Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Hard to Blog Tis...

I saw something yest, i was quite affected by it emotionally, so much so tat i even dreamt of tokin about it to others last night...

However, i struggled to decide whether to blog tis, coz it will be extremely hard to be tactful, sensitive. After bloggin, i will becum a big fat meany... I do not wish to offend or affect the ppl involved...

But then, i had decided to stay true to myself... I will try to eliminate identities n actual details... Though u all may say its none of my business, but i jus felt some bit about e situation n i feel like expressin my thots...

So here goes...

The gist of it is tat, someone very young, from the media industry, had met wif an accident, and as the words fr the source wrote, it was extremely horrifyin, severe, n chances of survival was nearly zero...

However, the victim survived thru numerous operation, n was somewat a miracle... However, the victim is losin his legs... But, the victim still has not crossed over death border...

Therefore, he would haf to face numerous operations to ensure his survival n would haf to haf long term treamtments. All these, ultimately, will boils down to needin a huge financial support....

As quoted, the family needed $ 750, 000.

Thus, the family had extended their worries to the media community(not public, only those in the media industry), in the hope of raisin the funds for the victim fr the fellow ppl fr the same industry.

Some impt things to note be4 i go on wif my thots:
1) I am extremely sorry for e victim, nobody wanted tis to happen...
2) I admire the victim's will of survival, thereby conquerin death...
3) I feel very sorry for tis n at e same time, i feel helpless...

I am extremely supportive of their actions, however, i was affected more, when i saw the letter attached, to appeal to the media crowd...

However hard to type tis, i do however, find the letter very insincere... The 1st line of e letter wrote: "One of Singapore’s brightest sons has fallen."

Which then followed by paragraphs n paragraphs of the victim's achievements, contributions to our sg media industry... How e victim had represented sg in various festivals wif his films n works... And also, how brilliantly e victim was to be the 1st in Asia to win certain awards.

These are not small festivals that carry little weight. These are the recognised stepping-stones to a serious, international career. Something for which we all must be proud.

And thereby, concluded, how can we not help someone who is of so much worthy. And helpin someone who has and will create such great impact for our local film industry... Someone of a worthy cause...

His potential to grow our industry, to bring all of us to a level that sees this country competing on a world stage, is not to be underestimated. We ask you, is there anything more noble than to provide a second chance for one of our great hopes?

And yet, the film industry, supported by the Singapore Film Commission, with others coming on board daily, are lending their considerable support now. Why? Because they know this is bigger than one man. This is because they know the effect his dreams and ambitions will have on the future of hundreds of Singaporeans.

The letter also indicated we shd help to get him back on track, even if we cant make him walk again, if we managed to keep him alive wif his brains, n his creativity will still passes on.

We must ensure that he has all the means possible, to not only survive, but to put that fertile head of his to use again. To continue putting Singapore on the map as a creative force. Eyes, ears and a creative mind are all he needs to be at the top of his game. Thankfully, they are all operational. He can get there, where he duly belongs. But only with our considerable help.

Based on all e above, let me ask one qns. If tmr, i meet wif a horrible accident n need alot of money for my operational fees. Am i still eligible to ask others for help?

The letter somehow scares me... Throughtout the letter, there's one clear message, "Lend a help on a worthy case".

But wat if the victim is a nobody? Wat if the victim has no significant contributions to the society but only to e population? Wat reasons r they going to give other then sayin they haf no money?

Singaporeans need reasons to help?

I am appalled by tat... I cannot understand wat e hell e person who wrote the letter, is thinkin...

I would love to help him, however, i do not haf the money. But if i do, i swear wif my life, i will help, but not only to him, i will help whoever needs it... I will help him not becoz he will assumed to be a influential character to the society.

I help him only due to one reason, which i strongly believe,
"Nobody shd die due to lack of money"

I haf distant relatives who died in M'sia, coz they didnt haf enough money, n the hospital kicked them out and told them to wait to die at home...

