Tuesday, May 31, 2005
A Beautiful Mind
At first i was kind of worried i'll fall asleep coz i was very tired... I figured tt these films r better watched at e theatres than at home due to e heavy dialogue content... But i decided to watch it still, coz i didnt wan to miss it for e 2nd time, coz i missed it at e theatres...
To my surprise, e show is tt gd... Tt it caught my attention fr right e beginning... Russel Crowe is sooo gd... He really live his characters... I enjoy all his recent series of films...
In e fact, e westerners at Prinston Uni actually plays chinese Wei Qi, tts so amazing... I had always wanted to learn it after watching Qi Ling Wang... But i figured tt i'll be surrounded by old mans at e Wei Qi centre... But i jus got Shuzhen to join me, coz she said she wanted to learn as well, maybe one day we'll go take a look at e fees... Singapore seems to haf only one Wei Qi centre...
Which was y i asked her to lend me Qi Ling Wang again... Haha, to relive e moment... Wei Qi is a type of chinese chess, where theres a huge wooden box, which sometimes comes wif legs... E chess pieces come in black and white and look small small pebbles which r stored in 2 rounded containers... I saw a lousy version at popular, e board is jus a piece of paper, and e game cost about $12...
I saw a mini version of e whole actual thing at causeway, i think its about 30+... Im hopin to buy it though...
Back to e show...
E show touches me coz its a real life story of a Nobel Prize winner who suffers fr havings illusions... In his entire life, he created 3 imaginery characters and he couldnt separate them fr imaginery or reality... For a long time, he thought he was a secret agent for breaking confidential codes to locate e atomic bombs for wars in a high tech advanced organisation... When in actual fact, none of wat e initially story showed were true... It was all his own imagination... But he couldnt tell e diff...
But to his strong will and his deep love for his wife... He refused to go under observations and medications, where he'll be placed in a asylum like place so tt he will not endanger others... He will also haf to be forced to take medications and treatments which will zonk him till he couldnt work or think properly or even be a husband or man...
By himself, his determination overcomed his condition and managed to keep it under control... He continues a normal life while ignorin his 3 imaginery frenz, of which one was his best fren when he was studyin... E 3 frenz however, continues to follow him even till his hair has turned all white, hopin one day tt he will speak to them again...
He received his Nobel Prize at a old age... And e makeup is excellent tt i can already see how Russel Crowe look like in his 70s...
Its a great show... Watch it if u haven...
Smelly Peas
Back to e peas... Tis peas is particularly smelly, it doesnt taste sweet, its jus plain bitter and smelly like bitter gourd but worst coz its smelly... Thus, not many Singaporeans take it... But tis vege is known for its nutritious value and its amazing medical effects for curing diabetic probs, urinary probs etc... And thus, its actually quite expensive...
My mum has diabetes... And thus when she heard about tis smelly peas last yr, she bought it and tried cookin it... E best way to eat it is actually by raw, but its so bitter n smelly tt its disgusting... Initially, i couldnt take it, coz its extremely smelly... But later on, after my mum improved her recipe after numerous trials, i tried it again, and tis time, my opinion totally changed...
Its so gd tt its simply addictive... But then, after eating it, ur urine will haf e smell too, but only for a day, i think... Coz e peas is driving out e toxics thru ur urine and therefore, a so called gd tonic for diabetic patients and ppl suffering fr urinary probs... Its jus a hearsay, so dun say i say one... Heard tt if u eat e peas by raw every morning, ur diabetes may actually be cured or at least kept under control, of coz together wif a prper diet lah...
My mum will cook it wif minced meat, sliced onions and lots of chilli... Her chilli kills me every time, but it never stop me fr eating e peas... Usually she will buy a packet of peas fr e wet market, but not every time coz its rare... Then, one day, she actually saw e whole fruit... And its alot cheaper coz e peas werent taken out fr e pod yet... Excitedly, she showed it to me...

Wa, like, her, tis is also e 1st time i see e real thing... I showed it to Shuzhen as well, when i met her tt day... I didnt knoe they r in pods like these... Amazing, but e pods dun smell though, which is a gd thing...
When i was at genting, Shuzhen went to buy white porridge and smelly peas, and i was so shocked to see tt she bought tt... Later, i realised fr her tt her mum cooks it as well and she loves it too... Both our mums seem to cook quite e same but different fr e rest... Like how they used to cook red bean soup for dessert after fried bee hoon, till today i still dun understand y e 2 comes together...
So ppl, tis is SMELLY PEAS aka CHOU DOU!!!
Shaman King
I recently started to watch Wed to Fri's Shaman King again, coz i actually find e anime rather funny... Even though e story's not as complicated as Hellsing, etc... E anime is still rather entertaining... E characters r all still small kids, like pokemon... Who possess special powers when they train to be a Shaman, though i duno wat e hell it means... Coz i didnt watch e earlier episodes... Yah yah, dun ask me to check my jap dictionary...
Theres a grp of boys who takes part in e Shaman King fight and e winner will be e Shaman King... I saw one episode when e main lead had his 1st match wif his closest fren... And e both of them were so troubled by e idea and felt they they r so unlucky to fight each other for their 1st fight... But then eventually they will still haf to fight each other in e competition...
I laughed n laughed over e episode, its so cute n funny, e way they talk n react... I stopped after tt, and only started after 20 over episodes were shown... I kind of like e show, its funny and heart warming and excitin at e same time... E show has a fair bit of everything and every aspect u know... And i am extremely touched by their friendship, unity, and chemistry... Cool...
I actually wanted to buy it... But now, Inu is still my priority... So i shall control myself... I saw big big posters at e vcd shops, so i figured it shd be a popular series as well... Heh... Shuzhen is downloadin le... Hope to get fr her too...
Anyways, i missed so many many days of bloggin, coz i hardly haf time to online tis few days... And so, i will once again change e post day to e exact, so as to document for my ownself to note... For dun get mixed up over tis posts n e previous... I wrote tis 1st, followed by e sat post...
Been out tis 3 days and i am extremely tired... But poor Shuzhen still needs to be out tis 2 days while i haf a break before meeting her again on tis thurs n fri... U r strong gal, my legs r suffering...
Ive been lazy to post pics as well, so i figured i shd do it again... There r some things i would love to show... In fact, i haven even sorted out my genting pics... Wahahah... So many things to do, So little time...
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Great Singapore Sale
I feel like getting a pair of jeans after seeing Shuzhen getting a new one... Should i? But i seldom wear jeans or pants one leh... Coz u all shd knoe im a skirt wearer... But i dun haf any jeans at all leh... In fact i dun even haf shorts for going out... Home shorts haf... But outdoor shorts dun haf...
