Firstly, we went to e Clementi Mount Pleasant Clinic, which is like miles away 4 me... Terrbile long ride... My motion sickness starts to kick in on an empty stomach...
Then, after we reached... Due to e fact we haf no appointments... So we've got to wait for ages... I was so bored there... Waiting for hrs jus to set e vet... We specially pointed to one vet, coz she's a great vet, unlike some... Pappy was very bored also, he kept fidgeting, wich added to my frustration...
Finally, after hrs of waiting, its Pappy's turn... Funny how they call out e patient's name by my dog name instead of mine... Haha... But its expected, jus tt it was my 1st time...
Pappy jus finished his vaccination and he had been dewormed... So his next vaccinations will only take place next yr...
E vet is a very friendly, pretty lady called Dr Heng, one whom my sis had been seeing for her dogs... She saw Pappy n me for 2 1st time, so we introduced ourselves... E moment she saw Pappy, she kept saying he's so cute... She said he's very sweet and has a very gd nature, my manja puppy of coZ, immediately, went to fren fren her, as though he wishes to win her favour like he always does... So smart...
My Pappy had pimples n rashes... And my sis told Doc tt his poo is rather wet... So e Dr took some test... They scraped some skin patches, inserted a syringe into his anus to extract some poo... And also, took some ear wax to check for mites... My Pappy looked at me pitifully, as if wanting me to rescue him, but hes so tame, he didnt struggle...
Then, it followed wif long minutes of waiting for e test again... E receptionist asked if i wan to look at e mites thru e microscope... So i went over n took a peep... Grosh, e mite is swimming... Found fr his ear wax... But im not surprised, since humans r covered wif mites anyways... They live on us, consuming our dead skin n sweat... But it doesnt affect us, but for animals, they will itch...
Then finally we went in for e results... E doc said hes doesnt haf mites on his body, but he does in his ears, so medication will be given... They also found parasites in his poo, which explains his semi solidness, n bloated tummy, medications on tt as well, plus antibiotics... In fear tt he doesnt take tablets, we asked for liquid form in syringes...
Then we waited long long time for e medication... E fees account to a crazy amt of over 100 dollars... Scary... Even consultation alone is already 25-35 dollars...
While my arms r aching carrying my heavy 3.29kg Pappy (weighed him there), i noticed he was bleeding fr e skin patch tt was scraped for testing... Heart Pain ah!!! I KBKB alot on tt...
Then we wanted to bring him for grooming, to clear his ears, and cut his nails... They drove ard but couldnt find one, finally we saw one... Got off e car, and my Pappy gagged, and then he vommited... Arh, same prob as me, but i was able to contain it better...
But then, e groomer wasnt able to come in... So we left, in search of another pet shop... I wish e journey can end soon... We went over to Jalan Kayu, and he had his stuffs done... So surprised he didnt struggle wif e groomer... He usually fight me wif all his might when i try to clean his ears... Oh well...
I saw a pink collar wif crystals, but Pappy cant wear since hes too small, so i didnt buy...
After we reached home, i quickly bathed him, groomed him n fed him his medi... SO much medi, so scary... Its even worst than human... Heart pain heart pain... I initially thot he'll fight me when i feed him his medi... But to my pleasant surprise, my greedy puppy actually wanted more... He love it... Carzy dog... haha...
I told my big sis about it... She said im lucky... Coz for Bondie, they haf to tie his hands, tie his legs, force open mouth to feed him... Mine didnt even bother about e horrible taste, he jus wans to eat everything... Haha
His medi and his card... So poor things, looks like hes so sick... Got to teach my mum to feed him medi while im away on my trip... Hope she doesnt forget though...
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