Thursday, June 30, 2005
Back To Sch! NYP
Any idea how many local stamps to put for a 8 by 11 inch brown envelope wif 3 a4 papers inside? 2 enuff?
I dun haf printer now, and Shuzhen dun haf ink for her printer... So solution is to go back sch to print lor... So near mah... Jus tt need to pay only... I spent $1.65 for 3 color pges and 6 BW pages and 60 cents for 3 envelopes...
I edited my resume till about 415pm... Shit, only 45mins left to e closing of e photocopy shop and bookshop... Wif an oversized tee and mini skirt n slippers, I hurried and left e house... I rushed bloody over, and reached e bookshop at about 445pm... Great, i made it in time...
I thot shes not workin there anymore... E last few times i went, it was a different person... I was thinkin, jialat, hope she doesnt remember me... But then, as friendly as she is to me always, even though i was in a mess, she immediately recognised me and started to chit chat wif me... After i was done wif e printing thingy... I stopped n chat back wif her...
We complained about e noisy kids along e corridor... Haha...
Doris and I seemed to haf a thing or 2... When i was in poly, as usual, i always go there to buy my materials and to photocopy, she was at e shop which is nearest to my studyin blk... She was known to be e fat-disgusting-old-trying-to-look-young-and-sexy auntie...
Yes, she does try to dress young, especially baring her shoulders, and sometimes her belly... But i dun haf a prob wif tt... But many others do... She became e joke of my class, almost daily... She also puts up photos of her makeover all over e shop as well...
But i like her... I duno y... Even though we never tok to each other...
Things stayed as tt till one day i was at Bishan Junction 8 wif either Shuzhen or my ex bf Vic, i saw her and then when she saw me, she actually smiled and waved at me happily... I was stunned... How e hell did she remember who i am... Theres 200 over design students fr our sch of Design and thousands fr sch of IT and thousands fr sch of Engineering...
Wow, i mus haf made an impression thru my silence... Heh, nevertheless, i waved back and ever since then we started to chit chat whenever i see her at e photocopy shop... Mostly we were complaining about e sch n students though.. Haha...
Jac also chat wif her, and i think she sort of like him... Coz he always entertain her wif his crazy jokes and even haf his hp no. to call him for help to carry her gds... Sometimes she calls him to chat... Wooooo... Now tis is something along e many things which my coz mates duno... Damn funny... But she did commented tt she find him crazy at times... Haha...
SO anyways, back to jus now...
I told her i thot shes not workin there anymore... I didnt see her for some time... She explained tt she wasnt ard coz she went for a surgery on her stomach... Poor her, but she recovered liao, so its gd... She saw e printouts, and asked me whether e person in e pic is me... I said yes and she said i smile so sweet... Hehe... She asked me send for interview arh, i then acknowledged...
She didnt noe i graduated le, coz i was there... She asked me, how cum i come back, i said coz i dun haf printer and sch is near my place... We then tok about work, our economy and how bad e job market is now... And then, i left, before i go, i told her i'll come chat wif her next time when im free...
And then i look at e sch's time, 453pm... Shit, only 7 mins left to e closing of e bookshop... They sometimes closed at 445pm when i was studying then, play cheat... I rushed over and was thkful it was still open... I bought my stuffs and went home... It started to drizzle then, bloody hell!!!
Oh well... Hope i get more interviews and get a stable full time job soon... Bless me yah?
War Of The Worlds
I was a big mouth yesterday... I told moi mummy e reviews i saw after i woke up and she immediately decided not to watch... Haha, she said like like tt then dun watch liao lah, scarly fall asleep... I told her wun fall asleep one lah... Even if she decided not to watch, me n Shuzhen will still watch it...
Then she asked me, ppl say not nice, y u still wan to go watch?
Well, sometimes reviews cannot really be trusted one mah... Especially when my tastes for movies r so different fr e rest... Besides, since i heard it sucks... Usually it will turn out slightly better than i expected... She then said will still treat us both to watch...
But i forced her to go anyway... She so long no go theatres liao, last time was end of last yr's Kung Fu... She even forgotten tt theatres r cold... Haha...
We went to Causeway Pt to watch... E sound system was overboard for our movie... Too loud... I ended up feelin giddy and headache after e show... Also, i gotten motion sickness during e show... TIs had nothin to do wif e movie, it was e bloody grp behind me tt was rockin my chair... It was so irritating... They rocked my chair thru out e whole movie till i nearly vomit... My mum scolded them, but not to them, she jus shouted "SHake so much, go home n shake lah!", when e movie was rather silent... Amazingly, Shuzhen didnt hear it...
I found out e reason to Shuzhen's poor or weird observation skills yest... So funny...
When i got back home, my mum said to me, "When a person's suay hor, even buy tickets watch movie also suay hor, so many ppl watch movies, so many seats, only u kena ppl rock ur chair...". I then said, "Actually, tis is not e 1st time liao."... "Aiyah, used to it can liao..."
Haha, so sad hor... Yah, out of 10 times, there will be 8 times when i kena tis kind of thing... Thus sometimes i dun enjoy e movies... E other 2 times dun haf coz i watch at off peak periods so no body behind me... Haha... But tis time one bloody serious, coz they rock n rock non stop... Buay tahan... Their rockin affected Shuzhen n my mum's chair as well, but as usual, SHuzhen didnt really notice...
Ok back to e movie...
E movie was ok initially, it got my attention, and it was rather interestin how e story flowed... But there was lack of horror or anxiety or fear... I duno y they did it tis way.. But somehow, they made a bland show... Even e narrator was so slow n boring, i nearly fall asleep within seconds hearing his voice...
I find some parts of e show disturbing though... E most disturbing ones were tt they showed how some humans will behave during their pt of desperations... WHich made me feel quite sad, but appararently, it seemed tt no one noticed those as well... Haha...
Seeing e male lead as a loser kind of role was somewat boring too... His daughter acted very well though...
E show gets into e down pt after e father n daughter escaped to a basement wif a man... E part onwards, were purely nonsensical and boring and ptless... My mum was crusing n swearing thru out and she was very frustrated... Haha...
Not forgettin e movie ending... E story ended eruptly and e reason tt e aliens died were weird n ptless... I will not include spoilers, coz i noe alot of ppl will wan to watch... If i tell u e endin, nobody will go watch liao...
My mum was exclaimin e show is trying to bluff small children, all e things dun make sense... Very lousy show... For SHuzhen, immediately, when e credits rolled, she said, its not a gd show... For me, i said, "Ok la, not tt bad lah, quite nervous, my heart was pounding until e middle part.". My mum then said, "Tis kind of show if doesnt coz u nervousness then can be scrape off liao arh..." Ya lor, true arh... Haha...
