I jus realised tat, i didnt tok about the title topic on my prev entry... Guess i was too carried away.
I thot of tat while i was msning Shuzhen, and we were toking about some not really dumb ppl. Its more about those who dun haf the heart to do things. Then i told her i thot of the title of my new blog entry.
Some Dumb Ppl Are Not Dumb, They Just Didnt Put In The Effort To Be Smarter
But then, unfortunately, i was bz bloggin other things...
I feel tat, sometimes, its not tt ppl r born stupid or wat, its more like, they r too lazy or no heart, to knoe or find out more. So as a results, they appeared less intelligent, or dumb to others.
I had encountered many egs, think i'll share one recent one. When i logged in to my msn, i notice tis guy was online, but i continued surfing for 15mins, then suddenly he msn me.
Wats up?
U r doing nothin now.
No, im surfing.
Wats up = Wat u doing now
Where got ppl tok like tis one, u suddenly ask ppl Wats Up, as though i msged him somethin lidat. Usually if someone calls u all of a sudden, instead of asking, "U call me for wat?", ppl will ask, "Wats up?", its means askin for the intention behind the action, n not wat r u doin now. I dun even noe where he got tat idea.
But if he had bothered to make efforts wif his words, it wouldnt sounded tis way anyway.
Hey, wat u doing now?
Oh hi, nothin much, jus surfing ard.
Icic, so wat do u usually surf?
The usual, neopets, checkin of mails, blogs, forums, etc
Blah blah... There it goes, a normal conversation is created. Sometimes, i feel tat u dun haf to try to be very smart if u noe u r not, but the efforts of not making urself sound ignorant will definately help. Jus my 2 cents thot. :P
Current Balance : 4,376,901 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 623,099 NP
Monday, February 28, 2005
Some Dumb Ppl Are Not Dumb, They Just Didnt Put In The Effort To Be Smarter
Funny, seems like most guys went to see my entries which haf hp as part of the title or something. Coz i received some comments and mails fr guys about those entries. Perhaps those titles r the only ones they r interested to see, other than those trying to knoe more about Shuzhen. Gals on the other hand commented more to my entries which i tok about my looks.
For those who wans to read up about her(No need to guess, yes u r included, Marcel):
Pls note tat, due to the fact tat i always digress(the rest shd haf known by now fr my loooooong entries), and i am not writing a composition here, so my contents not only evolves ard the title. E.g, read the My Pic entry, only the 1st 3 lines is about my pic, the rest is irrelevant.
So in other words, u may haf to check out most of the entries to read about her n her activities. Unless im specifically going to tok about her mainly, i will write her name as the title or something. If u r only interested to read only about her, n find stories about me boring, well, so be it. Jus dun let me noe. Tis is my blog, it will still be mainly about me.
If u r an avid reader, u will noe i dun like to repeat.
Just tis once to clear things up:
1) I blog about her coz i realised i am already doing tat initially, coz we meet up often, and we r close. She appeared in almost my every blog entry.
2) I wanted to document our friendship in my life journal.
3) I am not trying to sell or advertise about her. I write about her coz i wan to knoe how much i knoe about her. Some areas i didnt remember, and i check it out fr her, tis way, it benefits me as well.
4) Some memories we had, she doesnt remember anymore, so anythin tat popped out i can refresh her memory so tat she can laugh about our silly times.
5) Due to the fact some of my friends r readin n they knoe nuts about her, i didnt wan her name to be a stranger. So i intro my best friend's name to my world.
6) Those who r her friends but hardly knoe her, can at least benefit alittle fr my blog as well. Remember i wrote in one of my entry, it takes more to understand someone than to read my blog. Tis is jus a brief start. Coz some dun even knoe she dun like soft toys as gifts. Unless the soft toy is of a particular meaning to her.
I haf no reason to direct at any guys. Coz 1 truth is she doesnt wish to commit in relationships for the time being and also, so far i haf not found any guy gd enough for her as well. I do however feel tat someone she knoe is quite a nice person.
No, i wun match make or anythin, coz tat guy doesnt seem to online. If its meant to be, it will happen. If it doesnt, then no matter how many days of callin her, messagin her, puttin things outside her door, waiting at her workplace or downstairs at her BLK are not going to help.
Take my advice, take things one step at a time. Knoe her better 1st, dun rush into things.
U knoe wats the worst thing sensible girls(those lookin into long term relationships) hate? Tat is for guys who barely know them, tellin them the following when asked y in courtship:
- Coz u r pretty
(Hello? U mean u like me coz of my looks? So superficial, im sure we will break off next week, when u see another pretty gal)
- Coz i find tat u r the one for me
(U mean u noe me so well tat u can dertermine tat im the one for u? I barely even know ur surname!)
- Coz i find we get along quite well
(Everyone in the same frequency will get along initially, but things r not so simple n easy as time goes along)
Guys tat u've known for 1 mth or lesser, meeting up like maybe less than 3 times a week, tell u he like u, chances are he jus finds ur physical appearance not bad. Tis is the truth, coz he still barely knoes u.
Before i forget about tis,
Why people don't look like how they look like in pictures when they are in real life>>> Quoted...
Not targeted to anyone, jus didnt wan some to misunderstand.
First thing foremost, when i said they complimented my pic, i mentioned tat they said "Cute" but to me, cute is not a compliment. In case some think im a bitch who deceive ppl wif pics, i had mentioned everywhere i am fugly. Fugly = Fucking Ugly.
It was a msg to tell ppl tat i may look cute on the pic(as wat they said), but im not in real life. Coz im not a cute person generally. I only show some rare cute situations to closer ones. So, dun think im cute.
I did ask y i look different fr pic, not becoz i look pretty fr the pic, i mentioned in my next para in tat entry tat, somehow i look happier, and seemed like i enjoyin myself. But real life, i dun feel tat im tat, i dun even seem to smile tat way.
I also mentioned, Shuzhen said i do jus tat i dun haf mirror in front of me all the time. And i answered myself tat im more comfortable at home, n haf more time to pose as well. If u noticed, i told u i haf single eye lid. But home pics, one of my eyes will always haf a double eye lid. Dun ask me y, i didnt photoshop tat. I feel tat my eyes grow super small when im outside. Which i said about pics taken fr outside n at home, very different.
I might haf typed tat entry funny, but i assure u i wasnt in the laughin mood. Coz i find it ironic tat i dun feel as happy, cheery, smiley when im outside compared to when im at home or by myself. So it wasnt a entertaining topic if u can read btween the lines.
It doesnt take tat much effort, to fully understand something. For e.g, Shuzhen's a very busy person, but she still manages to find time to update herself wif my blog. To at least find out how i am when shes too busy to meet up wif me.
It all matters whether u got the "Xing"/heart to do it or not. If u dun, i advise u to dun even try. Coz half-heartedness can be picked up easily. And its not something nice for the other party to notice.
Worst still is, dun even try to impress. I hate tat and i can see right thru it.
For those who wans to read up about her(No need to guess, yes u r included, Marcel):
Pls note tat, due to the fact tat i always digress(the rest shd haf known by now fr my loooooong entries), and i am not writing a composition here, so my contents not only evolves ard the title. E.g, read the My Pic entry, only the 1st 3 lines is about my pic, the rest is irrelevant.
So in other words, u may haf to check out most of the entries to read about her n her activities. Unless im specifically going to tok about her mainly, i will write her name as the title or something. If u r only interested to read only about her, n find stories about me boring, well, so be it. Jus dun let me noe. Tis is my blog, it will still be mainly about me.
If u r an avid reader, u will noe i dun like to repeat.
Just tis once to clear things up:
1) I blog about her coz i realised i am already doing tat initially, coz we meet up often, and we r close. She appeared in almost my every blog entry.
2) I wanted to document our friendship in my life journal.
3) I am not trying to sell or advertise about her. I write about her coz i wan to knoe how much i knoe about her. Some areas i didnt remember, and i check it out fr her, tis way, it benefits me as well.
4) Some memories we had, she doesnt remember anymore, so anythin tat popped out i can refresh her memory so tat she can laugh about our silly times.
5) Due to the fact some of my friends r readin n they knoe nuts about her, i didnt wan her name to be a stranger. So i intro my best friend's name to my world.
6) Those who r her friends but hardly knoe her, can at least benefit alittle fr my blog as well. Remember i wrote in one of my entry, it takes more to understand someone than to read my blog. Tis is jus a brief start. Coz some dun even knoe she dun like soft toys as gifts. Unless the soft toy is of a particular meaning to her.
I haf no reason to direct at any guys. Coz 1 truth is she doesnt wish to commit in relationships for the time being and also, so far i haf not found any guy gd enough for her as well. I do however feel tat someone she knoe is quite a nice person.
No, i wun match make or anythin, coz tat guy doesnt seem to online. If its meant to be, it will happen. If it doesnt, then no matter how many days of callin her, messagin her, puttin things outside her door, waiting at her workplace or downstairs at her BLK are not going to help.
Take my advice, take things one step at a time. Knoe her better 1st, dun rush into things.
U knoe wats the worst thing sensible girls(those lookin into long term relationships) hate? Tat is for guys who barely know them, tellin them the following when asked y in courtship:
- Coz u r pretty
(Hello? U mean u like me coz of my looks? So superficial, im sure we will break off next week, when u see another pretty gal)
- Coz i find tat u r the one for me
(U mean u noe me so well tat u can dertermine tat im the one for u? I barely even know ur surname!)
- Coz i find we get along quite well
(Everyone in the same frequency will get along initially, but things r not so simple n easy as time goes along)
Guys tat u've known for 1 mth or lesser, meeting up like maybe less than 3 times a week, tell u he like u, chances are he jus finds ur physical appearance not bad. Tis is the truth, coz he still barely knoes u.
Before i forget about tis,
Why people don't look like how they look like in pictures when they are in real life>>> Quoted...
Not targeted to anyone, jus didnt wan some to misunderstand.
First thing foremost, when i said they complimented my pic, i mentioned tat they said "Cute" but to me, cute is not a compliment. In case some think im a bitch who deceive ppl wif pics, i had mentioned everywhere i am fugly. Fugly = Fucking Ugly.
It was a msg to tell ppl tat i may look cute on the pic(as wat they said), but im not in real life. Coz im not a cute person generally. I only show some rare cute situations to closer ones. So, dun think im cute.
I did ask y i look different fr pic, not becoz i look pretty fr the pic, i mentioned in my next para in tat entry tat, somehow i look happier, and seemed like i enjoyin myself. But real life, i dun feel tat im tat, i dun even seem to smile tat way.
I also mentioned, Shuzhen said i do jus tat i dun haf mirror in front of me all the time. And i answered myself tat im more comfortable at home, n haf more time to pose as well. If u noticed, i told u i haf single eye lid. But home pics, one of my eyes will always haf a double eye lid. Dun ask me y, i didnt photoshop tat. I feel tat my eyes grow super small when im outside. Which i said about pics taken fr outside n at home, very different.
I might haf typed tat entry funny, but i assure u i wasnt in the laughin mood. Coz i find it ironic tat i dun feel as happy, cheery, smiley when im outside compared to when im at home or by myself. So it wasnt a entertaining topic if u can read btween the lines.
It doesnt take tat much effort, to fully understand something. For e.g, Shuzhen's a very busy person, but she still manages to find time to update herself wif my blog. To at least find out how i am when shes too busy to meet up wif me.
It all matters whether u got the "Xing"/heart to do it or not. If u dun, i advise u to dun even try. Coz half-heartedness can be picked up easily. And its not something nice for the other party to notice.
Worst still is, dun even try to impress. I hate tat and i can see right thru it.
Hate it when u noe u r doing something wrong, but u still do it, then try to impress some by apologisingly but when asked wat exactly r u apologising for, dun even noe the ans. Pls...
Tis is my 1st feeling "Bek Cek" entry since i started bloggin.Sunday, February 27, 2005
Howl's Moving Castle
I shall tok about the experience 1st...
Like i said yest, the audience was so boring. They dun laugh, dun react one, no sound at all. I can hear Shuzhen and my sounds, laughter, reactions, so clearly thru out.
But i can tell they like the show, many includin myself, didnt sit laid back to the seat, coz the movie was so interesting, many leaned forward n engrossingly watched the show, never let their eyes off seconds.
But it was a terrible experience, due to the fact tat the movie was a funny movie, i wanted to laugh so many times, but i had to control. Coz if i did, i will be the only one laughin... Sad... Control control, i will suffer internal injuries one leh, but i dun wan to create noises for others as well. Terrible terrible.
Last time i usually dun laugh at movie gimmicks, coz usually they r so unoriginal. I had seen them million times over Jackie Chan n Stephen Chow movies. Even Austin Powers, i didnt even giggled a second thru out, coz i find it lame.
Haha, but eventually for the past recent yrs, i tried to laugh over jokes. I like to laugh wif the crowd even though they r lame jokes, its more enjoyable. Oh, tis reminded me of one incident, the best moment ever i had, enjoyin any movie.
It was during Secondary days, there was once during the Post-Exam period, when students will haf 1 to 2 weeks break after end of yr exam be4 the dec holidays. Then coz theres nothin to teach already, usually teachers will plan to bring the students to excursions or jus stay in sch to slack.
There was tis day, when my sch decided to try a whole sch movie watching. No not outside, but in our sch hall. Not the whole sch though, coz we had 2 sessions, morning session for upper sec, afternoon session for lower sec. I think i was in sec 2 then.
So all the classes of sec 1 n 2, were brought into the hall, the hall became so spacious wif minus 50% of population. Wif the LD overhead projection to the white screen on the stage, 2 movies were screened, Air Force 1 n Independance Day.
