His frenz mus be color blind as well... Haha, or maybe they bluff him one.
Black is gd, my fav car color.
My clothes color, obviously he cant tell fr some shades, like differentiating maroon fr brown. He jus happened to wear a tee shirt wif multi colors print on it, so he was using his shirt to tell me wat color he can see n wat hes not sure.
Then later on in the day, i asked him casually, "Have u drank e orange coconuts be4?"...
He exclaimed, "U mean theres orange coconuts?"...
Me, "Yup! (i forgot hes color blind) ". Since we were at a beach i pointed them to him. He said he naturally assumed all coconuts are green...
So funny. But of coz, my pt was to tok about e drinking of orange coconuts, his color blindness wasnt even in my mind then. Do the other color blind mates noe about orange coconuts? I wonder.
Shes very worried tt she would fail again, she said its demoralisin. Haha. I told her to squeeze e ball every night, to which she lost it already, i think.
I told myself to do it 4 times a yr, but i think i can only do 3 tis yr, due to e postponing thingy. To be honest, although i am kinda excited, . But i am also scared at the same time. Lol.
Coz its painful ok? And then i got to get thru e pain n bruising... So its kinda scary to think about it. Besides, i haf deep vein, if e nurses arent experienced enuff, given tt im going to e donation mobile instead of HSA, i am going to fail too. HSA very far lor. Then tis time e mobile very near to our places, so i made her go, no excuses liao.
The 1st time i asked her to go for my 2nd donatn, she asked me y i wan to continue doing it, to which i said, "Coz can help ppl mah!"... She gave me a very strange look as if i am lying thru my teeth, which i am not. But maybe ppl r jus not used to me saying these things...
And then she said shes most likely not going to try it again. Coz very far, then if cannot, its a waste of time, effort n money, to which i said, "U cannot think lidat mah, mus think of saving/helping patients!". Then she said, "True also la."
And then recently, she asked me e same qns again (shes forgetful one la)... So tis time, remembering my last, i answered differently, "Coz donating blood makes me healthier." She immediately reacted n said, "Cannot think lidat, u mus think of saving ppl instead."...
Hahahaha, very funny... Didnt i already mentioned shes a forever changing kind of person. I bet she doesnt remember about these.
Only 5 days away, i am looking n not looking forward to it, duno tis time i will collapse or not... I think 2nd time liao shd be better? Or shd i ask for iron tablets? But eating iron tablets is not so gd right? I mean like isnt it better for ur body to recover from itself?
Anyways, i mus die die remember to paste e plaster (for motion sickness), if not i confirm die tis time. It works lor! Proven liao. So if u got motion sickness prob and cannot solve it, ask me. Hmm, but i think i shd take train instead of bus tis time to play safe as well.
I grabbed n cropped tis pic from a frenz' fren frenster pic. Hmm, duno isit bad of me to jus grab it lidat or not... But i wan to show mah...

I like e wrapping! I like haf tis paper also, one of e gifts fr SZ, was wrapped in tis kind of paper as well... The purplish/pinkish wif yellow tint kind... Multi color plus some bits of shimmer i like...
Too bad e flowers arent white roses, but tis bouquet overall looks so nice. In e pic, she received 2 bouquets. E other one though e flowers are big n nice but its damn ugly overall. Can tell tis one is from a better florist, e other one might be those cheapo kind. Red and purple scheme is e worst i felt.
But i tell u ar, guys like to buy tt kind. Red roses wif deep purple wrappins, fugly! My own bfs also lidat. My sis also got one fr her bf too, but her bf didnt noe, coz he color blind! My sis did ask him y e colors so ugly, he said he cant tell then he got quite angry after finding out wat e florist did... lol.
Some time back i was on a date wif tis color blind guy (i noe alot of color blind guys btw), i find it rather amusing, not in a bad way... Im always imagining how they see e world... Usually when i meet up wif color blind guys, e 1st thing i would ask for them to tell me is, wat colors am i wearing...
But before i even met him, i asked him wat color is his car, to which he said, "Not sure!". He said some said dark blue, some said under sunlight is dark green. Haha, then when i saw him, alamak, his car is black lor, i didnt even see any blue or green hint. His frenz mus be color blind as well... Haha, or maybe they bluff him one.
Black is gd, my fav car color.
My clothes color, obviously he cant tell fr some shades, like differentiating maroon fr brown. He jus happened to wear a tee shirt wif multi colors print on it, so he was using his shirt to tell me wat color he can see n wat hes not sure.
Then later on in the day, i asked him casually, "Have u drank e orange coconuts be4?"...
He exclaimed, "U mean theres orange coconuts?"...
Me, "Yup! (i forgot hes color blind) ". Since we were at a beach i pointed them to him. He said he naturally assumed all coconuts are green...