Lets jus say, go watch e show thinkin its e lousiest and u'll feel better... I sure did... Or if u r a Tom Cruise fan, jus watch it for him, even though hes a loser Dad n e show... Now i understand y e trailers r so short... COz theres nothing much of it anyway... A very short movie, only less than 2 hrs...
But i find e aliens cute instead of scary... Their face look like chihuahua dogs... So cute... But i believe nobody will think tis way... Haha... And they walk on one leg... Even more cute...
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Oh No!
Oh no... Nvm lah... Tmr tickets free anyway, so SHuzhen n me shouldnt feel heart pain even if it suck... Jus hope i dun curse n swear my way out... Haha...
Y sucks leh??? Mus be Tom Cruise lah, almost all his films tt i watched SUCK... Includin Minority Report... Yes, u heard me, MINORITY REPORT SUCKS!!! No matter how u defend e show... However, Last Samurai was gd though, i even watched it a few times at e theatres wif different ppl... I heard Vanilla Sky was gd also, but RA leh... Haha...
Anyways, i'll find out tmr...
I was very tired so i hopped on to my mattress at 1145pm... But i got up half an hr ago... Couldnt sleep... Sigh... Tired but cannot sleep... Sian... Should start takin sleepin pills... If not i will never solve my sleepin prob... Im sleepin lesser n lesser now... Think my body cannot take it anymore...
Jus to mention, i actually bought a pair of JEANS about a mth ago... Heh... Wats so surprising? Well, for those who knoe me, for my whole life i am a skirt/dress wearer... Until my poly yr 1 i bought 3 jeans, coz i thot it would be better for my coz...
And true indeed... But i hate them... It even makes me hate goin to sch... When i go out, i'll change back to my skirt... Haha... So, when i was in yr 2 and everything more or less settled down, i decided to throw away all 3... And began wearing my skirts n dresses again... Haha, so happy...
But for those who dun noe me well, some yr 1 ex classmates even started to spread rumours tt i was trying to be bitchy and more "hiao"... *faintz*... Duhz...
Anyways, so since then, i dun own any outside shorts/jeans/berms/etc... I do however own one pair of black pants jus in case... During my attachment, there was once a spring cleaning day be4 e CNY, i told e admin girl i no jeans leh, so i wore denim skirt instead... Haha...
But my 1st job need to wear black pants wor... So i bought another 2 and started wearing pants... After i quit, those pants went into e prison again, except one, which i forced myself to wear at times...
All of a sudden, i jus felt i need at least a pair of jeans... Especially after i accompanied SHuzhen to go buy hers... Also, i go reservoir or beach wun be bitten by insects... Hehe... More convenient at certain outings... I thot so much about it till i even dreamt tt i bought one... Haha...
So one day i msn ask Shuzhen, "Do u think i shd buy one jeans?"... And she exclaimed, "BUY LAH!"... And so she accompanied me go buy...
I jus wan to get a cheap 20+ dollars jeans since i dun really wear, no pt get a ex one... So we went This Fashion... She bought hers there too... THen after trying about 5/6, i only liked 1... And then when i checked e price tag... Guess how much it costs?
SO cheap!!!!!!!!!
Haha, i was super happy then... Oh, it was e same day when we kena Starstruck at cafe cartel...
But then hor, coz its so cheap... E color keep washin off... Especially e 1st time i wear... I wore a white top, white shoes and took a new white bag... N e bloody blue dye got on my top, shoes n bag... So sad...
But i hack liao, after a few washes shd be ok... As long as i dun get fully drenched, i supposed its not a prob... Haha... I had been wearing it very often lately, maybe coz im excited at e idea... And i can slack myself n be lazy n wear shoes... Also, now watch movie my legs dun freeze to death... Haha...
Yi fen qian yi fen huo... Dun u think?
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I Wan To Watch It Again...
Guess i jus wan to feel inspired, moved, tears, happy, passion... Even if its for less than 2 hrs...
I had been feelin extremely tired lately... I duno y...
I took pills tis 2 days... And i felt better... Its a sample pack wif only 4 pills... 1 for each day... Since its limited, i decided to skip it today... And i felt e seriousness of e tireness kicked in... Feel terrible... So tired... E pills r those energy pills, made up of vitamin B n C which will give u e energy to last for a day...
Surprisingly, it works... But i wun buy it, i dun haf e money... Sigh... I guess im jus at one of my numerous down pt in life again... I hope i can save myself tis time... Its getting harder each time, though...
A Date To Remember
She like to watch tis kind of film which she called excited ones, and further more got monsters... Haha... E last western film i went wif her was Day After Tmr... I actually watched twice, coz again she said she wan to watch so i brought her go see e movie... But it was a gd movie, so it was worth it...
After dinner, we will haf dinner together, and then i wan to rush back watch Superstar! Heh... I'll be meeting Shuzhen 1st, think to chat up some things... Dun think we'll meet much after tis, and then she'll disappear into her work n studies once again...
Maybe before tt, i would like to meet for an evening... Haven told her about it though, but she'll read it fr here... I would like to end e session at e reservoir... Coz tts a place we really tok... And i dun think i will be returning to tt place for some time, so would love to take more pics there... Go there in e evening about 6+? E reservoir's e most beautiful at tt time... Then we'll walk back about 9+ ... Then u can rest early...
We can haf a picnic again... Buy or make our food there to eat and get some alcoholic drinks there like last time... Im thinkin of getting my fav sushi fr northpt... I haf bottle opener now, so we dun haf to worry... And my mat will be put to use again... Wat u think... Let me noe then... But if we r goin to do tis, u better wear jeans, if not kena bitten by sand flys again... Heh...
So get me back on ur reply yah? =)
E last time we went there, after we got off fr e bus, we haf to take a half hr walk to tt place... But then, while we were 1/4 away, a mini bus drove pass us and honked at us... I told her think e driver wans to send us there but she said cannot be... Haha... And indeed, e driver stopped e vehicle and open e door, we looked n each other and then approached e vehicle...
Driver then asked us where we wan to go, then we said e reservoir... So he offered to drive us there. Think it was about 10+pm then... Haha, funny thing is, we actually agreed... And hopped on... Luckily nothing happened... Shuzhen said she sensed no danger so ok lah... Haha...
E kind uncle sent us there safe n sound... Meanwhile he only asked us to go for a vegetarian meal at duno which temple at duno when...
Appreciated his help then... Hehe, these things shd happen more often...
After tt, i even got on a mercedes cab home... SO happy... And e driver thought i was very young, haha, which made me even more happy... Wahahahah....
Monday, June 27, 2005
Cool ST Papers Pics
1) Lotus Boy

