Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Alone in the Office Again!!!
My another colleague go down small surgery, on MC till next week...
Not many ppl in office, so qi liang~~~
I locked the door le... Coz here very dangerous... Got those foreign workers outside, u noe... So my Boss always remind me lock the door...
My 2 Bosses left for meeting le...
Means can slack till 6 le... Not lazy ok? Coz i finished all my work liao... Then wait till tmr, then meeting wif Bosses and then meeting with a company... I may go alone wor... Coz my tt colleague wif me one on MC...
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Zuo Ren Yao Kao Zhi Ji
I solved my own puzzle! I spot on my number, after grueling my brains wif a screw driver... Wahhahahaha...
I very happy leh... Coz hor, my colleague hor, no need go reservist during November wor!!! Coz yest, an army guy wearing full uniform, came down to my office, to pass my colleague his mian xi jing pai...
Wahaha, im sure all the boys will be praying for it... It came laminated somemore... Thanking him for his life service... No more going back to camp le! He not 40 yrs old lah, he finished his cycle le! Coz he started early and kena many many times...
So gd, means i no need to worry that 2 weeks, no one send me to work liao... Heheheheh...
Had been chatting wif Charlene on msn lately during work... She very funny leh, always make me laugh... Today we complained about the animation, design industry... Complained about the companies... Complained about their management... Coz we both worked at ST before mah...
Oh, tell u one secret arh... Aiyah, think i better dun say... Nvm... Forget it...
Will blog more when im freer... Hehe...
What's My ICQ Number?
I thot it was 101492309? 101482903? 101892309? 101682903?
Arrgghhh... All wrong leh... Or my password wrong?
Help pls? Thanks alot!!!!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Cant Wait To Say Something Stupid!
I had the worst worst worst BAK CHOR MEE today...
It came with e most QUA ZHANG packaging for a mee... In the lunch box and plastic wrapping it... But then, it tasted horrible... But "still can eat" i told my colleague after my 1st bite... They ate 1st coz i was doing something... Then my colleague who bought it kept asking me for the taste if not next time boy cott liao...
But meanwhile halfway thru it, i felt it tasted more n more horrible as compared to e usual ones i eat... No ingredients, no taste... Bleah...
But after clearing everything...
I asked my colleagued, HOW MUCH? (taking out my wallet)
He said, "$2"!
I stoned for a second...
I changed my mind...
It actually tasted not bad!!!
Aiyah, cheapo mah!
------ end of cant wait stupid mus blog entry ------
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Eh? Haven die yet arh?
Some updates about my colleague who was hospitalised... Thanks for all who asked. =)
He had stomach pain for some time... Then one day, he got severe diarrhoea, then he got dehydrated, admitted hospital... And need to go thru surgery to remove some pus or something...
But he's at home now, recouping... Glad that hes ok. But he doesnt allow us to visit him. Haha... Hope to see him back in the office soon. Meanwhile, we'll all take care of his work.
That day when my pri sch fren called me hor. Guess wats the 1st thing he said?
Me: Hello?
Him: Eh? Haven die yet arh?
Me: Wa lao, 1st thing u call u ask me die already or not! Biangz... Hahahah...
But seriously, tt didnt bother me... Coz he still brought a smile to my face... So long never call me liao wor... Ok lah, i also so long never call him liao... But then, he got gf mah, i dun wish to get into pussy stuffs... Bleah...
He signed on to Air Force... Hmm, i asked him y... He said, well, i shd noe how bad the market is outside, since im working...
Tt statement actually made me pause awhile... And time froze for a second...
Then i replied... Hmm, actually, its not tt bad lah... If u look hard enuff.
But then i noe i lied... Coz i DO KNOW how BAD our market is... I wanted to jus say YALOR!!! But then, i find tt seriously, we shd still be positive about it...
I knoe of many many ppl and frenz who until today, like 2 yrs, still cannot find a single job... I also know many many ppl who wasnt even granted any interviews for like 1 yr?
Of coz, i do not knoe them well enuff to judge whether isit really cannot find or is it their resume, interview skills, or expectations... But i knoe myself mah... I can only say, i agree the market is bad...
However, its not e end of e world... Seriously, if u look hard enuff n keep an open mind, u'll find it... It may not be perfect... But at least it beats staying at home n rotting ur life away... I mean, who the hell manages to find perfect jobs nowadays... Some yaya ppl may say until machiam so gd so gd... But i can tell u, they sure go thru some kind of shit one...
I guess the best thing is to stay realistic... If after 1 yr u still cannot find a designer job, then pls... Change lor! Seriously, u cannot wait until u find then start mah... Its nothing ashame to change ur industry anyways, i did and im happy wif it... Okok, i noe my job still involves design, but the main idea is not mah...
Ironically, during my interview, i said i do not wish to go back to my design or animation industry... But my job actually demanded 50% of my time of design... Hahah... Tts life eh?
Jus dun expect too much, and dun believe wat ur lecturers say about e market, about e jobs... And u will be fine... Trust me... Hehe...
Hope all my frenz can find a job wor...
Oh, back to e pri sch fren call... We talked for awhile, and suddenly he said, wah, so long never call u, glad that u r still here... (Something like tt, loosely translated)
Which brought a bigger smile again to my face... Somehow, i dun really noe wat he really meant... Coz he ah beng ah beng, and spoke in broken chinese... But somehow, i felt that he sounded genuinely concerned... If not, he wouldnt be bothered to make tt statement...
