I was reading online manga... I am reading Full Metal Alchemist and theres many many volumes to go... Yes i noe i finished the anime... But i didnt like e sad ending, and as i read online tt the anime's plot didnt go wif e manga, so i decided to pursue the manga from 1st page...
I am glad i did, coz its really quite different... It wasnt so scary and creepy, and faster and less complicated, or up until now...
Anyways i was reading it tis noon, then Shuzhen smsed me...
Shuzhen: Hey, wat u doing now?
Me: Nothing much, y?
Shuzhen: No lah, miss u lor?
Me: Heh same. Today thurs ladies night wor, wanna go k?
Shuzhen: My mother cooked dinner tonight, and i also need to check my bidding. Another day ok?
(e bidding is her next semester modules)
Me: Sure.
And then silent for awhile...
Shuzhen: Had your lunch?
At tis pt, i thot she really miss me, lol, coz she seldom will engage in long sms conversation like tis, unless i am e one pushing e topics...
Me: Yup, u?
Shuzhen: My breakfast is like lunch...
Me: Lol, i had a very weird lunch... Had 1 small mini egg tart, 1/4 choc rotiboy, 1/3 pack of nachos chips...
Shuzhen: Wah, like tt also can...
Me: Haha, nothing to eat and i lazy to cook maggie mee...
Then meanwhile, "KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!!!!"...
She appeared at my door!!!!!
Hahahah... My mum opened the door... 1st thing i said, "Wah, she still bluff me!!!"...
ANyways, it was a very pleasant surprise... Luckily i was dressed decently... She played wif my son awhile and then i showed her Advent Children, coz haven return yet...
Then i went to cook and then we ate dinner and went to library... After tt we went KBOX ladies night... But we couldnt stay longer tis time, had to leave at 10pm, so sad... Then we tok downstairs under my blk... She got bitten by mosquitos.... Lol...
Then we tok n tok... About my past, the ppl we noe, frenz, useless guys... Then we decided to meet up tis weekend for new yr... But we couldnt think of any ideas... Then she went to catch her last train...
Still a very pleasant surprise though, i wasnt expecting it... She got me tis time, finally!!!
Headache arh, now mus think of where to go, wat to do tis weekend... STRESS!!!
Friday, December 30, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Full Metal Alchemist
To me, these 2 are one of the hottest anime after e crazy Inuyasha fad, then followed by e mild Shaman King then followed by freaking Naruto... These 2 rules now... Coz hor, everywhere i go hor, everywhere also got their merchandise... And always side by side somemore... Even though e 2 are so different fr each other...
And finally, I am done with them... Actually it was a few days ago... I got Full Metal Alchemist fortunately fr e person who borrowed my Inuyasha... And i jus found out yesterday tt hes my sis's boss... To think i thot it was my sis's bimbo colleague who borrowed my Inu... I didnt think any adult male will take an interest in Inuyasha anyways...
I got Bleach from Shuzhen, who downloaded for me... SO nice of her...
I knoe Bleach haven finish but i meant i finished at least to the latest epi...
Full Metal Alchemist on the other hand, is a completed anime... Very very rare... LOL... I think e last completed i watched is Shaman King... But i tell u arh, Shaman King's story didnt end... So not counted... Nono, last one was Ragnarok... Yup, i finished tt crappy show... But its not tt bad for the last 15 epis...
Even though Full Metal had the potential to come up a 2nd series... But there no really any pt in doing tt... So i can say, yes it ended...
While Bleach caters to a wide age range, Full Metal is on a different level... Kids will not understand wat Full Metal is about... Full Metal is an adult story, but starred by young leads (as usual i guess and its always 14 or 15 yrs old, duno wats so special about kids tis age)...
I cannot believe i watched like about 35 epis of Bleach and its only a span of 5 days in their world... Tis is crazy shit... How can u drag something so long... After watching Full Metal, Bleach became so light hearted in comparison...
Full Metal is on the other hand, creepy, scary, disturbing, depressing, evil, watever... I had nightmares everynight then... LOL... Its a very heavy anime... I felt like years had gone by, and it did anyway... And the lead grew taller n taller, i didnt even realised it...
Full Metal is very dark... It talks about the uglyness of human nature... Which is a type of anime tt i refused to watch recently, coz it only makes me even more depressed... I didnt noe the story is going to be lidat... I thot it will be jus another Naruto, Bleach, Ragnarok kind of anime...
Little did i noe... I watched e 1st epi in darkness, and the 1st epilogue creeped e hell out of me... I almost went to ON my lights...
I watched and got so depressed... I sighed at every episode... The story is very complex, and they feed u wif info every epi, so u haf to remember... And every epi revealed more n more dark secrets... A very stressful anime... Jus like 12 Kingdom which i missed a few epis and couldnt follow e story anymore...
But wat amazes me is the ending plot... It was expected... The truth was unexpected... It surprises me coz i always feel tt anime plots are more or less the same nowadays...
But the ending sealed everything... It was very disturbing and depressing... Unlike all the young anime, of which nobody really die, even if they did they can be revived, like in Bleach and Naruto... Full Metal Alchemists had too much deaths till i cant accept it...
They establish e chracter to be so nice, so likable, gave u enuff time to connect wif e character and then make the character die... DAMN!!! EVIL!!!
I usually watch shows tt i like over n over, but as much as i like Full Metal Alchemists, i told Shuzhen tt i dun wan to watch tis show again... It is very very depressing, disturbing n stressful... I followed till e end, u give me a sad ending... @#$%^&$# I want it to be resolved, cannot meh? Mus leave it as tt arh? Sigh...
Anyways, my wish came true again... I haf always wonder n told alot of ppl, y e hell KIT KAT doesnt haf dark chocolates!!! And woo... Im eating one at tis very moment...
Its yummy...
Oh i love dark chocolates, btw, in case u didnt already noe...
Usually most of these things i say, it will happen somewat... Like i mentioned how come Genting dun haf Famous Amos Cookies... Jus so coz i wan to eat tt time and i am lazy to go to Wisma to buy... And guess wat? Yea, i saw Famous Amos shop there when i went there... It shocked e hell out of me...
Coz i actually smelled it while i was there... But i thot i was dreaming, coz it would be nuts to find it there... And then i came to the shop front... I bought 2 bags of cookies, which i cant finish and brought back to SG... As usual, u pay for the quality, their cookies will never go soft...
For wats its worth, the guy at the shop is rather dashing... LOL...
Now, Ferrero Roche, y u dun haf dark chocolate one arh?
And finally, I am done with them... Actually it was a few days ago... I got Full Metal Alchemist fortunately fr e person who borrowed my Inuyasha... And i jus found out yesterday tt hes my sis's boss... To think i thot it was my sis's bimbo colleague who borrowed my Inu... I didnt think any adult male will take an interest in Inuyasha anyways...
I got Bleach from Shuzhen, who downloaded for me... SO nice of her...
I knoe Bleach haven finish but i meant i finished at least to the latest epi...
Full Metal Alchemist on the other hand, is a completed anime... Very very rare... LOL... I think e last completed i watched is Shaman King... But i tell u arh, Shaman King's story didnt end... So not counted... Nono, last one was Ragnarok... Yup, i finished tt crappy show... But its not tt bad for the last 15 epis...
Even though Full Metal had the potential to come up a 2nd series... But there no really any pt in doing tt... So i can say, yes it ended...
While Bleach caters to a wide age range, Full Metal is on a different level... Kids will not understand wat Full Metal is about... Full Metal is an adult story, but starred by young leads (as usual i guess and its always 14 or 15 yrs old, duno wats so special about kids tis age)...
I cannot believe i watched like about 35 epis of Bleach and its only a span of 5 days in their world... Tis is crazy shit... How can u drag something so long... After watching Full Metal, Bleach became so light hearted in comparison...
Full Metal is on the other hand, creepy, scary, disturbing, depressing, evil, watever... I had nightmares everynight then... LOL... Its a very heavy anime... I felt like years had gone by, and it did anyway... And the lead grew taller n taller, i didnt even realised it...
