Monday, February 28, 2005

Realised Something...

I jus realised tat, i didnt tok about the title topic on my prev entry... Guess i was too carried away.

I thot of tat while i was msning Shuzhen, and we were toking about some not really dumb ppl. Its more about those who dun haf the heart to do things. Then i told her i thot of the title of my new blog entry.

Some Dumb Ppl Are Not Dumb, They Just Didnt Put In The Effort To Be Smarter

But then, unfortunately, i was bz bloggin other things...

I feel tat, sometimes, its not tt ppl r born stupid or wat, its more like, they r too lazy or no heart, to knoe or find out more. So as a results, they appeared less intelligent, or dumb to others.

I had encountered many egs, think i'll share one recent one. When i logged in to my msn, i notice tis guy was online, but i continued surfing for 15mins, then suddenly he msn me.

Wats up?




U r doing nothin now.

No, im surfing.

Wats up = Wat u doing now


Where got ppl tok like tis one, u suddenly ask ppl Wats Up, as though i msged him somethin lidat. Usually if someone calls u all of a sudden, instead of asking, "U call me for wat?", ppl will ask, "Wats up?", its means askin for the intention behind the action, n not wat r u doin now. I dun even noe where he got tat idea.

But if he had bothered to make efforts wif his words, it wouldnt sounded tis way anyway.


Hey, wat u doing now?

Oh hi, nothin much, jus surfing ard.

Icic, so wat do u usually surf?

The usual, neopets, checkin of mails, blogs, forums, etc

Blah blah... There it goes, a normal conversation is created. Sometimes, i feel tat u dun haf to try to be very smart if u noe u r not, but the efforts of not making urself sound ignorant will definately help. Jus my 2 cents thot. :P

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