I didnt even noe how to reply after tt... He caught me...
Are you really getting the respect you deserve?
Take this sobering energy to evaluate your emotions and take a good honest look at the relationship you have with others. Are you really getting the respect you deserve? Perhaps you need to inform certain people that their words or actions towards you are not ok.
U think i never meh? U think tell liao got diff arh? Tell liao hor, and realise tt person doesnt even bother is much worst... Ppl r insensitive n selfish... No use one lah... Nobody reviews their own actions one lah... They think thay they are right mah...
Most common return phrase: I am like this one lor, all these yrs... If u cannot accept then too bad!
They had forgotten e whole pt of open communication and making things work in e 1st place...
Jus like e.g. A is stubborn, B is not... (Not drafting fr anything, jus a simple example)
Somehow, after gettin together... Slowly, B finds A more n more unreasonable n stubborn and B cannot take it, coz B had been sobbing or bothered over it silently for a long time... SO B decided to clarify some things wif A... But A immediately got very angry and said, "Well, i am like this one lor! From young i am like tt wat! If you cannot take it, then i think we shd break up, we are not meant to be."
Some ppl think that to find a so called perfect bf/gf, tt person got to click extremely well... But i can safely say... Theres no such thing... No matter how compatible, theres bound to be areas where somehow it doesnt work... Especially when u become closer, and together longer... Along the way, theres bound to be hiccups...
But these kind of hiccups are not to tell u tt u shd break up, rather, it is some things tt u haf to iron out, and make it work, so tt u 2 can move on longer into e future... Then, u'll find u 2 work so well together, tt nothings going to spoil or create tension between u 2 generally... Becoz, u 2 are open to each other, and tt if problems arises, u 2 are going to be honest and things are goin to be solved...
Same thing wif family n frenships...
Hiccups call for honest and open communications, not to quarrel but to sort things out and find if there is a middle point for compromise or solutions etc... And then, when tt happens, ur relationships (whichever kind) will be honest n true n deems to go a longer way...
Strong friendships will only happen, after going thru all the shit, and working things wif the other person... We all haf weaknesses one wat, we are not saints...
Some ppl like to say, :If u love u, u shd accept the way i am!" Or "If u truly treat me as ur best buddy, u shd accept the way i am, coz i am like tt!"...
Seriously, these kind of ppl... Not worth ur time one lah... Chances are theres no happy endings...
Some ppl tell me, "I cannot change, i am like tt!"... I mean come on lah, everyone can change... Not asking u to change into another person wat... Lets say u got bad temper, isnt it better to try to change tt? And when u do, not only u gain more respect from ur gf/bf, other ppl like ur frenz, family n colleagues will also get along better wif u as well...
So, rather than continue being a pain in e ass... Y not do something about it, rather than continue hurting others, and hoping to magically bump into ppl, or a social circle who can accept u for being a pain in e ass... Tis is jus plainly selfish on ur part... And guess wat, u jus missed out all e possible genuine relationships u shd haf but let go... Those tt tried to work things out wif u, but u dissed them off entirely...
I knoe to change takes a hell of a time... Even for myself... But i think most imptly, u mus be open to acceptance in e 1st place n show tt u r genuinely sincere in trying to make things work... Coz u seriously wish to be frenz with e person in e long run, or to settle wif e person eventually...
If not, seriously... I think theres no point in trying to accomodate ur pain in e ass attitude, which cannot work for me... When i knoe in ur whole life, u will not even bother to try to make things work...
Be it u r a bf, best fren, close fren, buddy, colleague, family, etc...
Then again, most ppl never look at their own weakness... If they noe they r insensitive... They will say its part of their growing up... Or they are like tt... But never will they say, "yah, i knoe i am insensitive, i'll try to work on it." or "I guess its my fault as well, i will try to tis tt tis tt..." or "I noe u r trying to make it work. Actually, its not ur fault, I think i didnt try hard enough."
Oh well...
Friday, September 23, 2005
I Feel Good ~ Baby I Feel So Good Now~
I feel more confident. And i handle people and work better and better each day.
Even when i called to chase for money today... I am more fluent, hahaha... And it works better i tell you. When you are strong, or sounds strong. You get things done.
I had been stressed lately, and yes i have. I had a 3 hours meeting talking about the project that's under my charge today. Was damn shag after tt.
I felt that i performed very well lately. And certainly, i hoped to do this project well too, which is going to take me another 5 weeks. Not enough time, but no worries, i'll get it done... I told my Boss, "sure can one, coz im Celestine mah!!!" Wahahaha...
I am getting more responsibilities. SO it means i will be more stressed. But thats a gd sign isnt it? When you are working, and more responsibilities means your Bosses actually trust you enough to give the job single handledly, with no stupid adult supervision. They let me just take all control.
All these, especially, when i am so young! Where to find like that?
Things arent perfect but i am perfectly pleased with the way things are at my job. I nearly engaged myself in a 2-yr project. But after my analysis, it is not going to work. So after much discussions, i told my Boss, we have to go into another direction...
I got to tell u, its quite scary to think tat i will be handling the project singlehandedly for the next 2 yrs...
Coz there is no gurantee tt i will be committed for so long.
Nevertheless, i take things in my stride. We will see how it goes.
Very tired today...