So funny. But of coz, my pt was to tok about e drinking of orange coconuts, his color blindness wasnt even in my mind then. Do the other color blind mates noe about orange coconuts? I wonder.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Birthday Wishlist
I always see female bloggers haf tis every yr for their frenz, i also wan to write one (although i dun haf frenz now). Since my bday's coming soon in 1 mth and 6 days. Although i doubt i get anything from it. Just for fun bah, to see wat i feel like having now.
Lets see.
U noe hor, its kinda difficult getting things i like. Sure, i would love to tell u i wan to haf new watches, bags, clothes, shoes, cosmetics, accessories, but then how do u judge whether i like it or not.
I am picky about designs (although i like crystals/diamante stuffs in general) and e fit (for shoes n clothes), doesnt mean e same size would fit me perfectly. Unless i tried it liao, say i like it alot then u get it, but if tts e case, i would usually jus buy it myself. Lol. I dun like to wait, i am bloody impatient. And besides i very suay one lor, wait somemore confirm dun haf one. Tis one is proven.
2) Bags
I have tis thing for bags. More bags is always an available option. I wanna get lacy bags, but same thing, how to judge whether i like or not. I myself think twice for those i like when i am considering buying. I also wanna get a wrist purse tts gold or bronze in color. I also would like to have a trendy green bag to match my shoe wedge and green outfits. But so far, i myself haf not seen one yet. Do not get me yucky green. I do not like typical normal green n muddy green. Sparkles on e bag is added appeal. I also like flowers decor. I like bags wif a sweet big flower.
3) Accessories
Any thing with crystals/diamante. White on e safe side, green if its a nice green. I clip my hair alot, so nice beautiful hair clips can do. I am over e purple stage, too many purple clips. I like butterflies, crowns, princessy designs.
I like pearls also, haf not gotten any myself. And gold. Gold suits me more than silver. White/gold/pearls e right combi. Earrings i wan big dangly chunky ones. Saw so many i like every time i am out but never got them.
I still wan e charm bracelets, but tis one is hard to judge my preference. Necklaces i prefer long ones. But same prob. So maybe not.
4) Watches
I like watches that can accessorise as well. All my watches haf crystals/beads. So tts a main factor. I like cheap watches as well, i still wan e gold version of a white crystal watch i bought some time back, which looks like a fake guess watch, not e one wif qns mark one (20 bucks).
I also like e blue beads one i saw 2 weeks back, but got red/orange beads as well, haven decided on e color (15 bucks).
5) Cosmetics
I am always looking for more cosmetics. Its never enuff to add to ur collection. But i haf to see also. I like e diamond star dust at Dodoclub ($10+), i like e whitish yellow one, though i haf no time to try others then. I also wan bronzing powder and face glitter powder. But then hard to judge so leave it ba. My liquid eye liner running out as well. Aiyah, nvm.
6) Perfume*
I need new perfume badly, i used up all my old ones. I am however not sure wat i like now. Though i heard Anna Sui's Beach Dollie is quite nice. I haf e sample but haven tried it yet.
7) SD Card **
I wan 1 GB SD card (although i dun mind 2 GB). The camera shop offer me 60 bucks for e 1 GB (Toshiba black one i think). I wan it for e simplest reason. I wan to transfer my 512mb SD card fr my cam to my phone. I am fed up wif my phone's 128mb card.
8) Flowers ***
I wan a big bouquet of white roses wrapped in green papers n gold ribbons. I dun wan one stalk. Although flowers kinda wither and white roses dun make nice dried flowers but somehow, i feel like getting tis more than e rest leh. Maybe coz e rest i eventually can buy myself, but buying a big bouquet of roses for myself is simply crazy.
9) Chocolates *
Dark chocolates only pls. I hate raisins chocs be it dark or milk choc. But i dun mind strawberries dipped in choc, very sensual.
10) Food
Japanese food is e best option. Next comes international buffet but ex leh.
11) Activities
I can only think of tis, the overnight ktv at Party World. Tis time drink wif me, so we can get 2 jugs free 1 jug. Then go home in e morning. Heh.
12) Cake
I seriously dun mind if its only 1 slice or a few slices of different cakes. Then we can like share share mah. I prefer variety.
But i haf to say one whole cake got e bday mood though. My fav is emicake. I like choc mousse, yam, durian (only real D24 kind not those flavoured ones). I like lots of fresh cream, no butter cream, i will puke. If its whole cake, i prefer those pre ordered so can write names, i do tt for ppl. Duno y nobody bothers nowadays. U just order 1 week in advanced, wats so troublesome about tt?
Isnt it pleasant when u see the "Happy Birthday, XX!" on e cake? Although its cliche but it beats an empty cake, and knowing tt e person just grabbed it along e way to meet u. Ive always like it since young, even for teachers during teachers day i also pre order.
