I was woken up by e most annoyin ring tone i haf, which means its either my Dad or fr my house phone... Well, since im on my bed, i knew it was fr my Dad... I purposely set e noisest n most awful ring tone i haf to these 2 numbers... And a warm red color to e screen... And then later i wondered, y do i even haf to remind myself of e misery... Haha...
So anyways, early morning 8+am, a SHOCKIN news came... He called to borrow money... And made me go see him wif it, which i agreed while i was sleepy, but later realised i could jus transfer e money to him... But its no big deal, i'll go visit him, been about 3 wks since i last went anyways...
He wanted me to go immediately, but i told him i could only do it tmr, which is today... He borrowed $200 fr me... No big deal, jus tt it affects me greatly, coz i will be seriously broke... Even if i found a job, i wouldnt be able to survive till my 1st pay check... So ya, tis is how bad it is...
But hes my father, and im e only one who visits him... How can i say no?
Ok, enuff of tt, so i woke up wif e lousiest mood, and suddenly a super poor fella... And dragged my feet to e YCK sports hall... As usual, tt gal is late again... We wanted to play fr 11am-12am... But she reached about 11.17am, yea, so i thot it was wasted and decided to book e next slot... SInce we'll still haf time for our 2pm movie...
While we were inside, waiting. A grp of guys were playin at a court, e rest of e courts were occupied wif lots of Anderson Sec badminton kids n their coach... Then one guy asked me, "U waiting for e court arh?", or something lidat... Without any hesitation, i said, "Ya." and they quickly apologised and packed and left... They were like all others playin extended time when they saw e court unoccupied... Haha... Yea, it was 1130am then...
So me and SHuzhen started our game at 1130am, and ended at 1pm... For $3.50 ... Im quite happy wif e game, i played quite well, better than e last one i had wif my ex company coz i had reservations then...
Funny Shuzhen only managed to warm up only after 1 and half hrs of e game, u wun believe me but she indeed said tt when our game was about to end... And made me laugh till i nearly get a stitch... She was draggin her feet thru out e game, and she was tired due to lack of sleep, its funny seeing her tt way... She said she wanted to reserve her energy coz dun wish to use all up, i then exclaimed over e net, "How can use all up one??"... Haha... I had a tummy ache thru out e game coz i ate breakfast, not used to it...
Then we went to Bishan for our movie, Ice Princess... Had e best Carona chicken curry rice, i love their curry rice, they haf a generous amt of curry pour over it... But they stopped it for a while, it came back finally... But i ate it super fast, coz i didnt haf much time...
Ice Princess is a gd show, very very inspirational... Very positive too... Makes u a happier person after tt... Its e kind of discovering ur life passion and pursuein ur dreams instead of e norm thingy type of show... In e show, she gave up her Havard Science Scholarship to short lifespan professional ice skating... I enjoyed it, and e skating scenes r so cool... It made me wan to learn ice skatin... But so ex leh... I no money... Maybe jus learn back my roller blading... I borrowed e blades for mths liao but never touch it... Oh, as usual, i cried during e show, i was moved to tears... Shuzhen controlled herself though...
Then we took a long journey to east coast... However, we gave up cyclin, coz im not very keen on it... I thot SHuzhen wanted to do it, whereas she thought i wan to do it... Haha... We went to Macdonalds to eat ice cream, i ate Mcflurry while she ate hot fudge... Go all e way there to eat Mac ice cream, its crazy...
We talked alot though, about life, guys, relationships, friendships, life purposes, passions, goals, etc... But we only got both of ourselves depressed...
I told her i am disillusioned in life, especially wif ppl... I truly am... Will tok about tis in another entry... I try very hard to shorten my words liao leh, but i cant understand how cum other ppl's entries so short one, i haf so many things to say... Perhaps i shd haf worked harder during Secondary el summary writing classes...
Anyways, we picked a beautiful but dangerous and forbidden spot to rest... E grass could collapse downwards any time, but hack... Coz its so beautiful... We crossed e barrier... We stayed fr near 6 till about 9pm, and i had photo envidence as well...
We spoke alot, there was one point we were tokin about death... And i asked her, "If one day you die before me, how? I will be very very depressed..." And i thot so much about it till i cried... Coz i really dun wish to face e scenario... I told her i cannot accept it... It will be too hard for me to handle and i'll be all alone... And i can never ever talk to her anymore, never again...
To me, it will be easier for her to accept my death rather than me, coz i knoe she will place her empahsis on her own family 1st... I think she saw i wiped my tears wif my shawl... Yes, i brought a shawl to cover my legs to prevent bitten by mos n sand flys... She then said, "Lets not tok about depressing issues..."... Yes, i think too much, kill me then...
Moi stuffs... My ugly mat, Hp wif e inu radiation lights (4 colored-light but no green) n ear piece, my shoes n socks, bad wif 2 antique rackets stickin out...
Shuzhen's nice watch markin e time we settled down, 540pm... She scolded me for takin tis pic, haha, she said take her watch no pt...
Her stuffs, love her shoes, nice right? I choose one, last pair liao somemore tt time... Hehehehe... Her racket, bag and towel... Her towel matches her shoes, i also haf, but my one is green though, haha...
Tis little pigeon hor, so funny... Shuzhen actually "zee-ouk zee-ouk" at tt bird, duno how to describe tt sound, e same sound u zee-ouk zee-ouk at cats n dogs... She did tt to e bird, so funny... Where got ppl zee-ouk zee-ouk zee-ouk zee-ouk at birds one, ppl whistle mah... Haha, made me laugh n laugh n roll on e mat... Oh, but she cant whistle though...
Even so, e bird actually came over to her zee-ouk zee-ouk... Wahahaha... Amazing acts...
Tis is e exact view when i look up, very nice palm trees... We sat in front of e right one...
We then later lied down diagonally to each other... Coz my stupid mat is rectangular in shape... And then we looked up, i told her, "Wat if 2 coconuts drop and kill us both?" hahahah, then she said she dun mind dieing now, coz its so relaxing n peaceful... But she wans to fall asleep n die, not killed by coconuts... Haha... We nearly fall asleep on e mat, we r both so tired... And she did nodd off a few times, so she didnt noe wat i was babbling about... Haha...
I find tis pic very nice... I took it secretly, so got e mood, but she didnt noe i took it... Haha... Shuzhen, if u wan then let me noe ya?
Tis is e view to our right...
View to our left... Nice hor? Machiam we own e whole place lidat... Heh...
Gorgeous, but my cam not gd leh, dun pick on it ok?
Ok, to show we stayed there very long... Followin pics show e transitions...
Mo0n already out...
Nice sky color...
I like tis pic...
Getting late...
Wah, amazing man... E lights across e sea was simply lovely...
We then left e place, coz we needed e toilet and our necks were straining... Off to Parkway Parade...
Yoshinoya!!! My fav, tis is Shuzhen's, Salmon, Ebi and Tori combo, its new flavour...
Mine always same, Beef N Salmon Combo wif extra extra extra extra pepper!!! It was soooooooooooooooooooooooo delicious, coz i very very long never eat liao... E rice very tasty, better than north pt n cinelesisure one!!! Shuzhen accompany me eat, coz she noe i will be very happy... Though she dun favour it... SO nice...!!!!
I wan another supposed SPORTS DAY!!!
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