I haf one relative, she contracted cancer and was admitted... One day, his husband's money ran dry, the hospital told them shes going to die soon, theres nothin they can do, n therefore, asked them to go home...

Amazingly, she survived her condition for 7 yrs on her bed.

But she died last yr, reason? She starved to death...

Nope, her husband wasnt broke to starve her... Her condition was so tough tat she couldnt consume any food. He brought her to many hospitals but none accepted her, coz they dun haf money... They also told her husband tat she had no hope...

So she died...

Can u believe tat medical technology couldnt help someone who cant consume food herself?

In the end, she didnt die of cancer, she died of starvation... I cannot forgive tat...

Another thing, for someone who is handicapped, paralysed wif a workin mind, do u think it is so easy to be accepted in the workin society... Life is not as simple as to having a workin head, eyes, nose, mouth... Ironically, it takes more than tat...

My Dad is paralysed after his stroke, before his stroke, he had a multi-million business, which overnight turned to nothing due to his medical condition... He still has a workin mind, every time i visited him, he still tell me so many strategies of running corporate organisation...

But did society accept him after he woke up fr his operation? No.

Did ppl still believe n continue work for him, even though he cant move n walk, but he can still talk n command, n give instructions wif his brilliant brain? Ans is No...

While i was in upper secondary, my Dad's artificial heart went dead, he needed to go thru another operation. Coz the duration for artificial heart only lasts for 10 yrs... Then was the 12th yr, time is up... However, the operations costs hundreds of thousands...

Guess wat the Doc said to my Dad,
"In Sg, when u dun haf money, u'll die."

Luckily, they did a backgrd check, n the govt stepped in. They paid my Dad's full expenses fr the treasury... For the contributions my Dad made. He made the govt earned millions of dollars, n contributed heavily to the buildin n construction industry. He built serveral famous ppl's houses, and landmarks.

Tis was a conversation heard at the hospital.

Nurse: Y r we still helpin tis old man? Hes got no money wat...

Head Nurse: Mai siao siao tis old man ah, hes not a simple person. Upstairs management also passed word down, cannot let tis man die. Mus save him at all costs...

Though i find it hard to believe ppl tok tis way, it did happened... My Dad weeped after he heard tat...

My Dad is surviving strong now, however thankful to the govt for helpin him, still, back to reality, govt is still pressin him to pay finish his incom tax of 20K, even though hes not workin... Sigh...

I believe if i was the patient, Doc would haf told me, "Maybe u shd go to the press for donations, if not we cant save u... All the best...May god haf mercy on u"...

Why haf the world become like tis? Maybe like wat ppl say, "Only God Knoes."

PS: I seriously hope tat the victim will recover and get well, i believe he's got our blessings. I hope they wld be able to get the amt of money targeted and tat no one will die fr the lack of money again... =)


wingéd densetsu said...

Hi Celes, yati here, remember me? I got your blog site from waiyin...

This post really touched me. It's not only about life and death that has been influenced by the evil of money, many other factors in life have been influenced by it too. Kinda really sad...I think if the world ran on love instead of money, people in the whole world would have 10 times happier...

But such is human nature...of greed...

Astra said...

Cest la vie... may God bless you all...


Celestine said...

Hi Yati,

Yea, of coz i remember u... =)

I read ur blog as well, sorry to hear about the "chracteristics" of ur company.

I guess things happen all the time, we jus haf to learn to take it in our stride n never commit the same mistakes or unjust if ever we r put in tat situation in e future...

Celestine said...

Hi Astra,

Thks for popping by n ur blessings too. =)

Astra said...

I received the mail with the news regarding the poor chap too :( The letter makes it sound like this person's life outweighs tsunami victims' life...

but oh well, as the very, very true saying I heard in singapore often,

"There's no free lunch."

Indeed... Sad but true.

~Yin(aka. Sindy)

Celestine said...

Yea, Yin,

Couldnt agree more. =)

wingéd densetsu said...

hmm nothing's free in singapore...