The so called MC, asked us which one we wan to watch coz maybe not enough time to watch 2. I wanted to watch Independance Day compared to Air Force 1. Even though i watched it be4, jus thot tat it wld be more interesting for the majority. But then, some smart alec due to no response as expected, decided to play Air Force 1.
Wif 10-15mins screening of tokin n tokin n tokin of American English, soon all the 13/14 yr olds started to be bored to death. We started to tok n make noise n make it our own noise makin session. It turned out to be a boring movie session, or so i thot.
But then, some smart teacher, decided to change the show to Independance Day instead. We all cheered. Hahaha. i was thrilled. So the movie started, i was so amazed, coz the movie turned out to be even better than watchin at the theatre at at home. Y?
Coz of the crowd we had, it was sooooooooooo enjoyable. Every scene, the students will haf reaction to it. We laugh loudly, giggle, and all the "oooo", "ahhh", "aiyah" came after one another, especially due to the normal students who were more daring to express themselves than the express students.
It was an action film, so we had lots of chances to make reactions. Even though, i assumed most had watched it, but i can see fr their faces they totally enjoyed it. The atmosphere rocks. At times of kissing scenes, the boys will go all whistling and "Waaaaa"... Haha, its so funny. And hearing them making exaggeratin reactions made me enjoy the movie even more. Haha.
At one pt, i got tired of sitting up, i jus laid on my side to watch. So comfortable, its amazing, wif such a great audience. It was awsome, i wld never forget it. But i guess it only works, wif a real big no of ppl.
Ok, back to the Howl movie.
There was tis particular scene when the witch and Sophie(female lead), both 90+ old ladies, trying to climb up like a thousand step of stairs, hahaha. Tat scene is so funny, u got to watch to really feel it. Even the seldom-laugh-at-movie Shuzhen, started to laugh uncontrollably.
It was super funny i tell u, lookin at their actions. I kept laughin, and so is Shuzhen, we kept laughin, but i started to control, coz the quiet audience started to stare at us, so sad... But i haven laugh finish u noe, even after tat scene ended, i still felt ticklish, coz i didnt laugh finish. Hahaha. Bad audience, spoilt the whole atmosphere. Hmph...
Then, wif 20mins left of the film, she left, coz she need to go tuition. Then she opended the exit door, and the bright light shining into the dark cinema, made the bad audience stared at her again... Haha.
Okie, now for the review... I may be abit more technical coz its an animation clip.
The movie is very impressive. Every scene and frame of the show is like a beautiful drawing. I love the background especially. The backgrd is hand painted every scene. Its perfect n super detailed compared to any Disney 2D animation u had ever seen. Its even more detailed compared to Spirited Away.
The animation however, failed to surprise me, compared to Spirited Away, i felt tat it was due to the fact tat, tis show is much more complicated. Spirited Away was much more simpler, and therefore, they haf more space to create more animation surprises. For eg. if u had watched SA a couple of times, u wld haf noticed Miyazaki animated other un-impt characters in the scene to do certain cute actions when the leads are toking.
The story, though adapted from the British Novel, Howl's Moving Castle, was original. He completely created his own story. The beginning of the movie was abit slow, but i was more capitivated trying to catch all the buildings, scenes they painted, so it didnt bother me. The pace picked up soon after the extremely dashing Howl and Sophie(old) met.
Then pretty much u will be so indulged in the movie, tat u wouldnt noticed tat time flew past 2 hrs. The show is 2 hrs, very long for animation, which impressed me once more. However, the ending was very rushed. Coz the contents is too much for a 2 hrs film.
I haf lots of qns in my mind, coz they didnt explain alot of things in the show. So i guess it still helps to read the novel as well. Everything will pretty much fall in place.
Tis is the 1st adult content animation clip fr Miyazaki, who always star his clips wif children as leads. The kissing scene is so unusual for his style. I like the show, coz the story is very interesting. Howl's castle is one anticipated aspect as well. The concept is unique.
The film is well dubbed as well, wif all famous Kimura Takuya as Howl. The westerners r extrememly impressed wif the jap dubbers. But i guess tats becoz they seldom watch jap anime. Coz for me, who always watch jap shows, anime, animation. I already known long time ago, about their pro dubbers and their excellent actin skills.
For Miyazaki's film, tis story is definately not his style.
Personally, i still prefer Spirited Away, but for those who had negative comments for the Best Oscar winning clip, Spirited Away, perhaps tis movie will change ur opinion about his works due to the adult content.
Still a mus watch animation movie. I give 4/5.
Miyazaki's 2 recent works definately bring Disney down to shame. Its visual evident of showing Passion to Commercialisation. Watching the last 2 clips of him, u will be enlightened of wat the spirit of 2D animation is all about.
While 3D is in the air now, nothin beats traditional animation. Hand drawing every frame, hand painting every backgrd. Now tat is classic.
Disney is the one who gave birth to traditional/2D animation, but they are also the one who stopped as well. How ironic...
From his works, i love Laputa:Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away. I watched Laputa again tis evening and i still love it. If only Laputa is created now, i can assure u, the film will be much more impressive than Spirited Away.
Current Balance : 4,370,886 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 629,114 NP
Like i said yest, the audience was so boring. They dun laugh, dun react one, no sound at all. I can hear Shuzhen and my sounds, laughter, reactions, so clearly thru out.
But i can tell they like the show, many includin myself, didnt sit laid back to the seat, coz the movie was so interesting, many leaned forward n engrossingly watched the show, never let their eyes off seconds.
But it was a terrible experience, due to the fact tat the movie was a funny movie, i wanted to laugh so many times, but i had to control. Coz if i did, i will be the only one laughin... Sad... Control control, i will suffer internal injuries one leh, but i dun wan to create noises for others as well. Terrible terrible.
Last time i usually dun laugh at movie gimmicks, coz usually they r so unoriginal. I had seen them million times over Jackie Chan n Stephen Chow movies. Even Austin Powers, i didnt even giggled a second thru out, coz i find it lame.
Haha, but eventually for the past recent yrs, i tried to laugh over jokes. I like to laugh wif the crowd even though they r lame jokes, its more enjoyable. Oh, tis reminded me of one incident, the best moment ever i had, enjoyin any movie.
It was during Secondary days, there was once during the Post-Exam period, when students will haf 1 to 2 weeks break after end of yr exam be4 the dec holidays. Then coz theres nothin to teach already, usually teachers will plan to bring the students to excursions or jus stay in sch to slack.
There was tis day, when my sch decided to try a whole sch movie watching. No not outside, but in our sch hall. Not the whole sch though, coz we had 2 sessions, morning session for upper sec, afternoon session for lower sec. I think i was in sec 2 then.
So all the classes of sec 1 n 2, were brought into the hall, the hall became so spacious wif minus 50% of population. Wif the LD overhead projection to the white screen on the stage, 2 movies were screened, Air Force 1 n Independance Day.
The so called MC, asked us which one we wan to watch coz maybe not enough time to watch 2. I wanted to watch Independance Day compared to Air Force 1. Even though i watched it be4, jus thot tat it wld be more interesting for the majority. But then, some smart alec due to no response as expected, decided to play Air Force 1.
Wif 10-15mins screening of tokin n tokin n tokin of American English, soon all the 13/14 yr olds started to be bored to death. We started to tok n make noise n make it our own noise makin session. It turned out to be a boring movie session, or so i thot.
But then, some smart teacher, decided to change the show to Independance Day instead. We all cheered. Hahaha. i was thrilled. So the movie started, i was so amazed, coz the movie turned out to be even better than watchin at the theatre at at home. Y?
Coz of the crowd we had, it was sooooooooooo enjoyable. Every scene, the students will haf reaction to it. We laugh loudly, giggle, and all the "oooo", "ahhh", "aiyah" came after one another, especially due to the normal students who were more daring to express themselves than the express students.
It was an action film, so we had lots of chances to make reactions. Even though, i assumed most had watched it, but i can see fr their faces they totally enjoyed it. The atmosphere rocks. At times of kissing scenes, the boys will go all whistling and "Waaaaa"... Haha, its so funny. And hearing them making exaggeratin reactions made me enjoy the movie even more. Haha.
At one pt, i got tired of sitting up, i jus laid on my side to watch. So comfortable, its amazing, wif such a great audience. It was awsome, i wld never forget it. But i guess it only works, wif a real big no of ppl.
Ok, back to the Howl movie.
There was tis particular scene when the witch and Sophie(female lead), both 90+ old ladies, trying to climb up like a thousand step of stairs, hahaha. Tat scene is so funny, u got to watch to really feel it. Even the seldom-laugh-at-movie Shuzhen, started to laugh uncontrollably.
It was super funny i tell u, lookin at their actions. I kept laughin, and so is Shuzhen, we kept laughin, but i started to control, coz the quiet audience started to stare at us, so sad... But i haven laugh finish u noe, even after tat scene ended, i still felt ticklish, coz i didnt laugh finish. Hahaha. Bad audience, spoilt the whole atmosphere. Hmph...
Then, wif 20mins left of the film, she left, coz she need to go tuition. Then she opended the exit door, and the bright light shining into the dark cinema, made the bad audience stared at her again... Haha.
Okie, now for the review... I may be abit more technical coz its an animation clip.
The movie is very impressive. Every scene and frame of the show is like a beautiful drawing. I love the background especially. The backgrd is hand painted every scene. Its perfect n super detailed compared to any Disney 2D animation u had ever seen. Its even more detailed compared to Spirited Away.
The animation however, failed to surprise me, compared to Spirited Away, i felt tat it was due to the fact tat, tis show is much more complicated. Spirited Away was much more simpler, and therefore, they haf more space to create more animation surprises. For eg. if u had watched SA a couple of times, u wld haf noticed Miyazaki animated other un-impt characters in the scene to do certain cute actions when the leads are toking.
The story, though adapted from the British Novel, Howl's Moving Castle, was original. He completely created his own story. The beginning of the movie was abit slow, but i was more capitivated trying to catch all the buildings, scenes they painted, so it didnt bother me. The pace picked up soon after the extremely dashing Howl and Sophie(old) met.
Then pretty much u will be so indulged in the movie, tat u wouldnt noticed tat time flew past 2 hrs. The show is 2 hrs, very long for animation, which impressed me once more. However, the ending was very rushed. Coz the contents is too much for a 2 hrs film.
I haf lots of qns in my mind, coz they didnt explain alot of things in the show. So i guess it still helps to read the novel as well. Everything will pretty much fall in place.
Tis is the 1st adult content animation clip fr Miyazaki, who always star his clips wif children as leads. The kissing scene is so unusual for his style. I like the show, coz the story is very interesting. Howl's castle is one anticipated aspect as well. The concept is unique.
The film is well dubbed as well, wif all famous Kimura Takuya as Howl. The westerners r extrememly impressed wif the jap dubbers. But i guess tats becoz they seldom watch jap anime. Coz for me, who always watch jap shows, anime, animation. I already known long time ago, about their pro dubbers and their excellent actin skills.
For Miyazaki's film, tis story is definately not his style.
Personally, i still prefer Spirited Away, but for those who had negative comments for the Best Oscar winning clip, Spirited Away, perhaps tis movie will change ur opinion about his works due to the adult content.
Still a mus watch animation movie. I give 4/5.
Miyazaki's 2 recent works definately bring Disney down to shame. Its visual evident of showing Passion to Commercialisation. Watching the last 2 clips of him, u will be enlightened of wat the spirit of 2D animation is all about.
While 3D is in the air now, nothin beats traditional animation. Hand drawing every frame, hand painting every backgrd. Now tat is classic.
Disney is the one who gave birth to traditional/2D animation, but they are also the one who stopped as well. How ironic...
From his works, i love Laputa:Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away. I watched Laputa again tis evening and i still love it. If only Laputa is created now, i can assure u, the film will be much more impressive than Spirited Away.
Current Balance : 4,370,886 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 629,114 NP
Saturday, February 26, 2005
My Pic
Heh, jus now, Jul ask me to post up pic of my new hair. But then, the real color will only stabalise wif sunlight one week later. So i wait till next week see if i look better or not ok? Haha, if no, then i forget it liao.
Actually, its the same as my profile pic lah, jus tat the black part will be brownish only lor. Under sunlight will look more different. Actually DIY one nothin much to see. Wait till i get ash and blonde dye fr salon ya? Wahaha, then i will be damn proud of my hair.
Met up wif Shuzhen today as u shd knoe. She met me downstairs at my lift area at 11am then we walk to AMK central together. Meanwhile when i was waiting for her call, i watched Pokemon Advanced to kill time, aiyo, Pikachu is still soooooo cute. Haha, the pokemons tok more now, but of coz in poke language.
We had early lunch at Jubilee's Bubble Tea Cafe. It was hot outside so we decided to eat at air con area. Shes against fast food and Ramen Ten haven open yet, so we settled there, coz we had never eaten their full meals be4 also. The smart me wore long sleeve back top, haha, coz i was thinkin cinema would be cold.
She order Tom Yam Guo Tiao, Passion Fruit Red Tea, me Curry Chicken Noodle, Wang Qing Shui. The food is nice, not bad but my Wang Qing Shui is yucks. But i didnt finish my noodle, very dry.
The movie is 2 hrs exact, means she's got to leave even before the movie end. So sad... I jus spent 45 mins typing the endin to her over msn jus now. Haha, i even drew pictures using msn handwritin to show her some scenes. Damn funny, i drew like small kid. Therefore, delayed postin.