So cute right... Haha, perfect fit man... Buts it not funny for them though, its bloody hot for them... And they r running low on elect... Coz of e crazy heat, lots of ppl, especially old ppl, died... Sad... I find e pic heart warming though... =)
2) Best Of Friends
Tis is so cool... I wonder did e iguana tok to e manta ray for permission or did he jus hopped on wifout askin... Haha... Either way, i find it so sweet...
Both pics haf green in them, duno is tt y they caught my eye... Heh... I love them...
Sunday, June 26, 2005
INITIAL Disappointment Part 2
I mentioned it was a great effort by them n i appreciate it... But e article simply made me think twice about e whole issue... I had to type out e parts so bear wif me...
Article: INITIAL D GETS THE JITTERS - Movie's got idols n pretty faces - but production firm worries tt it may not do well in China...
There are only idols and youngsters in the movie and it's not a Hollywood film. It has no success in other places to draw audiences." says Mr John Chong, Media Asia's founder and executive director.
Okay, so u, as e executive director, actually admit tt ur movie is a crappy one??? So means only can go see e idols but e show generally cannot make it lah??? Biangz, to think i actually reccommend e show to others, so it meant tt i had jus reccommended a POSER show to ppl... Shit, i hope my fren dun blame me... Duhz...
If u think there r no other areas tt will attract audience, then y e hell did e company pick tis story anyway? Or since u had picked it, y didnt u work on e other areas? Didnt u take INITIAL D coz u wan to ride on e success of tt anime?
Pls, at least for me, i went coz of INITIAL D, not coz of e stars... Initial D is famous, and i can bet its much more famous than Jay CHou... Wat a crap comment...
Also, e movie adaptation of e Japanese manga (comic) has no brand names like Andy Lau or Tony Leung Chiu Wai whom e China audience adores.
"The future is in China and we have to monitor China very closely. Hong Kong is just not e market for movies it once was." notes Mr CHong.
Ok, if u haf known tis, y didnt u use e budget to do a movie tt China audience will like? Since it didnt matter to u anymore, for viewership in countries like Hk, Sg, Taiwan...
Initial D is e latest attempt by Media Asia to crack e China market wifout neglecting other Asian audiences.
Sibei contradicting leh...
"Ten yrs ago, Taiwan shifted its attention to Western and Korean films. I think that's a consequence of e bad movies tt came out of HK then. Its not about e volume but quality." says Mr Chong
Tis explains y Initial D's US$12 million (S$20 million) endeavour took four yrs, from spending 2 1/2 yrs convincin e Japanese publisher to sell e rights, to finding e right cast.
I posted an entry jus e other day. LINK Talking about e loss of quality in shows fr HK...
1stly, i appreciate e fact tt u admit HK produced bad movies... BUT!!! Orrrhhh... So now i noe liao lor, produce bad movies is coz ppl focus on other countries' films... Wah, SSSSOOOOOOOO logical hor???
Wat crap!
Ppl focus on western n korean films coz they were gd...
So like tt means, if GUO MEI MEI (SG new singer) album sales did badly, its coz ppl listen to other countries' singers and thereby e singer herself need no reflection as to wat went wrong coz its a consequence?
Media Asia won e rights after a battle wif several Japanese productions firms and American studios. "They felt we could make a better commercial movie. They felt tt Westerners would not understand e Asian culture behind e comics." says Mr Chong.
Instead of hastily churning out a car-racing film, he wanted e focus to be "about youngsters and to make a WUXIA film". By tt, he refers to e WUXIA themes of honour, friendship and family in e movie.
I agree tt westerners would not understand e culture... But unfortunately, HK didnt as well... Now knowing their objective in e movie, i feel DISAPPOINTED... Wif casts in their late 20s... I dun see e show as about YOUNGSTERs... Takumi was supposed to be 18 only... But e whole show made me watch a show of spoilt, useless adults who indulged their lives in woman, cars, money... Father abusing kid as FAMILY? Useless kid kept taking his Dad's money as family? Ah Mu seeing Takumi different coz he was a racer as frenship???
In Lie Huo Zhan Ce 2 movie... Lead's gf died in e race due to him, to honour tt, he stayed single even though a pretty young gal was luring him, he still love his gf... Lead then ran away fr everyone coz he was too upset and gave up racing... Lead's best fren died for him coz he wanted to revenge and challenge Lead's enemy to a death duel... Lead then stood up again and avenge everyone's death and gained back his honour by being e fastest racer wif e fastest car he created wif Lead's best fren notes...
Now, at least tis is honour, friendship, family...
To be fair, e actual INITIAL D was indeed about honour, friendship and family... I was so moved by them coz of tt...
But i didnt noe e chinese movie intended to show tis... They only showed finding your real self in e world tt u belong thingy... But theres no other more to it...
Sigh... Wat e hell went on in their production... They completely wasted a gd chance of having a great movie story... They had e opportunity and yet they didnt take it...
So anyways, e article concluded by saying they had 2 movies coming up starrin Andy Lau and Tony Leung, something like Infernal Affairs... And since China love tt 2 casts and Infernal Affairs did well in China n Hk...
These projects should not cause him (Mr Chong) sleepness nights then, given e wide fan base of Andy Lau and Leung in china...
So expect more POSER shows i guess... Now i finally realised where those bad HK movies were coming fr... Wif mindsets like these... I can only say, i feel so sorry tt they even produced Initial D since they were so not confident of wat they r doing... Sigh...
U guys haf totally demeaned e art of filming... And totally trashed Initial D. Sad...
Click on e pic to see a larger ver. of it if u wan to read it...
INITIAL Disappointment Part 1
Be4 i go into e Disappointin article (I had scanned it to let u see in case ppl say im bullshittin or biased again...)
Now for a simple review... Does not include spoilers, dun worry...
Great thing was, i did not come out cursin n swearing, even though i was sort of yawnin at e end... Coz i already knew how they r going to film e endin... So tis shd means its still sort of gd... Coz u shd noe how much i was epxectin, and how much e show meant to me... And i paid freakin $9.50 for it, but did not feel tt i overpaid e movie, which is another gd thing i suppose...
Ok, on a gd note, e show is relatively gd... To me, it was better than Kung Fu, and its funnier as well... I laughed alot thru out e show, which is rare for a chinese film... And i managed to view e characters (though limited) in a 360 degrees perspectives... E cars r more real of coz, compared to e 3d cars in e anime...
Great thing was i finally get to see Akina Fuji... E real fuji!!! Its so cool n beautiful...
Speakin of cars, it may be more realistic in e stunts performed by e stuntman racers... However, it was alot more smoother in e anime... And wats up wif Trueno AE86??? How cum it looks as different n weird? And wats wif e blurrin of vehicle license plate in a few scenes and then showing them in another?
Now for e downside...
1) Technical Probs like inconsistent shots, boring repetition of e same landscape, etc. Theres extremely extremely too many in e show tt i dun even wan to tok about it... Well, at least most audience wouldnt be able to see them, so i guess i can pull tis out...