I only grabbed along e way if its last minute celebration or i didnt noe its ur bday.
I think tts about it. I read thru wat i wrote, i am like so fussy n demanding. Hahahah. Its just a list mah. Reality and wish dun mix. Although mine looks pretty realistic. E most ex one is e perfume i guess, less than 100 bucks.
In actual, just a heart warming/inspirational/romance movie (if haf lah), followed by dinner, and/or normal ktv will do. Cake or no cake doesnt matter, at most eat for dessert during dinner lor, jus for symbolic purpose. No sing song/blow candles nvm one, i paiseh one leh. In fact, tis jus seems like wat i do every sat. Lol.
But i wan the flowers leh! Hahah. Big bouquet of white roses wif green wrapping n gold ribbons! The bigger e better, muahahaha. I will keep tis bouquet as long as i can. Lol. Provided no bugs go stay inside. My 99 stalks of roses got bugs, i nearly freaked out, threw it away less than a yr later. Very sad then leh. Now no more le. :~(
Nothing beats spending a day wif someone u like to be wif (non romantically inclined) and the FLOWERS!
Lets see.
U noe hor, its kinda difficult getting things i like. Sure, i would love to tell u i wan to haf new watches, bags, clothes, shoes, cosmetics, accessories, but then how do u judge whether i like it or not.
I am picky about designs (although i like crystals/diamante stuffs in general) and e fit (for shoes n clothes), doesnt mean e same size would fit me perfectly. Unless i tried it liao, say i like it alot then u get it, but if tts e case, i would usually jus buy it myself. Lol. I dun like to wait, i am bloody impatient. And besides i very suay one lor, wait somemore confirm dun haf one. Tis one is proven.
2) Bags
I have tis thing for bags. More bags is always an available option. I wanna get lacy bags, but same thing, how to judge whether i like or not. I myself think twice for those i like when i am considering buying. I also wanna get a wrist purse tts gold or bronze in color. I also would like to have a trendy green bag to match my shoe wedge and green outfits. But so far, i myself haf not seen one yet. Do not get me yucky green. I do not like typical normal green n muddy green. Sparkles on e bag is added appeal. I also like flowers decor. I like bags wif a sweet big flower.
3) Accessories
Any thing with crystals/diamante. White on e safe side, green if its a nice green. I clip my hair alot, so nice beautiful hair clips can do. I am over e purple stage, too many purple clips. I like butterflies, crowns, princessy designs.
I like pearls also, haf not gotten any myself. And gold. Gold suits me more than silver. White/gold/pearls e right combi. Earrings i wan big dangly chunky ones. Saw so many i like every time i am out but never got them.
I still wan e charm bracelets, but tis one is hard to judge my preference. Necklaces i prefer long ones. But same prob. So maybe not.
4) Watches
I like watches that can accessorise as well. All my watches haf crystals/beads. So tts a main factor. I like cheap watches as well, i still wan e gold version of a white crystal watch i bought some time back, which looks like a fake guess watch, not e one wif qns mark one (20 bucks).
I also like e blue beads one i saw 2 weeks back, but got red/orange beads as well, haven decided on e color (15 bucks).
5) Cosmetics
I am always looking for more cosmetics. Its never enuff to add to ur collection. But i haf to see also. I like e diamond star dust at Dodoclub ($10+), i like e whitish yellow one, though i haf no time to try others then. I also wan bronzing powder and face glitter powder. But then hard to judge so leave it ba. My liquid eye liner running out as well. Aiyah, nvm.
6) Perfume*
I need new perfume badly, i used up all my old ones. I am however not sure wat i like now. Though i heard Anna Sui's Beach Dollie is quite nice. I haf e sample but haven tried it yet.
7) SD Card **
I wan 1 GB SD card (although i dun mind 2 GB). The camera shop offer me 60 bucks for e 1 GB (Toshiba black one i think). I wan it for e simplest reason. I wan to transfer my 512mb SD card fr my cam to my phone. I am fed up wif my phone's 128mb card.
8) Flowers ***
I wan a big bouquet of white roses wrapped in green papers n gold ribbons. I dun wan one stalk. Although flowers kinda wither and white roses dun make nice dried flowers but somehow, i feel like getting tis more than e rest leh. Maybe coz e rest i eventually can buy myself, but buying a big bouquet of roses for myself is simply crazy.
9) Chocolates *
Dark chocolates only pls. I hate raisins chocs be it dark or milk choc. But i dun mind strawberries dipped in choc, very sensual.
10) Food
Japanese food is e best option. Next comes international buffet but ex leh.
11) Activities
I can only think of tis, the overnight ktv at Party World. Tis time drink wif me, so we can get 2 jugs free 1 jug. Then go home in e morning. Heh.
