Oh be4 tt, we went Din Tai Fung to eat. Yum, my fav Xiao Long Bao ! & Chicken Soup! & Fried Egg Rice! I think next time mus try their noodles. But silly me was so excited i forgot to take pics of e food.
Lady in the Water. Hmm, where shd i begin? I wouldnt say its a gd movie nor isit a bad one. It did got me teary in the end but i didnt cry. But then lets jus say its isnt worth your 9.50 bucks.
I saw alot of reviews tt totally trashed tis movie. However, i did also see many who loved it, but these ppl r those who loved The Village which i dun like at all unfortunately. Its not tt The Village wasnt a gd movie, it was gd, better than many, its got e right suspense, horror and twist but e reason i am against it was e meaning/message tt e director concluded in tt movie.
I dun agree wif their way of dealing wif their disgust wif money which ultimately brought evil or harm to human kind. I understand ppl like to say money bring evil tis n tt, without money, we would be leaving in peace etc etc. Something which has been used n implied over n over in many films. But then wat i disliked was e route/solution they came up to counter tt. I thot it was despicable coz it was a bunch of lies n deceits to e ignorant innocent. It should be a choice not a forced environment. Ah nvm, tts a whole other story.
Back to e Lady.
I did missed a whole chunk of the movie, coz Nezumi was smsing me about meeting up e next day. But i ultimately couldnt go in the end. Anyways, i think it is better to watch it without knowing e story. But then e animation they do in e beginning of e film also told u e story somewat.
I thot it would be more interesting to find out who or wat she is meanwhile through out e film than to already know everything from e beginning. It kills e suspense and is dead on film. Ive no idea y he did tis, coz in his other movies, he would only tell u who/wat they r in the middle or end of film.
I also like e idea to haf doubts whether shes really a sea nymph from e fairy tale or tt shes lying, maybe not so much as lyin but in real shes actually a human but haf her reasons for believing not so. Or it could be like e movie Kpax, where it becums ambigious. Tt would add more depths to e film. But like i said e prologue already told u shes real (not human i meant). After all, trusts n beliefs are things not easily earned by 1st encounters wif a stranger. I feel tt its quite strange for e main lead to believe wats she says out straight. It is perfectly normal for anyone to haf doubts but u can tell he went on to find out more coz he believed in her and tt he wans to help.
But maybe we r not toking normal here.
Coz in tis movie, everyone is not tt normal in tis mansion. No, i shdnt say they r not normal, they would be jus rude. I shd jus put it as they r troubled ppl, either they haf problems cooped up in their brains, or they r inferior, or they lost hope n will to live or simply weird like only training n building e muscles of only half ur body and enjoying it.
So maybe it is gratifying to wanting to believe in something supernatural coz u feel ur life has been so fucked up anyways. Maybe. But i doubt so.
I read tt his movie, "Invicible" (spelt tis way) was very bad as well, but i googled it and no results turned out for tis. Maybe it jus wasnt shown. Or are they toking about Unbreakable? But Unbreakable was a great movie tt took everyone by storm.
They say he is predictable. I agree wif tt, coz he stood by his style. His movies would mainly deal wif supernatural/creatures, (except The Village) etc. And then there would always be a ending twist to e person/creature identities. Also, it would also haf a moral message embedded in his films.
It was similar in tis except tt they told u e whole fairy tale in e prologue. So u noe who she is, but u find out more details about her world throughout e film which isnt very interesting though.
I guess its easier to relate to aliens than sea nymps. Somehow ppl can believe in aliens/orcs/monsters/mutants but trying to picture the fairy tale as reality is no easy feat. I found it hard to bring myself into e story. If its anime/animation then its fine, but in real live action, its tough.
The story is just not realistic. But i think his focus were supposed to be on e humans and how they each overcame themselves.
The director's cameo turned out to be not a cameo but a cast character. Hes e 2nd main character and it was rather surprising. I think hes working out on his acting career as well.
The sea nymphs tasks were to come out onto land to see e chosen human (they do not noe who though) and then upon seeing them, something will be awaken in e human's heart/mind which will somehow change e world one way or another though indirectly.