My Howl's Moving Castle movie is at 1230pm. Very few ppl inside. Not very enjoyable u noe. They were very boring, unemotional audience. I will talk more about the movie tmr. Its 1plus now, me going to try to sleep liao...
Oh btw, i went to take a peep at my motorola A668. Ok lah, not tat ugly mah. I can accept. But i look see only, coz the shop got ppl broke the glass and stole some of the phones. So i didnt go in to try. Heh.
Pizza delivery tmr night, aniticipating. I had scrambled eggs, hams, bread for dinner jus now, Yummy...
Current Balance : 4,364,072 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 635,928 NP
Actually, its the same as my profile pic lah, jus tat the black part will be brownish only lor. Under sunlight will look more different. Actually DIY one nothin much to see. Wait till i get ash and blonde dye fr salon ya? Wahaha, then i will be damn proud of my hair.
Met up wif Shuzhen today as u shd knoe. She met me downstairs at my lift area at 11am then we walk to AMK central together. Meanwhile when i was waiting for her call, i watched Pokemon Advanced to kill time, aiyo, Pikachu is still soooooo cute. Haha, the pokemons tok more now, but of coz in poke language.
We had early lunch at Jubilee's Bubble Tea Cafe. It was hot outside so we decided to eat at air con area. Shes against fast food and Ramen Ten haven open yet, so we settled there, coz we had never eaten their full meals be4 also. The smart me wore long sleeve back top, haha, coz i was thinkin cinema would be cold.
She order Tom Yam Guo Tiao, Passion Fruit Red Tea, me Curry Chicken Noodle, Wang Qing Shui. The food is nice, not bad but my Wang Qing Shui is yucks. But i didnt finish my noodle, very dry.
The movie is 2 hrs exact, means she's got to leave even before the movie end. So sad... I jus spent 45 mins typing the endin to her over msn jus now. Haha, i even drew pictures using msn handwritin to show her some scenes. Damn funny, i drew like small kid. Therefore, delayed postin.
My Howl's Moving Castle movie is at 1230pm. Very few ppl inside. Not very enjoyable u noe. They were very boring, unemotional audience. I will talk more about the movie tmr. Its 1plus now, me going to try to sleep liao...
Oh btw, i went to take a peep at my motorola A668. Ok lah, not tat ugly mah. I can accept. But i look see only, coz the shop got ppl broke the glass and stole some of the phones. So i didnt go in to try. Heh.
Pizza delivery tmr night, aniticipating. I had scrambled eggs, hams, bread for dinner jus now, Yummy...
Current Balance : 4,364,072 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 635,928 NP
Friday, February 25, 2005
Spicy Chili Crabs Disaster!
To ans Ah Bao's comment on the Handphone Dilemma entry:
- I knoe u jus bought an O2 phone, but its still too niche a market for me to consider. K500i, yah, $248 for 2-yr plan, but like i mentioned about SE phones, im jus not attracted... Well, like i said maybe the trip down will change my mind after tryin the actual stuffs. If $248 for K500i, i wld rather get k700i. Im ok wif $300+ range, jus tat, i wasnt attracted to k700i, not becoz it has too many features.
Alright back to my entry... U noe wat, famous Sg dish Spicy Chili Crab? Last time i ate it was when i was in Pri sch!!! No chance to eat it after we got broke. Sigh... Then finally, after many many yrs of waiting. Yesterday night, my sis bf bought it for us to eat. $40 for 2 crabs. They bought delifrance bread for dippin as well...
The sauce isnt very nice coz not very famous one, but then the crab meat is damn solid... Juicy, sweet and tender. Mum only ate alittle, me, sis n her bf finished the rest. So happy. Got to eat somethin i always wanted like the "Yu Sheng".
The bread dippin is fantastic, but the East Coast one is still the best. 3 small sweet buns and a chili crab sauce for $2, it tastes great. The last and only time i ate crab after my pri sch yrs was last yr nov. The steamboat we had happened to serve some pieces of crab.
At ard 4am, yest night, i had very very bad stomachache. So bad till my kidney hurts. After toilet trips, i started to feel itchy. It started wif my head. Then i thot it was my oily scalp, coz i didnt wash my hair tat night. Then the itch started to spread to my ears, then neck, back, shoulders, arms, legs.
Then several bumps popped out, like mosquito bites. I seriously was thinkin i was bitten by insects. Then i realised cannot be so fierce one mah. Then i finally realised i was allergic to the crabs. Luckily, the bumps didnt manifest my whole body, if not i wld haf had a great deal of time scratchin. It was like mild, 2 on each limb, 2 on neck, 1 behind each ear, 3 on back, n some spreaded ard sparsely.
I couldnt sleep, was tormented by the itch. Then i spreaded tiger balm to the infected areas. I put so much tat my body heated up so much, and somehow the air con is makin my condition worse. So i offed my aircon and went to on my fan. Then finally, after some struggles, i fallen asleep, coz its near 8am liao.
Eee, now i feel so itchy even bloggin it. Now my throat is still itchy. Lucky not serious, if not i wld haf to take injections. Money again!!! Today only left the throat itch and the bad stomachaches. Very bad...
Oh, i dyed my hair today. No, tis time i DIY. Haha, i saved 10 times the money. Cant stand my half black hair, so decided to do it. But my hair very long, so i bought 2 boxes, jus nice. I bought the color Pale Milk Tea, will look like milk tea if ur hair's blonde. But then since my hair is black, no matter wat shade i buy will still become brown only.
But i too long never DIY liao, i kind of screwed up, i shd haf dyed all the black parts first before dyein the already dyed hair, but i didnt. I did the usual method u do wif new hair. But nvm, i still like the results. Since before i dye, my hair already has 3 colors, black, copper brown, blonde, now after dyeing, my hair is nice wif 3 shades of the color, rather natural, i like.
Next time i go salon, i wan to dye ash wif blonde. Now i'll jus make do wif tis overall brown hair. I look rather different immediately. My hair looks better, and the color made the old black stupid fringe look more presentable. Haha, but i look even more Malay(No offense, i jus dun like the idea i dun look chinese) now. Sigh...
But im proud of myself, very even. My mum wans the same color and wans me to do it for her after seein it, but i recommend another color. She needs a more mature color, wif a red brown base. Shes headin to Gentin to gamble tmr. Hope she wins, so tat she can sponsor my phone alittle, even though i knoe she wun.
She'll be back Sunday night, and we r having pizza for dinner, she already passed me $30 for tat. She said she'll call me and add more stuffs if she wins.
Great news is Shuzhen is lunchin wif me tmr!
Yeah, finally Shuzhen is ready to meet me for few hrs tmr, i can catch Howl's Moving Castle liao... So happy...
Current Balance : 4,352,909 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 647,091 NP
- I knoe u jus bought an O2 phone, but its still too niche a market for me to consider. K500i, yah, $248 for 2-yr plan, but like i mentioned about SE phones, im jus not attracted... Well, like i said maybe the trip down will change my mind after tryin the actual stuffs. If $248 for K500i, i wld rather get k700i. Im ok wif $300+ range, jus tat, i wasnt attracted to k700i, not becoz it has too many features.
Alright back to my entry... U noe wat, famous Sg dish Spicy Chili Crab? Last time i ate it was when i was in Pri sch!!! No chance to eat it after we got broke. Sigh... Then finally, after many many yrs of waiting. Yesterday night, my sis bf bought it for us to eat. $40 for 2 crabs. They bought delifrance bread for dippin as well...
The sauce isnt very nice coz not very famous one, but then the crab meat is damn solid... Juicy, sweet and tender. Mum only ate alittle, me, sis n her bf finished the rest. So happy. Got to eat somethin i always wanted like the "Yu Sheng".
The bread dippin is fantastic, but the East Coast one is still the best. 3 small sweet buns and a chili crab sauce for $2, it tastes great. The last and only time i ate crab after my pri sch yrs was last yr nov. The steamboat we had happened to serve some pieces of crab.
At ard 4am, yest night, i had very very bad stomachache. So bad till my kidney hurts. After toilet trips, i started to feel itchy. It started wif my head. Then i thot it was my oily scalp, coz i didnt wash my hair tat night. Then the itch started to spread to my ears, then neck, back, shoulders, arms, legs.
Then several bumps popped out, like mosquito bites. I seriously was thinkin i was bitten by insects. Then i realised cannot be so fierce one mah. Then i finally realised i was allergic to the crabs. Luckily, the bumps didnt manifest my whole body, if not i wld haf had a great deal of time scratchin. It was like mild, 2 on each limb, 2 on neck, 1 behind each ear, 3 on back, n some spreaded ard sparsely.
I couldnt sleep, was tormented by the itch. Then i spreaded tiger balm to the infected areas. I put so much tat my body heated up so much, and somehow the air con is makin my condition worse. So i offed my aircon and went to on my fan. Then finally, after some struggles, i fallen asleep, coz its near 8am liao.
Eee, now i feel so itchy even bloggin it. Now my throat is still itchy. Lucky not serious, if not i wld haf to take injections. Money again!!! Today only left the throat itch and the bad stomachaches. Very bad...
Oh, i dyed my hair today. No, tis time i DIY. Haha, i saved 10 times the money. Cant stand my half black hair, so decided to do it. But my hair very long, so i bought 2 boxes, jus nice. I bought the color Pale Milk Tea, will look like milk tea if ur hair's blonde. But then since my hair is black, no matter wat shade i buy will still become brown only.
But i too long never DIY liao, i kind of screwed up, i shd haf dyed all the black parts first before dyein the already dyed hair, but i didnt. I did the usual method u do wif new hair. But nvm, i still like the results. Since before i dye, my hair already has 3 colors, black, copper brown, blonde, now after dyeing, my hair is nice wif 3 shades of the color, rather natural, i like.
Next time i go salon, i wan to dye ash wif blonde. Now i'll jus make do wif tis overall brown hair. I look rather different immediately. My hair looks better, and the color made the old black stupid fringe look more presentable. Haha, but i look even more Malay(No offense, i jus dun like the idea i dun look chinese) now. Sigh...
But im proud of myself, very even. My mum wans the same color and wans me to do it for her after seein it, but i recommend another color. She needs a more mature color, wif a red brown base. Shes headin to Gentin to gamble tmr. Hope she wins, so tat she can sponsor my phone alittle, even though i knoe she wun.
She'll be back Sunday night, and we r having pizza for dinner, she already passed me $30 for tat. She said she'll call me and add more stuffs if she wins.
Great news is Shuzhen is lunchin wif me tmr!
Yeah, finally Shuzhen is ready to meet me for few hrs tmr, i can catch Howl's Moving Castle liao... So happy...
Current Balance : 4,352,909 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 647,091 NP
The Cactus

The Cactus given to me last yr from Shuzhen.
Hey dear,
I knoe u haf been bz these few days, jus thot i wan to show u how big the baby has grown. Heh. The initial tiny weenie pot has been thrown away coz it had outgrown it. I transfered to a medium size one some time ago. And its still growing. Hope it grows flowers but i dun think tis breed does. I love colored flowered cactus...
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Rainy Weather
Oooooo... I love cloudy days.
Been freakin hot these few days. I didnt even dare to step out of my house, im already sweatin inside even though i haf fans facing me all the time. It rained for awhile jus now, but sadly it was only for awhile.
Oh, heaven, pls give our beloved plants n animals more water, they need it. (ps: dun let my fav place run out of water as well, it will look atrocious)
I like to stay at home when its raining, lookin, hearin, smellin the rain, wif strong fans blowing my face n hair, listening to sentimental songs... Awww, makes me cry... Coz i usually get very emotional at times like these...
Ah, i forgot to mention i watched Black Hawk Down on TV, Ch 5, last sun. Haha, i sort of forced myself to watch it, coz i watched it be4 n i didnt like the show. But then, amazingly, tis time, the show caught my attention immediately after only 8 mins after it started.
Wow, its not bad watching it again tis time. I was totally engrossed, i even went to sit closer to the TV, coz i couldnt hear the dialogues. Though i cld still see the flaws of the story, but then i didnt care tis time. My eyes were glued, n i didnt even bother to tok to my sis when she came back halfway. But abit disappointin, so many scenes were cut.
She asked me y was i so engrossed, haha, coz i was making sounds like, "Oh no", "Ouch", "Gosh", "Ahhhh". Sounds comical ah, but its not when u r watchin a depressingly war film, showing some form of bad humanity. Felt rather sad after watchin it.
Black Hawk Down was released at a poor timin then. Coz i remembered, war movies were a hit tat yr, and wif tough competitions, BHD didnt make it thru.
I remembered the last dialogue paragraph of the show, which is the whole meaning of the show anyway.
(Edited to my own words, coz i cannot remember the exact words n i only wan to emphasize on the impt part)
- When i was leaving at the dock, someone asked me, "Why do u go and fight other ppl's war? U wan to be a hero?" I didnt ans then. But now, if he ask me again, i will tell him, "No... Nobody wans to be a hero. Situations create heros..."
Wa, as im typing, my hair stood. Felt it. Hmm. Oh, i realised 2 days ago, after yrs of using the com, i had one vein poppin out on my left hand, near the index finger knuckle, clearly due to typin. Yes, im a left hander, but i type wif both hands, but think naturally my left hand works harder.
Hmm, been quite surprised tat strangers had been emailin me or addin me in msn from readin my blog. I didnt knoe ppl actually bothers to. =)
I went ard to see some blogs, and i really wondered, y everyone is doing the same thing over almost every post entry. In general, majority of blogs i saw were simply "COMPLAINS"... Aiyo, complain about colleagues, family, frenz, strangers, about tis about tat, but mainly about ppl.
