Many yrs ago, for my sis bday, i bought her an eye shadow which i specially chosen... Then after she unwrapped it, she said, "Eh, i wantd to buy tis shade too, coz my one running out liao! Wah, u now more n more close to my taste le..." Haha, i didnt even noe tt...
Then many yrs later, coincidentally, i came to love tt color (after i try hers) as well... In fact its has like became a usual color i use more often...
There was a sale then, but i didnt get it, coz i didnt wan to spend money...
But recently, i use my sis one more n more, and thot tt i shd get one for myself too... But then hor, when i went to tt shop, NO MORE TT SHADE LE!!! Coz change of seasons liao... SO sad!!!
But i still wanted to get tt shade, and looked ard so manyother brands till i finally found something close but cost double e price... I considered for 30 mins, be4 i committed myself to it...
Heart pain!
The new one, is more shiny, more suitable for night than work i thot... The brush it provided is so tough tt it actually bruised my skin... Its a shimmer powder bottle... Actually i haf been eyeing tis for a long time jus tt its off my budget... Very nice n strong color but very poor brush...
Then jus e other day, i went to town and then i saw e shade i wanted at another branch!!!! Damn it...
I knew i haf to get it!!! Coz one eye shadow can lasts for yrs... I could use tis for work and tt expensive one at parties...
I bought it and another item and got a 20% disc... Now i got a $5 voucher within a mth... Wonder wat i shd get...
Anyways, on mon, i went to dye my hair... FINALLY!!! After harping on it for 5 mths... I knew i haf to do it coz its been on my mind driving me insane...
So i spent a miserable 4 and 1/2 hrs sitting there doing it... I got to experience tis 2 times a yr... I dun look forward to it but i still need to work on my hair...
I did not make an appointment tis time, and i abit yaya wan to try other leading stylists... E last i went, i had e most experienced one... Tis time, I still asked for leading stylist coz i usually go for the best ppl to do my hair, if not i would be unhappy wif e results...
Surprisingly, e one who did my hair tt day, actually remembered me... She said she recalled her colleague doing my hair e last time...
I even exclaimed, "Wow, 6 mths ago u still can remember?" I thot to myself i mus haf made an impression... Be it gd or bad... Shd be quite miserable bah, coz my hair is long n thick, they always had quite time dealing wif me.. Lol...
Sometimes they even complain say my hair so thick, their arms very pain (in a jokin manner)...
The last i went, i haf 3 persons blowing my hair, and at least 2 ppl working on me at all times... I always feel so intimidated when so many work on me... But then if they dun, instead of 5 hrs, i guess it would haf dragged on even longer...
I had a hair cut (i only cut twice a yr i realised coz i lazy n cheapo), hair dye and treatment ( i also only do 2 times a yr, even though i am supposed to go every 2 mths)...
My hair now very short leh... Very sad, she said cut one inch but it went much more, but no choice also lah, haf to cut e ends... But ppl who saw me in my new hair still say i shd cut shorter or say still very long when i kept complaining its very short...
I guess coz i haf a longer body frame, (ok lah, i got short legs in other words) so i always find my hair very short... Like e stylist last time also, she said my hair is very long when shes cutting it but then when i stand up it becums very short...
I wan to lighten up my hair, coz i look very dull now... I dyed 2 colors, medium blonde and the higlight's basically white...
I wanted light medium blonde initially but e stylist said its too light... Coz i knew if i do medium blonde it would look like dark brown... But lucky i didnt, if not i would look more lianish and nobody would wan to hire me liao...
My hair's been bleached very long for the highlight... Until its like too long, and e stylist asked if its white enuff... I said its ok... Coz i didnt wan to sit any longer... Lol...
But coz my hair quality is somewat different thru out my head, so the highlights were of different shade thru out my head... Tis is unavoidable coz my hair already is off different shades thru out...
I haf orange, gold, yellow, white (yea, i got white hair now), and purple tint at the bottom... The stylist did tell me about e purple tint, coz my ends haf been bleached be4... Sounds horrible? No lah, if u dun look closely, its jus a head of browns and highlights...
I look fairer immediately... I like it, and ppl say i look fresher...
Even though i haf to say the last one i did in poly was better, but shes not ard anymore... But i still like my hair colors... Though abit not used to it, coz abit lianish... Lol...
But due to tis indulgence, i am broke... Sob... Need a job, need a job!!! My sis saw my hair, and 1st thing she said, "Wah, so rich!"... tsk so bekcek leh...
Friday, March 31, 2006
All The Best
I actually woke up late than usual today, coz i am thinking of not sleeping tonight so tt i can turn back my god damn screwed bio clock... Though usually when i do tis, i only managed to convert it back to max 3 days and then its e same... But no matter, still mus die die try!
Few entries back, while i was typing the fren fly away, coincidentally, he actually smsed me to arrange for dinner and movie tt night, however, i did not even realised... So many hrs later he called me and apologised, coz he was supposed to call me day be4 to arrange e meet up... He didnt so i assumed we r not meeting... Lol...
He didnt tell me about e sms, though i saw on my phone something blinkin, i thot its his missed call... He chatted for awhile and asked me wat i was doing... I said i was doing make up and he knew i was going out and soon put down e phone...
And then i saw tt msg... So paiseh, and i didnt even acknowledge tt...
So anyways, we arranged to meet up earlier tis part of e week... Then one night he called to chat... Its been so long since i haf a long conversation on the phone... He mainly chatted for 2 hrs plus, and then i started taking over the next 2 hrs plus... And we hung up near 5 am, and were supposed to meet the next day... Lol...
I gave him a gift, something not ex, and i added some personal finishings and touches on it... I was thinking of making him something, even though i noe hes not going to like it, but its a sincere thot... There r some ppl like SZ, who likes anything as gifts coz its e thot tt counts (even though sometimes e gifts can tend to be quite OFF)... But there r also ppl like him and me, who do not like everything... He is e kind who would bluntly tell u... Lol...
For me, even though i may not like e gift, i would not show it... U can say i am fake, but then i jus feel tt its not nice to show tt, after all, i appreciated the fact tt e person actually bothered to give me something... I am very demanding to my close frenz, coz they shd noe me better... Haha, now u shd noe y SZ is so stressed over my bdays... I AM JUS JOKING, SZ!!!
True nuff, he said he dun like it but appreciate the thot... Given e fact tt he is a very critical and demanding person, hes going to dislike most things anyways... I always tell him tt, his future gf/wife is going to haf a hard time compromising him... Very xin ku... I doubt he understands i could hardly give him more... But i think he still appreciated it, coz he bought me dinner then...
Stupidly, when he said he would treat me, i even asked him, "Y leh?". Damn, sometimes nonsense jus sprout off my mouth... Like when my colleague offered to send me home i stupidly asked, "Sure or not?" and the rest of the offfice started laughing...
He looked abit confused (i also think there isnt really reasons to treat ppl) and said, "When i come back, then u give me a treat lor."...
While we were on the train... He said hes alighting at Braddell and then he looked at his watch and asked if i need him to send me back... I then said, u dun send ppl home one mah (it sounds so rude in el i realised, but tts not e tone i used btw)!... He said, "Yah, i dun send frenz home." Which is kind of different wif me, coz even though i am female, i send ppl home all the time since young...
I forgot wat he said, but maybe "But if u wan, i would still haf to do it!"... Then i was thinking aiyah, so long wun see him, tease him abit... I exclaimed, "OK LOR!!!", and then he started to UURRGGGHHH in agony, lol, and we started laughing...
So at my lift, i gave him a handshake and gave him my blessings... Time flies, so he would be baCK soon...
Its rather sad but i wish all the best...
Oh, i am not attentive to my phone anymore... So i may respond later than usual... Paiseh arh...
I am very hungry now, coz i haven ate anything at all... But dinner's not very appealling tonight...
Few entries back, while i was typing the fren fly away, coincidentally, he actually smsed me to arrange for dinner and movie tt night, however, i did not even realised... So many hrs later he called me and apologised, coz he was supposed to call me day be4 to arrange e meet up... He didnt so i assumed we r not meeting... Lol...
He didnt tell me about e sms, though i saw on my phone something blinkin, i thot its his missed call... He chatted for awhile and asked me wat i was doing... I said i was doing make up and he knew i was going out and soon put down e phone...
And then i saw tt msg... So paiseh, and i didnt even acknowledge tt...
So anyways, we arranged to meet up earlier tis part of e week... Then one night he called to chat... Its been so long since i haf a long conversation on the phone... He mainly chatted for 2 hrs plus, and then i started taking over the next 2 hrs plus... And we hung up near 5 am, and were supposed to meet the next day... Lol...
I gave him a gift, something not ex, and i added some personal finishings and touches on it... I was thinking of making him something, even though i noe hes not going to like it, but its a sincere thot... There r some ppl like SZ, who likes anything as gifts coz its e thot tt counts (even though sometimes e gifts can tend to be quite OFF)... But there r also ppl like him and me, who do not like everything... He is e kind who would bluntly tell u... Lol...
For me, even though i may not like e gift, i would not show it... U can say i am fake, but then i jus feel tt its not nice to show tt, after all, i appreciated the fact tt e person actually bothered to give me something... I am very demanding to my close frenz, coz they shd noe me better... Haha, now u shd noe y SZ is so stressed over my bdays... I AM JUS JOKING, SZ!!!
True nuff, he said he dun like it but appreciate the thot... Given e fact tt he is a very critical and demanding person, hes going to dislike most things anyways... I always tell him tt, his future gf/wife is going to haf a hard time compromising him... Very xin ku... I doubt he understands i could hardly give him more... But i think he still appreciated it, coz he bought me dinner then...
Stupidly, when he said he would treat me, i even asked him, "Y leh?". Damn, sometimes nonsense jus sprout off my mouth... Like when my colleague offered to send me home i stupidly asked, "Sure or not?" and the rest of the offfice started laughing...
He looked abit confused (i also think there isnt really reasons to treat ppl) and said, "When i come back, then u give me a treat lor."...
While we were on the train... He said hes alighting at Braddell and then he looked at his watch and asked if i need him to send me back... I then said, u dun send ppl home one mah (it sounds so rude in el i realised, but tts not e tone i used btw)!... He said, "Yah, i dun send frenz home." Which is kind of different wif me, coz even though i am female, i send ppl home all the time since young...
I forgot wat he said, but maybe "But if u wan, i would still haf to do it!"... Then i was thinking aiyah, so long wun see him, tease him abit... I exclaimed, "OK LOR!!!", and then he started to UURRGGGHHH in agony, lol, and we started laughing...
So at my lift, i gave him a handshake and gave him my blessings... Time flies, so he would be baCK soon...
Its rather sad but i wish all the best...
Oh, i am not attentive to my phone anymore... So i may respond later than usual... Paiseh arh...
I am very hungry now, coz i haven ate anything at all... But dinner's not very appealling tonight...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
The Pianist
I thot tis movie is so gd it needs a standalone entry itself. I would try to keep it short though... Well, I said TRY!
I did not managed to catch the movie back in 2003... No idea y, maybe coz my bf then wasnt interested, or i simply missed it...
Just like Green Mile and A Beautiful Mind, 2 amazing movies which i actually missed... But A Beautiful Mind i remembered i couldnt find ppl to watch wif me, coz everyone had watched it... Lol... Likewise, Catch Me If You Can... But i saw all these 3 movies on local tv... Gd gracious...
I still haf Aviator to catch and i got a feeling i am going to see it on e tv someday...
Ok back to e Pianist... I did not find out about e movie, so i didnt noe wat its about except tt it was award winning and a show u shdnt miss... Another personal reason y i wanted to catch it is coz of Adrien Brody, i simply love him... So charismatic... But unlike e movie King Kong, where he showed off his charm... This one is real and very realistic looking of him, which i dun think those who love him for King Kong, would like him in tis... But watever, i do!
Its a show about the Polish History... A sad dark chapter from the World War... A Jewish pianist surviving the Nazi takeover and destruction of Warsaw through the whole WWII.
The plot has nothing surprising... Except e revelation of the follow thru of the lead's experience. I was very much affected when i see the Jews being destroyed... Much like Band Of Brothers... This movie is long, it takes u slowly, so that you would feel every inch of pain they went thru... It was very gd story flow i thot, and for a heavy movie, i actually wasnt bored...
I watched it some weeks ago, e night where i got my dvd writer... But i was distracted at the last quarter coz my sis n her bf came to setup and made quite a rukus... If given a chance i may wan to catch e ending, but maybe not, coz e movie is too heavy to watch again...
I was actually traumatised tt night, i couldnt sleep... I thot alot about wat if we experience world war and all tt sorts... How would it be like for Singapore... How would it be like for Chinese, and a female at tt... I then thot about the warring period of sg, e history ive learnt, e documentaries tt i haf seen when i was little...
Ive watched many war movies, coz i am a sucker for tt genre... But this is actually the 1st one tt got me thinking about it...
I guess maybe e thots came coz its a true story... While i followed e character's experiences, it is so damn hard to imagine how he actually survived the whole yrs and ordeal of the war in minute details... At the lowest pt of the movie (there was nothing but a big can of pickles while he tried to open), there was hope, he was helped by surprisingly, one of the German Captain...
And the Captain gave him food (bread n jam) and told him to survive, coz e war is ending...
The lead told him: I duno how to thank you.
Captain: Thank God, not me. He wants us to survive. Well, that's what we have to believe.
And you've got to marvel at the Captain for wat he had done, even though he knew he was a Jew...
Before tt, jus when e lead managed to puncture a small hole in the big can of pickles he was hugging ard after a long time, e Captain saw him... And i thot he was going to kill him...
Captain: Who are you?
Lead: ... (He was speechless and shocked)
Captain: U understand English? (actually i think it wasnt english but i duno wat language they were using)
Lead: Yes
Captain: Who are you?
Lead: A pianist.
Captain: U a jew?
Lead: Yes.
Then the Captain asked him to play something on the piano behind him..
I thot e moment when e lead played on e abandoned/dusty piano in one of e ruins of houses was magical... Its been so long since he last touched one... And he was so weak but moved...
The Captain obviously was moved by his passion n music. So did i.
Captain: You got food?