2) E film quality was like shit!!! I think they saved their budget on tt... E movie is so grainy... Especially when i sat at e 1st fifth row... It affected me greatly... At least Kung Fu used clearer negative tts as close to foreign movies... I believe their money went to buying Jay's over expensive music...
3) Acting was horrendous... Well, even though i was expecting tt fr amatuer actors/actresses... Ok, im kidding, actually i was expectin a better job, especially when it was review tt Jay did a great job... Edison did quite well though (well of coz, he had much more experiences fr e other 2), he was extremely gorgeous, or so fr wat i heard fr girls... SHuzhen went crazy over him... Even for me who dun like him, mentioned he look gd when he 1st appeared in e show...
When Cheng Xiao CHun came out, its so distinct who can act and who cannot act... His facials expressions r so believable even though he doesnt talk much in e movie, but trust me, he dun even haf to... Ah Bee and Huang Qiu Sheng and Chapman did excellent as well... I am so impressed wif Huang Qiu Sheng's image, haha... I still cannot erased his image on his RA film Ren Rou Cha Shao Bao (Human Meat Char Siew Bun)...
Jays crappy cyin scene made me laugh instead... If u watch closely (i was sitting at e 5th row), his tear mark actually went backwards and then down his side of face... Y? Coz tt was fake, it was so obvious, he leaned his head backwards when he dropped his eye mo, haha, then e scene started wif his tear marks already there but no tears... His eyes werent red, he doesnt look sad, and he wasnt cryin... They mus haf tried so many times but make do wif it...
4) Language/Dubbing. Tis is funny, coz e movie is shot at Japan, but e taiwanese casts were mouthin chinese, hk casts were mouthin cantonese, and jap casts mouthin jap... I seriously think i shd haf sat further away to prevent seeing so many unneccessary disturbance... E dubbin was lousy, it made their acting even worst... Jay's dubber made him look worst... I would haf totally prefered tis show to be in full jap then hear them callin Jay "TUO HAI TUO HAI" (chinese translation fr his character name, Takumi)...
5) Story. Tis is not really a downside, but a thot i had... For e past few yrs, many novels were screened at e theatres... And now, ive finally understood y those ppl were so agitated when they watch e movies... I never understand them then, coz i thot since its a movie, e script will definately be different, and Directors will of coz wan to be original and make e story their own instead of being a full copycat...
I've heard of ppl cursing at e totally screwed up Hitchhiker's guide to e galaxy movie... I thot then, cool down lah, movie sure different one mah... Y so angry? Ppl who knew me having a crazy fad over Lord of e Rings, kept persudin me to read e books, they told me once i finished reading i'll realise how terrible e movie was... Its was like turning gold into pebbles...
I had never watched any movie which book i had read be4...
Even though tis is not a bk... But ive watched e orginal anime, and worst, Season 3 of Initial D was a movie somemore, so my expectations were already there...
So when i looked at e character, i was thinkin, wat crap, e casts dun even look or behave like e orginal, except Takumi's Dad did try to close his eyes most of e time (he never open his eyes durin e anime)... And e relationship of e characters r all screw up... E koisk boss is not father of Ah Mu's... Ah Mu was poor, very poor... Night Kid never see terms wif Red Sun so they will never appear together... Tis is their RACER PRIDE!!!
But all these i can accept, i understand tt changes haf to be made to squuze e story and make it interestin... But i cant help comparing... So tts y i finally understand wat those ppl were so agitated about... I guess u cant help it...
But one thing i hate about it is, Takumi's Dad's personality... In e anime, hes a serious, respectful, hardworkin, person who kept his beancurd business n house organised and clean... But in e movie, he became a drunkard, a child abuser, a dirty womaniser, messy father... Tts like downgrading n demeaning... I cannot accept...
But all n all...
For someone, who never knew about Intial D, car lovers, and those who wans to catch e stars, of coz, tis show is gd... E director tried to give a new age filmin but using incomprehensive cuts and transitions... It may appear interesting for new generations and make them go "Wah, so different, stylo, unique!"...
I thot it was a great effort doin somethin out of their own league... But they made e story very chinese Asian somemore... And e meaning/purpose of e orginal Initial D was changed... Or maybe they jus didnt understand... Perhaps to relate to e mass audience? I duno...
E show made me rewatch my Initial D... I had jus finished Stage 1... Btw, e movie compressed e show fr Stage 1 - 3... (Stage = Season) E original so different, jus different... Much more exciting, nerve wreckin... But e original being a Jap story, is not so much flattering to females... But its jus a cultural difference... Then i cannot accept coz it was too much a guy show, but now i grow up liao, haha, so can liao...
Oh i realised something interesting though... I realised Qi Ling Wang (Chess Master/Chess Ghost) had a similar story concept... Everything was almost identical, jus tt one is chess one is cars... Haha... Tis is so funny but interesting...
I believe if Japan produced tis show on their side, it will be a hit... They would definately haf casts much identical to e actual... And speakin their own language in their own area, wif excellent actin n dubs, and they of coz understand their own native stories better... They would haf known wat wat e impt aspects of e story to film...
Unfortunately, Initial D hit Batman Begins here, its losin out man... Batman is a hit here, almost all sessions r nearin full even weekdays... But i still reccomend tis film to others... Jus keep a open mind... It made me appreciate e orginal much better...
I still recalled e Initial D crazy fad then... I was 16/17 then... And every VCD shops were playin Initial D and every CD shops were playin their sound tracks... It was crazy then... Every guy is tokin about tt show. Every guy is hearing their soundtrack, i didnt own any soundtrack though, i was bought into it... E songs were Japan pop rock... I wasnt into it then...
I will tok about e article in e next entry... Its getting too long...
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed pissed...
Wat e hell's up wif guys anyway??? And their bloody ego???
Oh plssss... I dun need guys, i never do and never will... If i ever do haf feelings, trust me, whoever tt person is, he'll knoe... But if i never indicate anything, it simply didnt mean anything at all... I will never fall for a guy 1st, get it??? And i will never look back... Sometimes im jus putting my words across nicely, tts all... Its doesnt mean i was trying to hint anything... Much less hint tt i still haf feelings... Holy crappy piece of shit...
Ok, i feel better, nvm i'll get over it... SOmetimes i jus wish some ppl can jus disappear...
Y isit tt im always labelled e bad guy when i am e victim??? Jus coz i dun go ard tellin others how pitiful i am??? Jus becoz i keep quiet doesnt mean im guilty... I am saving ALL UR BLOODY MCP EGO, dun u ever get it??? I dun go ard tellin ppl u abused me, y? Coz i dun wan others to judge u! I silently endured e whole pain n torture fr e world, and its like for wat FUCK???
Fine, if u think i am e evil gal... Watever, screw all e rumours, screw all e rubbish... I simply dun care anymore... Y shd i even bother???
Ya, i noe those close enuff wif me will noe i can never make myself hack those nonsense, but hey, I"LL TRY... Im still workin on it...