I knoe sometimes i do complain n scold ppl as well, but not in my every entry. I write mainly incidents n added wif my own person opinions about certain matters. Even if i wrote tat i cant click wif someone, most of the time i would be more self-reflectin than personal attacks. Eg, instead of saying, shes a bitch, hes an asshole, i would haf blog, i think i jus cant click wif certain category of ppl. I dun fit into their conversations.
How would u think if u read my blog tis way,
Mon: Shuzhen is Atrocious
Tues: Mum is so Naggy
Wed: Sis is so bitchy n rude
Thurs: Workin is so sian n unfair
Fri: Ah Lian Tat i saw when i was at Seoul Garden
Sat: Fucked-Up Job Agents who didnt get me any jobs
Sun: Terrible Singnet for the Server Down Again
I believe most understand the quote, "Small minds discuss people" right?
I give u one gd example i saw today. I was reading Xiaxue's blog comments, and fr a link realised someone called JingXuan, or somethin like tat, bombarded her again. It was stupid, ppl like to tok bad about Xiaxue n i seriously dun understand y.
I do enjoy readin her blogs. She's very expressive about her views, which i like. I love ppl who daringly express themselves. U may wan to tell me, well, its jus on the net. Not in real life wat, but pls, many ppl r lookin, if so, ppl wouldnt haf replied if tis is so private. Even myself haf to admit tat i, too, haf reserved some thots as well in my blog, fearing certain ppl would haf chanced upon it.
Look at JingXuan's blog, from top till bottom, its all about complains, complains, about her sch, girls she dun like, those tat she dun even noe but hearsay only can complain them and label them as ultimate disasters liao. Clearly u shd understand y she complained about Xiaxue, and the "makeup" girls.
Well since she is so superficial, to judge ppl thru hearsays. I shall draw one conclusion as well. Apparently, fr her blog, shes jus jealous. Coz ppl she complained about seemed to be typical "popular" girls. And apparently, i assumed shes not. Haha, believe me, if she sees tis, she'll start bombardin me as well. And blog war will start.
Shes young i knoe, but ignorance is not an excuse to insult others.
Back to toking about Xiaxue, even if sometimes i dun entirely agree wif her, e.g She mentioned some negative things about our NYP Animation clips featured on TV Mobile(even though it wasnt my clip she was referin to, but happened to be one of the top student's, haha). But I still enjoy readin her pt of view. Its fresh fr an audience anyway n shd be given some thot as well. We shd all learn to accept critisms, but unfortunately, youngers especially, cant.
Dun jus bite on one line u see u dun like, neglectin the whole story n then bombard back. Guess tats how complains came about. When u dun agree wif someone, u dun haf to force the person to agree wif u. Share wif each other. Tis is all part of Intelligent Banter anyway. Its interesting i tell u, if u can do it.
About one yr ago, i had one award winning clip published on the net, but i saw comments on the net saying, i wasted my parents money lah(though my parents didnt pay for my fees), it was stupid lah, lousy, like shit, shd quit sch, watever. Haha, one thing, they didnt realised we won award, and they also didnt bother to read the descriptions of the clip. It was an experimental clip, its not meant to be completed or gd or watever. We were tryin to use one technic called rotoscopin which nobody in my sch had used be4.
I only sat back and laughed at their ignorance. But if one of them actually told me how the ending could haf been made better, how the drawings could be done better, how colors would haf helped, i would haf greatly appreciate the person for constructive, useful feedbacks. But of coz, neither any of them said anythin similar.
I mean come on lah, i knoe especially Singaporeans, we dun see eye to eye wif many things, me included, but theres no need to complain about them everyday right? When things get so common, it shdnt be a complain anymore wat, n shd be brushed aside, u shd see more of other things instead.
Current Balance : 4,333,461 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 666,539 NP
Been freakin hot these few days. I didnt even dare to step out of my house, im already sweatin inside even though i haf fans facing me all the time. It rained for awhile jus now, but sadly it was only for awhile.
Oh, heaven, pls give our beloved plants n animals more water, they need it. (ps: dun let my fav place run out of water as well, it will look atrocious)
I like to stay at home when its raining, lookin, hearin, smellin the rain, wif strong fans blowing my face n hair, listening to sentimental songs... Awww, makes me cry... Coz i usually get very emotional at times like these...
Ah, i forgot to mention i watched Black Hawk Down on TV, Ch 5, last sun. Haha, i sort of forced myself to watch it, coz i watched it be4 n i didnt like the show. But then, amazingly, tis time, the show caught my attention immediately after only 8 mins after it started.
Wow, its not bad watching it again tis time. I was totally engrossed, i even went to sit closer to the TV, coz i couldnt hear the dialogues. Though i cld still see the flaws of the story, but then i didnt care tis time. My eyes were glued, n i didnt even bother to tok to my sis when she came back halfway. But abit disappointin, so many scenes were cut.
She asked me y was i so engrossed, haha, coz i was making sounds like, "Oh no", "Ouch", "Gosh", "Ahhhh". Sounds comical ah, but its not when u r watchin a depressingly war film, showing some form of bad humanity. Felt rather sad after watchin it.
Black Hawk Down was released at a poor timin then. Coz i remembered, war movies were a hit tat yr, and wif tough competitions, BHD didnt make it thru.
I remembered the last dialogue paragraph of the show, which is the whole meaning of the show anyway.
(Edited to my own words, coz i cannot remember the exact words n i only wan to emphasize on the impt part)
- When i was leaving at the dock, someone asked me, "Why do u go and fight other ppl's war? U wan to be a hero?" I didnt ans then. But now, if he ask me again, i will tell him, "No... Nobody wans to be a hero. Situations create heros..."
Wa, as im typing, my hair stood. Felt it. Hmm. Oh, i realised 2 days ago, after yrs of using the com, i had one vein poppin out on my left hand, near the index finger knuckle, clearly due to typin. Yes, im a left hander, but i type wif both hands, but think naturally my left hand works harder.
Hmm, been quite surprised tat strangers had been emailin me or addin me in msn from readin my blog. I didnt knoe ppl actually bothers to. =)
I went ard to see some blogs, and i really wondered, y everyone is doing the same thing over almost every post entry. In general, majority of blogs i saw were simply "COMPLAINS"... Aiyo, complain about colleagues, family, frenz, strangers, about tis about tat, but mainly about ppl.
I knoe sometimes i do complain n scold ppl as well, but not in my every entry. I write mainly incidents n added wif my own person opinions about certain matters. Even if i wrote tat i cant click wif someone, most of the time i would be more self-reflectin than personal attacks. Eg, instead of saying, shes a bitch, hes an asshole, i would haf blog, i think i jus cant click wif certain category of ppl. I dun fit into their conversations.
How would u think if u read my blog tis way,
Mon: Shuzhen is Atrocious
Tues: Mum is so Naggy
Wed: Sis is so bitchy n rude
Thurs: Workin is so sian n unfair
Fri: Ah Lian Tat i saw when i was at Seoul Garden
Sat: Fucked-Up Job Agents who didnt get me any jobs
Sun: Terrible Singnet for the Server Down Again
I believe most understand the quote, "Small minds discuss people" right?
I give u one gd example i saw today. I was reading Xiaxue's blog comments, and fr a link realised someone called JingXuan, or somethin like tat, bombarded her again. It was stupid, ppl like to tok bad about Xiaxue n i seriously dun understand y.
I do enjoy readin her blogs. She's very expressive about her views, which i like. I love ppl who daringly express themselves. U may wan to tell me, well, its jus on the net. Not in real life wat, but pls, many ppl r lookin, if so, ppl wouldnt haf replied if tis is so private. Even myself haf to admit tat i, too, haf reserved some thots as well in my blog, fearing certain ppl would haf chanced upon it.
Look at JingXuan's blog, from top till bottom, its all about complains, complains, about her sch, girls she dun like, those tat she dun even noe but hearsay only can complain them and label them as ultimate disasters liao. Clearly u shd understand y she complained about Xiaxue, and the "makeup" girls.
Well since she is so superficial, to judge ppl thru hearsays. I shall draw one conclusion as well. Apparently, fr her blog, shes jus jealous. Coz ppl she complained about seemed to be typical "popular" girls. And apparently, i assumed shes not. Haha, believe me, if she sees tis, she'll start bombardin me as well. And blog war will start.
Shes young i knoe, but ignorance is not an excuse to insult others.
Back to toking about Xiaxue, even if sometimes i dun entirely agree wif her, e.g She mentioned some negative things about our NYP Animation clips featured on TV Mobile(even though it wasnt my clip she was referin to, but happened to be one of the top student's, haha). But I still enjoy readin her pt of view. Its fresh fr an audience anyway n shd be given some thot as well. We shd all learn to accept critisms, but unfortunately, youngers especially, cant.
Dun jus bite on one line u see u dun like, neglectin the whole story n then bombard back. Guess tats how complains came about. When u dun agree wif someone, u dun haf to force the person to agree wif u. Share wif each other. Tis is all part of Intelligent Banter anyway. Its interesting i tell u, if u can do it.
About one yr ago, i had one award winning clip published on the net, but i saw comments on the net saying, i wasted my parents money lah(though my parents didnt pay for my fees), it was stupid lah, lousy, like shit, shd quit sch, watever. Haha, one thing, they didnt realised we won award, and they also didnt bother to read the descriptions of the clip. It was an experimental clip, its not meant to be completed or gd or watever. We were tryin to use one technic called rotoscopin which nobody in my sch had used be4.
I only sat back and laughed at their ignorance. But if one of them actually told me how the ending could haf been made better, how the drawings could be done better, how colors would haf helped, i would haf greatly appreciate the person for constructive, useful feedbacks. But of coz, neither any of them said anythin similar.
I mean come on lah, i knoe especially Singaporeans, we dun see eye to eye wif many things, me included, but theres no need to complain about them everyday right? When things get so common, it shdnt be a complain anymore wat, n shd be brushed aside, u shd see more of other things instead.
Current Balance : 4,333,461 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 666,539 NP
Handphones Dilemma
I slept at 6am... Duh... Was tokin to my drunken sis and playin the game Darts on her S700i, i stopped coz i realised her batt was runnin out n i dun wish to be blamed for tat. Haha...
Ok, now i haf 2 options, SE K700i($368), Moto A668($398).
I know i know, the whole world will tell me to get k700i coz its the best, alot of features, got bluetooth, infra, etc... And moto is jus lousy, no resale value, no bluetooth, no infray...
Tats y i actually included k700i in my list.
Im a low end user, i only need my phone to makes calls, send sms, tats all. Even if u give me bluetooth, infray, i wun use them one. I can make do wif the given themes, wallpapers, screensavers. The A668 phone cums wif 1.3 mega pixels cam n alot of effects, but u noe wat, i dun even care. I whd rather u remove tat, give me a lousy cam n slash the price $150 lesser.
Coz i haf my own digi camera. I carry my Ixus i everywhere i go, if i wan to take a photo, definately, digi cams will always be the choice compared to the best hp cam. And also, who cares if A668 cannot play mp3s... I haf my own 5GB mp3 player, which i can play 1000 songs continuosly for days.
Only 8MB for A668, no additional slots. Y wld i need the space anyway, since i dun take pics wif the cam. Jus normal will do.
Another thing i tell everyone is I DUN TRADE IN MY PHONES... i never do tat. Coz i treat phones like my accessories/belongings. I keep all of them. Including my 1st phone panasonic GD 90 somethin. Im someone who cant bear to sell my things away, i bought them for a reason n i dun jus trade things off for a better deal. No way!
My sis on the contrary, buys phone to trade off. She totally dun cherish them, haha, which is y each of her phone only lasts 3 mths. She had changed close to 7 phones within 2 yrs liao.
Even so, wat my sis said makes sense also. She mentioned tat also i need to think about when u signed on another 2 yrs contract, if u realised tat the phone u bought is fucked up, u can always trade it off for a better one.
But then, somehow, for one reason or another, im not attracted to K700i, but im told moto A668 is damn ugly... n k700i is a beauty...
I had fallen in love alot of times for sleek designed hps, like the last new series fr Nokia, but then Nokia is damn lousy now, they completely screw up, i dun like the idea of gettin angry and callin repair centres regularly. SE's initial generations like T610 is damn laggy, though i knoe its improved tremendously, i jus cant get over the idea.
Tats y i like the samsung E800c initially coz its a beautiful phone, but somehow, the newer hps all seems to be extremely unstable. The softwares crashes often. Think only my T500 managed to survive thru n im proud of tat.
So wif major brands like Nokia, Samsung, Panasonic, Siemens, LG down in my list, now left only SE n Moto(im not even considerin O2). SE i had already mentioned the laggin phobia. I do haf bad impressions about Moto actually. Until i see them comin up wif newer n better phones(HelloMoto Series), every couple of mths, improving tremendously. So like wat choices do i haf left?
Tis is hard. I cant seem to find the perfect phone anymore, thus i had been leaving my line under no-contract for close to 2 yrs liao(my T500 is bought at retail price).
I buy phones for the basic functions, n sleek design. But it mus be stable, no laggin, no crashin(im very impatient to hps) n no breakin of flip covers. Im only afraid A668 will be flimsy which i heard it is. So no matter wat, i'll jus pop down to M1, and take a look myself. Maybe i'll find a better one? Who knoes? If not, maybe i jus hold on to T500 for another yr.
Ok, now i haf 2 options, SE K700i($368), Moto A668($398).
I know i know, the whole world will tell me to get k700i coz its the best, alot of features, got bluetooth, infra, etc... And moto is jus lousy, no resale value, no bluetooth, no infray...
Tats y i actually included k700i in my list.
