My 1st attempt...
The curry contained carrots, potatoes, unions, n of coz my fav oyster shroom (jus a type of mushroom, yes, e one i mentioned i saw one big spider in one of the packs @ e supermarket)...
The potatoes werent nice though, it was very low grade and so it doesnt tastes sweet... Damn, i would buy them myself next time... Im not toking about sweet potatoes... But gd potatoes haf gd taste in them... Not jus e bland starchy disgustin taste... I believe tis is y some ppl hate potatoes...
I bought the spicy mixture, even though it still wasnt spicy enough... Then again, its JAPANESE CURRY, wat e hell am i expecting... Lol... After eating mine, i wont eat tt dish outside again, haha...
Speaking of LOL, e other day, my 2nd sis smsed me something, and i replied LOL (of coz patronising, i mean who e hell actually laughs when they type tt)... And she replied "Wats LOL?"...
So i told her e answer and then asked, "u mean u n ur frenz all never use sms shorthands arh?" She said, "Ya lor, we use full sentences, so nobody understands shorthands"...
Lol, generation gap...
Back to e curry... My mixture could feed 12 servings... I used half e 1st time for myself... It was too much of coz, i ended up eating it as lunch n dinner and then threw e rest away...
2 weeks ago, i asked my mum if she wans to try... She is disgusted at e idea of Jap Curry... I told her to try, if dun like then dun eat lor... Tis time i used half of wats left...
And surprisingly, she feedbacked, "Actually, it tastes nice!"... I then retorted, of coz its nice, i cooked one leh... Hahahah... Anyways i told her i like Jap Curry (maybe not as much as chinese curry), so i eat outside quite abit... It doesnt tastes horrible anyways, for those who are as skeptical as my mum about Jap Curry, its jus Normal Curry without e coconut milk n spicy tastes...
I went Paris (not e Country, no money to fly there) to eat last night... Gosh, its like so long till i finally went... SZ's mum took her to Paris to eat for her birthday, i even screamed n said, "U say wan to accompany me go eat, so long liao still haven go!"...
Finally i went...
4 person close to $200... I went to e Marina Sq one, i love e setting, european old classic with all those crystal balls of lights... May be obiang to u, but i love them... I cant keep my eyes away from e crystal ball... Lol...
The music was EXCELLENT!!! Hopelessly romantic... Comtemporary blues and jazz at times, by e same female singer i supposed... Very nice, i like...
The food was gd, quality was there... Well, u didnt pay $40+ for nothing... I had 3 oysters, fat juicy oysters... Though i was kinda disappointed they werent e super big ones, coz i wan to try them... But they were still bigger than norm...
Very juicy, very fresh... I had my mouth full of osyters, tis is e 1st time one oyster filled up e whole of my mouth... Tastes jus like creamy pudding...
I also ate a hell lots of sashimi...
I couldnt eat alot, i am wasted on buffets though i like it, i was already quite full after e 2nd plate... I love buffet coz of 2 reasons, 1 is e variety of food, 2nd is e huge dessert section!!!
Unfortunately, even though i left space in my tummy for dessert which i was very excited about... It jus tastes horrible...
The cakes were horrible, the ice cream was horrible and even e choc fondue tastes bad... Apparently, they were cheap chocs... I guess tis is where they cut their budget... Coz for e kind of qualiy of food, $40+ seriously isnt enuff...
I love the dessert from Orchard Hotel... All their desserts were excellent, jus tt i couldnt try them all...
Minus e dessert section, Paris was gd, as expected... Not e best, but overall performances scores...
I like!
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