I used to keep lots of fighting fishes, until they all die one after another... I even haf a nice glass bowl tt kills almost every fish i put in within a few days... Fightin fish is not cheap compared to goldfish and guppies... I cleaned e bowl thoroughly but it still happens... Even my plants died in it... Creepy, then finally i resigned to fate and kept it away... But its a nice quite ex glass bowl... NVM...
Then one day i was sick of seeing fishes die, so i ended my fish keepin hobby... I named each and every of my fish, but ultimately, i always haf to attend to their funerals... Sad... U noe im a emotional person, i dun like tt...
Then Sg started e whole silly luo han saga... My mum bought 2 babies, but both died in less than a mth, sad... We had a tank given by duno who, used to haf a air pump system until it spoilt... Then we bought a simple air pump... No filters and all e gadgets, no money lah... But i used to haf some fishy thingy in e tank to accompany e luo hans, so tt they can play, but it got stuck in e pump, so i kept it away... Leaving e small pebbles for them to play...
Anyways, after e babies died, we left everything as it is... Until one day, when i went to toa payoh's pasar malam, theres tis Luo Han auction thingy in replacement of e usual crystal auctions... Oh, i used to patronise crystal auctions, coz i am a crystal lover and e prices r cheap... Jus tt my bfs will do e bidding... Findin it new and interesting, my and my ex, Victor, stayed on to watch...
Then we saw teens luo hans, and some r pretty nice... I wanted a yellow luo han, and thus we bidded one for $5... Unfortunately, it only looked yellow there, when we brought it to my house, it got so scared tt it turned white, n turned upside down, a common nature of lou han... Some even can be frightened to death if they were in shock... I read an article then tt tis guy bought a luo han for a crazy $8, 000+ and after reached home, e fish died in shock... Poor fella, both of them...
Luckily, $5 fish seems to be much stronger... She recovered after much attention...
However, e yellow never came back, so i figured either its e lighting there or they injected somethin to e fish... So in a way, i never got any yellow Luo Han...
When i was thinkin of names, we jus named it "Wu Fu" (5 prosperity) since it cost my ex 5 bucks... But even so, i still call it Baby, i call all animals baby, even e cat downstairs at my blk...
And then, came another Luo Han tt my mum's bf took back fr duno where, free one... We named tt "Da Fu" ( Big prosperity) coz it was bigger in size and its a He which later on i realised... But as usual, i call it baby... So its big baby and small baby...
We tried to mate them but failed coz they fight... Da Fu bullys Wu Fu even fr e separater... So my Wu Fu grew up to be super timid, while e big bully super agressive...
But im closer to Da Fu, i find him nicer, and hes plays wif me more... Wu Fu seems to be non responsive... So i play wif Da Fu everyday... I noe im biased but then Wu Fu no reactions one leh... I even bought them companion fishes tt swims super fast, those tt were supposed to make e Luo Han swim more and becum more agile... But it only became preys for my 2, so i stopped, it was cruel...
Some feed their luo hans wif live fish or prawns, it was said tt they will becum more pretty and their head will be more protrudin, i dun like, look like brain tumour... I find it cruel so i only feed
wif dry fish food... Very ex for a bottle, sure cheat money one...
But one sad day, Da Fu died suddenly 1 yr plus ago... No illness, no nothin... He died after my mum changed water... I suspected somethin mus haf happened, but my mum never say anythin... I rushed home when my mum called me, unfortunately, i didnt get to see him one last time...
I cried like hell when i saw him motionless in e pail... My mum said he tried to hang on, coz he was still breathin slightly jus a few moments ago... Sad, i never knew y he died... My mum even wondered whether to cook him or not while i erased e idea off her...
So now left my Wu Fu... She seemed happier after Da Fu died...
I play wif her more ever since, but suddenly mths later, she changed to be a crazy agressive fish... So we sort of leave her there le, maybe she old liao... One nature of Wu Fu is she always play dead when we change water... Da Fu will cum to my hand willingly then...
My mum wanted to throw Wu Fu into e reservoir or pond or lake... In fact, shes wishin her to die soon... But im a responsible owner, chances of survival is slim in e wild...
So here goes e survivor,
Wu Fu started to haf e black stripes ever since Da Fu bully her...
Not pretty i noe, well its jus a normal luo han, but i like can liao...
I even saw a full pink luo han at geylang before... And i saw green and blue and purple ones fr pics too...
I learnt ow to grade luo han fr VCDs, i think Wu Fu is a C or D grade luo han...
Wu Fu, u also live well ok, and dun be so agressive le...
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Very nice site!
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