Im a low end user, i only need my phone to makes calls, send sms, tats all. Even if u give me bluetooth, infray, i wun use them one. I can make do wif the given themes, wallpapers, screensavers. The A668 phone cums wif 1.3 mega pixels cam n alot of effects, but u noe wat, i dun even care. I whd rather u remove tat, give me a lousy cam n slash the price $150 lesser.
Coz i haf my own digi camera. I carry my Ixus i everywhere i go, if i wan to take a photo, definately, digi cams will always be the choice compared to the best hp cam. And also, who cares if A668 cannot play mp3s... I haf my own 5GB mp3 player, which i can play 1000 songs continuosly for days.
Only 8MB for A668, no additional slots. Y wld i need the space anyway, since i dun take pics wif the cam. Jus normal will do.
Another thing i tell everyone is I DUN TRADE IN MY PHONES... i never do tat. Coz i treat phones like my accessories/belongings. I keep all of them. Including my 1st phone panasonic GD 90 somethin. Im someone who cant bear to sell my things away, i bought them for a reason n i dun jus trade things off for a better deal. No way!
My sis on the contrary, buys phone to trade off. She totally dun cherish them, haha, which is y each of her phone only lasts 3 mths. She had changed close to 7 phones within 2 yrs liao.
Even so, wat my sis said makes sense also. She mentioned tat also i need to think about when u signed on another 2 yrs contract, if u realised tat the phone u bought is fucked up, u can always trade it off for a better one.
But then, somehow, for one reason or another, im not attracted to K700i, but im told moto A668 is damn ugly... n k700i is a beauty...
I had fallen in love alot of times for sleek designed hps, like the last new series fr Nokia, but then Nokia is damn lousy now, they completely screw up, i dun like the idea of gettin angry and callin repair centres regularly. SE's initial generations like T610 is damn laggy, though i knoe its improved tremendously, i jus cant get over the idea.
Tats y i like the samsung E800c initially coz its a beautiful phone, but somehow, the newer hps all seems to be extremely unstable. The softwares crashes often. Think only my T500 managed to survive thru n im proud of tat.
So wif major brands like Nokia, Samsung, Panasonic, Siemens, LG down in my list, now left only SE n Moto(im not even considerin O2). SE i had already mentioned the laggin phobia. I do haf bad impressions about Moto actually. Until i see them comin up wif newer n better phones(HelloMoto Series), every couple of mths, improving tremendously. So like wat choices do i haf left?
Tis is hard. I cant seem to find the perfect phone anymore, thus i had been leaving my line under no-contract for close to 2 yrs liao(my T500 is bought at retail price).
I buy phones for the basic functions, n sleek design. But it mus be stable, no laggin, no crashin(im very impatient to hps) n no breakin of flip covers. Im only afraid A668 will be flimsy which i heard it is. So no matter wat, i'll jus pop down to M1, and take a look myself. Maybe i'll find a better one? Who knoes? If not, maybe i jus hold on to T500 for another yr.
I Failed...
Dear all,
My silly plan failed. Sigh... Duno y i jus cant sleep.
Sorry to disappoint, but i really tried liao... Just now during 8pm, i was soooooooooo sleepy, but i managed to hold on till 8.30pm for American idol and then i held on till 11pm, then finally came into my room to sleep. I thot i will concuss, i really did.
But then i closed my eyes and 2 hrs passed, and i realised me still not in dreamland... So disappointing, i thot the next moment i open my eyes will be 8am the next morning. It didnt happen accordin to my plan apprarently.
However, one thing was, after my prev blog, i went to take out my cross-stitch, haha... Coz i was very sleepy and thot tat it will keep me awake. But it only made me more sleepy. But nvm, at least i started on it le.
I think one reason y im more cheery lately is due to bloggin. Somehow i really love to blog. I enjoy doing it. Its so much fun then writin digital journal files. At times when i feel down, after bloggin i actually feel better. Haha, well since i dun really like to tok to ppl anymore, tis served as a great alternative.
I wan to catch Howling's Moving Castle!!! Still haf to wait till next week for Shuzhen...*Sob Sob*...So surprised, i thot Miyazaki's going to retire after Spirited Away, but he came up wif another award-winnin film again. I guess the passion will jus never die in the blood ya?
Hope i feel sleepy soon, but seems like i dun feel anythin. Tis is crazy... I think my blood jus refused to sleep early... Urrrgggghhhh...
Ah, i jus went to look at the phones again, i'll stop dreaming about motorola A768i, coz i duno when will it be here anyway n it shd be extremely ex for a phone. I'll settle for Motorola A668, $398 for 2-yr, i can still afford tis. Will go take a look.
My silly plan failed. Sigh... Duno y i jus cant sleep.
Sorry to disappoint, but i really tried liao... Just now during 8pm, i was soooooooooo sleepy, but i managed to hold on till 8.30pm for American idol and then i held on till 11pm, then finally came into my room to sleep. I thot i will concuss, i really did.
But then i closed my eyes and 2 hrs passed, and i realised me still not in dreamland... So disappointing, i thot the next moment i open my eyes will be 8am the next morning. It didnt happen accordin to my plan apprarently.
However, one thing was, after my prev blog, i went to take out my cross-stitch, haha... Coz i was very sleepy and thot tat it will keep me awake. But it only made me more sleepy. But nvm, at least i started on it le.
I think one reason y im more cheery lately is due to bloggin. Somehow i really love to blog. I enjoy doing it. Its so much fun then writin digital journal files. At times when i feel down, after bloggin i actually feel better. Haha, well since i dun really like to tok to ppl anymore, tis served as a great alternative.
I wan to catch Howling's Moving Castle!!! Still haf to wait till next week for Shuzhen...*Sob Sob*...So surprised, i thot Miyazaki's going to retire after Spirited Away, but he came up wif another award-winnin film again. I guess the passion will jus never die in the blood ya?
Hope i feel sleepy soon, but seems like i dun feel anythin. Tis is crazy... I think my blood jus refused to sleep early... Urrrgggghhhh...
Ah, i jus went to look at the phones again, i'll stop dreaming about motorola A768i, coz i duno when will it be here anyway n it shd be extremely ex for a phone. I'll settle for Motorola A668, $398 for 2-yr, i can still afford tis. Will go take a look.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Sleepy Evening
Gosh, im so sleepy. No, i cant take a nap. I mus force myself to stay awake till tonight to get used to the new Bio clock.
I had decided not to get the Samsung E800C, saw many bad reviews about it. Besides, i realised my current T500 is alot more stable n much more prettier. So now left my motorola A768i, hope it doesnt disappoint me in real life.
My sis is having her interview at Suntec at 4pm, shd be on her way home now. The agent called her at 2pm, and the interview is at 4pm, tok about efficiency. Its an admin job, hope she gets it.
I didnt do my cross-stitch, lazy n sleepy, heh. Tmr i will. I promise! Ha.
After spendin a mth to prepare Shuzhen's bday celebration, i haf a sudden sense of loss after it had ended, nothin to look forward to anymore. I guess its normal. I jus need to move on. Time to get serious into business. =)
But sad thing is i didnt feel any sense of satisfaction, weird. (btw, my DELETE key is workin magically again) Perhaps maybe i didnt enjoy the celebration myself, it was more like helpin out or like doin the favour for someone... thus i only feel drained after it had ended. Perhaps perhaps. Strange, i shdnt feel tis way, its bad. But i chose to be honest. :P
However, i do wonder wat will it be like, to have something according to my own interests n preferences. My own celebration, party, no need to bother about wat others feel or think. But i guess it will be lonely. Coz i dun think majority of ppl like wat i like. Hmm, interesting...
Dun think i'll blog later coz i'll be watching American Idol. After tat, i'll make sure i'll go to sleep, haha. Tmr i'll blog about some interesting stories about myself. Im very cheery today, great! Tataz...
Current Balance : 4,322,758 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 677,242 NP
I had decided not to get the Samsung E800C, saw many bad reviews about it. Besides, i realised my current T500 is alot more stable n much more prettier. So now left my motorola A768i, hope it doesnt disappoint me in real life.
My sis is having her interview at Suntec at 4pm, shd be on her way home now. The agent called her at 2pm, and the interview is at 4pm, tok about efficiency. Its an admin job, hope she gets it.
I didnt do my cross-stitch, lazy n sleepy, heh. Tmr i will. I promise! Ha.
After spendin a mth to prepare Shuzhen's bday celebration, i haf a sudden sense of loss after it had ended, nothin to look forward to anymore. I guess its normal. I jus need to move on. Time to get serious into business. =)
But sad thing is i didnt feel any sense of satisfaction, weird. (btw, my DELETE key is workin magically again) Perhaps maybe i didnt enjoy the celebration myself, it was more like helpin out or like doin the favour for someone... thus i only feel drained after it had ended. Perhaps perhaps. Strange, i shdnt feel tis way, its bad. But i chose to be honest. :P
However, i do wonder wat will it be like, to have something according to my own interests n preferences. My own celebration, party, no need to bother about wat others feel or think. But i guess it will be lonely. Coz i dun think majority of ppl like wat i like. Hmm, interesting...
Dun think i'll blog later coz i'll be watching American Idol. After tat, i'll make sure i'll go to sleep, haha. Tmr i'll blog about some interesting stories about myself. Im very cheery today, great! Tataz...
Current Balance : 4,322,758 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 677,242 NP
Gd Refreshing Afternoon
Guess wat, i slept super early yest... Yeah, surprising? Totally. Reason was simply i offed my PC 11pm plus and i had nothin to do. So i headed to my bed, and realised im actually alittle tired. Perhaps coz i sleep for less than 6 hrs daily.
My sis bet tat i wun fall asleep. Haha, but i did, immediately after she went out in the night. She's a huge distraction always, im a extreme light sleeper remember? When she came back, i was already dreaming. But i didnt sleep well. I didnt sleep well the past few nights, i duno y. Had been having nightmares very often.
Yesterday night i had multiple dreams again, coz i woke up mutiple times. In one of my dreams, i dreamt tat i was painting my new house, wif furnitures moved there already. But still stayin at my current one temporary. And i saw my new room, very nice space. Best part is, i haf my own room for the 1st time(rented rooms not counted). But it wasnt a nice dream though, dreamt of Elwin, someone fr sec, n he gave me a miserable time in my dream as well.
I woke up early too, at 8am, but i lazed on my bed for another 30 mins be4 i woke up. So i slept for a nice cool 8 hrs. Its jus right. So now i feel god damn refresh. So much so tat i feel like drinkin lemonade, dun ask me y, i noe its irrelevant. I ate breakfast(somethin i never had long time as well), then i took out my movies case and played 50 1st Dates.
Aw, very sweet n simple show. Used to love tat show, i went to the theatres twice to watch it. Very loving movie, felt like goin over to Hawaii after tat. Loved the simple lifestyle they had over there, but tats jus a movie, so i need to head over to find out the reality.
And then, my sis woke up and left to do some personal errands, while i came in to log on. Later, i'll be sewing my torn pants and sleepin tees. And i wan to finish my crosstitch. Somethin i left in my cupboard long time ago. Haha, think its only 1/5 done. Coz i bought 2 last yr after i graduated, i finished one and gave my sis, and left one more for myself but then jus after i got started, i was employed. Haha, then i got so busy tat i didnt continue.
Well, perhaps i'll get employed again once i get started? Haha, hope so.
I feel gd today, very relaxing mood, note tat i dun feel tis way often, perhaps coz i watched a relaxin movie in the morning. Surprised i didnt watch Lord of the Rings? Ya, i am, too.
Think the ultimate reason is tat, i slept early n woke up early. Been so long since i do tis, due to my industry. I realised long ago, sleepin early and waking up early, really affects alot on ur health n body. Believe me. Ever since i went into poly n adjusted to our industry lifestyle, i started to grow weaker n older. But once i slept normally for 3 wks, immediately, i looked younger n started to haf a glow. Haha.
Since i had decided to leave my industry and venture on. I guess its high time tat i forsake the old lifestyle n lead a more normal life like most others. Well, i shall sleep early tonight again. Heh.
My sis bet tat i wun fall asleep. Haha, but i did, immediately after she went out in the night. She's a huge distraction always, im a extreme light sleeper remember? When she came back, i was already dreaming. But i didnt sleep well. I didnt sleep well the past few nights, i duno y. Had been having nightmares very often.
Yesterday night i had multiple dreams again, coz i woke up mutiple times. In one of my dreams, i dreamt tat i was painting my new house, wif furnitures moved there already. But still stayin at my current one temporary. And i saw my new room, very nice space. Best part is, i haf my own room for the 1st time(rented rooms not counted). But it wasnt a nice dream though, dreamt of Elwin, someone fr sec, n he gave me a miserable time in my dream as well.
I woke up early too, at 8am, but i lazed on my bed for another 30 mins be4 i woke up. So i slept for a nice cool 8 hrs. Its jus right. So now i feel god damn refresh. So much so tat i feel like drinkin lemonade, dun ask me y, i noe its irrelevant. I ate breakfast(somethin i never had long time as well), then i took out my movies case and played 50 1st Dates.
Aw, very sweet n simple show. Used to love tat show, i went to the theatres twice to watch it. Very loving movie, felt like goin over to Hawaii after tat. Loved the simple lifestyle they had over there, but tats jus a movie, so i need to head over to find out the reality.
And then, my sis woke up and left to do some personal errands, while i came in to log on. Later, i'll be sewing my torn pants and sleepin tees. And i wan to finish my crosstitch. Somethin i left in my cupboard long time ago. Haha, think its only 1/5 done. Coz i bought 2 last yr after i graduated, i finished one and gave my sis, and left one more for myself but then jus after i got started, i was employed. Haha, then i got so busy tat i didnt continue.
