U noe Malaysia they haf those roadside stalls where they place a few tables and u sit ard there? Yah, tis is e same except tt instead of being at roadside of traffic, its in e middle of hdbs n car park lanes... Lol...
Tt place is called 16 Lou in mandarin, i dun wish to translate coz it would turn out to be 16 Storey, when it isnt a building at all...
The food is gd, minus the soup tt i find too salty (only me, e rest kept saying its delicious) and the curry fish head tt is tasteless... It is the worst curry fish head tt ive eaten... Even the one i cooked some time ago is so much better...
They used the wrong kind of curry powder... It isnt sour at all... Besides, i seriously think they forgot e salt... But nonetheless, we still ate till e last drop... The fish is gd though, very fresh, and e eye ball is huge...
I dun like to eat curry fish head wif ppl who r experts, coz they would eat all the gd parts... I am not going to tell u where r e gd parts, so tt there would be lesser ppl who fight wif me... Muahahahahaha... Aiyah, jus eat e meat lah, i would give u all e meat...
I love e eye balls... But i am goin to tell u it tastes like glue, sticky n disgusting so u wun fight wif me either... Muahaha, i am so evil!!!!
Anyways, we had a gd meal and 6 of us only spent 60 bucks... So cheap!!! We had Curry Fish Head, Big Pot of Soup, Marmite Chicken (very nice, i try to cook next time), Spareribs King, and 1 plate of tasty vege (kai xin)...
I think i got prob liao lah, every time i eat chinese food outside, i would surely say its too salty... And then after eating i would surely haf headaches due to e salt intake...
I think my body has grown accustomed to my own cooking and starts to reject other chinese food... Die liao lah, like tt how to survive... So when i go out, i would tell SZ i dun wan to eat chinese food... Coz all not nice one... For those nice ones too salty... I would now eat jap n western food only... Die!!!
Oh, and i tried one remedy for motion sickness yest... And i also duno whether it works or not, but true enuff i didnt feel like puking yest... Share wif u all arh, if u haf tt prob... Heard tis remedy fr the radio, and heard tt its very effective...
U noe those chinese white pieces of plaster sheets tt u paste on where u got reuthmatism or muscle ache tt kind?
U buy those small pieces one or cut urself and paste it over ur belly button be4 u go on e ride... But must make sure e plaster is e breathable kind...
Got feelin one leh, e naval area would be heated up, and u can feel e sting, which then made me wanna puke even be4 i got on e ride... haha, but i think tts coz i haven eaten anything e whole day... And then it would work on e gas in ur stomach, so u would keep burping... Maybe its e gas tt coops up in the stomach tt starts e motion sickness...
I had it on me e whole night... We went there and afterwards headed to IMM and then back home, no motion sickness leh... Duno working or not... I also cannot confirm... Nvm, next time i go East Coast try, coz i always kena motion sickness when i go East Coast...
But then be4 i sleep i take it off hor, Walao!!! Damn pain lor, like bikini wax lidat... Coz i got belly hair, damn pain leh... All the hairs come out... At 1st i slowly take off then more pain, so i had to quickly pull it off...
Dun put water though, the "wind" will get in, then u would get reuthmatism...
Anyways, we went to Daiso at IMM... Daiso is e huge Japanese departmental Store and sells everything at $2... Their range is huge man!!! I kept questioning confirm tis one 2 bucks mah, confirm tt one 2 bucks mah?
But of coz, Jap though it is, all e stuffs r in jap, so its not tt easy to figure out wat r those things at times, especially skincare products... Though they haf some charts for translation but not all r there... But like $2 stuffs, u dare to put on ur face arh?
All the products r made from china so obviously they r cheap as hell...
Got one auntie asked me about one tube of product in her hand, she asked, "Tis facial foam good or not arh?"... I said i duno, never tried be4, but after i looked at it, i said, "Auntie, tis is not facial foam, tis is hand cream!"... She had a shock of her life, her jaw basically dropped to e floor... Then hastily, she asked, which is facial foam on e rack, to which i said, "Everything here is hand cream!"...
Scary leh, imagine she went home wif e hand cream n wonder y no foam one...
Anyways, i believed many aunties sure kena cheated coz its so cheap, they would haf jus grabbed it...
Anyways, e place was like a paradise... I was a huge fan of 1.99 shop in the past... And i saw many things i like... And there r many materials as well... Alot of categories, gardening, gifts makings, car, gadgets stuffs like cdr, etc, kitchen wares, bathroom stuffs, cosmetics, skincare, house decorations, stationeries, aiyah, alot lah...
While i was there, i had like so many ideas exploding in my mind... Muahahahah...
Then those who noe me, noe i love to collect bottles, containers, boxes... And then hor, they haf many many leh, all 2 bucks only, where to find... SZ, i almost went crazy leh!!!
I cant buy everything so i bought e following wooden baskets... At least they r not something u see everyday...

U see, so cute, i am intending to put keys n other loose stuffs in my closet...

Initially i took a blue one, then i went back n saw tis purple (last one), and i took it and cant decide which to buy... Each has its own beauty... So they asked me buy both, to which even though its cheap, i dun wan to haf 2 of the same coz i saw another one i like...
I ended up choosin tis last purple one... Love it to bits!!!

Tis one i like also, i took it when i went back e 3rd time... Green oriental cloth i like!!! I duno if u noe tis, i like modern oriental stuffs... I haf a few pouches in silky oriental cloths...

So many colors, i like!!!

Tis one very blur leh, but e real thing very nice... Its twisted rope all over... I bought it coz i immediately thot of wat to put in it...
But in actual fact, e 2 above i still haf no idea how to use them... Currently its jus placed in a corner in my closet... Lol... But i like leh... Aiyah i spent 6 bucks only mah...
Heh, bring SZ go there next time, duno would she buy anything or not...
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