Full Metal is very dark... It talks about the uglyness of human nature... Which is a type of anime tt i refused to watch recently, coz it only makes me even more depressed... I didnt noe the story is going to be lidat... I thot it will be jus another Naruto, Bleach, Ragnarok kind of anime...
Little did i noe... I watched e 1st epi in darkness, and the 1st epilogue creeped e hell out of me... I almost went to ON my lights...
I watched and got so depressed... I sighed at every episode... The story is very complex, and they feed u wif info every epi, so u haf to remember... And every epi revealed more n more dark secrets... A very stressful anime... Jus like 12 Kingdom which i missed a few epis and couldnt follow e story anymore...
But wat amazes me is the ending plot... It was expected... The truth was unexpected... It surprises me coz i always feel tt anime plots are more or less the same nowadays...
But the ending sealed everything... It was very disturbing and depressing... Unlike all the young anime, of which nobody really die, even if they did they can be revived, like in Bleach and Naruto... Full Metal Alchemists had too much deaths till i cant accept it...
They establish e chracter to be so nice, so likable, gave u enuff time to connect wif e character and then make the character die... DAMN!!! EVIL!!!
I usually watch shows tt i like over n over, but as much as i like Full Metal Alchemists, i told Shuzhen tt i dun wan to watch tis show again... It is very very depressing, disturbing n stressful... I followed till e end, u give me a sad ending... @#$%^&$# I want it to be resolved, cannot meh? Mus leave it as tt arh? Sigh...
Anyways, my wish came true again... I haf always wonder n told alot of ppl, y e hell KIT KAT doesnt haf dark chocolates!!! And woo... Im eating one at tis very moment...
Its yummy...
Oh i love dark chocolates, btw, in case u didnt already noe...
Usually most of these things i say, it will happen somewat... Like i mentioned how come Genting dun haf Famous Amos Cookies... Jus so coz i wan to eat tt time and i am lazy to go to Wisma to buy... And guess wat? Yea, i saw Famous Amos shop there when i went there... It shocked e hell out of me...
Coz i actually smelled it while i was there... But i thot i was dreaming, coz it would be nuts to find it there... And then i came to the shop front... I bought 2 bags of cookies, which i cant finish and brought back to SG... As usual, u pay for the quality, their cookies will never go soft...
For wats its worth, the guy at the shop is rather dashing... LOL...
Now, Ferrero Roche, y u dun haf dark chocolate one arh?
Argh, X'mas's gone jus like tt...
I went out wif Shuzhen tis yr as usual... But tis yr, we did not celebrate... And i forgot to bring camera, so no photos... Everytime i wan to take photo, i didnt bring camera, everytime i dun want to take photo, i brought my camera along... And everytime i plan to take photo and brought my cam out, but jus no mood in the end...
I guess its my disgust in digital photography... It jus doesnt serve any purpose anymore... Especially when i see how e trend in photography has gone... I still own a digital cam coz its inevitable these days... Besides, i bought it for my work in poly last time...
I will see how it goes... May one day my fire and money goes up, and i will go back to photography...
Till then, all my beautiful photos will go into hiatus, and i will be left wif taking digital photos, of myself mainly... LOL... And i especially hate ppl posting my photos in deviant art... But nvm, i always pretend i duno anything about it... And for those who lie tt they r the ones who took the photos... So be it... It also pisses me of tt some ppl can call my photos digital... Maybe i should scan them e negatives... Alamak, u wan to lie also never get the facts straight...
Those who know me will know tt i dun share my photos, not becoz im selfish, but becoz i take photos for my own journal sake... It is not meant to be nice, perfect, cool or anything... It jus falls into my documenting of my own journey... And i also do not post in forums and say how nice how nice my photos are... Perhaps nice photos do appear, but most of them are jus normal... I do not need ppl to brag to other ppl about my photos...
There was tis assigment during poly when i decided to collaborate my photography into it... And so i explained my concept to my lecturer, and we tok and discussed about photography...
And then e next lesson, he actually said tis in front of my class, "Class, Celest is a expert in photography, u shd look up to her in tt area!"...
I swear i almost stabbed the lecturer wif a knife... But all i did was to hide my head somewhere...
If i knew hes like tt, i wouldnt haf told him anything...
Jus becoz i do it, it doesnt mean i am gd enuff... Besides, all the while ive never even told anyone about it... I am not like Pauline who can buy a very gd cam, and hang ard her neck everyday and shoot gd photos everyday, polishing her skills... I jus so happened to haf a bf then who owns a very gd film cam and so i borrowed it... But after we broke, i stop doing it altogether...
So, i jus take photos coz i like doing it... But i prefer to take photo journals more... Unlike random, i do it wif a reason...
I haf a fren who said wan to see my son's pic... So i showed him the picture in my hp, taken wif the hp cam of coz... 1st thing he said, "Wa lao, y ur photo so overexposed one?"
I duno y the exposure's more impt than e look of my son... For goodness sake, its a hp cam... If u wan to hao lian ur hp got how many mega pix take very gd photo, gd for u, but so? My son is black, u imagine i leave the exposure as default, how he will look like... @#$%^& Anyone will noe if u wanna take gd photos, u dun use ur hp anyway...
I dun understand ppl nowadays... Like how another fren saw my fren's pic, and complained y she take her photo lidat...
Does it really matter?
I dun expect everyone to take gd photos... Besides, like myself, i dun even think about e settings when i jus so happen to see my son in a funny pose, and i took my hp and shot it... U think i still mus go n set perfect settings, then think whether e pic nice or not, not nice mus delete cannot let ppl see, then nice then show ppl arh? Y live ur life so difficult over such small little things?
Anyways, I had an interview once, and the interviewer told me, "The reason i called u down for an interview is tis particular photo u took in your portfolio. And i felt you are different and special. I felt you through that photo."
To me, that was one of the best compliments i received... But too bad, it didnt work out, coz the company's too far (close to 2 hrs) and wasnt wat i was looking for...
Anyways, jus a side note... DO NOT WATCH NARNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U will regret it, especially when i paid a gd $9.50...
It is tat crappy... The story makes no sense... I noe its suppposed to be fantasy, but fantasy still has to make sense... The movie is jus like watching a silly children version of Lord Of The Rings... It is tt demeanin to the author C.S. Lewis... The director totally ruined a classic story...
Poor Lewis, now most ppl (who's not read book) are going to think tt the book is tt lousy...
I hope u guys enjoyed ur long weekend and ur christmas... Hope u guys managed to rest well, regain ur energy and had fun...
I went out wif Shuzhen tis yr as usual... But tis yr, we did not celebrate... And i forgot to bring camera, so no photos... Everytime i wan to take photo, i didnt bring camera, everytime i dun want to take photo, i brought my camera along... And everytime i plan to take photo and brought my cam out, but jus no mood in the end...
I guess its my disgust in digital photography... It jus doesnt serve any purpose anymore... Especially when i see how e trend in photography has gone... I still own a digital cam coz its inevitable these days... Besides, i bought it for my work in poly last time...
I will see how it goes... May one day my fire and money goes up, and i will go back to photography...
Till then, all my beautiful photos will go into hiatus, and i will be left wif taking digital photos, of myself mainly... LOL... And i especially hate ppl posting my photos in deviant art... But nvm, i always pretend i duno anything about it... And for those who lie tt they r the ones who took the photos... So be it... It also pisses me of tt some ppl can call my photos digital... Maybe i should scan them e negatives... Alamak, u wan to lie also never get the facts straight...