Lead: (Pointed to e can of pickles)
The Pianist did survived and became a renown one after e war... The Captain however was held as prisoner and died eventually... The Pianist did want to help the Captain but he had no idea wat was his name or where he was...
So sad... But definately a very gd movie... Nothing fancy or hollywoody about e film. Very true and real...
I did not managed to catch the movie back in 2003... No idea y, maybe coz my bf then wasnt interested, or i simply missed it...
Just like Green Mile and A Beautiful Mind, 2 amazing movies which i actually missed... But A Beautiful Mind i remembered i couldnt find ppl to watch wif me, coz everyone had watched it... Lol... Likewise, Catch Me If You Can... But i saw all these 3 movies on local tv... Gd gracious...
I still haf Aviator to catch and i got a feeling i am going to see it on e tv someday...
Ok back to e Pianist... I did not find out about e movie, so i didnt noe wat its about except tt it was award winning and a show u shdnt miss... Another personal reason y i wanted to catch it is coz of Adrien Brody, i simply love him... So charismatic... But unlike e movie King Kong, where he showed off his charm... This one is real and very realistic looking of him, which i dun think those who love him for King Kong, would like him in tis... But watever, i do!
Its a show about the Polish History... A sad dark chapter from the World War... A Jewish pianist surviving the Nazi takeover and destruction of Warsaw through the whole WWII.
The plot has nothing surprising... Except e revelation of the follow thru of the lead's experience. I was very much affected when i see the Jews being destroyed... Much like Band Of Brothers... This movie is long, it takes u slowly, so that you would feel every inch of pain they went thru... It was very gd story flow i thot, and for a heavy movie, i actually wasnt bored...
I watched it some weeks ago, e night where i got my dvd writer... But i was distracted at the last quarter coz my sis n her bf came to setup and made quite a rukus... If given a chance i may wan to catch e ending, but maybe not, coz e movie is too heavy to watch again...
I was actually traumatised tt night, i couldnt sleep... I thot alot about wat if we experience world war and all tt sorts... How would it be like for Singapore... How would it be like for Chinese, and a female at tt... I then thot about the warring period of sg, e history ive learnt, e documentaries tt i haf seen when i was little...
Ive watched many war movies, coz i am a sucker for tt genre... But this is actually the 1st one tt got me thinking about it...
I guess maybe e thots came coz its a true story... While i followed e character's experiences, it is so damn hard to imagine how he actually survived the whole yrs and ordeal of the war in minute details... At the lowest pt of the movie (there was nothing but a big can of pickles while he tried to open), there was hope, he was helped by surprisingly, one of the German Captain...
And the Captain gave him food (bread n jam) and told him to survive, coz e war is ending...
The lead told him: I duno how to thank you.
Captain: Thank God, not me. He wants us to survive. Well, that's what we have to believe.
And you've got to marvel at the Captain for wat he had done, even though he knew he was a Jew...
Before tt, jus when e lead managed to puncture a small hole in the big can of pickles he was hugging ard after a long time, e Captain saw him... And i thot he was going to kill him...
Captain: Who are you?
Lead: ... (He was speechless and shocked)
Captain: U understand English? (actually i think it wasnt english but i duno wat language they were using)
Lead: Yes
Captain: Who are you?
Lead: A pianist.
Captain: U a jew?
Lead: Yes.
Then the Captain asked him to play something on the piano behind him..
I thot e moment when e lead played on e abandoned/dusty piano in one of e ruins of houses was magical... Its been so long since he last touched one... And he was so weak but moved...
The Captain obviously was moved by his passion n music. So did i.
Captain: You got food?
Lead: (Pointed to e can of pickles)
The Pianist did survived and became a renown one after e war... The Captain however was held as prisoner and died eventually... The Pianist did want to help the Captain but he had no idea wat was his name or where he was...
So sad... But definately a very gd movie... Nothing fancy or hollywoody about e film. Very true and real...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
My Girl & I and The Hills Have Eyes
I have so many things to say i duno where to begin... Of coz i didnt type e entries religious due to my lazy genes. Yes, u heard tt, i am lazy becoz its genetic, ok! Haha...
So now i haf so many different kind of stuffs i haf no idea how to put into tis small colummn, so yes, it would be very long i guess (hint to SZ). I duno even noe how to title rojak entries.
I wanted to continue doing movie reviews and some of e anime tt i saw recently, but i think i would tok about it again, which i duno when... Coz hor, i intro alot animes to ppl, and they haven finish watching then cannot do spoilers mah, but then i wan to rant about it lor... Ok nvm, patience my love, patience.
Recently i had some rather interesting conversations tt i wan to share, but becoz i did not blog, i couldnt remember most of them... Lol... I also had many exciting dreams, but again, i had forgotten about e details so it wouldnt haf impacts anymore...
I think i would break them into smaller entries, so tt SZ can take her time to read too. Shes having her final exams soon and i dun wan her to be choked up wif long boring entries... Though seriously, u dun haf to, its not an obligation...
2 movies i had watched recently, My Girl & I (a soapy korean movie), and The Hills Have Eyes (Horror, Suspense).
E Korean movie coz now also no more liao and e movie isnt gd, so i wouldnt recommend it to anyone. The 2 leads are the guy from My Sassy Girl (i like him, hes very cute although not handsome), and e female lead from Endless Love or Autumn's Tale (wat some call it)...
Basically, its e same sweet 1st love, whereby the most pretty in sch chooses a nerdy silly guy. And their love is so pure and sweet... Not to even mention the amazing scenery of e rural town setup... But ultimately, same thing as her famous series, she had leukemia (how u spell tt?) and then died... So sob sob lor... The guy couldnt forget his love for the rest of his life, also becoz i feel its tt he couldnt fulfil her last wish due to the horrible monsoon...
She did say Thank you (silently! and not to him) before she died while e guy was apologising for more being able to bring her to e place (e place where both of them shared precious memories) she wans... He was saying Im Sorry Im Sorry, and then the girl died!!!
I did weep but it wasnt the crying sobbing kind which i had watching Windstruck... Windstruck set the standards too high already, its very tough to knock it off the top of the Korean Movie chart for soapy dramas i meant.
The ending was very abrupt, there wasnt any resolution or message or anything... There is no purpose to the film basically... Thus its very weak... Pressumably, he would remain single for e rest of his life protecting their love... Buts tts an assumption...
Ok, to the next one, The Hills Have Eyes, a movie which everybody is toking about be4 its screened... Maybe its due to the intriguin concept... When SZ told me about it, i thot it was interesting but when i went to see the synopsis and trailer myself, it wasnt interesting, abit the B grade u noe...
So anyways, it not like Dawn of the Dead, though i haf no idea y ppl kept saying tt... Maybe they got e impression tt the mutants are zombies and eat ppl... But its not tt kind of horror, its the humans raping/killing humans kind of horror film, except tt one side of the party are mutants...
They are mutants coz of the nuclear bombings test... So those babies were born mutated and abandoned and grew up ugly, lonely and full of vengeful spirit... So its something like tt... Though one of them eat flesh, except tt he eats corpse, be it animal or human...
The movie starts out very slowly, there wasnt enuff build up of fear though, maybe coz i noe they r humans so i am not scared or something... It has many screaming pts, i jumped up e 1st time, but subsequently i wasnt affected anymore... Too bad... I think i got used to it... But e girls in the theatre were very participating, which i think its cool coz its more engaging... They kept screaming and screaming at so many pts...
Which can be funny if u jus read it off here... Haha... Like when they see the killer in one corner, they actually shouted AHHH, even though it wasnt scary to be honest... But very fun audience i thot, very into e movie... I think maybe they thot they are zombies so they were so fearful... Once u've seen e killers toking, showing their faces and all, the screamings lessen, so i think ya, mus be they thot they are ghosts or zombies...
The movie is more gory than Dawn Of The Dead (e new one, not e old one, n not e R21 one, coz i didnt catch e uncut version so i duno how gory is the R21 version) though... Quite disgusting and my stomach did churned abit except tt i did not wan to puke the nice chicken i ate at Cafe Cartel beforehand...
When we were moving out of the cinema, i heard one couple's conversation...
Guy: Im hungry, we go eat pizze ya?
Gal: So disgusting u can even think of food!
And i laughed out at tt pt, telling my fren wat i heard... My fren was very affected, i noe he wasnt into horror and gore, and thru out the whole show he kept making comments like Wa Lao(to e killings), & U Actually Like This Kind Of Movie (to me)... Hahah, i thot its quite funny to see a guy so agitated... But i wan to watch leh... I didnt wan to catch V For Vendetta coz it toks about all the serious political stuff and i didnt wan to come out feeling depressed over human nature u noe...
Overall, e movie is not bad for it genre... Can watch... I did however find some parts of the movie not making sense, and many parts being too hao siao (i duno how to explain tis word in el)... But tts only me, coz i am very critical... But if u r into gore, i dun think u would be too disappointed, unless u assume u will see zombies...
Go watch and be prepared to scream or jump... I can already imagine SZ screaming through out the movie... Lol...
So now i haf so many different kind of stuffs i haf no idea how to put into tis small colummn, so yes, it would be very long i guess (hint to SZ). I duno even noe how to title rojak entries.
I wanted to continue doing movie reviews and some of e anime tt i saw recently, but i think i would tok about it again, which i duno when... Coz hor, i intro alot animes to ppl, and they haven finish watching then cannot do spoilers mah, but then i wan to rant about it lor... Ok nvm, patience my love, patience.
Recently i had some rather interesting conversations tt i wan to share, but becoz i did not blog, i couldnt remember most of them... Lol... I also had many exciting dreams, but again, i had forgotten about e details so it wouldnt haf impacts anymore...
I think i would break them into smaller entries, so tt SZ can take her time to read too. Shes having her final exams soon and i dun wan her to be choked up wif long boring entries... Though seriously, u dun haf to, its not an obligation...
2 movies i had watched recently, My Girl & I (a soapy korean movie), and The Hills Have Eyes (Horror, Suspense).
E Korean movie coz now also no more liao and e movie isnt gd, so i wouldnt recommend it to anyone. The 2 leads are the guy from My Sassy Girl (i like him, hes very cute although not handsome), and e female lead from Endless Love or Autumn's Tale (wat some call it)...
Basically, its e same sweet 1st love, whereby the most pretty in sch chooses a nerdy silly guy. And their love is so pure and sweet... Not to even mention the amazing scenery of e rural town setup... But ultimately, same thing as her famous series, she had leukemia (how u spell tt?) and then died... So sob sob lor... The guy couldnt forget his love for the rest of his life, also becoz i feel its tt he couldnt fulfil her last wish due to the horrible monsoon...
She did say Thank you (silently! and not to him) before she died while e guy was apologising for more being able to bring her to e place (e place where both of them shared precious memories) she wans... He was saying Im Sorry Im Sorry, and then the girl died!!!
I did weep but it wasnt the crying sobbing kind which i had watching Windstruck... Windstruck set the standards too high already, its very tough to knock it off the top of the Korean Movie chart for soapy dramas i meant.
The ending was very abrupt, there wasnt any resolution or message or anything... There is no purpose to the film basically... Thus its very weak... Pressumably, he would remain single for e rest of his life protecting their love... Buts tts an assumption...
Ok, to the next one, The Hills Have Eyes, a movie which everybody is toking about be4 its screened... Maybe its due to the intriguin concept... When SZ told me about it, i thot it was interesting but when i went to see the synopsis and trailer myself, it wasnt interesting, abit the B grade u noe...
So anyways, it not like Dawn of the Dead, though i haf no idea y ppl kept saying tt... Maybe they got e impression tt the mutants are zombies and eat ppl... But its not tt kind of horror, its the humans raping/killing humans kind of horror film, except tt one side of the party are mutants...
They are mutants coz of the nuclear bombings test... So those babies were born mutated and abandoned and grew up ugly, lonely and full of vengeful spirit... So its something like tt... Though one of them eat flesh, except tt he eats corpse, be it animal or human...
The movie starts out very slowly, there wasnt enuff build up of fear though, maybe coz i noe they r humans so i am not scared or something... It has many screaming pts, i jumped up e 1st time, but subsequently i wasnt affected anymore... Too bad... I think i got used to it... But e girls in the theatre were very participating, which i think its cool coz its more engaging... They kept screaming and screaming at so many pts...
Which can be funny if u jus read it off here... Haha... Like when they see the killer in one corner, they actually shouted AHHH, even though it wasnt scary to be honest... But very fun audience i thot, very into e movie... I think maybe they thot they are zombies so they were so fearful... Once u've seen e killers toking, showing their faces and all, the screamings lessen, so i think ya, mus be they thot they are ghosts or zombies...
The movie is more gory than Dawn Of The Dead (e new one, not e old one, n not e R21 one, coz i didnt catch e uncut version so i duno how gory is the R21 version) though... Quite disgusting and my stomach did churned abit except tt i did not wan to puke the nice chicken i ate at Cafe Cartel beforehand...
When we were moving out of the cinema, i heard one couple's conversation...
Guy: Im hungry, we go eat pizze ya?
Gal: So disgusting u can even think of food!
And i laughed out at tt pt, telling my fren wat i heard... My fren was very affected, i noe he wasnt into horror and gore, and thru out the whole show he kept making comments like Wa Lao(to e killings), & U Actually Like This Kind Of Movie (to me)... Hahah, i thot its quite funny to see a guy so agitated... But i wan to watch leh... I didnt wan to catch V For Vendetta coz it toks about all the serious political stuff and i didnt wan to come out feeling depressed over human nature u noe...
Overall, e movie is not bad for it genre... Can watch... I did however find some parts of the movie not making sense, and many parts being too hao siao (i duno how to explain tis word in el)... But tts only me, coz i am very critical... But if u r into gore, i dun think u would be too disappointed, unless u assume u will see zombies...
Go watch and be prepared to scream or jump... I can already imagine SZ screaming through out the movie... Lol...
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Fly Away
A gd fren of mine is flying Taiwan to work for the next 9 mths.
He smsed me the other day in e noon, one day after he signed e contract and told me hes leaving next saturday, which is the coming one... And then he called me later in e night to personally tell me about it...
It was so sudden...
But being me, and my understanding of him, i am very happy he went for the opportunity. He had another company offering e same pay, to go somewhere else, one of e western countries but i cant remember. Tis one, the boss is a Singaporean, the other one, obviously a foreigner.
