Oooo, met her up on sun 10 April... Ya, i knoe it had lapsed few days back but hack, i didnt wan to waste e pics i took...Gosh, been some time, so long since we last met up coz of her hectic degree studies n part timing... But nevertheless, we were looking forward so much to it, and it turned out amazing... I seriously n totally enjoyed myself... We had so many great conversations... We had a great time, or me at least, as far as its concerned...Even though my eyes went drenched when i was tokin about my passed away dog, Baby who was put to sleep... I was surprised tt i still weeped over his death, coz i thot i had gotten over it... But apparently, time do not neccessarily heals... I had to control myself as well, fearing my mascara will smear over my whole face, creating an exhibit of Panda walkin ard along Orchard Road...When we meet up, we can always totally relax ourselves... Totally unpretentious unlike some grp outings when we cant even tok about certain things and haf to pretend tt we r interested in their topics so tt it wld not crush their egos... Aarrgghhh... Dun even ask me about it...In front of her, i will never be misunderstood... Or even if i am, i haf no problem clearing it up e next... Unfortunately, we didnt haf enough time to tok... Coz we went for ktv, bloody ktv always take up so much tokin time... But we still love it nonetheless... So many things left unsaid, so many issues left unsettled was how we felt on e way back on e mrt... Not as gd life as Jul, Rm they all, always got drivers n cars... Haha...Funny thing about e meeting was, i actually felt better myself after meeting her... Coz i was actually silently pissed off wif her for some time be4 tat... I shall now whisper whisper y i was angry...*whisper whisper*Coz of e way she converses in msn n sms lah! I mentioned be4 she doesnt expresses herself very well in e digital world... And so, she pissed me off wif her attitude over e words she typed at times over certain issues... Hmmpphh...And becoz i very long never speak to her in real life, i soon interpreted her messages according to e digital standard of recognition! Haha, but then after meeting her, i realised i was e stupid forgetful one!!! Shes not like tat... Shes doesnt behave or tok like e way she does digitally... Jus tt i forgot only... Haha, damn funny, then she told me to mus always remember shes not like tat one... And tat sometimes she duno how to behave more Qing Cie, friendly, digitally... Okok, i make sure i remember... Haha... Actually last time i also got tell myself to remember, but if dun meet her too long, i will forget again, n assumed naturally she tok tt way also, coz shes changed somehow... Funny hor, Shuzhen? U arh, never tag my board also... Hmmpphh!!!Ok, i shall interpret ur messages in another way, meanwhile u try try try try try try to type like how u tok in real life also ok? Haha, if not i will heart attack every now n then... Angry at nothing... Lol...I wan to make her go join e Channel U's Superstar... If she win become singer, i can haf free CDs, but then, she backed out... @#$**^%^$ Nvm, tis yr's kbox if got solo i go make u join! If got duet we join lor, then can sing Yuan Dian, but i still haven master e song leh... But i still like Shao Nian... Can sing You Ni Zhen Hao also, long time never sing le, i go learn e individual parts 1st... Okies, done wif my silent whispering... Hope she cannot hear me... Now, time for e photos... A few only lah, i lazy to post also... Mus copy n paste copy n paste, so mafan!!!
At e KTV, guess where? Dun tell u, coz every time go sure full one... Every time put us on waiting list, tis time very lucky, 1st time we got it after waiting... Very big rm, actually medium rm they give us small rm rate, everytime lidat tats y we love tis place, big TV, big rm, comfy sofa, even e drinks r big also... Value for money...

Our tibits n drinks... E tibits very nice to eat one, not like kbox mixed nuts, $5 each somemore, daylight robbery for sucky food... Tis one 2 bowl only $7... Their chicken cutlet rice, nasi lemak, fried rice etc $5 only, so cheap n gd... Left side is my drink, Chocolate Milk Tea(Dun ask me y my drink look yucky, real life diff), before tat i ordered Almond Milk Tea, my fav is Strawberry Milk Tea but sold out... #$%%^& Sold out at 2pm??? Mus be they forgot to buy strawberries...
Hers is Jasmine Honey Tea... Ppl out there, she very routine one, if she go Kbox, she will only order chinese tea, non kbox sure will be Jasmine Honey, no need ask i also knoe wat she will order... Haha... Ok, treat tis as whisperin also...

Garlic Mashed Potato... So big plate, $3 only... I didnt even finish my share, even though we split...We went Breeks for dinner, she very funny one... I told her night be4 i hate to think of where to eat, coz every time i got to decide... Then she said, nvm, tis time she think... Then after our ktv, she looked so stressed, like very scared i ask where to eat while we were walkin... Haha, i saved her e trouble n suggested breeks at taka... Nvm Shuzhen, u shall decide next time... Decide on my bday lor... Hehehe, more stress!!!But my fault for suggesting tis... Tis time e dinner not very nice... She didnt say anything but i actually dun like... I think really only AMK's Breeks can eat, surprisingly... Oh, but i wan to eat MS's Breeks Buffetaurant, Tampiness Mall's Ponderosa, or Kenny Rogers... Heh...

My main coz, Spicy BBQ Chicken Leg, at 1st i wan to order steak, then saw e guy beside me ordered tis like very yummy... So i KPO follow order also... Ok only, chicken abit tough... My drink is on e left, Passion of Love, also not nice... Duno isit e ppl here or not...

Her main coz, Black Cajun Fish... She every time sure order fish if we eat western food... Duno y also, think coz more healthy bah... Shes very health conscious...

Her bu gan yuan face, haha, but then she sit sofa i sit chair leh... Haha... Look! She's wearing e bracelet i gave her on Valentine's Day!

Okie, end my blog wif e poster of e soon-to-be-famous duet singers at e ktv... Haha, so far, we sing e best duets... I sing guy, she sing gal part... Heh... Got chemistry leh... Took tis pic in e ktv, very dark, so i haf to photoshop it... Bo bian!!! Jialat jialat... She see tis blog sure msg me... Haha... But i whisper leh, so when ppl's whispering, u r not supposed to eavesdrop... Heh...