Those who know me will know tt i dun share my photos, not becoz im selfish, but becoz i take photos for my own journal sake... It is not meant to be nice, perfect, cool or anything... It jus falls into my documenting of my own journey... And i also do not post in forums and say how nice how nice my photos are... Perhaps nice photos do appear, but most of them are jus normal... I do not need ppl to brag to other ppl about my photos...
There was tis assigment during poly when i decided to collaborate my photography into it... And so i explained my concept to my lecturer, and we tok and discussed about photography...
And then e next lesson, he actually said tis in front of my class, "Class, Celest is a expert in photography, u shd look up to her in tt area!"...
I swear i almost stabbed the lecturer wif a knife... But all i did was to hide my head somewhere...
If i knew hes like tt, i wouldnt haf told him anything...
Jus becoz i do it, it doesnt mean i am gd enuff... Besides, all the while ive never even told anyone about it... I am not like Pauline who can buy a very gd cam, and hang ard her neck everyday and shoot gd photos everyday, polishing her skills... I jus so happened to haf a bf then who owns a very gd film cam and so i borrowed it... But after we broke, i stop doing it altogether...
So, i jus take photos coz i like doing it... But i prefer to take photo journals more... Unlike random, i do it wif a reason...
I haf a fren who said wan to see my son's pic... So i showed him the picture in my hp, taken wif the hp cam of coz... 1st thing he said, "Wa lao, y ur photo so overexposed one?"
I duno y the exposure's more impt than e look of my son... For goodness sake, its a hp cam... If u wan to hao lian ur hp got how many mega pix take very gd photo, gd for u, but so? My son is black, u imagine i leave the exposure as default, how he will look like... @#$%^& Anyone will noe if u wanna take gd photos, u dun use ur hp anyway...
I dun understand ppl nowadays... Like how another fren saw my fren's pic, and complained y she take her photo lidat...
Does it really matter?
I dun expect everyone to take gd photos... Besides, like myself, i dun even think about e settings when i jus so happen to see my son in a funny pose, and i took my hp and shot it... U think i still mus go n set perfect settings, then think whether e pic nice or not, not nice mus delete cannot let ppl see, then nice then show ppl arh? Y live ur life so difficult over such small little things?
Anyways, I had an interview once, and the interviewer told me, "The reason i called u down for an interview is tis particular photo u took in your portfolio. And i felt you are different and special. I felt you through that photo."
To me, that was one of the best compliments i received... But too bad, it didnt work out, coz the company's too far (close to 2 hrs) and wasnt wat i was looking for...
Anyways, jus a side note... DO NOT WATCH NARNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U will regret it, especially when i paid a gd $9.50...
It is tat crappy... The story makes no sense... I noe its suppposed to be fantasy, but fantasy still has to make sense... The movie is jus like watching a silly children version of Lord Of The Rings... It is tt demeanin to the author C.S. Lewis... The director totally ruined a classic story...
Poor Lewis, now most ppl (who's not read book) are going to think tt the book is tt lousy...
I hope u guys enjoyed ur long weekend and ur christmas... Hope u guys managed to rest well, regain ur energy and had fun...
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
With regards to e LOTR book... I am having so much thots about it coz i haf too many choices... If u go Kino's fantasy section, u can see the whole area packed with every possible publishers and versions of the book...
The latest are the huge black hard cover versions, published by Tolkien's son, Christopher... 50 yrs of anniversary version... Those are way cool, but it costs $200!!!
I also saw the old white hard cover versions, abit shabby and a sheet over the hard cover... I tend to spoil these kind of books...
I also like the red velvet haRD covers version...
But all the above dun haF Alan Lee's illustrations!!!
So i never noe which to choose... Which explains y i still haven buy the book even though u noe i am a freaking fan... Which explains y i prefer to get it as a gift so tt i do not even haf to decide...
1) I can save more money and get big, hard covers versions
2) I can save some money ad get those soft covers versions with Alan Lee's illustrated covers (Coz i am a fan of his drawings)
3) Be cheapskate and just buy those smaller soft cover compiled but the words are freakingly small...
4) Buy the bundle (the one i mentioned $40.50) and top it off wif The Silmarillion... Becoz it is a very gd deal...
No matter which i choose in the end, i noe i can only choose one option... Coz its crazy to buy books that are the same but of different covers...
King Kong's extended cut DVD, i haf to wait close to a yr later to get it... So anticipating... Heard it will be a gd 40 mins extended version... But the normal theatre version will be out next june... The essence of the film still pays tribute to 1933's King Kong... And it is set in 1933... Ive never watched the 1933 version, but i saw the King Kong 2 in the 1980s...
I watched all the production dairies of King Kong... And its so sad at the end, jus like LOTR...
Anyways, like i said, go watch King Kong... Jus noe its 3 hrs, and the 1st hr will be characters introduction, story telling and story build up to the reaL deal...
The latest are the huge black hard cover versions, published by Tolkien's son, Christopher... 50 yrs of anniversary version... Those are way cool, but it costs $200!!!
I also saw the old white hard cover versions, abit shabby and a sheet over the hard cover... I tend to spoil these kind of books...
I also like the red velvet haRD covers version...
But all the above dun haF Alan Lee's illustrations!!!
So i never noe which to choose... Which explains y i still haven buy the book even though u noe i am a freaking fan... Which explains y i prefer to get it as a gift so tt i do not even haf to decide...
1) I can save more money and get big, hard covers versions
2) I can save some money ad get those soft covers versions with Alan Lee's illustrated covers (Coz i am a fan of his drawings)
3) Be cheapskate and just buy those smaller soft cover compiled but the words are freakingly small...
4) Buy the bundle (the one i mentioned $40.50) and top it off wif The Silmarillion... Becoz it is a very gd deal...
No matter which i choose in the end, i noe i can only choose one option... Coz its crazy to buy books that are the same but of different covers...
King Kong's extended cut DVD, i haf to wait close to a yr later to get it... So anticipating... Heard it will be a gd 40 mins extended version... But the normal theatre version will be out next june... The essence of the film still pays tribute to 1933's King Kong... And it is set in 1933... Ive never watched the 1933 version, but i saw the King Kong 2 in the 1980s...
I watched all the production dairies of King Kong... And its so sad at the end, jus like LOTR...
Anyways, like i said, go watch King Kong... Jus noe its 3 hrs, and the 1st hr will be characters introduction, story telling and story build up to the reaL deal...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The Book
I saw the lord of the rings 3 vol set bundle with The Hobbit, @ $40.45, something like tt... U think i shd get it? Its a pretty gd deal, with illustrator covers and The Hobbit... Hmm, i also duno leh... I initially was thinking of getting the single compiled, but the the bundle is nice and i like the illustrations... I can keep the books in the box too...
I wanted to get hard covers so tt i wun spoil the books, but then hard covers ex leh...
I would like to get Alan Lee's illustrated covers, but his books usually are the expensive ones...
I also wan to get the The Silmarillion (something lidat)...
Anyways, shall think about it, after i completed my project...
I gave my sis and mum their x'mas gifts liao... I even had to redo my sis one coz she is so picky... Anyways, the gifts were hand made and i got them done... Coz i scared i no more time to do...
A tad too early i noe... But i duno my schedule for this later week...
We'll see...
I wanted to get hard covers so tt i wun spoil the books, but then hard covers ex leh...