Nvm la, see how bah...
Btw, tis is a pic of e Inuyasha sweets tt i bought before i went Genting... I ate half of them liao...

E blue clip is Sesshomaru, red one is Inuyasha, so cute right? Never seen them like tt before... E characters fr e bottom is as follows... E blur wrapper is Sesshomaru, then Shippo (e baby fox always reminds me of Jul), Inuyasha , Shippo, Kikyo, Miroku and lastly Sango...
I met up wif Shuzhen to go town in e noon... Then she gave me tis...

I will keep tis forever man, untouched... E hp thingy will light up when e phone rings... Nice... E characters r Miroku and Sango... Not my fav characters but i still love it... If only i can find another one tt is Inuyasha and Kagome then it'll be completed...
So nice, i love it sooooo much.... I was so delighted at e gift... But its e last one le... No more liao... Cannot find le also... So sad... SHuzhen love it as well... I wanted to give her back but she said nvm...
So if anyone see it or wif other characters pls let me knoe yah? Thks a zillion...
We went Orchard, its extremely crowded and extremely hot, i nearly fainted... We walked fr taka to PS then back to taka again... She bought a pink cap at e stalls outside Meridien and a jeans... I bought 2 tops... Funny thing is, we didnt get any items tt were on sales... Damn it... All e things we like r non sales items and e boutiques i patronise r non sales too... Purposely one leh...
While she was trying her cap, some indians boys walked past and said, "Wah, like Hong Kong stars!!!" Haha, so funny...
We walked till feet so pain... Scary... Meanwhile we got 2 free bottles of ice cold coke outside mandarin... Coz they were giving it away for free...
Guess wat, after drinking tt, Shuzhen actually said in her whole life, she may never wan to drink coke again... haha, coz she seldom take soft drinks, so tt bottle was way too much for her... And e funny thing is tt, e insignificant amt of caffeine in e coke actually coz her not to sleep well tt night... Haha...
1st time in my life, somebody actually cannot sleep coz of coke she drank in e noon... Wahahahah...
Friday, May 27, 2005
AI 2005: Carrie Underwood
My personal favs haf all been eliminated in earlier parts of e show... Sad... But, finally after chasing e show for nearly half a yr, it has come to en end...
E show is less elaborate as last yr, maybe they had cut down on their budget. But e talents, e finalists had been e best in AI history...
I would prefer Bo Bice to win, coz hes different and already has e star quality and maturity in him... But on e fair side, even though Bo did better than Carrie thru out e season, Carrie certainly did won over Bo's performance tis wk... She did great, Bo was somewat half hearted, i duno y...
So judging on tt night's performance, Carrie deserves to win, but judging on e whole season, Bo is still e winner... And famous producers r already anticipating to work wif him on his record... Of coz, who e hell managed to make e whole audience and judges stood on their feet after their performance but Bo...
Funny thing is, my preference over e 2 finalist never seem to win... AI2, i prefer Clay and i still do... AI3, i prefer Diana, but she failed in one of her songs, sad... AI4, i prefer Bo, but he lost it... Damn... Haha, so now i knoe which fella will win next yr... E one i dun prefer... However, having said tt, even though i prefered Bo to win, i knew America's going to vote for Carrie coz she really did very well on e last night...
My sis kept complaining about Carrie though, saying tt shes fat and has a large butt and tt she looks weird... Haha, well, she said Diana look like Miss Piglet and Fantasia look like Donald Duck last yr as well... Tts my sis... She likes Constantine tis yr... Even though she didnt watch e show... I like Jessica Sierra (Yah, dun haf to tell me shes fat or wat, she has e best voice in e season and i admire tt)...
Maybe tts y my sis voted for Sylvester while i voted for Taufik, she played cheat, she even voted twice to challenge me, but i cheap skate, i didnt wan to spend another 50 cents on Taufik... But e final moment nearly gave me a heart attack, i watched in my living rm wif her and Shuzhen, i told them to off e TV at tt moment coz i couldnt take e tension anymore... Then on it again after e winner had been annoucned... Haha, but they didnt of coz...
I onlined coz ive finally finished watching Qi Ling Wang after so many days, so sad... Now i feel so lost again... It happens all e time after i finish watching one series... And also, coz its not mine, i haf to return, i feel even sadder... I truly hope to buy e DVD set, only $90, cheaper than e VCDs... But i hope its fully Jap...
Tok more about it another time, i go eat dinner le...
Also, i still haf 2 Dan Brown books to read... Luckily Shuzhen wrapped her book wif clear plastics, so i dun haf to worry dirtying or messing up her books or my Pappy biting it... Heh...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Star Wars Epi 3 e Finale?
Ive realised some ppl asked me quite a no. of times, and i didnt really explain to Shuzhen yest as well when she asked, so thought i'll jus say it here for non-star-wars ppl ...
E old Star Wars movies only haf 3 episodes... Which was about e story of Luke Skywalker (Anikin's son)... Through e old movies, we also known tt Darth Vader (e villian on e dark side), was Luke's Dad who was Anikin...
For e old movies, they werent really called episode 4, 5 ,6 but rather their own series name... So till recent yrs, George Lucas decided to launch 3 movies, to show e previous generation of star wars, and wif modern technology, they could reach even higher heights... Jus a interestin note, e 1st old star war movie in sg was e 1st movie tt started e surround sound thingy here then...
And so George Lucas decided to call tis 3, Epi 1,2,3 and thus making e old ones 4,5,6... Wif tis finale, e whole saga is completed...
But y did he do tis? There were a few speculations, but i duno which one is true... Think u may haf to ask a die hard fan... But tis is a general idea...
Some say tt, he kept epi 1-3 till later yrs if 4-6 make it...
Some say tt there wasnt any epi 1-3 initially, he created them coz his old star wars movie was so popular and thus he extended e series...
But i believe no matter wat e reasons were, its still about bringin in revenue... And look at all e products n services tt ride on Star War's fame and took on their copyrights... U can see them every where, all kinds of products, foods, services tt u may actually becum sick of it...
But after watching Epi 3, u cant help but feel like watching e next one, coz it sort of leaves u hanging there... But trust me, if u r not a star war fan, dun even think of catching e old star war movie... U will definately fall asleep... Coz its super slow paced and e graphics r really really dated...
Personally, i really really hope tat they will refilm Epi 4-6, so as to really complete e saga in modern context... But i dun think it will happen, too much budget and it doesnt really make sense... However, who knoes right? Maybe in e future they will? Since nobody knew tt they r going to haf epi 1-3 then anyways...
