Now for e latest update!
Current Balance : 5,012,013 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: Are u kidding me??? I had already exceeded FYI!!!
Wahahaha, finally... After playing my neopets conscientiously for 43 mths (ok, not really, since i had only set e goal like 2 yrs ago but watever)... I finally crossed over 5 million, and am proudly now one of e richest in neopia...
I started playin August 15, 2001... One day after my bday, Shuzhen came over my place and i asked her to teach me how to play neopets... Since it was already a hoo-ha then, almost everyone was playin, except me... So i decided to try it and i got hooked like many as expected...
I then started to influence almost all my guy frenz (well, since my frenz r mainly guys except Shuzhen) into playing it, and they too, got addicted... Haha, i feel damn proud to pyscho them, since they always complained tt its so girly...
I am e proud owner of 4 lovely pets... One Desert dressed shoyru (my oldest), followed by one yellow Kacheek, X'mas dressed Bruce, n one newly owned green Yurble. I managed to reach e target was becoz i was once holdin 4 accounts, coz i was helpin 3 frenz play, whom eventually, abandoned e accs and so i merged them into mine... Wahaha...
If only e 5 Million is real money, then it'll be great... I am now getting 1.5K of interests daily, without to even force myself play those oh-play-till-so-sick games... Of coz, no such things one lah...
I reached 5 Million on sunday night actually... But i wasnt excited then, coz like i mentioned, i was troubled... So i only reveal it now... =)
Now u knoe how crazy i am, dun play play wif me ok? I am bloody patient to play e boring neopets daily for almost 43mths... Goin to show u e prove, but not revealin my acc name, if not some stupid ppl will hack into my acc n take all my hard earned money away... Bleah...
Dun even try to hack! I will kill u! Beware of e power of e lovely priestess!
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