My pri sch fren called me jus now, he asked me go cheong! Haha... I told him, cannot lah, old liao.... Muahahahah...
Really mah, old liao... Stay at home lah... Watch lotr!!!!!! Hahhaha...
Oh,forgot to mention, Charlene just recovered form Dengue wor... Scary leh, today her 2nd day of work... Nono, she not working with me... Found out when she told me yest...
Bless her... Glad tt she recovered le... And the illness actualy changed her as a person. Blessing in disguise i supposed, but i would rather nobody get its... Take care, all you ppl!
O2 Mini SOLD!!!
So... Till the next time ya?
(Dun u just love reading simple short lines like tis instead of my usual long boring entries? Muahahahha)
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Hospitalised~~~ Not Dengue!
So sudden... Got to go for surgery... His stomach has been aching... And now he suffers from dehydration....
He still sent me back home the night before he got admitted... And we had a nice short conversation...
Bless him... He said he very pain... We whole company also dun dare to call him...
Good thing our company insured us... Hope he gets well soon...
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Meetings... Meetings & More Meetings...
I had meetings n meetings n meetings from morning till 4PM!!! So siong u noe... I met up one company for meeting in the conference rm, then meeting with my colleague who worked with me on the project, then meeting with my manager, then meeting with my GM, then meeting with another company, then meeting with my colleague...
Very very tired... Not easy u noe... Who says ur Boss's got the best job ard? Its damn stressful, head-wrenching and tiring!!!
I thot i was the only weird one who felt tis way... But my colleague who went thru e exact same thing felt the same... In fact, he brought it up tt he was tired 1st... Hahahah...
And the most becek thing is... U spent hrs doing the meeting, and the company never even bother to write down notes... HOw the hell u going to remember? Even i myself wrote down so much notes when u r supposed to be the one doing it!!! THen later, call n call n ask all e qns which i had already mentioned... Bleah~
I met up the Business Manager of one company, and guess wat... The Boss actually came down, he jus arrived from UK yest... We had a great conversation though...
Tmr morning meeting again, with my company... This time i will have to make my Bosses come to the decision...
Then in the evening, we started to chit chat among ourselves, by talking about pretty gals... Haha, i started it 1st... I found the lady pretty... But they dun like... Haha... But they continued to say duno wat suntec convention, duno wat babes... Duno wat smile at u, duno wat buay tahan...
And i exclaimed, "WA LAO, u 2!!! One married, one got gf somemore!!! tsk tsk tsk..."
Male Colleague, "Well, man will always be man."
Another one, "Aiyah, female dress up to let man see one mah, if not dress up for wat!"
Not i say one arh...
See lah... Man are all the same... Wahahahah...
Btw, the dinner was excellent... Kudos to my Bosses' maid's indonesian cusine... Very nice... Can open shop too... My Boss said his maid used to do catering for thousands of ppl in Indonesia... Thousands leh! Imagine tt... No wonder lah...
My Bosses fed us like pigs... So much food... And crazy enuff, the boys finished everything...
Very nice n cosy house too... Very comfortable, and very nice chats...
I like...
Monday, September 19, 2005
Moi Confirmation Letter
And i also got my pay rise... Though my salary is not alot, but its gd enuff lah... At least they gave me what i requested for during my interview... Woohoo...
Happy happy...
Im comfortable in the company as well... Except cannot go out eat lunch only...
Now in office, moi 2 bosses left, and two colleagues left for meeting... Left only us 2... But i got alot of things to do wor... But take a break lah, i very stressed today...
Later got to prepare some materials for tmr's meeting wif 2 web firms... Hope i can confirm one of them...
Clock has started clicking...
I haf not much time... We need our website very soon... Im taking charge of 2 web projects... Stressed... But at least i will be super occupied for the next few mths... Great!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Abit About Work Lah...
Wed night, we long bang another colleague's car ride home... Then Thurs i took a cab (FREAKING $6 for jus a 8 mins ride!!!) and reached extremely early but coz i dun haf key, i got to wait for e colleagues who have e keys... Meanwhile i was playing hide n seek wif a buzzing bee...
Then Thurs night, i long bang one colleague's car home... But then feel very paiseh, so i think during november when my colleague (e one who drives me to n fro work) goes for reservists for 2 weeks, i'll jus ask tt colleague to drive me to main road then i take bus back bah...
Then on Fri, the colleague who drives me, coz his vehicle is at our office building's car park, messaged n asked me whether wan to share cab or not... Meet at usual place where he pick me everyday... He said he'll walk over to my place...
When i came down e lift, i was so surprised to see him, i thought hes meetings me the next blk away...
Anyways, hes so sweet... When i wanted to return him money for e cab together for 2 days of lunch, he said he treat me cab wor... SO nice... 1st time i noe someone so generous n non calculative, unlike e usual ppl ard me...
We haf some prob at work, jus coz of some stupid design industry company... Sigh... Totally fucked up... I have to handle 3 calls tmr to 3 companies... 1 to press for delayed 2 mth payment, 1 to bargain for our office broadband contract, and 1 to simply in a way, screw them...
Sigh... Not looking forward to tmr... Especially when its a monday somemore... One, i dun like to bargain, and two, i dun like to be bad guy... But then, its a job lah... I will still haf to do it...
Today is my 2 mth liao wor... Time passes so slow leh... I dun think there will be added salary even if they confirm but nvm lah... I dun mind...
Money is not everything...