Well, perhaps i'll get employed again once i get started? Haha, hope so.
I feel gd today, very relaxing mood, note tat i dun feel tis way often, perhaps coz i watched a relaxin movie in the morning. Surprised i didnt watch Lord of the Rings? Ya, i am, too.
Think the ultimate reason is tat, i slept early n woke up early. Been so long since i do tis, due to my industry. I realised long ago, sleepin early and waking up early, really affects alot on ur health n body. Believe me. Ever since i went into poly n adjusted to our industry lifestyle, i started to grow weaker n older. But once i slept normally for 3 wks, immediately, i looked younger n started to haf a glow. Haha.
Since i had decided to leave my industry and venture on. I guess its high time tat i forsake the old lifestyle n lead a more normal life like most others. Well, i shall sleep early tonight again. Heh.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Tok About Being Lucky...
I got one fren, her mum striked 4D 1st n 3rd prize last wed. Then after tat, think weekend, my step sis's mother in law striked 4D, then after tat her husband striked 4D, then followed by my step sis. Wahahaha, y all so heng one??? In tat family, only left my doggie, Bondie haven strike yet.
Then how cum i never kena anythin for my motorola A768i leh??? Haha...
Then very funny one, yest night me and my sis tokin about my doggie. Initially when we bought him, we kept him at my house for few days before taking over to step sis's place. So i took some movie clips wif my digi cam of the pub. So cute, then we relished the memories n his cuteness by watchinig the clips again. Coz somehow he looked n behaved very different now.
Then today, coz my sis bought the SonyE hp right, got free abalone "Yu Sheng" but mus go collect today. So her bf went to collect it then stayed for dinner. My mum cooked soup for him. Then we "lao" the "Yu Sheng" lor, but then abalone one i dun like, i wan fish one. Coz i ate abalone during CNY steamboat liao. But overall the vege very nice, so i ate it also.
Then meanwhile my step sis called and said she'll bring Bondie over coz her husband going to play tennis at Bishan, nearby. So coincidental, yest night tokin about Bondie only, today see him.
When she reached, she bought "Yu Sheng"!!! Fish one!!! Hahaha, wa, really heng heng ah, i shd haf said i wan the motorola phone jus now, then my sis will bring the phone over for my early bday gift, hahaha. But then the fish is the cl one, i like salmon, but i didnt specify during my complain earlier, i only mentioned i like fish one, dun like abalone. Nvm lah, can make do.
She bought extra large serving somemore, coz she thot my sis and her bf ard. Of coz she didnt realised we jus had our "Yu Sheng" too. Extra crackers, extra fishes. Happy happy. I like to eat "Yu Sheng" but i seldom got chance to eat coz i dun go out during CNY. Then everyone in the house had it except me, but today, i got to eat it twice!!!
Yeah, 1st time in my life i eat "Yu Sheng" till i very full ah. Now belly still bloated. Heh... My bondie also very cute, he seemed extra happy today at our place, kissed me so many times, looked at me very differently, too. Happy Happy Happy, man zu man zu man zu...
Then how cum i never kena anythin for my motorola A768i leh??? Haha...
Then very funny one, yest night me and my sis tokin about my doggie. Initially when we bought him, we kept him at my house for few days before taking over to step sis's place. So i took some movie clips wif my digi cam of the pub. So cute, then we relished the memories n his cuteness by watchinig the clips again. Coz somehow he looked n behaved very different now.
Then today, coz my sis bought the SonyE hp right, got free abalone "Yu Sheng" but mus go collect today. So her bf went to collect it then stayed for dinner. My mum cooked soup for him. Then we "lao" the "Yu Sheng" lor, but then abalone one i dun like, i wan fish one. Coz i ate abalone during CNY steamboat liao. But overall the vege very nice, so i ate it also.
Then meanwhile my step sis called and said she'll bring Bondie over coz her husband going to play tennis at Bishan, nearby. So coincidental, yest night tokin about Bondie only, today see him.
When she reached, she bought "Yu Sheng"!!! Fish one!!! Hahaha, wa, really heng heng ah, i shd haf said i wan the motorola phone jus now, then my sis will bring the phone over for my early bday gift, hahaha. But then the fish is the cl one, i like salmon, but i didnt specify during my complain earlier, i only mentioned i like fish one, dun like abalone. Nvm lah, can make do.
She bought extra large serving somemore, coz she thot my sis and her bf ard. Of coz she didnt realised we jus had our "Yu Sheng" too. Extra crackers, extra fishes. Happy happy. I like to eat "Yu Sheng" but i seldom got chance to eat coz i dun go out during CNY. Then everyone in the house had it except me, but today, i got to eat it twice!!!
Yeah, 1st time in my life i eat "Yu Sheng" till i very full ah. Now belly still bloated. Heh... My bondie also very cute, he seemed extra happy today at our place, kissed me so many times, looked at me very differently, too. Happy Happy Happy, man zu man zu man zu...
Shuzhen's Personality
- Gosh, i typed tis entry in the evening but couldnt publish it coz my internet server is down, damn singnet... But lucky i got back it up tis time, no need to retype...
Alright, here it goes... But i haf to say i duno where to start. Haha, its like u know somethin so well and suddenly u duno where to begin. Im told to keep things short n simple, the rest u find out in real life ya?
From the suface:
She's quiet, studious, sweet, gentle, looks indoor girl-next-door, simple, sincere, cheerful, sometimes in a daze zone.
I wan to comment about the dazing part. Ok, sometimes, in fact every time u meet her in actual person, she will definately at some pt starts to be in a daze. Ok, now the pt, NO, shes not troubled or thinkin about somethin, shes like tis... Sometimes she jus like to daze ard, wifout thinkin about anythin, starin at blanks. I knoe some r concerned, jus get used to it.
Haha, i used to ask like u all also, but then i got used to it liao. So i knoe. Ah, she like to purse her lips also, a habit, though i never acknowledged tat coz usually i was the one doing it, n she pointed out to me during sec. (Gosh, i jus realised my "DELETE" key is spoilt, now i got to use backspace instead, damn)
Ok back. Yes, in actual, she is cheerful, sincere, sweet. She's not so much of a gentle girl next door, more like neutral person, though she has a gentle look. But shes a "xian qi liang mu" definately in the future. Haha. Besides reading, she loves kids as well. Not so much of a indoor gal, she likes outdoor activities, like sun tannin(no, not in bikinis, jus sleeveless tops n shorts), cyclin, we play badminton or tennis whenever we can, go to Sentosa, Zoo as well.
Quiet? Hmm, shes not. I assure u. But she can be. Usually shes not a very quiet person, maybe under circumstances when shes not very comfortable or abit shy at times in awkard situations. Oh, shes very patient also. Even to ppl she dislike or conversations we cant stand, she can sit thru it thoroughly. Haha, i cant, i will think of excuses to leave, or worst still, walk away if i feel offended. But i dun quarrel, dun like to do tat. I will leave peacefully n nicely.
Shes very sensitive also, always think about ppl ard her, sparin so much thots for them as well, which always makes things at a disadvantage for herself. Not gd ok? U mus change tat. Be more firm. She very bad at rejections, so pls dun take advantage n dun put her in a tight spot. I will KILL you!
Some sec frenz shd noe, she used to be quite "blur", due to her simpleness. I still remember her tonnes of nicknames. But then, after so many yrs, shes not liao lah. She seems more innocent and simple coz she always give ppl benenfit of the doubt. She prefer to believe things in a more idealistic way. But shes not dumb or naive, pls, she still knoes how the world goes ard, jus tat she prefers to see things otherwise.
Shes a very helpful person, and will try to be there for u. She may not say anythin or give u any advices but she will listen to u. Somethin alot pf ppl cant do. Most ppl love to jump to conclusions and tell others "no, u shd do tis or tat". But shes not like tat. Which is wat i love about her.
Alot of things u haf to knoe her deeper to noe the actual her. Unfortunately, not many ppl r truly sincere nowadays in terms of fren-making. Guess i shd stop here.
Understanding someone is not by how many words u read fr my blog, or how detailed i blog about her. Its about puttin in efforts and sincerity in knoein a person in actual life, but not by asking "Tell me more about urself", the trick is actually dun even ask anythin. Coz if the frenship is true, things will eventually fall in place, and u'll realise tat within some time, u will actually find out alot more than wat u have jus been introduced to...
Always remember somethin, love dun come at 1st sight. Only infatuation does. It takes a moment to categorise, days to see the suface but much more to understand somethin. There will never be shortcuts or crash cozes. In life, we learn the long and the hard way. ")
Current Balance : 4,315,014 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 684,986 NP
Alright, here it goes... But i haf to say i duno where to start. Haha, its like u know somethin so well and suddenly u duno where to begin. Im told to keep things short n simple, the rest u find out in real life ya?
From the suface:
She's quiet, studious, sweet, gentle, looks indoor girl-next-door, simple, sincere, cheerful, sometimes in a daze zone.
I wan to comment about the dazing part. Ok, sometimes, in fact every time u meet her in actual person, she will definately at some pt starts to be in a daze. Ok, now the pt, NO, shes not troubled or thinkin about somethin, shes like tis... Sometimes she jus like to daze ard, wifout thinkin about anythin, starin at blanks. I knoe some r concerned, jus get used to it.
Haha, i used to ask like u all also, but then i got used to it liao. So i knoe. Ah, she like to purse her lips also, a habit, though i never acknowledged tat coz usually i was the one doing it, n she pointed out to me during sec. (Gosh, i jus realised my "DELETE" key is spoilt, now i got to use backspace instead, damn)
Ok back. Yes, in actual, she is cheerful, sincere, sweet. She's not so much of a gentle girl next door, more like neutral person, though she has a gentle look. But shes a "xian qi liang mu" definately in the future. Haha. Besides reading, she loves kids as well. Not so much of a indoor gal, she likes outdoor activities, like sun tannin(no, not in bikinis, jus sleeveless tops n shorts), cyclin, we play badminton or tennis whenever we can, go to Sentosa, Zoo as well.
Quiet? Hmm, shes not. I assure u. But she can be. Usually shes not a very quiet person, maybe under circumstances when shes not very comfortable or abit shy at times in awkard situations. Oh, shes very patient also. Even to ppl she dislike or conversations we cant stand, she can sit thru it thoroughly. Haha, i cant, i will think of excuses to leave, or worst still, walk away if i feel offended. But i dun quarrel, dun like to do tat. I will leave peacefully n nicely.
Shes very sensitive also, always think about ppl ard her, sparin so much thots for them as well, which always makes things at a disadvantage for herself. Not gd ok? U mus change tat. Be more firm. She very bad at rejections, so pls dun take advantage n dun put her in a tight spot. I will KILL you!
Some sec frenz shd noe, she used to be quite "blur", due to her simpleness. I still remember her tonnes of nicknames. But then, after so many yrs, shes not liao lah. She seems more innocent and simple coz she always give ppl benenfit of the doubt. She prefer to believe things in a more idealistic way. But shes not dumb or naive, pls, she still knoes how the world goes ard, jus tat she prefers to see things otherwise.
Shes a very helpful person, and will try to be there for u. She may not say anythin or give u any advices but she will listen to u. Somethin alot pf ppl cant do. Most ppl love to jump to conclusions and tell others "no, u shd do tis or tat". But shes not like tat. Which is wat i love about her.
Alot of things u haf to knoe her deeper to noe the actual her. Unfortunately, not many ppl r truly sincere nowadays in terms of fren-making. Guess i shd stop here.
Understanding someone is not by how many words u read fr my blog, or how detailed i blog about her. Its about puttin in efforts and sincerity in knoein a person in actual life, but not by asking "Tell me more about urself", the trick is actually dun even ask anythin. Coz if the frenship is true, things will eventually fall in place, and u'll realise tat within some time, u will actually find out alot more than wat u have jus been introduced to...
Always remember somethin, love dun come at 1st sight. Only infatuation does. It takes a moment to categorise, days to see the suface but much more to understand somethin. There will never be shortcuts or crash cozes. In life, we learn the long and the hard way. ")
Current Balance : 4,315,014 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 684,986 NP
Monday, February 21, 2005
Motorola A768i
Saw tis phone on TV ad. And i fell in love wif it. I like the handwriting recognition feature. So interesting, its damn cool. I like the black one, but think SG only got dark blue. Look very guyish, but nvm, its still not out yet, i'll wait to see the real stuff. Estimated to be $800 for 2 yr plan. Damn ex. But love it, how???
Think can trash samsung E800C aside, i like the samsung model for its appearance but the motorola model for its features. Cant decide. Buy for me??? Subsidise?? Pls?
Very ex for me, broke liao. But then, been thinkin about gettin one after my sis hugged her new phone and came back to shove it in my face jus now. She got SonyEricson S700i. Very cool phone too, excellent colors n display. Bought at retail $888, installment of $70 for 12 mths. Cool, i also wan to pay installments, but i no credit card. Haha. Nvm. But the phone's heavy, 137 g, big and bulky, very guyish too. Even gave the uncle-typed leather case tat u strap to ur belt, clearly its for GUYS! She got 2 free tickets to Alan Tham's concert also, haha.
Oh by the way, after i put up my latest pics(frenster/msn/blog), i received compliments. Haha, but mostly i heard cute(ugly but adorable, oh well, nvm). But sadly, like i always said i dun like like tat, in real life. But Shuzhen said about the same, jus tat i dun haf a mirror in front of me always only... Haha
I always look like im happy or cute or enjoyin myself when i take my pics at home. But when others take my pics outside, i will always look fierce, ugly, unhappy. Haha, duno y, tats y i said i look different in real life. Maybe its tat im more comfortable at home like wat she said and also i got more time to pose and smile. Haha, maybe bah...