I would like to get Alan Lee's illustrated covers, but his books usually are the expensive ones...
I also wan to get the The Silmarillion (something lidat)...
Anyways, shall think about it, after i completed my project...
I gave my sis and mum their x'mas gifts liao... I even had to redo my sis one coz she is so picky... Anyways, the gifts were hand made and i got them done... Coz i scared i no more time to do...
A tad too early i noe... But i duno my schedule for this later week...
We'll see...
Sunday, December 18, 2005
King Kong
Haven u heard about it? Hurry up to ur nearest cinema and watch it... Alone or not alone doesnt matter... Just dun miss it!!!
It is that good. Its a MUST-SEE-MOVIE-OF-THE-YEAR!!!!!
Finally finally, after LORD OF THE RINGS, its been so long since a great movie turn up. Forget about Harry Potter... Potter? Wat Potter? *Shrugs*
Of coz, u can say i am biased towards Peter Jackson... Well, of coz... But the thing is, watever u say, LOTR is known to be the best movie made in history, so likewise, my expectations for King Kong will go way up, even though i told myself i might be disappointed before i watch it...
And surprise surprise, it actually met my expectations... And to a certain level, exceeded it... I always thot LOTR was gd partly due to e fact tt they already had the best novel in the world to work wif... However, i think King Kong seriously sealed the fate... Peter is gd... In terms of story telling, flow of story, action, creativity, it all comes together as a whole package in King Kong, and proven that he can do any movies, besides B grade splatter films in the past...
Jus a sidenote, look at the amt of weight Peter lost, and he looked so different... LOL...
He didnt jus copy the old King Kong... He remade his own... And made it in a way that nobody will regcognize the story except the part where u know King Kong's going to die... So even if u know the old story, u cant anticipate wats going to happen next...
Unlike our local movie Homerun, which Jack Neo simply copied everything from the original, even camera angles, but just changed the indian settings to a chinese kampong... Till today, i still duno wats e hype about all tt, even though i own the VCD... LOL...
King Kong is a movie with the whole package, there is gd lookin leads, romance, platonic love, spooks, creeps, fantasy, actions, humanity, creatures, bugs, dinosaurs, and of coz, a giant Gorilla..
The fight sequences are excellent... They are long... Not those strong hero fight abit then win liao... It was real, it was a long struggle which was something ive never seen...
The story built up was excellent, and you feel so much for them... And of coz, they pulled the scenes long enuff for our tears to fall off our faces... Casting was good too...
To me, the best part is the dialogues script... The dialogues are so gd, the punchlines are there, very emotional... And the way the artistes articulate the words, they nailed it!!!
Its a 3 hrs film and i love 3 hrs film... Coz its jus enuff to entail the whole flow of the story... So i never noe how come ppl can complain about 3 hrs movies being too long... Usually movies that are 1 hrs plus are jus crappy entertaining or funny movies that u jus kill time wif...
But after i finished watching the movie, i was worried for Peter Jackson... Well, as much as how great the movie is, i knew some ppl are going to hate it like LOTRs... Till today i still cannot understand how ppl can demean LOTR when its so bloody gd...
The 1st fantasy movie ever in history that won an Oscar!!!
Most of all, how can they demean Tolkien's close to 20 yrs of hard work...
Anyways, i bet some ppl are going to say the 1st hr of the movie is boring... These are the grp that falls asleep while watching LOTR... Coz they simply dun get plots and stories... They jus wan to see action gore action gore...
So i am kinda surprised and overwhelmed at how gd the reviews are for the movie... Its all 4.5 to 5 out of 5 stars... And the only missing pt reasons were always tt the movie is too long, tt it shd be shorten and some scenes shd be taken out...
Anyways, jus go and watch it...
While i see adult males crying at the movie, i shudder to hear when ppl tell me, wats there to cry? Lol...
(Andy Serkis, the one who acted for mocap Gollum and voiceover is in the movie... And he actually let out a Gollum shriek when he was struggling in one scene, i actually laughed at tt pt, i wonder is it on purpose... Andy is the one doing the King Kong mocap!!! LOL, well, his stunning performances as Gollum certainly earned his mark...)
This is wat i call visual effects!!!
It is that good. Its a MUST-SEE-MOVIE-OF-THE-YEAR!!!!!
Finally finally, after LORD OF THE RINGS, its been so long since a great movie turn up. Forget about Harry Potter... Potter? Wat Potter? *Shrugs*
Of coz, u can say i am biased towards Peter Jackson... Well, of coz... But the thing is, watever u say, LOTR is known to be the best movie made in history, so likewise, my expectations for King Kong will go way up, even though i told myself i might be disappointed before i watch it...
And surprise surprise, it actually met my expectations... And to a certain level, exceeded it... I always thot LOTR was gd partly due to e fact tt they already had the best novel in the world to work wif... However, i think King Kong seriously sealed the fate... Peter is gd... In terms of story telling, flow of story, action, creativity, it all comes together as a whole package in King Kong, and proven that he can do any movies, besides B grade splatter films in the past...
Jus a sidenote, look at the amt of weight Peter lost, and he looked so different... LOL...
He didnt jus copy the old King Kong... He remade his own... And made it in a way that nobody will regcognize the story except the part where u know King Kong's going to die... So even if u know the old story, u cant anticipate wats going to happen next...
Unlike our local movie Homerun, which Jack Neo simply copied everything from the original, even camera angles, but just changed the indian settings to a chinese kampong... Till today, i still duno wats e hype about all tt, even though i own the VCD... LOL...
King Kong is a movie with the whole package, there is gd lookin leads, romance, platonic love, spooks, creeps, fantasy, actions, humanity, creatures, bugs, dinosaurs, and of coz, a giant Gorilla..
The fight sequences are excellent... They are long... Not those strong hero fight abit then win liao... It was real, it was a long struggle which was something ive never seen...
The story built up was excellent, and you feel so much for them... And of coz, they pulled the scenes long enuff for our tears to fall off our faces... Casting was good too...
To me, the best part is the dialogues script... The dialogues are so gd, the punchlines are there, very emotional... And the way the artistes articulate the words, they nailed it!!!
Its a 3 hrs film and i love 3 hrs film... Coz its jus enuff to entail the whole flow of the story... So i never noe how come ppl can complain about 3 hrs movies being too long... Usually movies that are 1 hrs plus are jus crappy entertaining or funny movies that u jus kill time wif...
But after i finished watching the movie, i was worried for Peter Jackson... Well, as much as how great the movie is, i knew some ppl are going to hate it like LOTRs... Till today i still cannot understand how ppl can demean LOTR when its so bloody gd...
The 1st fantasy movie ever in history that won an Oscar!!!
Most of all, how can they demean Tolkien's close to 20 yrs of hard work...
Anyways, i bet some ppl are going to say the 1st hr of the movie is boring... These are the grp that falls asleep while watching LOTR... Coz they simply dun get plots and stories... They jus wan to see action gore action gore...
So i am kinda surprised and overwhelmed at how gd the reviews are for the movie... Its all 4.5 to 5 out of 5 stars... And the only missing pt reasons were always tt the movie is too long, tt it shd be shorten and some scenes shd be taken out...
Anyways, jus go and watch it...
While i see adult males crying at the movie, i shudder to hear when ppl tell me, wats there to cry? Lol...
(Andy Serkis, the one who acted for mocap Gollum and voiceover is in the movie... And he actually let out a Gollum shriek when he was struggling in one scene, i actually laughed at tt pt, i wonder is it on purpose... Andy is the one doing the King Kong mocap!!! LOL, well, his stunning performances as Gollum certainly earned his mark...)
This is wat i call visual effects!!!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Random Pic Fr Genting