On fri, my colleague apologised to me thru internet message for his mistakes, which affected me, working wise, coz i had alot of probs to deal wif... But honestly, i told him it wasnt his fault... Coz seriously, i didnt think it was his... It was certainly the usual fucked up cheat money design companies' fault...
But i was truly impressed by him for his actions... He then proceeded to apologised to my Boss... Which was totally not neccessary of him... Nobody blamed him or anything... But still, he took the extra step to own up e responsibility and apologised...
Tis is something which i had never encountered...
I had never seen anyone so responsible... All the other ppl ive worked wif in other companies... Will always try to hide if not push the responsibility ard... So it totally caught me by surprise... Ive never seen any working adult wif so much discipline, responsibily and e constant heart to learn n improve n never complain...
I got to cut things short, coz im quite pissed by 4 calls i jus received... Sigh...
Anways, tmr night we going to Bosses' house for dinner... Wonder how it will turn out to be...
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Who's The Culprit?
I had this ill boding feeling on fri...
I came back and saw tis on the floor...

AIYO!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I posed them on the table though, still kept it coz wan to show my mother)
U see the left side above e word OP, one chunk bitten off somemore... Eaten apparently by some rat!!!!!
Lucky not my slipper...
E culprit went to my shoerack and chose tis particular shoe to eat!!!
My sister owned the slipper...
Who's the culprit? Who WHO WHO WHO????

Huh? U toking to me???
Yalah, not u then who? Big Rats ARH??? Not act blur oh?

Wei! No proof dun anyhow say hor! I sue u to court then u noe, for being racist to dogs!!! Blog somemore lah!!!!!!
Watever! Sue me lor... Bleah!
Anyways, i smsed my sister, "I tell u something but pls dun kill Pappy hor? He bit your slipper to bits!"
Sis: !!!!! SPEECHLESS!!!!
Me: I think hes got something against u!
Sis: !!!! ARGH!
Well, she came back and Pappy got caned, and myself included, coz he was hiding beside me... I got one long caned wack ok?
Bo bian lah, who ask me to be your mummy!!! Got to be punished too...
Naughty boy!
Friday, September 16, 2005
6 MTH OLD O2 Mini for sale!!!
Comes with original receipt and warranty.
All original accessories:
1) Manual
2) CD
3) Earpiece
4) Usb cable
5) 3 pin charger
6) Box
Condition 9.9 out of 10. No scratches and screen protected.
Bonus items:
1) White Silicon case with swivel and plastic flip protection bought at $35.
2) Piel Frama black leather case with swivel bought at $90.
3) 512MB Sdcard Kingston.All for a price of SGD$880.
Interested let me knoe hor?
Not mine though, its my colleague.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Another Dumb Story From Sg, Like We Didnt Haf Enuff...
But then, like usual, i got lazy...
So i decided to post this story, stolen from the famous bloggers... Muahahahahaha....
*Click image for e details if u r blind like me*

Is this dumb or wat? I knoe u trust ur fren la... Like if my close fren tell me to unscrew my hp, pour glue inside so tt it will be better wif conviction, i will... Provided im not lazy... Hahaha...
Like what i always say, make the wrong fren and u die...
Dude, your fren just burned away your $600!!!!
I knoe u claimed hes a computer expert... But then, wat does it show? Now whole world laughing ok? We dun need any more jokes like tis!!!
Wisen up next time...
Its better to be alone!!!
Loneliness ROCKS!!!
(okok, forget wat i said)
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Nervous nervous...
I will be meeting up with 4 companies... Ive decided to go against freelance... Not reliable at all... Too slow n inefficient...
I will be meeting one tmr, one on fri and two yet to decided on the schedule...
But im rather nervous tmr...
Scary leh, i dun like when someone's watching... But my Boss said i'll lead, coz i knoe my stuffs (web)...
Guess there will always be a 1st time... I think i'll be alright...
Hopefully... Heh...
Monday, September 12, 2005
Hows Ur Fren Legolas Doing?
I was keying a stack of business contacts, fr all over e world, to my computer at office tt day, for my Boss...
I didnt bother much about e details coz theres so many... Jus key lor!
But then, i came across one tt jus stopped my pace... I thot i see wrongly wor... So i looked again...
U noe wat tt guy called?
His name is
Wahahaha, Aragon leh... So cute... I turned from my table and told my colleague who love LOTR as well... For those who duno wat e name is, nvm lah, dun bother to find out... Not impt...
Then my colleague said, "Eh, u email him, ask him how is Legolas!"...
Haha, u wan me to die arh? Boss will kill me!
Funny eh? Hehehehe... Aragon leh... Next time i name my daughter Arwen, then i buy the evenstar for her on her 21st bday! Wahahhaha...
Arwen = Ah Wen = My Name!!!
Okok, im crapping again...
I finished all the trilogy finally... Took me about 2 weeks wor... Coz i working mah... Where got so much time... 8 discs to watch leh... And i still got quite abit features haven watch... But all impt ones i watched liao, some i even watch 3 times le... Haha... Still bring me to tears every time...
I watch Fellowship extended tt day... Finally, i noe every word they say... Coz i haf VCD theatrical one, but no subtitles, so i sometimes duno wat they say specifically... Then my DVD thearical one cannot watch, not compatible... Haha...
So now finally, got subtitles liao lor...