12) Cake
I seriously dun mind if its only 1 slice or a few slices of different cakes. Then we can like share share mah. I prefer variety.
But i haf to say one whole cake got e bday mood though. My fav is emicake. I like choc mousse, yam, durian (only real D24 kind not those flavoured ones). I like lots of fresh cream, no butter cream, i will puke. If its whole cake, i prefer those pre ordered so can write names, i do tt for ppl. Duno y nobody bothers nowadays. U just order 1 week in advanced, wats so troublesome about tt?
Isnt it pleasant when u see the "Happy Birthday, XX!" on e cake? Although its cliche but it beats an empty cake, and knowing tt e person just grabbed it along e way to meet u. Ive always like it since young, even for teachers during teachers day i also pre order.
I only grabbed along e way if its last minute celebration or i didnt noe its ur bday.
I think tts about it. I read thru wat i wrote, i am like so fussy n demanding. Hahahah. Its just a list mah. Reality and wish dun mix. Although mine looks pretty realistic. E most ex one is e perfume i guess, less than 100 bucks.
In actual, just a heart warming/inspirational/romance movie (if haf lah), followed by dinner, and/or normal ktv will do. Cake or no cake doesnt matter, at most eat for dessert during dinner lor, jus for symbolic purpose. No sing song/blow candles nvm one, i paiseh one leh. In fact, tis jus seems like wat i do every sat. Lol.
But i wan the flowers leh! Hahah. Big bouquet of white roses wif green wrapping n gold ribbons! The bigger e better, muahahaha. I will keep tis bouquet as long as i can. Lol. Provided no bugs go stay inside. My 99 stalks of roses got bugs, i nearly freaked out, threw it away less than a yr later. Very sad then leh. Now no more le. :~(
Nothing beats spending a day wif someone u like to be wif (non romantically inclined) and the FLOWERS!
I went KTV last night wif SZ. Went Party World as usual. Party World rocks ok!!!!!!
Anyways, we headed to e woodlands outlet, it happened to be our usual ktv hangout lately. Coz e songs r especially newer there, their rooms are bigger, and their sound systems better coz new outlet mah.
SZ said we shd do hall next time. Aiyah, she sing well now of coz she wanna sing hall. I sing like shit and always complain ppl sing like shit in the hall. Lol. E hall singings r especially loud, so its very distracting when u r in e rooms... Yest night was especially distracting, wif one mega loud male singer outside. I lost some of my tunes thks to him.
Actually its not like i really mind, i do sing hall at times (when its fully booked and i die die wan to sing no matter wat). Just tt its quite frustrating taking turns btw tables u noe. And also i haf to be careful wif my song selectns, cannot pick those sing for fun ones... And also, nobody stands to sing in e hall, and no one takes off their shoes obviously.
I also wanna stand on e sofas mah, although theres no sofas in e hall.

I ordered a jug of beer myself last night. I especially told SZ i will be drinking. But within e 1st hr only, i drank like 3/4 jug liao... So angry, so fast one. I drank it like water, never pace myself, i got nothing much to drink for e next 3 hrs n was like dying of thirst.
I also finished one whole bowl of tibits, e pop corn one not nice so i never touch. Very hungry leh. I whole day only drank one bowl of chicken soup wif nothing but one drumbstick.
Truth be told i wanna get drunk. But then i also noe how to get drunk by drinking beer? Further more 1 jug only. I thot i could at least get tipsy. I did however find it hard to concentrate on singing wif e alcohol in my brain/blood for awhile. My mind couldnt work fast enuff to keep in tune n melody, i was often slower... Lol... Something new i found out.
It was rather disappointing, i didnt feel much. I wouldnt order another jug and burn my own pocket. Besides if i order another jug, they would give me another one jug free. How to finish everything on my own? Its not e alcohol but so much liquid. 1 jug i already went like 10 times to e toilet liao...
If i drink 3 jugs within 4 hrs, i think instead of singing i would haf spent all my time pouring, drinking, goin toilet, pouring, drinking, going toilet. Lol.
On top of tt, its no fun drinking ALONE u noe. Although u get to drink more.
SZ said i smell like her Dad, lol... E beer smell i noe. So i thot i smell really bad (u cant smell e beer smell if u r e drinker), but when i reaCHED home at 12+am, nobody said anything. Even my son never noticed when he kissed me. I was lying down on my bed wif mum n sis next to me, both also never asked. Lol. So i conclude SZ is super sensitive!
We went for e peak peak hrs last night (fri/sat night most ex). Minus my beer, we paid like 20+ each. It is cheaper if u go in grps of 4, then u only need to share out 10+. We dun haf grp mah, so always 2 of us lor.