I like tis pic... Lol... Forgotten about it till i saw it from her frendster...

So dreamy... LOL!!!!

Meaningless photo, except to show my hair... Muahahahah, i like my hair color!!! I bleached it myself!!! I dyed my hair again 6 days later after i dyed wif e cheapo dye... Actually e cheapo dye color is ok after few days jus tt i find it too dark...
Palty is da best when it comes to DIY!!! I strongly recommend to anyone if they wan to save money to DIY... Tis is their new bleach dye...
Actually it shd haf gone lighter, jus tt i scared coz i 1st time bleach scared becum duno wat color, so i didnt put on very long...
Will put up more photos...
Guys & Their New Gfs
In ur life, there are always some guys or ex bfs whom you noe fully well, arent any gd person or worst, weird, strange, evil, violent, etc... All these things tat u found out after knowing them deeply thru a long time...
So i always shudder to think when they got attached to their new gfs... Having only known each other for a short time (e usual trend, myself included), the girl doesnt even noe anything... Of coz, the guys wouldnt let e new girls noe their unglory but real past, would they?
So most of the girls will landed up in e same mess like me n the thousands alikes out there...
Recently, i duno y but many of the above guys i described above, got attached... And its real lightning... One day, they can be complaining to me no gf, they r horny, intro girls n all tt bullshit, and weeks later, i see tt they r attached... And of coz, when they r, they ignore u like they ever noe u be4... But tis is another topic altogether...
Anyways, most of these guys are unfortunately desperates... I am not saying all guys are like these... I am only toking about those in tis category n those tt i know personally...
Many of these guys are social outcasts... They never get along wif the crowd and they are always rejected, not tt becoz they r special, but they are just not nice ppl... And they r always full of lies n deceit...
Obviously, they put up a very nice, gentle, caring front when they are wooing the girls...
Targetting news girls wif a weaker state of mind is simply despicable... Then again, i dun think guys would wan a gal wif a stronger state of mind anyways...
Like i said, i shudder to think how these girls will land up... On the shore i hope and not drowned deep in e vast ocean...
If u wanna say man change... I can only say u duno any of these ppl like i do...
I used to be naive and all and think tt ppl can change for the better... Unfortunately, wif age, u'll grow out of it... And life suddenly becum happier...
For example, one of my ex, has a ultra violent and possessive nature... Violence n possessiveness shd never ever cum together, it makes the world's most incredible scum... Anyways, after he repeatedly assaulted me, we broke up... Of coz, the breaking up n pestering n he jumping off my blk episode took about half a yr to resolve.... But i think like after 1 mth or so, he got attached... Wif a gal he jus know of coz...
He is a typical lying thru his teeth person, he made up so many stories of himself... And to think i actually believed in him or rather dun mind of lying nature... I was very young u see...
I wonder wat happened to tt girl... Perhaps they got married? Since hes quite old now... Maybe e same thing happened all over again, i duno... Maybe hes even assaulting her right now... All these things are beyond our reach...
Wat i wan to say is tis... We noe wat kind of person some of our frenz are... However, in the event if they do get attached, theres nothing u can do about it, except to hear about a familiar sad story in near future... U cant jus walk up to e girl n tell her e truth... Love is blind, nobody will listen to another, especially another female telling tales about their bf...
Girls also same thing... Like i always noe tis girl was searching for better options even when she was attached... So i noe one day, the guy's heart will be broken... Unfortunately, it took her like yrs for her "better option" to turn up... And it happened... Poor guy's heart was shattered man... But the thing is, even if u noe its going to happen... U cant be so 100% sure also... I mean it can be tt fate never let her find her option...
So u cant tell e guy early in e relationship tt his girl's jus treating him like a temporary shelter, can u? U will probably lose both in the end... And then e guy might regret not hearin u out in the end after a long journey, only to realise things will never go back to be e same anymore...
If u haf frenz who r heart breakers, u'll noe wat i mean... If u dun, then gd for u... U dun haf to feel so gut wrenching everything u hear e news like i do...
Anyways, i made a mistake about Cloud, he wasnt the one wif e scar... The one wif e scar is Squall... Hahaha... To think i even blatantly accuse him wifout knowing... I got mixed up coz in FFVII, Cloud's got the same wound, or isit blood stain, duno... So i thot he had e scar instead.... Hahah... But Cloud certainly grew up to look exactly like Squall though...
Squall is still da best!!! (In my humble opinion)
Ok, back to work...
So i always shudder to think when they got attached to their new gfs... Having only known each other for a short time (e usual trend, myself included), the girl doesnt even noe anything... Of coz, the guys wouldnt let e new girls noe their unglory but real past, would they?
So most of the girls will landed up in e same mess like me n the thousands alikes out there...
Recently, i duno y but many of the above guys i described above, got attached... And its real lightning... One day, they can be complaining to me no gf, they r horny, intro girls n all tt bullshit, and weeks later, i see tt they r attached... And of coz, when they r, they ignore u like they ever noe u be4... But tis is another topic altogether...
Anyways, most of these guys are unfortunately desperates... I am not saying all guys are like these... I am only toking about those in tis category n those tt i know personally...
Many of these guys are social outcasts... They never get along wif the crowd and they are always rejected, not tt becoz they r special, but they are just not nice ppl... And they r always full of lies n deceit...
Obviously, they put up a very nice, gentle, caring front when they are wooing the girls...
Targetting news girls wif a weaker state of mind is simply despicable... Then again, i dun think guys would wan a gal wif a stronger state of mind anyways...
Like i said, i shudder to think how these girls will land up... On the shore i hope and not drowned deep in e vast ocean...
If u wanna say man change... I can only say u duno any of these ppl like i do...
I used to be naive and all and think tt ppl can change for the better... Unfortunately, wif age, u'll grow out of it... And life suddenly becum happier...
For example, one of my ex, has a ultra violent and possessive nature... Violence n possessiveness shd never ever cum together, it makes the world's most incredible scum... Anyways, after he repeatedly assaulted me, we broke up... Of coz, the breaking up n pestering n he jumping off my blk episode took about half a yr to resolve.... But i think like after 1 mth or so, he got attached... Wif a gal he jus know of coz...
He is a typical lying thru his teeth person, he made up so many stories of himself... And to think i actually believed in him or rather dun mind of lying nature... I was very young u see...
I wonder wat happened to tt girl... Perhaps they got married? Since hes quite old now... Maybe e same thing happened all over again, i duno... Maybe hes even assaulting her right now... All these things are beyond our reach...
Wat i wan to say is tis... We noe wat kind of person some of our frenz are... However, in the event if they do get attached, theres nothing u can do about it, except to hear about a familiar sad story in near future... U cant jus walk up to e girl n tell her e truth... Love is blind, nobody will listen to another, especially another female telling tales about their bf...
Girls also same thing... Like i always noe tis girl was searching for better options even when she was attached... So i noe one day, the guy's heart will be broken... Unfortunately, it took her like yrs for her "better option" to turn up... And it happened... Poor guy's heart was shattered man... But the thing is, even if u noe its going to happen... U cant be so 100% sure also... I mean it can be tt fate never let her find her option...
So u cant tell e guy early in e relationship tt his girl's jus treating him like a temporary shelter, can u? U will probably lose both in the end... And then e guy might regret not hearin u out in the end after a long journey, only to realise things will never go back to be e same anymore...
If u haf frenz who r heart breakers, u'll noe wat i mean... If u dun, then gd for u... U dun haf to feel so gut wrenching everything u hear e news like i do...
Anyways, i made a mistake about Cloud, he wasnt the one wif e scar... The one wif e scar is Squall... Hahaha... To think i even blatantly accuse him wifout knowing... I got mixed up coz in FFVII, Cloud's got the same wound, or isit blood stain, duno... So i thot he had e scar instead.... Hahah... But Cloud certainly grew up to look exactly like Squall though...
Squall is still da best!!! (In my humble opinion)
Ok, back to work...
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I am waiting for my client's call to discuss about the mock ups i did... There were changes n merges as expected, so i will need more details from her... But shes busy and said will call me back in like an hr plus later...
I am hoping to finalise the final design by tmr... But it may a wishful hope unless im tt gd...
I am seriously hoping to finish tis project by the end of this yr...
Everyday at home is really boring me... Although i got things to do, but im trapped in a way... Lol, duno u get it or not...
I will tok more about my project once its done... Coz i haf lots of things to say but i think i shd only say it after it ended...
Anyways, i searched for the FFVII & Advent Children's script to read... Coz i wanted to noe e story... And the badly translated Advent Children made me really mad...
I watched like 4 times liao...
So finally, i cleared up all the bubbles... I finally noe e story... Hahhahaa...
FFVII is loooooooonnnnnnnggggggg... It took me 2 nights to finish reading... Cant be helped, its 60+ hrs of gaming!!! If u play 2 hrs a day, it will take u more than a mth, not even including those times u die...
Its a crazy ass complicated story... Took me to the end before i fully understand e whole plot and also thanking e person who wrote it so well...
Not only tt, i had to read the FAQs sections to clear up more bubbles...
While ppl speculated many many yrs ago tt Cloud love Tifa the most... I think Advent Children really sealed the fate... It was clear tt Cloud love Aerith (Aeries)... There wasnt any love towards Tifa...
I duno, i always find tt Aerith is more beautiful than Tifa, but it seemed like hard core fans n the original game developers thot Tifa was hot... Hmm... My eyes got prob meh? I thot it was pretty obvious... She got Jolin Cai's hair somemore even before the hair was in trend... Hahaha...
Anyways, more to come...
I am hoping to finalise the final design by tmr... But it may a wishful hope unless im tt gd...
I am seriously hoping to finish tis project by the end of this yr...
Everyday at home is really boring me... Although i got things to do, but im trapped in a way... Lol, duno u get it or not...
I will tok more about my project once its done... Coz i haf lots of things to say but i think i shd only say it after it ended...