I noe LOTR so well, i can tell u in each shot, which is real set, real miniature, big-atures, puppets, robots, or CG... I noe inside out leh!!! But amazing thing is, those i thot were mainly CG, were actually real sets... I am even more impressed!!! I didnt kne they haf e capabilities to built so cool sets wif real stuffs... Like e Fangorn forest... Wif real leafs, mosses, weeds, grass, n all... Riverndell etc...
They even set up a grass department to plant grass only for e production...
SO cool... And i tell u they use wat, tis n tt... Hahhaa... I knoe so well now...
For e stupid Rangarok hor, got alot of errors in e epidoes wor... So bek cek... In e 1st place its a lousy show, then somemore, alot of episodes i cannot watch coz got errors... Stupid... Waste 10 of my cdrs to burn them... Stupid stupid...
Forgot to mention... I finally bought a QUILT!!! My sis go help me get, coz she got Isetan card... GOt discount card... She wanted to get green one, but then, no single... So she bought a purple-blue one for me, matched our walls! Haha... Nvm lah, can cover can liao...
I like!!! Very cheap only $47, comes wif full bed sheets n all too... Where to find!!!
But my Pappy even more happy... When i took out from the package, he jumped about and hopped on top of e Quilt... He very wat leh, i haven touch he go sleep n try already... Coz he sleep wif me on weekends mah... So he got new bedding!!! Buay tahan!!!
Sat night he slept wif me on e Quilt... He very happy... Its huge n super comfy... Hehehehe... I no need cover 2 thin ugly towel blankets liao... Woohoo...
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Swiss Cheese Fondue!!!
Not very nice, too much liquor inside... 3 kinds wor... Hmm, abit too much le leh... Ex somemore... Next time dun buy liao... Sigh... Nvm lah, treat it as i watched one lousy movie!
I went to Carrefour jus now, bought alot of groceries... Carry till the plastic bags n my fingers nearly break... So heavy... So crowded... Lucky i come back mrt i still got seat... Hahaha... Yea, i wanted to take cab, but then, e Q so long, it will take 2 hrs... So i took mrt lor...
Wanted to buy cavier at 1st, but cannot find... Maybe i didnt see lah, coz i going blind mah...
At least i tried lah, next time go restaurant n eat...
Sour Grapes...
Tis is an old news... I wanted to post it long long long long long long long long time ago... But didnt haf e time... Jus thot i need to conclude the show... Yes, im tokin about Superstar...
Kelly's fans mentioned in the press then, that they decided not to vote coz the runner up's contract music company, Universal Music, has more prospects... Coz its a international firm... So they PURPOSELY let Kelvin win... Resultings the vote results to be 30, 000+ compared to her miserable 10,000+ votes...
YEAH RIGHT! Seriously, it jus sounded like a pack of sour grapes and nothing else...
Come on lah, face e music... I do not even need to go into e details...
It is rather surprising however, the papers came up an article to comment about Kelly specifically... Ah hem... In a negative way...
Media has been extremely harsh on Kelvin, with all the negativity written about him, and making him break down during the rehearsal jus one day before e actual show... Im kind of surprised somebody actually realised wat ppl all along haf been saying, and finally giving justice...
But having said that... Though i do not like Kelly in particular... I dislike bad media even more...
I watched the finals... The results werent as exciting n nervous-breaking as compared to Singapore Idol... Maybe coz i was rooting for Taufik and my sis was rooting for Sly... And my sis voted 2 votes to mine... And Shuzhen refused to vote... Hahah...
For tis one, almost all ppl i knew (well, strange tt i didnt noe any Kelly-crazy fans), all wanted Kelvin to win, and knew Kelly will sure become e champ...
I was seriously comtemplating Kelly to win, though i hate it to e core... I even told my mum... LAO TIAN MEI YOU YAN if she wins... Though tt had nothing to do wif LAO TIAN... But i wanted to complain mah.. Haha...
Kelvin did very well for e 1st 2 songs... And the second one was exceptionally brilliant... Kelly's 1st song, Yan Se by Coco, was really screwed... SHe didnt haf breathe and her voice hadnt warm up at all... Even i can sing better, haha... No lah, kidding, i wouldnt haf e guts to sing at indoor stadium... I will freak out...
But obviously, the judges gave e 1st round winner to Kelly of coz... Saying she got stage pressence, dance, colors n all tt... I still haf no idea how is it they wan to see Kelvin dance n all... 2nd round of song was so clearly obvious tt Kelvin did better, so they had to give it to him... But of coz, Kelly's mentor gave it to her, saying hers was very modern... Kelvin's song was old n boring...
E judge, Xu Huan Liang said, if u do fairly well, as long as ur competitor makes mistakes, u win... Hmm, sounds weird after my translation... But u shd get e whole idea... Kelly did ok for e last 2 songs, but Kelvin screwed... Which justifies y Kelly did better overall...
But one thing i was pissed, was e new judges songs... Composed by Xu Huan Liang and Kelly's mentor, Li Fei Hui for Kelvin... Li Fei Hui said he wanted Kelvin to fall into e trap n show his weakness... Xu Huan Liang said he didnt noe about it though... But Kelly's song, Li Wei Song said, e song is catered to Kelly's voice... Most suitable for her...
Wah, pls lah, so obvious... One to kill, one to complement... How can like tt?
Dun do it so obvious leh... Be smarter can or not?