But hor, if following e same story, i believe e whole epi 4-6 can be simply summed up in one 3 hr episode, jus by increasing e speed of their speech... But of coz, wif a change in script and more meat, more stuffs, more characters (like e way they introduced Ja Ja Binks in epi 1), i believe it still can be done, and will create a hype for e newer generation... Dun u think?
May The Force Be With Us...
Met Shuzhen yesterday... I lent her e Inuyasha VCDs, and she lent me Qi Ling Wang VCDs again, coz i really really miss e show... I had finished watching e 1st 2 boxes, its jus so gd to see my fav Sai character (e ghost), again... Cant find e Sai doll which i gave Shuzhen on her bday le... So sad... Only thing i hate about e show is tt, fr box 2 end onwards, theres no more jap voiceover, only mandarin, and e subtitles doesnt match wat they say... Sigh... I hate cl subtitles... Hope e dvd's different though...
She also lent me 2 Dan Brown's book, Deceptive Point and Digital Fortress... Which according to her, r e best among e 4, and she cant tell her fav btween e 2... I haven started reading, will do tt after my Qi Ling Wang anime... So now left Da Vinci Code, which i duno mus wait till when... Ive watched e documentary program, Beyond E Da Vinci Code, and it was so disappointing...
Ok, besides all these, ive finally watched STAR WARS EPI 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH... We watched at GV Bishan yest... Been so long since i last watch a show at GV, after i boycotted them... Haha... So tis time, i bought their Nachos wif extra cheese, wah, so huai nian... But e chips were too salted for me, i duno y they had decided to coat e chips wif salt... Not for me anymore... I also saw a few slippers i like, shall buy them once my current slipper wears out...
Back to e force...
E show is incredibly, superly, great!!! Now, ive finally understood y star wars fans kept complaining e 1st 2 r stinkers... Now tt ive watch tis (yah, i knoe, abit tad too late, since everyone had already tok about it), i finally saw e light!!! I used to be a small SW fan, when i was in my pri yrs... Not those who buy their products, but a young child who enjoys watching e old 3 episodes over n over on Channel 5, even though i couldnt understand wat e story was about...
E show is awsome... It captivated me, i was so into it tt e show had gotten into my bones... I was so overwhelmed... Finally George Lucas got it right tis time... It was such an emotional ride, but it wasnt easy for me to see e whole world fall to e dark side... I kept sighing during those parts... I nearly cried but i fought back my tears tis time... I can simply watch e show again...
Wat amazes me was tt, beside me on my rt, was tis middle age man, watching alone, and beside him was a row of guys in their 20s... In e ending, i turned to my side and saw those guys actually weepin... I was taken aback... Wow, how many movies actually managed to make a row of guys cry??? Ok, besides Passion of Christ... I mean non religious movies... Now, i understand y e boys were so crazy over SW, it mus be something George Lucas did tt captivated e males...
However, u still need to knoe e story to watch e show, coz they will never explain anything more... For me, it wasnt a prob... But for Shuzhen, on e other hand, she didnt find e show gd, she said she felt detached fr e show, which i can tell, and tt she was yawning thru out... But for me, e show was super fast paced, things happen one after another... There wasnt even time for me to breathe...
I then asked her, "U forgot e story liao arh?", and she said, "Yalor, dun really remember, so long ago liao...". Tts y she dun like lor, coz fr e 1st scene onwards, e story jus goes on n on, no chance to ask qns...
2 very amazing aspects on e show... E excellent excellent sound effects n e computer graphics... E sound effects were so great tt e i actually felt i was involved in e war itself... E surround sound was so much better than any other films... And e graphics were excellent, it was much much way better than e 1st, and even much better than e matrix... Totally visualing stunning...
No other movie comes close tis yr... Even if Harry Potter managed to screen their last tis yr... There is no way it can win, absolutely no way... But one prob wif SWs is tt, e film seems to get washed out easily after awhile, so if u managed to catch tis on tv 2 yrs later, u'll find e show super dated n yellow like Epi 1, which wasnt like tt when u catch it at e cinema then...
Cool show (Even greater if u r a fan), e best among e series... Wat a way for e finale... U did great tis time, George Lucas...
But as tis is e final episode, i find it rather sad though... Oh well...
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Hope Theory
Even so, e E person probably summed up something i always tell girls ard me, or rather, those gals who haf many suitors, or guys ard them...
So i thot maybe i'll share tat as well... Not so much about e hope theory though, but its more like e contents tt i wan to share... I had to edit some grammer errors as well...
its called HOPE THEORY
this theory says that
if there's sum1 who likes u a lot
but u arent sure...
not 100% sure if u like him
or u are just being nice to him becoz he's really nice to u
and u dont want to tell him the truth
becoz it will break his heart
in fact, u are giving him false hope
false hope that u will one day accept him
but actually u will NEVER accept him
so he everyday HOPE n HOPE
and as the days go by
his love will deeepen
and as u drag it longer
the hurt will become greater
so, if u dont think he has a slightest chance
don give him hope
u will only hurt him more n the end
Abit e "young" in e language but hack, i believe e E's msg has gotten across...
So tis is for e ppl out there, especially gals, who r experts at creating false hopes in guys be it intentionally or unintentionally... Its happenin always...
And also, to e victims, when someone tells u, theres no chance, dun even think tt one day it will change, coz chances r 99.9%, e person is jus not interested in u... No matter how many silly sacrifices u make, nothing's gonna change...
Another thing, dun even ask ppl, "Why am i not e one for u?" ...
If e ans is so clear cut, it wouldnt be called love anymore... True love has no reasons to justify it... If e feelings not there, it simply means its not there... No more hidden agenda...
If u r expectin, as e times goes on, and i be very very nice to u, n we know each other better... Maybe u'll change ur opinion about me... True, a few may get e person eventually, but like i always say, tt is 感情, not 爱情... U need to understand e difference...
Trust me, having gone thru 7 relationships of failure, i find tt i can write a love bible... Blah... Nah, im still not gd enuff... Haha...
PS: E above is jus stating a issue, it does not mean tt everyone or every thing's e same... I do admit sometimes things do happen... But i believe how often do u see these things happenin is e qns.
Monday, May 23, 2005
Pappy Puke, Again
My mum wanted me to bring him swim, but no towel no anything cannot lah... Think next time i bring him go East Coast swim... Sigh... If only Shuzhen got car, then we can go there wif Pappy...
On his return trip, he puked in e car again... Tis time, his puke kena my skirt, my shirt, my shoes, my legs, arms, on e seat n on e carpet as well... Sigh... Luckily not smelly, only got his crackers smell... But carpet hard to wash, so my bro in law was abit e angry... Sigh... Think really shdnt bring him out on e car liao, duno will he recover or not, or will he continue suffer like me?