His pay is damn good lor!!! So jealous!!! He and me both knew tt its a salary u would never get for a poly grad even if u had worked for 10 yrs... It is enuff for him to live comfortably here, get a house n car at the same time, provided he doesnt spend more though, but i doubt he does, we had a conversation on tt...
He would be given allowance for his accomodation... And btw, its a pretty big games company... A company which recognises talent, how rare in sg, isnt it? After 9 mths, he would return to the sg based company...
Any other guys would haf just jumped straight into it... But he impresses me, coz he was actually rather relunctant to leave coz of his aged grandpa, whom he visits every week... When he broke e news (suddenly of coz) to his grandpa, his grandpa found it hard to accept...
But his way of consolation was actually quite brilliant, coz it also consoled me... He told his grandpa to see it as 3 mths, 12 weeks, he would be back every 3 mths... If i was to only see tis fren 9 mths later, i would feel sad even though i am very encouraging... But 3 mths, i can live wif tt!!! So i felt better... I didnt tell him tis though, haha...
Oh, btw, i knew him thru my poly attachment... And hes called Benjamin. He was e mentor for Derek (fr SIT) during the attachment... Its been more than a yr since we both last met Derek coz Derek is an extremely bz person...
Ben and I initially arranged to meet today actually, but somehow Derek not knowing and only can make it on Thurs night for dinner. I got quite a last minute sms fr Derek on Thurs late noon... We wanted to still meet up today to catch a movie, coz its been sometime since he last caught one... But i told him to get his stuffs going 1st, since he still needs to pack and all tt...
So yah, we met on Thurs night at Northpt Yishun... And met Derek finally, though hes like an hr late, he was caught up at his camp...
Its a pity tt Pasta Cafe had closed, otherwise we would haf gone there... I actually introduced Ben to tt place for its great food n excellent ambience long time ago but i cant remember until Ben told me... Lol... And he in turn also introduced tt place to his frenz for e same reasons... So he was very sad its closed too...
So we went Swensens instead, Ben gave us a treat coz i couldnt make it to his Farewell Crab Dinner tmr wif his frenz, he also wanted to introduce me to his frenz as well...
Anyways, Derek grew taller... Its so scary, the last i met him, he was like jus abit shorter than Ben who is already 180+, and now hes taller!!! I am sure hes goin to hit 190... Being wif these 2 guys always make me feel very short, but e great thing is i can wear my heels without any worries... Lol...
But e 2 guys were very tired, especially Derek, who looked so worn out... But then he ah, though tired still went for supper after we separated...
Ben then took e same bus as me... While he was sitting beside me, there was one part of e conversation which kind of lingered in me abit...
I was askin if he had asked e other interns to meet up (Huimin, Charlene, Nelson, Adrian), but i think he forgot about Nelson and Adrain, lol... Coz we usually only tok about Derek, Huimin and Charlene... Anyways, then he was saying tt some ppl wasnt keen into keepin contact, so forget about it...
I then said tis, "Isnt it even worse when ppl keep in contact, but half-heartedly and not genuine?"
Him: Well, u just have to wait and see. Give them a chance.
Me: Waiting is so tiring... (I went very soft on tis pt)
Him: Just don't expect anything in return and you won't feel tired.
At tis instant i went quiet... 1st time eh?
It wasnt wat he said but it was in e belief... Becoz personally it doesnt really make sense, u give ppl e chance n time to see if they r genuine frenz but at the same time, dun expect anything in return, it jus doesnt make sense... If u dun expect anything, u wouldnt give e chance n time in e 1st place... You wouldnt even be bothered wif it... But time n time again, u jus kept on trying and maintainin e connection on ur part... I am sure, a part of u wanted at least the appreciation in return...
But i still went quiet at tat moment coz i wanted to believe in tt...
After a few moments of silence, he spoke again. Tat conversation kindled something in me, but i was surprised it did to him too...
Him: Regarding your tt fren, u 2 broke up? (Fancy him to even remember, it was quite some time, and i only mentioned it as a passing remark over e phone once)
Me: No, we didnt, maybe jus quarrelled, but maybe its only me, as always.
Him: Hmm... I see.
Me: I got tired of waiting.
Him: I understand.
No matter, i am also happy to see Derek doing fine. Hes still deciding on wat to study for his degree. Though hes toasted like a red lobster, but at least hes doing well... Being bz is gd, and his pay is gd...
So i wish tis fren all the best for the next 9 mths and to come back as a richer person! Lol... But most imptly, be back safe. He is e only person who communicates with me on the e same level the way i want it... So i am definately going to miss our intelligent banters.
Take Care.
He smsed me the other day in e noon, one day after he signed e contract and told me hes leaving next saturday, which is the coming one... And then he called me later in e night to personally tell me about it...
It was so sudden...
But being me, and my understanding of him, i am very happy he went for the opportunity. He had another company offering e same pay, to go somewhere else, one of e western countries but i cant remember. Tis one, the boss is a Singaporean, the other one, obviously a foreigner.
His pay is damn good lor!!! So jealous!!! He and me both knew tt its a salary u would never get for a poly grad even if u had worked for 10 yrs... It is enuff for him to live comfortably here, get a house n car at the same time, provided he doesnt spend more though, but i doubt he does, we had a conversation on tt...
He would be given allowance for his accomodation... And btw, its a pretty big games company... A company which recognises talent, how rare in sg, isnt it? After 9 mths, he would return to the sg based company...
Any other guys would haf just jumped straight into it... But he impresses me, coz he was actually rather relunctant to leave coz of his aged grandpa, whom he visits every week... When he broke e news (suddenly of coz) to his grandpa, his grandpa found it hard to accept...
But his way of consolation was actually quite brilliant, coz it also consoled me... He told his grandpa to see it as 3 mths, 12 weeks, he would be back every 3 mths... If i was to only see tis fren 9 mths later, i would feel sad even though i am very encouraging... But 3 mths, i can live wif tt!!! So i felt better... I didnt tell him tis though, haha...
Oh, btw, i knew him thru my poly attachment... And hes called Benjamin. He was e mentor for Derek (fr SIT) during the attachment... Its been more than a yr since we both last met Derek coz Derek is an extremely bz person...
Ben and I initially arranged to meet today actually, but somehow Derek not knowing and only can make it on Thurs night for dinner. I got quite a last minute sms fr Derek on Thurs late noon... We wanted to still meet up today to catch a movie, coz its been sometime since he last caught one... But i told him to get his stuffs going 1st, since he still needs to pack and all tt...
So yah, we met on Thurs night at Northpt Yishun... And met Derek finally, though hes like an hr late, he was caught up at his camp...
Its a pity tt Pasta Cafe had closed, otherwise we would haf gone there... I actually introduced Ben to tt place for its great food n excellent ambience long time ago but i cant remember until Ben told me... Lol... And he in turn also introduced tt place to his frenz for e same reasons... So he was very sad its closed too...
So we went Swensens instead, Ben gave us a treat coz i couldnt make it to his Farewell Crab Dinner tmr wif his frenz, he also wanted to introduce me to his frenz as well...
Anyways, Derek grew taller... Its so scary, the last i met him, he was like jus abit shorter than Ben who is already 180+, and now hes taller!!! I am sure hes goin to hit 190... Being wif these 2 guys always make me feel very short, but e great thing is i can wear my heels without any worries... Lol...
But e 2 guys were very tired, especially Derek, who looked so worn out... But then he ah, though tired still went for supper after we separated...
Ben then took e same bus as me... While he was sitting beside me, there was one part of e conversation which kind of lingered in me abit...
I was askin if he had asked e other interns to meet up (Huimin, Charlene, Nelson, Adrian), but i think he forgot about Nelson and Adrain, lol... Coz we usually only tok about Derek, Huimin and Charlene... Anyways, then he was saying tt some ppl wasnt keen into keepin contact, so forget about it...
I then said tis, "Isnt it even worse when ppl keep in contact, but half-heartedly and not genuine?"
Him: Well, u just have to wait and see. Give them a chance.
Me: Waiting is so tiring... (I went very soft on tis pt)
Him: Just don't expect anything in return and you won't feel tired.
At tis instant i went quiet... 1st time eh?
It wasnt wat he said but it was in e belief... Becoz personally it doesnt really make sense, u give ppl e chance n time to see if they r genuine frenz but at the same time, dun expect anything in return, it jus doesnt make sense... If u dun expect anything, u wouldnt give e chance n time in e 1st place... You wouldnt even be bothered wif it... But time n time again, u jus kept on trying and maintainin e connection on ur part... I am sure, a part of u wanted at least the appreciation in return...
But i still went quiet at tat moment coz i wanted to believe in tt...
After a few moments of silence, he spoke again. Tat conversation kindled something in me, but i was surprised it did to him too...
Him: Regarding your tt fren, u 2 broke up? (Fancy him to even remember, it was quite some time, and i only mentioned it as a passing remark over e phone once)
Me: No, we didnt, maybe jus quarrelled, but maybe its only me, as always.
Him: Hmm... I see.
Me: I got tired of waiting.
Him: I understand.
No matter, i am also happy to see Derek doing fine. Hes still deciding on wat to study for his degree. Though hes toasted like a red lobster, but at least hes doing well... Being bz is gd, and his pay is gd...
So i wish tis fren all the best for the next 9 mths and to come back as a richer person! Lol... But most imptly, be back safe. He is e only person who communicates with me on the e same level the way i want it... So i am definately going to miss our intelligent banters.
Take Care.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Rebellious Son
2 nights ago, while i was on my bed, watching anime with my sis on her bed... My son actually happily peed on my bed just behind me!
The last time he did it was on my sis's bed, he also did it behind me, jus tt i found out when his pee soaked my shorts!
But tis time, my lovely huge blanket managed to contain his pee, so i didnt realized until i heard somewat e sound of water gushing and then a fleeing body, with droopy ears!
May i remind all tt although he is small, he has a bladder of a human, his pee is as much as any one of u... Hes a monster!
So u can imagine e agony i had, and how much he was wacked!
Luckily i got 2 comforter below my bed sheets, tt saved my mattress... I washed my blanket, bedsheet, and the top comforter... I woke my mum up to get new bedsheets from her room... Obviously she wacked him further, and was punished to sleep alone outside tt night...
Sleepin directly beside e air con i knew i would freeze to death... So i took e dusty thin towel blanket fr e storeroom n suffered even more... While i was covered, though still freezin coz its so thin, i developed rashes due to e dust... So i couldnt sleep e whole night until i OFF e aircon early at 5 plus am, be4 i managed to kick away tt disgustin blanket...
Then ard 8am, my mum let my son in, and then i told her about e blanket... My mum very clever, she gave me back my half wet blanket and said i can cover and let e fan dry it... I was cold n tired so i didnt bother much and jus covered myself... Lol, later did i noe my reuthmatism came up...
Later in e evening she cooked very spicy food while my bedsheet was hanging in e kitchen... I was rather angry but i cannot throw my temper at her... She kept saying e wind blow abit would get rid of e smell...
Then tt night, be4 i got on my bed, i saw one yellow stain on my bed with fur in the center! Damn! My son vomitted furball on my bed!!! It stained my just changed bedsheet!
Sigh, then i got to change again and my mum actually brought in e smelly spicy smoked bedsheet for me to change... I almost choked when i smell it... Smoke cum chilli cum all e nonsense u go figure tt smell... And she expected me to sleep on tt!
We quarelled about it coz i refused to sleep on it... Common sense would tell u i would smell like bbq salted fish e next day, my hair and all, and its not a smell tt can be ridden off easily... But my clever mum kept saying e aircon would blow and e smell would be gone blah blah, and tt if i dun use tis then it would not be a set (coz my pillow n boster still same bedsheet)...
I mean, like i care about it bein a full set... Theres always a chance next time to get back to the set...
And she got very angry...
Today also, she tried to put expired dried up cream on my son's rashes... When i refused, she got very angry and said can use one...
Anyways, never mind her...
My son arh, duno y he suddenly lidat... Mus be he angry wif me fr paying to much attention to my computer... Trying to get my attention by rebellin! Kids arh kids!!!
The last time he did it was on my sis's bed, he also did it behind me, jus tt i found out when his pee soaked my shorts!
But tis time, my lovely huge blanket managed to contain his pee, so i didnt realized until i heard somewat e sound of water gushing and then a fleeing body, with droopy ears!
May i remind all tt although he is small, he has a bladder of a human, his pee is as much as any one of u... Hes a monster!
So u can imagine e agony i had, and how much he was wacked!
Luckily i got 2 comforter below my bed sheets, tt saved my mattress... I washed my blanket, bedsheet, and the top comforter... I woke my mum up to get new bedsheets from her room... Obviously she wacked him further, and was punished to sleep alone outside tt night...
Sleepin directly beside e air con i knew i would freeze to death... So i took e dusty thin towel blanket fr e storeroom n suffered even more... While i was covered, though still freezin coz its so thin, i developed rashes due to e dust... So i couldnt sleep e whole night until i OFF e aircon early at 5 plus am, be4 i managed to kick away tt disgustin blanket...
Then ard 8am, my mum let my son in, and then i told her about e blanket... My mum very clever, she gave me back my half wet blanket and said i can cover and let e fan dry it... I was cold n tired so i didnt bother much and jus covered myself... Lol, later did i noe my reuthmatism came up...
Later in e evening she cooked very spicy food while my bedsheet was hanging in e kitchen... I was rather angry but i cannot throw my temper at her... She kept saying e wind blow abit would get rid of e smell...
Then tt night, be4 i got on my bed, i saw one yellow stain on my bed with fur in the center! Damn! My son vomitted furball on my bed!!! It stained my just changed bedsheet!
Sigh, then i got to change again and my mum actually brought in e smelly spicy smoked bedsheet for me to change... I almost choked when i smell it... Smoke cum chilli cum all e nonsense u go figure tt smell... And she expected me to sleep on tt!
We quarelled about it coz i refused to sleep on it... Common sense would tell u i would smell like bbq salted fish e next day, my hair and all, and its not a smell tt can be ridden off easily... But my clever mum kept saying e aircon would blow and e smell would be gone blah blah, and tt if i dun use tis then it would not be a set (coz my pillow n boster still same bedsheet)...