And Kelly's song was so easy to sing n low, tat she didnt even need much effort... Whereas Kelvin's song is much much more difficult to control...
To give credit, Kelly sang her last song incredibly well, e best rendition from ktv i heard so far... But there was one prob... Yes, like wat Rumei said, she sounded jus like Coco... She always imitate e original singers, which is y she is not consistent at all... But besides tt... She didnt haf emo in her song... It didnt touch me... at all...
But e second song was wat sealed the fate, i supposed... Tt category was supposed to be something like unplug and only acappella done by 5 of e contestants they chose each... Kudos to Kelvins guys, coz they truly complement to Kelvin's voice... But for Kelly, e girls were obviously trying to compete wif each other... Kelly's voice is not strong, and wif their loud acappella going on, Kelly's voice totally submerged into it...
Though Kelvin's overall performance was not very gd... But his second song, stood out, even through out e whole competition... He sang Jacky Cheung's Wo De Xing Zhen De Shou Shang Le... And tt song alone moved so many ppl... So many ppl were in tears... I didnt though coz my mum was beside me, but i was impressed... His nasal tone was totally gone in tt song... Even my critical mum who dun like Kelvin at all said its very gd... Surprising... Coz she seldom compliment singers other than herself (she was a singer last time u see)...
And i think tt moment was e magic...
Alot of ppl can sing, and i dare to tell u i know alot alot of ppl who can sing very well... Some has perfect technic... But not everyone can be a superstar... Or idol in a sense... So wat if ppl got nasal tone, Daniel Chan, Gigi, Sun Yan Zi and Cai Chuan Jia all haf horrible nasal tone, but did their fans care? Nope, they didnt... So i dun see y shd they get so worked up wif e nasal thingy...
I know one guy in particular who sing extremely well, and in e past, he didnt haf emo in his songs... But it is enuff to shut everyone up n listen... Recent yrs, i heard he started to train himself and move ppl to tears whenever he sang... Its gd tt he finally understood tt singing is jus not about technic...
But if u ask me honestly, can he be a idol, not trying to demean him, but i will haf to say, NO.
Can Taufik sing? Nope... Sly? Hell, no... Olinda? Though shes e best we haf ard, but shes not there yet...
But even so, they had e capability to influence at least a small portion of ppl, even though they r not gd looking at all...
And tts something, u cannot train... And tts e key to becum a star... Those who dun, eventually will all haf to say bye bye to e cameras...
In competitions, it doesnt matter whether u can sing or not... Wat matters is whether u can touch ppl, not neccessarily to tears... But they feel somthing... It is e connection tt matters... Which is wat they called so called X_Factor crap...
WHich is y alot of singers eventually didnt make it... Kit Chan sing extremely well, but her songs didnt move ppl... Li SHeng Jie n Shun Zi both had wonderful songs, wif wonder vocals, but fall short on emo...
Even the judges said, all songs haf to haf Gan Dong Du... If there is no MA DU, then u failed...
But my personal opinion is tt... For me, i am looking for gan dong du... But tis days, nobody sing like tt liao lah... Even my mum looked like shes in tears when she sing... I even shot a short video then when she did karoke at my gran's place... I think its zhi ye bing... But nowadays, artists jus need to look nice n pretty and jus lip sync lah... Dun think so much... Haha...
So many ppl going GAGA over Junyang, who sings like jus any other guys i hear at KTV wif a mid high range... In American idol, there was one time when e contestant sang a very sad song, but he smiled... And he was havily penalised on tt by e pro judges... It was so wrong... Junyang, unfortunately smile thru watever songs he sing, no gan qing at all... But do those ppl care, no they dun!
Which is y i still prefer songs in e early 90s, which obviously, my peers dun listen to... Those songs are e songs tt stay... Classics... And never grow tired of...
I love old songs... Only in their songs, can u hear the genuine heart of soul of music...
But if u jus listen for e sake of listening... Dun bother so much lah... Haha... Jus listen lor, and change n change n change whenever new songs come up...
Tis is e music culture now... No choice lah...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Looking for Freelance Web Programmer For Ecommerce Website!
I am open to both freelance and corporate.
So if you are interested. Kindly drop me an email... Thks.
I had a very busy day... Very very busy...
At 630pm, my Boss suddenly handed me something and said to finish by today... Then e 2 Bosses left... My colleagues all stayed behind coz of me... Feel so guilty... I apologised, and they said nvm, played music to de-stress me somemore... Jazz music leh... Haha...
Today is e latest ive stayed so far... Not complaining though... Jus feel very guilty that they all waited for me to go home together... When they could haf left at 6pm...
Ive handed my CDRWs to shuzhen, she'll pass to me 2 new epi of Naruto next week, and also e movie... Heh, got to like wait for 2 weeks, to get one or two new epi of Naruto... But the manga's alot faster in e storyline... I wonder Naruto will end at which epi... Sounds neverending to me...
Now they are still looking for e bug, called pichouchu or something, which i always find sounds like PIKACHU.... Haha, so funny... They need tt bug to find Sasuke, who had fallen to e dark side... Sigh... Dun even tok about it...
I also asked Shuzhen about Kakashi's sad past, how he got his Sharigan, how he got his comrades killed... Coz e bloody anime never explain, but e manga does... Finally i noe wat happened... Very sad...
I haf 3 major projects to handle...