Even so, its very cheap le. U try going Kbox. U cry man. Especially 2 person, pay until u siao. And their alcohol so ex somemore.
Anyways, we headed to e woodlands outlet, it happened to be our usual ktv hangout lately. Coz e songs r especially newer there, their rooms are bigger, and their sound systems better coz new outlet mah.
SZ said we shd do hall next time. Aiyah, she sing well now of coz she wanna sing hall. I sing like shit and always complain ppl sing like shit in the hall. Lol. E hall singings r especially loud, so its very distracting when u r in e rooms... Yest night was especially distracting, wif one mega loud male singer outside. I lost some of my tunes thks to him.
Actually its not like i really mind, i do sing hall at times (when its fully booked and i die die wan to sing no matter wat). Just tt its quite frustrating taking turns btw tables u noe. And also i haf to be careful wif my song selectns, cannot pick those sing for fun ones... And also, nobody stands to sing in e hall, and no one takes off their shoes obviously.
I also wanna stand on e sofas mah, although theres no sofas in e hall.

I ordered a jug of beer myself last night. I especially told SZ i will be drinking. But within e 1st hr only, i drank like 3/4 jug liao... So angry, so fast one. I drank it like water, never pace myself, i got nothing much to drink for e next 3 hrs n was like dying of thirst.
I also finished one whole bowl of tibits, e pop corn one not nice so i never touch. Very hungry leh. I whole day only drank one bowl of chicken soup wif nothing but one drumbstick.
Truth be told i wanna get drunk. But then i also noe how to get drunk by drinking beer? Further more 1 jug only. I thot i could at least get tipsy. I did however find it hard to concentrate on singing wif e alcohol in my brain/blood for awhile. My mind couldnt work fast enuff to keep in tune n melody, i was often slower... Lol... Something new i found out.
It was rather disappointing, i didnt feel much. I wouldnt order another jug and burn my own pocket. Besides if i order another jug, they would give me another one jug free. How to finish everything on my own? Its not e alcohol but so much liquid. 1 jug i already went like 10 times to e toilet liao...
If i drink 3 jugs within 4 hrs, i think instead of singing i would haf spent all my time pouring, drinking, goin toilet, pouring, drinking, going toilet. Lol.
On top of tt, its no fun drinking ALONE u noe. Although u get to drink more.
SZ said i smell like her Dad, lol... E beer smell i noe. So i thot i smell really bad (u cant smell e beer smell if u r e drinker), but when i reaCHED home at 12+am, nobody said anything. Even my son never noticed when he kissed me. I was lying down on my bed wif mum n sis next to me, both also never asked. Lol. So i conclude SZ is super sensitive!
We went for e peak peak hrs last night (fri/sat night most ex). Minus my beer, we paid like 20+ each. It is cheaper if u go in grps of 4, then u only need to share out 10+. We dun haf grp mah, so always 2 of us lor.
Even so, its very cheap le. U try going Kbox. U cry man. Especially 2 person, pay until u siao. And their alcohol so ex somemore.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Funny? Maybe not...
It is funny u noe when somebody must be drunk when e person hasnt returned after a certain time.
It is funny u hear ur son barking madly non stop for longer than usual (when he doesnt bark normally), u noe tt drunk person must be at the door, figuring out e keys, figuring out where e key hole is.
It is funny u hear loud crazy knocks after a long time, must haf given up on e keys.
It is funny u see tt person not wearing her heels properly.
It is funny u see tt person wobbling ard, falling down, breaking into giggles every moment.
It is not funny when tt person shouted at her bf over her hp, saying she cannot find her hp.
It is not funny when u hear sounds of crashing and smashing.
It is not funny when tt person threw her hp at u, and when u asked wats wrong, tt person said she cannot find her hp.
It is not funny when tt person forced u to call her bf using her phone when u noe her bf would never pick up.
It is not funny when tt person wans to use ur phone to call her bf. (Hp at risk! Lucky bf never pick up)
It is not funny when tt person makes a fuss about everything and throwing her temper.
It is not funny seeing a naked woman prancing ard. (Im not comfortable wif naked bodies, its like look or not look confusion)
It is not funny seeing a naked woman getting frustrated trying to unlock her necklace in front of e mirror for e past 15 mins.
It is not funny when tt person laid on ur bed to dry her hair using e air con. (My bed is jus next to e air con) Note tt person will puke on ur mattress any time.
It is not funny when tt person collapsed and sleep there. (Wif wet hair!!!)
It is not funny when u see ur room and bed covered wif drenched clothes.
It is not funny seeing the drenched pieces of lingerie every where.
It is not funny seeing a messed up toilet and vomit all over. (makes me wan to vomit)
Yup, tt pretty sums up everything.