Anyways, i searched for the FFVII & Advent Children's script to read... Coz i wanted to noe e story... And the badly translated Advent Children made me really mad...
I watched like 4 times liao...
So finally, i cleared up all the bubbles... I finally noe e story... Hahhahaa...
FFVII is loooooooonnnnnnnggggggg... It took me 2 nights to finish reading... Cant be helped, its 60+ hrs of gaming!!! If u play 2 hrs a day, it will take u more than a mth, not even including those times u die...
Its a crazy ass complicated story... Took me to the end before i fully understand e whole plot and also thanking e person who wrote it so well...
Not only tt, i had to read the FAQs sections to clear up more bubbles...
While ppl speculated many many yrs ago tt Cloud love Tifa the most... I think Advent Children really sealed the fate... It was clear tt Cloud love Aerith (Aeries)... There wasnt any love towards Tifa...
I duno, i always find tt Aerith is more beautiful than Tifa, but it seemed like hard core fans n the original game developers thot Tifa was hot... Hmm... My eyes got prob meh? I thot it was pretty obvious... She got Jolin Cai's hair somemore even before the hair was in trend... Hahaha...
Anyways, more to come...
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Jay Chou Fans Are Going To Kill Me
Yest night, I dreamt that i was in taiwan visiting some guy fren who was studying in some college or uni or something...
Then i realised Jay Chou was studying there as well... Lol...
I ignored him anyways coz i dun really like him, unless all e rest who swarm ard him like bees...
Then he saw me, and it was love at 1st sight for him... Hahahah, i was trying to act blur and avoid him though...
Then this Liu Luo Ying (think coz i haf been watchong too many of her publicity clips) wanted to chase him and follow him ard, and kept asking him out...
I was in tis bookshop which is like minimart selling all kinds of stuffs... I was exploring coz ive never been to Taiwan and was very curious about their things and prices...
Then Jay Chou was waiting for me at the entrance... Smiling at me whenever i happen to look at his direction...
Then tt Liu Luo Ying grabbed him and asked him out, i used tis chance to escape thru the entrance, hoping he wun see me... And then while hes hearing Liu Luo Ying out, Jay grabbed my hand and stopped me...
He asked me whether i was free for dinner tt night, i said im not... Liu Luo Ying said she is... And then i left...
Wahahahaha... I AM SO COOL!!!
Then i was crossing road, then suddenly one car zoomed past and i was pulled to e roadside... Jay saved my life!!!
So we sat there tokin awhile coz i think i was injured...
Then one motocyclist stopped by and tried to rob us... Jay Chou simply gave him some money, coz i was penniless anyways... Jay even shouted at him, "Wat? Not enuff ah? Here!", he gave him some more notes... I duno how much he gave tt stupid robber, coz i couldnt tell their currency...
Anyways, he helped me walk to some place... Then i told him its impossible between us, even as frenz, hes a star, etc... Besides, hes not a faithful bf... And i hate unfaithfullness... I said "U r still attached to Hou Pei Ci anyways wat, how can like tt?"...
Then he said, actually they not together long time liao, etc...
Then he said alot of touching things and then touched my heart...
So stupidly i agreed and we kissed... And i woke up...
Sigh, i wan David Tao leh... Not Jay... I cant get David Tao out of my head ever since last week's KTV session... Gosh gosh...
Anyways, pardon me... Coz i haven been updating... I haf lots of things to say but i dun haf e time, once i am done wif my project i will update asap...
Then i realised Jay Chou was studying there as well... Lol...
I ignored him anyways coz i dun really like him, unless all e rest who swarm ard him like bees...
Then he saw me, and it was love at 1st sight for him... Hahahah, i was trying to act blur and avoid him though...
Then this Liu Luo Ying (think coz i haf been watchong too many of her publicity clips) wanted to chase him and follow him ard, and kept asking him out...
I was in tis bookshop which is like minimart selling all kinds of stuffs... I was exploring coz ive never been to Taiwan and was very curious about their things and prices...
Then Jay Chou was waiting for me at the entrance... Smiling at me whenever i happen to look at his direction...
Then tt Liu Luo Ying grabbed him and asked him out, i used tis chance to escape thru the entrance, hoping he wun see me... And then while hes hearing Liu Luo Ying out, Jay grabbed my hand and stopped me...
He asked me whether i was free for dinner tt night, i said im not... Liu Luo Ying said she is... And then i left...
Wahahahaha... I AM SO COOL!!!
Then i was crossing road, then suddenly one car zoomed past and i was pulled to e roadside... Jay saved my life!!!
So we sat there tokin awhile coz i think i was injured...
Then one motocyclist stopped by and tried to rob us... Jay Chou simply gave him some money, coz i was penniless anyways... Jay even shouted at him, "Wat? Not enuff ah? Here!", he gave him some more notes... I duno how much he gave tt stupid robber, coz i couldnt tell their currency...
Anyways, he helped me walk to some place... Then i told him its impossible between us, even as frenz, hes a star, etc... Besides, hes not a faithful bf... And i hate unfaithfullness... I said "U r still attached to Hou Pei Ci anyways wat, how can like tt?"...
Then he said, actually they not together long time liao, etc...
Then he said alot of touching things and then touched my heart...
So stupidly i agreed and we kissed... And i woke up...
Sigh, i wan David Tao leh... Not Jay... I cant get David Tao out of my head ever since last week's KTV session... Gosh gosh...
Anyways, pardon me... Coz i haven been updating... I haf lots of things to say but i dun haf e time, once i am done wif my project i will update asap...
Saturday, December 10, 2005
A Wise Qns
My mum who was watching Advent Children with me the other day, while e fighting is going on...
She asked me a qns, when she saw Sephiroth stabbed Cloud...
Mum: "How come no blood one arh?"
I wanted to laugh out, coz i didnt noe how to answer her qns... Becoz to me, i am used to it... I seldom see 3d blood in 3D animations anyway...
Then i said, "Erm... Becoz blood is very difficult to create and animate lor..."
It may be difficult or it may be unneccessary or it may be too violent... Whichever reason, isnt it more weird when u dun see blood in live action movies especially warring or hacking scenes? Like HERO?
She asked me a qns, when she saw Sephiroth stabbed Cloud...
Mum: "How come no blood one arh?"
I wanted to laugh out, coz i didnt noe how to answer her qns... Becoz to me, i am used to it... I seldom see 3d blood in 3D animations anyway...
Then i said, "Erm... Becoz blood is very difficult to create and animate lor..."
It may be difficult or it may be unneccessary or it may be too violent... Whichever reason, isnt it more weird when u dun see blood in live action movies especially warring or hacking scenes? Like HERO?
Thursday, December 08, 2005
FF VII: Advent Children
PS: Printscreens at the bottom of entry for ur viewing, many pictures but listen to me nag 1st!!!
Ok, i never thot i would haf the opportunity to watch Advent Children coz i do not do any downloads of movies or anime...
It has always been at the back of my mind ever since i saw the trailer like yrs ago...
Like all, everybody anticipated like mad... But of coz, in the end, i share a piece of the pie of disappointment with them as well...
I came back from Genting and saw the FINAL FANTASY VII: ADVENT CHILDREN DVD on my table... I was like, huh?
Then my mum told me the graphics very nice, the guys very handsome... She asked my sis whether is it computer generated, my sis told her its drawn by artists... LOL... Tok about misunderstandings...
Then i was even more shocked... MUM & ANIME doesnt come together!!!
Tts was funny, so i thot it was so damn gd tt my mum even took an interest to it... Then i recalled e reviews n reshuffled my expectations... Haha...
I watched e history of FF VII, but of coz, i couldnt understand a shit, coz the game was fast forwarded and e broken english subtitles jus zoom past like tt... Hahaha... I think they were expecting e audience to SUPERMAN eyesight...
I only noe about lifestream, one girl died, Cloud's best fren died, cute purple version of cloud jumping ard in e game, villain killed, lifestream saved e world...
And then i realised tts all u need to noe anyway... Hahahhaa...
It took another blur person to make me understand e plot... My sis kept asking me qns, and magically i managed to answer all of them, then i realised i got the story... Hahahah...
I watched the show, but i wasnt really paying attention coz my mum n sis kept interupting... And they were watching it again, so i'll watch it again tonight alone since its still here anyway...
Oh, the dvd appeared in my house, coz my sis's colleague was asking her about tt cat cat, big cat anime, which turned out in the end to be Inuyasha anyways... He did haf sharp ears but hes a dog... LOL...
So she wanted to borrow and said lend us Gundam... I was like, huh? GUNDAM??? Siao eh...
Anyways, i left Genting, and didnt noe e transaction was made... Hahaha...
She wanted box 1 to burn, but my sis gave her 2 boxes, then she lent my sis Advent Children, which my sis noe nuts about, until i came back and made a big HOO HA...
Anyways, Advent Children did not turn out as gd as i had expected... It is totally so off from the trailer... I was so blown away by the trailer... But of coz, those in e industry knew trailers r never e final product, coz they do trailers 1st...
As expected, while there was top notch character modelling, texturing and rendering... Basically its jus that... Backgrd was lousy, its all low polys and only main characters r properly done, e rest all short cut...
Animation is bad but normal i guess like all other 3D anime... There were some gd animated scenes, but its jus a handful... They walk funny and tok funny... So its kinda weird to see perfect almost real human chracters not perfectly syncing to the dialogs...
Cloud used to be my fav... To me, he is e most handsome male in the world wide world... Even though i would appreciate better if he has longer hair...
But he didnt look as gd in tis show... Its jus so weird n i duno y... Maybe coz e actions r very fake so he looked like a dummy... I duno..
I prefer his 2D image, so handsome... I love his scar, so cool... But tis one of coz, is perfect skinned Cloud... Tifa is not pretty at all...
I also abit bekcek wif the translations...
They name Cloud, KULAWEED in el subtitles... KULAWEED???? Wat e hell is tt???
Aerith as Alice, tis one still acceptable... Coz sound e same...
I like Sephiroth, but in e game one... Tis movie he abit weird...
My mum love KADAJ... LOL, funny hor...
Rude and Reno are funny chaps... Reno is supposed to be very bubbly n active, always saying rubbish and making funny gestures whereas the others are always so serious... They of coz, failed in animating him as well... I believe they haf no idea how to animate a 3d character as lively as the incredibles... ??? Nvm... Hahahah...
The best part of the movie for me is the part, where Cloud's comrades helped him fly by pulling him at sections, one by one... Very cool, cant explain, but i really love the part... SO touching and magical... It was a magical moment for me, but it was too fast, shd haf pulled the scene longer and add big music for tt emotional impact...
Realistic looking 3D characters look kind of freaky with bad animations... Dun u think? Sometimes they jus creep me out, like ghosts wif blank eyes...
Here r some random printscreens i kapo from website... Enjoy...
Very funny hor, e cat clashes wif e whole movie...
Arh, MY CLOUD!!!