I felt very sick fr e ride too, but i can still manage, he cant... If go out, i mus make sure i remember to bring plastic bag liao... Promise!!!
One super fat n humongous shitzu made fren wif Pappy, then they both lied on e grass facing each other, so cute... I wonder wat they tok about... I saw one n only Papillon there, and i showed my mum, then she asked me, "Huh? Then how cum Pappy dun look like tt one? Pappy so ugly!!!" Its a gd thing dogs dun understand our full language...
My mum came wif us for e 1st time, i pulled her along, coz i wan her to at least move n go out walk walk... But then, she made e trip rather unhappy as usual... SHe even shouted her words in e car, which were so loud i had to move my head farther away fr her... Its jus a car, i dun understand y she had to shout... Jus like she loves to shout thru e phones...
E dog run ended when Pappy, together wif 2 other new frenz, ran across e whole area wif super duper lightning speed... They kept running and running, i couldnt even catch him... 3 of them got everyone's attention... So cute, i felt like a proud mother suddenly... I heard a couple sayin, "Look, those 3 competing who runs faster!". Haha, finally Pappy's in e limelight... He was e only black dog among e 3... And apparently he was e fastest, coz e other 2 were sort of chasing him in e end... You go, boy!
Sunday, May 22, 2005
When Graphic Artists Get Bored
I cant blog more now, Pappy is sleepin on my lap, i placed him on my lap so tt my family allows him to be in my rm, hes so poor thing, sitting outside my door, waiting for me to finish using my com, so very kelian... Hes very stone today, kept sleepin, haha, coz he went sleepless last night wif me... I slept at ard 5+am, and my sis slept ard 7am... So e KPO chap stayed up wif us...
Watched Hitch dvd yest, my sis borrowed fr someone... Ok to watch at home for free, not worth e movie money though... She also had Be Cool, but i offed it only 3 mins after screening, not my cup of tea, and e subtitles totally different... Hate tt...
She'll borrow Series of Unfortunate Events for me another time, i will burn it, but need to ask ppl wif dvd writer for help le...
I cant move wif Pappy here... Im so stiff n im getting a backache and my blood's not flowing properly... But jus to remind myself, i wan to tok abit about anime Shaman King in e next entry...
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Cheap Inu...
I saw e 50% off on e 2nd box of anime again... But guess wat, e bad vendors actually eliminated Inuyasha off e promotion... So bad!!! How can they do tt!!! I dun think e 4th movie's coming, coz its too new, so i duno when am i going to wait till...
Speakin of inuyasha, while i was browsing e internet for downloads, i saw many many many hentais tt haf e title of inuyasha in it... They all claim tt they r e 1st Inuyasha Hentai, etc... Hahahaha, i seriously wonder wat its going to be like, since Inu is a half demon, half dog, half human... Yucks!!! Gross... But i didnt download any of them of coz... Haha...
Oh Shuzhen, i jus heard tt Suzanne means pretty, heh, suits u lor... Serzanne is e wrong spellin, its Sezanne... So let me knoe again lor...
House Of Wax
I was damn stupid... Coz of e blazing sun, i didnt wan to walk to central which is only like 10-15mins... I wanted to go earlier so i left at 115pm, originally meetin her at 2pm... So ive decided to take a bus...
Theres 2 buses at my bus stop, 138 and 269... I refused to take 269 coz they go one big round before going to interchange... So i was waiting for e direct 138, which i thot at most i'll jus haf to wait for 15mins... But hell no, ive waited for 25mins and theres no sign of it... Meanwhile 2 buses of 269 had already passed by me...
And so when e 3rd one came, i decided to board it... Damn...
And e silly journey goes round n round till i took 20 mins to reach interchange... Gosh, am i stupid or wat... And i kena motion sickness for tt as well... Haha, all becoz of e sun...
Hmm, e show not bad leh, its rather exciting and e story wasnt in a rush like most horror films... It was a very smooth built up... It turned out better than i expected surprisingly... There is jus enough gore, violence and excitement... Leaving my heart pounding even after e show...
But one thing was scarier, tts Shuzhen... She was screaming, shriekin, squirlin in her seat thru out e whole killing chase... So much so tt she was shakin violently most of e time... I was so worried sitting beside her... If shes an old woman, i would haf worried tt she will haf a heart attack... So Shuzhen, or Serzanne? Sezanne? Next time u old liao, i ban u fr horror film hor???
Very funny, we r really 2 persons of e opposite, i dun get frightened by violent horror films but she does, but i get terrified n traumaticed over ghost horror films and she doesnt... Haha... Her behaviour reminded me of my earlier entries, e one tt i tok about watching American Werewolf in Paris, LOTR 3 spider scenes wif her... Her reactions r still e same after all these yrs, but seems to haf worsen in tis show, maybe tis show really is super scary...
I went to watch coz of Paris Hilton, haha... Coz i wanted to see how she does in acting... Surprising again, she did better than i expected... She seemed to haf gotten a boob job, if not, means her red bra is a super duper maximiser...
Oh, and 2 guys r super handsome in e show... And as usual we both took a liking to a different guy... Heng arh our taste different, so we will never fall in love wif e same guy, wahahaha...
But then somehow, i feel tt tis show shd be M18 instead of NC16, i watched e show wif a large grp of young female secondary students... Fr their screams n e gore n e sexuality in e show, somehow, i feel tt they r not ready yet... In fact, tis show showed me even more than e R21 show, Texas Chainsaw in Massacre tt i saw in e cinemas 2 yrs ago...
Overall, not bad lah, can watch...
Friday, May 20, 2005
Singapore Bloggers Convention 2005
Its so funny how we evolved fr irc channel outings to bloggers outings to actually host a convention... Famous bloggers like mrbrown, mr miyagi, cowboy caleb, xiaxue, etc, r all goin to turn up definately... E only prob is, they haven thot of a cool name for e convention yet...
Do visit http://tomorrow.sg, our very own 1st singapore blogger bulletin...
Meanwhile i came across a photo album called The Best Of Singapore, taken by a foreign dude fr cowboy caleb's blog... Take a look, its quite cool, most captured e sg essence...
View e slideshow, love it...
Thursday, May 19, 2005
We R Back!!!
Very very very tired... I didnt wan to do anything but to rest... But i cant...
I may post up our travel log soon... I had jus transfered e ridiculous no. of pics we took using 5 SD cards... I haf to return Shuzhen 3 borrowed SD cards tmr, so tt she can return Marcel everything on fri, so cannot slack!!!
Guess how many pics we took?