Applied for some temp admin jobs jus now, hoping to get replies soon. Im thinkin of trying to work at petshops, to train myself take care of my future shitzu, too. Wat u think? Heh... But Mingsheng workin at one petshop part time for $3.50 per hr!!! So little how to survive? At least also min $5.50 mah... Though i was hoping for $6 and above. Sigh... How? Tis few days i wait for replies 1st... Then i mus walk in enrol my part time studies also... Hope everythin will go smoother for myself... ")
After i wake up i'll blog about her personality, somethin i owe few days ago, alright, its 4.35am now, i go sleep le. Catch me later...
Current Balance : 4,310,150 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 689,850 NP
Think can trash samsung E800C aside, i like the samsung model for its appearance but the motorola model for its features. Cant decide. Buy for me??? Subsidise?? Pls?
Very ex for me, broke liao. But then, been thinkin about gettin one after my sis hugged her new phone and came back to shove it in my face jus now. She got SonyEricson S700i. Very cool phone too, excellent colors n display. Bought at retail $888, installment of $70 for 12 mths. Cool, i also wan to pay installments, but i no credit card. Haha. Nvm. But the phone's heavy, 137 g, big and bulky, very guyish too. Even gave the uncle-typed leather case tat u strap to ur belt, clearly its for GUYS! She got 2 free tickets to Alan Tham's concert also, haha.
Oh by the way, after i put up my latest pics(frenster/msn/blog), i received compliments. Haha, but mostly i heard cute(ugly but adorable, oh well, nvm). But sadly, like i always said i dun like like tat, in real life. But Shuzhen said about the same, jus tat i dun haf a mirror in front of me always only... Haha
I always look like im happy or cute or enjoyin myself when i take my pics at home. But when others take my pics outside, i will always look fierce, ugly, unhappy. Haha, duno y, tats y i said i look different in real life. Maybe its tat im more comfortable at home like wat she said and also i got more time to pose and smile. Haha, maybe bah...
Applied for some temp admin jobs jus now, hoping to get replies soon. Im thinkin of trying to work at petshops, to train myself take care of my future shitzu, too. Wat u think? Heh... But Mingsheng workin at one petshop part time for $3.50 per hr!!! So little how to survive? At least also min $5.50 mah... Though i was hoping for $6 and above. Sigh... How? Tis few days i wait for replies 1st... Then i mus walk in enrol my part time studies also... Hope everythin will go smoother for myself... ")
After i wake up i'll blog about her personality, somethin i owe few days ago, alright, its 4.35am now, i go sleep le. Catch me later...
Current Balance : 4,310,150 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 689,850 NP
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Some After thoughts...
Now tis is hard. I read fr my fren's blog n realised some saddening news.
My fren's sis, who has a best fren of 10 yrs, committed suicide on fri afternoon. Means, it was the same day when i celebrated Shuzhen's bday. How ironic is tat, there we were enjoying ourselves at the ktv, while at another place of Sg, someone decided to end her life and she died lonely n miserable.
To think i was even so excited to blog about the celebration, posting pictures when somethin so grey happened near me(considerin Sg is a small place). I guess, tats wat we call, the world goes round. Butterfly effect, when somethin happened here, somethin worse will happen elsewhere.
I feel extremely sorry for the deceased.
I feel alot for tis incident, even though i duno them. I happened to be pondering the "death of frens issue" lately. And tis incident made me pour out some of my thots here. Didnt intend to blog somethin so solemn so soon, but i cant help it.
In our life phrases, u will definately reach the stage when u will start attendin funerals of ur frens, n of ppl u noe. No, tis is not "choi" or wat, but it will eventually definately happen, coz we r jus mere mortals.
Below is the stages tat i gathered fr ppl in sg:
20-35 : Start getting invitations to weddings
35-45: Start hearing frens n ppl getting divorced
45 onwards: Start to attend more and more funerals
Now, ppl in self denial and younger ppl will not understand how the above is derived. Try toking to ppl in their 40s and above, n u'll understand perfectly.
Wat saddened me about the whole incident is tis. The deceased and my fren's sis are best frens of 10 yrs. And she didnt knoe anythin until the following morning, when her other frens informed her of the incident. Pls also note tat the opinions below r not targetted towards tis specific incident n the ppl involved. I am only expressing my triggered thots on a general topic.
And also, after reading tat, i still hear ppl saying "feng liang hua" over the incident, tat saddened me even more. Wif ppl like these, we can all understand y suicidal cases haf increased tremendously over the past yrs in sg. I will not quote any examples, so as to protect their interests.
Think about this fr a fren's point of view(i shall not tok about family in tis instance):
If u haf a very close fren, who suicided. As a fren, u noe nuts about anythin, and didnt even try to save tat person directly or indirectly, coz reason was u duno. U only learnt about the incident after everythin happened.
Do you,
1) Feel tat the deceased is foolish/stupid/immature/insensible/selfish, coz everythin could be worked out. The person shd haf called u to tok to u about it, and face live bravely.
2) Feel tat, as a fren, u didnt even live up to the name. And tat u shd haf noticed even be4 things happened.
Think about it...
Frens are not jus companions for u to go ktv wif, go movies wif(coz u dun wish to watch Constantine alone, findin ppl who watch movies alone r all weirdos), go spin driving wif, go supper wif, go travelling wif n so on.
Frens r there to experience life wif u, who share their life wif u, who will always try to make life better for u, who is there wif u no matter happy or sorrowful, who is there to hold ur hand, lend u a crying shoulder, hear u complain, hear u shout, hear ur injustice, go thru ur unreasonable requests, scoldings, lecture. But at the end of the day, still be wif u, walk wif u, till the end of the journey of life.
If frens r not there to do all these. Then i duno wat frens r for already...
Of coz, im not saying u shd lay ur life down for ur frens(coz ppl in tis new age do not believe in these anymore). Yes, we r all busy wif work, wif our families, wif husbands/bfs, but if u haf the heart, time can always be managed, even for a short meal, or short phone call(no, im not toking about sms).
Many feel tat as long as u haf a partner, u can spend all ur time wif him/her, coz they r the priority. Coz they will be the ones staying wif u for the rest of ur life. Gd partners r harder to find than frens. True, im not sayin tat partners r not impt. Unfortunately, ppl fail to see tat, frens can be there for u for the rest of ur life too.
If u wan to tell me, "nah, there's no such things as best frenz, or true frenships, they will never be there when u need them.". Ok, fair enough, but then i guess, after lecturing me on tat theory, u shd then start to reflect on why u didnt managed to haf best frenz or true friendships.
The truth is, not many put in the effort, thus it results in lack of true friendships.
Ask urself somethin, y is it hard to pick up ur life after a breakup? One reason is tat u really love the person n u cant imagine living the rest of ur life wifout the person. Another reason is undeniable(pls understand tat im toking about general cases in my stand, not including fairy tale, happy, perfect stories coz they r rare), tat u had concentrated so much on the person, tat made u realised u will be left wif nothin after the breakup. Face it, tis is the truth. Even i made the same mistakes, too.
Every now n then, i received SMSes from ppl whom we didnt even contact for yrs, or those tat i wasnt even close wif. They will be asking me to go out, catch up, stuffs like tat. I will always question myself, why did tis chap out of a the blue, suddenly contact me after so many yrs. Its so weird and awkard anyway.
Then, I noticed one repeated pattern. Reason y we werent close or lost contact, is tat they r attached. Reason y they suddenly out of the sudden, wishes to meet u up n catch up wif u, is tat they had broken up. Simple. Look ard u and think about my words. Or the worse reason is, they r involved in MLM business.
Face the reality. How many actually sincerely think of u suddenly after yrs of lapse, tat they genuinely wishes to be frenz wif u again, wif no strings attached? Maybe u wan to tell me, ppl change as they grow, yes but, tats becoz they had not been keeping frenz n over the yrs they realised they r lonely and hope to pick up the old pieces.
Well, im not saying u shd ignore them. The pt is, things dun work tis way. Frenship is not built on a few yrs lapse of SMSes, worst still, MSN, ICQ, Emails.
As some of u shd noe, i do haf one best fren of closing 9 yrs, Shuzhen. And our friendship did not come about fr jus mere simple secondary introduction, or the no. of movies we watched, or the no. of outings we went, or the no. of phone calls we made.
Fact is, believe it or not, our friendship stands strong today is due to the no. of downs we had, the no. of quarrels we made, the amt of sorrow n sometimes, jealousy, hatred we had for each other. We had broken up, thousands of times. So much so tat there were periods of mths we didnt even wan to tok to each other, though we sat together everyday.
But it is due to these negatives, tat made us realise our bond will never die. It is only when u haf been thru the roughest times, then u can see the light at the end of the road. Now we know nothin will come between us.
It is extremely tough for both of us, maintainin tis friendship, coz we both went entirely different ways. She, JC, Uni, me, Poly, Work. Our schedules clashes, our own social circle clashes, even our frenz cant click. I cant click wif hers, she cant wif mine. Even so, we still make sure, we keep in constant contact, and she reads my blog everyday as well. She even smses me when she saw certain issues fr my blog. And its still growing strong.
Y? Coz we had gone thru life together, we shared our lives wif each other. We built a very gd foundation, so much so tat, some things tat came inbtw us along the way, we simply brushed them aside. Now tis is actual friendship.
Of coz we r not perfect, we still squabble some times. I do keep some things fr her, and i believe she does too. But all these doesnt matter, it's all part n parcel of the package. In olden days, there never was terms like close frenz, buddies, best frenz, hi-bye frens, there was only friendship. How did it all come to tis stage now? Think about it.
Back to the suicide issues, i assure u, watever reasons tat the person haf for suicidal thots, it can be saved, simply by, being there wif the person. Trust me, i had been thru it. Remembered i told u be4 my life has been a very tough ride. I would be lying if i tell u i didnt think of death. To be honest, im quite miserable recently. But im still trying to push on.
But one thing im sure of, when u reach desperation, always call up someone, it will not solve ur prob, but u will not end not ur life. It all takes alittle more effort for the ppl ard u. If u cant do it, coz u r busy, then i guess, most probably, u will be alone. And when it comes to tat, live wif it.
I mentioned tis in my frenster profile, "Live your life well, you haf only but one chance and the worst part is, you never know how long ur chance is going to last." Now, dun give me religious afterlife preaches. How are u going to be sure? Can u prove it to me?
We mus all understand tat, one day we all r going to die. Do u wish to die wif regrets? While living ur life to the fullest, ignoring humanities, only reverses the cycle. "Money, fame, fortune", will not be toking to u when u grow old, for they all r but jus, "Paper, Title, Stone and Brick" at the end of the day. Workin 24 hrs a day, will not make u an any happier person, if u lead tis kind of lifestyle, u cant gurantee me tat u wouldnt be killed on ur way to work tmr. And i wouldnt be informed of ur death until i see u in afterlife(if there is).
No personal attacks here, jus expressing my own personal thots n views. No intention at all to offend anyone either.
My fren's sis, who has a best fren of 10 yrs, committed suicide on fri afternoon. Means, it was the same day when i celebrated Shuzhen's bday. How ironic is tat, there we were enjoying ourselves at the ktv, while at another place of Sg, someone decided to end her life and she died lonely n miserable.
To think i was even so excited to blog about the celebration, posting pictures when somethin so grey happened near me(considerin Sg is a small place). I guess, tats wat we call, the world goes round. Butterfly effect, when somethin happened here, somethin worse will happen elsewhere.
I feel extremely sorry for the deceased.
I feel alot for tis incident, even though i duno them. I happened to be pondering the "death of frens issue" lately. And tis incident made me pour out some of my thots here. Didnt intend to blog somethin so solemn so soon, but i cant help it.
In our life phrases, u will definately reach the stage when u will start attendin funerals of ur frens, n of ppl u noe. No, tis is not "choi" or wat, but it will eventually definately happen, coz we r jus mere mortals.
Below is the stages tat i gathered fr ppl in sg:
20-35 : Start getting invitations to weddings
35-45: Start hearing frens n ppl getting divorced
45 onwards: Start to attend more and more funerals
Now, ppl in self denial and younger ppl will not understand how the above is derived. Try toking to ppl in their 40s and above, n u'll understand perfectly.
Wat saddened me about the whole incident is tis. The deceased and my fren's sis are best frens of 10 yrs. And she didnt knoe anythin until the following morning, when her other frens informed her of the incident. Pls also note tat the opinions below r not targetted towards tis specific incident n the ppl involved. I am only expressing my triggered thots on a general topic.
And also, after reading tat, i still hear ppl saying "feng liang hua" over the incident, tat saddened me even more. Wif ppl like these, we can all understand y suicidal cases haf increased tremendously over the past yrs in sg. I will not quote any examples, so as to protect their interests.
Think about this fr a fren's point of view(i shall not tok about family in tis instance):
If u haf a very close fren, who suicided. As a fren, u noe nuts about anythin, and didnt even try to save tat person directly or indirectly, coz reason was u duno. U only learnt about the incident after everythin happened.
Do you,
1) Feel tat the deceased is foolish/stupid/immature/insensible/selfish, coz everythin could be worked out. The person shd haf called u to tok to u about it, and face live bravely.
2) Feel tat, as a fren, u didnt even live up to the name. And tat u shd haf noticed even be4 things happened.
Think about it...