Shuzhen told me to hack, and she always console me by tellin me tt e evil ppl and xiao ren i met will eventually meet wat they deserve... However, wif so much unfairness goin on in reality, its extremely hard to buy myself into tis...
SOmetimes, i seriously wonder, y shd i even be nice and be so hard on myself... When i am nice, i ended up being hurt more... Wats tis stupid rationale behind it??? Wat haf i done to deserve all these crap... Aaaarrrhhh...
Anyways, i watched INITIAL D... For those who haf never watch e anime be4, its definately quite a gd n funny show... Will tok about it later or tmr...
AARRRRHHHH.... Ok enuff of my self-deluded venting of my anger... I shall go back to life... I am tired, very tired... Duno y...
Friday, June 24, 2005
绝对 Superstar Results
They cried sooooo much... Everyone cried... So sad...
E host even told Sugianto only out of e 4 voted out ones, tt he shd not give up, i believe everyone can see his potential lor... So sad...
E girls were so disappointin... So sad...
Where haf all e pretty girls gone to??? Pretty girls cannot sing arh??? Our local singers cannot be pretty n talented one arh??? So sad...
Ok, i blog proper tmr or something... Feel too sad...
I was juggling 2 channels, Shaman King Arts Central and 绝对 Superstar channel U, same timing same duration... Shaman king tis epi also very sad... E green character Lezerg, betrayed e leads... So sad...
After all Asakura Yoh's efforts, he even nearly paid his life for Lezerg, he didnt kill Lezerg when Lezerg bvecame a vampire and even let Lezerg bite him... So sad...
Lezerg jus turned his back against them... So sad...
He said,
"I need allies who r strong to defeat Hao (Ultimate villian)... Yoh, u r too kind... You should haf killed me... I am weak, i cannot be kind like you... I cannot believe you anymore..." So sad...
Then he walked away to join allies wif a despicable organisation who even killed Lezerg's friends and said they deserved it... One half dyin small gal held on to Lezerg's leg to stop him, but he didnt even feel anything... So sad...
Yoh didnt turn ard, he stood there back faced and said, "I am weak." (when actually hes e strongest)... SO sad...
So sad so sad so sad so sad so sad so sad so sad so sad...
Becoz of e clash in timings, i didnt even watch e best parts of e 2 show... Even more sad...
Think at tis rate, i am seriously considerin renting Shaman King... So sad...
Tmr wan to catch Initial D one, then changed to watch on mon and go ktv instead... So sad...
Sigh... Wat a sad night...
My Nightmare Horror!!!
Tt mon night, think its coz of e death topic we shared at east coast... I ended up having a nightmare...
I dreamt tt me and Shuzhen went Genting again... We had lots of fun, and i saw lots of fluffy skirts to buy and of coz, suddenly i got richer...
I met Amanda aka Mandy (ex sec friend), who was their wif her bf, and i congragulated her for her coming wedding (which is true, n i jus told SHuzhen about it at east coast too)...
However, we stayed in e 3rd world hotel again... While in e rm, i had a creepy feeling e moment i stepped in but i ignored it... There were stacks of papers on e table, so i started scribbling... However, after awhile, my hands sort of behaved as though it was controlled by another... It started doodling words...
I told Shuzhen about it but she laughed it off, thinking tt i was jokin... I started to read wat i was made to scribble...
E words were in broken chinese, but i can sort of figure it out... E words were sayin tt there r 38 spirits in my rm now... They died on a coach on their way here... They felt tt they suffered grievances and will not rest in peace unless they kill more ppl to join them...
Shuzhen and i was shocked...
We didnt noe wat to do, so she actually left for help, while living me in e rm, coz we couldnt see anything anyways, so it shd be safe...
Then i heard a knock on e door and open it thinkin it was her...
To me horror, it was a gory man in tattered skins wif blood all over him... I tried to close e door, but he pushed me back and came in...
He then tried to open e window (but genting windows can only open a small gag to prevent suicides m murder it used to haf) to e max, and tried to push me out of e window gag, wif all his might...
My dream changed, somehow, LUCKILY!!! I do not wish to feel pushed down a hotel of great heights, over e cliff...
Thursday, June 23, 2005
绝对 Superstar 1st Round Male Grp
Fr a distance where she was holdin, i can only see a darker patch compared to e white flesh of e fruit... I took a look, she said she was a whole mass of them, but i saw lumpy substance, no crawlin... She then said all crawlin out, etc... So i took over e fruit, AND THEN, my mum actually digged into e worm nest, and spread it on my hands!!!!!!!!!
Which mother do tis kind of thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Biangz...
I ended returnin e fruit wifout takin a closer look, i only saw e larva ones crawlin, but never see e mass crawlings... Coz i was afraid she'll do it again... She then cut e fruit more to see whether is it totally infested... GROSS!!!
Like how she used to throw dead roaches at me coz she noe i scared... Sigh...
So anyways, before i make anyone get goosebumps... I watched superstar last night... E 1st rd was e showcase of e 1st 6 guys, of which 2 will be voted out. 70% by us, 30% by e judges' scores...
And may i say...
Never haf i seen so many gd looking SINGAPOREAN GUYS, who r soooooo talented... Even e blind guy was not bad lookin too... I watched e show, coz my sis told me e blind guy is very gd... My mum watched wif me for e 1st 15 mins... And she said, "Wa, singapore still got gd lookin guys arh, singaporean guys r mostly ugly..."
Heh, i dun wan to state my stand, however, if u do go out enuff, u'll realised e no. of gd looking gals always exceed gd lookin guys by a mile... E gorgeous guys most of e time r not straight, even supposed hunks fr TCS, u get wat i mean... As a matter of fact, foreigners n jounalists reviewed tt Singapore is one of e countries who has almost all beautiful women population...
Heh, i seemed to haf stated my views wor, but no lah, wat im tryin to say is, gd lookings guys in sg, all hid themselves somewhere, not dun haf... Hahahahha... Well, at least, excluding my last bf, all my previous bfs all gd lookin mah, maybe except shorter abit and skinny abit... Haha...
Ok, back to e show... Wa liao, Sg should haf done tis so long ago... If we did, i believe Ah DU, JJ, Huang Yi Da may never make it... Im not sayin tt they r ugly, its jus tt after watchin e show, e contestants made them look so common (i mean their singing)... I do like JJ though, coz of e songs he composed, i like... But i heard about 4 JJs last night...
Ok, so conculsion, not sg dun haf gd lookin talented singers, ITS THEY NEVER GO FIND ONLY!!! Even JJ was only scouted after he paticipated Huan Le Dian Feng, e crappy Jack Neo variety show...
I especially like 2 guys fr last night show, 1st one is M1 Sugianto, wa, he look like short hip hop Lee Hom leh, hes very cute... I spotted him during his audition, and remember him till now... His singing is like Lee Hom, too... Very powerful and a strong ABC accent, coz hes el speakin, tt i do not really like... But then, coz he picked a fast tempo Lee Hom song hor, he didnt do well leh...
E judges all said his jeans not big enuff, haha, they said hip hop mus be full package, get a jeans tts 2 size bigger, even if drop nvm, maybe can win more votes... Haha, loads of crap... But they got say he at diaadvantage la, coz hes 1st, abit nervous... He got 2nd lowest score fr e judges, i hope his frenz n fans pull him thru... I wan to see him sing ballads...
My second fav is e blind guy... Unfortunately, i didnt remember his name, but hes M5... Coz i was too focused on his performance... He sang a duet wif M6, Wu Ying Liang Ping's Zhang Xing... Very nice, e best duet performance for e night, they had e best chemistry...