I mean, like i care about it bein a full set... Theres always a chance next time to get back to the set...
And she got very angry...
Today also, she tried to put expired dried up cream on my son's rashes... When i refused, she got very angry and said can use one...
Anyways, never mind her...
My son arh, duno y he suddenly lidat... Mus be he angry wif me fr paying to much attention to my computer... Trying to get my attention by rebellin! Kids arh kids!!!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Reply To Winged Densetsu
At 22/3/06 1:07 PM, wingéd densetsu said...
I reply here cos i wanna post a long 'comment' ^^.
Just wondering, do you have any recommendations for dV camcorders? I wanted to go dvd-camcorders, but there seems to be some pros and cons, the cons are quite horrible actually, like sound and vid out of sync, and can't edit (??? I have no idea why they say this...but why I can't I rip from the dvd & many people does that esp for amvs etc.) and the technology is not that good yet.
On the other hand, if i buy those mini dv cam corders, i need to buy tapes ($8 ea around there). and i need to get firewire...cos last time i tried to link up this dv cam thru usb and it didn't work, even tho i already downloaded the driver and rebooted my pc. also i dunno whether the firewire will screw up my pc..i wonder if my pc even have more slots left...-v-; Also, i extremely extremely hate exporting vid from dvtape to pc cos the length of time takes as long as the duration of the footage.
I'm looking for prosumer kinda of cam (holiday/event/music vids with light to medium editing) and my budget max only $1500. how??
I am writing here coz i think i would go on and on... Lol...
Ok, i did some research for you and here are my opinions. To get the best camcorder, you would 1stly need to determine wat are your needs in priority...
For Dvd Camcorders, there are basically a few points to note.
1) The image quality losses out compared to MiniDV, which excels in superior image clarity and longer recording time
2) Editing can be proven to be a chore
3) Media storage (mini dvds) costs more than MiniDV tapes in general
The only advantage of dvd camcorders:
Faster transfer and instantaneous dvd play back in a normal dvd player
For the editing part, you can do some basic editing in your camcorder before you finalise it... But some camcorders protect the clip after being finalised, so you cant rip it... Which of coz, unless you haf some power softwares to rip it (which i haf no idea)... However, obviously, there mus be a way, otherwise, there woudnt be a thing called Piracy...
Also imptly, some dvds once finalised, it may not be able to play on normal dvd roms...
If u can still read e finalised dvd, you could rip the footage from your finalized DVDs and then convert the DVD codec into something editable, but to be honest this type of method is unlikely to be undertaken by the casual user... Probably might drive u crazy findin out how to do it...
For some dvd camcorders, there is a bundle of softwares (in e package) that allows u to edit (basic) your clip before finalising it... But of coz, make sure u find out enuff, before buying tt model...
Dvd camcorders are for ppl who wans a faster transfer, and ppl who almost dun edit their clips... There are also some freewares on the net (i heard) tat converts the videos to other formats, but obviously, the quality would be sacrificed again...
For me, image quality is very impt, i wouldnt wan to see lousy videos tt i tediously n lovingly shot and i also wan to haf full capabilities in editing them... Tats if i am not lazy... But its always gd to noe u can be in control of things...
So to me, it doesnt make sense yet (even though i am entised by their designs) to get a dvd camcorder, perhaps later yrs when their technology becums on par wif mini dv camcorders... Becoz, dvd camcorders costs much more than mini camcorders but performs far less as compared...
So in your case, i guess you do edit your clips alot, so i would suggest you go for a gd mini dv camcorder... I believe you would be happier wif the image quality and control, than get frustrated figuring out all the misc stuffs about the video input of dvd camcorders...
According to your budget, there are some relatively ok dvd camcorders from Sony... Sony has a wide range of dvd camcorders...
Sony DCR-DVD703E - $1399
Sony DCR-DVD7E - $1359 (I personally find tis interesting coz of e shape... I am a sucker for designs... Lol)
Sony DCR-DVD101E - $1499
Btw, all prices quoted are launch prices, i haf no idea how much they costs now...
Now we move on to mini DVs... Your budget of $1500 is actually quite restricted, coz while i tried to look for gd camcorders for ur consideration, i haf to think of the price... But as all gadgets, u pay for e quality... Your budget might limit you to lesser manual settings...
Jus a note, for e quality of video image of wat dvd camcorders produces, u can get a similar range in mini dvs under $1000... But lets not go there, since i personally find those under 1000 are craps... And most video capture only 320 X 240... Its like WTH?
For me, my budget for camcorders is between $1500 to $2000, becoz tts where all the relatively gd enuff camcorders belongs... Or u can consider doing installments, get anyone u noe whos working and owns a credit card...
I dun think u need to get firewire, coz its provided most of the time... But i think u may be refering to firewire port, if its so, u need to get the port... No choice, i think my pc doesnt haf firewire port as well... Urrgghh, another thing again!
Anyways, i would reccomend Canon, Panasonic and Sony...
However, i do not favor Canon, coz they are lousy in indoor shoots and low lit environment... Also, their softwares are usually problematic and unstable...
Canon MVX200i $1499
They haf very few range to choose from as well...
Panasonic are generally the better brand, especially in these 2 yrs... They are coming up with an amazing new lines of series... And their image quality is still the best ard...
But then i had prob finding a gd one within $1500... No matter, here are some gd considerations...
Panasonic NV-GS55 - $1299
Panasonic NV-GS120/150 - $1599/$1699 (I would reccomend tis series, it has got very gd reviews... And it excels Sony within the same price range...)
Even though i favor Panasonic, Sony had a wider range... But i chose 2 for your consideration...
Sony DCR-HC30E - $1299
Sony DCR-HC40E - $1449*
*I strongly reccomend tis model... And also the Pana GS150, if you would go slightly above ur budget...
All in all, i hope tis helps u in ur consideration... But of coz, my research is only limited to wats available on the net... There may be more newer models on the market... The best is still make a trip down to their shops and ask the sales person for live demo and do the comparison between the brands...
Even so, jus remember, dun believe watever the sales person say... Lol... Trust your own eyes for decisions, a live demo is very important...
I reply here cos i wanna post a long 'comment' ^^.
Just wondering, do you have any recommendations for dV camcorders? I wanted to go dvd-camcorders, but there seems to be some pros and cons, the cons are quite horrible actually, like sound and vid out of sync, and can't edit (??? I have no idea why they say this...but why I can't I rip from the dvd & many people does that esp for amvs etc.) and the technology is not that good yet.
On the other hand, if i buy those mini dv cam corders, i need to buy tapes ($8 ea around there). and i need to get firewire...cos last time i tried to link up this dv cam thru usb and it didn't work, even tho i already downloaded the driver and rebooted my pc. also i dunno whether the firewire will screw up my pc..i wonder if my pc even have more slots left...-v-; Also, i extremely extremely hate exporting vid from dvtape to pc cos the length of time takes as long as the duration of the footage.
I'm looking for prosumer kinda of cam (holiday/event/music vids with light to medium editing) and my budget max only $1500. how??
I am writing here coz i think i would go on and on... Lol...
Ok, i did some research for you and here are my opinions. To get the best camcorder, you would 1stly need to determine wat are your needs in priority...
For Dvd Camcorders, there are basically a few points to note.
1) The image quality losses out compared to MiniDV, which excels in superior image clarity and longer recording time
2) Editing can be proven to be a chore
3) Media storage (mini dvds) costs more than MiniDV tapes in general
The only advantage of dvd camcorders:
Faster transfer and instantaneous dvd play back in a normal dvd player
For the editing part, you can do some basic editing in your camcorder before you finalise it... But some camcorders protect the clip after being finalised, so you cant rip it... Which of coz, unless you haf some power softwares to rip it (which i haf no idea)... However, obviously, there mus be a way, otherwise, there woudnt be a thing called Piracy...
Also imptly, some dvds once finalised, it may not be able to play on normal dvd roms...
If u can still read e finalised dvd, you could rip the footage from your finalized DVDs and then convert the DVD codec into something editable, but to be honest this type of method is unlikely to be undertaken by the casual user... Probably might drive u crazy findin out how to do it...
For some dvd camcorders, there is a bundle of softwares (in e package) that allows u to edit (basic) your clip before finalising it... But of coz, make sure u find out enuff, before buying tt model...
Dvd camcorders are for ppl who wans a faster transfer, and ppl who almost dun edit their clips... There are also some freewares on the net (i heard) tat converts the videos to other formats, but obviously, the quality would be sacrificed again...
For me, image quality is very impt, i wouldnt wan to see lousy videos tt i tediously n lovingly shot and i also wan to haf full capabilities in editing them... Tats if i am not lazy... But its always gd to noe u can be in control of things...
So to me, it doesnt make sense yet (even though i am entised by their designs) to get a dvd camcorder, perhaps later yrs when their technology becums on par wif mini dv camcorders... Becoz, dvd camcorders costs much more than mini camcorders but performs far less as compared...
So in your case, i guess you do edit your clips alot, so i would suggest you go for a gd mini dv camcorder... I believe you would be happier wif the image quality and control, than get frustrated figuring out all the misc stuffs about the video input of dvd camcorders...
According to your budget, there are some relatively ok dvd camcorders from Sony... Sony has a wide range of dvd camcorders...
Sony DCR-DVD703E - $1399
Sony DCR-DVD7E - $1359 (I personally find tis interesting coz of e shape... I am a sucker for designs... Lol)
Sony DCR-DVD101E - $1499
Btw, all prices quoted are launch prices, i haf no idea how much they costs now...
Now we move on to mini DVs... Your budget of $1500 is actually quite restricted, coz while i tried to look for gd camcorders for ur consideration, i haf to think of the price... But as all gadgets, u pay for e quality... Your budget might limit you to lesser manual settings...
Jus a note, for e quality of video image of wat dvd camcorders produces, u can get a similar range in mini dvs under $1000... But lets not go there, since i personally find those under 1000 are craps... And most video capture only 320 X 240... Its like WTH?
For me, my budget for camcorders is between $1500 to $2000, becoz tts where all the relatively gd enuff camcorders belongs... Or u can consider doing installments, get anyone u noe whos working and owns a credit card...
I dun think u need to get firewire, coz its provided most of the time... But i think u may be refering to firewire port, if its so, u need to get the port... No choice, i think my pc doesnt haf firewire port as well... Urrgghh, another thing again!
Anyways, i would reccomend Canon, Panasonic and Sony...
However, i do not favor Canon, coz they are lousy in indoor shoots and low lit environment... Also, their softwares are usually problematic and unstable...
Canon MVX200i $1499
They haf very few range to choose from as well...
Panasonic are generally the better brand, especially in these 2 yrs... They are coming up with an amazing new lines of series... And their image quality is still the best ard...
But then i had prob finding a gd one within $1500... No matter, here are some gd considerations...
Panasonic NV-GS55 - $1299
Panasonic NV-GS120/150 - $1599/$1699 (I would reccomend tis series, it has got very gd reviews... And it excels Sony within the same price range...)
Even though i favor Panasonic, Sony had a wider range... But i chose 2 for your consideration...
Sony DCR-HC30E - $1299
Sony DCR-HC40E - $1449*
*I strongly reccomend tis model... And also the Pana GS150, if you would go slightly above ur budget...
All in all, i hope tis helps u in ur consideration... But of coz, my research is only limited to wats available on the net... There may be more newer models on the market... The best is still make a trip down to their shops and ask the sales person for live demo and do the comparison between the brands...
Even so, jus remember, dun believe watever the sales person say... Lol... Trust your own eyes for decisions, a live demo is very important...
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
DVD Writer & TV Card
My sis bf bought for us e dvd writer weeks ago! YES!!!! Finally i haf it!!!! Now i can jus burn out loads of files instead of doing the tedious hrs of breaking them into small cdrs...
I had been grumbling to my sister and ppl ard me for the past yr or so tt i wan to get it... But i duno how to insert the drive into my com...
So recently, seems like my sis finally favors e idea and told me to watch out for IT fairs... Though i didnt think tt it would change matters coz dvd writers are jus under 100...
I researched e models and took favor to Sony actually... Coz i am using Sony CDRW and it hasnt been a prob for me... Except tt i cant do anything when i am burning... My whole system will halt itself when its burning... Also, since i would keep 2 drives, i didnt wan them to clash...
But then at the last IT fair hor, only Samsung got sell leh... He called back to ask us, and i wondered got ppl use Samsung one meh... Hmm... I was thinking more on Song, Nec, BenQ, etc... Its 75 bucks... I asked if there is a higher range...
Coz when i buy electronics, i dun favor cheap deals...
And then there was a DVD RAM rewrittable... $80... Free DVDrs too...
I didnt wan to drag tis thing longer so we bought tt...
They haf no idea wats dvd ram... I did some research and i only found out tt some camcorders uses dvd ram disc, and so it can be read and written i guess?
Anyways, so i am very happy, my com has both dvd writer and cd writer... I threw away my cd rom drive in place of e dvd writer...
I also burned out some of my anime and was so pissed when i couldnt get the last epi of a series into e disc... Now tt epi is rotting in my com, waiting for to be burnt wif other random files or anime... I hate it when things happen tis way... Jus 1 epi only got to be separated fr e rest...
And i can continue watever i am doing when i am burning... Yeah! However, for dvd data discs, my com take a long time to read them, i wonder if tis is normal... Lol... But of coz for DVD movies, it loads immediately...
And then they wanted to buy TV card, $65... So tt we can watch TV thru my com... But then ended up, being cheapskate, my sis bf went China to buy at 1/3 of e price...
He got cheated of coz, e sales person said its english, but its all in mandarin and e setup n software all appeared qns mark, so i had to read e manual...
Also, i didnt noe wat they were thinkin... Coz my rm has no TV cable or antenna, so obviously it cant be tuned... But somehow they wanted to try and see can jus tune lidat or not... I read e manual and obviously u need some form of antenna, but somehow they paid no heed...
We pushed our pc table to living and try connect wif e tv cable outside... We got the tunings, except tt we cant get e sound...
Becoz in sg, our Pal system is Pal G whereas China uses Pal I or D...
I had sent e support regarding tis, and they replied saying tt it cant support Pal G... So again, tt bloody sales person... But i dun blame him, coz sales ppl r lidat... Lying is their forte...