Tis is e very real Cloud, on the trailer too... But he doesnt look like tis in e movie all e time of coz, look above pic...


Vincent Valentine, dun u think hes so cool? I like...

Wheel car person and Kadaj, my mum's fav...


See, told u blank eyes look like ghosts... Like zombie...


Hmm, duno is it Sephiroth or not...

Ah, tis is e part he flew to e sky wif e help of his frenz... Pic not nice...

Kadaj look like Chucky in tis pic, freaky!!!

SHe doesnt look like tis most of the times...

FOrgot his name, lol... Oh got it, its Denzel...


Rude, reminded me of Matrix...


Duno who, think its Loz e crybaby...


Yuffie, not as gd as others hor...

Nevertheless, i still hope u'll haf e chance to watch it though...
Ok, i never thot i would haf the opportunity to watch Advent Children coz i do not do any downloads of movies or anime...
It has always been at the back of my mind ever since i saw the trailer like yrs ago...
Like all, everybody anticipated like mad... But of coz, in the end, i share a piece of the pie of disappointment with them as well...
I came back from Genting and saw the FINAL FANTASY VII: ADVENT CHILDREN DVD on my table... I was like, huh?
Then my mum told me the graphics very nice, the guys very handsome... She asked my sis whether is it computer generated, my sis told her its drawn by artists... LOL... Tok about misunderstandings...
Then i was even more shocked... MUM & ANIME doesnt come together!!!
Tts was funny, so i thot it was so damn gd tt my mum even took an interest to it... Then i recalled e reviews n reshuffled my expectations... Haha...
I watched e history of FF VII, but of coz, i couldnt understand a shit, coz the game was fast forwarded and e broken english subtitles jus zoom past like tt... Hahaha... I think they were expecting e audience to SUPERMAN eyesight...
I only noe about lifestream, one girl died, Cloud's best fren died, cute purple version of cloud jumping ard in e game, villain killed, lifestream saved e world...
And then i realised tts all u need to noe anyway... Hahahhaa...
It took another blur person to make me understand e plot... My sis kept asking me qns, and magically i managed to answer all of them, then i realised i got the story... Hahahah...
I watched the show, but i wasnt really paying attention coz my mum n sis kept interupting... And they were watching it again, so i'll watch it again tonight alone since its still here anyway...
Oh, the dvd appeared in my house, coz my sis's colleague was asking her about tt cat cat, big cat anime, which turned out in the end to be Inuyasha anyways... He did haf sharp ears but hes a dog... LOL...
So she wanted to borrow and said lend us Gundam... I was like, huh? GUNDAM??? Siao eh...
Anyways, i left Genting, and didnt noe e transaction was made... Hahaha...
She wanted box 1 to burn, but my sis gave her 2 boxes, then she lent my sis Advent Children, which my sis noe nuts about, until i came back and made a big HOO HA...
Anyways, Advent Children did not turn out as gd as i had expected... It is totally so off from the trailer... I was so blown away by the trailer... But of coz, those in e industry knew trailers r never e final product, coz they do trailers 1st...
As expected, while there was top notch character modelling, texturing and rendering... Basically its jus that... Backgrd was lousy, its all low polys and only main characters r properly done, e rest all short cut...
Animation is bad but normal i guess like all other 3D anime... There were some gd animated scenes, but its jus a handful... They walk funny and tok funny... So its kinda weird to see perfect almost real human chracters not perfectly syncing to the dialogs...
Cloud used to be my fav... To me, he is e most handsome male in the world wide world... Even though i would appreciate better if he has longer hair...
But he didnt look as gd in tis show... Its jus so weird n i duno y... Maybe coz e actions r very fake so he looked like a dummy... I duno..
I prefer his 2D image, so handsome... I love his scar, so cool... But tis one of coz, is perfect skinned Cloud... Tifa is not pretty at all...
I also abit bekcek wif the translations...
They name Cloud, KULAWEED in el subtitles... KULAWEED???? Wat e hell is tt???
Aerith as Alice, tis one still acceptable... Coz sound e same...
I like Sephiroth, but in e game one... Tis movie he abit weird...
My mum love KADAJ... LOL, funny hor...
Rude and Reno are funny chaps... Reno is supposed to be very bubbly n active, always saying rubbish and making funny gestures whereas the others are always so serious... They of coz, failed in animating him as well... I believe they haf no idea how to animate a 3d character as lively as the incredibles... ??? Nvm... Hahahah...
The best part of the movie for me is the part, where Cloud's comrades helped him fly by pulling him at sections, one by one... Very cool, cant explain, but i really love the part... SO touching and magical... It was a magical moment for me, but it was too fast, shd haf pulled the scene longer and add big music for tt emotional impact...
Realistic looking 3D characters look kind of freaky with bad animations... Dun u think? Sometimes they jus creep me out, like ghosts wif blank eyes...
Here r some random printscreens i kapo from website... Enjoy...

