To think i got to wake up one hr earlier to blow my hair already scares me off, coz i already had to wake up 30 to 45 mins earlier to do makeup...
I am too lazy to blow hair after showering even at night anyways...
I till today still do not try perming at e salon, coz i saw many ppl wif undesirable results, besides, becoz my hair is thicker than anyone i haf seen, i noe its goin to look real bad if something goes wrong... Too risky...
Long time ago, i saw methods for waves, temporary measure... So i managed to see roughly how i would look like and whether i suit straight or waves more...
I like both actually... Though i kinda like e wavy look but then thinking of the maintenance automatically snapped me back to straight... Lol... But of coz u would look older wif curls, for e obvious reasons...
After i did my latest dye, i wonder how my hair would look if i do it...
So on one very bo liao middle of e night, i tried it out again, and tis time i took 4 photos... So tt at least i haf a reference to in e future...
I am going to black out my face coz i am not wearing make up and i look horrible... Sigh, if i was wearing make up then perfect liao... Lol...

I wanted to black out e whole face, but then again, i hacked... Haha...

Tis is a better view of e waves... But pic is very blur...

Close up, but still blur... Sigh...

Tis is a clear pic but somehow i prefer e second one... Coz i itchy finger meddled wif e waves then e direction changed...
So there u go, although cannot really see my face, but more or less there lah...
I love my hair color though its not e best, didnt i already mentioned tt? Heh, forgot to ask SZ my hair color nice or not e other day...
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