I was expecting more or something even more supernatural. But e nymphs jus need to see u and within seconds it would happen and then they completed their tasks and they can go back to their world. To me tts quite strange. But e character did found out more about himself coz she can see his future. It was delayed while they were trying to get her back.
Supposedly the main lead was in love wif e nymph, but i couldnt see tt. I can tell he was desperately trying to save/help her. But tt doesnt equals to love. I mean in an ideal world, u would help unconditionally, no? Besides they had a connection, she came to him, so of coz u would help her within ur means. Also, i read tt he doesnt really wan her to leave but i didnt see tt at all in e film.
So i think some parts e writer screwed up big time. He thot he was showing tt but i totally never see those tt he intended.
E green dog creature/monster (whose task was to eat/kill e nymphs on land, no idea y) did made my fren cringed to e edge of her seat though.
Amongst all his films, tis one is e lowest budget i thot. It was entirely set in tis mansion envirnoment n a pool n e lawn which leads to alittle of e forest entrance. But nothing else, there wasnt even any wide shots to show e whole environment.
The casts werent interesting or big in tis one too. To me, it looked like a budget film so i was kinda disappointed. I expected big things from him along wif his fame. But he somewat buried himself. Maybe its jus difficult to live up to expectations.
I can accept e same predictable style tt he adores. But it needs to be backed up wif a solid good script. While tis movie wasnt one of his best, im still ok wif it. I noe i said lots of not so gd things about it. But its different. A different movie as compared to e commercialised way of doing films.
His is very raw and down to earth. Its gd to see tis kid of films coming up every now n then. Though its rare. It was like movies in the past. Very simple and true, wif less effects n gimmicks. Tis movis is all about dialogues. They tok n tok n tok and in a very slow fashion. So u might find it extremely slow in the beginning, and i believed those who dun understand his films would simply doze off.
Strangely, tis movie was rather funny at parts. And i was kinda surprised hearing SZ laughing more than usual. Most of the times she doesnt react. Or her laughter jus falls short. Even when shes watching a comedy. So it must haf worked in some ways. So i guess as much as ppl would hate tis film, i believed there r also more ppl than expected who love it as well.
I love e end where e main lead told e Lady, "Thank you for saving my life". It was very moving. In actual, he was e one who saved her life, but in return she saved him as well (although she didnt do anything), she saved him emotionally. He could let go of his past, come to terms wif it and carry on living without e guilt n all.
But their scene was quite muffled, he said it in e rain so if u r not paying attention. You would haf thot its e nymph who said it. If its so, u would haf lost e impact of tt moment. But i doubt ppl are so stupid, or maybe they r?
SZ said she didnt feel much about e film whereas i did teared and many girls did cried. So i said she was detached. As wat her own horoscope always say. She is emotional and detached. It must be such a difficult mental world to live in. Lol.
We headed to Dome afterwards. Its been so long since i last went there.
I had Gourmet Pie (Beef). Its so gd or maybe coz i sua ku. But i did enjoy it. E beef tastes like mutton strangely. She ate Cheese Crackers. E sausages were so salty, dun ever eat tis dish. Its saltiness were beyond tolerance, and e stupid waitress can tell us, "Its lidat one." So rude. I was thinking WTF.
I hope i can haf frenz who stand up and speak up (for themselves and others), but i jus dun haf tis kind of social luck. So whenever i see or hear one, i would be so impressed wif them and e way they put themselves across. Both of my sis are lidat, but i am somehow different. Lol.
Dome's service is one of e best ard, ignore tt stupid waitress though. It used to be great and it still is, I still love tt place. Wanna go there to chill again. Gonna order coffee tis time.
I hope i can catch The fast & The furious: Tokyo Drift tis week. But gotta see SZ how. Tis sequel has no link to 2 1st two at all. Kinda disappointing. But it means anyone could go catch it.
oh...what zodiac is she?
Shes aquarius but coz her birthdate is very late, she tend to be pisces as well. Her character is generally more pisces but she took all e problematic traits fr aquarius though. Things like changing personality, etc. Lol.
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