On the gd side,
I can listen to music or watch videos and tt person wouldnt even react. (also coz my mum's in msia wif her new/old bf)
I can even ON the lights till morning (i do not like to use my com in darkness), but i OFF it coz i am a considerate person. Lol.
I can bring food into my room and eat in front of the com. (ppl who posts pictures of food on their blogs are so evil!)
I can type as freely as i wan and blog in the night.
I am sure she's going on MC tmr. Time to change my plans for tmr as well.
It is funny u hear ur son barking madly non stop for longer than usual (when he doesnt bark normally), u noe tt drunk person must be at the door, figuring out e keys, figuring out where e key hole is.
It is funny u hear loud crazy knocks after a long time, must haf given up on e keys.
It is funny u see tt person not wearing her heels properly.
It is funny u see tt person wobbling ard, falling down, breaking into giggles every moment.
It is not funny when tt person shouted at her bf over her hp, saying she cannot find her hp.
It is not funny when u hear sounds of crashing and smashing.
It is not funny when tt person threw her hp at u, and when u asked wats wrong, tt person said she cannot find her hp.
It is not funny when tt person forced u to call her bf using her phone when u noe her bf would never pick up.
It is not funny when tt person wans to use ur phone to call her bf. (Hp at risk! Lucky bf never pick up)
It is not funny when tt person makes a fuss about everything and throwing her temper.
It is not funny seeing a naked woman prancing ard. (Im not comfortable wif naked bodies, its like look or not look confusion)
It is not funny seeing a naked woman getting frustrated trying to unlock her necklace in front of e mirror for e past 15 mins.
It is not funny when tt person laid on ur bed to dry her hair using e air con. (My bed is jus next to e air con) Note tt person will puke on ur mattress any time.
It is not funny when tt person collapsed and sleep there. (Wif wet hair!!!)
It is not funny when u see ur room and bed covered wif drenched clothes.
It is not funny seeing the drenched pieces of lingerie every where.
It is not funny seeing a messed up toilet and vomit all over. (makes me wan to vomit)
Yup, tt pretty sums up everything.
On the gd side,
I can listen to music or watch videos and tt person wouldnt even react. (also coz my mum's in msia wif her new/old bf)
I can even ON the lights till morning (i do not like to use my com in darkness), but i OFF it coz i am a considerate person. Lol.
I can bring food into my room and eat in front of the com. (ppl who posts pictures of food on their blogs are so evil!)
I can type as freely as i wan and blog in the night.
I am sure she's going on MC tmr. Time to change my plans for tmr as well.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Garfield Attack
Warning: Dun read just before or after ur meal.
I brought my son down for a walk yest. And there was tis alpha male cat sitting beside a stone table. My mum was saying like, "Careful, got cat!"...
Little did i noe, my son practically just walked past and ignored tt garfield (tt cat resembles garfield to e max). The cat got nervous for a moment when they were close. I think my son didnt noe tt "thing" is a cat. Not in his vocab. Hes alittle simple minded, duno isit him or his breed.
And then when we returned, we saw garfield again. My son still no reaction but hes sniffing ard for territories as usual. And u noe how animals like to mark stone table stools, so my son was happily sniffing ard e stone table, intruded the garfield play yard, and tt cat attacked my son!
Bloody hell!
Luckily i play violent wrestling wif my son everyday. So his jump back skills are top notch. He hid behind me without a scratch.
Seeing how useless my son is and me being a evil person, i tried to make my son confront tt orange furball. To no avail of coz. Hes too timid.
But e furball seeing tis as an advantage, followed us, clearly ignoring me. Hello? I am bigger than u ok? Although i cannot scratch u to bleed unlike u can to me. Hmm...
Garfield followed my son like a silent reaper. Slowly, quietly, inching closer n closer to his prey. My son was of coz oblivious to everything, still sniffing ard. I knew garfield's going to attack him again, and seeing how hopeless my son is, i brought him home.
Did i mention be4, he's afraid of birds? He was intimidated by a grp of pigeons down my Blk.
He also got chased ard e house by roaches... Sigh, my prev dog can catch n devour roaches for me one lor. Tis one i still got to help him. Hes also afraid of ants, flies, watever. Hes afraid of everything except humans.
He especially love old ppl. He likes to chase n make frenz wif them.
My fren said must educate him so tt he would not fear cats. How to educate? He everything also scared one.
My mum fed him delicious famous chicken rice last night. But he puked out everything later. I duno u guys noe or not. Pets when they puke out their food becoz of body rejection, they would normally eat back their puke. But they dun eat back their puke if they r really sick.
Sounds disgusting? Then dun keep any pets. U gotta accept e whole package. Including all e disgusting nonsense.
I discovered him eating back his puke (which had becum chicken porridge instead), luckily i saw quite early, he ate back abit only or so i thot. Then later in the night, while i was in my room. I saw him going on his toilet tray, in his pooing action.