My sis bf can do the cabling for us, it usually costs over 100 bucks, but i think its waived... Lol... Anyways, now we need another TV card, and i think he might go China to get again, coz i got a few models tt support Pal G from e support...
We were quite excited, coz the tv programs are super sharp on my com... And if i can watch tv in my room, i no need leave my room liao... Lol...
This 1 mth plus, i already didnt leave my rm except to cook n eat or do chores and at times to catch some tv programs... Other than tt, i am in front of my com, watching anime... Lol...
Very cool, i hope to get e TV card and cabling fixed... Then i can watch TV shows in my room, lying on e bed... Muahahahahah.... Got remote control one too, very cool i tried liao... Jus like watching TV... Yeah!!!
I had been grumbling to my sister and ppl ard me for the past yr or so tt i wan to get it... But i duno how to insert the drive into my com...
So recently, seems like my sis finally favors e idea and told me to watch out for IT fairs... Though i didnt think tt it would change matters coz dvd writers are jus under 100...
I researched e models and took favor to Sony actually... Coz i am using Sony CDRW and it hasnt been a prob for me... Except tt i cant do anything when i am burning... My whole system will halt itself when its burning... Also, since i would keep 2 drives, i didnt wan them to clash...
But then at the last IT fair hor, only Samsung got sell leh... He called back to ask us, and i wondered got ppl use Samsung one meh... Hmm... I was thinking more on Song, Nec, BenQ, etc... Its 75 bucks... I asked if there is a higher range...
Coz when i buy electronics, i dun favor cheap deals...
And then there was a DVD RAM rewrittable... $80... Free DVDrs too...
I didnt wan to drag tis thing longer so we bought tt...
They haf no idea wats dvd ram... I did some research and i only found out tt some camcorders uses dvd ram disc, and so it can be read and written i guess?
Anyways, so i am very happy, my com has both dvd writer and cd writer... I threw away my cd rom drive in place of e dvd writer...
I also burned out some of my anime and was so pissed when i couldnt get the last epi of a series into e disc... Now tt epi is rotting in my com, waiting for to be burnt wif other random files or anime... I hate it when things happen tis way... Jus 1 epi only got to be separated fr e rest...
And i can continue watever i am doing when i am burning... Yeah! However, for dvd data discs, my com take a long time to read them, i wonder if tis is normal... Lol... But of coz for DVD movies, it loads immediately...
And then they wanted to buy TV card, $65... So tt we can watch TV thru my com... But then ended up, being cheapskate, my sis bf went China to buy at 1/3 of e price...
He got cheated of coz, e sales person said its english, but its all in mandarin and e setup n software all appeared qns mark, so i had to read e manual...
Also, i didnt noe wat they were thinkin... Coz my rm has no TV cable or antenna, so obviously it cant be tuned... But somehow they wanted to try and see can jus tune lidat or not... I read e manual and obviously u need some form of antenna, but somehow they paid no heed...
We pushed our pc table to living and try connect wif e tv cable outside... We got the tunings, except tt we cant get e sound...
Becoz in sg, our Pal system is Pal G whereas China uses Pal I or D...
I had sent e support regarding tis, and they replied saying tt it cant support Pal G... So again, tt bloody sales person... But i dun blame him, coz sales ppl r lidat... Lying is their forte...
My sis bf can do the cabling for us, it usually costs over 100 bucks, but i think its waived... Lol... Anyways, now we need another TV card, and i think he might go China to get again, coz i got a few models tt support Pal G from e support...
We were quite excited, coz the tv programs are super sharp on my com... And if i can watch tv in my room, i no need leave my room liao... Lol...
This 1 mth plus, i already didnt leave my rm except to cook n eat or do chores and at times to catch some tv programs... Other than tt, i am in front of my com, watching anime... Lol...
Very cool, i hope to get e TV card and cabling fixed... Then i can watch TV shows in my room, lying on e bed... Muahahahahah.... Got remote control one too, very cool i tried liao... Jus like watching TV... Yeah!!!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Yellow Fever
I thot tis is rather funny! Especially e way they filmed it... Lol...
And damn it, Phillip Wang's same age as me!!!
His songs, composed by him... Philip Wang and Kathy Hernandez... Hes so talented... Hes still a student doing Visual Arts, Media as major...
The 1st solo song is Is it possible and the duet is Im so in love with you... The gal started rather weak, but their voices really worked towards e end, i kind of like it! Cool!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Hate Sunday
Sunday, my housechores day... Hate it, and yet it comes every week... Duno how am i going to live e rest of my life like tis...
Did all the chores while my sis goes to work and my mum slackin ard, and i am damn tired... I am too sian to cook dinner too... I guess i'll cook later in the night, dun really feel like eating now also...
But 1st i got to bath and groom my son...
Arrghh, when will it ever end...
Also, every sunday, my face will itch like mad, and turn into a lobster, coz i am allergic to dust... Urrghh, so itchy!!!!! Cant help but scratch!!!
On top of tt, i dun feel well...
Nevermind, at least i haf clean though not fresh sheets to sleep on, and lesser fur to breathe in tonight...
Did all the chores while my sis goes to work and my mum slackin ard, and i am damn tired... I am too sian to cook dinner too... I guess i'll cook later in the night, dun really feel like eating now also...
But 1st i got to bath and groom my son...
Arrghh, when will it ever end...
Also, every sunday, my face will itch like mad, and turn into a lobster, coz i am allergic to dust... Urrghh, so itchy!!!!! Cant help but scratch!!!
On top of tt, i dun feel well...
Nevermind, at least i haf clean though not fresh sheets to sleep on, and lesser fur to breathe in tonight...
Monday, March 13, 2006
Female Driver
I went to eat at Din Tai Feng for the 1st time yest night...
Din Tai Feng has outlets across Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, China, USA, Korea, Indonesia and of coz Singapore...
Its opened by the Boss of Breadtalk btw...
The 1st outlet was at Paragon since a long time ago... It came to a point where it got so popular they couldnt serve all the customers, so they set up another one just across the road...
And next came Tampinese, and mths ago, after Crystal Jade, they came to Bishan...
Of coz, like Crystal Jade, the heartlands' menu isnt complete like the ones in town...
The food were excellent, very gd... They are even better than Cystal Jade i thot... I hear tis all the time but it was e 1st i tried it myself...
Their Xiao Long Bao and chicken soup is way better than Crystal Jade, and their services are fast and great...
Unlike Crystal Jade, the staffs at Din Tai Fung (no matter which branch u go) are always very happy and friendly, they dun give black faces and tok fiercely like those at Crystal Jade...
And also, i thot the prices are slightly below Crystal... Very affordable...
They claimed tt their Xiao Long Bao is one of the best (of coz not comparing wif high class restaurants), i can agree on tt... It has more soup in the dumpling than any that i haf tasted...
One funny thing about them is, their waiting for table is similar to banks' system... The number tickets... So u will look at the number screen and wait for your number to TI TI then appear... Just a note though, it doesnt go chronologically, of coz, it goes by the no. of pax per table availability...
Its rather fast though, so its worth the wait...
Having said all these, it seems i haf no reason to go back to Crystal Jade... Lol, perhaps for their ma po tofu... Yum!
They told me to bring SZ go next time... But then she like dun eat these kind of things one leh... I am crazy over Xiao Long Bao, but she isnt very enthu about it... Lol... I also like Malan La Mian, its cheaper, but gd enuff... But no chance to go...
Even though Bishan is supposed to be 10 mins car ride from my place, but my sis like took 30 mins... Lol... Her bf went overseas, so he lent her his new car to drive while he's away... The car is super fat and my sis parked it in a very small multi storey carpark... When we were goin down, she turned too close to the wall n curb and the car was stuck...
There were 2 vehicles behind, one motobike and one cab... Of coz they horn us, the motobike rode to our side to ask wats wrong, but he left anyways... My sis cant make it move, so the cab driver got out of his car and taught my sis how to move it...
He never scold wor, so nice... A malay cab driver... If its chinese uncle sure scold one...
I told my sis, "I wonder how u pass ur driving!", Sis, "I also duno leh!"... I told her tt she is e kind shd get her own car, if not she would never ever learn to drive properly... The last we went out, she drove into a road curb... Lol... And she always got lost...
The guys behind us mus be thinkin, "alamak, female driver!"
Din Tai Feng has outlets across Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, China, USA, Korea, Indonesia and of coz Singapore...
Its opened by the Boss of Breadtalk btw...
The 1st outlet was at Paragon since a long time ago... It came to a point where it got so popular they couldnt serve all the customers, so they set up another one just across the road...
And next came Tampinese, and mths ago, after Crystal Jade, they came to Bishan...
Of coz, like Crystal Jade, the heartlands' menu isnt complete like the ones in town...
The food were excellent, very gd... They are even better than Cystal Jade i thot... I hear tis all the time but it was e 1st i tried it myself...
Their Xiao Long Bao and chicken soup is way better than Crystal Jade, and their services are fast and great...
Unlike Crystal Jade, the staffs at Din Tai Fung (no matter which branch u go) are always very happy and friendly, they dun give black faces and tok fiercely like those at Crystal Jade...
And also, i thot the prices are slightly below Crystal... Very affordable...
They claimed tt their Xiao Long Bao is one of the best (of coz not comparing wif high class restaurants), i can agree on tt... It has more soup in the dumpling than any that i haf tasted...
One funny thing about them is, their waiting for table is similar to banks' system... The number tickets... So u will look at the number screen and wait for your number to TI TI then appear... Just a note though, it doesnt go chronologically, of coz, it goes by the no. of pax per table availability...
Its rather fast though, so its worth the wait...
Having said all these, it seems i haf no reason to go back to Crystal Jade... Lol, perhaps for their ma po tofu... Yum!
They told me to bring SZ go next time... But then she like dun eat these kind of things one leh... I am crazy over Xiao Long Bao, but she isnt very enthu about it... Lol... I also like Malan La Mian, its cheaper, but gd enuff... But no chance to go...
Even though Bishan is supposed to be 10 mins car ride from my place, but my sis like took 30 mins... Lol... Her bf went overseas, so he lent her his new car to drive while he's away... The car is super fat and my sis parked it in a very small multi storey carpark... When we were goin down, she turned too close to the wall n curb and the car was stuck...
There were 2 vehicles behind, one motobike and one cab... Of coz they horn us, the motobike rode to our side to ask wats wrong, but he left anyways... My sis cant make it move, so the cab driver got out of his car and taught my sis how to move it...
He never scold wor, so nice... A malay cab driver... If its chinese uncle sure scold one...
I told my sis, "I wonder how u pass ur driving!", Sis, "I also duno leh!"... I told her tt she is e kind shd get her own car, if not she would never ever learn to drive properly... The last we went out, she drove into a road curb... Lol... And she always got lost...
The guys behind us mus be thinkin, "alamak, female driver!"
Saturday, March 11, 2006
So Rude!
I finally bought it!!!!

Hehe, i know i said i only wanted Edward... But then i saw the cute doggie on Roy's head, i couldnt resist... And then i also thot Winry shd stay wif e boys... Lol...
But i of coz didnt buy e rest... Like i said, not interested...
But then i quite angry...
I paid $1.50 for Al tt time mah... Then tis time they actually charged me $11.70... I asked e cashier how much is one? He can even tell me $3.90... I stepped out of e shop thinkin tt it was so strange though i had paid for it...
For a moment i thot they increased e price to hype them up...
But thing is cannot be mah... I at 1st thot forget it nvm... But its alot of diff lor... Further more, coz i paid 7 bucks more, i would need to go back to 1st floor to withdraw money to get e movie ticks... So mafan... Then i told myself, cannot always nvm, always get cheated...
I went back into e shop, went to see e price tag, which was $1.50 each on e rack, then asked e cashier guy... He didnt even answer... I said i bought one, weeks ago and its only $1.50, he again never say anything! So angry! He pointed e the rack beside wat i bought and said its $3.90, i told him i didnt buy tt...
Then all the time, he never even say anything, never even apologise, and worst, never even look at me... He was happily chatting wif his fren, who was a gal, visiting him (damn ji hong!)... He duno how to cancel e prev order, so he told his colleague, who also ignored me... E colleague also never even say anything, took so much time, wasted my time, n jus gave me e money and no receipt, all e while never speak a word...
No apology, n0 eye contact, no words... Damn!
They are so non-chalant about it like machiam its normal to make mistakes n cheat money...
If i am more gutsy and fierce, i sure scold one lor... But then i not tt kind leh... So i only can bek cek afterwards n complain to myself... Sigh... Celest arh, u r so useless!!!!
I guess alot of shop assistants r lidat... Its jus a temp job, not their business, so they dun care how much money e shop make, how much they charge ppl... Complain complain lor, they can jus hop to another retail can liao, since they wun be blacklisted anyways...
Speaking of complainin...
My neighbour upstairs hor, damn inconsiderate... They moved in mths ago, ever since my mum haf been complainin n complainin... Think its an indian family...
They always throw food down, like curry n maggie mee... Then their clothes duno wash wif wat chemicals, always stain our clothes... My mum was very angry. She asked my sis to complain (not me coz she noe i wun, lol), but my sis cant be bothered...
Then few days ago, downstairs neighbour sibei (jul would curse me so using tis word but dun think she will read) fierce... Stormed up my floor, knocked so loud like mad auntie... She shouted like hell when my mum opened e door, accusing us for staining her clothes wif curry n mee...
My mum of coz shouted back n said its upstairs...
Half-believing, tt loud auntie went upstaris to knock, but they dun dare to open door...
Then yest upstairs duno throw wat down and burnt my clothes... The ashes stained most of my clothes... Damn!!! They live e highest 13th floor anyways, so we know its them... We are jus under them, so they cant escape e act...
My mum was very angry, she took e clothes downstairs to show tt loud auntie to shut her (she complained to town council about our aircon leaking some time ago too) up and clear our name...
Actually till tis day, we still duno whether our air con got leak or not, coz its too high so we cant check... And town council ppl also duno isit our air con or not, they also duno, jus haf to give us warning coz ppl complain... They even stupidly suggested us to on the aircon for 30 mins, then go downstairs to check n see got leak or not...
Hello? I stay 12th floor leh, how to see??? I dun haf superman vision lor!!!
