Thursday, July 13, 2006


I feel very frustrated lately. Very pissed at everything.

At our media, reporters, journalists, gahmen, family, frenz, everything. I see everything also angry, i watch shows, anime, movies, news, variety shows, i can somehow nitpick e smallest things (which are many, sadly) tt makes me angry.

Im not sure if its PMS, coz my last mth one was weird, so i do not noe whether tis mth coming earlier or not. Although i do feel very hungry now, but pls come after sat. I wan to donate blood lor! I donated my blood during my menses e 1st time, and i did not reveal it to e doc, so i am not sure whether i so called fainted isit coz of tt or not.

Judging fr last mth's menses, i knew i was under tremedous stress. Or at least enuff to affect me.

Its simply frustrating when everything ard u, isnt going well at all and tt everything ard other ppl's going extremely well. Just becoz those ppl r more lucky, rich, pretty or slim than me. WTH!!!

I just told my sis today after hearing about her new colleagues (she transfered branch), "Its so sad tt there r so many ppl who cannot find jobs and yet ur colleagues got high pay job and never take their work seriously."

Supposedly a job tt's fr 9 to 6.30pm. Her colleagues only come in fr 10-11am, and then at 12, they go eat a 3 hr lunch and then at 4, they left early. All e while e manager jus close one eye. Or rather he do e same too, he left at 3.

So bek cek lor. Ur job pays u better than other jobs and then those ppl got so sucky attitude. Ppl who wan to work, like me, wan to find job also cannot find. Bloody hell lor!!!!!!!!!! I knoe they very happy there, but its jus so unfair lor. Even my sis also lidat.

Maybe i shd act all holy n crap n feel god damn happy for those of u whos doing fine... But i cannot now, coz everything is not fine for me.

Argh, forget it.

I am jus so down. Though not e worst i haf had. But i am not gd. Sigh.

Life is jus so bloody unfair. Even in own families, same blood one, y e fate so different? Luck runs out? Kiss my foot! Ive not seen any lucky person run out of luck be4. And now see, i am so right. Say wat luck no more, no more ur head. Wan to gain sympathy then act vulnerable, now everything ok liao then so happy annouce to e whole world.

Even my lucky fren who quit his job, and tell me e job no gd, colleagues no gd tis n tt, then 1 week later, a job dropped fr e sky, double or triple his pay. Not one but two somemore. And somemore he sucks at work, character n attitude.

And still got e cheek to tell me, most of e time he no need find jobs one, usually jobs will come to him. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoever tts passing judgement is jus blind. Dun tell me bullshit tt eventually things will become better, there will be kharma. Bullshit!

Ah crap.

Dun mind me. Maybe its really PMS.

My sis bf just popped over to sleep. I got to stop here... See, even wan to complain let things out also cannot. So unfair.



wingéd densetsu said...

Cheer up, you're not alone.

According to a survey reported by the newspaper, singapore is ranked 131 on the happiness scale, even lower than Japan...In fact, its the lowest in Asia...

I kind of emphatise with your feelings regarding the way, cg overdrive from friday to sunday liao, why not print out some resumes & portfolio and walk around? I intend to do the same.

Celestine said...


Nah, e thing is ive long forsaken design/web/3d/animation. Although i did freelance for web but its jus not for me anymore. I no longer intend to go back to e design industry.

Besides, my portfolio is e crappy one for fusion. Totally dated.

Celestine said...
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Celestine said...
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Celestine said...

And e main prob is my cert, it makes it so difficult to switch to other industries.

U got to go thru it to see how ppl fr other industries view my cert. Dip Qualification? Wat dip?

Sure, i can jus grab any sales job, but I dun wan to do sales again! Ive tried it and tts e end.

But maybe i shdnt say tis, coz for most ppl, e world is still beautiful n perfect.

Theres still plenty of jobs n great opportunities for everyone! We can all get our ideal jobs and ideal pay with increasing increment each yr. And as long as u never give up and work hard, u'll be awarded greatly.

Wat a wonderful world~

(I so hate myself sayin these. lol. im sure i'll get over it soon. I noe market is extremely bad now, so maybe i shdnt complain, however tts not e case for e ppl closer to me. Some ppl just haf it easy. Shit, i must stop tis thing now.)

nezumi_yu said...

haiz... life is so sad leh... i hate turning into adult.. so much stuffs to tink abt.. n tings like tis always happen... x.x

"And as long as u never give up and work hard, u'll be awarded greatly"
>>i used to tink like that too.. now i dont tink so... hahaha ^^;

my life now is kinda sucky also.. coz even tho my office hr supposedly is 9-6.. i nvr work tat time period only... i work basically abt 15hrs a day ~_~ now i have no more social life... my life is with the office n the pc only... orz... but i cant complain tho.. coz i need a job.. or issit how adult life is suppose to be? ~_~ haiz.. i wish i have luck like ur tat fren... sigh...
adult life sux....

mayb u can try take up some tourism related course then find a job? coz there will be the casinos n stuffs coming up in the next few years, then mayb u can get a pretty gd job with reasonable pay.. the casino work seems interesting... but my maths lousy.. n i'm not alert enough.. LOL, no luck on that for me..

Celestine said...

Yup, tts one of e reasons y i refused to stay in design industry.

Underpaid, no life, overwork, no life, not enuff sleep, no life, no prospects, no life = miserable for e rest of my life.

But tts jus me, coz i dun haf e "luck". I still do see some ppl lucky enuff to find GREAT design companies, short workings hrs, great bosses, paid very well (like more than 3K, same batch as us).

But unfortunately, i am not as lucky as them.

Some ppl they interview 1st few jobs they get it. I am e kind who can only get after 15 interviews. E worst is e companies i worked for, majority of them closed down eventually. Duno is i suay or they suay hired me.

And its not about e portfolio, often those "lucky" ppl unfortunately are not well-skilled. They do carry similar characteristics though, they r smooth talkers, boot lickers, and/or pretty/handsome.

If u wan to be living in ur own world, u can deny n say i am bullshiting, i am jealous or i am jus generalising, most companies not like tt. Ok lor, however u see it. Some things are better left to be unseen/unheard/unknown, i guess u live happier tt way. And e "u" i dun mean u gals.

But its probably demoralising for me to say these. So lets just still think n hope e world's perfect so tt we can continue moving on, happily?

I also wan to go do course or further studies, but i got no money. And my mum is not singaporean and shes not working, i cannot get any bank loans.

So too bad, i can only continue to wait.

Alot of ppl r being retrenched, alot of companies closed down as well this mths. But like most singaporeans we can act like we cannot see, and say dun haf wat, market is picking up.

For those of u still in e design industry, u can also choose to believe tt MDA/govt's pumpin those billions of bucks into it, so u guys ultimately will all get stable/gd income.

Nezumi, i understand ur plight. I hope tt things will work better for u if not at least when time comes for ur next job? When we r not rich, we do not haf e luxury to choose or quit as n when we like. We stay and work in silence coz we haf to, not becoz we want to. So I hope u'll be able to hop to a bigger n better firm soon.

wingéd densetsu said...

there's so much stuff that we can comment about this situation in two words :D

nezumi_yu said...

to wingede:LOL

i tink... basically... to sum up.. adult life sucks... (my own personal opnion lah..) LOL!

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