Then i heard, PSssssssssstttttttt~
Wa biangz... He lao sai, diarrhea (duno how u spell) leh... E sound was so obvious.
So smelly, and so messy... 1st time he LS until so er xin. The smell is like human one. Then he dripped all over. I almost puked on top of his puddles of shit when i was clearing. The most smelly and disgusting tt ive cleared so far.
All my mum's fault. Too oily liao lah.
Then he very guilty, scared i beat him. Haha. So cute.
If u think tis is disgusting n bad, wait till next time u haf ur own babies, i am sure its going to be a 100 times worst.
I brought my son down for a walk yest. And there was tis alpha male cat sitting beside a stone table. My mum was saying like, "Careful, got cat!"...
Little did i noe, my son practically just walked past and ignored tt garfield (tt cat resembles garfield to e max). The cat got nervous for a moment when they were close. I think my son didnt noe tt "thing" is a cat. Not in his vocab. Hes alittle simple minded, duno isit him or his breed.
And then when we returned, we saw garfield again. My son still no reaction but hes sniffing ard for territories as usual. And u noe how animals like to mark stone table stools, so my son was happily sniffing ard e stone table, intruded the garfield play yard, and tt cat attacked my son!
Bloody hell!
Luckily i play violent wrestling wif my son everyday. So his jump back skills are top notch. He hid behind me without a scratch.
Seeing how useless my son is and me being a evil person, i tried to make my son confront tt orange furball. To no avail of coz. Hes too timid.
But e furball seeing tis as an advantage, followed us, clearly ignoring me. Hello? I am bigger than u ok? Although i cannot scratch u to bleed unlike u can to me. Hmm...
Garfield followed my son like a silent reaper. Slowly, quietly, inching closer n closer to his prey. My son was of coz oblivious to everything, still sniffing ard. I knew garfield's going to attack him again, and seeing how hopeless my son is, i brought him home.
Did i mention be4, he's afraid of birds? He was intimidated by a grp of pigeons down my Blk.
He also got chased ard e house by roaches... Sigh, my prev dog can catch n devour roaches for me one lor. Tis one i still got to help him. Hes also afraid of ants, flies, watever. Hes afraid of everything except humans.
He especially love old ppl. He likes to chase n make frenz wif them.
My fren said must educate him so tt he would not fear cats. How to educate? He everything also scared one.
My mum fed him delicious famous chicken rice last night. But he puked out everything later. I duno u guys noe or not. Pets when they puke out their food becoz of body rejection, they would normally eat back their puke. But they dun eat back their puke if they r really sick.
Sounds disgusting? Then dun keep any pets. U gotta accept e whole package. Including all e disgusting nonsense.
I discovered him eating back his puke (which had becum chicken porridge instead), luckily i saw quite early, he ate back abit only or so i thot. Then later in the night, while i was in my room. I saw him going on his toilet tray, in his pooing action.
Then i heard, PSssssssssstttttttt~
Wa biangz... He lao sai, diarrhea (duno how u spell) leh... E sound was so obvious.
So smelly, and so messy... 1st time he LS until so er xin. The smell is like human one. Then he dripped all over. I almost puked on top of his puddles of shit when i was clearing. The most smelly and disgusting tt ive cleared so far.
All my mum's fault. Too oily liao lah.
Then he very guilty, scared i beat him. Haha. So cute.
If u think tis is disgusting n bad, wait till next time u haf ur own babies, i am sure its going to be a 100 times worst.
Monday, July 03, 2006
500th Post
Don't u just love e little story link tt i shared fr my prev post? It was sweet and bitter at the same time. Check it out, i love the stories shared thru his perspective and not to say the illustrations great. I like tt. Also his website for those of u who r still into design, illustrations n photography.
I always share n enjoy local works... So i hope u guys would look into it too, since most of u r already or going to be in e creative industry...
This is my 500th post... So its an excuse for a new change... Dun be shocked, Celestine's still here... Haha...
U noe me, i get bored of things easily, no matter how much i like it in e 1st place. Thats excluding food, ppl, activities. I am known to be a person who can do e same thing (not work though, i will go mad) everyday or eat e same damn food everyday as well. But if i really love something then tts different. So finally ive gotten into changing my template... I also did something else too. :X
My cbox comment box had been removed... No idea how to put it back into my new template, so i decided to leave it as it is for now... I dun like e idea of squeezing it into e small col as well. Just post e comments on the entry like usual. Maybe i will make more changes in the future when i haf more time n of coz when i lose my lazy genes. My profile short details also gone, but tts not impt anyways.
I am not really used to tis. But i like e design. However, i miss my greens already. Its not really easy to find a nice greenish layout, somehow ppl who decided tt those who like green templates like ugly or boring ones, so ya... If u see any nice greenish ones do let me noe though... I am always up for changes.