But then, we r gd ppl, so we fixed the air con up anyways...
Anyhow, my mum came back from e clearing of name n asked me to go upstairs to scold them...
I didnt coz for 1, I wasnt really very angry coz luckily they were home clothes and 2, also i was in a hurry and i was already late for my date... Thirdly, from wat i see, i dun think they would open e door anyway since they noe they r doing it...
Forthly, i also duno how to scold ppl like tt... Lol...
I think they are stupid... And i dun understand y would they wan to do these kind of things... Throwing food out of ur kitchen window confirm stain ppl's clothes one mah, then y they still purposely wan to do it leh? My human brain cannot comprehend y... Unless they are too stupid to even understand there are ppl living downstairs...
No idea...
But also my fault lah, i shd complain one... But its hard u noe... I duno how to scold ppl one leh... I can argue wif ppl i noe... But i cant scold strangers... Bleah!

Hehe, i know i said i only wanted Edward... But then i saw the cute doggie on Roy's head, i couldnt resist... And then i also thot Winry shd stay wif e boys... Lol...
But i of coz didnt buy e rest... Like i said, not interested...
But then i quite angry...
I paid $1.50 for Al tt time mah... Then tis time they actually charged me $11.70... I asked e cashier how much is one? He can even tell me $3.90... I stepped out of e shop thinkin tt it was so strange though i had paid for it...
For a moment i thot they increased e price to hype them up...
But thing is cannot be mah... I at 1st thot forget it nvm... But its alot of diff lor... Further more, coz i paid 7 bucks more, i would need to go back to 1st floor to withdraw money to get e movie ticks... So mafan... Then i told myself, cannot always nvm, always get cheated...
I went back into e shop, went to see e price tag, which was $1.50 each on e rack, then asked e cashier guy... He didnt even answer... I said i bought one, weeks ago and its only $1.50, he again never say anything! So angry! He pointed e the rack beside wat i bought and said its $3.90, i told him i didnt buy tt...
Then all the time, he never even say anything, never even apologise, and worst, never even look at me... He was happily chatting wif his fren, who was a gal, visiting him (damn ji hong!)... He duno how to cancel e prev order, so he told his colleague, who also ignored me... E colleague also never even say anything, took so much time, wasted my time, n jus gave me e money and no receipt, all e while never speak a word...
No apology, n0 eye contact, no words... Damn!
They are so non-chalant about it like machiam its normal to make mistakes n cheat money...
If i am more gutsy and fierce, i sure scold one lor... But then i not tt kind leh... So i only can bek cek afterwards n complain to myself... Sigh... Celest arh, u r so useless!!!!
I guess alot of shop assistants r lidat... Its jus a temp job, not their business, so they dun care how much money e shop make, how much they charge ppl... Complain complain lor, they can jus hop to another retail can liao, since they wun be blacklisted anyways...
Speaking of complainin...
My neighbour upstairs hor, damn inconsiderate... They moved in mths ago, ever since my mum haf been complainin n complainin... Think its an indian family...
They always throw food down, like curry n maggie mee... Then their clothes duno wash wif wat chemicals, always stain our clothes... My mum was very angry. She asked my sis to complain (not me coz she noe i wun, lol), but my sis cant be bothered...
Then few days ago, downstairs neighbour sibei (jul would curse me so using tis word but dun think she will read) fierce... Stormed up my floor, knocked so loud like mad auntie... She shouted like hell when my mum opened e door, accusing us for staining her clothes wif curry n mee...
My mum of coz shouted back n said its upstairs...
Half-believing, tt loud auntie went upstaris to knock, but they dun dare to open door...
Then yest upstairs duno throw wat down and burnt my clothes... The ashes stained most of my clothes... Damn!!! They live e highest 13th floor anyways, so we know its them... We are jus under them, so they cant escape e act...
My mum was very angry, she took e clothes downstairs to show tt loud auntie to shut her (she complained to town council about our aircon leaking some time ago too) up and clear our name...
Actually till tis day, we still duno whether our air con got leak or not, coz its too high so we cant check... And town council ppl also duno isit our air con or not, they also duno, jus haf to give us warning coz ppl complain... They even stupidly suggested us to on the aircon for 30 mins, then go downstairs to check n see got leak or not...
Hello? I stay 12th floor leh, how to see??? I dun haf superman vision lor!!!
But then, we r gd ppl, so we fixed the air con up anyways...
Anyhow, my mum came back from e clearing of name n asked me to go upstairs to scold them...
I didnt coz for 1, I wasnt really very angry coz luckily they were home clothes and 2, also i was in a hurry and i was already late for my date... Thirdly, from wat i see, i dun think they would open e door anyway since they noe they r doing it...
Forthly, i also duno how to scold ppl like tt... Lol...
I think they are stupid... And i dun understand y would they wan to do these kind of things... Throwing food out of ur kitchen window confirm stain ppl's clothes one mah, then y they still purposely wan to do it leh? My human brain cannot comprehend y... Unless they are too stupid to even understand there are ppl living downstairs...
No idea...
But also my fault lah, i shd complain one... But its hard u noe... I duno how to scold ppl one leh... I can argue wif ppl i noe... But i cant scold strangers... Bleah!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The recent news on the death of e malay girl is jus sick to e core...
Apparently, the step father killed his wife's 2 yr old daughter and threw away her corpse at a big drain... He then acted innocent, reported missing of his daughter and even went on e search wif e police...
Justice prevails, the corpse was found, naked... The step father had surrendered... It was suspected the step father had raped his 2 yr old daughter and then mudered her... The raping part is still under investigation...
The body had already turned black and one of her eyeballs was missing... I believe some animals ate it... Given tt there are so many snakes n crows at big drains (well, i use to play at big drains when i was a child)...
She was a very pretty and lovely child, how can the guy do tis?
The gal was born in the prison... Mother was convicted (of duno wat) and gave birth to her in e jail... Her real father divorced her mum, coz her mum was having an affair...
And then she married tis guy...
Sigh... Very sad...
This is karma...
I duno about other religions, but there is tis saying for e chinese religious belief tt, Karma be it good or bad, is brought upon ur child...
If u do alot of evil things, the bad karma u get will be carried over the life of ur innocent child... That is retribution on ur part... Which is y, in e older days, the parents would go to temples to do gd deeds so tt they can build gd karma for their children...
The deeds they do, would usually not fall on themselves but their next generation or kins...
U also see alot of rich ppl, giving a hand to charity coz they wan their next generation to haf gd lives...
Which is y some evil ppl u noe, still live happy n blessed lives, tats becoz their own parents did alot of gd deeds for their own gd... However, if they continue creating bad karma, the ones who would suffer will be their children next time...
In the past where moral values are embedded within one's soul, children meant everything to the parents... So they would do everything in their own power and wish for the well-beings of their children from the bottom of their heart, without expecting any returns...
However, times haf changed along the way, whether u wan to face it or not... If u noe more ppl, u would realised more n more ppl tis days dun really regard their children as their flesh and blood anymore...
Even my own mother complained tt if she do charity, the gd karma is carried to us, which is UNFAIR to her...
Some parents only want money from their children... "I dun care wat u do in the future, as long as u give me money can liao!" became such a common tongue for the common folks...
Nonetheless, if u wan to be selfish, jus remember u are not only affecting urself but others in time to come...
Even if ur religious beliefs are different, being on the right side isnt wrong yah? U dun haf to do super gd, meaningful, charitable things if u r lazy or cant be bothered... Majority of ppl say tt they r too busy wif their work and the rest being tt they r too poor themselves... Dun do it if u r not genuine... I always thot tt way...
Jus live your live responsibly...
If u intend to haf children, make sure u r responsible for them as well... And not treat them as "someone else" after u gave birth to them... Im not saying tt u contrl their lives, etc, if u get wat i mean... Im saying at the end of the day, they are your flesh and blood, your child... You are bonded... You are family...
Dun only start regretin when u loses everything... U can blame the world for it... Karma still flows in the balance of humanity...
Even though i am a free thinker, i always believe as long as humanity prevails, karma would still flow in order, until the day when humanity becums history, a thing of the past...
Apparently, the step father killed his wife's 2 yr old daughter and threw away her corpse at a big drain... He then acted innocent, reported missing of his daughter and even went on e search wif e police...
Justice prevails, the corpse was found, naked... The step father had surrendered... It was suspected the step father had raped his 2 yr old daughter and then mudered her... The raping part is still under investigation...
The body had already turned black and one of her eyeballs was missing... I believe some animals ate it... Given tt there are so many snakes n crows at big drains (well, i use to play at big drains when i was a child)...
She was a very pretty and lovely child, how can the guy do tis?
The gal was born in the prison... Mother was convicted (of duno wat) and gave birth to her in e jail... Her real father divorced her mum, coz her mum was having an affair...
And then she married tis guy...
Sigh... Very sad...
This is karma...
I duno about other religions, but there is tis saying for e chinese religious belief tt, Karma be it good or bad, is brought upon ur child...
If u do alot of evil things, the bad karma u get will be carried over the life of ur innocent child... That is retribution on ur part... Which is y, in e older days, the parents would go to temples to do gd deeds so tt they can build gd karma for their children...
The deeds they do, would usually not fall on themselves but their next generation or kins...
U also see alot of rich ppl, giving a hand to charity coz they wan their next generation to haf gd lives...
Which is y some evil ppl u noe, still live happy n blessed lives, tats becoz their own parents did alot of gd deeds for their own gd... However, if they continue creating bad karma, the ones who would suffer will be their children next time...
In the past where moral values are embedded within one's soul, children meant everything to the parents... So they would do everything in their own power and wish for the well-beings of their children from the bottom of their heart, without expecting any returns...
However, times haf changed along the way, whether u wan to face it or not... If u noe more ppl, u would realised more n more ppl tis days dun really regard their children as their flesh and blood anymore...
Even my own mother complained tt if she do charity, the gd karma is carried to us, which is UNFAIR to her...
Some parents only want money from their children... "I dun care wat u do in the future, as long as u give me money can liao!" became such a common tongue for the common folks...
Nonetheless, if u wan to be selfish, jus remember u are not only affecting urself but others in time to come...
Even if ur religious beliefs are different, being on the right side isnt wrong yah? U dun haf to do super gd, meaningful, charitable things if u r lazy or cant be bothered... Majority of ppl say tt they r too busy wif their work and the rest being tt they r too poor themselves... Dun do it if u r not genuine... I always thot tt way...
Jus live your live responsibly...
If u intend to haf children, make sure u r responsible for them as well... And not treat them as "someone else" after u gave birth to them... Im not saying tt u contrl their lives, etc, if u get wat i mean... Im saying at the end of the day, they are your flesh and blood, your child... You are bonded... You are family...
Dun only start regretin when u loses everything... U can blame the world for it... Karma still flows in the balance of humanity...
Even though i am a free thinker, i always believe as long as humanity prevails, karma would still flow in order, until the day when humanity becums history, a thing of the past...
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Oscars / FD3
As u noe, e movie industry didnt do well last yr... The box office sales were low, and there werent many gd films last yr...
One of the higly regarded film's coming soon, Superman Returns, the MOST EXPENSIVE FILM in movie history thus far ($210,000,000)... Though i am not in e least bit of interest... In 2nd place is King Kong ($207,000,000)...
No wait, the most ex is coming next yr 2007, Spiderman 3 ($250,000,000)! Tis is crazy! Y e hell r they coming up wif another sequel?
Tis is simply a waste of money, with tt amt of money, u can simply churn out more gd meaningful movies rather than more similar superheroes/sci-fi films...
I mean wats so interesting about watching ur never-die superhero, fighting another new villain, or resurrected old villains, put thru a near die situation, and then THE GOOD GUY WINS at e end of e day... Of coz coupled wif flying effects, 3d buildings, some violence, alittle kiss ass stunts... And end wif e kiss of e belle of e show...
At least X-men had a better concept and there were more interesting characters to explore so to speak... The fantastic 4 turned out to be a comedy instead, so it was enjoyable, lol...
Nevermind, forget about Spiderman... If i can find company, i would still catch it... They need to earn back their 250 million bucks...
Speaking of movies last yr, I did enjoy the last epi of star wars, but it was extremely boring for those who do not noe the story... I heard lots of ppl fallen asleep... I was extremely upset, coz obviously e birth of Darth Vader could be prevented if ppl jus show more humanity, but of coz, if they do, theres no pt in e old trilogy, haha... Jus sad, coz i noe his endin...
Its rather disappointing though tt e amt of recognition was obviously lacking fr George Lucas's trilogy... I read an article tt stated as always, e Oscars seem to haf a grudge against George Lucas's works since e past...
It is also high time they applaud Steven Spielberg for his gd movies... He churned out 2 gd works...
Wallace & Gromit won e best animated movie over Howl's Moving Castle... Nothing surprising there, Howls wasnt e best from Miyazaki, and clearly, Howl wasnt up to par compared to his Oscar winning Spirited Away...
Lee An winning the Best Director wasnt surprisin, though its rather impt as a landmark for asian directors... Brokeback Mountain was very gd, jus tt i haf a prob watching gay movies... I mean i am perfectly fine wif e culture, but i cant see guys making out, u get wat i mean?
I haf tried watching so many gay movies, but i still cringe, so i noe i wun get over it... Lol...
E oscars tis yr was pretty boring, the best picture nomination wasnt really a tough fight... The movies last yr, seriously werent tt great...
Harry Potter wasnt even nominated for anything... Lol...
Anyways, its over, i hope theres more gd movies coming up...
I watched FD3 some time ago liao...
I was very excited but fortunately i wasnt disappointed...
Even though it wasnt e best among e series... Tis one had no connection wif e previous movies... Movie was very short, onnly 1 hr 15 mins... But undeniably, it wasnt boring, e events happened one after another... Well, it was a short movie...
Theres no plot or story, e intro is e same as e 1st 2... It starts out showing u e horrible incident (in tis case, e roller coaster ride), and how all of them die one after another, and then e lead female (whos e last victim as usual) who woke up from her shock after seeing tis premonition...
As usual, she made a rukus while seated in e ride, and caused a grp of ppl (sch mates) to be chased out of e ride...
Needless to say, the rest of e ppl (including e lead's bf) died as predicted...