438 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scary man, n u noe wat, fr wat i saw, less than half is about Genting, we were busy photo whoring and i was stalked by a pervert in my rm, taking pics of every movement i make... Damn... More story about e pervert on my travel log entry soon... Theres lots of photoshoppin to do as well, most were taken under lousy conditions... I will haf to decide on e pics to post up as well...
Shuzhen, give more time for e lazy gal yah??? Really alot leh... Haha...
~ to be continued ~
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Off We Go ~~~
Guess wat?
I didnt stay awake last night... Haha, i was very tired, so i headed to bed about 230am... However, even though my eyes were closin and i was extremely tired, i couldnt sleep... I laid on my bed like a dead fish till about 5am, finally i managed to doze off...
Then ard 9+am, she messaged me while on her way to her tutee's place... And told me she couldnt sleep last night coz she was too excited... Haha, and tt she too slept at 5+am...
But horrible thing was, i actually dozed off again after e messages... I woke up at 10+am... So late already, gosh, how am i suppose to sleep in e coach tonight??? Miserable miserable... My plans all failed... Damn... Nvm, i'll see how it goes... Im having a slight headache, will take some panadols before i go...
I had done all e things im supposed to do... I showered Pappy, groomed him, fed him his medi, packed my stuffs... Cleared my mails, played my neopets, checked everything online etc, and of coz lastly to blog tis entry...
I took a long long shower jus now to keep myself very clean for e trip, coz i dun really like e bathrm of tt cheap hotel... I basically scrubbed every inch of myself...
Today i tried a new shower foam, its Dettol's shower gel, cool ver. Its damn cool really, i was already freezing when i use e wash, and then, when i rinsed off e soap wif cold water, i literally had to run ard in e bathrm... Its so cold!!! Bbbbrrrrr.... After ive changed, e cool menthol feel is still there, love it!!! Feel so bacteria free now... Haha...
After tis, i will paint my nails, then play wif Pappy for e last hr of my time here today, eat my dinner, feed Pappy, feed him his medi, change, make up and then poooofffff!!!
Off i go ~~~ Yea~~~ See ya guys ard when im back ~~~ Adios ~~~
Oh, forgot to mention... Its my 2nd sis bday today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEY!!! Luv tt ring ur bf gave u, suits me totally... Haha.. Oops... Heh :P
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Great Saturday!!!
Its so funny, both of us wanted to go KTV, but neither one of us spoke up coz we were both doubting each other... We were thinkin tt maybe e other party dun wish to go... Haha... Tok about chemistry right?
Finally i told her long time never sing liao, and she popped e qns... She even typed e qns out in msn then erase it coz scared i dun wish to go, type it, erase it, 3 times, thk goodness i tok about it... We were so relieved... And im really glad we went today... To our amazement, we did a last minute 1 hr away bookin at our fav place, and e place is available... Surprising surprising...
I finally got to drink my fav, strawberry milk tea wif real strawberries inside... Very nice, but it was too sweet today, i even diluted it wif Shuzhen's water... Haha, but im still happy... I duno y, but i really really really really really enjoyed e ktv totally, at e end, i jus dun wish it to end, its like haven sang enough... Its e most enjoyable, even though nothin really changes...
Then after which, we headed to Heeren, where me n her, spent quite abit, i spent a bomb actually... Scary... Shuzhen, u lah, everytime go out wif u sure burn my pocket...
KTV was $16.50... I bought one pink bag $18.90, 1 pair of nice big earrings $6.90, 2 lovely pouches $17.80 (1 to put makeup, 1 to put sanitary pads), 1 cheap watch $9.90 (tt Shuzhen mentioned look very me, and looks great on my wrist), 1 four leaf clover crystal hair tie band $7.90, 1 crystal hair clip $4.90, and i bought a lovely fluffy skirt, $29, fr a new shop called WH at taka... I totally love it, going to wear it at genting... Of coz as usual, there always seem to be a million other stuffs tt i cant afford to buy, wahahaha...
We went over to cineleisure's food court to eat... Tis is weird, for e 1st time since so long, i actually enjoyed my food... I ate Jap curry katsu bento $4.90, it tasted greeeaaaaaaaattt... So gd for e price, now i no need go Edo liao... Edo's curry rice used to be my fav but it costs $9.90 i think... I am so shocked at my food...
I also bought toblerone dark choc $2.75, for my trip, i bought one small facial wash $1.99, e other day as well... At cold storage taka, i saw something, and i screamed, causing everyone to look at me, thinking im crazy... I saw INUYASHA SWEETS tt comes together wif a character clip... E sweet wrappers haf all e main characters printed on them individually... I bought 2 sets $5, coz i wanted both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's clips... Hahaha, so happy...
I am in a great mood now, everything's pretty, every thing's sweet, on e contrary to how i feel tis morning...
I am so excited about e trip tmr night... Im going sleepless tonight... So tt i will sleep during e coach trip... If not it will be damn miserable like last time... Last yr, i couldnt sleep, then i had to stone myself for like 6/7 hrs staring at nothin, wif nothin to do, no music to listen to etc... Coz Shuzhen needs to sleep, there wasnt anyone awake to tok to me, except e driver... And i couldnt look at e scenary coz i sat in e outer seat, damn miserable, miserable, miserable... E coach is in 80% darkness somemore...
But tis time abit different, ive got my mp3player at least, but i hope i still sleep... So tt i can walk more and take more awake pics... Heh... Duno wat i'll do tonight, i'll pack tmr. Maybe i'll paint my nails? See how bah...
My mum dreamt tt we missed e coach at 10pm tmr night, and tt its raining... Choi!!!! Im meeting Shuzhen 830pm tmr, then we go in JB then take e coach... Hope theres no jam though... I also dreamt tt we couldnt stop quarrelin e whole trip there, Choi Choi!!! Haha, but its impossible in reality i think... So far, we got cold war be4 when younger, but never really quarrel...
Sooooooooooo lookin forward... Sooooooooooo happy... Man zu man zu man zu man zu...
Friday, May 13, 2005
Inu Epi 59
I hope im right though, if not i will kill myself for being so unlucky to take e only faulty box...
However, Shuzhen jus returned me tt particular box last wk... E day i watched Kingdom of Heaven wif her, e day i got tt heavy bottle of drink...
Knowing me, i watched tt box again... And tis time, i was determined to find out whether is tt a missing episode or is it jus a overlap... So i went online to find out, and found e ans...
EPI 59 is missing... Too late to exchange also... Blah...
I paused for a moment, thinking wat to do... E epi title seems rather interestin, even though its about Sango, a character whom i haf e least interests in, but also e character whom i feel had e sadest story in e show...