This is scary... When all 3 goes on the same timeline, i cant imagine wat i'll be doing... Haha, its like shooting the 3 LOTR movies straight eh? Hahahah...
Wonder what will i be busy with tmr?
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
I wanted to blog yesterday, but blogger server was down... Then i was lazy to on my computer later... YES! I AM LAZY! So?
I got alot of things to say... As usual... I still have many many things tt i wan to type here... But then hor, sitting there typing for long hrs is crazy n super tedious n make my going-blind-eyes worst... Ok, excuses... I noe... Shhhhesh...
Finally Jul saw the WAR POST!!! Wahahaha... And of coz, i got a scolding fr her, as usual... But late tis time... Haha...
Coz my eyes are going blind (literally), so i haf been drinking a remedy... Though ive only started on the second day... I changed my 800ML waterbottle of plain water to tt urine colored drink... Nothing fanciful, its jus crysantheman (duno how to spell), and gou qi... But its said it will work wor...
So i tell u all the results 2 mths later... Provided i drink everyday lah...
Ive been wondering do i drink enuff water or not... Coz obviously, moi skin, eyes, hair, lips are getting dryer everyday... I drink 1.2L water everyday, not enuff meh? My waterbottle at work hold 800ml, and after my dinner, i drink about 400ml, i think, or 300 ml...
I bought a new lip balm... Coz obviously, e one i had been using isnt working, or rather, made my lips worst... So i tried a new one... And i tell u, it works... Coz i feel my lips more subtle, so much so tt, i like biting it... Haha... It feels as though its swollen and full... Haha, nvm... I threw e old one immediately....
My 2 Bosses came back liao... Blog later or something...
Monday, September 05, 2005
I Got My Wish!!! GAARA!!!
Yup, i got my LOTR 1 and 2 and i completed my extended trilogy collection... I did went on fri, after being reprimanded by my mum of coz, for going out alone, watever... Anyways, i went in the drizzle... And my makeup was still on... Haha... Showed how much i care right?
But tts not wat i wan to tok about...
I went to see see look look for some anime stuffs... I can tell u, now tt place has become a treasure hunt for me... Every time i go there, im bound to find something...
With regards to my entry on the Naruto figurines... I complained and said theres no Gaara... Well, I FOUND IT!!!!
Heh... I found one new set tis time... With some same characters but totally different poses... But tis time, its not e last set, i saw theres a whole box of it when e sales person open the drawer...
Still cost the same, which means its ultimately cheap... 6 characters for only $4.80!!!!
Actually all along theres tis other set of the characters... The characters from the Village of Sand and some others, which means got Gaara lah and got Sakura i think...
But i dun like, coz they haf childish looking hooks... Which tis one at least is normal metal pieces and i can take them out if i wan to... Main reason is coz, they cost freaking $26!!!!!!!! And its smaller than my current set somemore...
Crazy... Who will buy?
So anyways, these are the ones i bought...

Rock Lee... Aka Bruce Lee imitation... Haha, bloody funny, seeing him with his drunken technique... Aka Zui Quan!!! Now hes a miz of Jacky Chan and Bruce Lee...

Sasuke again... Sigh, but the turned evil one... I find it hard to accept he became evil... Then again, if he doesnt, the show will pretty much become even more boring... They also wan to repeat e history of e 3 sanins lah...
Now tat Sakura become a medi healer... I find e story quite rubbish to really re-enact the whole istory... Too similar...
Felt so sad, when Naruto told Sasuke that hes his Best Fren... But ultimately, Sasuke had to kill him to become stronger...

Sasuke's Bro... Very sad story as well... I find tt him turning evil can be avoided... Just tt ppl didnt do anything about it... Then, again, its jus a story...

Haha, Kakashi again.... Hes so cute arh... I like this pose too...
Awww... How can we leave out the main lead, Naruto when its called Naruto... Haha... He eating his fav ramen... Hes ultimately obsessed with it... And his green frog purse... Hahah... Fat fat wor, inside alot of money!!!
Chouji became fat again... Haha, Ino complained about it too... He became fat immediately after jus one BBQ meal after being discharged....
Last but not least...
Sigh... Y mus the author make u die??? I still cannot accept leh... After being the Hokage of your village, u tried to protect them, at the expense of your own life...
SO sad... So sad...
Ok la... Im done with Shaman King as well, recently the series i watch hor, all no ending one!!! But Shaman is super touching at the end... I cried!!! Haha...
Inuyasha, Shaman King, Qi Ling Wang, and Naruto (still drawing), all no ending one... So sad... I am simply UNSATISFIED!!!!
Will be trying to finish Ragnarok tis time... Abit funny leh, like watch game like tt... When they fight monster, "HEAL!", "POTION", etc... Haha... Very european style... I like, for a change... Hope this one got ending though...
In their world, they got gigantic cockroaches!!! 5 times bigger than my dog... DISGUSTING!!!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
The Story Behind...
Both male and female deceased are a couple but not married...
It was said that her bf was being forced by somebody, thereby, she suspected he was pushed down...
She sat on the railings in the morning... Some primary sch kids saw and told her not to jump... She came back to the corridor, but after awhile, she sat on the railings again...
This time, she jumped, with a vengance...
She wore all red, inside out...
She was determined to seek revenge for her bf...
So this is the story behind it... Jus thought i haf some clarifications... Coz i wasnt sure about it as well....
Anyways, i have something to say...