Very funny hor, e cat clashes wif e whole movie...

Arh, MY CLOUD!!!

Tis is e very real Cloud, on the trailer too... But he doesnt look like tis in e movie all e time of coz, look above pic...


Vincent Valentine, dun u think hes so cool? I like...

Wheel car person and Kadaj, my mum's fav...


See, told u blank eyes look like ghosts... Like zombie...


Hmm, duno is it Sephiroth or not...

Ah, tis is e part he flew to e sky wif e help of his frenz... Pic not nice...

Kadaj look like Chucky in tis pic, freaky!!!

SHe doesnt look like tis most of the times...

FOrgot his name, lol... Oh got it, its Denzel...


Rude, reminded me of Matrix...


Duno who, think its Loz e crybaby...



Yuffie, not as gd as others hor...

Nevertheless, i still hope u'll haf e chance to watch it though...
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Hmm... Maybe u shd try it as well, Shuzhen... I am sure u get all e welfare welfare n teaching jobs...
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Hey, Im back peeps..
More blogging soon... I had a very miserable day and I took a long time to clear some things up while i had been away...
So now i am off to do facial and sleep...
SO tired...
More blogging soon... I had a very miserable day and I took a long time to clear some things up while i had been away...
So now i am off to do facial and sleep...
SO tired...
Friday, December 02, 2005
Hey, I'll Be Back Next Mon!
Hey ppl,
I am going off in a couple of hrs time... I jus came back from a meeting... Got my deposit cheaque and got the materials... Will be very busy after I returned...
You guys enjoy your weekend ya?
Cya next week...
Bye bye...
PS: I ate all my chocs that was supposed to be for my trip... Now no more le... Sad!!!
I am going off in a couple of hrs time... I jus came back from a meeting... Got my deposit cheaque and got the materials... Will be very busy after I returned...
You guys enjoy your weekend ya?
Cya next week...
Bye bye...
PS: I ate all my chocs that was supposed to be for my trip... Now no more le... Sad!!!
She Will Be Missed...
Sondra, or aka Ilder, had passed away unfortunately... She was in tremendous pain before the machine was shut down (from some of her friends)...
The funeral procession will leave for Mandai Crematorium at 9am later this morning...
Yesterday was a very sad day in the blogosphere... As u noe, the sg blogosphere is a close knitted community... Everyone expressed their deepest condolences... Coincidentally, many are clearing their leave and having their year end holiday, so some, still do not know the news...
The deceased's sister sent out mass smses to her contacts, breaking them the saddening news... Ilder was beyond reach for weeks, and many were worried...
Sondra was one of the famous bloggers in Singapore... While i do not know her personally unlike the rest of the bloggers do... I find it so difficult to know someone, who will never blog ever again... No new entries are going to appear... Not that her blog is closed like most of the other female famous bloggers who couldnt take anymore humiliation due to their fame, its that she couldnt anymore...
It is not the entries... It is the connection that you noe you will never see again...
I follow many blogs faithfully, and i haf to say, she is not one of them... And as much as I feel very sorry for the loss, i do feel fortunate for not reading her blog from yrs back... Coz knowing e weak emo person i am, i knoe i will be greatly affected...
Her mum jus recovered from cancer not long ago... She just found love and intend to move to UK early next year with her love and work there... She had many concerns about leaving her family behind... Many encouraged her to go, but unfortunately, she cant anymore, even if she wishes to...
It is extremely sad that when a person just found new love at a young age of 28, death took everything away... She still had so many things yet to fulfill...
I guess, life's really vulnerable eh? No matter how healthy u try to live your life, how hard you try to earn your shinny pennies... Some things just happen when you least knoe about it...
Just dun take wat you haf for granted...
Jus a few days ago, a new baby is born into the family of our famous blogger... But jus a few days later, a life is taken away... I guess this is what you call a life cycle...
I shudder to think about it...
The funeral procession will leave for Mandai Crematorium at 9am later this morning...
Yesterday was a very sad day in the blogosphere... As u noe, the sg blogosphere is a close knitted community... Everyone expressed their deepest condolences... Coincidentally, many are clearing their leave and having their year end holiday, so some, still do not know the news...
The deceased's sister sent out mass smses to her contacts, breaking them the saddening news... Ilder was beyond reach for weeks, and many were worried...
Sondra was one of the famous bloggers in Singapore... While i do not know her personally unlike the rest of the bloggers do... I find it so difficult to know someone, who will never blog ever again... No new entries are going to appear... Not that her blog is closed like most of the other female famous bloggers who couldnt take anymore humiliation due to their fame, its that she couldnt anymore...
It is not the entries... It is the connection that you noe you will never see again...
I follow many blogs faithfully, and i haf to say, she is not one of them... And as much as I feel very sorry for the loss, i do feel fortunate for not reading her blog from yrs back... Coz knowing e weak emo person i am, i knoe i will be greatly affected...
Her mum jus recovered from cancer not long ago... She just found love and intend to move to UK early next year with her love and work there... She had many concerns about leaving her family behind... Many encouraged her to go, but unfortunately, she cant anymore, even if she wishes to...
It is extremely sad that when a person just found new love at a young age of 28, death took everything away... She still had so many things yet to fulfill...
I guess, life's really vulnerable eh? No matter how healthy u try to live your life, how hard you try to earn your shinny pennies... Some things just happen when you least knoe about it...
Just dun take wat you haf for granted...
Jus a few days ago, a new baby is born into the family of our famous blogger... But jus a few days later, a life is taken away... I guess this is what you call a life cycle...
I shudder to think about it...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Blogger Of Idle Days Has Passed Away
Sadly, Sondra, blogger of Idle Days, passed away yesterday. It was due to a rare blood disorder...
My deepest condolences...
May you rest in peace...
PS: Her wake is today only at Yishun...
My deepest condolences...
May you rest in peace...
PS: Her wake is today only at Yishun...
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