Loads pf pics ahead... I am not very in the mood for blogging now, so perhaps i'll tok about the event in another entry... Tis one just to show u how it looks like... NSRCC = National Service Resort Country Club. Its at Tenan Merah... Very near changi...
My eldest sis n her hubby signed up for the country club... Few thousands of dollars each for the course of 5 yrs... They r thinking of upgrading to condo, so they thot they shd try out condo facilities lifestyle 1st...
Becoz if u stay in condo, for the facilities u haf to pay 200+ per mth minimum no matter u got use or not... Dun even touch on the maintenance fees part, which is another few hundreds... They told e agent they wouldnt noe whether they would be comfortable using the same facilities over yrs n yrs... So e agent told them one way to find out is to sign up at a club and see whether u like tt kind of lifestyle or not...
For public, the chalet would be over 300 bucks, for members would be about 180, per night... But of coz as of all chalets u HAF to book 2 nights minimum... But my sis was lucky coz somebody cancelled last min so she was able to haf it as one night...

Our chalet number, got 2 free parking lots for each chalet... After 11pm, u haf to be quiet and only a max of 8 to stay over night... U can haf as many in the day as u like obviously... Of coz, u can choose to haf more ppl staying overnight, just dun be too noisy as they would come and spot check...

The fan is not supposed to be there, so ugly... Coz we just arrived and e air con wasnt cold enuff yet...

Got karaoke system but we didnt noe, so never bring discs... So sad...

The 2 gamblers... Sigh, they gambled for 12 hrs straight, moving from poker to mahjong till 3am...

Dining area which later in the night became laptop area...

Was so bored taking pics... But I thot i shdnt waste e effort of bring down my cam... Pardon e no make up face...

Kitchen... Alot of plates, cups, bowls in the cabinet... But we dun dare to use... Lol...

The freezer box is so useful...

The level 1 toilet... No bad, quite clean and spacious... Got towels, soap n shampoo etc... Then housekeeping will change for u next day lor...

No bathtub though... But shower area is huge, can bath in grps, hahahah....

The sinful mahjong at the side of e stairs... I hate mahjong btw, in fact i just hate gamblers... Mahjong is not only sinful but noisy! I cannot stand it... My family member lost alot of money over those stupid tiles... So i hate it for personal reasons... But if frenz wan to play play lor, but bf cannot...

Lets see wats up there...

Tis is e second room... 2 single beds, wif make up table n wardrobe wif many hangers...
I didnt take e 1st rm, which was a queen size bed coz there were ppl sleeping...

The view from the room..

It was so hot when we just arrived... I didnt bring my cap but fortunately i had my sunglasses... Thank god... It became my hair band also...

I need to get a new pair of colored shades, coz the plastic started to crack liao... When i was in NYP, i fell in love wif a pair of green/yellow shades, but the tt pair was broken... So sad...
Where can i get nice cheap pair of good shades?

The second level toilet... Much cleaner n nicer than e 1st... I only used tis one the whole day...

My big sis n her hubby wore these popular shoes, the croc or something lidat... 50 bucks a pair, her hubby one is grey...
I borrowed it and bounced ard, lol... Its super comfy, and has got very good grip and bounce.... But it is super ugly lor... The shoes is super huge and makes my big foot look gigantic and makes me look like a dwarf...
But then it is really really comfy... The most comfortable ive ever worn...

The garden in front is big... I can imagine kids playing soccer, dogs playing fetch... But too bad lah, no pets allowed...

Every 10 mins, a plane will fly past...

The last one ive been to was alot better and nicer... Though unfortunately i didnt take any photos... I haf no idea where was e last one though... Cant remember... lol
The beds were huge, super comfy... And got bath tub in one of the toilets... But then its only 1 level though... Kitchen was smaller though... But very ex i heard...
I went to tis place wif my mum and 5 married couples in their 30s... And 3 teenager boys... All of them i duno one... Shall tok about it more next time if i got e mood...

I look horrible wif out make up, sigh, nvm, hack lah... At least i managed up a smile...
To be continued...
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