His solo performance, he sang Fan Yi Chen's I Believe, a song tt i sang alot during KTV... I even sang till i cry once... Haha... Love tt song, coZ i love tt movie, My Sassy Girl... His solo piece was excellent, very emotional, he doesnt really look blind though, tts y i think they let him in, i do hope its not for publicity sake... Nah, i dun wan to believe tt...
His piece was e most touchin compared to e rest... And it moved e judges, but they commented hes not confident enuff... They even gave him singing pointers, can tell they r trying to help him... He sang better be4, so they believed its e nerves and they made him sit on a chair, so he wasnt comfortable... He got e 3rd lowest score together wif another guy...
I actually voted... I voted for him... Ok lah, 60cents only, can afford, i feel moved... So i wan him to go as far as he could... As much as i wan Sugianto M1 to be in, my heart went out to M5... Also, coz he sang a piece of my fav n moved me... Wrong choice of song lah, Sugianto...
Abit disappointed is tt all e contestants, their voice range is in e mid upper tone... So means all of them will sound like Lee Hom, Guang Liang, Xiong Tian Ping, Jeff Cheung, etc... Im quite sian of tis range, coz all e guys who went ktv wif me, r in tis range... So none of them can pull off classic songs like Jacky Cheung, Ronald Chung or maybe Andy Lau? Though i dislike his songs...
No deep, emo tones so far, those tt will drive me to tears when they sing almost unplugged ballads like Jacky's Xing Ru Dao Ge, u get wat i mean... Still got 6 more guys, maybe still haf? I duno, never watch e earlier epi...
Tonight is ladies turn... 1st 6... We'll see how e girls do...
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Impressive!!! Im Blown Away...
Ans tis 2 qns, and dun cheat for e ans...
Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates.
Candidate A.
Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B.
He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C.
He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.
Which of these candidates would be your choice?
Decide first... no peeking, then scroll down for the response..........
Qns 1:
If ur ans is YES to abortion, you had just KILLED BEETHOVEN.
Qns 2:
Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.
So im curious, which did u choose?
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Supposed SPORTS DAY!
I was woken up by e most annoyin ring tone i haf, which means its either my Dad or fr my house phone... Well, since im on my bed, i knew it was fr my Dad... I purposely set e noisest n most awful ring tone i haf to these 2 numbers... And a warm red color to e screen... And then later i wondered, y do i even haf to remind myself of e misery... Haha...
So anyways, early morning 8+am, a SHOCKIN news came... He called to borrow money... And made me go see him wif it, which i agreed while i was sleepy, but later realised i could jus transfer e money to him... But its no big deal, i'll go visit him, been about 3 wks since i last went anyways...
He wanted me to go immediately, but i told him i could only do it tmr, which is today... He borrowed $200 fr me... No big deal, jus tt it affects me greatly, coz i will be seriously broke... Even if i found a job, i wouldnt be able to survive till my 1st pay check... So ya, tis is how bad it is...
But hes my father, and im e only one who visits him... How can i say no?
Ok, enuff of tt, so i woke up wif e lousiest mood, and suddenly a super poor fella... And dragged my feet to e YCK sports hall... As usual, tt gal is late again... We wanted to play fr 11am-12am... But she reached about 11.17am, yea, so i thot it was wasted and decided to book e next slot... SInce we'll still haf time for our 2pm movie...
While we were inside, waiting. A grp of guys were playin at a court, e rest of e courts were occupied wif lots of Anderson Sec badminton kids n their coach... Then one guy asked me, "U waiting for e court arh?", or something lidat... Without any hesitation, i said, "Ya." and they quickly apologised and packed and left... They were like all others playin extended time when they saw e court unoccupied... Haha... Yea, it was 1130am then...
So me and SHuzhen started our game at 1130am, and ended at 1pm... For $3.50 ... Im quite happy wif e game, i played quite well, better than e last one i had wif my ex company coz i had reservations then...
Funny Shuzhen only managed to warm up only after 1 and half hrs of e game, u wun believe me but she indeed said tt when our game was about to end... And made me laugh till i nearly get a stitch... She was draggin her feet thru out e game, and she was tired due to lack of sleep, its funny seeing her tt way... She said she wanted to reserve her energy coz dun wish to use all up, i then exclaimed over e net, "How can use all up one??"... Haha... I had a tummy ache thru out e game coz i ate breakfast, not used to it...
Then we went to Bishan for our movie, Ice Princess... Had e best Carona chicken curry rice, i love their curry rice, they haf a generous amt of curry pour over it... But they stopped it for a while, it came back finally... But i ate it super fast, coz i didnt haf much time...
Ice Princess is a gd show, very very inspirational... Very positive too... Makes u a happier person after tt... Its e kind of discovering ur life passion and pursuein ur dreams instead of e norm thingy type of show... In e show, she gave up her Havard Science Scholarship to short lifespan professional ice skating... I enjoyed it, and e skating scenes r so cool... It made me wan to learn ice skatin... But so ex leh... I no money... Maybe jus learn back my roller blading... I borrowed e blades for mths liao but never touch it... Oh, as usual, i cried during e show, i was moved to tears... Shuzhen controlled herself though...
Then we took a long journey to east coast... However, we gave up cyclin, coz im not very keen on it... I thot SHuzhen wanted to do it, whereas she thought i wan to do it... Haha... We went to Macdonalds to eat ice cream, i ate Mcflurry while she ate hot fudge... Go all e way there to eat Mac ice cream, its crazy...
We talked alot though, about life, guys, relationships, friendships, life purposes, passions, goals, etc... But we only got both of ourselves depressed...
I told her i am disillusioned in life, especially wif ppl... I truly am... Will tok about tis in another entry... I try very hard to shorten my words liao leh, but i cant understand how cum other ppl's entries so short one, i haf so many things to say... Perhaps i shd haf worked harder during Secondary el summary writing classes...
Anyways, we picked a beautiful but dangerous and forbidden spot to rest... E grass could collapse downwards any time, but hack... Coz its so beautiful... We crossed e barrier... We stayed fr near 6 till about 9pm, and i had photo envidence as well...
We spoke alot, there was one point we were tokin about death... And i asked her, "If one day you die before me, how? I will be very very depressed..." And i thot so much about it till i cried... Coz i really dun wish to face e scenario... I told her i cannot accept it... It will be too hard for me to handle and i'll be all alone... And i can never ever talk to her anymore, never again...
To me, it will be easier for her to accept my death rather than me, coz i knoe she will place her empahsis on her own family 1st... I think she saw i wiped my tears wif my shawl... Yes, i brought a shawl to cover my legs to prevent bitten by mos n sand flys... She then said, "Lets not tok about depressing issues..."... Yes, i think too much, kill me then...