Frens are not jus companions for u to go ktv wif, go movies wif(coz u dun wish to watch Constantine alone, findin ppl who watch movies alone r all weirdos), go spin driving wif, go supper wif, go travelling wif n so on.
Frens r there to experience life wif u, who share their life wif u, who will always try to make life better for u, who is there wif u no matter happy or sorrowful, who is there to hold ur hand, lend u a crying shoulder, hear u complain, hear u shout, hear ur injustice, go thru ur unreasonable requests, scoldings, lecture. But at the end of the day, still be wif u, walk wif u, till the end of the journey of life.
If frens r not there to do all these. Then i duno wat frens r for already...
Of coz, im not saying u shd lay ur life down for ur frens(coz ppl in tis new age do not believe in these anymore). Yes, we r all busy wif work, wif our families, wif husbands/bfs, but if u haf the heart, time can always be managed, even for a short meal, or short phone call(no, im not toking about sms).
Many feel tat as long as u haf a partner, u can spend all ur time wif him/her, coz they r the priority. Coz they will be the ones staying wif u for the rest of ur life. Gd partners r harder to find than frens. True, im not sayin tat partners r not impt. Unfortunately, ppl fail to see tat, frens can be there for u for the rest of ur life too.
If u wan to tell me, "nah, there's no such things as best frenz, or true frenships, they will never be there when u need them.". Ok, fair enough, but then i guess, after lecturing me on tat theory, u shd then start to reflect on why u didnt managed to haf best frenz or true friendships.
The truth is, not many put in the effort, thus it results in lack of true friendships.
Ask urself somethin, y is it hard to pick up ur life after a breakup? One reason is tat u really love the person n u cant imagine living the rest of ur life wifout the person. Another reason is undeniable(pls understand tat im toking about general cases in my stand, not including fairy tale, happy, perfect stories coz they r rare), tat u had concentrated so much on the person, tat made u realised u will be left wif nothin after the breakup. Face it, tis is the truth. Even i made the same mistakes, too.
Every now n then, i received SMSes from ppl whom we didnt even contact for yrs, or those tat i wasnt even close wif. They will be asking me to go out, catch up, stuffs like tat. I will always question myself, why did tis chap out of a the blue, suddenly contact me after so many yrs. Its so weird and awkard anyway.
Then, I noticed one repeated pattern. Reason y we werent close or lost contact, is tat they r attached. Reason y they suddenly out of the sudden, wishes to meet u up n catch up wif u, is tat they had broken up. Simple. Look ard u and think about my words. Or the worse reason is, they r involved in MLM business.
Face the reality. How many actually sincerely think of u suddenly after yrs of lapse, tat they genuinely wishes to be frenz wif u again, wif no strings attached? Maybe u wan to tell me, ppl change as they grow, yes but, tats becoz they had not been keeping frenz n over the yrs they realised they r lonely and hope to pick up the old pieces.
Well, im not saying u shd ignore them. The pt is, things dun work tis way. Frenship is not built on a few yrs lapse of SMSes, worst still, MSN, ICQ, Emails.
As some of u shd noe, i do haf one best fren of closing 9 yrs, Shuzhen. And our friendship did not come about fr jus mere simple secondary introduction, or the no. of movies we watched, or the no. of outings we went, or the no. of phone calls we made.
Fact is, believe it or not, our friendship stands strong today is due to the no. of downs we had, the no. of quarrels we made, the amt of sorrow n sometimes, jealousy, hatred we had for each other. We had broken up, thousands of times. So much so tat there were periods of mths we didnt even wan to tok to each other, though we sat together everyday.
But it is due to these negatives, tat made us realise our bond will never die. It is only when u haf been thru the roughest times, then u can see the light at the end of the road. Now we know nothin will come between us.
It is extremely tough for both of us, maintainin tis friendship, coz we both went entirely different ways. She, JC, Uni, me, Poly, Work. Our schedules clashes, our own social circle clashes, even our frenz cant click. I cant click wif hers, she cant wif mine. Even so, we still make sure, we keep in constant contact, and she reads my blog everyday as well. She even smses me when she saw certain issues fr my blog. And its still growing strong.
Y? Coz we had gone thru life together, we shared our lives wif each other. We built a very gd foundation, so much so tat, some things tat came inbtw us along the way, we simply brushed them aside. Now tis is actual friendship.
Of coz we r not perfect, we still squabble some times. I do keep some things fr her, and i believe she does too. But all these doesnt matter, it's all part n parcel of the package. In olden days, there never was terms like close frenz, buddies, best frenz, hi-bye frens, there was only friendship. How did it all come to tis stage now? Think about it.
Back to the suicide issues, i assure u, watever reasons tat the person haf for suicidal thots, it can be saved, simply by, being there wif the person. Trust me, i had been thru it. Remembered i told u be4 my life has been a very tough ride. I would be lying if i tell u i didnt think of death. To be honest, im quite miserable recently. But im still trying to push on.
But one thing im sure of, when u reach desperation, always call up someone, it will not solve ur prob, but u will not end not ur life. It all takes alittle more effort for the ppl ard u. If u cant do it, coz u r busy, then i guess, most probably, u will be alone. And when it comes to tat, live wif it.
I mentioned tis in my frenster profile, "Live your life well, you haf only but one chance and the worst part is, you never know how long ur chance is going to last." Now, dun give me religious afterlife preaches. How are u going to be sure? Can u prove it to me?
We mus all understand tat, one day we all r going to die. Do u wish to die wif regrets? While living ur life to the fullest, ignoring humanities, only reverses the cycle. "Money, fame, fortune", will not be toking to u when u grow old, for they all r but jus, "Paper, Title, Stone and Brick" at the end of the day. Workin 24 hrs a day, will not make u an any happier person, if u lead tis kind of lifestyle, u cant gurantee me tat u wouldnt be killed on ur way to work tmr. And i wouldnt be informed of ur death until i see u in afterlife(if there is).
No personal attacks here, jus expressing my own personal thots n views. No intention at all to offend anyone either.
Last Pic
Pictures Pictures!!!
Alright, words are so boring...
I shall be postin pictures... looking forward???
But coz tis is a template, i can only submit one pic per entry... bear wif me alright? I'll try to put pics together in photoshop...
I shall place Shuzhen's bday pics 1st for a start... Enjoy!
I shall be postin pictures... looking forward???
But coz tis is a template, i can only submit one pic per entry... bear wif me alright? I'll try to put pics together in photoshop...
I shall place Shuzhen's bday pics 1st for a start... Enjoy!
Shuzhen's 21st Birthday Celebration Part 2
I woke up at 621am SHOCKINGLY coz my sis smsed me saying tat shes coming back early, today. But im was so damn tired so i didnt reply. I couldnt really sleep after tat. 7+am, i woke, and heard my sis knocked on the house door. She came back. Then how? I also duno, i pretended to sleep. Her bf came also.
She asked my mum who was here. My mum said Shuzhen, she said, "Huh? then how?". My mum said nvm lah. She shd haf known mah, i told her liao. I pretended to sleep. She came in and was surprised, then my mum explained i was celebrating birthday last night. Then my sis began to rattle and complained about her trip loudly. She came back coz it was damn hot and boring, so she left her frenz and came back. She took a Chao Yuan coach fr penang for jus 45 ringit, cheap like paper.
I couldnt sleep back coz she was so noisy. From then, things totally dun go my way anymore. So i woke up lor, sat outside and stone, i told Shuzhen to sleep on my mattress instead. Nothin to do, i decided to watch LOTR, Return of the King, haha, 3 hrs mah, very gd to kill time. Then later, she and her bf went in to sleep. I was so so tired. Then 11+am, i went in see Shuzhen awake liao or not, yup, shes up. I asked if she slept enough, she said ok, but on off on off. Then she woke up and took a bath while my mum cook fried bee hoon for our lunch.
Yucks, i very long never eat proper lunch, so early somemore, i forced the food down and nearly puked. While i see Shuzhen eating happily, coz she said shes very hungry. Then jus nice, show ended and we left for the ktv. Met up wif Zhimin, Kenneth didnt join us for ktv in the end, he waited for us outside. Ended our ktv at 645pm.
So i went to collect the cake and we went in Seoul Garden at 7pm and waited for the rest to come. Funny, Wee Ni and Hanlong(Both Amkss Classmates), msged her and told her tat they bought her something, asked her when can meet to hand it over tat day. Wasnt planned even though they used to be close frenz. So she asked them to join us for dinner coz also Seow Wei last min backed out.
So now become 8 person liao. Looked like Anderson JC outing. By 745pm, 7 turned up. Left Mingsheng who is still workin at the pet shop, coz he wanted to buy a dog at discounted rate, so funny. Then 9+, we waited till Mingsheng finished eating, and then cut the cake, took few pics. The cake was delicious, choc moose, my fav. Choose from Emicakes' Happy face range, one tat looked like her, cute. All said cake is nice and im happy. Though most of them dunno i chose one. I also made her lick the cream and forced her eat alot alot of cream. Hahahah.
Coz i made reservation for large grp, so nice, they brought the bill to me. Felt gd.
After tat, we got nothin to do, sat outside to tok. But coz we come fr mixture grp and duno each other, so we sat there and stared at each other, making some efforts to tok but often ended quickly. Then 10.30pm, they closing and so we decided to head home.
Then comes to the funny part, we all stay in the north, then only me walk home. So the rest can either take bus or mrt at amk. Then Mingsheng said will walk me home then he will go over to YCK Mrt take bus(i lived opp Anderson JC, so very near YCK). Then ended up, everyone decided to walk wif me, too.
Haha, at 1st 1 person, now whole grp, so funny. Then at the junction to my house, only Kenneth and me need to cross the road, so they waited to see us cross the road before continuing. Kenneth walked me home, 4th time liao, all 4 times indirectly see me home one, funny.
Then it ended the whole day. =) Next day, she went to tuition(YCK), then sch for lessons, then Causeway's Jack's PLace for dinner wif family and relatives. Then they went to her aunt place(which is nearby), and played cards. Returned home late.
She's very happy. Had lots of gifts and ppl wishing her(even those tat she didnt mention to), so shes very appreciative. =) All ended on a gd note for her. Im happy for her as well.
Current Balance : 4,259,477 NP
Amt left to reach 5 Million: 740,523 NP
She asked my mum who was here. My mum said Shuzhen, she said, "Huh? then how?". My mum said nvm lah. She shd haf known mah, i told her liao. I pretended to sleep. She came in and was surprised, then my mum explained i was celebrating birthday last night. Then my sis began to rattle and complained about her trip loudly. She came back coz it was damn hot and boring, so she left her frenz and came back. She took a Chao Yuan coach fr penang for jus 45 ringit, cheap like paper.
I couldnt sleep back coz she was so noisy. From then, things totally dun go my way anymore. So i woke up lor, sat outside and stone, i told Shuzhen to sleep on my mattress instead. Nothin to do, i decided to watch LOTR, Return of the King, haha, 3 hrs mah, very gd to kill time. Then later, she and her bf went in to sleep. I was so so tired. Then 11+am, i went in see Shuzhen awake liao or not, yup, shes up. I asked if she slept enough, she said ok, but on off on off. Then she woke up and took a bath while my mum cook fried bee hoon for our lunch.
Yucks, i very long never eat proper lunch, so early somemore, i forced the food down and nearly puked. While i see Shuzhen eating happily, coz she said shes very hungry. Then jus nice, show ended and we left for the ktv. Met up wif Zhimin, Kenneth didnt join us for ktv in the end, he waited for us outside. Ended our ktv at 645pm.
So i went to collect the cake and we went in Seoul Garden at 7pm and waited for the rest to come. Funny, Wee Ni and Hanlong(Both Amkss Classmates), msged her and told her tat they bought her something, asked her when can meet to hand it over tat day. Wasnt planned even though they used to be close frenz. So she asked them to join us for dinner coz also Seow Wei last min backed out.
So now become 8 person liao. Looked like Anderson JC outing. By 745pm, 7 turned up. Left Mingsheng who is still workin at the pet shop, coz he wanted to buy a dog at discounted rate, so funny. Then 9+, we waited till Mingsheng finished eating, and then cut the cake, took few pics. The cake was delicious, choc moose, my fav. Choose from Emicakes' Happy face range, one tat looked like her, cute. All said cake is nice and im happy. Though most of them dunno i chose one. I also made her lick the cream and forced her eat alot alot of cream. Hahahah.
Coz i made reservation for large grp, so nice, they brought the bill to me. Felt gd.
After tat, we got nothin to do, sat outside to tok. But coz we come fr mixture grp and duno each other, so we sat there and stared at each other, making some efforts to tok but often ended quickly. Then 10.30pm, they closing and so we decided to head home.
Then comes to the funny part, we all stay in the north, then only me walk home. So the rest can either take bus or mrt at amk. Then Mingsheng said will walk me home then he will go over to YCK Mrt take bus(i lived opp Anderson JC, so very near YCK). Then ended up, everyone decided to walk wif me, too.
Haha, at 1st 1 person, now whole grp, so funny. Then at the junction to my house, only Kenneth and me need to cross the road, so they waited to see us cross the road before continuing. Kenneth walked me home, 4th time liao, all 4 times indirectly see me home one, funny.
Then it ended the whole day. =) Next day, she went to tuition(YCK), then sch for lessons, then Causeway's Jack's PLace for dinner wif family and relatives. Then they went to her aunt place(which is nearby), and played cards. Returned home late.
She's very happy. Had lots of gifts and ppl wishing her(even those tat she didnt mention to), so shes very appreciative. =) All ended on a gd note for her. Im happy for her as well.
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