It was a sch carnival event, she took pics of those ppl she so called saved earlier on, and realised there are hints of death methods in e pics...
So she n another guy (dead best fren's bf) obviously tried to stop and cheat death... She managed to save her sis, herself n e guy... The rest died disgustingly... But in e end, like e 1st movie, after few mths, death caught up wif them again and they died...
Their deaths were different from e 1st 2, i personally find e tanning machine rather disturbing... Luckily we dun haf e tanning culture here... Lol... The death occurance methods were similar to e 2nd movie, they werelike accidents, there wasnt a spirit or death god doing e things...
The 1st movie was more spooky, it was an external force, external being doing the death occurance, u can even see a blurry image of e death god or watever u call it, in e 1st death occurance of e 1st victim... And it enters thru ur window, hinted by e wind...
I introed my sis to FD, she didnt catch e 2nd... I showed her e 1st, and she basically didnt sleep wif e door closed for days... Lol...
The best was e 2nd one in my opinion... I watched e 2nd 1st then e 1st one, then e 3rd... Ppl who watched e 2nd one then told me 1st one was better coz it was more spooky... I didnt understand then...
Perhaps 2nd one was newer, more gross, and there was a plot in it... So i prefered tt... Even though i still dun really get the ending, how they cheat their death... Lol, even though i watched it a few times then...
The 2nd one involved adults, so it wasnt a teens flick... It was more interesting and mature and there was a bigger budget...
This current one in summary is jus a show to let u see how they all die one after another... They couldnt cheat death tis time...
It was jus kinda irritating when guys started laughing when they were seeing e deaths... Well, they werent fake, e effects were gd, very real... So i seriously thot the audience were sick... Lol...
Other than tt, it was an excited show, i left wif a heavy heart, as always...
After every FD, i always wonder wats going to happen if i jus die suddenly... Of coz, if i jus die suddenly, i wouldnt be able to decide wat to do... I mean, i would feel so unjustified if death comes at a sudden...
Ppl say when u die suddenly, chances are when u becum a spirit, u wouldnt knoe tt u r dead... Thus, u would be a wandering spirit, never to rest, unless exorcism is done...
Scary leh...
One of the higly regarded film's coming soon, Superman Returns, the MOST EXPENSIVE FILM in movie history thus far ($210,000,000)... Though i am not in e least bit of interest... In 2nd place is King Kong ($207,000,000)...
No wait, the most ex is coming next yr 2007, Spiderman 3 ($250,000,000)! Tis is crazy! Y e hell r they coming up wif another sequel?
Tis is simply a waste of money, with tt amt of money, u can simply churn out more gd meaningful movies rather than more similar superheroes/sci-fi films...
I mean wats so interesting about watching ur never-die superhero, fighting another new villain, or resurrected old villains, put thru a near die situation, and then THE GOOD GUY WINS at e end of e day... Of coz coupled wif flying effects, 3d buildings, some violence, alittle kiss ass stunts... And end wif e kiss of e belle of e show...
At least X-men had a better concept and there were more interesting characters to explore so to speak... The fantastic 4 turned out to be a comedy instead, so it was enjoyable, lol...
Nevermind, forget about Spiderman... If i can find company, i would still catch it... They need to earn back their 250 million bucks...
Speaking of movies last yr, I did enjoy the last epi of star wars, but it was extremely boring for those who do not noe the story... I heard lots of ppl fallen asleep... I was extremely upset, coz obviously e birth of Darth Vader could be prevented if ppl jus show more humanity, but of coz, if they do, theres no pt in e old trilogy, haha... Jus sad, coz i noe his endin...
Its rather disappointing though tt e amt of recognition was obviously lacking fr George Lucas's trilogy... I read an article tt stated as always, e Oscars seem to haf a grudge against George Lucas's works since e past...
It is also high time they applaud Steven Spielberg for his gd movies... He churned out 2 gd works...
Wallace & Gromit won e best animated movie over Howl's Moving Castle... Nothing surprising there, Howls wasnt e best from Miyazaki, and clearly, Howl wasnt up to par compared to his Oscar winning Spirited Away...
Lee An winning the Best Director wasnt surprisin, though its rather impt as a landmark for asian directors... Brokeback Mountain was very gd, jus tt i haf a prob watching gay movies... I mean i am perfectly fine wif e culture, but i cant see guys making out, u get wat i mean?
I haf tried watching so many gay movies, but i still cringe, so i noe i wun get over it... Lol...
E oscars tis yr was pretty boring, the best picture nomination wasnt really a tough fight... The movies last yr, seriously werent tt great...
Harry Potter wasnt even nominated for anything... Lol...
Anyways, its over, i hope theres more gd movies coming up...
I watched FD3 some time ago liao...
I was very excited but fortunately i wasnt disappointed...
Even though it wasnt e best among e series... Tis one had no connection wif e previous movies... Movie was very short, onnly 1 hr 15 mins... But undeniably, it wasnt boring, e events happened one after another... Well, it was a short movie...
Theres no plot or story, e intro is e same as e 1st 2... It starts out showing u e horrible incident (in tis case, e roller coaster ride), and how all of them die one after another, and then e lead female (whos e last victim as usual) who woke up from her shock after seeing tis premonition...
As usual, she made a rukus while seated in e ride, and caused a grp of ppl (sch mates) to be chased out of e ride...
Needless to say, the rest of e ppl (including e lead's bf) died as predicted...
It was a sch carnival event, she took pics of those ppl she so called saved earlier on, and realised there are hints of death methods in e pics...
So she n another guy (dead best fren's bf) obviously tried to stop and cheat death... She managed to save her sis, herself n e guy... The rest died disgustingly... But in e end, like e 1st movie, after few mths, death caught up wif them again and they died...
Their deaths were different from e 1st 2, i personally find e tanning machine rather disturbing... Luckily we dun haf e tanning culture here... Lol... The death occurance methods were similar to e 2nd movie, they werelike accidents, there wasnt a spirit or death god doing e things...
The 1st movie was more spooky, it was an external force, external being doing the death occurance, u can even see a blurry image of e death god or watever u call it, in e 1st death occurance of e 1st victim... And it enters thru ur window, hinted by e wind...
I introed my sis to FD, she didnt catch e 2nd... I showed her e 1st, and she basically didnt sleep wif e door closed for days... Lol...
The best was e 2nd one in my opinion... I watched e 2nd 1st then e 1st one, then e 3rd... Ppl who watched e 2nd one then told me 1st one was better coz it was more spooky... I didnt understand then...
Perhaps 2nd one was newer, more gross, and there was a plot in it... So i prefered tt... Even though i still dun really get the ending, how they cheat their death... Lol, even though i watched it a few times then...
The 2nd one involved adults, so it wasnt a teens flick... It was more interesting and mature and there was a bigger budget...
This current one in summary is jus a show to let u see how they all die one after another... They couldnt cheat death tis time...
It was jus kinda irritating when guys started laughing when they were seeing e deaths... Well, they werent fake, e effects were gd, very real... So i seriously thot the audience were sick... Lol...
Other than tt, it was an excited show, i left wif a heavy heart, as always...
After every FD, i always wonder wats going to happen if i jus die suddenly... Of coz, if i jus die suddenly, i wouldnt be able to decide wat to do... I mean, i would feel so unjustified if death comes at a sudden...
Ppl say when u die suddenly, chances are when u becum a spirit, u wouldnt knoe tt u r dead... Thus, u would be a wandering spirit, never to rest, unless exorcism is done...
Scary leh...
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Japanese Curry Chicken Katsu Don
A mth ago, i cooked e above title... It was nice, i like it!

My 1st attempt...
The curry contained carrots, potatoes, unions, n of coz my fav oyster shroom (jus a type of mushroom, yes, e one i mentioned i saw one big spider in one of the packs @ e supermarket)...
The potatoes werent nice though, it was very low grade and so it doesnt tastes sweet... Damn, i would buy them myself next time... Im not toking about sweet potatoes... But gd potatoes haf gd taste in them... Not jus e bland starchy disgustin taste... I believe tis is y some ppl hate potatoes...
I bought the spicy mixture, even though it still wasnt spicy enough... Then again, its JAPANESE CURRY, wat e hell am i expecting... Lol... After eating mine, i wont eat tt dish outside again, haha...
Speaking of LOL, e other day, my 2nd sis smsed me something, and i replied LOL (of coz patronising, i mean who e hell actually laughs when they type tt)... And she replied "Wats LOL?"...
So i told her e answer and then asked, "u mean u n ur frenz all never use sms shorthands arh?" She said, "Ya lor, we use full sentences, so nobody understands shorthands"...
Lol, generation gap...
Back to e curry... My mixture could feed 12 servings... I used half e 1st time for myself... It was too much of coz, i ended up eating it as lunch n dinner and then threw e rest away...
2 weeks ago, i asked my mum if she wans to try... She is disgusted at e idea of Jap Curry... I told her to try, if dun like then dun eat lor... Tis time i used half of wats left...
And surprisingly, she feedbacked, "Actually, it tastes nice!"... I then retorted, of coz its nice, i cooked one leh... Hahahah... Anyways i told her i like Jap Curry (maybe not as much as chinese curry), so i eat outside quite abit... It doesnt tastes horrible anyways, for those who are as skeptical as my mum about Jap Curry, its jus Normal Curry without e coconut milk n spicy tastes...
I went Paris (not e Country, no money to fly there) to eat last night... Gosh, its like so long till i finally went... SZ's mum took her to Paris to eat for her birthday, i even screamed n said, "U say wan to accompany me go eat, so long liao still haven go!"...
Finally i went...
4 person close to $200... I went to e Marina Sq one, i love e setting, european old classic with all those crystal balls of lights... May be obiang to u, but i love them... I cant keep my eyes away from e crystal ball... Lol...
The music was EXCELLENT!!! Hopelessly romantic... Comtemporary blues and jazz at times, by e same female singer i supposed... Very nice, i like...
The food was gd, quality was there... Well, u didnt pay $40+ for nothing... I had 3 oysters, fat juicy oysters... Though i was kinda disappointed they werent e super big ones, coz i wan to try them... But they were still bigger than norm...
Very juicy, very fresh... I had my mouth full of osyters, tis is e 1st time one oyster filled up e whole of my mouth... Tastes jus like creamy pudding...
I also ate a hell lots of sashimi...
I couldnt eat alot, i am wasted on buffets though i like it, i was already quite full after e 2nd plate... I love buffet coz of 2 reasons, 1 is e variety of food, 2nd is e huge dessert section!!!
Unfortunately, even though i left space in my tummy for dessert which i was very excited about... It jus tastes horrible...
The cakes were horrible, the ice cream was horrible and even e choc fondue tastes bad... Apparently, they were cheap chocs... I guess tis is where they cut their budget... Coz for e kind of qualiy of food, $40+ seriously isnt enuff...
I love the dessert from Orchard Hotel... All their desserts were excellent, jus tt i couldnt try them all...
Minus e dessert section, Paris was gd, as expected... Not e best, but overall performances scores...
I like!

My 1st attempt...
The curry contained carrots, potatoes, unions, n of coz my fav oyster shroom (jus a type of mushroom, yes, e one i mentioned i saw one big spider in one of the packs @ e supermarket)...
The potatoes werent nice though, it was very low grade and so it doesnt tastes sweet... Damn, i would buy them myself next time... Im not toking about sweet potatoes... But gd potatoes haf gd taste in them... Not jus e bland starchy disgustin taste... I believe tis is y some ppl hate potatoes...
I bought the spicy mixture, even though it still wasnt spicy enough... Then again, its JAPANESE CURRY, wat e hell am i expecting... Lol... After eating mine, i wont eat tt dish outside again, haha...
Speaking of LOL, e other day, my 2nd sis smsed me something, and i replied LOL (of coz patronising, i mean who e hell actually laughs when they type tt)... And she replied "Wats LOL?"...
So i told her e answer and then asked, "u mean u n ur frenz all never use sms shorthands arh?" She said, "Ya lor, we use full sentences, so nobody understands shorthands"...
Lol, generation gap...
Back to e curry... My mixture could feed 12 servings... I used half e 1st time for myself... It was too much of coz, i ended up eating it as lunch n dinner and then threw e rest away...
2 weeks ago, i asked my mum if she wans to try... She is disgusted at e idea of Jap Curry... I told her to try, if dun like then dun eat lor... Tis time i used half of wats left...
And surprisingly, she feedbacked, "Actually, it tastes nice!"... I then retorted, of coz its nice, i cooked one leh... Hahahah... Anyways i told her i like Jap Curry (maybe not as much as chinese curry), so i eat outside quite abit... It doesnt tastes horrible anyways, for those who are as skeptical as my mum about Jap Curry, its jus Normal Curry without e coconut milk n spicy tastes...
I went Paris (not e Country, no money to fly there) to eat last night... Gosh, its like so long till i finally went... SZ's mum took her to Paris to eat for her birthday, i even screamed n said, "U say wan to accompany me go eat, so long liao still haven go!"...
Finally i went...
4 person close to $200... I went to e Marina Sq one, i love e setting, european old classic with all those crystal balls of lights... May be obiang to u, but i love them... I cant keep my eyes away from e crystal ball... Lol...
The music was EXCELLENT!!! Hopelessly romantic... Comtemporary blues and jazz at times, by e same female singer i supposed... Very nice, i like...
The food was gd, quality was there... Well, u didnt pay $40+ for nothing... I had 3 oysters, fat juicy oysters... Though i was kinda disappointed they werent e super big ones, coz i wan to try them... But they were still bigger than norm...
Very juicy, very fresh... I had my mouth full of osyters, tis is e 1st time one oyster filled up e whole of my mouth... Tastes jus like creamy pudding...
I also ate a hell lots of sashimi...
I couldnt eat alot, i am wasted on buffets though i like it, i was already quite full after e 2nd plate... I love buffet coz of 2 reasons, 1 is e variety of food, 2nd is e huge dessert section!!!
Unfortunately, even though i left space in my tummy for dessert which i was very excited about... It jus tastes horrible...
The cakes were horrible, the ice cream was horrible and even e choc fondue tastes bad... Apparently, they were cheap chocs... I guess tis is where they cut their budget... Coz for e kind of qualiy of food, $40+ seriously isnt enuff...