Moi stuffs... My ugly mat, Hp wif e inu radiation lights (4 colored-light but no green) n ear piece, my shoes n socks, bad wif 2 antique rackets stickin out...

Shuzhen's nice watch markin e time we settled down, 540pm... She scolded me for takin tis pic, haha, she said take her watch no pt...

Her stuffs, love her shoes, nice right? I choose one, last pair liao somemore tt time... Hehehehe... Her racket, bag and towel... Her towel matches her shoes, i also haf, but my one is green though, haha...

Tis little pigeon hor, so funny... Shuzhen actually "zee-ouk zee-ouk" at tt bird, duno how to describe tt sound, e same sound u zee-ouk zee-ouk at cats n dogs... She did tt to e bird, so funny... Where got ppl zee-ouk zee-ouk zee-ouk zee-ouk at birds one, ppl whistle mah... Haha, made me laugh n laugh n roll on e mat... Oh, but she cant whistle though...
Even so, e bird actually came over to her zee-ouk zee-ouk... Wahahaha... Amazing acts...

Tis is e exact view when i look up, very nice palm trees... We sat in front of e right one...
We then later lied down diagonally to each other... Coz my stupid mat is rectangular in shape... And then we looked up, i told her, "Wat if 2 coconuts drop and kill us both?" hahahah, then she said she dun mind dieing now, coz its so relaxing n peaceful... But she wans to fall asleep n die, not killed by coconuts... Haha... We nearly fall asleep on e mat, we r both so tired... And she did nodd off a few times, so she didnt noe wat i was babbling about... Haha...

I find tis pic very nice... I took it secretly, so got e mood, but she didnt noe i took it... Haha... Shuzhen, if u wan then let me noe ya?

Tis is e view to our right...

View to our left... Nice hor? Machiam we own e whole place lidat... Heh...

Gorgeous, but my cam not gd leh, dun pick on it ok?
Ok, to show we stayed there very long... Followin pics show e transitions...

Mo0n already out...

Nice sky color...

I like tis pic...

Getting late...

Wah, amazing man... E lights across e sea was simply lovely...
We then left e place, coz we needed e toilet and our necks were straining... Off to Parkway Parade...

Yoshinoya!!! My fav, tis is Shuzhen's, Salmon, Ebi and Tori combo, its new flavour...