I really hate it, when the neighbours all over start to spread rumours... And tok bad about how stupid she is, etc etc...
To me, death ends everything...
You shouldnt criticise and said that the deceased is stupid, immature, childish, shameless, selfish and so on... For goodness sake, a life had been taken... She is gone forever...
Besides, what gives u the right to judge? U werent even part of her family in the 1st place... Jus coz u saw the story or u heard somewhere, doesnt mean u are entitled to demean her...
Yes, i noe everyone's entitled the freedom of speech, but think again... Are we?
If you have so much to say... Seriously, i find that u shd jus tell her straight at her funeral... If you dun, then jus keep ur evil comments inside your own evil heart...
Just like a criminal sentenced to death... When e criminal is executed... Everything shd end there... A price had been paid... The criminal had paid his evil deeds with his life, what more can u wan?
I know the hurt, and harm will forever be there... But life will still go on... U haf to find some ways to oversome ur own issues... Coz now, its ur own responsibility...
I think we all have to find ways to be at peace with ourselves... Only then, will most tragedies be prevented, including our own...
Then again. Nobody will bother nowadays...
And tts sad... Very sad...
(My mum is rattling about tis issue at tis moment, quarreling with me over it, when i haf no idea why she wan to do it... Jus coz my big sis irritated her on tis thing over e phone... Sigh... Life still haf to go on...)
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Some Words Need No Further Explanation...
About a mth and a half ago...
A man jumped.
He jumped at my blk. At that staircase.
The issue brought all the fellow neighbours toking... Many feared for his spirit returning. Many avoid that particular spot from now on... Suddenly, the whole blk of ppl started to tok to each other...
Some time later, my mum saw a woman kneeling at the spot where e man jumped, crying, burning stuffs...
She came to tell me that she think it was his wife...
Seven mth came, nothing much happened around here...
Yesterday was the second last day of the seventh mth...
A woman jumped...
At the same level, same spot, same staircase...
Its the same woman my mum saw...
Together with her unborn child...............
Friday, September 02, 2005
1 HDD Died!!!
Jialat jialat... Some of our work stalled... Then our engineer had to fix it... We all stayed behind, e latest i had stayed so far... Jus coz of e stupid server... Coz my colleague send me home one mah... If they stay i also need to stay...
They pressumed it was a power surge... But where got suddenly, out of no reason one... So everyone's confused, coz it really took us by surprise!!!
Its rather funny, jus when e 7th mth over, we started to haf minor minor weird things happening, like one of my emails, jus disappeared from my outlook, no where to be found... It started with me, then followed by the others...
And now the server... Server cannot break down... SO many files inside... And our data system in inside too...
But next week, more or less, will be solved... We had to redo our server...
Can tell the enginneer he very stressed... Luckily, we dun haf much work load this few days... If not die!!!
I cant wait for the night to come... Coz i dun care how lazy i am, i am bloody hell going to go to amk central to get my LOTR 1 & 2 Extended Dvds...
But bad news is, we suspected that our web files are all inside the died HDD!!! Which means i dun have any old working files of our website anymore... Which means i'll haf to re create everything!!! EVERYTHING!!! E WHOLE FREAKING 100MB WEBSITE!!!
Scary scary... *cross my fingers*
My colleague laugh at me and said bless me!!! ................
Coz im e only one doing the website mah!!!!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Ahhh... Hello... May i speak to Celestine?
I received a call 5 mins ago...
Girl: Ahhh... Hello... May i speak to Celestine? I am calling from XXX...
Me: Speaking.
Girl: Errr... You are?
Me: This is Celestine.
Girl: Oh ok...
(Bloody hell, u hired a admin girl who dun understand simple phone languages!!!)
Girl: Ahhh... Would you like to teach a class next week?
Me: Nope.
Girl: Ok, bye.
I applied tis job 2 mths ago... I remembered, exactly wat its like, coz its the worst interview experience in my life...
I went all the way to JURONG, only to find one of the most inefficient company...
They kept me waiting for hrs...
Then they couldnt find my resume...
They gave me pages of stuffs to read about their company, booasting the awards they had won... They gave me a list of tasks for the job. (Note: they gave me a wrong position somemore)...
They expect me to bring all my certs... Which i didnt of coz...
They photocopied my IC...(watever for? interview only u noe! Now i so scared they stalk me for teaching, since they so desperate!)
During interview,
Whole time, she never listen to wat i said, and kept asking back e same qns.
When i replied something, she said, u sure or not, u sure or not... Even after i said im sure, she still continue, u sure or not, u sure or not! NEBER LISTEN!!!
I didnt bring anything, (yah i noe its my fault, but u see, usually e companies will tell u wat to bring if theres anything special)... I was applying for admin job, y e hell i need to let u see my psle, o level cert, etc... And i sent my resume to their email, and they bloody hell didnt even print out...
They didnt even noe who i am, and was so puzzled when i turned up... When they jus called me...
So in e end, i presented my resume verbally... And meanwhile, she didnt even write down anything!!!
End up, she gave me a blunt pencil to write my name, hp and email...
Before i go, she asked if i would like to teach... I said, nope, not interested... And she continued to rattle on teaching all sorts... Coz she found out i got a dip in digital media design... I didnt even apply for e position... If im interested, do u think i'll apply for ur admin!!!
tsk tsk tsk... Waste my time!!!
No more of these shit anymore, i banned all small companies... Especially institutions...