I love the dessert from Orchard Hotel... All their desserts were excellent, jus tt i couldnt try them all...
Minus e dessert section, Paris was gd, as expected... Not e best, but overall performances scores...
I like!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Progress Package
Some ppl asked me tis few days, so i might as well jus post it here..
The Progress Package consists of 6 schemes.
Progress Package Overview
1. Growth Dividends
2. Workfare Bonus
3. Utilities-Save, S&CC and Rental Rebates
4. Top-ups to CPF Special/Retirement & Medisave Accounts
5. Opportunity Funds
6. 40th Anniversary NS Bonus
1. Growth Dividends
-As long as u r above 21 and u sign up for it after u received the letter tat CPF board sent to u, u will get $200 to $800 depending on your annual value of home and your annual accessable income...
Annual Assessable Income $24,000 or less + Annual Value of Home $6,000 or less
= $800
Annual Assessable Income more than $24,000 + Annual Value of Home $6,000 or less
= $600
Annual Assessable Income $24,000 or less + Annual Value of Home more than $6,000 and up to $10,000
= $600
Annual Assessable Income more than $24,000 + Annual Value of Home more than $6,000 and up to $10,000
= $400
Annual Assessable Income $24,000 or less/more + Annual Value of Home more than $10,000
= $200
Both would be accessed by IRAS, income is based on 2004... In other words, e bigger ur house, e more u earn, e less u get... Simple... So most of u would be getting it, unless u r earning huge bucks now and living in big houses... Even so, u would still get $200...
2. Workfare Bonus
- Be a Singapore Citizen aged 40 and above
- Be living in a property with an Annual Value of $10,000 or less
- Be employed or self-employed and work for at least 6 continuous months in calendar years 2005 or 2006
- Earn an average monthly income of $1,500 or less
3. Help Lower-Income Households with Living Expenses Utilities-Save, S&CC and Rental Rebates
HDB Flat Type U-Save Rebates S&CC Rebates Rental Rebates
1-room $200 4 months 3 months
2-room $200 3 months 1.5 months
3-room $100 2 months -
4-room $80 1.5 months -
5-room $60 0.5 months -
4. Help the Elderly meet Retirement and Healthcare Needs Top-ups to CPF Special/Retirement & Medisave Accounts
- Singaporeans aged 50 and above in 2005 will receive top-ups to their CPF Special/Retirement and Medisave Accounts to help meet their retirement and healthcare needs.
The amount of CPF top-ups depends on your age and the Annual Value of your home as at 31 December 2005.
5. Invest in the Next Generation Opportunity Funds
Students from lower-income families will get more opportunities for enrichment and learning, such as the purchase of computers and reading materials, and overseas study trips. MOE schools, Junior Colleges/Centralised Institute, ITEs, Special Education schools and self-help groups (CDAC, Mendaki, SINDA and the Eurasian Association) will receive $50 million in total to create Opportunity Funds.
6. Recognise the Contributions of our NSmen 40th Anniversary NS Bonus
To mark 40 years of National Service (NS) and recognise the contributions of our national servicemen (NSmen), Singaporeans who are serving or have served their NS in the SAF, SPF and SCDF will get a one-off NS bonus.
$100 for full time, $400 for NSmen who have completed their ORNS training cycle / NSmen who are above statutory age (i.e. 40 years old for non-officers and 50 years old for officers)
So guys, dun complain, complain u give me ur $100 bucks!
Thats all... Hope u haf a better understanding...
The Progress Package consists of 6 schemes.
Progress Package Overview
1. Growth Dividends
2. Workfare Bonus
3. Utilities-Save, S&CC and Rental Rebates
4. Top-ups to CPF Special/Retirement & Medisave Accounts
5. Opportunity Funds
6. 40th Anniversary NS Bonus
1. Growth Dividends
-As long as u r above 21 and u sign up for it after u received the letter tat CPF board sent to u, u will get $200 to $800 depending on your annual value of home and your annual accessable income...
Annual Assessable Income $24,000 or less + Annual Value of Home $6,000 or less
= $800
Annual Assessable Income more than $24,000 + Annual Value of Home $6,000 or less
= $600
Annual Assessable Income $24,000 or less + Annual Value of Home more than $6,000 and up to $10,000
= $600
Annual Assessable Income more than $24,000 + Annual Value of Home more than $6,000 and up to $10,000
= $400
Annual Assessable Income $24,000 or less/more + Annual Value of Home more than $10,000
= $200
Both would be accessed by IRAS, income is based on 2004... In other words, e bigger ur house, e more u earn, e less u get... Simple... So most of u would be getting it, unless u r earning huge bucks now and living in big houses... Even so, u would still get $200...
2. Workfare Bonus
- Be a Singapore Citizen aged 40 and above
- Be living in a property with an Annual Value of $10,000 or less
- Be employed or self-employed and work for at least 6 continuous months in calendar years 2005 or 2006
- Earn an average monthly income of $1,500 or less
3. Help Lower-Income Households with Living Expenses Utilities-Save, S&CC and Rental Rebates
HDB Flat Type U-Save Rebates S&CC Rebates Rental Rebates
1-room $200 4 months 3 months
2-room $200 3 months 1.5 months
3-room $100 2 months -
4-room $80 1.5 months -
5-room $60 0.5 months -
4. Help the Elderly meet Retirement and Healthcare Needs Top-ups to CPF Special/Retirement & Medisave Accounts
- Singaporeans aged 50 and above in 2005 will receive top-ups to their CPF Special/Retirement and Medisave Accounts to help meet their retirement and healthcare needs.
The amount of CPF top-ups depends on your age and the Annual Value of your home as at 31 December 2005.
5. Invest in the Next Generation Opportunity Funds
Students from lower-income families will get more opportunities for enrichment and learning, such as the purchase of computers and reading materials, and overseas study trips. MOE schools, Junior Colleges/Centralised Institute, ITEs, Special Education schools and self-help groups (CDAC, Mendaki, SINDA and the Eurasian Association) will receive $50 million in total to create Opportunity Funds.
6. Recognise the Contributions of our NSmen 40th Anniversary NS Bonus
To mark 40 years of National Service (NS) and recognise the contributions of our national servicemen (NSmen), Singaporeans who are serving or have served their NS in the SAF, SPF and SCDF will get a one-off NS bonus.
$100 for full time, $400 for NSmen who have completed their ORNS training cycle / NSmen who are above statutory age (i.e. 40 years old for non-officers and 50 years old for officers)
So guys, dun complain, complain u give me ur $100 bucks!
Thats all... Hope u haf a better understanding...
What Is Wrong With Ppl Nowadays!
And it is not even a question!
I didnt really wan to blog... Coz i haf been watching n watching anime like a drug addict non stop for like wat? 2 weeks? But tis is a whole other thing... I will tok more about it when i regain my time...
Anyways, tis incident jus made me boil...
I mean damn it, damn the one who stole her hp, damn the horny bastards who spreaded the video ard, damn the scums tt dissect her video n post her naked photos all over e internet, damn the jerks that went to dig out her profile and post it on our horrible horrible lame n stupid but yet so damn popular (among all e perverted idiots who haf nothing better to do except to criticise at every miniscule thing they can find)local forums...
Most of all, damn tat horrible reporter who wrote the article based loosely on rumours, and even posted e link on the article, whereby the website contained her video... DAMN YOU!!! Becoz of u, the whole world started toking about it...
Measures had been taken to take down all e links on the internet, only too late... Sigh...
And now, Malaysia's pirated industry even mass produced her video clip as porn for grabs! Damn! And stupidly, they used another pretty female blogger's face as the cover! Now, malaysians would haf thot the victim to be tt blogger... Duh, u involved another innocent party jus like tt!
Now even Hong Kong started toking about tis piece of scandal in sg!
What's e matter wif all these ppl!!!
And NYP even thot of expellin the victim...
If it was me, i wouldnt noe how to face e world anymore... Most prob i would jus transfer out of sch, since its only yr 1... But i believe everyone recognise her no matter where she goes...
There is nothing wrong wif having sex anyway, she is of legal age... Perhaps the fault is tt she is too confident of keeping her own possessions... Unless u wan it to happen, everyone shd noe gadgets, especially hps are easiest to lose...
Let alone there are so many thieves ard, i lost so many things in my own classrooms in the past, ranging from secondary to poly...
Paullyn's 2d animation project was even stolen and she had to redo from scratch less than a week to dateline (of coz, they extended her dateline but tts not e pt) Just becoz she is gd, ppl get so jealous...
As a female, i am sure she would haf gotten herself into catfights, whether intentionally or unintentionally... Poly mates can call me BITCH when i haf never even tok to them be4...
I hope the person who stole her phone and spreaded the video intentionally, feel something... I hope you didnt think tt it would be blown into tis proportion, but i seriously hope u feel something... U r obviously in e wrong, even if the victim is a bitch to u, even if u haf a grudge, even if e victim did something to u... These alone doesnt give u rights to steal ppl's phone and further more ruin her and her family's lives...
It would take a long long long time for this wound to heal...
Ppl knived ppl without knowing... You knived a person pyhsically, the wound closes up eventually and a scar might remain permanently to remind u of e lesson, but when u knive a person emotionally, e wound in her heart may never be healed...
I noe guys being guys, those horny bastard would not even care less other than her body... But i hope at least the person who started all tis shit feel something now... I hope it pricked ur conscience, if not, u r jus inhumane... I am not expecting u to repent coz i noe ppl jus dun think its their fault... They would come up wif excuses like, "well, she is e one being e bitch in e 1st place", etc... I jus hope that you feel it was wrong of u to do tt, coz i believe u might never be caught...
Even if u dun admit, u shd noe u haf done it... I am not going to tok about kharma or watever, since ppl dun believe in them anyways... I seriously hope u look into ur own actions...
Wats done cannot be undone... Perhaps it would seem like i pinpointed all the fault on u... Well, e fact is, it is ur fault! U r e top of e chain... Of coz, those guys, media, the porn makes are all responsible...
Nonetheless, those of u who take obscene pictures of urself and ur partner,jus noe tt as long as u materialize the image, there is always e possibility tt ppl might chance upon it... Even if u keep it in ur computer...
Tis is not e 1st incident already... Learn from e lesson lah, which is always so difficult it seems...
My fren's fren picked up a lost hp some time ago, and inside contained naked pictures, obviously of the owner... Well, being horny bastards, he shared the photos among other horny bastards too...
Men~ -_____-"
I didnt really wan to blog... Coz i haf been watching n watching anime like a drug addict non stop for like wat? 2 weeks? But tis is a whole other thing... I will tok more about it when i regain my time...
Anyways, tis incident jus made me boil...
I mean damn it, damn the one who stole her hp, damn the horny bastards who spreaded the video ard, damn the scums tt dissect her video n post her naked photos all over e internet, damn the jerks that went to dig out her profile and post it on our horrible horrible lame n stupid but yet so damn popular (among all e perverted idiots who haf nothing better to do except to criticise at every miniscule thing they can find)local forums...
Most of all, damn tat horrible reporter who wrote the article based loosely on rumours, and even posted e link on the article, whereby the website contained her video... DAMN YOU!!! Becoz of u, the whole world started toking about it...
Measures had been taken to take down all e links on the internet, only too late... Sigh...
And now, Malaysia's pirated industry even mass produced her video clip as porn for grabs! Damn! And stupidly, they used another pretty female blogger's face as the cover! Now, malaysians would haf thot the victim to be tt blogger... Duh, u involved another innocent party jus like tt!
Now even Hong Kong started toking about tis piece of scandal in sg!
What's e matter wif all these ppl!!!
And NYP even thot of expellin the victim...
If it was me, i wouldnt noe how to face e world anymore... Most prob i would jus transfer out of sch, since its only yr 1... But i believe everyone recognise her no matter where she goes...
There is nothing wrong wif having sex anyway, she is of legal age... Perhaps the fault is tt she is too confident of keeping her own possessions... Unless u wan it to happen, everyone shd noe gadgets, especially hps are easiest to lose...
Let alone there are so many thieves ard, i lost so many things in my own classrooms in the past, ranging from secondary to poly...
Paullyn's 2d animation project was even stolen and she had to redo from scratch less than a week to dateline (of coz, they extended her dateline but tts not e pt) Just becoz she is gd, ppl get so jealous...
As a female, i am sure she would haf gotten herself into catfights, whether intentionally or unintentionally... Poly mates can call me BITCH when i haf never even tok to them be4...
I hope the person who stole her phone and spreaded the video intentionally, feel something... I hope you didnt think tt it would be blown into tis proportion, but i seriously hope u feel something... U r obviously in e wrong, even if the victim is a bitch to u, even if u haf a grudge, even if e victim did something to u... These alone doesnt give u rights to steal ppl's phone and further more ruin her and her family's lives...
It would take a long long long time for this wound to heal...
Ppl knived ppl without knowing... You knived a person pyhsically, the wound closes up eventually and a scar might remain permanently to remind u of e lesson, but when u knive a person emotionally, e wound in her heart may never be healed...
I noe guys being guys, those horny bastard would not even care less other than her body... But i hope at least the person who started all tis shit feel something now... I hope it pricked ur conscience, if not, u r jus inhumane... I am not expecting u to repent coz i noe ppl jus dun think its their fault... They would come up wif excuses like, "well, she is e one being e bitch in e 1st place", etc... I jus hope that you feel it was wrong of u to do tt, coz i believe u might never be caught...
Even if u dun admit, u shd noe u haf done it... I am not going to tok about kharma or watever, since ppl dun believe in them anyways... I seriously hope u look into ur own actions...
Wats done cannot be undone... Perhaps it would seem like i pinpointed all the fault on u... Well, e fact is, it is ur fault! U r e top of e chain... Of coz, those guys, media, the porn makes are all responsible...
Nonetheless, those of u who take obscene pictures of urself and ur partner,jus noe tt as long as u materialize the image, there is always e possibility tt ppl might chance upon it... Even if u keep it in ur computer...
Tis is not e 1st incident already... Learn from e lesson lah, which is always so difficult it seems...
My fren's fren picked up a lost hp some time ago, and inside contained naked pictures, obviously of the owner... Well, being horny bastards, he shared the photos among other horny bastards too...
Men~ -_____-"
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