Thus, ive decided to look for downloads... It was hell... I searched for like an hr, before i come to a site, which need no sign ups, additional softwares... Yes, i am tt lazy... And e file isnt very big, and so i tried my luck...
Fortunately, it worked... I got e clip now, and i am so damn proud of myself... Luckily e site dowloads end at epi 100, i am already way ahead at 130, so i didnt haf to curb my temptations... Haha...
But e clip is somewat funny, especially e translations which took up so much of e screen... Caused its done by some fans, i assumed... E fan even left a email and asked for comments to his/her translations n additional notes... Interestingly, e fan even explained many of e items in e show, like their weapons, wats its made of, and even down to their tibits, e food they eat...
However, one major major downside for me is tt, e sound clip is not in sync!!! E track is faster by 3 seconds than e video (my estimation) ... It somewat irritated me alitttle and gave me a slight headache, coz i think my brain cant accept poor coordination... Saving e clip, e quality is gd, to my surpirse...
But i still appreciated e fact tt i got to watch it in e end... E episode is not bad actually, it was rather moving, wif ayumi hanasaki's dearest playin in e backgrd when e moving words we spoken... I believe i will weep if i was to watch in fr my dvd player, in sync, wif no headaches...
My sis watched it, and she asked me y didnt i burn it out... I asked her wat for and she said so tt i can slot it in my vcd box together wif e rest... But prob is its not sync, and if i burn it as vcd, e quality will worsen even more... If i burn it as data file, then wats e pt of slotting it there when i haf to come into my rm to watch it...
But im still hoping to haf a better ver., i will search again when im not lazy... Heh...
Thru my searching, to my horror, i also found out tt theres actually a fourth movie of Inuyasha, screened end of last yr i think... I believed tt was y i saw e Inuyasha on a magazine last yr (took a glance only) , n i thot they were tokin about e 3rd movie, but apparently, i was wrong... And it was said to be even better than e prev 3... Oh gosh oh gosh... Pls, as much as i wan to continue, Inuyasha is making me broke... Haha...
But im happy at least, isnt tt wat really matters? No?
I wan to watch Chess Master again... Lend me again hor? Hehe...
Key To My Heart
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. |
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
Not bad not bad, quite accurate, except tt i dun flirt n play ard, old liao... Tired liao, haha... But e pinky thingy doesnt really go wif my blog ya? Hmm...
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Room For Rental
Anyone interested in renting a single rm in a 4-rm flat at Yishun, pls email me or leave me a msg...
Its less than 10 mins away from e MRT Station.
Foreigners wif legal working permits r welcome to apply...
Tenants must know mandarin, to communicate with e landlord...
Thks alot...
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
The Amazing Race 7
Finally finally, it ended... Watched e 2-hr Amazing Race finale after Eyes For A Guy 2, it was so exciting tt i nearly bit e glass off my glass table... Coz i was cursing Rob n Amber (e nasty couple), not to win, it all seems tt their lord was on their side thru out e entire race until e last destination...
Even though Uchenna n Joyce is not my fav team to win, but out of e 3, they truly deserved it... Coz they were kind souls, u'll get wat im saying if u haf been watching...
As always, haha, i cried together wif them at e finishing line... So emotional, can feel e heavy burden finally sheded off their shoulders... I admire their determination thru out e race... Due to my motion sickness prob, i dun think i'll ever make it to e 2nd round... Even though, me n my 2nd sis would love to participate if theres one in sg... Heh...
I prefered e earlier Amazing Race seasons, they were much more challenging... E tasks were so interesting, guess after so many seasons, they r running out of ideas... Still love e twin models, so memorable...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Pappy Went To Clinic
Firstly, we went to e Clementi Mount Pleasant Clinic, which is like miles away 4 me... Terrbile long ride... My motion sickness starts to kick in on an empty stomach...
Then, after we reached... Due to e fact we haf no appointments... So we've got to wait for ages... I was so bored there... Waiting for hrs jus to set e vet... We specially pointed to one vet, coz she's a great vet, unlike some... Pappy was very bored also, he kept fidgeting, wich added to my frustration...
Finally, after hrs of waiting, its Pappy's turn... Funny how they call out e patient's name by my dog name instead of mine... Haha... But its expected, jus tt it was my 1st time...
Pappy jus finished his vaccination and he had been dewormed... So his next vaccinations will only take place next yr...
E vet is a very friendly, pretty lady called Dr Heng, one whom my sis had been seeing for her dogs... She saw Pappy n me for 2 1st time, so we introduced ourselves... E moment she saw Pappy, she kept saying he's so cute... She said he's very sweet and has a very gd nature, my manja puppy of coZ, immediately, went to fren fren her, as though he wishes to win her favour like he always does... So smart...
My Pappy had pimples n rashes... And my sis told Doc tt his poo is rather wet... So e Dr took some test... They scraped some skin patches, inserted a syringe into his anus to extract some poo... And also, took some ear wax to check for mites... My Pappy looked at me pitifully, as if wanting me to rescue him, but hes so tame, he didnt struggle...
Then, it followed wif long minutes of waiting for e test again... E receptionist asked if i wan to look at e mites thru e microscope... So i went over n took a peep... Grosh, e mite is swimming... Found fr his ear wax... But im not surprised, since humans r covered wif mites anyways... They live on us, consuming our dead skin n sweat... But it doesnt affect us, but for animals, they will itch...
Then finally we went in for e results... E doc said hes doesnt haf mites on his body, but he does in his ears, so medication will be given... They also found parasites in his poo, which explains his semi solidness, n bloated tummy, medications on tt as well, plus antibiotics... In fear tt he doesnt take tablets, we asked for liquid form in syringes...
Then we waited long long time for e medication... E fees account to a crazy amt of over 100 dollars... Scary... Even consultation alone is already 25-35 dollars...
While my arms r aching carrying my heavy 3.29kg Pappy (weighed him there), i noticed he was bleeding fr e skin patch tt was scraped for testing... Heart Pain ah!!! I KBKB alot on tt...
Then we wanted to bring him for grooming, to clear his ears, and cut his nails... They drove ard but couldnt find one, finally we saw one... Got off e car, and my Pappy gagged, and then he vommited... Arh, same prob as me, but i was able to contain it better...
But then, e groomer wasnt able to come in... So we left, in search of another pet shop... I wish e journey can end soon... We went over to Jalan Kayu, and he had his stuffs done... So surprised he didnt struggle wif e groomer... He usually fight me wif all his might when i try to clean his ears... Oh well...
I saw a pink collar wif crystals, but Pappy cant wear since hes too small, so i didnt buy...