My prev default template seems very dated n dull as well, so i thot i get one tt is more modern, brighter, and erm, more suitable to a once design student like myself... Haha... Dun even ask me to do one myself.
More tmr after i wake up. My sis's sleeping... Dun wanna disturb her sleep...
Oh the other hand, my com kena virus again... Multiple attacks again somemore thks to trojan horse... I pretty much cleaned them so i shall see... Damn horsey! And argh, my lousy free anti virus...
I always share n enjoy local works... So i hope u guys would look into it too, since most of u r already or going to be in e creative industry...
This is my 500th post... So its an excuse for a new change... Dun be shocked, Celestine's still here... Haha...
U noe me, i get bored of things easily, no matter how much i like it in e 1st place. Thats excluding food, ppl, activities. I am known to be a person who can do e same thing (not work though, i will go mad) everyday or eat e same damn food everyday as well. But if i really love something then tts different. So finally ive gotten into changing my template... I also did something else too. :X
My cbox comment box had been removed... No idea how to put it back into my new template, so i decided to leave it as it is for now... I dun like e idea of squeezing it into e small col as well. Just post e comments on the entry like usual. Maybe i will make more changes in the future when i haf more time n of coz when i lose my lazy genes. My profile short details also gone, but tts not impt anyways.
I am not really used to tis. But i like e design. However, i miss my greens already. Its not really easy to find a nice greenish layout, somehow ppl who decided tt those who like green templates like ugly or boring ones, so ya... If u see any nice greenish ones do let me noe though... I am always up for changes.
My prev default template seems very dated n dull as well, so i thot i get one tt is more modern, brighter, and erm, more suitable to a once design student like myself... Haha... Dun even ask me to do one myself.
More tmr after i wake up. My sis's sleeping... Dun wanna disturb her sleep...
Oh the other hand, my com kena virus again... Multiple attacks again somemore thks to trojan horse... I pretty much cleaned them so i shall see... Damn horsey! And argh, my lousy free anti virus...
Sunday, July 02, 2006
A Bunch Of Smelly Guys And Their Balls
Read this. (Nothing to do wif soccer, jus a irrelevant entry to share)
I very tired today... My head's been spinning since ive woken up... Duno y leh... I noe i didnt sleep enuff but i think its coz i spent a long time outside walking yest... Sigh, old liao old liao...
I haven bath my son yet... Lazy leh, can bath him tmr or not? But he smelly lor... My sis also very tired... She wanted to mop e house but shes sleeping now... Lol... She went to watch World Cup last night... Another mad one... Muahahah...
She enjoyed it coz shes kept laughing at the crowd... She said they r very entertaining than e match itself... Especially e young teens, then she came back imitating them... Their "aiyo aiyo", "wah wah", watever e young lians/bengs patterns were... So funny...
She said e England match was exciting but the Brazil match was too boring, she came back watching halfway... Besides she dun wan to stay there till morning...
SZ's craze over the World Cup is driving me mad... Muahahaha.... She kept toking about them, i dun even noe who or wat e hell shes toking about... And she gets excited jus hearing e crowd cheering... Haha, mad mad!!!
She makes a excellent companion for soccer siao guys right? Lol...
I am sure those guys r yearnin for gfs like her... Haha...
Her fav France won... She was so happy she smsed me... I was still sleeping somemore... lol... Unfortunately, those tt i noe all supported Brazil, so more ppl were sad... Haha...
I very tired today... My head's been spinning since ive woken up... Duno y leh... I noe i didnt sleep enuff but i think its coz i spent a long time outside walking yest... Sigh, old liao old liao...
I haven bath my son yet... Lazy leh, can bath him tmr or not? But he smelly lor... My sis also very tired... She wanted to mop e house but shes sleeping now... Lol... She went to watch World Cup last night... Another mad one... Muahahah...
She enjoyed it coz shes kept laughing at the crowd... She said they r very entertaining than e match itself... Especially e young teens, then she came back imitating them... Their "aiyo aiyo", "wah wah", watever e young lians/bengs patterns were... So funny...
She said e England match was exciting but the Brazil match was too boring, she came back watching halfway... Besides she dun wan to stay there till morning...
SZ's craze over the World Cup is driving me mad... Muahahaha.... She kept toking about them, i dun even noe who or wat e hell shes toking about... And she gets excited jus hearing e crowd cheering... Haha, mad mad!!!
She makes a excellent companion for soccer siao guys right? Lol...
I am sure those guys r yearnin for gfs like her... Haha...
Her fav France won... She was so happy she smsed me... I was still sleeping somemore... lol... Unfortunately, those tt i noe all supported Brazil, so more ppl were sad... Haha...
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