Mine always same, Beef N Salmon Combo wif extra extra extra extra pepper!!! It was soooooooooooooooooooooooo delicious, coz i very very long never eat liao... E rice very tasty, better than north pt n cinelesisure one!!! Shuzhen accompany me eat, coz she noe i will be very happy... Though she dun favour it... SO nice...!!!!
I wan another supposed SPORTS DAY!!!
Monday, June 20, 2005
Initial D
Rarely, i haf to watch chinese films as well wif my mum, like Kung Fu... But kung fu still not tt bad... However, things never picked up for hong kong industry after all e old classics like chinese ghost story 1 & 2, all e Jet Li's Huang Fei Hong show, etc, u get e idea... All those old classics, excellent storyline, great casts and believable special effects...
Now, its jus pure disappointment, i never understand wat happened to all e famous directors and producers... Famous producer, Xu Ke, had a whole mile apart on e standards of his current films compared to his old ones... Wat happened man!!!
Right now, its either poser shows casted by lousy new age actors and actresses, or its super 3D effects budget film wif unbelievable and cheap effects like Feng Yun, Shu Shan Zuan, Zhong Hua Ying Siong, Shaolin Soccer, or many other cheesy love stories...
I wasnt impressed wif Turn Left Turn Right, even though it was so over rated by so many others... I mean, come on, e story's so predictable, e cast werent excellent except for their gd looks... I didnt ever tear abit given e fact tt i cry easily over films... Its easy to make me cry, for those who knoes me, i cry over e slightest touchin moments... Like Windstruck, gosh, tis is one show tt made me cry and cry and cry... It even made guys cry... How great is tt... But tts a Korean film, as always, Korea always manages to capture ppl's heart wif their heart warming movies... Thumbs up! I still cry after watchin it repeatedly...
But to give some credit, some shows tt tried to be artistic and creativity, like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hero, Kung Fu, they did however, managed to pull it off and make my money jus worth it... Even though china film industry is pickin up, it somehow still loses e kind of spirit tt was once in films... Ppl try too hard to be artistic, try too hard to make twists, try too hard to be creative, try too hard to make poser films tt sometimes, it jus doesnt work...
SOmetimes, ppl tend to complicate things too much when they try to be wannabes... Old classics were simple but yet they were entertaining... I believe ppl nowadays dun even stop and look back and think of y it was so, then... Sad...
Oh, not forgettin all e horror but not horror chinese films tt they made, ppl ended up laughin instead... e 3 episodes of The Eye? Yah, u get wat i meant...
I am not biased, ive watched enough films to pass judgement... Sure, ive watched quite a no. of crappy el films, like recently, Cursed was a crappy one... However, ppl make up wif blockbusters... Great shows like e epics, Titanic, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord Of E Rings, Gladiator, etc... Dun even bring in e budget issues, money does not solve any storyline probs...
I dun watch e stars, i watch e story... In fact, most of e time, i dun even noe who e cast is... Simple movies like 50 First Dates can already superceed Turn Left Turn Right a million times...
Having said all tt, theres a new chinese film coming up tt i wan to watch...
Yea, its INITIAL D...
Nope, not becoz of Jay Chou, in fact, i was so disappointed when i heard he was chosen... Not coz of Edison as well...
But coz,
Its one of my fav jap anime, i haf INITIAL D Stage 1-3, Stage 4 i only haf about e 1st 4 episodes...
Im extremely curious at e car scenes, its looks great in e trailers... Yea, i like to watch car racing films, they r so cool... For old shows, i like Lie Huo Zhan Ce 2, starring Ekin Cheng, young Zhang Bo Zhi and a sexy female star tt i love... She is truly sexy, but she died in e 1st 10 mins of e show... I love Fast & Furious as well, however, e 1st one was excellent, but e second one was complete crap, to think i actually waited for it... So im still fair...
I jus talked to Shuzhen, she wans to watch it too, coz of e stars... Shes a big fan of Jay... SHe had never watched e anime before, which is gd for her... So she wouldnt noe wat to expect and might not be disappointed... Im kind of surprised tt she wans to watch, coz it was a car show, but of coz, she didnt noe wat to expect... Keep it tt way, its better...
I seriously hope tt they dun screw it up... Hope hope hope... Even though i noe they will, but we'll see, i'll give them e benefit of e doubt... I will make sure i dun walk out of e cinema halfway thru crappy shows anymore... Having Huang Qiu Sheng as e main lead's Dad is already a joke to me... Wat crap... Oh, btw, e father in e anime never ever open his eyes, dun ask me y...
I wonder who star my fav character... Hope its not Edison, he doesnt look like him... Hes too short n young... But i dun wish to find out more, i wan to see everythin at e show, so ya, we'll see...
I watched Mr And Mrs SMith tt day... I didnt really wan to watch it, coz i noe its another poser show, but Shuzhen wanted to watch it before, so we went, but later realised tt we both werent interested in e show, jus when we r outside e cinema door... Haha, nvm lah, i told her, usually for shows tt both persons dun wish to watch, it usually will turn out better than expected...
Ya, and it sure did... Wasnt fantastic, but gd enuff to be funny n entertaining... Oh, Angelina Jolie is so sexy gorgeousl... Tis is e 1st time i see her as a sizzlin hot woman... Heh, Tomb Raider was crap...
Yea, im gonna be playin BADMINTON later in e morning, e last i went was wif my ex company... And then, will catch a movie, Ice Princess, i haf no idea wats tt about... Supposedly an inspirational comedy show, i love inspirational shows, but some r rather crappy... And then afterwards to east coast for cyclin and then to sea gazing n beachin out... It was suppposed to be a SPORTS DAY for us, but we couldnt think of more stuffs to do... Yah, so excited...
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Super Richness
E last time i heard about "super richness" was my Dad's (his past when im not born yet), and then some ultra super rich dudes in my poly coz, and then now her... But her richness is way way superior than any ive heard... Other than a few stories of famous local CEOs and famous ministers... But coz her blog was in details, so i basically can picture her everyday life in details... I can even tell wat she has in her wardrobe...
Havin a bedroom tt is as big as a big flat is no monkey business! My Dad only managed to haf a living room tt is twice my small 3-rm flat now, but note, living rm is supposed to be bigger anyway... And they haf 7 cars! All wif bidded liscense plate no. wif e same number of their daughter's bday date! Spendin about a few thousands of US dollars a day! A yacht which is called her name wif her very own captain! Her 2 bros soon to be married at Shangrila jus becoz they couldnt bk Ritz Carlton, separately of coz! And still claim average richness... To me, tts crazy...
Shuzhen, I will tell u about her next wk (well, if u r still followin my blog), its so far fetched till i almost find it impossible... It almost seems to be a fairy tale... If they were born in another country, i bet they would be living in a CASTLE!!! Or even a few...
We were jus tokin about ppl wif very gd lives e other day... And i had forgotten to tell her about tis gal... Tis is a crazy example... I bet every thinkin individual would give up everything to exchange e kind of life wif her... Of coz, who wouldnt???
After all, we r jus mere humans...
Saturday, June 18, 2005
My Lou Han - 5 Prosperity
I used to keep lots of fighting fishes, until they all die one after another... I even haf a nice glass bowl tt kills almost every fish i put in within a few days... Fightin fish is not cheap compared to goldfish and guppies... I cleaned e bowl thoroughly but it still happens... Even my plants died in it... Creepy, then finally i resigned to fate and kept it away... But its a nice quite ex glass bowl... NVM...
Then one day i was sick of seeing fishes die, so i ended my fish keepin hobby... I named each and every of my fish, but ultimately, i always haf to attend to their funerals... Sad... U noe im a emotional person, i dun like tt...
Then Sg started e whole silly luo han saga... My mum bought 2 babies, but both died in less than a mth, sad... We had a tank given by duno who, used to haf a air pump system until it spoilt... Then we bought a simple air pump... No filters and all e gadgets, no money lah... But i used to haf some fishy thingy in e tank to accompany e luo hans, so tt they can play, but it got stuck in e pump, so i kept it away... Leaving e small pebbles for them to play...
Anyways, after e babies died, we left everything as it is... Until one day, when i went to toa payoh's pasar malam, theres tis Luo Han auction thingy in replacement of e usual crystal auctions... Oh, i used to patronise crystal auctions, coz i am a crystal lover and e prices r cheap... Jus tt my bfs will do e bidding... Findin it new and interesting, my and my ex, Victor, stayed on to watch...
Then we saw teens luo hans, and some r pretty nice... I wanted a yellow luo han, and thus we bidded one for $5... Unfortunately, it only looked yellow there, when we brought it to my house, it got so scared tt it turned white, n turned upside down, a common nature of lou han... Some even can be frightened to death if they were in shock... I read an article then tt tis guy bought a luo han for a crazy $8, 000+ and after reached home, e fish died in shock... Poor fella, both of them...
Luckily, $5 fish seems to be much stronger... She recovered after much attention...
However, e yellow never came back, so i figured either its e lighting there or they injected somethin to e fish... So in a way, i never got any yellow Luo Han...
When i was thinkin of names, we jus named it "Wu Fu" (5 prosperity) since it cost my ex 5 bucks... But even so, i still call it Baby, i call all animals baby, even e cat downstairs at my blk...
And then, came another Luo Han tt my mum's bf took back fr duno where, free one... We named tt "Da Fu" ( Big prosperity) coz it was bigger in size and its a He which later on i realised... But as usual, i call it baby... So its big baby and small baby...
We tried to mate them but failed coz they fight... Da Fu bullys Wu Fu even fr e separater... So my Wu Fu grew up to be super timid, while e big bully super agressive...
But im closer to Da Fu, i find him nicer, and hes plays wif me more... Wu Fu seems to be non responsive... So i play wif Da Fu everyday... I noe im biased but then Wu Fu no reactions one leh... I even bought them companion fishes tt swims super fast, those tt were supposed to make e Luo Han swim more and becum more agile... But it only became preys for my 2, so i stopped, it was cruel...
Some feed their luo hans wif live fish or prawns, it was said tt they will becum more pretty and their head will be more protrudin, i dun like, look like brain tumour... I find it cruel so i only feed
wif dry fish food... Very ex for a bottle, sure cheat money one...
But one sad day, Da Fu died suddenly 1 yr plus ago... No illness, no nothin... He died after my mum changed water... I suspected somethin mus haf happened, but my mum never say anythin... I rushed home when my mum called me, unfortunately, i didnt get to see him one last time...
I cried like hell when i saw him motionless in e pail... My mum said he tried to hang on, coz he was still breathin slightly jus a few moments ago... Sad, i never knew y he died... My mum even wondered whether to cook him or not while i erased e idea off her...
So now left my Wu Fu... She seemed happier after Da Fu died...
I play wif her more ever since, but suddenly mths later, she changed to be a crazy agressive fish... So we sort of leave her there le, maybe she old liao... One nature of Wu Fu is she always play dead when we change water... Da Fu will cum to my hand willingly then...
My mum wanted to throw Wu Fu into e reservoir or pond or lake... In fact, shes wishin her to die soon... But im a responsible owner, chances of survival is slim in e wild...
So here goes e survivor,

Wu Fu started to haf e black stripes ever since Da Fu bully her...

Not pretty i noe, well its jus a normal luo han, but i like can liao...
I even saw a full pink luo han at geylang before... And i saw green and blue and purple ones fr pics too...
I learnt ow to grade luo han fr VCDs, i think Wu Fu is a C or D grade luo han...

Wu Fu, u also live well ok, and dun be so agressive le...