After we reached home, i quickly bathed him, groomed him n fed him his medi... SO much medi, so scary... Its even worst than human... Heart pain heart pain... I initially thot he'll fight me when i feed him his medi... But to my pleasant surprise, my greedy puppy actually wanted more... He love it... Carzy dog... haha...
I told my big sis about it... She said im lucky... Coz for Bondie, they haf to tie his hands, tie his legs, force open mouth to feed him... Mine didnt even bother about e horrible taste, he jus wans to eat everything... Haha

His medi and his card... So poor things, looks like hes so sick... Got to teach my mum to feed him medi while im away on my trip... Hope she doesnt forget though...
Monday, May 09, 2005
Kingdom of Heaven
I will post it up tmr or something...
Been rather caught up wif stuffs lately, so didnt haf much time to blog... Ive finished reading Jul's 2 books le... And glad tt its still in one piece!!! Now i left 3 more Dan Brown's bks to read... Will be waiting for Shuzhen to lend me liao!!! I wan to read Da Vinci Code!!! But think will haf to wait for mths, since she lent e bks to someone long time ago, and she paiseh to ask back...
Jul lent me Angels & Demons, and i was rather disappointed but i was later told tt out of e 4, tis one is e worst... So yea, i waiting eagerly again!!!
I watched Kingdom of Heaven tis noon... Guess wat?
They actually gave me tis...

Wahahahah, i bought e tickets and then e auntie told me, "Nah, give u". Then she gave me tis, damn cool...
I had received many free gifts fr movies but ive never received anything like tis... Haha... Even though i didnt knoe wats e connection... But later on as i read fr e label, its says "From The Holy Land", well, i think maybe tat line is e only connection...
But then i later suffered e burden of carrying it... It was so heavy, i was carrying so many things... Everyone's staring at me when i was carrying it in my hand... Which prompted me to slip it in into my small small Espirit Bag and risked tearing it... Gosh...
I also bought Inuyasha's final 3rd movie yest, and of coz, ive finished watching it... Wah, tt movie is e best liao, its so gd... So much better than e prev 2 movies, i was glued thru out e movie... But then, shd watch e movie after e whole TV series, coz its somewat linked alittle... Abit spoilt for me, coz i can already guess how Naruku die...
But in tt movie, i saw Inuyasha's Father for e 1st time, saw how he died, and e parents story... He is so handsome, much more handsome than Sesshomaru (Inu's demon brother) ... And i saw e baby inu, so cute, he was crying... Haha, but it was a sad story...
Kingdom of Heaven is a gd movie... Alot of ppl said its damn great, so i was somewat disappointed... But u shd catch it nonetheless... It can be classified in one of e best epics... U will love it if u r not a fan of e past epic movies... But its a very forgettable movie... Coz e story n character is not strong enough to etched in ones mind or heart... On e contrary, Troy which floped in movie sense, was much more memorable...
To me, Alexandra was still much better... E only thing i dun like about Alexander was e sex scenes, gay scenes, guys french kissings, etc... It was damn disgusting to watch... I haf nothin against gayism, jus tt i dun like to watch... Gross me out...
Overall, i still prefer King Aurther, which till now, no epics can yet be compared... I also love Master n Commander for its story for e emotional impact... Which they deserved their winning at e oscar... I like Gladiator, for e way they crafted e characters, very memorable... But above all, i love Lord of e Rings, haha, but its not an epic... Haha, so its ruled out...
Go watch go watch, im sure majority will like it... Although tickets r kinda expensive now... But i believe its worth it for some entertainment...
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Confirmed Le!!!
I got e tickets to Genting Highland le!!! So happy, so excited... Leaving 15 May sun night for a 3 days 2 nights trip, will return on e 18th wed...
I went in JB to buy e tickets tis early morning... Very cheap, each person only 119 RM... Wahahaha... Forgot to mention i nearly got blasted to death coz of e heat... And e weather got extremely unbearable on e other side, coz no trees/shades... I didnt bring my umbrella nor apply any sun blk, gosh, was terrible, but it was worth it, i was so happy to get e tickets...
But later i got back to sg, i was feeling damn giddy, haha, me useless lah wif my motion sickness prob... Hope i will be ok during my coach ride...
Best part is, e hotel n coach is sponsored by my mum... Wahahaha... She did tt as a belated 21st Bday gift for Shuzhen (coz shes my mum's god daughter)... But got condition one lor... She asked me to tell her tt once she accepted e gift, she mus forever call her God-Ma liao, cannot halfway dun call, or forget her once she start work. Hear tt, Shuzhen???
Its only less than 10 days away...
I was so excited tt i even started to fill up Shuzhen's arrival card, leaving only her IC no. , passport expiry date and her signature!!! Lolx, im crazy...
Oh anyways, tis is bloody impt!!!
HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY SIANPIKA!!! Happy to my Jul. Enjoy ur adulthood ok? Best wishes ahead... Heh, now i know i am sooooo young, haha, younger than most of u...
Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy...
I sing song for Jul:
~ Happy, happy birthday, Happy, happy birthday, To my dearest spoilt princess, To my sian sian Juliana, New sha gua tou for ur birthday, New birthday wif Haa n Muu, running round round in e ball, Love to go spin in e car, Always speed n kena scoldings, Happy, happy birthday, Happy, happy birthday~
Dun ask me e melody, i shy... Wahahaha...
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Monday Trip
One of e things to do was to accompany her go cut hair... Haha, 2 wks in row, 1st was Jul, 2nd was her... Same place at bugis, but for her, its different, she wanted to go QB house cut, then after we finished wif window shoppin, we went to e salon, but there was a long Q... SO we ended up travelin to Bishan J8 instead...
But then to our disappointment, J8's EC house has a long Q too, i think we waited for about 45 mins in total... Unlike Chapter 2 where i accompanied Jul, n i sat beside her, as u know EC house is small n u cannot wait wif her, so i went to walk ard during her 10mins cut...
For a surprise, i decided to buy her some small gifts... Then i saw e rightful one... I bought her a pink shower gel, packaged in a lovely heart bubble, looks so sweet n romantic... E sales girl kept tellin me its smells great, n let me sample e smell, even though it was rather hard to open to prevent leakage, it smells great indeed even though i was smellin her fingers more than e opening, which made me feel rather awkard...
Wat an ideal gift for her genting trip i thot...
And then at another shop, i saw a bubble bath confetti tube, so nice n sweet... I bought 2, one for myself, one for her... Mine is purple flower and white circles shapes, hers is pink n white hearts... Smells great too, but too bad, our hotel is budget, no bubble bath then, nvm... She said can use e flakes to wash hands... Haha
I saw many things, especially accessories tt i wan to buy, but i didnt of coz... Got to save up for my trip... I saw some things tt i wan to buy fr action city, i saw a stuff tt cost $39.95, but cant buy since i dun e tt kind of money now... But i really like it... Not saying wat it is, coz there's only one piece... But its anime stuff, no, not inuyasha tis time...
But speakin of tat, we both saw action city sellin Inuyasha's cursed rosary beads, its purple crystals, think about $10.95... If they sell e sacred jewel, i sure buy!!!
I bought something fr another shop though... I bought Inuyahsa's tarot cards... $8.90. I like it even though its pirated one not like my cardcaptor sakura's deck... Well, its a price of 10 times of difference... Wat can i expect? Its e only one there, n i cant avoid having it, i also found Qi Ling Wang's tarot cards, also only one... Sad, but i can only choose one, i went to hid e other one though... Haha...
We then went to Sakae sushi to eat, didnt really enjoy there, coz they were so inefficient... Sigh... But we had a gd tok though... She then came home wif me to visit my son, and my son's starving fr his late 2 hrs plus dinner, coz mummy went out wif fren... Bad mummy!!! But no choice, finally waited till she hols man... Very long never see her liao...
Tis is e 1st time i left Pappy alone at home for so long, i was so worried... Cant put my mind to ease during e entire day... We r so excited about our trip... Im going in JB early morning on thurs to buy our tickets, hope its still available... Cross my fingers!!!
Pappy's very cute... Finally i haf settled down to read e books i borrowed fr Jul... And Pappy kept disturbing me... Kept wanting to bite my bks... Haha, if torn liao, Jul sure summon her Haa & Muu to kill me!!!
Pappy love to sleep on my tummy when i lie down in e living rm... But when im reading i lay on my stomach, so he kept wanting to climb up on my butt to sleep... Haha, but he kept slipping, kept on droppin off... He then tried for 30 mins while im reading e bk, ignoring him even though im giggling silently for his silly gimmicks...
He tried to claw my butt when hes about to drop off, but his hookin doesnt wokr on my curvy butt!!! Lolx!!! Then, he gave up, he came in front of me, use his paw to bring my book down to look at him... Then he gave me a cute cute pitiful face... Buay tahan!!! Cant resist him man, so i turned ard, lay on my back, n let him climb on my tummy to sleep, while risking e fact of spoilin my eye sight...
Wif such a lovely kid, who can resist his requests? Shuzhen said she missed him wor~~~ So cute...
My Mum lost 80+ dollars at genting, she said initially was losing 500+... Its kinda expected... Pappy very scared of her, he dun even wan to play wif her, coz she cane him all day long... So sad, now hes so restricted... Can see he abit depressed after shes back...
But great news for me is, haha, i hinted my mum, and she returned me my money... She returned me abit, $200, yea!!! I no need worry about my trip le, its all covered now, i can put my mind to ease!!! Tats provided i get e tickets tmr!!! Genting! Here i come!!!
Monday, May 02, 2005
Hate Sunday
Anyways, Sundays r so household chores days... So many chores to do e moment i wake up... SO many clothes/blankets/bedsheets to wash, places to wipe, sweep, mop, arrange, watever... Aiyah, actually everyday also got many chores jus tt Sunday ones seem to pile up more than e rest of e days...
It also includes showering Pappy, powdering him, grooming him... I shower him every wed n sun...
Tis Sun i went to East Coast wif Pappy, Bondie n e usual... They called me jus after i finished showering Pappy... Hmph!!!
Bondie still hates Pappy... Can see his sian face whenever he sees us... Now he dun even let me touch him... So dao!!! So attitude!!!
While at east coast, there was tis gal wif a huge female Golden Retriever. She came over to let e dogs socialise... She kept asking about Bondie n cuddle him while totally ignored e existance of Pappy, i feel so sorry for my outcasted Pappy...
But Pappy is so sweet, he didnt give up... He went to make fren wif e owner, and actually managed to get her attention!!! Haha, you go boy!!!
Unfortunately, he got so excited wif e 30 times bigger than him, Golden Retriever, tt they both started to play madly and my Pappy jus ran round n round, causing e leash to trap me n e owner inside... And then, e leash cut my ankle...
Ouch!!! Its so painful!!!
Im so fearful of it now i got phobia of bringing him to walk... And i get especially paranoid when e leash touches me slightly...
But, one pt i would love to mention... Tat gal is very very very chio, pretty!!! Shes so pretty, frendly, nice... Shes so fair, long silky black hair, big eyes, slim... n rich too, i assumed... Judging fr her dog breed, she mus be living in landed... And i believe she has a car, coz she came empty handed, jus e dog n a box of towel, dog toys... She was about to bring her dog for a swim...
Lucky my bro in law's faithful... Heh... But my big sis is there, wat can he do anyways... Lolx...
Sunday, May 01, 2005
I Tried It Again

E taste has improved even better... After eating, my bowl, ive decided to get a guinea pig and also to use up e ingredients... Actually, i had to brave myself to do it...
My sis woke up, so i asked her whether she wans to eat pasta, since theres nothin at home for her to eat for lunch... She excitedly said ok, while e pressurized me started to cook again...
Coz my sis only eat gd food... Shes extremely fussy about food... And she never eat hawker food unless u promised e food to be e best in sg, then she will go wif u, otherwise, she'll rant over u for suggesting hawker food...
Even though i was rather afraid of e negative comments crashing my cook's ego, but i also need to know where my new food stand... So which better person to taste than her... She love my bolo pasta, so its rather easy to get her to try my current one...
So, breaking into heavy sweat as usual, i whipped up e dish again jus after i finished my own... But hers is slightly different, i actually added salt, mine didnt haf any salt at all... Coz personally, i seldom use salt... I like rich but light taste... She requested it to be more salty, so i did, but when i tasted it, i find it rather salty for my standard...
She took her bowl out, and started eating... I quickly finished washing e dishes and went to sit beside her wif Pappy...
Then i popped e magic qns wif much courage!
Me: Hao chi mah? (food nice?)
Sis: Nice!
Me: Got homely feeling or not?
Sis: Have... Nice...
Wahahahaha, im so happy... Coz if not nice she will say one... So i know its true, further more, she loves to eat cream pasta since young, so it makes me even happier... And i purposely wan to cook e dish to give off a homely feeling, n to my surprise, it did!!! Heh heh... So now i can add one more dish to my cooking list in my mind...
Shuzhen told me my bolo pics look nicer... But she added maybe its coz of e color... Yah, i think so too... But maybe also coz i didnt pose my cream pasta... My bolo i took some time to take e pics, tis cream one i anyhow take so maybe no feel... Heh...
Next time cook for u eat ok?
Im going to cook for my mum try, see if she likes it...